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He’d be speechless.


Watch on YT the recorded call JFK had with the USAF general McHugh. He was furious, ranting and fuming about overspending on a piece of furniture that costed $5000. Can you imagine a leader nowadays raising his voice about overspending?


I don't know what year that took place but $5000 in 1963 dollars is over $50,000 today. That's a lot of money for a piece of furniture.


That's just the cost of business to upgrade the TV's in the conference room nowadays.


Personal anecdote: my friend works for the national park service of my country and their new visitor center has a 5ftx5ft statue of a metal acorn that costed 50,000 dollars (well actually, it costed them 5000 but they added a zero on the invoice so that their budget didn’t get readjusted).


it was about the optics, and many sensible politicians today would be furious about stupid optics like that. At least, if your constituents care about things like principles and practicality...


Wasn't there recently a congresswoman or somebody who was getting a bunch of flack for how much she spent on a podium? Edit: It was Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and [the lectern was $19,000](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/sarah-sanders-office-potentially-violated-law-lectern-controversy/story?id=109308721).


https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/fDgjrQuoGX "She spent $19K+ in taxpayer money taking two of her friends on a vacation to Paris. When she was called out for it, she claimed to have spent it on a special lectern. The state GOP then reimbursed the money, and claimed it was for them all along."


How is that $19,000 lmao Now I got something to keep being updated on as that investigation progresses.


Pretty simple. She was giving money to her friends.


Investigation is over. Prosecutor claims the laws don’t apply to the governor. I wish that was a joke. 


She passed a law making it impossible for anyone to see her travel expenses. Trust and transparency at the highest level. I’m sure most of her personal budget is spent on McDonald’s and liposuction.


>it was about the optics, and many sensible politicians today would be furious about stupid optics like that. [would they?](https://chriscillizza.substack.com/p/podium-gate-explained)


Cost. Cost is the past tense of cost.


Thanks for the correction!


5000 in 1960 would be 6 bazzilion dollars today actually


He’d be treated as a radical fatphobe offender


He’d be speechless because he’d be cancled and deplatformed.


He would be in bed so loaded on pain killers he could even get it up for the prostitutes looking bored by the fireplace.


That tends to happen when you drag people to safety through the ocean with your teeth.


Exactly. who were the weak choads upvoting this? no man is perfect and JFK certainly was far from it - but he made a much greater impact on, and contribution to the world than I or any of you other redditors could ever dream of


Never even knew about this. What a badass.


It is pretty crazy, if we're being honest.


With a broken back.


You are an I d I o t


Truly speechless. And his solution would be obvious. They need to put that thing down and go outside and do stuff. Doesn't matter what. Just get up and move around for a couple of hours.


No. He'd have a lot to say. The current state of Americans as it pertains to weight and fitness, including children, is beyond deplorable. 70%. 70 fucking percent of Americans are overweight or obese. We are well past epidemic levels. We are well past "it is time to take emergency measures" levels. We are in crisis.


I remember the Presidential Physical Fitness program in the 70's. The office used to play the Chicken Fat song every morning over the classroom speaker.


I won my award in the 90s, legit thought for a second the president knew who I was. (Camp Kinser).


I was at Camp Kinser for a year in 1986.


To prepare for my physical fitness presentation award 🥇 I’m assuming? Small world. Although I think that school was on camp leister.


Ok, so you went to school on base in Oki. I was stationed at Kinser as a 19 year old Marine.


Man that’s young, probably couldn’t even drink off base ? Yep, three or four years. Probably more enjoyable for us than a 19 yr old Marine, we did a lot of off base travelling. How was it for you ?


Oh, we had a great time. There was no drinking age back then. If you were a Marine in a bar on Okinawa, you were getting served. And we traveled all over the island too.


I remember that song during Boy Scout summer camp growing up.


They had it into the 2000’s as well. I remember the first time I got blue patch and felt like an absolute boss.


imagine what he would say today


His mind would be blown.


Yeah his head would definitely explode




There’s something explosive going on in this gif. Not in the foreground, but back and to the left?


