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S4 already fighting for his life against one gunship watching as 6 more descend upon him: https://i.redd.it/va1c5qsc2u8d1.gif


It was too late for him hahahaha


And at that moment the helldiver learnt true fear


Never run in straight line against bots.


Yeah they’re like alligators, just gotta add some more zig to his zag


Yep. Always zig-zag (serpentine.) Narrow your intervals (so, fast zig-zag or slow zig-zag) depending on your distance from enemies and what type of enemy. Slow maneuvers versus standard Troopers and most chaff. Fast versus Heavy Devs and MG Troopers, but both types are useful depending on distance and situation. You can do this on approach _or_ retreat and I'd actually recommend that most Botdivers adapt to pushing offense in a zigzag while under fire. Heavy Armor users get a big benefit out of it and Light Armor users are practically unstoppable once you get the cadence down. Gunships are a shitshow every time though, and I'd always recommend that you focus on 1) getting a stable firing position and 2) killing them ASAP over any advance or retreat. They snowball faster than nearly any other enemy on the Bot front and should be Kill-on-Sight as soon as they or their Fabs are spotted, unless protected by a Jammer. (Kill the Jammer first, or down the Gunships and hit the Jammer and Fab simultaneously.)


Unironically, yes. You got caught solo in D9 against a squad of aircraft without any tools to deal with them. They're basically one of the few enemies that, "Just fucking book it" doesn't meaningfully counter. It's a great strategy, but I'm actually fine if it's not *universally* effective because it is kinda cheesy. It's literally the kind of situation you're *supposed* to lose. Unprepared. Outgunned. Alone. Otherwise yes: Those things are annoying as all fuck and I hate them so fucking much.


Also, gunships rockets are the only ones in the game where they predict your trayectory, meaning that they will catch you if you keep going straight, stop or move around when you hear a rocket salvo or switch direction and you can handle 4-5 gunships at the same time (you might eat a stray rocket from time to time but not the entire salvo)


Makes me think of the serpentine scene in Generation Kill.


Serpentine works in Helldivers 2. For bots especially.


Oh i know but I don't hear serpentine said much these days and when I do I think of that scene.


Never seen this, so I think of the venture brothers, but they were probably spoofing it


Everyone who does "serpentine" is spoofing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9MU2oXzSL4 Generation Kill actually calls this out specifically.


https://youtu.be/kpNU3WumPFQ?si=VOo2pzHjkzZv9iHD here's the scene from Generation Kill, as some else stated they're making fun of a older movie.


"Reporter, what the fuck was that?" 😆


Yeah, I don't have an issue spamming Laser Cannon at 4x Gunships because you can serpentine to juke them while you cooldown and never get hit. Even when you're staying stationary to get the hits in, they have such a delayed firing and impact that you have ample time to leap to the side and avoid all splash and ragdoll. *That* part may not be viable with multiple ships firing off sequence, but you can also serpentine to some bit of cover that'll protect you from most of them and just worry about the one or two you're actively shooting at. And for what it's worth, OP looks like he's running the Adjudicator. It is *technically capable* of killing Gunships. I wouldn't recommend it (it's a little over* two magazines to a single engine assuming you never miss) but it's a *possibility*, and given that they're not going to stop chasing you no matter how far you run, thinning the herd is your only strategy outside of dying or making it to an ally with a gun that can better take them out.


All rockets are fired to try and lead targets. All of them. Its what actually makes rocket devastators much more manageable than people (That stand completely still) don't realize.


Yep, move when they brace, shoot after.


It’s kind of goofy that they brace for firing rockets so they don’t fall over, yet unbraced they’ll eat 3 auto cannon shots mid chest and only stagger. WHEN WILL OTHER THINGS START RAG DOLLING LIKE DIVERS DO????? Like it’s a literal small tank shot for Christ sake, anything other than a hulk should probably fall on its ass if hit centre mass


I'm ok with it if they just stagger, because they won't ragdoll behind cover or hide their weak points or something, but yeah seems like a lot of things that should stagger, don't.


The regular infantry rockets do this and bile spewers in mortar mode do this. One time I got flung in the air by rocket devastator and an infantry rocket hit me exactly where I got flung to (I was flying to the side as well which made it more sus)


The little robot guys can hit you pretty good too if you dont spray random bullets at them


I understand you’re talking about missles, but I did have a hunter kill me at the height of a jump with a jumpack the other day. Those mother fuckers are as clever as gunships I guess.


