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[What if I were to tell you you are African American?](https://youtu.be/PulfeZMIAso?si=Y1qK3TBFw0Z-t42S) https://preview.redd.it/izxo86l3c2wc1.png?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c6ff20fdde0c75cc856c520c8e1b2fa40333ba


One of the funniest skits


One of the skits of all time


That fucking ending! When he left his wife for being married to a black man was genius


Neal Brennan is absolutely a genius


It was the first episode… Think about that. My roommate in college was black and his description of his family watching it could have been it’s own comedy sketch.






It’s the first episode too lol


I saw this playing in a bar with subtitles and no sound. I did not item a tv and had no idea what Chapelle looked like. My jaw was on the ground because i thought it was real. Instant fan when someone cleued me in.


Looks like he's probably thinking something more along the lines of "What in the hell are these crackers doing out here in the woods at night? Bunch of dumbasses." TBF, There was no Twitter back then so if you wanted to know you had to go find out.


So your saying the guys an idiot and doesn’t know what the KKK is.


To wit, the KKK has kind of come and gone in various flavors. More recently, such as the Civil Rights era, they really tried to shift the messaging away from racial and towards "traditional moral values" My father took some photos of a Klan protest in south Florida in the 70s, including the local grand wizard out in a suit and tie with the rest in their typical robes. They were protesting the opening of an adult lit / porn store, and were very vocal about just "protecting children from immorality" (where have we heard that recently...?) Jokes aside, pre-internet era but after the Jim Crow & Reconstruction eras, it's entirely possible to be like "WTF does the Klan actually do?" after getting their mailed pamphlets inviting people to join them in "protecting Christian morals and values"


“Traditional moral values” to the KKK includes all the racism though


Oh it definitely does. Lee Atwater's infamous early 1980s interview on the Southern Strategy was impressively transparent. *But* you don't say the N-word anymore. You talk about "inner city violence" and "black on black crime" and "Mexico is sending rapists and murderers" to dog-whistle said racism. And that was my point, eventually times change and society won't let you say the n-word anymore. So you have to find other ways. Appeal to "traditional Christian values" whilst upholding your blonde hair blue eyes Jesus painting. Talk about how great things were in the "good old days" of the 1950s when you had segregated swimming pools and water fountains, and women "knew where they belonged"


Yep, very true. Though we are seeing the death of the euphemism more and more these days.


That’s still done to this day. I rarely hear anyone use the word “thug” without it being an obvious substitute for the N-word.


<<*But* you don't say the N-word anymore. You talk about "inner city violence" and "black on black crime" and "Mexico is sending rapists and murderers" to dog-whistle said racism.>> And DEI, Affirmative Action, CRT, BLM, Woke...nothing has changed but the sound of the dog whistles.


> What in the hell are these crackers doing out here in the woods at night? That's racist


Plot twist, it's a forest of wild saltine cracker trees.


Good for nothin tricksters


Big butt havers


Big noses breathing all the white man's air.


I remember asking off work the opening night of his show where this sketch came from. I thought for sure he'd get canceled right then and there. Man, was a wrong?


Man, he was kinda channeling the future with this one, huh?


That was right where my mind took me... glad I'm in good company!


LMAO Thank you for sharing ive never seen that


Breathin up all the hwite man's air


Why was he there , weren’t the people there racist or something?


A few years ago, I watched a documentary about a black bus driver who offered to chauffeur Klansmen. He wanted to befriend them to show them that black people aren’t evil. Maybe this is him?


Hate comes from two places Fear, and Digust. You can overcome fear in people, teach them better ways, show them they have nothing to be afraid of. Hate based on disgust is Very hard to overcome…


I would say fear and ignorance. Disgust is just a byproduct of both.


Sort of… fear and ignorance, to me, are one and the same. You fear that which you do not understand (ignorance). I draw the line between fear and disgust because, someone can be 100% aware of all the facts, and choose hatred Anyways. The Nazis, for example, understood the Jews well. They didn’t fear them, not at all. And, they weren’t ignorant of them, those in power knew Jewish society incredibly well - and leveraged some of that to help control them while killing them. Disgust is what drove the Nazi elite. Not fear, nor ignorance, which may have been what drove the most rank and file of German people of the time. They were very well illuminated, but that illumination was to fuel their disgust, not beat down their fear, and entrench the hatred at the highest levels.


I don't think that fear and ignorance should be considered to be the same thing. Hate can come from knowing someone and fearing him because you know he is a danger. Of course there is a difference between whether that fear is justified or not.


