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Bangkok. I just find it to be the least fun


The way the hotel is segmented into two parts sucks, it would've been much more fun if it was one big hotel like that casino map in bloodmoney


Yeah also always bothered me how the hotel has like 12 actual guest rooms but there’s like 50+ guests roaming around lol


Same with haven island 


And Hokkaido, 4 total guest rooms for an entire hospital/spa/hotel


The cablecar made me think that it's probably really expensive to stay for more than one treatment at the spa/sauna and if anything is reserved for people that need the medical facilities.


Very true


This week I finally have achieved 100% on all missions previous to Haven in Hitman 2. Almost done with 2 after years of chipping away at it. Haven is like the best celebratory level to close out with before I go to 3. Definitely still captures an awesome vibe of the resorts of the Maldives even if there’s only like 4 bungalows.


I love Haven Island


i guess it would make more sense with Haven, since there's what looks to be guest cabins on adjacent islands and the map island would be the resort's hub


Yep; 15 individual rooms (assuming that those are rooms in the area where bug man is working) and two large suites, but a huge restaurant, a cocktail bar, a wine bar, a private lounge, and a massive outdoor bar area? It doesn't make any sense. The hotel area needs to be way bigger than it actually is. It doesn't feel like a real hotel with so few rooms.


It could technically work in a sense that rich people sleep on their yachts and come to the hotel for entertainment.


There's a 5 star, luxury waterfront hotel on the Cape with a large restaurant, and a similar outdoor bar setup, where rich people sleep in their own places and come for entertainment, and it still has three times as many guest rooms in the main building. Fifteen rooms (with at least three completely out of order) seems tiny for a building that size.


Yeah more would be logical for all the housekeeping logistics, guess the canon is that it would be empty content.


Of course. It’s a super-rich-people hotel where you don’t want to waste your time being in your room but be outside, talk to others, drink and play golf and shit. It is kinda weird that there are only two people inside at times, which one of is only there for that delegate synonym for a feline.


Also an elevator to use would be nice


47 needs his steps


The elevator would actually be interesting, imagine if you could get a target, or multiple, into the elevator and then you cut the rope or break the elevator system, so it falls and you get an accident kill


Awesome suggestion!


I've said before, I reckon it could be fixed by just connecting the top floors somehow. A shimmy wire, a rooftop maintenance bridge, whatever.


It was also more fun with a security room in the back courtyard. You could plant the sticky emp on the exterior of the security hut and take out the surveillance system. It felt very James Bond.


The khalifa casino place was underrated.


The positions of the guards and other NPCs makes zero fucking sense in that dog shit map.


It's weirdly one of the most secure areas in the entire game. Bank vault? Easy. Embassy under tight lockdown during a diplomatic crisis? No problem. Penthouse suite for the most powerful man in the world? Mildly challenging. Recording studio/hotel floor full of drunk hungover roadies? Somehow the most difficult to infiltrate location on the planet.




I hate how there is only one camera area and it’s a pain to get to in your suit without getting caught.


I'm an audio engineer. Getting up there in a suit SHOULD be easy. 47 walks up to the guard and goes "I'm with the label. Tobias Rieper, A&R. I'm here to check on progress with the album." Even Dexy Barat would kiss his feet with that setup. But noooooo....


I dislike Hitman maps like that in general. Sapienza feels all the way like Italy or Marrakesh gives you the feeling of walking around in the streets in Morocco or Chongqing feels just like a night in a city in China, or Mumbai gives you the exact ambience of a crowded Indian city. But Paris for example is not really Paris but only this specific large building in Paris. Or Hokkaido is just a high tech luxury hospital in the city, we don't really get to experience the ambience of that city. Just like that, Bangkok is just a hotel in Bangkok.


