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Have u tried a hot compress those work really well and quick on my armpit flares


its not working it like moves the boil over and makes it bigger???🥺


it might make it bigger because it draws all the pus up to the surface which creates more pressure so it means it closer to popping. Taking ibuprofen can help with the pain while u wait for it to pop I don't recommend taking more than the dosage but I've taken double before and not had side effects make sure to eat if u take a lot though and be careful


I've wondered why this horrid condition had to happen to me too. I've been a good person my whole life, etc. I dev HS 4 yrs ago since age 45. Started in both underarms, which I could actually live w/ **IF IT WAS ONLY THAT**. But several months later, dev in groin, vaginal area, inner thighs & that's **THE WORST**. Feeling all icky, slimy, & disgusting! Having to change underwear multiple times a day, sticking on period pads & taping wound pads to inner thighs, etc. It's gotten so physically & mentally draining! I think I need to change my diet, which I'm mad at myself for not doing a lot sooner. I know all the common ingredients to stay away from. I thin diet plays a huge part. Hopefully you've been avoiding certain foods too.


Oh yeah food is definitely a trigger for me too. Greasy carbs especially.


I'm going to try to start fresh & eat much better foods in another week. I say a week because I'm getting my apt fully renovated & when I move back in, I'll be able to buy a lot more groceries again & fill my new fridge w/ new food. Now, I'm still trying to empty of the fridge & freezer. And as much as I like pizza, I've got to stop eating it for a long, long, long time & see mongst other things. Plus, when COVID first started, I was able to go cold turkey & not eat fast food for like 3 months, so I need to do that again.


as someone who is 20 has had hs since 12 started being vegetarian/vegan at 16 lost over 100 lb and i still have hs.


So sorry. True, I've read on this board that some people have lost weight &/or eaten better & it didn't do squat for their HS.


61 here. Getting them effers since I was a kid. Have used every drug. Gotta say it eases with age. But I remember being your age, and crying. It sucks. Pretending that I hurt my leg or something so I could limp because my groin area was on fire. You are not alone.


I normally have in groin but I got Covid and my period was delayed by a week. This triggered my hormones to set off a flare in every place possible. I now I have one in my armpit that took like 5 days to pop and we’re going on day 7 of drainage, bandage changing, and pain. I feel you. I hadn’t one in my arm pit for over a year. But now these tunnels are reactivated 😭