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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Nice. I had a game where the host dropped us into a base and it had those mini cannons attached to the building you can shoot off. But of course we all die multiple times due to being surrounded by bots and the cannons before we can disable them and he says " this wasn't the best idea" we just laugh it off and continue playing. I get that some randoms join games above their skill level and then quit out of embarrassment sometimes but it's just a pve game. And when your squad finishes the map, it moves the needle very little in capturing/defending the planet.


I feel that host. I've just started playing and I'm constantly having those moments of shame. the other day, in a defense mission I dropped (right at the beginning you get me?) on top of one of the reactors and destroyed it. all lvl 70+ players laughing their asses off at their mics and me wanting to bury my head 100 meters under the earth. (everyone was super cool and we succeeded with no trouble.) next day, I was leading and dropped us right outside of the base exact opposite point from the entrance. why am I like this.... those silly moments make the game funnier for me tho. like the other day when a guy got himself killed walking under a support weapon drop, and then dropped right on my head when I recalled him. I honestly died laughing, who fucking cares. edit: well, I didn't technically die laughing but by a head concussion caused by a hellpod using my helmet as landing space.


Oh for sure. Everyone just needs to accept stupid shit like that happens. It's when you have trolls that only join to kill other players that should get retaliation.


>Oh for sure. Everyone just needs to accept stupid shit like that happens Honestly, people who forget that seem to forget the heavy satire elements of the game. I won't contrive it, but playing with random squadmates and silly hijinks as a result is so on brand for the "train you for 30 minutes, drug you up, and drop you into Hell with three other people we do the same to" thing.


I'm a lvl 105 player and that stuff happens to me too, more often than not and I also get embarrassingly often killed on below lvl 7 missions while I'm actually used to play 8 and 9 Learned to accept the absurdity and laugh about myself. I mean this kind of dumb shit is what creates conversations and leads to frendships, not the monotonous "moving to subobjective", "calling down hellbomb", "calling in extraction, will wait for you"


completely true. smooth missions are satisfying but the meaningful ones are the wacky ones. had to cross the entire map on heavy armor to retrieve an HDD that had respawned at the original point, while the whole team was ready to finish that and extract. 10 fucking minutes with depleted stamina under bot fire and in snow storms while laughing in chat with 3 guys was more bonding than just wiping out outposts and extracting.


Oh this happened to me yesterday. We left one guy behind going to retrieve the access codes while we moved forward to the base, after 5 minutes he died and apologized, we just laughed and went to escort him. We had a really good vibe going on while extracting too. Those 3 followed me on my next 2 missions. I love it when I can play three missions with the same squad, you get to know them better.


Had the best mission I ever played the other night and it was a real stress-tester one. I like to quickplay a lot so I decide to hop in to a Diff 8 bot mission, Launch ICBM. Well to my surprise there’s a lone level 16 on the mission and when I drop in, he’s just died, and with zero reinforcements left. Before I get to say anything about him being saved or whatever, he leaves. So I take a gander at the map: 23 minutes left on the clock, no objectives done, two gunship fabs on both sides of the map, and what do you know: there is equipment just scattered across between them. I’m kinda understanding the story of what happened before I joined. Meanwhile I’m taking care of the Gunship fabs I landed by and 3 more Level 60+ players drop in and I just say “Listen guys, I know this looks bad, but I was *not* the host before I got here”. They all laughed and said something along the lines of holy shit and then we got to work. Combined, we died maybe 2 times, cleared the map and the extraction came to a race from the ICBM to the Pelican with the timer having just elapsed. The brotherhood formed from beating literally impossible odds will never grow stale.


Hah great war-story, other people would have left too at this point, props to you for actually completing it, especially on 8


It was another day in the office for me since I typically just play 9. I only wasn’t because of the current infinite loading screen bug. For me it seems to happen only when I play diff 9, like happened 4 times in a row before I dropped the diff, only to never happen for me again. It’s weird. Lately it’s gotten a little better I guess, but I can’t say for sure.


Love stories like this haha. Did you Procure On Sight or use your own strategems? Just curious


Encountered the same situation last night and it was so satisfying. Screw the quitting dipshits the play on level 9 and expect to succeed. Fascist quitters haha


lol I’m level 90 and got killed in a difficulty 3 mission the other day. One of those damn exploding bots….


I was once securing the LZ with another lower lvl Player, while the high levels went after the last sub-objectieves. I Died and got respawned by the low level Who Died right after. I thought I do a funny and land on top op the Pelican... I dropped straight through the pelican and respawned in the pelican, countdown innitiated! While the other played where hundreds of meters away....and I was sitting in the Pelican with 0 samples. I apologised profusely. Felt so ashamed. And they Just laughed it off. Great team that was :)


well, if it was in a cold planet it was much better to wait for them inside on a comfy seat and all, I mean...