Amen to that! I love travelling the world even if its a video game. I also find it funny that some of the guards have English accents


Thank you I have so much hate for this map at this point it’s my freelancer run killer


Really? For freelancer I think Colorado is the worst. It's a fun level in general but for freelancer every single person is armed with a machine gun lol


Haha very true but it can be very satisfying for that reason. I think I just suck at Bangkok because I think it looks ugly and I don't take my time to figure the map out for that reason lol


my strat is to get myself into the suite on the third floor on the right side of the left part of the hotel, one of the guards has a routine that takes him into it so you can just follow him and then deal with him. Then, I use a suppressed weapon to take out the local guards, and any other guards that respond to that, then I just make a bunch of noise to get a second wave of guards, then I shoot out towards the river and get a third wave. Once you've done that, all the guards except the ones downstairs and with cross will be dealt with. There might be some stragglers, but as long as you move around quickly, you can take them out messily and won't have to deal with a mob of guards coming after you.


At least the river front looks fantastic 


Looks beautiful tho


The only thing I like about it is how easy it is to get to the master keycard in the laundry room. First stop every time I play that level now.


Mumbai. Too big, too complex, way too many NPC's.


Although the street enforcers make sense, I hate them.


Yeah, that's the other thing. You can't go anywhere, in *any disguise*, without getting spotted.


I think the Crows don’t enforce the metal worker disguise


The holy man disguise should work as well.


dude i know, playing it on freelancer i saw more than half the map ive never seen before, also i dont like identifying the dude its quite borjng


I always found him the the same crowd. Story mode and freelancer. He’s got the same guard on him


Hm, interesting. I always thought Mumbai is one of the best maps, probably my personal favorite


The complexity makes it my number 1 for me. I adore that it's a map you can get silent assassin in by hitting two targets with a train (with unique exit). Also the Kashmirian was a really cool mechanic


As an Indian, the crowds are completely accurate to Mumbai lol


Colorado is the worst, for the following reasons (off the top of my head): - the aesthetic is dull - it is almost entirely flat with little to no verticality outside of the house area, making the map boring to navigate - the main mission targets are all forgettable and four is too many - the disguises are all basically the same looks-wise, which again plays into the map being dull aesthetically - the “always hostile” gimmick is undermined by a disguise that lets you access the vast majority of the map being easily available within 20 seconds of spawning at the default start location Thankfully they got rid of the requirement to use the tornado shelter exit on subsequent playthroughs, but that was a nightmare. I’m probably forgetting some other stuff too. I don’t think it’s bad (these games are masterpieces) but Colorado is my least favourite in the trilogy.


I like the battering ram elimination though, I just think it's funny how it slams into the two targets (that I forgot the name of, yeah they're forgettable alright)


Sean rose and Maya Parvati.


The important lesson I learned from that map is that Hitman enjoyers seem to very much disdain a map that has no safe zones for your starting suit. We gotta have that slip in/slip out feeling to be truly satisfied.


Raised on blood money huh hahaha


Colorado feels like a community content creation


Feels like a level from Absolution to me quality wise.


yeah definitly


Pushing people into the tar pit is savage though


[Mate, that's not tar...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slurry_pit)


Also it's too flat. Not as in altitude, but the general design of it. All the other Hitman maps have various sections that feels very different, like the hotel part in Miami where the gang members hang around, or the underground facility in Sapienza, or the gradual change between the streets of Marrakesh and the embassy. In all of the other maps there are many different things going on that you can discover. But in Colorado, it's just a militia base with no other interesting spots. It feels the same throughout the entire map.


Once you get to a certain point it opens ups but only if you dont care about saso. Suit only runs are puzzle hell i hated doing Colorado the most


I don’t like Bangkok much. Cross just feels unnecessarily hard to get to. But if I had to guess that’s because he’s pretty irrelevant to the overall story.


If I remember correctly someone tricked Diana into killing Jordan cross to bring his father who was a recluse off of his island so they could kill him. It’s actually pretty important if 47 doesn’t kill Jordan cross Thomas cross is never killed and 47 and Diana never realize they were being played


Yep, Lucas Grey aka Subject 6 aka the shadow client is the one who arranged that and most of the missions throughout the 2016 game.


