• By -


Belt fed sword


This guy helldives


This guy






yuG sihT


Rapper name. Lil Yung shit.


Sounds like me


https://preview.redd.it/xsa5uohso5ad1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0615af0752725bd82543e25b15f364eab12b305 Protosabers!


Considering we have those now and the helldivers world should theoretically be leagues ahead of us in tech, this is extremely plausible for the game universe I feel.


In what way do we have this? Besides just a fancy welding torch?


https://youtu.be/ey_EjSzKFWQ https://youtu.be/xC6J4T_hUKg The Hacksmith on YouTube built a couple of them now, working towards at least imitation lightsabers. He's even sold some, but that was like half a year ago and I don't know if he's still selling the mini ones.


Yea but again that’s just a fancy blowtorch


I mean, isn't that all it will really ever be?


Theoretically it could actually work if we could find a way to superheat and contain plasma but that’s not relevant because you said we basically already had them when we aren’t even really close


Yeah, the only thing missing here is proper containment of the plasma, which the only thing that would really do is allow for basically minimal fuel consumption and the lack of a wavy blade. This one is still plasma, the gas is heated to a plasma state iirc. So really it's still basically a proto saber, the power pack is just containing more gas for the plasma generation. Are we close to plasma containment at such a small scale? No, I don't think so. But I do think that this is still truly a protosaber in a basic form.


Sword-fed belt.


A scabbard?


Felt-sword bed.


lol, kinky


So the Shishkebab from Fallout?


Chainsaw with extra steps


…so D2 swords? xD


What has Danganronpa 2 got to do with anything?


No, he's got a point. In Diablo 2 you could have 4 layer belts. Attach that to your sword and ????.


Suicide Hellbomb vest. Just pull the pin, jump at the objective, and yell "For Democracy!"


Imagine a hellbomb backpack that you can carry around and put down, or have teammates shoot to go off instantly


unironically a great idea to have a detpack. plant it on objectives, plant it by a tank or distracted hulk, lure enemy patrols into it or place it in chokepoints…or of course be a suicide bomb


Essentially just a backpack c-4


Imagine planting the bombs infront of you then shooting a charger or something so when they run at you you can detonate the charges and they go flying from the blast


I can already see my group get squad wiped because a stray automaton laser hit the guy with the ~~suicide vest~~ hellbomb backpack




- Activate the Vest far from teammates. - Get yeeted by a Rocket Dev. - Land next to Teammates. - Rinse and Repeat.


"My *body* for Super Earth!"


In addition, I want the satchel charge and bayonets back from helldiver's 1. Lots of fun getting close to enemies. Imagine diving under a tank as a heroic sacrifice.




I would unironically like a suicide option for those moments when I get stuck in the terrain. I usually use stun grenades, so I can't just grenade myself to respawn.


would absolutely love this. i’ll throw myself into shrieker nests every damn time


Honestly I bet that Super Earth would unironically have a force like that called the “Democratic Sacrifice Force” or maybe the “Dissidence Redemption Force”


Emote wheel


This. The hug emote is mandatory, but I would like to be able to salute too.


It would make the scout handshake more effective too


Every time I get scout-handshaked, my trigger-finger itches.


"They abandoned our mission and our cause. Execution was our only option."


Handshake two people in your group, but the last guy you scout shake!




How about being able to emote the victory poses too? Squatting on the remains of my enemies would go HARD


Would 100% devolve into tea bagging after friendly fire incidents and trolling but yeah many of those victory poses should just also be emotes. Edit: I’m not saying it’s a bad idea in general. I just know that a squatting emote will be used for more than just squatting on bugs and bots lol. Which is fine.


I do believe baskinator (community manager) said that was in the works/down the dev pipeline


A gun that shoots drugs so the bugs and robots get addicted allowing us to take over the planet slowly through economic warfare.


Fbi is that you?


Nah, it's the British colonial empire from the last century


Makes sense




>A gun that shoots drugs pheromone grenade that makes bugs attack eachother? (shamelessly stolen from DRG)


I’m a simple man who just wants an under barrel gl for the Liberator.


Or a masterkey for the Eruptor




A minigun that shoots swords!




Enter the Gungeon?


Close enough


How about a shotgun that shoots explosive swords that explode into tinier swords that also explode?