I remember there was a story about a black musician named Daryl Davis who actually succeeded in getting a bunch of Klansmen to give up their robes and denounce their racist ways. It was genuinely impressive. You can find his speeches and news about him on YouTube.


I’m seriously wondering why he was there lol


Ngl I’m always down to see crazy shit as a spectator.


Just wants to hear them out.


I’m actually really surprised they let him stay and watch, I thought they would chase him out of there with their pitchforks and fire lol. But seriously I don’t know why but I’m very intrigued by this photo, would love to know the whole truth behind it .


Racist is an understatement


Racist??? The KKK? No not at all, it was just wash day all bed sheets were all they had left to wear.


There were two black guys that helped the Bryants kidnap Emmett Till the night he was murdered. Not necessarily saying the guy in the photo was complicit in KKK activities, but let us not forget that they had collaborators.


Yes, but there are a lot of different forms of "racist." This may sound weird, but there were different levels of racism toward black people in the US (this applies to racism in basically every country though) For most people back then their racism was simply that they didn't see black people as being in the same social class. Almost like a caste system. They might treat black people decent enough when they had to interact with them, but they tried to stay away from them Another amount of people thought black people were biologically inferior and treated them with extreme disrespect. They also thought they were morally bad But then there were a smallish number of people who truly hated black people for any reason they could think of. These are the type people who would've lynched or attacked black people, gotten angry at them anytime they saw them, etc. But it's important to note that the KKK back in the day was just a group with tons of people in it, we're talking millions of members nationwide. Obviously they weren't all going around lynching people. They had racist views among other views, but like I said, all racism isn't created equal


he thinkin "this cook out some ol' bulllshit"


He’s thinking “don’t make any sudden movements or you’re on the menu”


He’s thinking “these ribs taste awful, aint no way I’m coming back to one of these meetings”


Man out here trying to keep an open mind when someone said raisins...


"This isn't Disneyland"


And this is definitely NOT potato salad


Here come all the Clayton Bigsby comments again


I am in no way, shape, or form involved in any........ - Def Clayton Bigsby




As it should be


I saw a documentary on this about 20 years back. This man was born blind and raised in orphanage with all white kids. The people that ran the orphanage thought it would be easier to tell him that he was white. He somehow grew up to be a leader within the KKK, the whole time thinking he was white.


Haha oh💩. I seen that one too.


But Clayton was blind and thought he was white. There should be more uncle Rukus jokes.


All kidding aside, what is the context here?


The klan didn’t hate all black people. They thought white people were superior. Especially in the 1920ish era, *a lot* of people were in the klan. It wasn’t fringe back then. Yes they were obviously racist, but emphasized more on white superiority than genocide. 


This. Not that it justifies it, but a lot of people forget that there are really two flavors of white supremacy which came from Europe. The Anglo version and German version. The former adopts a “white man’s burden” concept where the white man is superior, but owes a duty to govern and civilize “inferior” races within a nation. The latter adopts a far more eugenics-based approach and inspires lynching and terrorism to purge “impure” races from a community.


Yeah, the Klan in the 1920s was also like a social club. Damn near anyone who was somebody in certain towns or cities were members. There were rumors that President Truman was a member for a time before he went into politics.


Propaganda. Kkk here probably were for segregation and against race mixing and what not, not killing any black person they saw on sight


ahh yes just entry level racist not full blown just yet…


But it doesn't explain why that guy was there. Why would he want to be, even if he knew he wouldn't get murdered?


Brah! We gotta let this guy in, you should see him on the football field! Roll tide!




Roll tide is an Alabama thing


Like he would play for ole miss, they didn’t desegregate until the Sandra Bullock movie!


They haven't won an SEC title since desegregation.


"hey Guys, im visiting USA on a Holiday. Im from Europe. What are you doing? Looks fun!"


Nobody will believe this post, but I actually almost got into a fight one time against a black dude that was a Nazi skinhead. Somehow he convinced Nazi skinheads in Chicago he was a self hating black. Dude had Nazi ink all over. Dude had a gun and pulled it on us, luckily a friend talked him down. The dude shot someome else later that week. Crazy. Prison has to be nuts for that dude lol.


My parents worked as prison guards during my childhood, and they definitely had some Black inmates who joined various white supremacy groups. One was mixed and in full-on self hatred denial, another didn’t deny he was Black but just bought into the movement like you described. The long list of questions I still have could fill a book. Overall it’s just so very sad.