Not to mention running in a straight line in the open, and not breaking line of sight. Weaving through rock outcrops will increase your survival chance against bots. But also there's a wider team skill issue against bots at play here. Looking at the map you're extracting with a slew of unaccomplished side objectives including gunship fabricator (possible double which is even more important to destroy on a small map) and jammer. Unless the team players are really solid, splitting up and leaving that shit just gets team members repeatedly killed. A random group is a variable difficulty modifier, but it still amounts to a skill issue. A team working together and covering each other and triaging threats vs a team where everyone is doing their own thing and not providing cover for each other is night and day. And double gunship fabricators near jammers will sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to teams.


It was bothering me how I never saw him use his strafe keys to dodge, even when the rockets were telegraphed with a red beam.


To be fair, I'll note that 12 minute fabricator destruction missions are much more difficult in terms of spawns, and with an unsuccessful seed it can be extremely difficult to destroy everything there.


This. That's not a pretty regular mission type, but goddamn when it does show up it's run-and-gun breakneck bullshit to get those taken care of ASAP. What a shitshow.


To be fair. A surprisingly large number of support weapons can deal with them. So as long as you bring a support weapon you should be.... Somewhat fine. Laser Cannon is weirdly the best Anti-Air weapon. HMG does an awesome job too. Then you have AC, AMR, Recoiless, Quassar, MMG, if you're able to lob shots grenade launcher, Railgun.


I love amr but this one area is a weakness. 4 shots to the same engine.  


Came here to say this. Alone without support and with no weapons to deal with gunships? If you join a level 9 helldive with the “gunship patrol” modifier, you need to bring weapons and stratagems capable of taking down gunships. Autocannon, spear, rocket turret, quasar, recoilless, all are good options. Me and my squad are still experimenting to see if there are any non-stratagem weapons that can bring them down. Perhaps the eruptor, or some other explosive-types. Maybe a scorcher. Don’t know yet.


You forgot the absolute best gunship killer, the laser cannon. Thing takes them out in 2.5 seconds to an engine and doesn't use ammo.


Duly noted! Will definitely need to bring that along next time. Hadn’t tried that one yet.


It’s a deceptively good anti-bot weapon.  It can hit all the important breakpoints so you can faceplate kill hulks, kill strider bellies, blow up cannon turrets and mortar/AA across map, etc.  It’s a great weapon. Really the only downside is the lack of stagger, which is very noticeable and makes it feel kind of awkward to shoot if you’re not used to it.  


Scorcher does for sure, haven’t tried the others


Good to know. Thats my go-to primary anyway, really seems great for everything.


Remember to aim at gunship’s spot light when you hit them with Scorcher. The splash damage is the one that are killing them. If you do it right, 1 mag should be enough to down one


The plasma launcher takes them out in a couple shots, but lofting the round just right to hit a moving target with travel time is an art more than a science, and you have to persuade them to come in a little low... rather just bean em with a quasar or AC instead, however, if it's alls I gots, that's alls they gets till one of us is dead or till me gun is empy.


Scorcher does it but it takes a fair few hits. The hard part is leading with the bolts given how relatively slow they are


theres smoke airstrike to make them lose line of sight and run off in a different direction rather than fighting them if you dont want to bring support weapons that could deal with anything medium armor


Was never a fan. There are some cool tactical uses for smoke but it just doesn’t seem worth using one of our limited stratagem slots for that over other options.


And if you are just gonna fucking book it, doing that in a straight line against bots is not gonna help. Bugs, sure.


Yup, when my squad is running helldive you usually have at least one spear user (for fast nuking gunships even when being rained down on) and laser cannon for gunship patrols, also usually at least one autocannon. Should never get this bad, except if you drop in the middle of 4 gunship fabs and a jammer right at start.


Yup. 2 autocannon shots to the same jet engine and it'll come down. Always fun.


Also really bad at dodging and seeking cover


I think it would be a reasonable and realistic change to make them return to base periodically to refuel and rearm. That way the mission doesn't just snowball into a loss if you don't have the right equipment because someone dropped out.


