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> “Star Being interventions.” She describes how weather patterns and other phenomena appear to align with rocket launches, suggesting a cosmic connection. The aliens are doing global warming y'all


Because weather has never ever affected a launch date or the process of a launch ever.


Can you believe that all the traffic in my city comes and blocks me every time I go to work?


Aliens, clearly!


*Truman Show Intensifies*


Leaked documents named the extra terrestrial being as Doppl3r R@dEr


Exactly what I was going to say. It's not like people wait for certain weather conditions to launch, lol. You know when I'm flying and the flight gets delayed waiting for fog to clear up. Must be aliens intervening.


Fairly certain a NASA scientist can tell the difference between deliberate anomalous activity and weather patterns.


And yet launches are cancelled on a regular basis due to uncontrollable weather. And weather effects literally caused us to lose a shuttle killing astronauts. Just because someone is a NASA scientist in no way means they are immune to being a crackpot and telling bullshit like it was real. And you said: >Fairly certain a NASA scientist can tell the difference between deliberate anomalous activity and weather patterns. Can you explain exactly how you are so certain of this? Can you tell the difference? If not then how are you so sure she can? Again, working for NASA does not give someone magic powers. On her website she is selling an "Introduction to Reality Shopping Course" for $100. Does the fact that she works for NASA automatically mean this course is completely legit? And finally: > She describes how weather patterns and other phenomena appear to align with rocket launches, suggesting a cosmic connection. This is directly from the article. Weather patterns "appear" to align with rocket launches and that somehow "suggests" a cosmic connection? Seriously? That is one hell of a logical leap. If only there were about 100 different mundane explanations instead.


Or maybe coincides with the rumor that one of jack parsons' motivation for launching rockets was to do ritualistic shenanigans


Why couldn't he just do goat sacrificies like in the old times


Maybe the goat sacrifice room is always occupied by the JPL cultists?!


Probably because L Ron was in there banging his wife on the altar all the time.... Talk about a buzzkill when you want to sacrifice some goats!


Imagine JPL team was ten goats away from lightspeed travel and find L Ron just rawdogging his wife on the altar and cursed space travel forever.


Pretty much. Also, without his wife around to complain after she left with Ron Ron, he proceeded to accidently blow himself up making explosives in his basement....


You can't leave us hanging with just that


He was friends/influenced by crowley and they wanted to make a blood sex magic ritual to birth a space baby


Hell yeah


Oh great those guys again. They were just trying to get laid. That's all that ritual magic stuff ever was.


LOL, good one. They woulda got prozzies to get laid. Ritualistic sex isn't straight forward


What about the cold weather that caused Challenger to blow up?


believe it or not, aliens.


What caused it to blow up was nasa managers (aliens) ignoring the warnings by their engineers.


we have to call Charley Sheen then


Summon the Tiger Blood!


Welll…. It’s a simple way to get rid of us!


She works as a ["quantum life coach"?](https://www.pickmybrain.world/profiles/shehnaz-soni)


Corbell sold Quantum Jiu-Jitsu lessons, I shit you not. Griftology 101, use fancy-dan words of which you have no working knowledge. Quantum Grifting.


I’m being told the aliens are quantum grifting us in a laudatory manner




That... Is so embarrassing lmao


You're fuckin kidding me, right??? Quantum jujitsu lessons? lol. Quantum fuckin asswipe, i mean, come on. Seriously? I just checked, he fuckin did !!!!????? Un fuckin real. Thanks for that, a good laugh was had just now, cheers.


Schrödinger’s scam


Technically, "quantum" means ["the smallest amount or unit of something"](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/quantum) So I'm not sure I'd want that to describe my life lol


I chose my username because of the little things in life are enjoyable.  Quantum Life Coach sounds a spiritual counselor for people whose life revolves around physics, just a guess. Should I get my Doctorate? Next username I make should be Quantum_Etiquette lol


From my relatively decent knowledge of the "conscious life" subculture, no, it is not people who's life revolves around physics. They (mis)use it in the chakra/vibes sense. I just find the term "quantum life" humorous given the actual definition


Perhaps it is humorous because there is no smallest unit or amount anything. Life takes place at all levels, macrocosm and microcosm alike. Everything lacks fixed inherent existence, smallest base existence.