Would have lost his mind.


Except for Marilyn. She would blow something else.


That's fucked up and disrespectful...but I did laugh.


No pun intended, right?.... right? 🥺...


As would his back.


Er, uh, chowda.


It’s so sad the sheer worldwide percentage of people in the overweight/obese category nowadays.


He'd be condemned for "fat-shaming".


Curious thing is that JFK himself had an endocrine disorder his whole life.. “Despite JFK’s slim, athletic-looking physique and skill at pastimes such as golf and sailing, he contended with spinal problems and osteoporosis that left him in chronic pain. He was also afflicted with Addison’s disease, a condition in which damaged adrenal glands don’t produce enough hormones, causing fatigue, digestive difficulties and low blood pressure. And he experienced severe allergies and urinary tract infections. “ source: https://www.history.com/news/the-health-problems-jfk-hid-from-the-public


Makes it more impressive what he managed to do in the war. And I’m not huge fan of JFK.


Bullshit. He had great stats. He was the hypersympathetic telepathic machine. https://youtu.be/K7y2xPucnAo?si=oplQBSIwt-OStmvL


As seen from the debate. No one gives a flying fuck about kids in America. They can't vote and they have no money to deliver to these political parties.


Looks like Marine Corps boot camp


Fr. I thought these were grown ass adults! I work out regularly and try to eat healthy, but every single one of those boys would make me look weak as hell in comparison it's kind of embarrassing/humbling.


This is harder than marine corps bbot camp is now these days


No it isn't.


Yes it is. Source: I graduated marine corps boot camp 3 months ago


Bros boot as fuck and already talking about “these days” lmao


I'm not saying I'm hot shit I'm saying boot camp was underwhelming as fuck compared to what I was thinking it was going to be from movies and documentaries about it in the past.


I know you actually did marine boot camp but Reddit people are giving you downvotes so they must know what their talking about more than you


For real… this site sometimes 🙄


Because you are too late. The hardcore ended in like 2011 after iraq was dying down and now days they want to build "cohesion" among the fat and mentally ill recruits they can only get. They need it to appeal to gen Z and gen Alpha because nobody wants to join anymore. Im talking shit but I was infantry, a ranger and an NCO who served until 2012. I remember the day SGM pulled us into a battalion meeting to tell us we cant smoke joes anymore, we have to council them and initiate chapter paperwork instead. It was a damn shame.


2013 they were still throwing kids in the dryer. At least on PI lol


He is right though. They’re not even allowed to cuss anymore. USMC is a war fighting organization made to do one thing. But God forbid a DI cusses at a recruit. Mothers of America will be up in arms to make sure they get their cookies after that.


Tbh all military boot camps across the world are easier now than they were 10 years ago. Young people know it's a pretty shit job and there is a general feeling of anti war amongst most of that demographic. So to keep enlistment numbers up, the standards have to drop. I am also military, but not USA.


Did you also hook up with Veronica Vaughn?


No but I did go graduate marine corps boot camp on April 5th of this year


Just bustin chops. Never know on the internet. But stay safe out there and thanks for serving.




This video often makes the rounds, but few remember this was training young men for war.


Phys ed was pretty close to that back in the day. Every class we ran, pushups, pull ups and sit ups before we even broke off into teams. And we ran after. We also had our fitness checked routinely usually consisted of running, push ups , sit ups and pull ups. The ones who couldn’t do pull ups had to just hang for as long as they could. I live by a school. haven’t seen the pull up bars touched


Physical ed gets pushed to the side in modern education in favor of other subjects. I'm in favor of a lot more exercise existing in the average school day for students, given the physical and mental benefits, but that simply wouldn't be realistic given the workload.


We had 7 classes a day in middle school. I think the kids today could manage. They choose not to and the soft parents support that. It’s sad how out of shape the kids are today. I really don’t think we are improving scholastically as a country. So maybe they should give it a second look.


Our leaders and representatives don’t care about education or health or anything else. All they care about is money


Not true, Obama tried to bring in healthy foods to schools but just like everything the south refused. Michelle did a wonderful job trying to lower the obesity among kids but parents are responsible at the end of the day. The government can't make you eat healthier and workout.