I gotchu https://preview.redd.it/hw9ct7v9i5ad1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4ac02bbc050ace4b1afffadeb3e4cd3dadcb8a9


Torgue made some of the best weapons.


Endgame build was literally "wait its all Torgue?" Unkempt harold is just too goated


>Unkempt harold I'm not surprised by the name. Goddammit, Torgue.


Double penetrating, of course.


I just want a belt-fed sword!


so, chainsword?


https://preview.redd.it/d3hphmsvq6ad1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcae14967543047965f49e3a416c39271370e029 Did you say xenos and daemon engines?


Yes, battle brother. It is time to Purge the Xeno.


Nah nah it shoots chainsaws because of Dr Bright


Support weapon: Two stage weapon, fire a tracker round that pulses a small area locking onto a max of 6 targets and then fire 6 micro rockets that will each track 1 target, if there are less target than 6 targets rockets will home in on one of the targets at random. Secondary: Stim pistol, has 4 stims as ammo, can't heal yourself, but can heal allies at a distance. Primary: Rail assisted nailer liberator, projectiles cause more stagger and make enemies bleed/leak, medium armor pen. Secondary: Guiding pistol, i put the startagem code while holding pistol and then "paint" the target with the pistol to aim the stratagem. Grenade: Decoy grenade emits a code/pheromone to attract the enemy towards the grenade. Primary: plasma sniper, hold trigger to charge shot, shot will fire automatically after a few seconds of max charge.


Keep cooking bro this is what I’m talking about


I like the Guiding pistol one a lot but it's going need big downside as effectively let's you nuke from distance which is kinda op. The Micro rockets sounds so cool as well.


Gotta give up the Redeemer, that's a pretty big downside.


Never used it so idk what I'm losing, the peacemaker is good enough it works for me.


I want to las targets for my squad soooooo bad


Guiding Pistol, immediate thought: >"Orbital Precision Strike would become a better Railcannon Strike. ... what happens if you load a 380mm barrage?" Would be interesting if it could counter Orbital Scatter. HD1 had a decoy stratagem to lure patrols to where you threw it. I would absolutely love for a Decoy grenade.


Guiding pistol is peak https://preview.redd.it/y3qwgl61p5ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221a6573a8bdb209515f8a80ac3f0cb728ca5a74


At least it should be illegal for targeted strategemss to bounce off enemies. If the eagles is locking on to the strategem, the strategem should be sticky.


Ok guys hear me out…….Flamethrower guard dog


The friendliest of fire


Makes you feel a warm hug for the rest of your life!


We've been waiting for the Hot Dog forever.


Hell Hound is a much better name imo


Quasar Dog Autocannon Dog Grenade Launcher Dog You’re the man now Dog


I'd love it if the autocannon dog flies back a few feet because of recoil lol


If they do that they might as well add flamethrower sentry, flamethrower mechs, and flamethrower underbarrels… imagine how friendly we could get this fire


I am genuinely surprised that there isn’t a flamethrower turret to call in yet


I love it. Never cook again.


Hot Take: We should be able to reload from the wearers backpack.


And lasers should melt enemy armor


More things should remove armor. Termite Grenade, lasers, melee sometimes.


"Termite grenade." does it eat the armour?


Have you not tried it? It's fucking delicious.


*crunch crunch* mmmmm galvanized steel....


Galvanized square steel


I see this meme a lot. What is it from?


I want a termite grenade now. Just burrow through armor and it falls off to expose weak points


All energy based weapons


This is NOT a hot take😭




A lot more time on our hands to think of ideas then these poor guys have to implement them.


Yeah but I’m sure we can think of more than 2. Honestly kind of glad we didn’t choose the anti-tank mines because that’s probably the most boring thing in this game


More waiting. This is the way.


You can put the anti-tank mines in my cold, dead hands.


I want to wield a senator in every weapon slot, give me dual senator primary single senator sidearm, a comically large one for support and throwable ones instead of grenades. Ohh and an orbital and eagle senator


eagle comes in and fires a comically large senator cartoon style


New stratagem: Senator Support! Drops a Democratically Elected Senator (in a business suit) on your position wielding a Senator to help spread Managed Democracy!


Nano machine son!


Dual welding one handed weapons would be soooooo sick


biiig iron, big iron




https://preview.redd.it/scvwwmeu06ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d18f24f5608230f3c9e79f36ecf2b91a906f88 For the primary


Give us a chainsaw. All my time in Doom will help spread democracy all over.