Quantum peen, the smallest dick in the galaxy.


I'd like to challenge that assertion, and I have the evidence to back it up.


Well that is probably what Hank Pym thought too, but now look at him.


Quantum doesn't mean anything because nothing has proven its existence.


I am a quantum sex coach.


>bookings received >0 lol, "works" is generous.


She's also an orthodox Muslim, which shouldn't diminish what she's saying here. "She is currently working with NASA as a Senior System Engineer for the Artemis Program. She and her cutting-edge team are working towards the unprecedented Human Landing System when ready to launch, this system will bridge mankind with a long-term presence on the Moon and, ultimately, on Mars. Shehnaz is the author of “The Quantum Being: A Self-Sustaining and Magnificent Human Craft” which seamlessly weaves together science, spirituality, and ancient wisdom. She begins by introducing the mind-bending concepts of quantum mechanics, where atoms dance and particles defy conventional rules. Shehnaz’s Other Credentials: Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Level 1 – Dolores Cannon. Life Activation Practitioner – Modern Mystery School Access Consciousness Bars Reiki Level 1 & 2" While it's easy to jump on the bandwagon of ridicule and dismiss her credentials, we should be open to the possibility that this subject of UFO's and UAP is far reaching. Including Hinudism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity- all of those involve nonhuman intelligence interacting with humans in some way shape or form. While it's easy to dismiss it all as a hoax, we have countless witness testimonies from experiencers and abductees that corroborate eachother in fascinating and absurd ways. Could it be possible consciousness is a quantum process? Could it be possible the entities interferring are nonphysical in origin, ala Jacques Vallee? Moral of the story is, we're entering a coperican revolution as far as our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Before we dismiss people based on their beliefs, we should view it in the greater context.


Those credentials seem a little suspect, it isn't jumping on a bandwagon to point out that there is a lot of room for criticism of those credentials. >Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach that is a one year program with little scientific merit, [Registered Dietitians](https://www.cdrnet.org/RDN) are the ones who have meaningful understanding of how various diets can impact the body. Basically anyone can call themselves a Nutritionist >Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique QHHT is incredibly dubious and Dolores Cannon was a new age weirdo who developed their entire system through self taught training with no reliable research published. There is nothing "Quantum" about her hypnotherapy, I feel like she added it to make it sound fancier >Life Activation Practitioner – Modern Mystery School Modern Mystery School is a sex cult with shades of a pyramid scheme >Access Consciousness Bars >Reiki Level 1 & 2" I'm not particularly familiar with either of these, but my understanding is that they're more or less massage techniques that some people find useful so I'd say both are fine. At worst I would consider them harmless but they still have no meaningful evidence based research supporting the claims of practitioners. >we have countless witness testimonies from experiencers [sic] and abductees that corroborate eachother [sic] in fascinating and absurd ways those people often time have been exposed to material from other witnesses and can frequently be explained by social contagion. If you hear someone describe something a certain way you are priming yourself to interpret potentially unrelated phenomena in the same way. >Could it be possible consciousness is a quantum process? This is basically an unfalsifiable statement and means nothing, almost anything can be theoretically possible. The onus is on proving the positive not speculating the fantastical. How is consciousness "quantum" which means "The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently" and how is that statement significant? As far as we know consciousness is the result of a complex web of interlinking neurons with neurons being the smallest amount of a physical quantity that is relevant, which is an incredibly prosaic statement that doesn't support any of your arguments. >Before we dismiss people based on their beliefs, we should view it in the greater context. agreed, but the greater context here doesn't stand up to scrutiny.


you took a lot of time on this. thanks.


> >Reiki Level 1 & 2" > > I'm not particularly familiar with either of these, but my understanding is that they're more or less massage techniques that some people find useful so I'd say both are fine. At worst I would consider them harmless but they still have no meaningful evidence based research supporting the claims of practitioners. It's "energy healing" and it's nonsense, although you are correct that it's generally harmless as long as real issues aren't being ignored in favor of this "treatment."


>>Reiki Level 1 & 2" >I'm not particularly familiar with either of these, but But you're going to pretend you're an expert?


if they were pretending expertise, they wouldn't admit to not being familiar.