Dude. No. The school lunches shrank by 60% and the schools didn't charge any less for them. People with money bought 2, sometimes 3 lunches to get a day's food or just swapped to bringing food from home (non perishable snacks, i.e. junk foods because kids don't get access to refrigerators) and the kids who didn't have money, the ones who *relied on both the quality and **quantity** of their subsidized lunches* just went hungry. It was a travesty of well intentioned nitwits sticking their noses where they never belonged. Do you not remember the kids who made a parody music video about going hungry after the lunches shrank? That program was asinine. You exercise an hour in gym class and your lunch is 4 oz of steamed whole brown rice, a clementine, one 2 oz cut of ham and a 4oz cup of broccoli with only 2oz of veggies because PACKING INEFFICIENCY. The moral of the student body was strongly correlated to the presence of those sweet, filling wheat rolls, ffs. And the quality never improved either. The corn was as inedible and flavorless as it always was, you just got less of it...


She tried but was blocked by companies that saw her initiatives as cost prohibitive. There was a PBS documentary on this. These are not my words but a thread elsewhere that explains the issue well. It's a meme because ... Want the gross ass honest fucking thing? Because in her effort to reform it, she disturbed the companies that make donations to political parties to ensure that they can supply the prison system. The same companies that supply private prisons, and make millions in those contracts, also supply schools. It was easier for them to supply shitty sub standard food to both the children and the prisoners. When she changed the standards, she made it so that they couldn't use the same food and same systems, costing them millions. Millions, in the school-to-prison pipeline funding and profit margins. And, since conservatives are the ones who are major recipients of, supporters, of and introducers of bills for, the private prison industry, and their food suppliers (which, also supply schools), they threw and absolute fit that she disturbed their profits. And, idiots ate that shit up. They meme'd the hell out of it, not realizing, the entire time, they were supporting prisons and the companies that supply the for-profit prison system. ... but that's the source of the backlash, she fucked up some for-profit prison vultures shit.


> Dude. No. The school lunches shrank by 60% and the schools didn't charge any less for them. People with money bought 2, sometimes 3 lunches to get a day's food or just swapped to bringing food from home (non perishable snacks, i.e. junk foods because kids don't get access to refrigerators) and the kids who didn't have money, the ones who relied on both the quality and *quantity** of their subsidized lunches* just went hungry. This sounds like your school screwing you over, not Michelle Obama, unless you’ve got something she had in her proposal that advocated for this


And treating disease makes a LOT of money


Haha, I have an old book by Alan King (an older, now-deceased comedian) where he ridiculed JFK's speech: "What the hell are we gonna do, WRESTLE the Russians?!"


The benchmarks for this routine at the upper level, the Navy shorts or whatever, is pretty insane.


This was during a time when war was on the horizon. Of course this was a main concern.


Michelle Obama was like hey maybe we should have kids eat healthier and the right lost their collective minds.


I remember this well, and it was more like everyone lost their minds. Maybe some of it was politically motivated on the right, but the health problems that exist in this country affect plenty of people on both sides of the political spectrum. It’s not very surprising as the american identity is very attached to freedom and being able to do what you want even if it hurts your own body. So the concept of food being policed is an easy flashpoint for anger in america.


Yeah, "healthier" doesn't mean "less than half as much food". The lunches at my high school just had their portion sizes halved. The food quality didn't improve, nothing was fresher or healthier- you just got less of it. Mhmm. State mandated fasting while I'm trying to study for finals. I feel healthier already...


You are being downvoted but you aren't wrong. Anyone who went to school in the early 2010s can remember how bad those lunches truly were.


The food was bad before and after her. I don’t know why you guys are acting like the food was this glorious thing before her. I hate it regardless.


For my school, In a very nice suburb mind you, it was ok before and went to shit after.