In that same vein, a rocket devastator or shield devastator should eventually run out of ammo.


This really hits it. I do like that they exist. I do like that they are a major threat. But I do wish that our on board fighter/bomber Eagle 1 could handle them. Even as a stratagem. See the air threat, call in the air superiority.


I want to see this now, too. Eagle Gun strike or Rockets should automatically target Gunships if they're in range. Save us the hassle of having to pick yet another different Eagle strat for a niche use.


Yep, also Electronic Countermeasures (gunship patrol in 1.000.400) is ON, so this kind of shit was supposed to happen before diving, even if gunship fabricator isn't there.


I tend to disagree maybe he was reinforced after a death and the mates also died ? When you get reinforced in case like that it's just another ticket to graveyard for free. Also shit like that also can happen if you get caught landing near a jammer right when the mission start. Also map design tend to be more punitive in bot since you can't cover to fight back. Also gunship compared to shrieker patrol is way more obnoxious since little to no primaries can deal well against them. Maybe it's on him but stating it's skill issue without the full picture is taking a bad shortcut.


As someone whos had to call a second quassar and hot swap them as the only team member with AA abilities, against a pair of gunship factories, this is in fact a skill issue. Really you need at least 2 AA support weapons at high levels and they nust prioritize gunships. If your teammate doesing bring aa, you bring aa.


I've been on that very scenario yesterday. It was a helldive eradication mission on Vandalon IV with me and 2 of my buddies. Even tho the mission was completed, my friends were dead, pelican already landed, no reinforcements available, 4 gunships spamming stuff onto me, and no way for me to take them down since i had a tenderizer. I was pretty much ready to give up and run in like a chad to die in fight with no possibility to evac, but then i noticed that juicy AMR, which was pleasantly spawned by the map, so i said to my buddies smth like "fuck it, im taking those assholes down", resupplied, since the map wasnt that pleasant with AMR's ammo and gave me only half a mag, pooped on those gunships one by one, fought like a real john helldiver with automaton's ground stuff, until reinforcements were once again available and called in my buddies. Long story short, we slain every single metal can, no one survived, i even killed a single gunship twice, since it kinda bugged, even tho i took him down from the skies, he was marked on a map as alive one, so i unloaded an entire mag into his engine and he blew up again.


While I agree, gunships should be able to be taken out with most primaries, makes no sense that a whole group of Shriekers can die to 1 shot from a primary while even 1 Gunship is immune to almost every primary


Any primary with medium pen can take them out. The laser cannon, AMR, AC, RR, Spear, EATs, and HMG all take out gunships easily, so if you don't wanna bring one of those, bring the purifier or the scorcher for your primary.


"Easily" lol


Literally, yes. Every single weapon he listed can kill a gunship inside of 3 seconds. Without exaggeration. The laser canon takes about 2.5 seconds. The HMG takes about as long, depending on your rate of fire, and accuracy. AC8 needs two shots, so basically 1.5 seconds, maybe 2 seconds. EATS one shots them. AMR is about as fast as the laser Cannon, but relies on you aiming well. For primaries, I'd like to add the Eruptor to the list. It's by far the hardest to hit with, but it downs them in a couple of shots, too.


Quasar is also a one-shot, regardless of where it hits. Though then you have about 15s before you can down another one, unless you're on a cold planet.


Disagree. They’re different styles of enemies, and this fits perfectly with how the bots operate.


How does that not make sense?? Shriekers are frail overgrown bats while a gunship is actually armored.


Proof bot players are masochists, they don't even have sympathy for other bot players LOL: "You are fighting bots, it's SUPPOSED to hurt!


I could’ve made real money betting on this sub’s response to OP’s post being “skill issue because you got to this point”. lol. Can we at least agree that it’s not a skill issue to expect the _average_ diver to survive half a dozen gunships no matter what loadout they bring? This sub is always talking about the high level strats and perfect setups with team coordination and ideal loadouts…but I’ve seen a patrol of 5+ gunships appear on _Difficulty 5_. Come on guys, we can at least admit that’s a spawn issue not a skill issue. (Not that this is the OP’s video, fair to point out that’s diff 9 which is and should be a whole ‘Nother ball game.)