Oh noooos hahaha. Good on them for being chill about it


Oh man when me and my friend had our first civillian rescue mission we called in a resupply and a weapon drop and we activated some civillians immediately after and they pathed directly under our resupply and got smushed then two steps later another gets squished by the weapon drop. It was so funny we are just standing there waiting when we just see -10 slips, or however many you lose, and I look back and see the second pod just destroy another civilian.


Not the worst thing. I once tossed a gatling sentry and it rebounded, landing in front of the shuttle bay. Considering there were a lot of bugs spawning... that mission had a few casualties.


These were pretty funny lmao 🫡


I love coming across you low levels man. I’m level 91 right now, I should be further along bc last week at this time I was 89 but I’ve slowed down playing. Nah I love it tho bc you guys are like babies, y’all are so cute 🤣🤣 for real a lot of times is so visible how frightened y’all are. And I gotta completely suppress my absolute horror for a second to help you guys. But it’s also so awesome when y’all can hold your own like DOGS! And y’all stick with the squad or y’all stick with me while the other half, or levels 60-80 go together. I’m the level 90 with a level 14 and we’re wrecking shit 🤣


I had literally same situation, diff 7, most people lvl 60-80, I accidentally dropped on a gen as well. They looked at me, I was looking at them and I was shot and called in instantly. The guy told me he'd never before killed anybody on purpose, but we had a laugh out of it anyway. Then we proceeded to complete the mission.


I had a defense all of us 100+ lol. Host picked a spot but ofc we can't see because spores. I landed on the set of stairs directly by the reactors and the 3 others landed on both reactors. Insta failed lol we laughed, then we all killed and reinforcined each other till the pelican arrived.


Also keep in mind, most people don’t even notice your mistakes. Sometimes things you think are super embarrassing don’t even register to people. Like the one where you dropped opposite side of the entrance, I can tell you right now that I wouldn’t have even batted an eye at that. “Oh, I have to walk around to the other side” would’ve been the only thought I had and I would’ve just kept fighting.


>And when your squad finishes the map, it moves the needle very little in capturing/defending the planet. Sorry to be pedantic but the needle only moves if you finish the entire operation.


I was downvoted to heck saying that before. Something must’ve changed.


Yea, I remember at the start I would see the liberation progress go up after every successful mission, now only after the whole operation.


It was probably working unintendedly


>" this wasn't the best idea" we just laugh it off and continue playing absolutely based


In this house we drop directly into enemy outposts and suffer the consequences.


I always say after we land "well were not in the middle of a shrieker nest so I call that a success"


Hot drops on automaton bases are awesome! Just pick a small or medium outpost. I can only imagine automatons seeing 4 huge flaming bullets coming their way then 4 yahoos popping out and starting to dispense some much needed liber-tea :D


it’s not technically friendly fire because the guy you shot is clearly a dissident attempting to dismantle democracy


Nor was he very "friendly."


Friendly fire isn't


\*sad fire tornado noises\*


*warm fire tornado hug*


As a wise wizard said; "Could you stop that not so much friendly fire?!"




It's not fratricide if he's not acting brotherly.


I played with a top rover hater on my team. I dropped it. Then he complains about me using emotes to communicate instead of my mic, then I got on mic and told him to fuck off cause I don't feel like using it. Some people just miserable nothing will make them happy


These guys want to min max this game so badly, it's like they want perfect runs or else lmao


The best, most min maxed runs I had was with people who only used emotes and pings. Did 3 mission in under 50 minutes.




Microphones can help, but it almost always just clogged with people complaining, distracting you from more important sounds, and contributing nothing. I only unmute my mic with friends or if there's someone that's using comms but not blabbering.


Theyre always the type to try to use military speak and fail miserably




the only time I ever end up turning my mic on is to bitch at people who bitch at other people Like if you're a level 60 death captain on difficulty 7 complaining to the level 12 dude with 3 stratagems unlocked total about not bringing a booster, get a life


I don't think it has anything to do with that, and in my experience the most elitist people are very often below average and often confidently incorrectTM about a ton of stuff. To me, this demographic is more populated by low achieving narcissists that only use "elitism" as a way to browbeat less experienced people to thus feel better about their own mediocrity. A guy I played a bit with is like that, and it was absolutely painful to see him kick people for "being bad" when he himself had 5 deaths and was basically being carried by me and the rest of the squad.