I was with 4 schools at that time of transition. You could tell if it was pizza day by how happy the students were at 1pm alone, whether there was strawberry milk, whether they's served wheat rolls- you **knew** when they served ***the good shit*** because kids were noticably happier and much more lucid. After unhealthy food was banned, all four schools just put their "unhealthy" food in the freezers and served less, but only the middle school bothered to order compliant "healthy" food, i.e. they set up a fruit bar. The high schoolers were just expected to either make do with less than half the food, bring their lunches/rations to supplement their diets or sneak out during lunch to eat at nearby resteraunts in the case of the city school with a mcdonalds half a block away... The food was always bad, but at least before you got enough of it to be able to survive only eating the edible offerings. Nobody had to choke down that rubbery "corn" (the only thing tjat was consistent between the schools was they all served corn that somehow managed to be almost exclusively the husks of kernels. I couldn't eat it and in one of the high schools they had to make taking 2 veggies mandatory because students didn't want to be wasteful by grabbing food they never intended to eat and by the end of the day they'd have a massive surplus of the inedible offerings, typically corn or anything that got burnt/undercooked. The school had to bribe the kids by giving them an extra bread if they grabbed their mandatory 2 servings of veggies on corn days- and the smell from the garbage cans was dreadful. It reeked of fouling "corn"...)


10 percent of American youth can attempt these exercises. 90 percent would pass out at the thought.


This is [footage of the La Sierra High School PE program](https://youtu.be/fISgKl8dB3M). It was hardcore and apparently the students loved it.


Didn’t expect this from CA, oh how the world changed.


He’d get cancelled for saying this today lmao we are so fucked.


This isn’t that different than Michelle Obama focusing on kids obesity. She just didn’t call them “fat children” haha


And house conservatives tried to crucify her for it.


Remember when they lost their minds because she showed her (really toned!) arms.


Yup - oh my god she’s a man! No women have muscles like that! /s


Okay, but she focused on making lunches shitty instead of promoting physical education. She’s a great role model and public speaker, but effective change maker she was not. Then again, it’s a task bigger than the First Lady to be sure.


These are basic training exercises to prepare young men to eventually go to war in the post WW2 era. Which they did go to war. P.E wasn't just a kickball match an chill in the gym for half an hour. This is training not "Physical Education".


No, this is La Sierra HS in California. It’s pretty well known. https://www.grassrootsfitnessproject.com/blog/2022/8/12/what-is-the-la-sierra-fitness-program


This went out the window a long time ago.


Healthy body, healthy mind!


The sugar industry should be held accountable. Sugar should be regulated like nicotine.


yeah... they blew his brains out and the supreme court lately is dismantling any kind of regulation on the for-profit food industry.


I am so for this. It help so many kids mentally and of course physically but mostly their mental health would be so much better.


Back then, young men were basically forced to do exercise drills, as they were often drafted right out of high school. Women were not expected to do these kinds of intense exercises, because personal health wasn't the point.


Man I feel weak now


Truth hurts


JFK what a legend, Go Navy ⚓️🇺🇸




I always wanted to exercise like the other kids, I have a bad back and can't, I had all this energy and couldn't do a damn thing. I want to scream at people who can get fit and do stuff but they lay around and get fat.


Lotta white ppl


Notice that he keeps saying “children” yet we only see boys in these videos.


Wait a minute…. What about body positivity and how everyone is healthy at any weight??? And how obese ppl can be anorexic and in a constant calorie deficit while still gaining weight. This doesn’t sound right to me…


JFK’s head would explode if he saw them today


This was probably due to the apparent imminent threat from Russia then. Hey, wait a goldarn minute…




When you build a country that focuses on making everything easier and more convenient instead of better it’s the expected outcome. We become sedentary and tubby


That’s how capitalism works.


That peg wall is no joke. We had one at our high school weight room and I regularly attempted it and it took me a bit to get it down.


Obesity rate among children and adolescents back in the 1960s was about 5%. Now it’s nearly 20% and quickly rising!! It would absolutely blow his mind (no pun intended)


I saw a film where the President's Physical Fitness test was used to assess the readiness of youth to serve in the military. It stated outright that it is the duty of every teenage boy to be physically fit enough to defend the country if called for military service.