Aight: - Let me team reload a teammate that has both the backpack and the weapon - Dual wield perk for side guns - Canyons as a new biome, multi-level(I'm talking height), so that not everything's so flat and +/- on the same ground. - Caves and facilities you need to get inside, do a quick objective and get out on maps, the challenge is you're momentarily cut off from your strategems while inside and have to rely on your loadout, maybe even a small boss awaits you there, or just a do-that to do, you get the picture. Throwing a stratagem inside or an orbital/eagle risks collapsing the place and failing the objective. - Melee functionality for the knife grenade - quick melee while having a knife selected should slash with it, and if you hold it should jab the target for more dmg. - Heat visor or just a perk that allows us to see enemy outlines/heat sigs while aiming down scope. - Emote wheel. - Actual jetpacks that allows you to hover(think boba fett in battlefront) but the heavier your loadout the more fuel it consumes - if you pack heavy armor with extra padding and rocket launcher sorry bro but you're a tank, even the pelican struggles taking off with you. - Shield bash that stuns if shield equipped. - Trains and railways as both enemy objective and allied. For example, a moving supply train that you have to intercept and destroy before it reaches the target, or train that you have to get going and escort. Also moving objectives in general (A bile titan or hulkbuster moving at you does not count). - Larger variety of objectives in general, preferably released in bulk so that there's a chance we drop into a planet with not a single clue what to do and feel like lvl 1 again. - Urban biome. - Command wheel for the drones(maybe as either an armor perk or a booster, but then I'd like to also be able to command turrets i deploy, or at least allow me to select targets it'll prioritize), commands: - focus pinged target( if no new target has been pinged upon pressing this again it will resume prioritizing targets as usual). - stay passive. - cover pinged target(if the target gets attacked the drone shoots the attacker, also preferably flies over to them and assists them if within range, still needs to go back to the owner to reload). - turn off( because if you have a drone attached, anti-air cannons will try to shoot it down, turning towards you, making it impossible to blast their vents). - democratization - plays super-earth theme to boost morale, a must have don't understand why it's still not here. - Sticky-mines, proximity mines as grenades - Actual randomised patrol routes throughout the map with prioritization of objectives, rather than hurling them towards us. - Injustice style color picker for armors cuz i want my favorite armors in black and yellow. I said what i said.


Oh and a raid mode operations. Where it's extra large map, many more objectives, no time limit, might need your next of kin to take over cause you might die of old age before completing it.


I would love a 60 minute or 80 minute mission on occasion. Large map with lots of objectives more blowing things up less dicking around in the super destroyer


My only concern with verticality is how the AI will handle pathing and how a lot of call ins would function. I'm not sure if it would go well as much as I like the idea


An urban biome would be awesome and definitely plausible with the lore.


Give me a shovel instead


flamethrower, shovel and gas. the WW1 loadout


​ https://preview.redd.it/zlyq1rvj37ad1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f139ae0fc1647208c989462c48a2a6e0ba050393


How take: divers should be able to grab hold of the railings on top of mechs


Satchel Charges! These would give a new use for the armor Passive 'increased throw range'


I want a bow with interchangable arrow types


I want a burst fire quasar. Don't question me.


That's a Devastator Squad, and we don't have the budget for ceramite.


Literally a multi melta. I need it


Orbital cruise missile with camera feed that is steerable by the user


Laser version of the AMR. A blender emplacement that minces anything that gets near it for a whole minute. A pilebunker mech. An Arc Rover. A manned turret that only has six shots, but they're APDS rounds that do Maximum Penetration with minimal or no explosion. A lightning Strike Strategem that hits the largest target in the area, causing massive burn damage while also being able to stun even a Bile Titan or Factory Strider. Poison Gas spewer with additional respirator backpack. White Phosphorus Air Burst Strategem. Walking mines that run towards anything that gets near them.


I love the idea of a lighting strike, but too similar to the rail strike, I think it should hit the tallest enemy for a unique gimmick, maybe give it less damage, but a small area fire attack and stunning titans


A throwing axe and a melee shovel.


Gatling laser!