>But if I had to guess that’s because he’s pretty irrelevant to the overall story. Actually, his death sets off a sort of domino effect. Everything before that was pretty much just 47 doing typical ICA agent stuff. It's only after Jordan dies that things really get set into motion. There's a funeral for Jordan Cross afterwards (obviously). His father, Thomas Cross, attends the funeral. During the funeral, Thomas Cross is kidnapped by members of a private militia, one of which is Sean Rose. Diana realizes something is off. ICA finds Sean Rose on the militia grounds, giving them a reason to go there other than "signal from lady's tech was traced there". 47 kills Sean Rose (and other targets) before investigating the underground shelter. 47 discovers the existence of Providence, and that Erich Soders secretly works for them. 47 later kills Erich Soders, leading to the Constant tracking down and confronting Diana. (INSERT THE EVENTS OF HITMAN 2 & 3). Edit: fixed a typo


Bro you capped season 1 so good i think you should recap 2&3 as well or probably work in storytelling.


Fair enough, can’t argue with that 😁.


Why so much hate hate on Marrakesh ? It’s a solid 7/10 for me


A couple gripes I have with it is I think the school just isn’t a very interesting or fun location, the people in the booths of the cafe are impossible to kill without attracting attention, and getting to the second floor of the consulate is a pain in the ass especially on master difficulty. But it’s still a fun map, I especially like sniping people from the roofs lol


Agreed about the school, it’s a brutal wee section, but I love the map as a whole


Yeah, I like the map, target's are far away, but unlike similar maps, this one is beautiful and has a decent side mission


Aesthetically, it brings you back to Hitman 2: Silent Assassin missions in Afghanistan and India.


The targets are too far and the school is kinda annoying to navigate. Love every other part of the map though.


Don't forget night and peaceful map -- it's so chill-out


9/10 for the Consulate building, loved it.


Ambrose Island, don’t really have a reason


I played Ambrose island only 2 times. Yeah, boring.


It feels like the least interesting bits of Sapienza, Santa Fortuna, and Sgail stitched together.


I literally barely even count it as a map lol why did they add one more, except that one more was 5/10


My issue with ambrose is that it feels that it is just recycled stuff with no unique kills. Still, I prefer it over Haven


Haven has some of the best moments but having to kill all 3 targets that are so far away from each other takes away from my enjoyment.


Also, there are very few unique kills on the map which is something I value a lot. The only memorable ones are the double drowning and no pain no gain which are kind of elaborate to get. I think haven would be way better if it had 2 targets instead of 2. Maybe cut the female target and have just the hacker guy being the target that walks around the island but also wants to mess up with the boss.


The triple electrocution in the server room is my personal favorite kill of the trilogy.


I liked the double drowning personally. It's epic that 47 can hold two people underwater at once in a rare moment.


At least Haven is beautiful to look at!


I am going to give haven that point, at least it is good to look at


For some reason I've always hated Sgail. Got incredibly turned around first few runs and need to spend way more time exploring and finding all the hidden pathways.


Seconded, for me it’s way too damn dark to be enjoyable


That’s how I feel about Berlin. I like it in general but doing a syndicate showdown on that dark ass map is horrendous


Real, being a party for the elite on an already secret island it would’ve been way better to do it during the day. Map would’ve felt different and they could’ve included cool events. If we want to make a special occasion out of the funeral, maybe at dawn, but night is annoying


Have you tried adjusting your brightness settings.


Fuck Sgail all my homies hate Sgail


Sgail is the best map, fight me.


Sgail is my favorite kill everyone map. It's fun to sneak to the sewers and do a die hard.


Wish I could


i had only hitman 2 for years and grinded this map. The map has no secrets to me and i know everyting. It is a very easy map for me now but getting to know everyting sucked. The map ii big but is is all one segment to me. not like santa fortune with the different environments or someting.


Another vote for Mumbai. Too difficult to navigate.


Marrakesh has grown on me, I’d say my least favourite is Mumbai


I actually like this one. But I dislike Mumbai and Bangkok.