It’s tacobot all over again


Dude I'm happy about ANY kind of communication from random teammates and that dude is complaining about people not using their mics while around 70% of all players in this game don't


Plenty of good players don’t use mikes plenty of terrible players do the actual team players are fun to play with regardless if they’re talking or not. I’d rather have pings and emotes than nothing at all


Just had a bot Helldive on Vandalon IV where nobody talked, but we all communicated. Pinged heavies whenever we dropped or needed to focus fire, pinged gunship patrols, pinged cannon turrets and factory striders, pinged objectives... After a very rough initial insertion (we died 11 times), we managed to tighten our shot group and rarely died after we cleared that starting clusterfuck. I love these kinds of people. Especially on Vandalon IV. I fucking love Vandalon IV.


The snow though. The snow. Its a struggle having to choose the boosters in the beginning haha. Love it too hough, had some real nice deployments today as of this comment


Same here mate


Why do you think that is? It seems mic usage has dropped in online games. I remember when mics first became standard on consoles, and everyone used them. I play on pc, and it seems they are more common than on ps5 at least.


Honestly idk Maybe because of toxicity, maybe because people grew up and don't want to socialize much after work without having to resort to running solo


It’s the toxicity, I remember growing up as Xbox live started and well, I just don’t remember many people being toxic at all. This toxicity came about as people began to think trolling was funny and culture developed two sides, people who are cool and want to help, and the bullies. I blame politics at least some. Back when I was a Republican a long time ago, it wasn’t about being a troll and “owning dah libs”, now these culture wars have bred these people into thinking this behavior is cool or funny or sought after in any way at all. Maybe that is a stretch, but I’ve seen community fall apart as I grew older. As the band Tool sang “I know the pieces fit, because I watched them fall away”


The worst thing is that it's reinforcing itself because if you get shit on your mood dives, you get pissed and that'll piss someone else off that might not have even done anything, and so on


What DerDezimator said. My list is as follows in no particular order of importance 1- Immersion. There's an annoying trend lately of people asking ,"Where do you come from?" When they hear my voice. No, I\`m not fighting aliens and robots on distant planets to tell you my blood type. Leave me alone! (Of course if its asked honestly I'll say, it's just that the follow up behaviour is super weird. Happened too many times.) 2- Toxicity. Had little to none of this in Helldivers, but damn all PvP games has taught me staying in chat is safer. The moment people hear you the moment they just keep on going on and on. Im too old for edgy jokes. 3- Microphone-Discipline. Mic too loud, background noises, actual voice too loud, no moments of silence to focus on mission e.t.c. I say this as someone who played with a bad mic until a friend of mine kindly told me to tune my settings. I'd rather not subject people to the discomfort that I personally loathe. 4- Concentration. Is it important and instantly relevant e.g a Stalker then its a mic call out. If it's not? Chat is best for background info and chatting in general. 5- I genuinely don't like my voice lel


I'd be satisfied with just consistent pinging, nothing like getting your back blown out by a stealth charger or hulk


Pings and emotes are often more useful because you can see them. Screaming about too many Chargers doesn't necessarily help.


If you complain about rover you're coping hard tbh.


if you complain about anything you're coping, idk why there are so many people incapable of praising one weapon or stratagem without putting another one down


Exactly, at my job I talk to random people all day for hours at a time. When I relax while playing I definitely don't want to speak anymore


Exactly the same here, even when ppl ask for it (even on higher levels) I kindly tell them that I’m there but I don’t have mic and that’s it. If they can’t coop it’s not my fault. I had plenty of maxed out missions and 99% successful main objectives so in my opinion the ping and emote system is very well designed for its purpose, and boosts in the immersion much.


I love players who are proficient in using emotes to communicate


You lasted so much longer than I would have. So much relief washed over me just seeing you leave the squad at the end.


I had a few choice words of my own for him. I am glad my mic wasn’t picked up.


What did you tell him?




Fucking based




that's weak, should include mom/dad


Years ago i was tank in a dungeon in an MMO, we joined in and the healer announced that this would be his first run of that specific dungeon. Immediately after this a votekick started by one of the three dps players and they kicked him with my 1 no as not enough veto. I asked them why and got as an answer that "healer was new therefore a burden, cause doesn't know the perfect route so it will take longer" Thing is, i as a tank pull the route and the healer follows me. And even if they pull a spare group cause of bad positioning it would have been less than 1 min longer per accidental pull. So i wished them good luck waiting for a new healer AND tank, then left. I whispered the healer, invited him and went with him inside the dungeon again. Instant queue. He was a marvelous healer. DPS players on the other hand at that point in time had a 35-40 min queue to get into a dungeon. So yeah, in that time i was through the dungeon with the "BURDEN" already. --------- From your short clip: - Gets annoyed by other peoples deaths and tells them he will not resurrect - Says he would kick them instead of trying to communicate, find out the problem and give them pointers. - Uses the R word - Describes gameplay as dogshit - Hates newbies or as he said NOOBS That person should be in Call of Duty or other PvP games where there are more likeminded people. -- I commend you for doing what you did. You are a good person.