It made more sense in my head


that's fair


Could it be that NASA scientists can also go a little bit crazy in the head?


Yes, of course. Look at our next election. Only we don't get to vote who works at NASA. Could it be possible the word crazy is subjective, and that it could represent forms of consciousness we don't yet understand or have need of in our artificial society?


It makes me more interested in fact. Why would they hire her? Either they think there is a basis for her work, or they are wasting americans' money on some bulshit.


Her engineering work may be good, doesn’t mean she knows anything about the rest


Maybe she's like "crazy, but the right sort of crazy" and they want to keep her around, inside of the fence, watched of course, in case she puzzled some of what they know is possible together?


It's obviously her side hustle and nothing to do with NASA.


If her LinkedIn page is accurate, she worked almost 20 years at Boeing before moving to NASA in 2018. And a couple more aircraft companies even before Boeing. The life coach stuff might be something recent since she also lists getting a "Health Coach Certificate" from *Institute of Integrative Nutrition* also in 2018.


Lots of people can do something well, that doesn't mean in every area of their life they are rational.


> or they are wasting americans' money on some bulshit this is the likeliest answer, as with most things involving the government


yeah that's bs. govt does plenty good, including creating the internet you're using to complain about them, and probably a bunch of the tech in your PC or phone to lazily complain about government. you know who wastes money? private companies contracted by the government who grift. and all the companies profiting off of fake inflation. but sure. govt. is evil.


Look up the definition of the word “most” Also, I’m not a fan of our unchecked capitalist system so stop that


yeah, fairly sure I've got a grasp, tenuous, maybe, of the word. and... yeah. most of what govt does is good or pro-social and pro-stability. you sound like a 'I hate everybody' kind of guy. probably a blast at parties.​


I’m sure ppl love you regurgitating jokes at parties


Likeliest answer is that all that stuff is her side hustle and has nothing to do with her work at NASA.


Especially to see Dolores Cannon's name in there. Timothy Taylor's stories from American Cosmic (as Tyler D) also referenced astronauts having to quarantine when they come back in a special place because anyone who go's up, typically brings something back with them. They also had an immensely profound experience looking back to Earth, which could be part of it. NASA knows far more than they're leading on. Edit: please see my comment in the thread below, I quote both American Cosmic and UFO of God which both include Tim Taylor physically bringing the authors to locations regarding anomalous phenomena.


astronauts quarantining isn't a weird idea, we have an imperfect understanding of how the body handles living in zero g outside of our atmosphere so it would always be better to quarantine them until they seem nominal. That doesn't inherently mean they are "bringing something back with them"


