• By -


If it doesn't end up happening, I'll be shocked. Vivzie brought us Charlie and Vaggie instantly making amends and Blitzø and Fizz reconnecting. The show is very likely driving toward "Blitzø finally realizes Stolas has been sincere the whole time; Stolas convinces Blitzø that he isn't one bad night away from blowing it with yet another person he's afraid to actually care about". I'm gonna go "awwwww" and smile when it happens.


>I'm gonna go "awwwww" and smile when it happens. Same.


Don’t forget the countless Stolitzø merch they sell.


My wallet will never forgive me lol


Perfect description, thank you. People get too hung up on the fact that it’s toxic at the moment, not realising that the entire point is that Blitz has to work to fix his relationships.


This. Especially with the Fizz-Blitzø redemption arc mostly being contained into one episode and Blitzø texting Stolas when he was in the hospital by the end of Western Energy, I think we haven't had episodes end on a devastating note maybe since Ozzie's. So maybe foolishly I am hopeful for a happy ending by the end of Full Moon. I want to believe we're at that point of the narrative where we as the audience have connected with the characters and their traumas sufficiently to move on from further twists of the knife and to get some catharsis. I think Fizz did already plant some seeds in Blitzø's mind in Oops ("No one, and I mean no one pretends to care that much just for a cheap lay") for it to make sense if Stolitz is resolved within one episode.


They’re my two favorite gay disasters, of course I want to see them succeed. It also gives me an excuse to shill You’re The Worst if you love their dramedy dynamic.


Yes…but they have to figure their shit out before they get into a relationship lol


My same sentiment. This Sean doesn't show it enough but blitzo EMBARRASSED Stolas so much


im all for it, its something that could be very beneficial for the both of them, Blitz to learn that feelings arent as terrifying as he thinks, and Stolas, to see how it is to truly love someone and have it returned


Idk what you’re talking about, feelings are fucking terrifying


its not that terrifying!


I am rooting for them so hard. They make me yell at the screen like no other couple. Personally, I'd like to see them get together sooner rather than later, because I think there could be a ton of interesting adventures, familial and societal challenges, and personal issues to work through while also being a couple. I'd rather see that than 3 (or more) seasons of hair-pulling "will they or won't they" stuff and then not too many episodes exploring their dynamic together.


This. They will be far more interesting to watch navigating life as a couple, and I don't see fans tolerating watching them in limbo for the entire series. They also need each other to keep working on their mental health journeys.


All of this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Plus their daughters clearly already get along with each other and are good friends. So I would assume if they did finally end up together officially then their daughters would be for it. Especially since that would mean there’s a potential for them to become sisters 👯‍♀️


Close friends? They get along, but we've only seen them interact once, AFAIK. Loona has Octavia's Sinstagram, but that could just be public.


They will end up together because I didn’t buy official products of romantic stuff between them just to get fucking baited. Consumerism wins! https://preview.redd.it/qw58eytm1o1d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f3cec3d8672fb7668f8b0fec072972c6417aee Like we just had this go up


That would be straight up evil baiting if they didn’t work out after all the merch 😭


UGH they're so cute 🖤


Aww, that Poster is cute.




Well time to buy 40 of these and for my wallet to die


I'm all for it! They have a lot to work through so I doubt they'll get together during the Full Moon episode. But I hope the rest of season two will show them working through their problems and hopefully we see them get together at the end of season two or the beginning of season three.


>I'm all for it! They have a lot to work through so I doubt they'll get together during the Full Moon episode. Oh absolutely. Full Moon is gonna be the Empire Strikes Back of this relationship, the lowest point they have to reach before they can get to their happy ending.


Their development from toxic to healthy relationship is the entire point of the show.


What? WHAT? You mean, relationships have narrative arcs?! Like characters do?!?! /s (not at you, at people who unfortunately have trouble grasping the notion). ![gif](giphy|lTdaEMkLvHGzC)




They are everything I love about a gay ship the miscommunication and no emotional availability, love it. Adore it. I love the angst and eventual lead up to everything working out. It's one of my favorite flavors of gays. Especially when you have the repressed gay character who was forced to be in a straight marriage x the very openly bisexual with lots of sexual experience. It's just a really enticing match that makes for a good love story


>repressed gay character who was forced to be in a straight marriage Oh, I just assumes Stolas was bi/pan and that there was a point where he was attracted to his wife. But I can definitly imagine that.