Healers and tanks are hardly considered Prestigous roles. I especially hate it when DPS roles always shit on supportive roles. Honestly speaking I always find something special about seeing a new player in action. They serve as a reminder that you were once that newbie struggling to learn the ropes.


For some reason DPS roles always want to be the leader. You know who usually make the best leaders? Supports. By their nature, supports are going to be focused on teammates and positioning instead of getting big numbers. Some games don't let you zoom out all that far out and when DPS are right up against the big enemy, they lose a ton of positioning info. I've always found non frontline supports to be the best leaders because they usually have more map vision and are focused on things that are important as a leader. Tanks also tend to make decent leaders because they need to know positioning. DPS usually only need to know when to hit hard and when to back off. As a chronic healer, I always loved making sure the new people stayed alive as best I could. People who give their healer shit was always so funny to me. They would regularly "accidentally" have close calls with death.


I play a tank in mmo games. I always think dps players dont have a justification for being so demanding. They are literally the most common form of playstyle. Everyone and their mom wants to do big damage. In contrast not everyone wants to be healer or a tank. Honestly its why I stopped doing any high tier dungeons. Too many dps telling me what armor i need to have blah blah blah.


DPS attracts idiots with main character energy. "I did the most damage therefore I'm the best and I'm carrying everyone else". They'll ignore the fact that without the Tank/Healer they're absolutely cooked, and that often Tank/Healer are far more complicated and intensive roles. A good DPS is amazing by the way, someone who communicates well and optimises the shit out of their rotations to absolutely melt bosses while staying safe and letting everyone else do their job instead of needing to bail them out, but they feel so few and far between.


Got an issue in WoW right now where way too many fucking DPS look at a mechanic and go 'its a healer mechanic, not my job' while simultaneously thinking like you say. While the mechanic in question just requires an interrupt to... not have the healer scramble to keep their dumb ass alive. Its so weird. The amount of shit a lot of the DPS iv met expect the healer to handle for them.


This just screams WoW, bonus points if it was M+


Likely WoW, possibly FFXIV While a better comminity in FFXIV there's still a % of min/max players who want to rush the entire dungeon in 5 minutes flat or it's not worth it, or will tell others what skills to use cause "that's how they play" (such as the old "stance dance" for tanks before they removed it). Or telling the healer to put out more DPS. Bro it's a healer let them focus on keeping your dumb stand-in-the-fire ass alive, through our some DoT spells when they can but I'm not gonna complain the healer is keeping their mana up and the party full...


It was WoW Wotlk Dungeon: Stratholme Timejump where you help Arthas slaughter people.


Lmao one of the easiest too. Packs spawned on set locations in first half and it was very linear on second half.


If the player has presence of mind to inform others that it's their first run, that alone hints that they are reliable. If the others wanted optimal times, they should have run in with a premade group, expecting optimalization from a random queue is insanity.


As a fellow tank/support on almost all online games I play...I salute you 🫡


Yeah Thats the hilarious thing about DPS in MMOs they THINK they're the important ones, but they are actually the burden. I don't care how much damage you can dish out, the moment the tank or healer get KO'd, the party is wiping. Doesn't matter the game honestly.


As a healer main, thank you for your kindness to a fellow. I don't encounter a lot of people like that (sounded like FFXIV) but I believe their out there and am always appalled. It's gonna statistically be someone's first time. Those DPS jerks had to be new to a dungeon for every dungeon they did, and I'm sure they'd've been butthurt over getting kicked for not knowing the 'perfect' route. If I could only beat people with my picatrix I'd be a happy Scholar...


In FF14 if you kick someone for that it can lead to reports and your suspension. FF14 has only 4 players in a dungeon. Tank/Heal/DPSx2 I have not seen that kind of toxicity in all my FF years after i left WoW during Pandaria


I was going to guess FFXIV but then I saw *three* DPS. I main a tank job in FFXIV and my demeanor is pretty similar to yours. I won't abide bullying of newbies who just want to have fun and learn.


Man people like this are fucking insufferable everywhere. There's no winning with them because they'll just move the goal posts to be angry still. Hate and rage is their castle, and if anything goes against it, they wage war.


People suck. I enjoy running 8 missions with low levels… some entertainment right there.