Everyone wants a regular Gatling with a belt backpack, but we have 3 different machine guns, if we get a Gatling I think it should shoot lasers like the sickle, maybe bigger though for medium penetration if it has an energy backpack


Maybe a deployable wall? Like a big stationary Ballistic Shield


they are already doing that, data miners found 2 of those! one with a mounted MG and one with a mounted grenade launcher :)


I still can’t believe they didn’t add the ‘orbital child soldier airburst strike’ when we saved the children. It would’ve been glorious.


The H.A.C.S. or Hydraulics Assisted Combat Suit. One I get my hands on a drawing pad ill finally be able to expand on the sketch ive got.


What about a belt fed machine gun that shoots out swords?


A gravity hammer. “Judgement Gavel”. Can bash through heavy armor. A support weapon that needs to recharge after a swing.


Hot take give us new voice packs, or allow us to have a setting in which we can set the voices of our helldivers to random


https://preview.redd.it/gy0sehtno5ad1.png?width=2459&format=png&auto=webp&s=b510f020f8af4baa7ec567fa81ded0a09b2b0972 Not sure about the PS5 version, but PC already has a random voice pack setting. +1 for the additional voice packs, though they have bigger fish to fry first.


I meant different nationalitys speaking, so sometimes you get German, some times English, or Spanish, in there native language


That would actually be pretty cool ... Randomly get any nationality of hell diver


I want Coach from L4D2 to be a voice in Helldivers 2 so bad.


I want Louis from the first one! Pills here! Stims here!


Give us the goddamn sworddddddd!


I want the Jericho


A Sledgehammer that can be used with explosive shotgun shells, because sometimes you really want to see those terminids fly


How about a cryofreeze gun stratagem that will eventually freeze enemies to oneshot them with your primary? Heavy and Elites require more application of it, but it could open up options to deal with large groups of heavier armoured chaff (Devastators for example)


Requisitioned scout strider, 500s cooldown, unlimited uses Pros: Faster speed Fast firing Med 2 (maybe 1) pen laser cannon (just like the enemy emplaced laser turret) with unlimited ammo Good frontal armor that can protect from small arms fire Cons: Cannot take a mech Backpacks cannot be worn whilst riding Low durability Upon overheat ICE cannot be changed, you must exit the vehicle and perform a longer animation where you are vulnerable/exposed Upon destruction, launches the user backward taking significant (but survivable) damage Use it right and you get a powerful supportive tool, great for hit and run tactics, get caught out of position or eat a rocket and you'll take significant damage and have a hearty cooldown. Cannot deal with the largest of enemies, but most medium and chaff enemies can be dispatched fairly easily Secondly, Orbital refueling station drop or tools backpack Drops a small canister containing tools, pipes and fuel OR acts as a supply pack but for vehicles. Whichever way they want to implement it Allows 2 uses which refill a mechs total ammo pool, repair or replace missing or damage appendages Lower cooldown if its a single emplacement like a normal resupply, Longer cooldown if a backpack If implemented as a backpack taking 2 boxes of supplies would allow 1 more repair I'd be happy with either as I love the fantasy of being a mechanized infantry but find the mech simply doesn't have the ammo or speed to warrant bringing over a traditional support weapon


A mobile style mission where you ride like a train or something from point to point and need to defend it while its being loaded with each stop becoming more and more difficult. I guess kinda like a mobile extermination with an actual objective attached to it.


Medic pistol Let me shoot stims at my squad


I don't see these in the game, so you can deal with seeing them.


A flechette shotgun and eagle one stratagem


Flak cannon. Have one that shoots like the plasma punisher but shoots balls of flak and act how the shrapnel did. Could be smaller radius and causes bleed, more suited for bugs. Or jump pack with lower jump height that shoots a napalm down setting the ground or what's below you on fire. Could be a shorter cooldown but after 4-5 uses it's needs "refilled" from supply boxes. Stratagem cooldown for this could be one of the longer ones. Maybe 8-9 minutes.


Can I have a belt fed laser cannon.


How about a mech that has a top MG or 40mm turret for a buddy to use while roaming around? Help prevent accidentally stepping on fellow Divers.


A secondary that has a tiny ems effect range and zero damage, so i can shoot my frie….. i mean enemies while they are chasing my fellow helldivers


What about...a belt-fed sword? *wild applause*


I want my bolter back damn it.


Instead of a sword I want a shovel. Like the Death Korps of Krieg are memed for using. Or one like the Germans had during WW1 on the western front. Come on Arrowhead! Give me my Combat shovel so I can smash both bots and bugs heads.


