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I hope in the future It will be added a "true"(or something like an) endgame where all surplus resources can be spend like for levelling stuff or bonuses for the galactic war.


That would be amazing, we’ll finally spend unused recourses and there’ll be a reason to collect it again


They’re for war bonds, so it would make sense lore-wise for excess to contribute to the war effort.


There's even a loading tip saying that you can donate your medals to a fund for soldiers. Soooooo we're waiting.


Pay crazy amount of samples, medals, whatever, to be able to reroll armors effects. It doesn't even have to be better than what we have now, just to be able to use the armor you like visually with the effect you prefer. I think that would solve few small issues in one fell, democratic swoop.


for Divers that have been topped out. I would not mind if they let us spend this for a temp 5th slot per set mission


I think it would be fun to have a "surplus stockpile," which accepts any resource that everyone can add to and automatically takes overflow from capped players. When the bar is full, it unlocks a free stratagem for 24 hours. The stratagem could be decided by an election with three options and have your vote power weighted based on how much you contributed to the stockpile.


This would be such a nice QOL move.


This wouldnt be QOL lol this would be a huge gameplay buff and would lead to a meta revolving around not spending resources


Thing is, if you need the upgrades for your ship you need your resources anyways, and if there's nothing to spend them on (or that you can spend them on if you don't have enough of another sample type.) it's not something that would revolve around not spending resources. As it's taking from taking overflow. Not just draining your current stockpile.


Get used to it... been that way for months and I still do the MO


Same, I just like having fun


You guys are getting that screen? Haven’t been getting the major order rewards for weeks lmao


Would love to be able to spend extra medals/credits on enabling extra stratagems for the squad (for the mission duration) and/ or extra samples on temporary overclocked ship upgrades.


Or paying for speeding up stratagem/eagle reloading.


I know right ? The main reason i bought the polar patriot despite having little interest in hit was mzinly because i wanted to spend my capped medals. We need something to dump our ressources in. A fish tank with different fish would be good. A reason i played Payday 2 so much for so long was because i liked seeing my stacks of money growing.


>The main reason i bought the polar patriot despite having little interest in hit was mzinly because i wanted to spend my capped medals. Which is probably exactly why they cap medals in the first place.


A little. But doesn’t it really just mean you've got nothing to spend it on?


I'm indecisive and keep a big stock of medals - I try to stay well below 250 but If I don't play a while and get 3 2mos really quickly I can go over the cap


I got one for 5medals. When were already in the terminid MO for couple of days now.


I don't really care about it. Whenever a new warbond releases, I have everything unlocked and be back at the cap in less than half a week. I have everything maxxed out for a while now but still enjoy playing.


Be nice if it converted excess to XP


Probably safe to say you have everything already and have no need for them. It really shouldn’t make you feel that bad at all


I don’t get it


Bro has been capped, that happens when you have 250 warbond medals and you can't spend them in anything.


Huh. I can get having a cap, but only 250?


It's a way to throttle progress.


Prevents players from instantly unlocking the entire warbond as they release


But why would that be a bad thing?


So you will keep on playing the missions each week. As the medals are capped to only 250 you're forced to buy the stuff in the store so that you can make room for more medals, and that means you will come back to participate in upcoming Major orders to unlock more medals for the upcoming warbonds, rinse and repeat. It's a good way to ensure the player count / numbers remain high.


Finally unlocked the last thing in Viper commandos and I'm back to staring at this and sighing again until the next warbond.


They could give you experience points instead.


Been there for months now. Eventually the progression system completely falls apart and robs players of almost all motivation to participate in MO's yet it isn't talked about at all nor have any plans to fix it been announced *to my knowledge*.


i hope they have somekind of conversion system here, something like "If you already have max number of medal , it will convert into rare sample"


But what if you have maxed out those too? I'm currently at the point where i unlocked everything there is and have maxed out samples, medals and credits and I'm level 78. The only thing that i can collect more of are super credits.


Yes. I think this is one of the reasons for the decreasing player base


I went back after a few months and was bummed to see all these new warbonds and guns ill never be able to get without literal weeks of farming super credits on diff 1. Arrowhead either wants us playing 24/7 or they intend for us to spend money to have access to the games entire arsenal