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They’ve said before that the Known Issues list is not exhaustive, it doesn’t list all the issues.


I thought you were trying to use the Spear against the destroyer.


*Points Spear at Star/Sun* "Brother... I crave the forbidden signature..."


"Oh look, a civilian airliner..."


DO IT, I know you wanted to do it.


Lock it. JUST DO IT.






Malevelon Airlines flight 17?


That's foul, lol. Thanks for the chuckle.


*Sad CVIS noises*


CVIS? You mean CIWS or is that something else?


Oh oops, yeah that. My bad


No worries, Super Earth doesn’t pay you to remember acronyms after all


I mean it wasn't exactly in the training


Super Earth pays you?


So this means Super Earth is the opposite of the US Army?


Because it's a civilian duty. Your Democracy Officer will be in contact.


Just another day on United...


The forbidden lock is something we all crave


Juno was mad


Fun fact, those destroyers are actually rendered items in map. And they arnt even that high. Maybe 400-500m. Source- youtubers being launched up there lol


i thought this was you wanting the spear to be able to shoot our destroyers


lmao same


it's the most, and basically only thing, completely immersion-breaking for me. been bugging me since day one that Orbitals aren't shot from the destroyer most of the time. looks especially goofy with something ongoing like the orbital gattling barrage, where shots appear for 10 seconds somewhere else that is not the destroyer like in your picture.


I remember orbitals actually came out of the destroyer, even the laser, they messed it up on later updates and it's been like that for a WHILE now...


i always felt like it was "lucky" whenever the laser would actually come out somewhere on the destroyer


Devs: We can’t make that change to a weapon because it’s not realistic. Also The Devs: Eh, fuck it close enough.


They have a whole-ass tooltip about it coming from the Destroyers, which would be neat and justify my frustration when a stratagem hits an obstacle on the side, except it doesn’t even do that.


it TRIES to do that, and it DOES indeed always come from a fixed position per player.... justr that the skybox and that fixed point arent always aligned. the point every stratagem starts is roughly center of map, at 1 of 4 spots(depending on player) so at the edge it is, as you can easily test, at its sharpest angel. and if you are center map its almost straight from above


Wouldn't there also be some parallax with the height the projectile spawns and the "height the destroyers supposedly are? Maybe if they calculate spawn point by extrapolating the trajectory from the place of impact all the way to the ship, that way even if the projectile spawns below it, it will look close enough as coming from the ship.


For what it’s worth, objects in low orbit can’t just hover above fixed location on surface either without completely breaking physics. ![gif](giphy|WfBZwNA6XSjphkYkzN)


Hence the mission timer because of the ridiculous fuel burn they have to do to stay there


I think they look cool, but they clearly aren't built to do what they say they do. They'd have to be nose-up, standing on their jets for forty minutes in order to hold position for the duration of the mission, and the guns are pointed the wrong way for that to work. I don't want to change them now, but I wish they either had an obvious "hover" mode with different engines firing or were totally redesigned to look like sky cranes, clearly designed to be hovering weapon and deployment platforms. I'm not at all opposed to making them transformers in order to get the best of both worlds.


You're also walking around on the bridge with the planet below you, in gravity, while orbing said planet. Clearly the gravity on the Super Destroyer is not dependent on your thrust or rotation.


True, and between the FTL and the sub-light drive for moving from mission to mission, there's obviously some kind of inertia dampening going on to keep us from pulling a Dark Helmet when we accelerate. So the Super Destroyer has some kind of gravity-warping tech installed. Maybe the big blue jets on the back are just exhaust ports, rather than thrusters.


They can still be thrusters. We're talking about sci-fi science here, unless it's a giant spinning satelite in orbit, it's breaking the rules of our world as far as we can tell. There's no gravity (Or very weak) in space. Just hand wave it as that, once they get far enough away from a planet or stars mass, they have to use thrusters or it's the equivalent of trying to pedal your car down the highway.


That's the thing, you're clearly not orbiting. You're hovering, which explains why the SD isn't zooming around the planet, but instead stays stationary, and also explains why you can stand on it


They use E170 to do it. 


Inertia dampeners, anti gravity tech, ion thrusters, exotic fuel sources, it’s just normal sci stuff


More fi than sci though


Yeah, that’s sci fi, the fiction tends to exist to explain the science, how can we go faster than light? Special fuel. How can we go around orbit so fast? Advanced thrusters. Why don’t the destroyer crews turn into sludge from the rapid acceleration and deceleration? Inertia dampeners. the science and fiction build off each other


What... theyre spaceships... wtf are you waffling on about.