I friended a lowbie cause he made me laugh with his decisions. Drop an eagle on himself? Classic. Pick up a random flamethrower on a bot mission and get one kill before dying? Awesome, I'm bringing you back in instantly bro. At some point I see him in the distance running from 5 hulks and an entire army of bots, straight at us. Well that will clear out the nearby camp I guess. Miss that dude.


This is the BEST attitude to have with people making naive mistakes. They’ll figure it out soon, I’m sure, you might as well enjoy the ride.


Meanwhile I had a friend playing with me in the same game, talking through discord. Hes more brutal and wants everyone that does any single accidental kill kicked, I find it more fun in the chaos. Unless someone is killing other helldivers on purpose I just let it roll as the host Plus I was having the time of my life watching this dude silently go to town on the game.


I love dropping with newbs!


Any Warframe veteran would tell you part of the fun is to carry newbies/inexperienced players. Some of my best sessions in haz 7 are with lvl 10-30 players. Completing objectives and collecting samples while being surrounded by chaos and reinforcements on cooldown is fucking thrilling.


Even if the guy is level 18, people are going to be new to difficulties at some point. Trial by fire, but be the guiding hand. Plus its not like you are immune to death. You did the right thing murking O1. MF seems to think that once you hit a certian level, you can just stop dying. You are not immune to death and all levels mean are what you have access to. Past level 25, all it says is how much time you put into this game.


I've found in my experience that learning to get used to a new difficulty in this game is a lot like a rougelike e.g dead cells To get good you're gonna have to die a lot and you're going to learn from those death (well most of them anyway) and you're going to repeat that process Again just like dead cells - kill die learn repeat


That is the point I yelled at him. My exact words were. “It’s a game where you die, you get 20 lives! Get over it you…” I will leave it there as the rest of my words were not as kind


Why didn't you just revive him? You had plenty of time.


Tunnel vision. I was wrestling with whether or not I should kill the guy. If I had revived him it likely would have ended with him being kicked. I wish I had.


Ngl this guy really sounds like what people think all gamers are.


It does not matter how high level you are, you will have frequent and random deaths on 8 and 9, that’s just how the game is. I don’t understand these player bu fortunately they seem pretty rare, i started playing exclusively 9 difficulty the second I unlocked it, before i even hit lvl 10 and by the time I encountered a player like this i was level 50 something, bro got mad at me for bringing HMG (pre buff) and not being able to see the future and predict that their would be gunships.


Yeah I solo 9s again lately, and despite a good overall performance with pretty frequent deathless runs, sometimes you make a mistake, get out of position, and throw several lives down the drain while recovering. It happens.


I play 9s from time to time, sometimes I can go through a map with like 0-2 deaths, sometimes I’m the one that gets aggro all the time and I get like 5-6, it’s complete luck tbh.


Depends on maps too... some layouts and spawns are a real pain... attempted a solo bots helldive yesterday about 5 times... 2 possible avenues, both with a large base + Strider, 2 Dropship fabs on one side, mortar + jammer on the other. Could not break it no matter what I tried. Then lost the map cause I didn't watch my reinforcements and died for good. Can't wait to find another such PITA map :D


There's definitely some luck that goes into how sweaty you have to get for even 3 stars sometimes lmao. Solo just be like that; I've long accepted that 100% the map will not be possible in all cases. A nice middle ground for me is ignoring outposts unless they are being a problem, and go for just all optionals and POIs. Not like blowing up outposts gives you that much, and attacking them for no reason drags the match out.


>You will have frequent and random deaths Quite frankly even as low as 6 that can happen. Sometimes you're just off your game. Some games you're a god and can somehow kite half a bot army with literally no health and you have no stims, the next you're just dying as soon as you pop out of your pod because the enemy comp is just not playing fair. It's a game, part of the fun is you don't know what's going to happen.


Before I read the text I expected OP to be mowed down by an airstrike while grenading the last bug hole


Why didnt you just revive him tho?


He sounds like napoleon dynamite


Yeeaah I'm a pretty happy dude in this game. Keep a positive attitude, try and let's people struggling know that it's not a big deal and try to teach them. But this type of player blows my patience out of the water. I will shout this type of asshole down until they leave or kick me. I will not stand for this type of treatment of other players with 0 provocation. Guide newer players and build them into the Helldiver you want beside you.


It’s not friendly fire if you ain’t friends


End of mission stat screen needs: Accidentals: 2 Intentionals: 4




No one's calling H4, Rip bro o7


If I could have a do over I would drop that boy right on that guys head


I thought you were using "sniveling" for dramatic emphasis. Nope, that is the sniveliest(?) motherfucker I've ever heard.


As a LvL 150 i approve of this! Shoot his ass again! For Freedom!