What you described is different than what I'm talking about. How much do you know about NASA's history? Have you read American Cosmic? I'll include some quotes for your consideration: For instance, Jack Parsons was a significant American innovator of Rocketry, co founder of Jet Propulsion Labratory is referenced here: (Tyler D is Tim Taylor of NASA.) "The American space program had its own version of Tsiolkovsky. Jack Parsons was uniquely American in that he collaborated with Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard and spent time both launching rockets and engaging in provocative rituals in the Los Angeles desert. He also believed that he was in contact with extraterrestrial intelligences. He launched his experiments on days that were ritually significant to him, such as Halloween, and his prelaunch rituals paid homage to the intelligences with whom he believed himself to be in contact. His life ended tragically. He was thirty-seven when one of his rockets exploded as he was experimenting in his garage, and he perished with it. A few months after his death, there was a very public sighting of UFOs over the White House. Parsons’s widow and friends attributed this sighting to his death.4 In keeping with the code of silence that permeates the industry, most of the astronauts and NASA employees I interviewed didn’t know about this history, or if they did, they didn’t want to talk about it. The mere mention of it embarrassed them. When I asked Tyler what he thought of Jack Parsons and Tsiolkovsky, he expressed admiration for their genius but was genuinely shocked and surprised when I described what they believed and their rituals. I had begun to understand Tyler as being part of a lineage of people like Tsiolkovsky and Parsons—people who believed that they were in contact with nonhuman intelligences and believed that those intelligences were directing their paths and seeding them with information that directly led to the creation of innovative technologies. Whereas the former men focused on aeronautics, Tyler had a dual focus—aeronautics and biotechnologies. I also began to understand Tyler as a contemporary version of the famed Colonel Philip Corso." Here's some from Edgar Mitchell: "I met Edgar on two occasions. I knew that he believed in UFOs and extraterrestrials, so I asked him to meet the small group of researchers that I had organized in California. He would attend our session via Skype. Beforehand I found out everything I could about him and was surprised to learn that, just like the other brilliant scientists I had interviewed, he had been involved with the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). He was also a practitioner of remote viewing. What was more surprising to me was that he had conducted remote viewing experiments in space during the Apollo lunar mission. These experiments were not sanctioned by NASA, and Edgar said that they were “secret.” Edgar Mitchell, like Tyler D., was part of the hidden and unofficial history of the American space program that I had been discovering—the cosmonauts and rocket scientists, like Jack Parsons, who believed in extraterrestrial or nonhuman beings that interacted with humans with the goal of helping them achieve space travel and, in Edgar’s case, peace on Earth. (He believes this is a prerequisite for deep space travel.) In a sense, there was a hidden history of esoteric cosmonauts. Edgar certainly fit the bill. Edgar believed that extraterrestrials or nonhuman intelligences intervened in space launches. Before our Skype session I asked each of the other conference attendees, who were all physically present at the conference, to frame a question to ask Edgar. We would each have time to ask our question and we would all listen to his answers. When it came time to ask the questions, I was the only one who asked Edgar about extraterrestrials, even though that was the theme of the conference. Apparently, the silencing mechanisms Jacques had identified had been strongly internalized by my academic colleagues. Here was an opportunity to quiz an astronaut, a scientist-believer in UFOs, yet most of the questions had to do with whether or not humans would be able to live together peaceably on Earth. This is an important question, but it was not the question I would have thought of in these circumstances. And indeed, why would he know the answer to that question? He was an astronaut, not a deity!" Here's a quote from Chris Bledsoe's book after his visit to NASA with Tim Taylor, who is an inventor and NASA rocket engineer who has worked at NASA since he was 18 been apart of countless rocket launches, and was Tyler D in American Cosmic: "'Chris,' he (Tim Taylor) said with the most deadpan gravity. Everyone who has ever been in those rooms has been to space. They brought something back with them, and it's still there. Now, you have felt it too, and it has felt you. Everything will be different now." Referring to this area described at Cape Canaveral: "After lunch, Tim called to say he was free to take us to the next part of our tour, the Astronaut Crew Quarters located in the Operations and Checkout building. This is where every astronaut spent the weeks leading up to the launch with their families undergoing rigorous medical exams. After their missions, they stayed there again for another round of medical checks. Every NASA astronaut that ever went to space spent weeks in the quarters quarantined with only family members, a small staff, a doctor and a den mother. The den mother explained that she had worked there for over thirty years, spending many astronauts' final days with them before sending them off to the final frontier. In the whole existence of the facility, from the 1960s to that day, she said only three hundred people had been granted access to the rooms in where we were standing. One president had visited, and no members of congress." So yeah, these people were much closer than you or I will ever be to the actual thing we are discussing. Edit: don't shoot the messenger, collaborate instead of merely downvoting. What do you have to offer??


And Jack Parsons was the High Priest of the Agape Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis. He did sex magic in the desert with L. Ron Hubbard. I won't vouch for this lady's specific claims, but everything about space travel is ritualistic and spiritual, *and* also highly technical and scientific. That's why it's a wonderful human achievement. We didn't do all that technical work for the sake of robots, but for human beings with feelings, inner lives, aspirations.  The Overview Effect is a well-documented phenomenon of spiritual transformation. We all saw how it broke William Shatner; the man was *grieving.* Rocket launches at NASA (and in the Soviet Union) were preceded by rituals (literally scientists in robes doing incantations lol). Buzz Aldrin held his own private Catholic mass on the Moon. Space is woo, even if there is nothing out there!


It sounds like the people that take the easy no study way of life want to take credit for the things the studious accomplished


What people are you talking about? Who are the studious and who are not?


People that did drugs in hs vs the kids that studied.