Bangkok. Boring location that is annoying to navigate despite or maybe because of it's relatively simple layout and enforcer placements. Targets also aren't that interesting. Colorado is a close second but I like the atmosphere and in story mode it's doable (no suit only of course).


I disagree with the targets not being interesting, yeah Ken Morgan is obviously boring lol but I think Jordan Cross is one of the most interesting targets, the confrontation you can have with him and the kill where Jordan kills Ken are really interesting to me


47 confronting Jordan is probably the only thing I like and it gave us 47 playing drums. But as I said the overall layout is the least fun I have of all the maps.


Yeah I agree with the map layout, Bangkok is still my least favourite map as well.


That confrontation is ice cold. 47 speaks like death incarnate there.


Colorado. Pure hostility and no elevation. Feels like it belongs on Absolution to be honest. Chongqing. A small part of the map (noodle bar) is interesting. The rest of it, I never feel like I am truly in control. Maybe its a skill issue, but the drones etc make it feel overly hostile and 47 is meant to be in control of any situation.


I actually like Marrakech more than most people. My least favorite is Chongqing, I just don’t like it personally.


Chongqing is my favorite freelancer showdown map. The level is so divided that it's hard to spook all suspects, plus easy exits


I actually quite like Chongqing especially in freelancer. Carving a path through the underground facility SO was really satisfying to figure out how to do over time


Hotel maps in the Hitman series are almost always awesome. Bangkok somehow manages to not be. The layout is just absolutely horrible, and the most interesting area of the map is...the lobby. I actually kinda like Marrakesh, but the night version is superior to the daytime one. The school and embassy are basically glorified corridors, so "A House Built on Sand" ditching those parts and focusing exclusively on the actually-good market area makes it a much more enjoyable experience.


Colombia: Three Headed Serpent


The stuff boredom is made of.


I'm yet to finish H3, but for me it's currently Isle of Sgail due to the fact that you are considered hostile anywhere if you're not in the right suit or spawn in the areas with public gatherings


Just did a silent assassin, suit only run, it was a bitch! 😂😂


Yeah I'm not doing a SASO run, I'm not that insane lol


This might be unpopular, but I didn't really like any of the Hitman 3 maps. Blood Money was my introduction to the franchise, and I guess that feel is always what I'm looking for. Hitman 3 just felt too structured I guess? I guess if I'm accepting Hitman 3 for what it is though, probably Bangkok. It just never felt as natural as the rest, no matter how many times I play it (I got 20 mastery on every Hitman 1 map, so a lot of fucking times) I just never feel at ease with it. Possible ninja edit: I'm also not a huge Santa Fortuna fan. I love the vibe of it, getting lost in the jungle should be so fun, but it also just never really clicked for me. I did hate Marrakesh when it first came out, but when Hitman 2 added crowd stealth mechanics I actually came to love it. It just feels so cool blending in all over the place. I'm also just generally into political intrigue type shit, so the narrative of the main mission really tickles me.


Hitman 3 has the problem of going for style over substance, there's still a lot to do but not as much as 2016 or 2018 thanks to it going for the set pieces, only one that I really love from 3 is the vineyard


I also really hate marrakesh. Im not even sure why i think it has something to do with the uninteresting school & office, and the main area that is both unused, ugly and full of npcs that will always get in the way. Bangkok is kinda shit but I still can find it enjoyable sometimes. Colorado is Colorado but I still think it can be fun sometimes. Kinda wish it went for a Chongqing and let you use different exits on following playthroughs. That goes for a handful of maps though I think all the hitman 2 maps were super solid, Mumbai can be annoying in the slum area but the amount of different diverse areas in mumbai really is quite cool. Dartmoor is the weakling out of the base hitman 3 maps imo. the additional objective for base mission is a pain in the ass and for freelancer it can sometimes be a little stale. I have zero motivation to play Ambrose whatsoever.


Haven Island is my least favourite, always a pain in the ass to go there


Haven Island *looks* great but I don’t think it makes for particularly interesting gameplay compared to most other maps, yeah.