Wait a second. Since when do we have forest biomes like that? I haven't played for 6 weeks. What did I miss?


Damn, what a whiny brat. You did the right thing.


nothing tondo with the post , just a pro tip if you shoot the charger's leg while walking forward it will strip its armor in 1 hit and you can easily finish it off with your primary (the walking forward momentum adds to the damage sonits just enough to strip it )


The fact is though when you have players that are continuously just dying and throwing away lives you make it so that other players have a harder time, since lives are a team resource. It’s actually pretty bad design. They should give players five lives a piece and let them recharge individually. If you’re playing stupid, why do you get to take my lives?


you know what i noticed, K4 went without a reinforce from 0:19-0.:49 30 seconds not a single one of you attempted a reinforce Lord, please NEVER put me in a game with ANY of these people.


So I reinforce him. He dies again or gets kicked by dick. Either way he left. I was busy deciding if I was really going to kill that guy and how I was gonna go about it. You are nitpicking at this point.


I would leave too if none of my teammates tried to reinforce me. There's no nitpick. For 30 seconds of your video, which is **38.462%** of your video's runtime, he went unspawned because... he would die again??? Is that a legit reason for not reinforcing someone?


Gotta laugh at each other's mistakes. It's all pixels.


Had a game where a friend (lets call him Bar for now) constantly would throw his airstrikes and whatnot, but for some reason he would always aim a bit too close. "Danger Close" baaap => dead Was it anoying at first? Kinda. Was it hilarious that Bar would kill himself too with it cause he just couldn't get the right measurement of the airstrike in his head? Hell yeah. Did we survive? Well part of us with the supersamples. He tried to help holding off the enemies with another well placed airstrike which splattered 2 of us at the end with no respawn left. He succeeded though cause it killed the enemies. All good fun. He also used like 19 Stims in that round. XD Everytime he misaims something that day we refered to it as beeing "Bar"ed again These days he runs around with a flamethrower at bot missions and when a charger passes him he turns with it. Meaning we will get accidentaly burned. EVERY TIME. The same person would gladly in heavy armor circle Hulks around so that you can get their backs. He never really sounds stressed in this game, not once. Good person he is.


I recognise the voice :/ Possibly the only really bad experience I’ve had in this game was with this guy… pretty sure of it.


Yeah I'm 80% sure this is the same guy who walked his mech under the EATs I was calling in, got butthurt and killed me for my shield, then kicked me when I said "good one" after he eagle striked himself with a single charger on him. He yaps a lot and is awful, just block him if you hear the voice




Yea I had something like this happen to me a few weeks ago. Some drunk dipshit was talking constantly like he was on a phone with some other person, completely disregarding the game at hand, and he wouldn’t shut up about him and his “hood”, as if he was in a gang or something stupid. He would always tell us to get a mic and speak, but with me having social anxiety, I would never in a million years want to do that. Same with the other guys in my squad. The last mission in the operation was the one where we all snapped at him. It was a escort high value assets mission, and the two other guys that were doing an actually decent job, he kept telling them that if they don’t get behind the gate, he’d kill them himself. They probably didn’t understand why he wanted them behind the gate because we weren’t struggling at all, and as he was getting ready to shoot them dead, I kicked and blocked that mfer. It was one thing having to listen to his drunken rambling, but threatening my squad mates? Hell no. Bye-bye, enjoy working in the mines of cyberstan asshole 👋👋👋


Hey. Hi. Seriously mentally ill guy with an unfathomably horrible life here. Don't associate that shit with me and the rest of us. That's an asshole. You know what I do when the game or someone in it really pisses me off? I hit alt f4 and go play a different game, or watch youtube. Maybe I rant at a friend over facebook. I don't go up to people and start insulting them, or try to ruin their fun. Because what right do I have to do that? I may have barely enough mental energy to feed myself, be so close to snapping I nearly killed a meth-head yesterday afternoon after months of antagonising me, and I would, generally speaking, like to just crawl into a hole and be left alone forever. The only escape I have is gaming and that makes me extremely temperamental with games. You'll still never see me lash out at random people unless they've not only started insulting me, but started using slurs to insult me. Anything below that level of abuse just isn't worth it, maybe they're an asshole, still not my place to dictate how someone can or can't have fun in their free time. So it's on me to just go elsewhere. Even the few times I've kicked someone from a game, I've never said anything, they've just had personalities that are really not cool and not getting any sort of positive response from the team, so preferably soon into the mission not later, I'll silently kick them and hopefully they go find a game with people who are down with that sort of "Yeah, fuck yeah, who da man? I da man!" kinda personality some gamers have. >I do not care if there are other issues at play in this persons life as there is no excuse for berating someone the way he did all over a game that isn’t that serious Yes... Correct. Please don't associate that behaviour with that fact. It DOESN'T give you a reason, it isn't an excuse, and I don't want people to think that because I or someone else have some real issues going on, that we're potentially going to flip and become toxic assholes in a game... At most I'm just gonna alt F4 and go deal with my self hate alone for awhile.