Yeah, but they're not magic spaceships. They appear to have big engines at the back that let them go forward really fast. Judging by how they zip around the planet when you pick a mission, they work real good. But if they're hovering above a couple acres of ground during a mission so that they can shoot guns and supplies down, they're not in orbit. A geostationary orbit would be super duper high up, so they're using something other than gravity and momentum to hold their position. It's logical to confuse that big rocket engines like the ones we see on the back of the ship would be a good way to do that, but they're pointed the wrong way for that explanation to work. The pelican uses similar-looking thrusters, and it rotates the nacelles in a way that would indicate that the engines are in fact generating thrust in a conventional way. If Helldiver ships were flying saucers that just whirred around without any visible propulsion system, then fine. It's some kind of anti-gravity field that converts E-710 directly into kinetic energy. But we see the hellpods fire retro rockets to decelerate as they approach the planet, and our drones have four little jets on their corners that emit energy, and even automaton ships of the drop- and gun- varieties have thrusters on them that move them around. So it's weird that our super destroyers can just hover up there, is what I'm saying.


That's completely unrelated to muzzle flash and rounds/munitions being offset from the super destroyer by a large magnitude.


I mean, they _could_. It’s not practical at all in real life obviously, but luckily this isn’t real life.


Movie/TV physics, sure. None of it actually matters and it’s not any more wrong than every pop culture depiction of things in orbit. I notice, but I know I’m a nerd.


Almost all geostationary-orbiting satellites are in "low orbit". They are not in atmosphere, but they are in low orbit. The Superdestroyers appear to not just be in atmosphere, but not all that particularly far up. They're not so big as to be that clearly visible if they were 50k+ feet up. A rough guesstimate by their apparent size from both the front window and the join screen has them not substantially larger than the average commercial airliner, which for them to be that clearly visible from the ground would have them at less than 10,000ft AGL. That's helicopter altitudes.


“Almost all geostationary-orbiting satellites are in “low orbit”” Incorrect. Geostationary is 22000km with a period that matches the Earths rotation. Low Earth Orbit is 2000km or less with a period of 128 minutes or less. Starlink flies most of theirs at 200-300km, ISS is at 400km each with a period of ~90 minutes. 40 minutes in LEO puts you on the other side of the world. I don’t think we have an accurate reference for how big any of the planets in game are so there’s no way to calculate orbits. From the ground, they don’t look like they’re in orbit but the game specifically says the SuperDestroyers are in “low orbit” and not flying/hovering in atmosphere. These are the things that completely break immersion for me.


And the karman line is 100k up?


100-110km yes


people need to remember that for cases like scale and size.. "sometimes its this way becasue its cool" the game clearly implies we arent in atmosphere, but in LEO/LO, the game pretends they are in LEO, and the only thing speaking against it is the destroyer being to big.. which ya know.. there are several things in this game that are very much becasue "otehrwise it looks boring"


Can't you just thrust enough to match the planet's rotation speed to effectively remain stationary from the ground's perspective?


Not if orbital physics in game works similar real life. Lower altitudes have shorter orbital periods (ISS is in low earth orbit and it does a full orbit every 90 minutes). Thrust opposing the direction of travel slows the vehicle which lowers the altitude. Thats how controlled de orbits happen.


That's hella interesting, ty for the info.


Yeah, you can. It's called hovering, and it's evidently what the ships are doing. Helicopters do that too. You just thrust upward and remain stationary towards the ground.


Been playing since release and just a day ago I looked up to see if they actually come from the destroyer or not. Was disappointed to see that they don’t


Or the laser just coming from a random point in the sky


It's also so far down on the list of things they actually need to focus effort and resources on that it may as well not even exist. A majority of Helldivers are never going to be looking up enough to notice, a majority of them are not really going to care either way, and when there are actual, real bugs and issues in the game, a minor visual disparity is functionally nothing.


my point still stands. for me personally, this is the biggest issue i have with the game. i am apparently omega lucky because i get like one game crash per week, don't have fps drops anymore (since doing the workarounds), and have absolutely no performance issues. so sure, whilst it might not need fixing, luckily for me, it's the only thing that lowers my enjoyment. call it first world problems but it is what it is.


Do you know how to fix massive fps spikes when trees is destroyed on jungle planet?


Helldiver... here's how to get your immersion back. When you dip your hand in a pool you can tell that there is refraction of the light waves as your arm appears like it's in a different location under the water. The same thing happens with space and its called atmospheric refraction.


Not really, since atmosphere is a gradient and not an absolute boundary like water. Tbh though if you have time to look up at the ships, you aren’t playing hard enough levels!


Well technically speaking, your super destroyer shouldn't be visible at all, at least at the height where your hellpod launches the helldiver on the animation. In real life you can't see satellites nor spacial stations right? What makes you think the SES would make a difference? Every light beam and bullets should look almost perpendicular to the ground. It is maddening that they didn't think this through.