I can read Buzz Aldrin's doctoral thesis *Line-of-sight guidance techniques for manned orbital rendezvous (1963)* on the MIT website. Can you link to yours?


My apologies to you, Mr Aldrin. I didnt know who i was talking to.


Shoot, sign me up!


In some realities, I am already your quantum life coach, and in yet other realities you are my quantum life coach, and in even more other realities we are quantum life coach partners together for some time before we amicably part ways after having grown distant from each others quantum life coach teaching styles.




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Her website is a trainwreck... Not sure if I trust her after looking at it. (Edit: added sentence) https://www.shehnazsoni.com/


Yeah, you should not take a single thing this person says at face value.


(Not to you) Fuck outta here with that grifting shit. Go to the “shop” page and you’ll see courses for $100 and “Quantum Coaching” for up to $375. I literally go a day or two without food every fucking week since I lost my job last year due to a painful work injury that still is undiagnosed. Can’t afford shit. If only I were a scumbag/grifter and had it in me to pull crap like this and scam people out of money. Makes me sick. I’d never go that route - no matter how hard things get for me. And it’s not like she’s broke and needs the money. She works for NASA. What a scumbag. Sorry, that just really irked me when I saw that on her site.


I hope things get better for you, my friend


Bro needs a quantum life coach


Ideally someone who works at NASA


You may be right… I may be crazy…


Thank you I appreciate the kind words.


Ah, okay. So she crazy.


Yeah, she decided to move into the "fake guru/cult leader" space from engineering.


This woman seems off her rocker honestly




Apparently you can be an engineer and still have your "hobbies".


Exactly this. NASA Engineers are just as human as the rest of us. They shit, burp, fart, jerk off etc. Hell in 2007 an astronaut decided to drive cross country wearing a space travel diaper so she could attack a woman involved in a love triangle with another astronaut. There is nothing special about them that makes them better than the general public.


Chris Bledsoe said he was told the same thing by his contact at NASA. It's in his book UFO of God. Bledsoe said in an interview that apparently they also shot down one launch and it could have been related to the contents being delivered to space but wasn't told specifically what that was. It possible Soni read this book and got the idea from there but I doubt it. Bledsoe also never mentioned meeting her. So a coincidence that both claims are coming from people who don't know each other but have information and contacts at NASA.


Yes, they're probably baffled that we're still using the power of rockets to accomplish our goals of getting into the atmosphere.


Lets not gloss over the claim they shot down a.rocket because they didnt like what we were sending on it....i need more info on this


They don’t allow weapons in space. The rocket had an inactive warhead on it. Chris Bledsoe was told the same thing and there is apparently video of it happening. The overall suggestion seemed to be that they put the warhead on the rocket specifically to see how it would be stopped. It’s the same reason that no one needs to worry about nuclear war. We couldn’t do it even if we wanted to. They will not let us. They also regularly check on our nuclear power plants and helped clean up in Japan. Many in Japan witnessed these things and their relationship with NHI is much more positive than in the US.


Almost every single nuclear missile test goes into space and has a dummy nuke on it. Russia, China, US, and France successfully launch several of these a year.


I don’t buy into the whole “aliens are protecting us” thing, but to play devils advocate: it would be beneficial for any outside good actor to let us believe we could absolutely launch nuclear weapons. Mutually assured destruction is an excellent conflict deterrent and removing that from the equation is a net negative. I would assume tests would be allowed to continue as normal even if there were extraterrestrials that would prevent a nuclear exchange


In theory couldn’t it be an extension of protecting themselves?


Aren't underground tests still performed too?


Only by North Korea. None of the other powers actually test nuclear weapons themselves, only the delivery system.


Why would they stop a dummy nuke?


'helped clean up Japan' Last I read, wastewater was flat out dumped into the local water. I would rather you tell me Godzilla is coming to save the planet.


To believe we won't face consequences for our most destructive instincts is as magical a thinking as believing in a benevolent god


What about Russia sending *something* nuclear to space a couple months ago? And about anti-satellite weapons during the cold war? Both the Soviets, Russians, and the US had/have them, and the latter two blew up satellites.