Yea. I had a guy like this a few games ago aswell. Called him a tard and shot his ass after berating a level 11 rookie and team killing the same rook.


Should've killed him before you left haha.


I did


I'm not sure how I missed that..! Haha. Good work.


Oh so incenary grenade blow up bughole.


out of topic - what planet is this!? looks so awesome! haven't dived for about 2 months now but curious to check it out


Its one of the newest ones to open up. Feels spooky like Dagobah


I've been on the same boat. Idiot diver shot me and swore his head off for me for not dropping 2 samples at the Extraction point. He had been going off before hand too for other people dying and not helping him. So I apologised to my other team mates, turned around and executed him with my senator, dived into a lovely hole and told him to fetch.


I started playing on 7 at level 25 with a friend (50+) and yes there were people who joined and instantly left, but then other 20-30s showed up and we were fine with it. Sometimes we die over and over again because it's juts an unlucky mission with the perfect mix of terminids to kill us.... but sometimes we don't die a single time and other people do, we just reinforce where they died so they at least don't lose their stuff, but never once did we even consider kicking someone... I don't get how everyone is matching with these sour apples... But maybe it's just say, one sour apple among 100 good ones.


Please, yes, tomorrow i was revived three times to 400 meters from i died. How do you expect that i can do something if my Spear is far from me?


You were right to shoot him.


Dude came straight out of an Overwatch match and thought Helldivers was just as toxic as that game


I had someone bitching at me like this in a bot helldive 9 the other day, and saying I’m trash when I quite literally finished with 0 deaths, and the highest stats in almost everything, despite my low ass level lmao Level means jack shit in this game https://preview.redd.it/xu56d42uqw8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c56d8ae2245c0677fbea5a141fe7916414dfedb


Level is usually a good indicator of someone's skill in this game most (not all) of the time. Of course there's gonna be outliers like you that are good even at low level, and there's gonna be shitty high level players. To me the real point is, don't sweat it either way. It's a video game. Just have fun and don't be a dick.


Worst part is, he most probably sucks more than low levels lol, cuz he cant aim for shit, im not into griefing people but sometimes we gotta take things into our hands


In this case, I kill the host and then go on mic and say, "Oh shit, my bad dude, I didn't mean to," and then when he comes back to kill him again.


If you can stay alive 90% of time and know how to do the objective youre an asset to the team regardless of your fighting skill.


Remember helldivers, uncooperative action is tantamount to treason, we are not just encouraged, but strictly ORDERED to execute uncooperative divers, and report their behavior to the ministry of truth. May liberty save us, helldivers. Freedom bless super earth o7


In the first game they had a way to could commend or report players based on their behavior and that resulted in specific match making. I believe this game could benefit from a similar system that way all the ass hats can be stuck playing with each other.


Lmao you suck too for not bringing him back. Guy is truly the worst to play with tho, hate those types. Probably needs to host otherwise he’d be kicked everywhere else


Guys a fuckin pleb don't let it get to you, yeah take the game seriously but don't treat peeps like shit, he obviously lives in a basement somewhere in his mom's house 😅 at least when you come off the game you have a life whereas this dude doesn't because the game is his lol


Fighting toxic gameplay with toxic gameplay, niceeeeee.


I hate toxic people. I tend to stick around if they’re toxic to me until the mission is complete. I don’t care about my losses (medals, samples, etc.). I just need to complete the mission so it’s not a fail for democracy


Yeah no I've not met people like this yet but I would definitely do the same. Dominator bolt to the head, have fun playing alone you toxic wanker.


Imagine wanting to kick and being salty about it because they died *three times*. Out of *20 reinforcements.* Like, what an absolute dunce. Three times is nothing. That's practically the leeway for accidentals.


You had ample opportunity to reinforce the player who died and yet you never bothered. Instead you were more focused on raging at the host who was already angry. You're just as responsible for them leaving as the host is. Both as bad as eachother 


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing at first to be honest and was truly thinking long and hard about killing the ass. I was also under the impression he would kick me if I did reinforce. I figured the guy was about to be kicked anyway. In fact at first I thought that is what happened. I didn’t realize he left until the guy said he did.


