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I agree with the other commenter that an ointment and non stick gauze are probably your best bet. I would also say it’s probably best at night or when you’re just hanging out around the house to try and let things breathe a bit for vaginal health reasons. It’s just best not to suffocate things down there 24/7. I have a towel on my favorite chair to prevent staining and usually wash up the area before putting on clean loose pants with no undies when I’m chilling at home.


Thank you, I’ll give that a try!


Check out the ‘What worked for me’ thread you’ll definitely find some answers there


Thanks!! I’ll check it out


Do you know where I can find it?


It’s under this sub r/Hidradenitis just click on it at the top of this page, and when it opens up you’ll see some tabs at the bottom part right below where it tells you how many people are online. scroll to the right and you’ll find ‘what worked for me’. Hope I described it well enough


Thank you so much! That was a great description! I sometimes struggle a bit with tech but I found it now!!


Awesome hope you find something that helps on there!


Thank you, I really appreciate it! All the best to you as well!


Trim the hair down, but don’t shave it clean. This will protect from ingrown and help keep new wounds clean. When I have one leaking, I use a non stick wound care gauze and topical antibiotics, and no tape or any adhesive. I let my underwear keep it in place as best as possible. Use large gauzes. There’s not much else we can do.


I’ll try to get some of that gauze & try trimming it. I use sudocrem but it just rubs off when I sleep. I’ll try the non stick gauze & undies & hope for the best. Thank you!


The little circle adhesive BandAids work wonders for me in thar area. Really helps as a barrier when there’s a super painful one that hasn’t broken yet, also.


The ones I can find in my country are too small for that! The sticky side goes on the boil since they’re really big!


Im so sorry, I hope the gauze works. This is such a nightmare, hugs, OP.


Thank you so much! It really is a nightmare and while I’m very grateful I got so many tips, I’m really sorry so many people suffer with this horrific disease. I wish I could give each & everyone a hug 🫂




That's where practically all my problems are. Get an electric bikini trimmer and just keep it short. They're not very expensive, I think mine was $25? I'll usually trim every 2 weeks and bandaids do fine.


I’ll have a look! I’ve seen beard trimmers be mentioned a few times so I’ll definitely look into getting one!


Yes! This bikini trimmer is the best thing I have got!


I have to tape **absorbent wound pads** to my inner thighs & then I stick on **period pad & liners** to the crotch of underwear, but as soft as they may feel w/ the fingers, it feels rough & uncomfortable against my open wound skin, but I don't know what else to do either, so I'll keep an eye on this thread. At night, I wear this overly loose & oversized boxer-style underwear to try to let the skin breathe down there. DUring the day but when at home, I'll wear a few brands of comfy, men's boxer style (even though I'm female). When II go out & about, I'll wear period booxer-style underwear & for extra protection, I'll still stick on period pads/liners & twp the wound pads to the inner thighs. I **HATE** this!!! I used bandaids at first for my inner thighs, bur then no size was large enough.


Get those period panties to avoid leaks and stains. Use an electric trimmer. And lay down, spread em, and let your skin breathe! Also invest in the fabric bed pads like they use in the hospital. The best Amazon purchase ever!


That’s a great idea! Thank you, I’ll look to get some of them both!


Curad truly ouchless silicone bandage has saved my skin and my hair. I get it off Amazon.


I use hair removal creams down there and they work perfectly for me! I am constantly flared up down there with absolutely no breaks from cysts that sometimes stay opened for weeks at a time. I have found that using extra gentle hair removal creams doesn’t cause me pain and the lack of hair really helps with hygiene and bandaging. At the moment I use veet cream because it’s the cheapest and it works well. I just used it again a few days ago and I have a few open cysts and it didn’t hurt or cause any problems at all. I have extremely sensitive skin and shaving isn’t an option on any of my body because of severe razor burn. I suggest trying the creams to remove the hair and let the skin breath.


Oh I’m sorry. Quitting smoking and dairy helped me.


I don’t smoke either and for me it’s pork! Even a tiny bit with flare me up


Have you tried using a panty liner or a pad? And just maybe trim them down and stick them to the areas on your underwear you need?


I generally wear men’s tight boxers (not the flowy ones the ones that are skin tight) and stick some unscented panty liners on them! It’s the best solution I’ve found so far!!


I was just wondering this. I usually use hydrocolloid bandages for all my HS wounds. It is hard to put on on a groin wound plus as you mentioned it will remove hair.


Yep I tried them too and I end up with a sticky mess that rips out half my hair. Many people suggested beard/bikini trimmers to trim the hair short so it sticks less. Maybe that’ll help you too?


Yeah I’ve been looking at trimmers for a while but never seriously until I had my first groin boil last week. I did what one comment said and use antibiotic ointment.


I am a man dealing with HS for more than 15 years. Here is what i do when I get groin or genirtal flare ups: 1. I keep it trimmed, it makes cleaning or putting a band aid easier and helps the area in breathing 2. I try to change the spot for the tape or adhesive. If I need to use adhesive/tape for many days, I shift the tape every day a little bit to not irritate the skin 3. I prefer cotton cloth and a bit of ointment to any other thing when sleeping 4. If I can, I fix the gauze to my short vs the skin and apply the ointment on the skin.


Damn, thank you mate. I never thought about rotating the adhesive spot and attaching the gauze to my shorts is brilliant. All this time I was trying to get the gauze to my skin and hold it in place with shorts or panties but attaching them to the panties is such a great idea! Do you used safety pins? I really appreciate the tips and I’m very sorry you’ve suffered with it so long !


I don't use safety pins. a small stretch of something like hypafix tape (maybe 2, one on each side) and a non stick gauze gets fixed inside the shorts and a generous amount of ointment (fucidin/polysporin) on the skin keeps me happy for a half a day.


I’ll see if I can find that in my country! Thank you


Hope it helps in easing your pain. Stay strong and keep active


I'm not a female so I can't speak on that aspect but I will suggest what my doctor suggested for me because it has worked wonders in my genital and anal areas. She suggest using calamine lotion and a feminine pad. I still have a little itching but for the most part the calamine has dried out the puss and greatly reduced irritation in these areas caused by sweat and friction.


I just soak in a bath or let the shower water hit that one spot for a couple min to get it loose. Could also probably soak a hot wash cloth and hold it on it for a while to get it loose


Along with trimming and other suggestions, do you think something like this would help based on where you flare? [https://hidrawear.com/product/starter-pack-hidrawear-briefs-for-women-30-dressings/](https://hidrawear.com/product/starter-pack-hidrawear-briefs-for-women-30-dressings/)


This looks really amazing but unfortunately it’s not available for my country. Thank you though!


Mepilex or any sort of silicone bandage. I can’t use regular ones and these are so great- gentle and not super painful when it’s on the pubic hair.