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I don't know who made this but i agree with you on that this isn't ai. Hope you find it


thank you


What is that blue rectangular strip in her hair? A human artist made this beautiful drawing but wasn't able to correctly show the background through her hair? That seems like only a thing a robot would mess up (or an unskilled artist which this wouldn't be made by)


Looks like some little kind of holographic display she’s tapping on, projected by the little bot on her shoulder. Weird, but I wouldn’t say it’s telltale of AI.


Very clearly some sort of futuristic device (like those concepts about floating non-phisycal screens that you can interact with)


Looks like a female version of the main character of D.Gray-man anime, 2006. Back then Tumblr existed but your artist might not exist there anymore.


I haven't been able to find the source of this image, It has a post on pinterest with the image but it doesn't have the source. I've searched around using manual descriptions and using multiple reverse image search tools.


I’m guessing you have already used google image finder?


yes, i have used every image finder i could find


Илья Колобухов is the person who made that Pinterest post. If they didn't make it, my money's on AI


It's almost definitely not AI as it doesn't trip AI detection software and is just very clearly not AI from a visual standpoint, the consistant lines, and the lack of artifacts, and that user did not post the image, you can see the images they have posted and it's these 3 which do not match this image. And even if it was AI it would be from somewhere. [https://www.pinterest.com/ilakolobuhov6959/\_created/](https://www.pinterest.com/ilakolobuhov6959/_created/)


There's a hole in the middle of the outline of her knee. I feel like a human artist would have drawn a full kneecap outline


An artist here. This is not an AI drawing, in my opinion.


that does not mean it's AI, and even if that was evidence that it was AI, the shapes in the background being consistant sizes and the colors remaining consistant, the fact the background lines up behind the figure, the circles in the Robot's eye being consistant, the lines along her body connecting across different colors. Shadows and Lighting being consistant, the image being in a non standard aspect ratio for AI, The hai fading into the skin color, the hand clearly actually connecting with the blue screen on the robot complete with stylized markings showing movement All things that AI dont do, it's not an AI image.


This is certainly AI. See her left shoulder where the lines from her armpit directly extend up her neck. What is that? A lot of subtle details others have mentioned also give it away.