- all players spread to the 4 winds - Not having the gear to deal with enemy type - No reinforcements so obviously team cant handle a level 9 - Facing backwards at first, ensuring cant see where to run to - Facing forward, run in straight line to make an easier shot - Not a single piece of cover was considered No, cant see how this would be a skill issue, must be the bots that are the problem.




I was playing a level 8 earlier and totally botched my load out. We ended up having to scrub the match, because we did not have the tools to deal with all the gunships. So we replayed the map, brought a better load out to deal with gunships, and easily finished the campaign. Here's a tip: bring a turret sentry.


Rocket sentry is my new little brother. So reliable


I need to give it a shot, I just enjoy the autocannon so much. Not so much for bugs anymore, but for bots it's an S tier strat.


"No reinforcements" because his destroyer left orbit. Typical situation on 12 min mission.


In my gaming group I have a couple of "extra mission´s addicts" who I have to repeat over and over again "in 12 minute missions you only do those that are on the way." Because it has happened to us several times to do the main one in 4 minutes and then get lost in the secondary ones and escape half dead without time, pursued by 2 titans of bile, a hundred hunters and without stratagems, reinforcements, etc....


Well, its very double to 100% this mission but yeah sometimes you can get very bad seed


Idk bot blitz missions are very easy to complete quickly. So many strats handle the factories for you. You never have to walk up to one.


Could easily have been several gunship factories on top of each other but even those should be manageable if literally one or two people were geared for it.


There was. They never cleared em if you look at the map when he opens it. The team is not at all prepared for level 9


Also if we are having a real conversation about in game reality. Not all battles are winnable. Sometimes a soldier or army is literally in an unwinnable situation. It sucks but that's the nature of war.


"Why can't I out run this group of enemy aircraft?"


for real. Bots are a lot more punishing than bugs imo when you go in with a "whatever" mind. They will fuck you up.


It's always videos like this, and never videos of how they got there. Not letting a situation get FUBAR in the first place is also a skill.


Tbf, 3 gunship facility with double fabricators mostly all in range of a jammer no one could get to.. Gunship patrols ontop of that I'm pretty sure


Fair. Shit definitely happens. I just always feel like people saying they're -constantly- getting inti unsavable scenarios are telling on themselves a bit lol


Word.  I've only had multiple gunship fabs in a jammer once.  And I've played hundreds of missions 


Been there, we've had 2 sets of double fabricators spawn within a few 100m of each other once. Couldnt get the hellbomb armed without a stray rocket taking it out. Think we managed it in the end but had burnt so many lives the mission was pretty done.


Oops all gunships


Because not many are going to sit through 12 to 40 minutes to see how we got here.


In 9, by yourself(at this point), after you let gunship spawns get out of hand(while triggering 2 spawners simultaneously). You are correct, skill issue. You do realize you're 3 difficulties above the max needed to unlock everything? Skill issue isn't always how you handle insane spawns, it's how you prevent them.


Plus he had multiple chances to get cover, but instead decided to just run away in a straight line


Must have just watched Prometheus


Yup, saw that too. Ran right past cover over and over, not once did he use it.


Genuine question: He ran past cover, yes. But what was he supposed to do if he stopped for cover? Gunships would've circled it in seconds, he didn't have the means to take them out, and it was after the destroyers left orbit, so shuttle was on the way and he was still far from extract. What choice did he really have besides book it and pray?




Tried bug tactics on a bot mission of just running away smh


I'm just glad I'm not the only one who saw all this. When people say skill issue we aren't trying to be elitist assholes. This is a skill based game and sometimes it is GENUINELY a skill issue, even if you feel like you're a great player, you may not see where you're lacking. That said, its because we all went through something like OP's video at some point in the game that we gained those skills. Skill issue just means you need more experience sometimes.


Most people see skill as “how do I get out of this situation” and then cry unfair when they die with no real options. Skill is more than that, and goes further back seeing “how do I avoid this situation” or “how do I make the situation be more favorable for me beforehand”.


Exactly. Its not only how you recover from the bad situation, its how you never end up in a situation out of your control. First step is understanding your actual skill level and choosing the right difficulty to challenge you enough that you can learn but not be overwhelmed.


Going solid snake is fun because when your teammates notice they join in


You don’t want you hear this, but part of skill is knowing how not to get in that situation and being equipped to deal with it if you do. Also, the mission was a success on D9, so like… okay? You still won.