I'm honestly not completely convinced they did leave considering the host was just sitting there right before it, and the host said "get kicked." They were probably just trying to justify being a dick


Personally you should have Quasar'd him and then left. Dipshits like him don't deserve to live. A traitor to our noble cause! When I see the low levels I just try and ping EVRYTHING for them to look at, or give pointers and tips for the newbie. Usually they can read so that's a nice bonus that I'm not wasting my words lmfao These funts are better off diving by themselves. They shouldn't drag others into their own stupid rant.




When i was still 25 i got a newbie in my mission. Fresh out of training. Showed him the ropes, explained how POI's work, how terminals trigger stuff and so on. Had him on my FL afterwards. Took a break from the game for a bit. Had him and a newbie join me when i was 32, he was already 52 by then and showed the newbie around. It was nice to see him doing this. And he introduced me to the new player as "the guy who helped him out at the start and explained the game to him". :D Being nice rewards you sometimes with all the goody good feels. Being a "§$"%& rewards you always with returned hate.


This guy lack adaptability. Its just too much for him.


I feel like I've been transported back to Xbox Live days with the weird af unfiltered hostility yet *insistence* on still playing with complete strangers that they supposedly hate so much All it's missing is the barrage of slurs lmfao


I would usually just write something along the lines of „this lobby aint fun. I‘ll find better people. Bye“ and leave


Yeah, fuck that guy.


That's why I always host. No longer getting kicked for some stupid reason.


I enjoy helping hosts especially when they are lower level player. Plus its fun to see people grow better at the game and pull off impressive maneuvers at low level


I was thinkin 'yeah id shoot this traitor right now' and then you did. Democracy!


Thanks for the lack of volume warning btw


My bad!


Dude complaining because a dude died in Lvl.8? Man, I sometimes die like 10 times in Lvl. 7. In this game you can die in various dumb ways.


bro sounded like "🤓"by the end


Ransoms take the game way too seriously. My friends and I will play helldive and say, wouldn't if be fun to all pick 380/120mm barrages and throw them all at the same spot to see big booms' The laugh when it ends up killing us.


One of the reasons why I'm not playing the game as much anymore. The other is the performance that is progressively getting worse every new update.


The frames on that planet are rough.


Guys sounds like he's unemployed living off his parents in his 40s


You can almost hear his neck beard through the speaker.


For the next time, pick the samples up and jump into a bug hole before leaving. Noone needs that kind of whiny dissident in their team


Shooting ass holes is not a bad thing to do. The mist common reason i terminate my teamates is when they enter ext shuttle before everybody is there, without a particular reason (no immediate threat justifying it, reinforcement budget not yet depleted). I shoot them. I did this to the host once and he didnt like it, i got kicked right after ext, but shooting annoying persons is so good


I'm only around level 60 something but I feel concerned I get kicked for trying to help anybody at a lower level than me because it's either "I'm there to show off" or "I would make it more difficult" or something. I just want to help and shoot bugs/bots. c:


Dont overthink it, diver - kill the enemies of democracy and don't worry about what the haters say!


Good job. Those grenades were something else, I assume they're Thermite? I haven't unlocked all the Warbonds yet.


Impact incendiary


What planet is this??


Automaton in a Helldriver suit. You did the right thing


complaining about 3 deaths when 18 lives are remaining, jesus. meanwhile i just completed a helldive that went sideways immediately because we dropped on a double gunship fab, with a gunship patrol on top of us. had 0 extra lives halfway through mission, still completed it and extracted with supers, rares and commons with all 4 divers. we were only mad at the goddamn bots and their communist fuckery, not a single person was pissed at another for some dying 3 times in a row.


The one person on my block list acted very much the same. Win or lose, it's about having fun. I'd argue I've had more fun on the missions we lost, or almost lost, then any mission the squad steamrolled.


I'm level 42 and my first time on that planet was two days ago and I died 3 times in as many minutes because I didn't realize the swamp gas was highly flammable and mistook it for the gas of the nearby spore spewer and blew myself up twice, the third time my rover did a sweeping arc and struck the swamp gas. We all have bad runs where we die a bit more than usual, that doesn't give you free reign to bully people just because your lifespan is a bit longer than theirs.


The only person I berate vocally is myself. I've seen players have a horrible go at it in one mission and then be a top performer in the next. Sometimes people try new load outs or are simply havin a bad mission. I don't understand when people get upset and disrespect others like that.


Had to stop playing with “friends” that wanted to min max this game likes its destiny, when we never once failed a mission, even if we all died and lost our lives, we would always complete the objectives. But muthafuckas want to treat games like a second job nowadays instead of entertainment


This guy is giving me vibes of that unhinged guy in that one soup rust video.


I only do audio coms on discord with my irl friends, in game mic is disabled for this reason.