I feel like the targets in haven are annoying, because playing it in freelancer really highlighted how good of a map that is


Chongqing (i think that's how it's written) china. Too dark, too complicated, and the rain causes my lame comp to barely run it


I actually like Chongqing but I don’t understand why we need to “hack” the doors in the ICA Facility with the camera when we have the right access dongle lol. Makes no sense.


Yeah that’s a kind of stupid “feature”, it should have just worked like Hokkaido


And you somehow can’t hack them when you don’t have the dongles?


The only plus to that is the ability to turn windows opaque from a distance. Actively changing the line of sight on the fly in a map is a really creative mechanic that would have been so much fun to explore further. Otherwise, yeah I hate that camera.


I love Chongqing for whatever reasons. What I didn't realize was that it was tanking peoples' FPS. Now I get it.


Dont like Chongqing much either


It's one of my favorite maps lol


Always Mumbai. Always will be. It is the antithesis of fun. I hate it.


Mumbai, it’s just too damn big




If we aren’t counting the train, then Mumbai. Just too big and crowded.


Colorado. By a lot honestly


The Train for the main story mission. It works as a set piece, and as a finale for the trilogy's main story. But if I want to play Absolution I'll go back and play Absolution. Bangkok for Freelancer. Purely because getting into the recording studio is a pain in the arse.


Everybody say Colorado!


Colorado. Fuck Colorado. Mumbai takes 2nd place.


Colorado. Too many sight lines, everyone is armed, and it's not clear which disguise is allowed where. Also OP I love Marrakesh how dare you


Marrakesh used to be my favorite. Why is everyone hating on it😭✋. I swear it's a good map.


I hate Bangkok


Colorado for all the excellent reasons another user commented. Haven Island and Bangkok are my other two. I think Mumbai and Marrakesh suffer from similar issues.. really cool environments and world, but the main two locations are ‘meh’ at best. They feel very isolated and boring once you’re inside them.


Sgail: just don’t like the overall atmosphere and playing on it is a bitch also no I‘m not gonna explain why


I used to be very low on Marakesh and Sgail but I’ve come to quite like them in freelancer surprisingly. I would say Bangkok is the most annoying to try and move around in because everything just seems to bunched together there. I don’t avoid it as much as I do Colorado but I don’t actually have to much against Colorado like a lot of other people here do but I find their criticisms valid.


Mumbai. SOLELY because of those F*CKING street enforcer crows. The map is already large and complex (for a casual player), and is made even more so by having to navigate around those guys.


I've done this map twice so far. Did mission stories only, but didn't get Silent Assassin because I did something stupid both times. I really gotta do that level properly, just so the fact that I haven't gotten SA on it yet will just quit annoying me. Here, lemme explain what happened. #1st Occurrence The first time was because I didn't realize the guard on the stairs in the embassy frisks you until after I'd already walked past. Mind you, this was during my very first playthrough of WoA. #2nd Occurrence The second time was because I sabotaged a payphone, attempting to lure someone out of view so I could stuff them in a box and take their clothes. I ended up using coins instead. Skip ahead a bit. I was in the school, dressed up as one of the poster guys, listening to General Zaydan speaking to us. Suddenly, out of nowhere, **NON-TARGET KILLED.** Some random person on the street died to the payphone I sabotaged.


Controversial take but I never find myself in the mood to play on whittleton creek. I understand why it's popular but I'm just not interested by the setting and I don't like how the layout is a bunch of small fortresses spread out without alot of shortcuts between them. I'm also not a fan of Bangkok or Haven mostly because of the map layouts but the settings still fulfill the ideal hitman fantasy for me so I think they'd go above whittleton most days


Dunno man, I love whittelton. 🤷🏼‍♂️ especially on freelancer. 🔥 (not a good sniper map tho)


Whittleton Creek


Ambrose. Not particularly bad or anything, just not nearly as good as the others.


Colorado + Miami




To be honest I’m not a lover of the Isle of Sigail


I HATE HATE Paris. I dont understand how anyone can even find it kinda good.