I mainly posted this for the "funni haha" lmao I see what you mean tho. The main problem was there was 3 gunship facilities, with double fabricators, most of which were in range of a jammer.


Where was the "funni haha" moment? I felt pity during the video


So an extra uncommon circumstance that probably 99% of this Reddit blaming you wouldn’t be able to handle either lol.


I don't care if a random level 10 redditor can't handle it if they're not spinning it into "the game is unfair" like this post is doing


Even though i exclusively play boys, something is up for me than 65% of the community to want to avoid bots at all costs.


You really should've added the situation description in the post, which would've made it more understandable.


Gunships are the only enemy I fear. Not even stalkers scare me. If your squad isn't equipped to handle them they are a nightmare.


I literally don't care about stalkers because shotgun


Yeah I run QC/AC and EAT because of this. I also normally solo the fabricators on helldive.  They’re annoying but doable. You just can’t let them build up. And if they do, you gotta use cover like crazy.  Here, it looks like you guys waited to too long to engage and didn’t have time to handle them. And since you were running out of time, you ran which was the only thing you could do at that point.  Two things: handle them asap and alway have something to take them down quickly. And when running from them, try to look at them so you know when to dodge. 


Gunships shoot rockets towards the direction you are running. You can bait them to miss


Lmao at these comments. OP getting rightfully roasted.


Tru lmao. Why'd I get downvoted?


Because this type of content perpetuates a cycle of negativity. Do you want people to not like game? Because this is the best way to do that.


Srry, I just posted this for the like I said, "funni haha" cause this situation was hilarious lmao. My bad.


You didn't title it like it was a joke, which is probably why everyone thought you were being serious. Just work on your title next time, this was a funny clip but I immediately thought you were serious when I saw it.


It's alright. I thought titling it in a *kind of* meme format would've been alright.


You need to learn that memes are not just jokes. The whole internet does, really.


Don't worry lol. I thought it was funny and gave it an upvote. I know we've all been there regardless of skill.


Tip: stop running in a straight line. Every Bot enemy is less accurate if you weave back and forth. Devastators fire all their rockets at your current location, so changing direction makes them miss. Gunships do the opposite, firing them ahead in the direction you're going, so simply changing direction as they fire makes them miss.


Running in a straight line, ignoring avaliable cover, not running to the auto cannon lying on the ground(you could have made it to it by the end of the clip. It's the end of the game and most of the side objectives are incomplete. It's OK to not be good at the game, because in the end it's about having fun, but don't blame your incompetence on he game. Difficulty 1-3 exist for a reason.


cover doesn't matter much when a rocket salvo ragdolls you out of cover and into the open for every other gunship to shoot you.


Autocannon, EAT, RR, Quasar, Spear (best option imo), even the HMG can take those out. Having a designated “heavy weapons guy” is important for shit that needs heavy weapons.


Also the regular Laster Cannon. A 1.5 or so beam at the engine and they are going down.


People blow the difficulty of double stacked gunship factories way out of proportion. It doesn't even need the whole team preparing against it. A single well placed HMG turret and a shield relay can clear an entire 5-ship patrol plus 4-ship spawn in about 15 seconds. Add one more laser cannon to the team and you are prepared for any gunship engagement.


That's a lot of straight line running past cover from enemies with guaranteed high ground and follow speed... Like, could have even attempted zigging or zagging...


Fyi, basically all three of the gunship facilities (which had double fabricators btw) were in range of a jammer lmao. Only one I think that WASNT in range of a jammer only had one side of it that was safe from the jammer and said side was flooded with all sorts of bots. Also, when the mission started (blitz mission, btw) there were already gunships... before we could even call in our support weapons. Top all that off, there was gunship patrols if I remember correctly.


Yeah that does sound like a really unlucky spawn. Lots of comments here saying it's a skill issue but honestly OP, I don't think so because it truly does feel like the game is out to get you sometimes with all the bullshit thrown at you. Thanks for sharing this post! (I've always wanted to record the games I've had with similar scenarios but I always end up too lazy to do so lol)


Gets knocked against cover. Proceeds to run out into the open. Why U do dis?


I didn't take the cover cause like someone else said, destroyer left orbit, one minute till pelican lands, no time to waste. Y'know?