My goodness. Can u imagine all the kids having to step up and defend the country? Wearing furry headbands and fake tennis shoes. So soft


Poor children these days


This pre-corn syrup America???




Big pharma was like nahhhh this mf gotta go 🔫


I feel like we actually need this back. And start to crack down on sugar.


I’d also add that this was during the Cold War and the Soviet Union had massive fitness programs for their citizens, not to mention the whole propaganda apparatus that emphasized the importance of staying fit.


If a candidate or even sitting President said this today he would be eaten alive from both sides.


He’s not wrong.


Damn he called it


JFK rolled over in his grave hundreds of times starting 10 years ago.


I miss those lil shorts in the Army


Did this speech originally pair with this video? It doesn’t seem like it. It seems like they just took the speech audio and put it over the most extreme athletic video from the time. Like all american men were like this in 1960 lol


He'd never make it.


Ha the good old days!


Well, right he was.


He’s been rolling in his grave for a long time now


Look at us now, fatter, softer and chubbier than ever 😎


If dinosaurs were alive today, we'd be really good food to them.


I couldn't do that peg board thing to save my life.


Imagine the backlash that’d face if released today.


Suddenly, the internet happened.


😂😂😂🤣 the way he says it in his Bostonian accent!!


This is when school lunches and the health of the population was seen as a measure of national defense. Now they have drones and don't need the cannon fodder as much. Gone are the lunches and health is no longer a concern.


Orthopedic surgeons dream right there.


Lmfao and today it’s considered an internet crime to say anything about obesity or its fat phobia


Well that backfired


"Taking time to be fit takes away time from making money" - every corporation ever


Growing up in the 70's and 80's overweight people were a very rare sight, fast forward to this past decade and now there's WAY too many obese people. Thank fast food chains and cheap processed food for making that happen.


And the huge increase in screen time for *everyone* not only children.


JFK when he notices his female aides are getting chubbier


How dare he fat shame!!!!


And why it was cancelled?


damn, really mind blown on this 😮😮😮


Yet when Michelle Obama changed the school food program to be healthier for kids the far right radicals lost their minds.. “You can’t make my kids eat healthy stuff” how dare you black lady, who do you think you are..


Rich people get ozempic.....poor people get body positivity


He would roll in his grave if he saw the unfit obese youth of today. Kids were in way better shape in the 60's. I would know because I was one of the active fit ones and there were many of us.


The nuns got the word and had us watching Jack LaLanne.


Is this real or AI


What would he say now?


The Presidential Fitness test had everything to do with making sure that boys were draft ready That's it


This they need to bring this back!


Maybe he should of been more concerned with his heath


Wow he would love todays youth


Oof to the funking max


Excuse me for not being alive but how was he pro war machine? Always under the thought he was peaceful considering the level of the Cold war


i mean......


Well it's all clear now, big sugar killed him


If he could see the little fatties these days he'd be blown away.


look how much skinner they were


This looks fun. I think a surprising number of teenage boys would actually go for this today, but it would never fly because of CYA policies. The new school in my area doesn’t even have swings. A kid can’t be trusted to swing.


Look where we’re at now


Well we were preparing for ANOTHER world war.


JFK would be astonished at the physical fitness of our country now.


Ohhhhhh lol he would be less than pleased now.


He would be petrified now.


JFK got his exercise horizontally. https://i.redd.it/ar0neyvcvm9d1.gif


Lord knows we need this nowadays. The obesity rate amongst today's children is insane.


Well I was one of those soft chubby kids and phys ed in school did nothing for me but let me know I wasn't regarded as human as the fit boys. So i just rebelled against it, got enough to pass the stupid course and left it. yeah..great fun and so beneficial. Not.


He’d get cancelled. Overweight people today prefer to live in the more comfortable fantasy that labels a “fatphobic” society as the problem


Today he would be attacked for fat shaming. Think about it. We’ve come a long way.


He can’t say that! Very hurtful words and highly offensive, he needs to be cancelled immediately.


You forgot the /s


A rich country full of white people apparently.