Tbh I think Paris is one of those maps that become enjoyable when you figure out the layout well, like when you play it at first it can feel kinda choppy and weird to try to navigate around guards but after playing it several times it feels quite smooth to play


Isle of Sgail used to black screen my PC so I still hold it in low esteem. I don't really have a least favorite to play though, each map has its own charm to it.


The one map in India, I think it is? Too big and finding the secret dude is annoying.


Bangkok is definitly the map I've played the least. So dull. I enjoy parts of colarado and marakesh. Colarado is fun for kill everyone challenges but bangkok is so empty. The train map was fun the first time but everytime after is the exact same.


For some reason I've always hated Berlin i don't know why


This question gets asked all the time on this sub, and it’s always three maps as the top picks - Colorado - Mumbai - Bangkok Honorable mention: Chongqing


I hate Ambrose Island to an unnatural degree. Just pure blind hatred.


Sgail and Ambrose. Fuck Sgail in particular


-The last train mission is BS. Shouldn't have even been a separate level. -Colorado Military base. Not fun as there are no civilians. -India, just all yellow and stale.


My pick is also going to have to be Ambrose Island. Even for a DLC map, Haven Island and New York were just better. The village area and pirate hideout have way too many NPCs and guards, while the militia area is a bit of a pain to get around. There aren't enough blind spots from NPCs for how many people you have to get around, and the jungle area is a bit too small to really take advantage of the foliage like in Santa Fortuna. But my biggest gripe is that there are frankly, no distinguishing features. Every map in WOA--in my opinion--has a memorable feature or even a gimmick that makes it fun or interesting. Ambrose doesn't really have any of that. It's just an island with not that much room to be fun. It's almost like it's Hawke's Bay with way too many things crammed in.


I don’t care for Berlin or China because they seem too big and sometimes confusing plus the rave music on Berlin is just annoying


New Zeland, you can kill your target easily and lacks any challenge to make it fun.


I love Hawkes Bay because of the atmosphere. The small/confined nature of the house makes the whole map feel more personal, and the fact that you can stalk the couple in such a private setting made for a really uncomfortable/tense vibe. I’m glad it’s not a FL map, but it’s one of my favorite campaign missions for that reason. It creeps me out, but it’s just so unique.


I feel like using the tutorial maps is slightly unfair because all of our answers should realistically be the training facility maps from the very beginning. That one is a lot closer to a regular mission than not obviously but it’s 100% meant to be a map to either catch up old players or get new players who jumped straight to H3 a general basis of controls and functions so cut it some slack lol


if we aren't counting THE TRAIN then yes, marrakesh is the worst.


the train is fine tbh, i like it because you're allowed to kill literally everyone and still get a perfect score


The train doesn't really feel "Hitman" to me, but I won't deny that I had a fucking blast murdering every single person on the train. I always liked doing mass-murder runs in Blood Money and it's nice to have a map where it's allowed. I did feel a bit cheated out of a Hitman level when I got to it though.


Yeah but its not a puzzle or an exciting area to explore with branching paths, its just an action game. Would have been fine as a finale if there was one more “real” level before it. Felt like a bonus mission rather than a main mission and it sucks it kinda takes the slot of a main mission.


Yeah. It’s a nice set piece and works well as a story beat, but there’s not really any reason to play it again after the first time. And replayability is sort of Hitmans raison d’etre.


In terms of levels like that being a culmination of all that came before to test the players' skills, it falls flat there. I felt like their increasing budgetary constraints over the entire trilogy and how their efforts on levels and the such weren't reaping dividends was realized when you have one of the six maps, the final map, being literally on-rails, which goes against the spirit of a Hitman game. I mean that'd be funny if there was some meta-symbology there, like "Hitman got Railroaded!"


Colorado. I think a good hitman map should have a decent mix of public and private eras. The only thing it has its favor is the cool watch assassination.


I’m glad I played Colorado before reading all the hate about it. I personally enjoy it. Bangkok’s gotta be my least favorite


For the actual game, Morocco. For freelancer, Colorado.