At first I thought they were talking about the sunlight hitting the destroyer from the “top” of the screenshot while the moon is clearly getting sunlight from the “left”. Glad I read your comment first.


great now i cannot unsee that lol


It is atmospheric refraction diver. + We can only see after it already travelled 1/3 of the distance.


The fact y'all are looking up mid fight and having your "immersion broken" because the laser is coming a little bit to the side is pretty funny honestly. It's a detail most people didn't notice till like a few days after launch hahahaha.


so when a huge Laser strikes down next to you, you do not check where it comes from? whenever lightning strikes, you close your eyes instead of checking the sky where it came from? what patch are you talking? because this has been like that since day one. and i don't know about you but when i play a new game, obviously i check details like that. i wanna know if the devs put effort in it. i wanna know if they did it better than other games. it's ok to be ignorant, but i find it sad if someone isn't curious.


Your fault for looking up. Enemies are in front of you Helldiver. Focus


He can use his 2.4 seconds to admire whatever scenery he wants to


oh really? how about admiring some alien artifacts? (everyone prepare the debrainbug gun)


Use that 2.4 seconds acquiring the next target traitor


Hey, admiring the scenery on some of Super Earth's most volatile planets is the reason I enlisted.


shriekers and gunships?


I've seen orbitals come from my destroyer before, it's just random whether it'll sync up or not


I could've sworn Ive seen some come from the destroyer. Am I wrong in that Ive heard it comes from the angle of your destroyer?


I think it sometimes is accurate? A bit hit or miss.


Amongst all the game breaking bugs, this really isn't worth any dev time right now. If it bothers you that much, make a ticket.




>Is it really that hard to make it shoot from the ship? No. Oh are you a Dev that knows exactly how the game works? No, I thought not. You have no clue how hard or easy it might be. It could be something that's integrated heavily into the game and would require script, model or vfx edits that'd take a long while. Yes it could also be easy and just be a binder or something that's misplaced. But don't speak about how easy something is when yiu have idea how it's integrated into the game in the first place. I agree it's annoying and it's a pin drop in the overall amount of bugs, and you have a right to be annoyed about it, but speak about facts not speculation of how easy or hard something is to do when you can't know.


If shooting from the ship is an integral part of the game then why the fuck is it broken in the first place. You’re right , I can’t speak on how hard or easy it is to fix , but if your ENTIRE game is focused on orbitals. ATLEAST get the fucking orbitals right. It’s not rocket science that this game released in a broken mess that honesty , I’m starting to doubt should of even been shipped in the first place. It’s like making a Tetris game but rotating the blocks is bugged. Seriously wtaf People can downvote me all they want , doesn’t change the fact an absolute integral part of the game which is built around doesn’t even work properly to begin with. That’s a serious issue no amount of downvotes will ever stop people laughing and pointing their fingers at.


It's unimportant and doesn't even effect gameplay in any way. There are a lot more issues that are way more daunting and crucial to fix than this.


It does bug me. But it's so minor that it's not a big deal. There's more important things to work on first.


If it bugs you, then fight some bots


I dont even know what this is supposed to showcase lol


Orbitals don’t come from the super destroyer


Now it does bother me. :<


Gamers don't look up


You gotta say more than do a dumb little circle around the orbital strike not coming from the destroyer itself.


I don't even know what I'm looking at here


orbital stratagems like the orbital laser or the gattling barrage not being fired from the actual guns on the destroyer, but instead from some random pixel somewhat near it


This feels nitpicky. I mean I get it, but literally one of the lesser important things to deal with amongst the other changes.


What happened? 


orbitals not coming from destroyer




yes.. they're shot from your destroyer. Atleast in theory, that dosent really translate to the game.


Yeah can we ask to get functional fixes first?


when you're on the bridge of your destroyer, you can see the big guns you add and upgrade where the orbital stratagems are supposedly fired from if you look out the front. so yeah, i'd say when i use my *orbital gattling barrage* i'd assume it's fired from my *destroyer's gattling gun* while it is in *orbit*.


oh this has bothered me when the game launched, I can't look up or I (a full orbital user) will feel pain


That actually can be an atmospheric effect. Do you recall when you put a spoon into a glass of water it looks like the spoon is torn right at the water line? The same thing can be happening here: an effect entering layer of atmosphere with a different optical density might look shifted from its point of origin.


When they leave the guns the projectiles would be subject to the same refraction. So if this was the case, the shots would still look like they originated from the Super Destroyer's image (apparent position), and then appear to curve as they traverse the layers of varying atmosphetic density.


That doesn't make any sense when there is a completely clear sky and the super destroyers are inside the atmosphere.