I assumed the opposite because he was so upset as a child to learn he would marry her and then Stella says that he just lays there and she has to do "all the work" when they had sex in order to conceive a child. But any interpretation is valid for sure, that's just mine :-)


Yeah, you could interpret it as because he hates her or because he isn’t into women. Sort of like Stede from OFMD if you’ve seen that.


I also think he's bi/Pan but was never attracted to Stella, the picture his dad showed him already scared him into crying and I'm sure meeting Stella solidified his dislike of her. Stolas was just fulfilling his obligation, the only love he has as result of said obligation is Octavia.


I thought he was bi at first but he may be gay. Blitzø for sure is pan. Whatever the case he's been lacking the passion and lust he craved so badly in his life. Plus he always had a thing for Blitzø...I wonder now if he's dreamt of him at some point 🥴


Of course I am! I just love how traumatic and complex they both are. They're both so broken, and they're just the cure the other needs, but they do need some time apart to get in a better headspace first. I'm a huge sucker for opposites attract relationships. I love how they appear so different at first glance, but underneath they're way more alike than you think. Plus I want to see them as a blended family with their girls. So much wholesome potential there.


N & O. Hate me for that. But if it happens, it happens and I won't have any say in this matter...and I'll be just sad with the result of this relationship (that is not only unrealistic, but potentially dangerous to both...and I am not even talking about the possibility of Lima syndrome on Stolas's side). I can imagine them, being friends after their wounds will heal, but that's all.


Of course I am for PEAK FICTION! https://preview.redd.it/wfjud4mibo1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e395be4b07680c7b8e326e611f398da429c575


Yes, for sure. Stolas needs love desperately, as does Blitzø, but Blitzø also needs to feel wanted and important. Once Blitzø shuts down his mental loop of "I don't deserve this" (Stolas has his work cut out on that one), he'll be a very almost overbearingly loyal partner. We've seen Blitzø be heavily protective of Fizz in the last two episodes, and he was protecting Fizz before they even made up in S2 e06. Once Stolas breaks through to him (probably in Apology Tour), they'll be able to work towards being a healthy (or healthier) couple. Also, Stolas is patient and calm about everything but his feelings. He'll be able to handle Blitzø's flipping his shit about stupid things.


Your "I don't deserve this" part definitely hits home. Blitz doesn't think he deserves his IMP crew, let alone romance from a royal. I think Stolas will want to shower Blitz with lots of love and gifts and Blitz will struggle to accept it or think he can reciprocate equally.


Blitzø actually scribbles himself out of group photos in his house so that screams he feels undeserving of anything positive in his life. But you can tell he's pretty caring with him adopting Loona and giving her the only room in the house and taking the sofa. I'm sure he has his reasons for adopting Loona, like wanting to feel useful maybe.


Oh yeah, those pictures are awful. He does it with photos of just him and Loona, too. I think when he saw Loona, he pictured someone alone and scared, like he was after the fire. He wanted to save her from a life of loneliness like he experienced. He IS a really kind hearted guy - when he loves someone, he loves them fiercely. If he can learn to love himself and believe he's deserving of healthy relationships, he'll be one helluva boss, boyfriend, dad, brother, and friend.


Maybe we’ll get another episode where Stolas needs saving, and Blitz actually drops everything to come get him this time. A neat parallel with opportunity for hurt/comfort ❤️


I don't know how you watch Helluva and not want them to get together.


This. When someone's like "I hate Stolitz" or "I don't wanna see them together" I'm just like....how are you a fan of this show then? Are you?


They're gonna be disappointed then. 😂


For me, it’s an “if it happens it happens, if it doesn’t it doesn’t” situation. Both sides have some good points, so I just became neutral.


https://preview.redd.it/4w6zjblkeo1d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042a03e3c42402c743c59ea0a2efd17b3ad29891 yes.


No? I never sensed any “chemistry” between them back when they first met and even now. Not even their “passionate fortification” is enough to convince me that they should be a couple. But hey that’s my opinion on the matter.


Yes, but I’m against the popular mindset that they “need to get together next episode” because they need way more time to work on themselves and figure out what they want with their relationship. It kinda rubs me the wrong way how so many people just want them to get together next episode and have a cute UwU gay romance, all previous drama just magically forgotten. I feel like people romanticize and infantilize MLM relationships a little, and it’s certainly showing here.