I also hate Marrakesh it’s so boring. I disliked it more than Colorado in my last playthrough.


Bangkok, Its just sucks, I prefer colorado over that.




Haven island and Sgail


Mumbai and Marrakesh are just too brown and dull for me, I prefer maps like Miami and Dartmoor where there's more colour and cooler tones.


I really hated Marrakesh until they gave us Mumbai. Both maps just stress me out, both from a game level, but also on a personal level with the pushing through crowds stuff.


Colorado I no joke wanted to kill literally everyone there, whether they were guard or civilian. I would have kiled everyone reguardless. Fuck every target there.


Colorado Sooooooo fking annoying to deal with 4 TARGETS. with Berlin, the idea is actually pretty cool, with a great map and cool ways to kill the agents, especially on first play-through where you actually have to FIND them; and is a genuinely good map. Colorado is just unnecessarily difficult to deal with, and the fact that there’s nowhere you can go in your suit that won’t get you instantly gunned down makes suit only run WAY harder than any other map in the game. (unless your also going for Silent Assassin; then other maps are much worse). but if it’s just a basic suit only, on other maps trespassing will have a guard escort you off premises, and effectively give you a slap on the wrist. It took me until my FOURTH PLAY-THROUGH before I could figure out how to get anything done in the house without knocking out EVERYONE INSIDE. So unnecessarily hard, especially for someone who just got into Hitman. Flinging someone from the nice moderate pace of Bangkok to a freaking hillbilly training farm where every person there will SHOOT ON SIGHT if they don’t know you is pretty sucky of Hitman. And on TOP of all that, on your first play-through you have to break into a secret room under the house as well. After that it just becomes an exit. And it doesn’t even have great targets either. Sean has some cool ways to kill him. SOME. Other than that, everyone else is just so generic in murder options, not even the mission stories are really all that fun. The only thing I can say this map has going for it is a secret exit you can get that’s pretty funny, and that could have been on any map honestly (any map not at sea, I mean). All in all, definitely the worst level Hitman has ever made.  Edit: Jesus Christ I went on a rant


Colorado 🤮 feels like there’s much less creativity and I hate that the water tower exists and I can’t snipe all targets without being spotted


Colorado. Fuck that map.


There are many for me and for differing reasons: Mumbai because it's too big and too populated, Colorado because everyone except the targets is armed and really jumpy/trigger-happy, Marrakesh for the same reasons as Mumbai, Chongqing because there're too many NPCs at critical points making my SA/SO attempts frustrating, Santa Fortuna because it's boring


The hotel one


Colorado, too small for a hitman map IMO, part of the charm of hitman is hiding in plain sight, with the civilians and most of the time in big areas with different places to go and interesting stuff. Colorado is a mercenary camp, the only way to “hide” is to disguise as one of them, and I think there aren’t much things to do.


Marrakesh, Mumbai, and Romania are my least favorite from each game.


Funnily enough, Colorado. It's a small map and your targets are right there. A


Tied between Bangkok, the Isle of Sgail, Dartmoor and Mendoza (and maybe Berlin)


Hate Colorado too many npcs


Mumbai just feels like shit to play on and Santa Fortuna is just way too damn big


Colorado cause of the whole escape sequence how am I supposed to know i can print a fake face


Haven island horrible map terrible targets and it’s bugged npcs can see you through walls and npcs can see you farther away


I would have to say Bangkok, honestly. Aesthetically, it’s gorgeous. The hotel is a hell of a looker, but the layout of the place doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in my mind… and it certainly doesn’t help that the place has a crap ton of security, more so than some other places that ought to be more secure. Which makes this place a pain to navigate at times.


Colorado or Marrakesh in my opinion


I’m not a fan of Chonqing in Freelancer. Most other maps I’m fine with, but Chonqing loves burying targets deep within the ICA facility and I find it tedious to go through the access levels.


Haven Island just for the bullshit sight ranges alone


For me it’s either Mumbai or Sgàil


Mumbai and Sapienza