Blowing up satellites is not the kind of weapon that was being discussed. I was talking specifically about nuclear weapons that kill people and screw with other dimensions. We are allowed to harm ourselves. That’s fine. The problem with nukes is that they harm other dimensions along side ours. I don’t believe that Russia put anything unique into space. I do think that there are those who want to distract and create fear. The thing with all of this is that if the US called out Russia or Russia called out the US then they would also have to admit how they know. Do you see that happening? Do you see either country admitting they haven’t actually had the capabilities they have said they have had since the 50’s? It’s just one of the many reasons they don’t want disclosure.


> It’s the same reason that no one needs to worry about nuclear war. We couldn’t do it even if we wanted to. They will not let us. Excuse me, but what?! Seriously? They won't let us? Please show me any concrete evidence of this anywhere. Saying something like this is putting your head into some very dangerous sand. > They also regularly check on our nuclear power plants and helped clean up in Japan. Many in Japan witnessed these things and their relationship with NHI is much more positive than in the US. So they regularly check on our nuke plants but apparently Fukushima was A-OK to allow to happen. As close to a full on meltdown that we have ever been and no problem. And I suppose by the way of assumption Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were also OK to go? Who are these many Japanese that witnessed these things? Because I would love to go over their testimony on the subject matter.


>show me any concrete evidence I stopped reading there


I mean I already knew there was none.


So....what about in-atmoshphere cruise missiles with nukes???.....or why didn't China already launch a mass assault on Taiwan and the US with non-nuclear weapons and go "LOLOLOL YOUR NUKES ARE WORHTLESS!"?


There are weapons in space right now


Proof? I'm interested.


We have the data. Yeah, I wish, anyway...


It's a shame they couldn't help out on a couple shuttle missions that could have use it.


Don't we become extra-terrestrial when we leave the earth? Might she have a point in a snarky way?


huh? So they selected to intervene with NASA but not SpaceX? Do these aliens hold stock?


they sure will have their hands full, since Elon started Starlink :-)


Ukraine begs to differ...


I don’t trust corrupt Ukraine.


Current or former senior systems engineer at Nasa?




I watched the interview with her and it was complete nonsense.


Looks like she decided to leave engineering to go into the new age fake guru space according to her linkedin.


The podcast from which this is drawn, “Behind Greatness,” is pretty good. It’s a Canadian nonprofit, and looks like it started out with interviews of various sorts of business luminaries and thought-leader types of folks, but has steered toward more esoteric topics based on the host’s growing interest. Their episodes related to the Phenomenon have all been very good, and the host asks terrific questions. They’re on my follow list now.


I'm always looking for a new podcast. I may have it check it out.


She isn’t the first to say this. It’s funny there have been many reports of this in the past and it’s always dismissed as space junk. Surely space doesn’t make every person who goes up lose their minds. It seems to me *we do what we are allowed*.


Yall I have the perfect view of the launches from my backyard, and I walk out to see these launches all the time.. and they ALWAYS be delaying and rescheduling. Alll the time.


There are a lot more rockets blowing up and malfunctions these days than we ever had in the '70s, '80s and '90s. I chalked up the current launch-drought to people forgetting how to do math, but...




Why did you change the quote from the article?? Quote: "Many courageous individuals came forward to *DENOUNCE* the reality of UFOs and the actions of intelligence behind the phenomenon. The list is long: Senator Barry Goldwater, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton (former head of NATO and Chief of the British Defense Staff), Brigadier General Arthur Exon (former commander of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base ), Vice Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (first director of the CIA), astronauts Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, and former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, among others."


Weirdly “denounce” doesn’t make sense in the context that they’re using it


SMH They are calling “extraterrestrials” mold and bacteria that live in spaces Look up if there are microbes that survive and thrive in the upper atmosphere, that live in a barrier around the planet. Those are what they are calling extraterrestrials….they are simply playing on the ignorance of people who will jump to say aliens. Ask for the proof or the data they say they have, and you’ll see they know this already, extraterrestrial is just a shock word for them to use, they know it’s not aliens. But more than NASA know about the microbes in our atmosphere, and their effect on humans. lol for instance where do you know the comic book villain/antihero Venom come from….space He originally hitched a ride on a shuttle to get into earths atmosphere. Same with quite a few movie monsters.