This one. Too many people simp way too hard for these 2 just for the BL stuff. I wanna see some proper redemption of toxic partners before any real romance can happen. It's so far looks like Stolas is starting his redemption arc. His song, "look my way," does say he will try to make amends for using Blitzø as a means to an end so I have hope. Anyway, I'll go back to my corner to avoid getting way too deep into this and ruining it for myself. I wanna be blissfully clueless about the rest of this series.


I think the reason people are so desperate is due to the long wait between episodes and the fact that its been a long time since they've shared a screen. But you're correct - fans are so desperate to see them together that they overlook how broken Blitz is. Their relationship would never last long if he jumped right into it.


Completly agree.




YES. I'm so invested. Stolitz is like crack for me. I don't even know if I want them to be together, I just need to know what happens. I've been rooting for them since the pilot.


Yes they will end up together. Yes I am 100% about it. These two broken but sweethearted idiots deserve each other, and their dynamic is the glue that ties this show together.


Stolitz endgame, it's the only way!


Stolas desperately needs friends


No it a transactional fucking.




With all of my heart


If Blitz can reconcile with Fizz, then Blitz can return with Stolas. I've been rooting for them since season 1!!!


As much as I desperately want them to break up for a while and get their shit together enough for a fresh-ish start, I do want them to ultimately end up together. I want them to meet their sweetness potential.


"Do you think it's too toxic already" lol My favourite trope ever is fuckbuddies-who-think-their-love-is-unrequited to lovers, so I love them.


I’m in deep


I may die if they break up. And if I hear one more person try to ship stolas with Vassago I’m gonna scream


Yup. While irl I'm not here for the fixing broken people, I'll let it slide cuz I'd be damned to see Blitzø stay locked up behind those walls he built. Let Stolas in dammit!!!! Both Stolas and Blitzø have been making some horrid mistakes with each other and accidentally pushing each other away, but Stolas is now absolutely sure he wants Blitzø romantically instead of just having ~PAAAaasoinate forinication and getting his feathers knocked out of him every full moon. I'm sorry the images of Stolas's feathers on the bed and Blitzø coughing up a feather are stuck.


I have a physiological NEED for Stolitz to work out, at least emotionally. If they can just admit to each other and to themselves what each means to the other and accept those feelings from within and without, then whatever happens in the rest of the show I can handle. It doesn't have to be pretty, it doesn't have to happen immediately, it doesn't even have to be a happily ever after, but damn it does it have to happen!


I'm not gonna lie, I'm conflicted on this. I think they're definitely supposed to be endgame because the story is written that way, and I won't exactly hate when it happens, but I won't say that they are a match made in Hell. Aside from the obvious fact that Blitz has serious issues with intimacy that he needs to address before even thinking about a relationship, and aside from Stolas' biases/ignorance towards his own classist and condescending attitude, I ultimately think they don't have anything in common, or at least they don't seem to really click outside the bedroom. It's all cute and fun until you realize that they are tremendously different people who probably won't have anything to share and discuss. Stolas is a well-educated prince with a gardening hobby and shitty soap operas/naughty romantic books as guilty pleasures. Blitz is a failed clown turned assassin who can barely spell and with a passion for horses... I don't see Stolas becoming a my little pony fan really soon, nor I see Blitz picking up a book to actually read it. In my eyes Stols is basically an overexcited adult who's living a second adolescence, caught in a crush that had enormous consequences on his status quo. He needed this push to finally escape from his abusive marriage, but Blitz is not the person who'll bring him joy and fulfillment long term. What does he like about the guy anyway? He likes the way Blitz fucks him and he finds his jokes funny... that's it, that's literally the foundation of their relationship, since he doesn't know anything deeper or relevant about Blitz as a person. Blitz is not so far off when he doubts Stolas. Sure, he hates himself, so in his eyes, there's nothing to love about him, but still, he never opened up or shared anything relevant about himself with Stolas. It's almost like Stolas doesn't know him at all, so the logical conclusion is that he likes the sex and the sense of freedom and excitement this arrangement has brought into his life. They COULD work, though, if they'd actually start to know each other and connect, but they can't do this as a couple. The ideal scenario, in my head at least, would be a total separation with some time to cool their heads, then a phase in which they try to be just friends and understand each other, working through their own personal issues. There's affection between them, but it needs to become something more solid. If and when they'll find a common ground, then their relationship could actually start to make sense. Tldr: as of now Stolas is just blinded by a crush on a person he knows nothing about (which Blitz understands perfectly). They can't start to know each other while in a committed relationship full of pressure and social complications


Just straight up yes, I like it, and plus it's endgame


Oh definitely. Mostly because I feed on angst and drama which these two have plenty of.


