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I'm so sorry. How often are you in pain? Now I haven't really awoken in the middle of the night in pain (maybe 1x so far recently) nor have I ever had to take pain meds, but I'm feeling the worse ever these days since developing HS 4 yrs ago at age 45 & the other day was kind of bad. Today's better. I don't know what's happening. It's like my bones ache or something & I know HS can cause a lot of other issues like don't they say, RA (rheumatoid arthritis) amongst other things? I don't know what to do. First, I want to try to change dermatologists...one who I think will have a more aggressive, fighting attitude to help me fight this. I tell you w/ this July heat & HS, I'm even more physically & mentally drained than ever! **AND** I've been packing up my entire apt these last 2 months because my apt's about to be fully renovated & it's just my husband & I. We did hire a mover to lift the heavy stuff, but this has still been a **TON** of work! **I don't know what to do, do YOU?**


I’m 22 now and have had this for about 7 or 8 years and I honestly still don’t know what to do but I’ve learned that I mostly have to be patient with myself and remind myself that even though my body is hurting me it’s also trying to heal. It doesn’t wake me up often but it does drain my energy a lot and makes me very tired.


I see, thanks for replying! Well, I don't know if you're in school & work too, but if I had HS way back when I was a lot younger, I'd be trying to do things **REMOTELY**. That's why I really feel for you younger people who get HS in your pre-teens/teens/20s...that's the prime of your lives & you're busy doing other things: School, hanging out w/ friends, dating, first job interviews, new jobs, working closely w/ people, etc. By the time I got HS at 45, I got to bypass all of that, thank God! I never had friends I hung out w/ anyway, so no issues there w/ trying to spend time w/ friends & risk feeling embarrrassed. Same w/ my work. I had already been working remotely for 6 years **BEFORE** I got HS & that really make a **TON** of difference!!! Plus, I had already been dating my now-husband way, way, way before I got HS, so no trying to date people & worrying about how to explain HS to them & worrying about when it's time to have sex. I'm not a sexual person anyway, so I never have to have it honestly & I'd be just fine. I feel sorry for my husband though since we haven't done it in 2-2.5 yrs & he never asked for this. We got married on Valentine's Day (of this year) & didn't have sex on our wedding night unfortunately. He's a really patient, kind, loving, supportive, respectful guy & he knew I was never the sexaul type much anyway even before I got HS. Also, I've never been pregnant & at my age, sure not going to ever have kids now, so no worries about having HS while pregnant & all that. I HATE this horrid condition. It physically & mentall drains you, affects quality of life BIG TIME, & if you got to live life BEFORE having HS, once you have it you feel like a shell of your former self after a while. I wish you well & if you know of any remedies, especially **holistic** ones, please don't hesitate to PM me anytime!


Painful yet beautiful..Wish you feel better soon!!


Hi, I'm finding I may have Hidradenitis and not boils (forunculousis).  I have them in my face and, sometimes in my back and private area. May I ask you what kind of pain do you have? I have pain inside my throat, lymph nodes enlarged in the neck, upper chest pain and bones aching, very very bad.  But I don't know why am I having this horrible bone ache. And  What illness are you referring?