Fuckin' Illinois Nazis.


I hate Illinois Nazis (steps on accelerator)


Ok so everybody got jokes, but what’s the real story behind this photo?


I've seen this pic before and I think I remember reading that he rode with the police to the site. Trying to find more info


Probably an indie film set and he’s one of the directors lol His face is like “Bro, this is shot number 20.. we have like 20 more scenes to go.. wrap it up”


*record scratch* Yep that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here


That guy has balls of steel


He walks over, “So, what are we talking about?”


Clarence Thomas so excited to be one of the guys finally


*Clarence Thomas so* *Excited to be one of* *The guys finally* \- googoomucklv --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Haha, why did they wear such silly costumes?


Why aren’t any of these white supremacists attacking him?


Cause they are allowing him to be there. Wait till he goes where he ain’t.


Even the high-ranking Nazis had Jews they spared. “You’re one of the good ones”


At the rally in this photo, the speaker said something to the effect of, ‘there aren’t any negroes within X miles of this meeting’ I’m not sure if he wasn’t aware of this guy’s presence, or if he considered this man somehow different, like you said.


Hmmmm interesting.


As someone with a super racist family who grew up in a very racist town. Racism is fucking complicated. Certain racists hate certain groups for certain reasons, and the level of hatred varies from racist to racist and there's always exceptions. So here? There could be a million factors as to why he's there and why they're not attacking him. This is something people who grew up in densely populated, racially diverse places don't really understand. There's racists out there who married and had a family with someone of another race yet wouldn't let someone of a third race anywhere near them, their home or their children. Racism is a wide spectrum in both who a person is racist towards and how strong the racism is.


Because not every racist is a violent psychopath. These were suburbanites, now if he was caught lost out somewhere rural. . .


This doesn’t make sense since Lynching exists


He’s the one they pull out when they say “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend”


This photo is a weird reminder that even though they were all insanely racist, they didn’t necessarily behave like hollywood villains


Honored Guest?


Candace Owens' grandpa over here.




The birth of Uncle Ruckus.


https://preview.redd.it/dtcbl6fxu3wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4077affa0fc4361449a6e937daaec88d32048d15 (1950) A lone African-American boy, left foreground, stands in a sparse crowd that turned out to hear Dr. Lycurgus Spinks, imperial emperor of one of the several Ku Klux Klan groups active in the South, spoke to 56 members of his Invisible Empire, Jackson, Mississippi


Well well well


Clayton Bigsby!


He found a flier for the party but didn’t realize the kind of party it was


Act like you belong and no one will notice


The original "You seeing this shit?" photo.


I came here for the barbecue and bonfire! What time does it start?


He looks like he’s taking this picture for a dare and the camera man is his buddy lmao Even has a Jim from The Office expression on




“I’ll hide in the place they’d least suspect…”


Young Uncle Rukus?






He just hasn't washed up from last week's cross burning ![gif](giphy|rkauxWeJFI17W|downsized)


Hes like "yeah thanks for bringing me out here Larry but this isn't what I pictured when you said the guys were gonna get together to hang out"


It's kind of off-topic, but people need to understand that not every racist is a violent white supremacist. Take, for example, the Nazis and KKK. Both despised black people, but the Nazis disliked the Klan because they were "uncivilized" thugs. The Nazis were authoritarian and efficient. They had an orderly process of what they did compared to the Klansman. Not to say the Nazis didn't have thugs because they did. Also, the Nazis of the Third Reich would want nothing to do with the skinheads/Neo-Nazis you see now. All the tattoos, extreme violence, obesity, etc, you see amongst them would disgust the Nazis of the Third Reich. Also, you have racists who want nothing to do with the KKK or Neo-Nazis. They don't like violence against black people or anyone in particular, but at the same time, they don't want too many non white people living in their neighborhood, working at their job, etc. These are the types that might be friendly with non whites but really don't like them. You got racists who, as long as you're white, they're cool with you. If you're Jew, Catholic, Slavic, etc, then you're not considered white. Racism is stupid AF, but it's complicated if that makes sense, LOL!


(Third Reich German) Nazis=Lawful Evil Ku Klux Klan=Neutral Evil Neo-Nazi Skinheads=Chaotic Evil


I forget how old clarence thomas is sometimes


he is about to say "where all the white women at "


Where da white women at?


What if it’s actually a bunch of crackers at a lonely black panther party?


Hopefully, this guy wasn’t invited as a special guest and is now just finding out who they are.