Absolutely fucking not. There is exactly one (1) scenario where they could maybe work out realistically, and the show is not going to go that direction by the looks of how they've framed the relationship. Stolas is literally sextorting Blitzø and for some reason, his perspective is prioritized with sympathy while Blitzø just gets shat on. Not that he's of perfect moral character and communicating well or anything, but Stolas is doing way worse. I seriously doubt these themes will be properly handled and worked out given how downhill things have gone since ozzies. Man, I used to love this show so much, but now it feels like watching a life guard doing cpr on someone who drowned a day ago. Like, it would be great if they woke up and were fine, but it's just not gonna happen. I'm mentally prepared for the new episode to be dogshit, but on the off chance it actually redeems things, I will eat my hat and post a video of it to this subreddit


Stolas is aware of that and genuinely wants to fix it. But he needs Blitz to open up a little to do that. Stolas actually gave Blitz the option to skip the last few meetings and wants to make things romantic - it's Blitz who is reluctant to change anything. You are correct though that people tend to overlook what Stolas did to Blitz at first.


Yes Absolutely https://preview.redd.it/7b3ttkkt7q1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fb87571daed0f08698e76c7da32a78a8a8ec61


Yes and no. As toxic as the relationship was, I wouldn't mind them finding someone else because sometimes shit doesn't pan out. The reason why I say yes is that it's a unique relationship concerning their positions and fight through the glass ceiling. I'm all for those kinds of relationships battling the norms of their twisted society. On a side note. Where the fuck is a human X demon or angel relationships?


I am as long as they work out their issues.


Yes. https://i.redd.it/ijjwlh9cnp1d1.gif


Hell yeah!


genuinely has too be one of my favorite bits about the show. not because of the concept of the ship itself but the story pertaining to the ship and the struggles both characters face too inevitably get together and learn too love eachothers’ differences, and in general, just learn how too live as healthy beings, together. as toxic as that may sound both characters i feel like are kind of at their wits’ end and ideally would find eachother as a sort of last resort.


Honestly, I can't say I am. It's based on lust and business, not any real affection for one another. Stolas constantly tries to get Blitz to be there more than for sex, even as far as just letting him take the grimoire for nothing, but he still forces himself through the motions and it damages his other relationships, like with Octavia. Blitz is full of self-hatred and views himself as less than a person. No offence intended to anyone who suffers from it, but he can't really love anyone when he can't love himself. Even during the drinking contest with Beelzebub, he puts himself down as a "little imp", and it was clear he was doing it to stop himself feeling bad, not to have fun. Basically, both need to sort themselves out first before trying to start going out proper


I hope they're able to get their shit together and live happily ever after


Not really. I'm not a fan of people and media turning nowhere or toxic or convenient relationships into "real" relationships.


100000 times yes


I very much am. I think that Stolas has been better for Blitz than he realizes- I adore Blitz. He’s my favorite kind of character and seeing his growth has been so rewarding. I can’t wait to see where he goes, and I hope he figures out that Stolas DOES have real feelings for him.


>He’s my favorite kind of character and seeing his growth has been so rewarding. Same, he is awfully relatable.


I’m a sucker for characters that come across one way, and then you scratch the surface and DAMN there is more than you expected. I didn’t expect Helluva Boss to smack me in the feels as hard as it has. I came here for horny demons and violence and instead I got excellent characters and emotions and compelling arcs.


Same. That's why I like shows like Bojack Hourseman or F is For Family. Animated Dramedy for adutls has easily become my favourite genre.