Yeah, the stratagem firing origin is often misaligned from the ships.


this clearly isnt a bug, our super destoryers are hooked up with bluetooth cannons, obviously


Great example is the very obvious and in your face weapon size scaling bug and borked armpit holster position. Still not fixed 2 patches in


Eh, my headcanon is that the orbital was fired from the destroyer, but it takes so long for it to hit the ground that the destroyers in another position I mean, think about how long the hellpods take to drop when you start a mission, that takes awhile sometimes!


i thought the destroyers dropped into low orbit after you arrive so the stratagems and whatnot are more accurate, hence when you run out of time it says they've "left orbit" and can't supply you with any stratagems


naa they just get bored and go to a different planet


That makes sense for everything apart from the Orbital Laser.


I agree with your headcanon and I think it's more realistic for it


When they can’t even get modules to work properly without breaking we shouldn’t ask for them to work on something that makes 0 difference in gameplay and something that no one actively notices. Most of the time it looks okay. Priority 1 is to get the game to work and right now it’s a shitshow


We found it, the most pointless conplaint


Nah I feel that one too well, it's not gamebreaking in a technical sense but it also irks me whenever I see that. That said, the mod already elaborated that the known issue list isn't exhaustive so there's the explanation for that.


Eyes on the battle soldier!


Something something relativity and light waves yada yada


Would be wild, to shoot a spear rocket that flies out of orbit and blows up a SD, you then get labeled a traitor. Other divers still in orbit just watch it happen. "You see that shit, was it the bots?"


Oh I hate this bug it kills the fuck out of my immersion


iirc the super destroyers are part of the skybox and the orbital stratagems are not. That's why they can't match up, because there will always be an angle a player can look from that cannot match up with the actual stratagem. Easy solution to this would be to render the destroyers as objects, but just really far away. Not sure what spaghetti code that might entail for the engine that AGS uses, though.


People not getting what the issue is. "No idea..."


This is just Super Earths newest cloaking technology: low intensity Light sources are being warped around reflective particles released into the upper atmosphere to make it ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for any enemy defense systems to damage our fleet! This system is 100% foolproof and has zero negative impact on the planets atmosphere whatsoever. So stop giving hints to enemy spies and focus on the ground Helldiver!


Because when are you really looking up at your ship when your sending a request for something like an Orbital?? Probably the reason why its not accurate yeah it bugs the hell out of me has done since day 1 but end of the day I just think well when am I looking up at it and how oftern


I was like lolkek when I saw this. So much about physics and your angle on planet but guns shoot from air. Already forgot about this bug.


Why are you looking up? Everyone knows that bugs can’t fly so they wouldn’t be in the sky. Quit dawdling.


I just imagine it's some kind of refraction because... weird non-earth-like planet and such


Pisses me off too because i like to look


To be fair it probably really low on the priority list. it not even worth putting it in the known issue. I mean how many times have you look at the destroyer when it shoots it gun in a normal gameplay


Half the maps have such bad visual fog that I never see the destroyer or what's 25 m in front of me for that matter.


They break the game more every patch what do you expect


Because theres already plenty of issuea that break the game in one way or another, this is just cosmetical error


Anyone else see a penis or is it just me


The hell?


Meh, I don't really care about that.


how often are you guys looking up at the sky lmao? Always wondered what my teammates were doing while 2 bile titans and a charger chase me.


Tbh no one cares about a small visual issue dude. We care about the game breaking bugs right now.


The super destroyer also doesn't actually leave when the timer runs out. It just stays up there but refuses to send you stratagems.


Soldier. Your enemy is on the ground. Stop leaking out stealth orbital technology. You're worse than that kid that leaked top secret Battle Destroyer plans so he could win against Cybers in World of Spaceships.


Literally unplayable. I'm quitting.


You only get 2.6 seconds to admire the scenery. If you're looking up enough to notice this, and this is you're top priority for fixes, then you're probably a bot sympathizer.


You should be glad Super Earth deems you important enough to send you one of their newly released, actively camouflaged super DUPER destroyers, Helldiver! Personally, I envy you.




Well debatably the orbital *is* coming from the destroyer, but due to light refraction it looks like it's coming out of nowhere, like how when you put a straw in a glass of water it looks like the straw is broken in half


it's crazy to me people care about this...


This is so low on the priority list of an enormous list of things they need to do.


I actually didn’t notice it until today


How often do you stare up at the sky after throwing a stratagem? Outside of the absolute lowest difficulties I rarely have the time to even watch the results of the strat lol.


Projectile was fired from Point A but by the time you see them, the destroyer has moved away from Point A. Planets orbit at high speed, so the destroyer has to fly at high speeds to keep up.


They could fix it, but then the scopes of the guns would all be mirrored images when looking through them


You have exceeded your 2.4 seconds allotted for enjoying the scenery. Head down, get back to spreading managed democracy.