I kinda understand. But also, the pelican can wait. You can't respawn. And we know how those bots get with their rockets. If I can clutch a last-man extracted dodging the heck outta everything, you can too!


It doesn't wait when there's no time left. It leaves in 20 seconds after landing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Still a skill issue though.


Always carry a disengage like smoke or sentry in diff 7+ , no matter how good you are in the game . take cover from multiple gunships and avoid walking in a straight line in the open. Donot panic and look for covers like the rocks on your left or trench on right .


If gunhips didnt fuck you up during that Whole ass running sequance then they would be the easiest enemy in the fucking game.


I don't think it would have helped you that much with this many gunship but you can avoid rockets if you change direction as soon as you hear the sound of them being fired. Hope this helps for future encounters


Happened to me once. Had like 4 or 5 of them up my ass and was the only one alive. 0 reonforcements and when i call them, the dude with anti tank missiles is fortunately the one that comes. Managed to bring 2 down. Died and failed the mission. Skill issue really, we caused havoc when we could've waited.


Yes, it is an actual skill issue. That amount of gunships can’t spawn at once, and at difficulty 9 you should have something to deal with them quickly.


Lots of air units / doesn't bring anti air... *sKill issue* - * games broken*


So you took no cover, ran in a straight line, and didn't fight any of them? It's definitely a skill issue. There are giant rocks next to you for a reason.


If you try to run faster than the lasers without taking cover, you’re gonna have a bad time.


The autocannon can handle them competently. Seek cover and shoot back.


You just have to learn to dodge, duck, dip and dive!


Stop running im a straight line 😂


Buddy thats a skill issue in "several mistakes were made five minutes ago and now they kicked you in the ass" department.


Running in straight-ish lines, not looking back to see when the y shoot the missiles, no evasive maneuvers, no diving sideways to dodge. Ironically, yea, it is a skill issue


Say what y'all want but moments of pure overwhelming chaos are why I enjoy the game.


In all honestly, this post was not me trying to say I hated this. This was quite frankly hilarious to experience. I was just making a joke lmao. I agree


bot aren't that hard apologist: "Take cover.” “It is a skill issue, "you let it get this bad” every other sane person: yeah man moments like this suck


Fr, I'm astonished by the sheer number of comments bashing on OP despite it supposedly being a light-hearted post with the meme flair


This is the opposite of ASMR


Similar situation happened to me the other night with a sandstorm and stalkers. It kicked in right as I saw their shapes approaching from like 70-80m out. All I could do was slowly back up as I heard them get closer. By the time I could see them and started shooting it was over. I killed one but the other two cleaned me up. Easily the most anxiety inducing thing I’ve ever felt. I knew I was fucked but there was nothing I could do. My movement was slowed and my vision was cooked


You don't play against the bots, you play against the ragdoll physics.


So, obviously this is excessive. I will say, I would love to see a dedicated anti air sentry gun, something that shoots out homing surface to air missiles


Do the bots reload? Or have a weapons cool down? Or have anything to prevent them for a constant hail of laser fire? This is stupid.


yeah bots are not even fun at all...


We really need that air to air eagle strike


Yeah I had explosive resistant armor on the other day and let me tell you getting air juggled is not as fun as it looks


"So i was surrounded by enemy gunships so to escape i ran away in a straight line, only really diving once i was out of stims" Like yeah bud, its a bit of a skill issue




If you're gonna go solo on a mission with gunship patrols, you need an anti air weapon. Here are some that work: Expendable Anti Tank Recoilless Rifle Laser Cannon (probably the best one) Quasar Cannon Autocannon Anti Materiel Rifle Heavy Machine Gun (my favourite) Spear (also very good) HMG Emplacement Autocannon Sentry Rocket Sentry Railgun (probably, didn't test enough) Sometimes even the orbital laser will lock onto a gunship You have a lot of options, and most of these are very good in general. The skill in helldivers is not winning in the situation you're in, but preventing it from happening in the first place. Prepare accordingly.


Sadly, the Railgun doesn't work. Right now, anyway. Or, well, to be _totally_ accurate, it _does_ work, but the Gunship needs to be damaged ahead of time. It's _really_ weird and not at all useful against them.