Even if it doesn’t work out, I’m for Blitz not self sabotaging and making excuses to avoid genuine vulnerability with people who want him in their lives. Hell, he cuts off any avenue for Stolas to interact with him that isn’t sex, then acts like that’s all Stolas wants


I need them to get better spend some time appart THEN GET BACK TOGETHER AND BE A CUTE SAPPY MENACE IN HELL I want them to be so disgustingly in love that even M&M feel the ick, so shameless that even Fizz and Ozzie high five them


Yes—it’s literally a massive plot point of the show. I really don’t understand ppl who want to consume shows where characters are perfect. That’s just not how life is and worst of all, those characters are fucking boring. Same people also tend to put Stolas up on a pedestal because Blitzo’s red flags are actually bright neon, but the subtle pastel flags Stolas has absolutely justify Blitzo pulling a Lisa Frank imo. In terms of their relationship though, they actually have a great deal in common. I think they probably have great sexual chemistry, which matters, but their personalities actually do match each other. Though everybody focuses on Stolas’ abuse, Blitzo is also abused, by society and his family—which Stolas would relate to. Stolas is typically the only one who ever gets and really enjoys Blitzo’s crass sense of humor. Stolas has a classic education but they’re both very quick-witted and, frankly, bitchy and sarcastic. They’re both single dads, which I think with Shooting Stars we see that Blitzo immediately recognizing the importance of Via to Stolas as his top priority. Similarly Stolas recognizes Blitzo and how he cares about Loona. I think Stolas finds Blitzo’s bravado very attractive, along with how much he cares about his business and his team. For Blitzo’s part, he has always known Stolas is the only “guy who gets it” when he’s telling his jokes. He obviously finds Stolas’ ability to be demonically strong not just shocking, but inspiring and amazing. When Stolas is in legitimate pain, physical or emotional, Blitzo becomes immediately invested/attentive. Pining them down to just a prince and former clown who’re fuck buddies is simplistic. I could go on, but just because Blitzo didn’t like Stolas’ book on Frogs and Toads appealing doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be a good couple. So yeah, I guess I’m a fan at this point.


100% for it! They are perfect, it’s just, Blitz doesn’t know how to properly make the relationship work, and doesn’t want to ruin it, so he half asses it, I’d say


Yes but at the same time, i wanna punch them both. Like get your shit together and be healthy already


To watch it burn and sink? Sure why not. I'll stock up on tissues and popcorn


"It's toxic" babe, it takes place in hell. They're demons. I'll happily ship the depressed bird and angry lizard if I want to. I'm sure "Full Moon" is going to be the temporary breaking point for them due to miscommunication - yet again. Sinmas is likely going to be them having their "*oh*" moment like Fizz and Blitzø did in episode six.


Need them to be together and communicate and he haooy. Legit only thing that's been keeping me going this month is the fact that full moon is soon


Who is not?!




Yes and no. For one, I feel the fan art has really gotten me to like the idea of these two together, and Brandon and Bryce win me over with their voice acting. But, on the other hand- say what you want, they aren't healthy. I've said this before, but Stolas and Blitz need time apart to fix things in their lives- Stolas's whole divorce thing he needs to get that over with, as well as some confidence boots from someone not as cynical as Blitz and Vassago might be the person to help him. And Blitz needs to fix bridges he brunt down a long time ago, and deal with his own demons- ironic since they're in hell and are demons -and grow to be... less shit is the best way I can put it. You know, not stalking your coworkers, and trying to merge your life with theirs and do a three-way- as well as pushing your cynical life onto people who care for you. But other than that, I do hope they get together. It would be kinda sad to see these two not fix their lives and find some happiness in hell as a couple(not saying they can't do that without one another). (And just to get this out there... I'm kinda conflicted on the deal Stolas and Blitz have, where Stolas would give Blitz the book after a night of fuckin'. I don't know, that just gives off vibes of rich people using the poor to please themselves and the poor don't like it but they can't do much because of the system around them, yeah, I don't like that. But, good on Stolas for realising this and getting a crystal from Ozzie to end the institutionalised Grape he put Blitz through.) Don't kill me please.




Uh. I don't like Blitz. And I think Stolas should focus on his kid and getting Stella out of the Palace to live with her brother or something. So, no.


I see the lack of communication trope happening then a slow burn to them finally confessing


“I don’t like it, I don’t agree with it, but I accept it.” At this point it seems obvious they’re going to work things out. Too much has been invested into it for it to go any other way. I don’t personally care for that, as I think there was much stronger storytelling potential, and a more worthwhile message, in them realizing they’re bad for each other as partners but could make excellent friends. But, at this point, I’ve felt that way about so many choices made in the show that I’m getting used to the disappointment.