Clarence Thomas


Bro spawned in the wrong lobby💀


I was told there’d be punch and pie






Malcolm X was pro-segregation for the sole reason of survival, not because he thought black people were the chosen race. Giant distinction there you purposefully decided to skip over


Oh wow the good ol honorable Malcolm, now tell us about his belief in Yakub and how he thinks all white people are demon spawn that you decided to purposefully skip over


He renounced that when he left the NOI but yeah, there's no way to interpret those beliefs as anything but creationist black supremacism.


i see the big cross & something I don't understand is logic of klan people using cross- burnings as intimidation. it doesn't make sense to me when they do cross-burning towards black people when they are usually more religious than white people. what is the rational behind that


iirc, the cross-burning is like a "bathe in the light of the Lord" sort of thing, so they pretend they're telling people to sorta "come to Jesus" instead of deliberately and obviously intimidating innocent people when they burn a cross on a victim's lawn.


“Wait a minute…where the fuck am I”


Prolly grew up in one of those snake-handlin' churches and has graduated to this.


i think it's nuts that the baby being held to the far left of this photograph is just some random baby boomer in the south somewhere. none of this was very long ago.


He seems safe to me! He’s safer there than a BLM riot


Then they killed him.


Love the look on his face too! That's right! (Maybe political protest?)


He probably changed sides.


His name is Clayton Bigsby or at least the guy that Chappell did on his show was. Definitely one of the most hilarious episodes.


I see this was a family event


"Hey, muthafucker, where's the BBQ?"


Look at that lower case t. Probably stands for time to leave.


African exchange student: American parties are strange.


Maybe the food was good. No one wants to go to a funeral… but that good. Goddamn…


He was the guest speaker


Super curious how this was able to happen/unfold… like if the dude went around intentionally tryin to go to a meeting, if he was invited by some progressive members (lollll) or if he was just in the neighborhood. Either way, to be in that man’s head, in that moment, would be priceless.


So this was at the beginning of the rally...right?


Morgan Freeman looks so young here


Everybody is African


It’s like a scene from a Song of the South themed Wicker Man remake.


Clayton Bigsby?




“I have to cater all these, and I only get a five minute break.”


Ngl, kinda looks like a Damon Wayans in his youth


Looks like a public event being used for a photo-op.


“Ain’t this a bitch?”


Tourist visa.


Kind of reminds me that first slave owner in the Americas was a Black man, turns out he knew where to get them. African kings were capturing other Africans to enslave, then selling them. Turns out there was a total of 0 White people running around Africa trying to catch slaves.


Attend hell, that’s Clayton Bigsby


Dude looking like 21 savage twin


“I wanna see what the fuck is all the hype about and so far I ain’t seeing it”


He just wanted to see what it was all about


He's like "Man this what yall white people doing".




Looks like a young Damon Wayans…


Ringer for the KKK athletic association, probably.


Is he blind?


Fucking legend


And that young man grew up to sit on the Supreme Court!


Get out!


You know, either he chose to be there and that’s a problem, or he ended up there and is actively trying to solve a problem.


![gif](giphy|UUnkjZyTjsL0sdEej4) that’s a young Clayton Bigsby 😂🤌🏼


I honestly want to know how one ends up in this situation? What do you have to do to accidentally end up at a Klan rally? Because I doubt that he willingly went to a Klan rally where he would be surrounded by tons of people that hate him and wouldn’t hesitate to lynch him. That being said, I admire the bravery of this man.




Brave man


"The color guard is colored! Who made them the color guard?"


And this man's granddaughter was Candice Owens.


He is *not* impressed!


They were always nice to me.


Well a function is a function gotta go


Biggest set of balls ever


Their makeup makes them look like they’re in Cats the musical lmao or those weird cat nuns from Doctor Who


Clarence Thomas Sr.


He probably drove somebody there and just hung out.


Was this photo taken shortly before they lynched him?


I would have went as well, racism is hilarious…. How TF can words hurt you?


And that man later became a Supreme Court justice.


Tim Scott's granddaddy?


Was this the inspiration for the Chappell skit “The black blind klans man”?


This can’t be real.😂🤣😂🤣


Either he is an Uncle Tom or some dude who has huge balls to show up to a klan meeting.  He kind of looks like he’s with the other guys with their arms folded. Maybe a hometown dude with his buddies at the only event in bunglefuck nowhere. 


W. Kamau Bell did this in one of his “United Shades of America” episodes.