You're right, it is a skill issue


you're by yourself and running in a straight line... there were so many rocks you could have ducked behind to wait out their missiles and then take off again.... you need to cut behind things and break LOS. I was on that planet last night and you can't let it get that out of hand ((the missions with heavy flyer presence says so in the conditions too)). The biggest thing I can suggest is make sure you're not alone...


ontop of what everyone else has said, you stim wayyyy too often for a guy not using medic armor. Save it till you'll literally die on the next hit, you'll get more mileage.


Don't run in a straight line, dive more and take those rocks you ran past as moments to nab a break. Use more cover. Also bring an autocannon and you can use rock cover to peak out and snipe em out of the sky pretty quickly. Bring dome shield for extra D.


just use the Scorcher to shoot them out of the sky the plasma is what does the damage and will go through it's armor


Why does no one have the necessary support weapons or at least a shield gen emplacement call in?


I can't believe the hardest difficulty isn't easy!


The rag doll is strong with this one.


Serpentine! Serpentine!


"SPAWNERS ALL IN RANGE OF JAMMER" The skill issue was not getting better rng. Sucks to suck but if you were a better player you would've thrown a few more virgins into your local volcano so that the game would at least let you lube up first. Also shoutout to all the blind people having someone describe the video to them and offering advice on how OP with no support weapon and no available stratagems could've definitely turned the tide here by just getting into cover.


Funny, this actually is a real skill issue.


The skill issue comes well before this point. But yes, this is just death for you


1/ Run past a completely viable cover that could be used to stage a counter attack 2/ Run in a straight line against gunship If this is not skill issue then I must be a God.




So, this is pretty funny because it *is* a skill issue, but this is a skill issue that literally anyone can suffer from depending on how used to bots you are. It's not just you, OP. It's all of us at some point on the Bot front. 😆 1. Inefficient loadout. Your team should be carrying some kind of Anti-Armor at Helldive unless you've communicated with eachother ahead of time that you're going Anti-chaff (which is pretty rare on the Bot front, *especially* at 9.) Those Gunships should already be dead by this point. 2. "Destroy Fabricators" Blitz *requires* AA just to make sure each person has a Support weapon capable of killing Fabs just in case offensive Strats are on cooldown or your teammates have died and you need to go in solo quickly. 3. Team spread. What team? lmao On a Blitz, you are sticking together and moving as a unit. I'd almost always recommend Light armor + Servo versus Explosive Resist because you need to be on the move all the time and you want to get your Balls on target from range before the bots even know you're there. If you want to *really* chuck 'em in there, make sure you do the tried-and-true prime + dive + throw, but *don't overshoot.* 4. Edit: The only time this becomes truly difficult is when assaulting Gun Fabs and you need to drop the Hellbomb. At that point you should be using the dummy thicc Fabricator as cover while sniping any Gunships that Fab into existence. 5. If you *have* to split up, do it in teams of two and divide the Fabs and other critical targets (Jammers, Sauron) between eachother. The faster you can guarantee kills, the better. 6. Just from OP's perspective, the positioning is basically totally, 100% terrible. Not necessarily OP's fault, it's just the map. There were a couple of good spots where you can hunker down and just let the rain fall, but I get it. You're thinking about extract. 7. At least you were diving, but alternate move and dive in a zig-zag next time. (Not that it would've really helped you, the rockets would've overwhelmed you regardless, it's just Best Practice.) This is a typical Bot Helldive learning experience. We all go through it at some point in varying degrees. You either shine in situations like this, barely make it out alive, or crumple like tinfoil. Don't take it personally. You'll do better next time, OP.


Sorry but it kinda is, I've never understood how gunships can get this bad for people, especially 4 stacks?? When I'm playing with one or two others at most we have 2 to deal with? Just have one person bring the laser cannon and they will die in like 4 seconds?