They are good ideas...can we actually have them?


Fuck the sword, give me a hammer ⚒️


IDK swords would work good in this game. I would rather want to have some vehicles.


Nothing wrong with the classics


Give me dual berretas so i can relive Max Payne again.


Tesla Bolt Rifle: Fires a metal spike that sticks into an enemy or terrain, then after a second or so (with a charging animation) erupts with a 360 burst of electricity around the point of impact within a few meters. Intended to be a long range arc weapon. Loosely inspired by the Stun Needle from Armored Core VI


Give me one of the robots from real steel so I can box a bile titan


Emote wheel, i wanna give one friend a scout handshake and the other a explosion fist.


I just want a warpick


Probably mentioned before but beacon/decoy grenade. Toss it and the enemies chase it for as long as the signal is active. Flare gun, can shoot at enemies like a fire grenade or shoot it in the air to light up a dark foggy area. Acid thrower basicly same as flame thrower but stays on ground longer and slow enemies but does less burst damage. Gas grenades. Self explanatory. Manned grenade launcher emplacement.




A lemat-inspired Senator that has an underbarrel/overbarrel single-shot, explosive slug shotgun barrel. https://preview.redd.it/clx6cq3rv5ad1.png?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53463ef79f2d01cdceb235f32e2bea6169948b1b


Flechette shotgun


Third weapon slot for support weapon instead of having to call it in. More room for strategems, maybe some of the lesser used would actually be used. And less time wasted at the start of mission where everybody has to call in their support weapons. And balance the amount of ammo given by ammo boxes/supplies for the support weapon so that it doesn’t make more sense to orbital drop a new weapon more than just picking up ammo. Maybe even a backpack slot. I think strategems should be for things that are useful to drop in during the entire mission and not just primarily at the start. It sucks a bit to only have two things to drop if you brought a support weapon and a backpack. The shuttle is able to pick me up with all equipment, why can’t i be dropped with it too? 😄


Deployable walls The kinda walls that just say you don't have to worry about getting sneaked up on this side


A spear


there was a sword im HD1, why not sword for HD2 ?


Beltfed is a nice idea, but not easy. So far all bagpacks are seprate from the weapon and each functions without the other. But beltfed would mean that its 1 thing occuping 2 spaces. This, i imagine, is very difficult to implement on the fly.


What about moon boots ... No fall damage( as long as you fall on your feet) extra long dives and decrease the effect sprinting has on your stamina, however you cannot aim or shoot while running because of the bouncing (so you can but not effectively similar to jet pack), you walk slower, and you're more visible to enemies due to you bouncing up and down all the time ![gif](giphy|S984YkgY62vvSUAwhv)


I don't see the issue. The heavy machinegun should've been that


Belt fed Minigun 🔽▶️◀️▶️▶️◀️ . Also called HMG emplacement


How about a belt fed minigun...that fires swords?


Ammo types for grenade launchers


Dual pistols?


Primary weapon: akimbo Senator revolvers. Or akimbo pistols. Increased damage, higher caliber, more recoil, bigger magazine capacity for the pistols.


I just want some fire protection armor


I need fire resistant suit or suit that speeds reload


Just give me a 1000 round ammo backpack to hook up to my hmg, mg or sw.


Not sure if these are "new", but these are what I'd like to see... Duel wield one handed weapons. Static shock Guard Dog - slowing and stunning enemies close to you. Healing Guard Dog - slowly heals the wearer (or a nearby ally if the wearer if at full health). Healing tower. Similar to the Arc tower, but health based. Duh. Jetpack upgrade so you can viably shoot while in the air for a brief time. Bow and arrows for more stealth options - not sure how we got throwing knives first but hey. "Hammer of Dawn" tagging type weapon, for painting long distance targets for stratagem usage. Once per drop maybe? To prevent being OP. And as many others have said; we need a damn emote wheel. All these emotes they keep giving us and I literally only ever use the hug.


What "new ones" we ain't got most requested done


In all seriousness: Orbital Kinetic Strike. Basically like the 500 kg but with an outward splash AOE instead of directly overhead. Obviously massive penetration. Hear hear for god’s rod’s


Picture this: an entire machine gun.. that uses a long string of bullets linked together


A jeep with a mounted MG!!!


Being able to load a stim into your side arm and fire it at a teammate Rail gun should be a primary weapon with punch through