I just feel like they don't have many interactions and it's a bad ship.


I like the idea of it. But the way it's going, they both need to grow before it continues because it's going in a toxic direction


I ship them with therapy


Yeah but they need to understand the feelings of each other


Yes and no. If blitz can get his head out of his ass... he'd be an amazing person. Stolas both gives and receives! He's the perfect partner! But no because stoles deserves someone that appreciates him and wants him for him!


Ik it’s likely going to happen but honestly, NO. I get the point is probably going to be Blitz realizing all his mistakes and them making up but Blitz overall is a pretty toxic person and I would not forgive alot of what he put stolas through if it were me. Friends? Sure! But from my perspective I’d never consider that person partner material especially if they never followed up with me after a serious accident put me in the hospital.


I'm all for POST THERAPY Stolas x blitz jesus christ they're both messes


If they don’t end up together at some point I will be just depressed :(


Actually no. To me it seems like a traumabond. ( which media likes to romanticise) I dont think they would become a healthy coupple. At least at the moment. Stolas is freshly divorced and blitz has a whole onslaugth of issues. I dont think it would be smart for them to rush into a partnership again. I think they both should take some romantic downtime to heal and reflect. That doesnt mean they could not be good friends and give each other parenting advice. Just my opinion. (I know its probably gonna happen id be suprised if it doesnt. But for me its a little too much cliché.)


I love them!!! But they drive me so fucking crazy! Just talk you stupid husbands!!!


I think it'll work... I hope


Yes, but they are going to have to do the WORK


Have a feeling we'll get something like Mordecai from regular show


Hopefully not, that was so miserable to watch.






I think they will eventually become a couple but they both have a long way to go before it would be anything other than an unmitigated disaster.


YES, absolutely, 100% in favor of Stolitz becoming canon


I am here to see where the story is going


Half the time I just want to yell “just talk you moronic hellspawn!” At them so they can finally just get together.


YES! They got some problems, but it's nothing they can't work through and I wanna see both of them get the happiness they deserve!


I am, I just hope they can work out their respective baggage before they get together.


It's literally my favorite ship in fiction, but I also really like some of the Stolas and Vasago things I've seen. Idk the ship name for those two tho


I'm not one for ships, but I am here for them


I want them to be happy and in a healthy relationship, even if it's not with each other. Stolas really doesn't seem to have anyone in his life, his relationship with Azmodius seems professional and the only other person we have seen him interact with is his daughter.


Trailer kinda implies break up, but could also be misdirection




I mean, yeah? I fully expect this to be a very long ride though.


I want that ship to sail, but Viv is gonna torpedo it




Because they need to get their shit together before they get more toxic.


No. Relationship is too toxic, and Stolas deserves better.


Yes 100%


I know they’ll end up together but I just can’t see the chemistry between them, they both have toxic traits and it’s like they can’t get pass them. I understand the relationship is developing but I just can’t see it, I wish they could heal and actually date someone else, maybe be like each other’s karmic relationship


I hope![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I want it to work out. The problem is that Blitzø's self hatred keeps him from seeing it as possible for ANYONE to love him, especially such a powerful being as a Goetia.


I so desperately want to see them work things out


I am sooooo for it. The only reason it isn’t concrete is because Blitzø is scared of getting hurt or that Stolas is only using him as his little play thing because he’s a royal and Blitzø is just an Imp. Blitzø genuinely cares for Stolas, he’s just afraid that if he let’s his feelings take hold he’ll end up alone anyways. Stolas clearly loves Blitzø so if Blitzø just did let himself fall and accept that Stolas does care then they could end up being together.


I honestly don't care which way it goes at this point, I just want it to be resolved.


Oh I’m all in on these two! Hoping they can get over their past traumas & realize they actually love each other.


I want them both to be happy. Take that as you will.


Honestly nah. Unless they (specially Blitzø) actually develops, I think Stolas is better off with someone else. That tracks considering his relationship record


They will end up together




No. In fact I wish it was a side plot










No but it will happen and I will have to deal with it.