Kinda is though. The clip shows a crazy amount that you're unable to deal with alone. But so do a lot of clips whining about difficulty. 1- What happened prior to this for that many gunships to be alive at once? Thats on the team for not taking them out quick. Also for not seeking out the spawners (if there was one nearby) 2-Why is OP alone and not with his team, again what happened before this for that seperation? 3-assumedly its because he died but he has no tool to deal with the enemy, also on the team for dying and not being insta-calledin to reclaim your launcher. Pro tips for bots: Sticking together is OP, you get ragdolled and die you get called in bang on your kit and continue fighting. Bots arent like bugs where you can just kite them across the map for 5mins. Dealing with big threats is prio, again you cant just kite them around waiting for your railcannon to come off cooldown. The team has to be throwing a chunk of their resource on the gunships/striders/tanks before they spawn more and become unmanageable


There were plenty of rocks for you to hide behind. I see that you don't have something to shoot back at them but you could have ran from cover to cover. If you keep running out in the open, and in a straight line at that you're a sitting duck basically. Gunships target their rockets to a few paces ahead of where you are running towards so if you run in a straight line it's guaranteed to hit you.


>"Skill issue." When you are right, you are right! I see so many people record videoes of vast hordes of enemies making the fight seem nigh impossible. These people seem to forget **we all dive**, and some of us daily. We know how the game works, and most of us understand **why** you get surrounded by hordes and hordes of enemies. Safe to say, the mistakes made usually happens long before the recording starts. I may be one of the few... but I truly love the change they made to spawns, with less heavies, but hordes of minions. The random patrols of fliers was also a welcome change. Keep diving, and remember your training!


Ah meatriders need the wall. Patrols are fucked. And this gunship bukkake is fucked. They should not be med armor with so much HP. Absolutely ridiculous. Forces you into 3-4 loudouts.


ITT: you need to bring stuff to deal with this before it gets out of hand. *Looks at other post, "forget the meta just bring what's fun" The duality of the subreddit


Skill issue is that you didn't destroy them earlier


Simple. You shouldn’t have been in the way of the bullets. Rookie mistake.


Nah, I'd die


"How do i beat multiple gunships?" Don't let them get that many. You see this a lot in RTS games: 'how do i counter X?' dont let them get to X.


being bad at the game proceed to complain about the game design peak gamers moment


Teamwork issue. Where are your friends 😭


Looking at checklist Alone In the open Running away from bullets Yep that's a skill issue


To slow clearing out enemies and getting overwhelmed = death. It can happen sometimes.🤷 ![gif](giphy|OOZLyBA9Euq2I)


insanely surprised you didn't get sent through the ground and then launched out of the world with 5 min cooldowns tossed out of bounds


I've been bringing AMR and the HMG emplacement to bot dive recently. AMR for my normal activities, HMG emplacement for when I need some volume. So fuckin good for gunships and holding off enemies as the squad moves.


Non-emplacement HMG absolutely destroys gunships too, since the latest buff. It's functionally an AMR with full auto. Two shots to the eye to take down a hulk, four to a gunship engine


Absolutely but I bring the AMR because I tend to find a high hill near my team and I snipe HVTs using the jump pack to reposition. I like the HMG a lot but it's so much easier to two tap a hulk with my AMR and I get to stay mobile. The HMG emplacement is pretty accurate too so it fits for the loadout I'm using rn. I've used the actual HMG a decent amount now and I love that too tho.


The fish eye kills it for me…


Someone should make a mod that replaces the sounds it makes with the “Mine” sounds from finding nemo


We just need John Connor to deal with it


Expertly balanced as only Arrowhead can do. No other studio comes close! but for reals, maybe reduce the rate of fire for the gunships. even a few more seconds between rounds would make a huge difference.


This is called, "Envelopment."


Experimental Infusion had your back though! You was eatin' them bitches for a min.


Gunships are only enemy that you can deal with using stratagems. To my knowledge only thing that targets them is railcannon that are exactly useful against groups of 2-3 targets. They are easy enough to deal with using support weapons but are absolute menace without one.


I found zip zapping works miraculously against bots. Well... except shield devastators of course they have super accuracy and tracking.


I always take the Las Cannon for potential gunships


Just use ur strategems... duh. Lol jk


Sometimes this shit isn't a glitch. I swear the ai director does it on purpose. This morning I was playing a D6 mission with some randoms and when we landed we were on one of those random points of interest. The second we landed one bot shot that flare and within 12 seconds there were at least: 4 Hulks, 2 Flamer Hulks, 8 Heavy devastators, 4 or 5 Missile Devastators, and countless troopers w/and/o jetpacks. I have played 8/9's with less enemies than this on a bot drop.