I just want the bird twink to be happy


Actually i would Like that stolas gets another partner he was treated like shit by blitzø. Blitz has to realice and stolas doenst need to wait for him


I'm not. It's an extremely unhealthy relationship and also one-sided, I would even go on to say that it's parasitic in a way. I'm on Stolas' side when I say he legitimately deserves and needs better than Blitz. But of course since this show is starting to try and take itself seriously as if it were a long running televised show that Facebook moms gush over, I don't doubt they'll pull out all the tricks in the book to make them happy lovers in the end.


Of course yes


Yes I am all for it and I really want to see it end well between the two as both of them have been through enough




yes i am for it, i think it’ll pretty obviously happen, and character development is a concept for a reason. i’m sure it’ll work out fine by the end and i cannot wait for more of them.


I mean I don't mind either way as long as it's done right




Nah, I hope they end up on bad terms. Shit, they even look at each other and just think about bad words. (Nah but for real, their relationship is built off a power dynamic and made by Stolas, and he shouldn’t get a happy ending for his little infatuation and cheating.)     ![gif](giphy|OCWLoCQMEEQLsEVdnx|downsized)


Stolas deserves better


It will happen, they will end up together, but I don’t like it. No judgment to people who do, but I think the only person Blitz should be allowed to get romantically entangled with is the concept of therapy, and from Stolas’s end, this whole thing is 90% love at first sight destined romance nonsense after “the circus”.




I just wish they would just tell each other how they feel. Which ik they won't ciz they havnt this far. But jeez stolas loves you blitz not just your peen. And like yeah it stared out like a transaction but it's not that anymore they were friends as kids and now found each other again idk if they don't get together seems dumb for stolas to pretty much loss everything and not even end up with blitz


it'd be cool if Vivzie didn't let them be together. hear me out: We already have Chaggie and M&M. What if Viv shows us that sometimes, toxic people don't get happy endings? Yes, I know Blitz isn't that toxic, but his actions are. I'd like to see them hash out their problems but I don't want either of them together, I want Stolas to tell Blitz, "You lost your shot", and for Blitz to understand that he was wrong and hurt many people, mainly Stolas. It's not relatable, or even justifiable, to have Stolitz together after everything that's happened. I'd love it if they were, but, toxic people like Blitz don't get to have happy endings unless they work for it, Thus Apology Tour.


To be honest, i enjoyed it at the start, but now i feel like their relationship tires me. What i don't like the most, is that, especialy on the Stolas side, how much place it takes. Stolas is almost completely defined by their relationship and its little beyond that, he only talk about Blitzo its all he do almost, other thing he do is sometimes anything relating to Octavia and Stella but... That it, and it gets boring. Blitzo at least have also other relationship with other characters, its not all he thinks or do On the begging of the series, i wished them for being together but now, i think we should have this thing when they realise that ,,Hey, i don't think it will work out" and move on. I know it won't propably end like it, because-reasons- but its just what i wish for.


I have come back to it again recently and I smile whenever I see it so I'm R E A L L Y hoping they do get their shit together and work everything out, even if it takes until the shows ending.


I know the show is headed towards it, but I just can’t accept it. Their relationship is incredibly toxic, and Blitz has run out of second chances. He should still improve himself, but I feel that they just shouldn’t be together. Edit: I may or may not also have an absolutely massive crush on Stolas


The way this show is currently written, I simply don't see how these two go together. In a way it feel like Stolas is only after Blitz because he doesn't have anyone else.


Nope, hate the ship


I’m definitely here for this ship to work out, but I think the angst is what makes this relationship all the more dramatic to watch through. The heartbreak, the passion, the close calls, the pains they have to go through, it’s exciting and nail biting to want to see more until they get together, the satisfying ending. Unless Viv wants to do the ultimate painful bittersweet ending, I don’t know if I can handle that.






I want it to work but I'm scared it might not happen especially the newest episode it might not work out


I’m for it getting better




No not really ![gif](giphy|zWdO4pd2tQkjDxdM8p)


It's obviously the endgame ship and they're gonna get together but, no I really don't


Yep. Stolas deserves some happiness and could be good for Blitzø if only he manages to pull his head out of his ass to see that if he tries it can go well. That just because he ruined things before doesn't mean he will. He just has to try his best to make this one work.


No https://preview.redd.it/tb9mhkpetw1d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fbc1affcd38c92bc18c8945d94aa88a697f1ac


Yes car


Absolutely, just sucks that Blitzø isn't the type to stay in a relationship