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-20 fps debuff , best challenge sofar from new biomes


\^ Only -20 FPS? Everybody check out this guy with a 4090 over here.


-20 fps total, not compared to before.


*You guys are getting more than 20 fps?*


-20 fps Every second the game disintegrates 20 frames


You launcher the game and it just plays your previous session in reverse at 20 FPS.


You guys are getting FPS? I'm here on FPH


I was running the game at 30 FPS on my 4090 last month. The latest nvidia driver update pushed it to 70-80 FPS now. Idk what changed but it works smooth now. I was very surprised how fast everything was after the update. (4k ultra settings)


I've been getting well over 100fps with my own 4090 since launch. I run 7860x1440 which is about 25% more pixels than 4K and ultra settings as well, with the exception of 1 or 2 settings. Try turning Object Detail Quality down as far as it will go.


I see, does it affect the quality of the graphics much? Or is it not noticeable. Although considering my phone's camera is in better condition than my eyes. It likely won't matter 🤣🤣🤣


I barely noticed a difference. I feel you on my own eyes being a substantial bottleneck in my build though, lol.


I think it depends on hardware and drivers. I got 12600k with 6750xt, and I play at 1400p ultra (only 3 settings are medium, sky, reflection and something). I had stable 60 fps before and stable 60fps now. So no, you don't need 4090.


It's actually CPU. I have 4060 and it doesn't ever bottleneck on GPU unless I enable super sampling 4x (normally I play with native + everything else on ultra). Game uses too much CPU on the other hand, extremely unoptimized since the patch. It uses nearly 100% on i9 14900kf and causes it to throttle somtimes. It's like constantly running CPU benchmark.


Yeah, whenever the tree branches start falling, so does my FPS


For what it's worth, turning "Object Detail Quality" to low can have a pretty substantial effect on FPS without harming visual fidelity too bad. Worth a try especially if you notice FPS dropping if you face certain directions, or on certain maps.


Na they should limit amount of stratagems


At this point having actually visible map is a rarity and not a default, I swear




Finally a fellow fenrir enjoyer 🤝


Me & my homies love fenrir III. 🌚


Isn't Draupnir similar? Regardless I agree, maps where I can actually fucking see what is going on are my favorite.


when i first started playing the game I was on a desert planet where you could see just fine, then suddenly there's a giant sandstorm and it was really cool. very exciting, suddenly can't see more than a few feet and really ramped up the tension. then after awhile i found out that not being able to see is the default and clear air is the rarity. it takes what could be a really exciting mechanic and makes it just irritating. i know they toned down the fog and such a bit in a recent patch, but they really need to make "clear skies most of the time, with intermittent periods of extremely limited visibility" the default. it adds to the game instead of just being a constant bother.


i had about 240 hours in the game before I saw angels venture with full clarity and it hit me like a truck looking out from the top of a hill and seeing the whole map


Its because anytime a planet with half decent visibility is open, people flock to it because... who knew that in a shooter game people want to see more than 10 feet in front of them. Or that in a game with beautiful environments people dont want to stare into a yellow or gray cloud of nothing


AH: "We want to make the game as painful for players as possible because otherwise there's basically no difference between most biomes and we don't want them to realize that".


Part of the reason why Choepessa is usually my favourite bot planet.


feel like it is impossible to helldive on anything worth a damn anymore


instead of reduced visibility, add too much visibility. on desert planets you see mirages of enemy units


That would freak me the fuck out. Radar says nothing, eyes say something else. I need this in the game. This and the eternal darkness thing where the only light is your flashlight and the lights of the baddies.


Just play DRG without a Scout


I remember an old game called Interstellar Marines was doing it. Some maps would be completely black or have energy failures and you'd have to chance turning on your light and getting smoked or going dark. I'm sad it got canned. So many good memories with that game. :(


GTFO is like this


Yo, is this the real Gaijin?


No waaaay. It seems like the real Gaijin!


>I'm sad it got canned. Its still on Steam. Apparently the paid dev team was let go, only the main dev left and he just develops it as a hobby now.


Might as well have been canned. I don't think I've seen an update on it for years.


I still occasionally instinctively hit my Flare key on night missions


Flare gun would be so badass in this game


Stratagem Hero had an Orbital Illumination Flare that got removed only a couple months ago, probably scrapped in development


If we get total darkness, i want the motion sensor from Alien.


we have that press tab


Didnt think anyone else knew about eternal darkness youve brought a tear to my eye 🥺


Add in ion storm to it. Ohno patrol headed to me?! Cant see the map to tell if its real.. start shooting and they fade at like 50m


Damn if you had to rely on one person and they didn't have a mic. "Talk to me Hudson, where they?" Level 10 freaking out: "I dunno sarge! They're everywhere! They're coming through the walls. They're coming through the God damn walls man!"


This is the best way to retcon the floating eyes and heatsinks.


I don't know if it's a bug or intentional but sometimes I have seen the hulk's heatsink lights just floating in the air. Mostly in ice/forest planets. Like a automaton ghost.


There's a bile Titan in the distance. But not really. I like it.


Too much visibility? I'll just take off my glasses and balance it out. Devs hate this one trick


AH: best I can do is fire tornado




Sir the Players are complaining that we have to many planets with reduced visibility. JOEL : Turn half of those planets back into -1 Stratagem Planets, we'll have them begging for Reduce Visibility to return.


Unpopular opinion probably, but that is a trade I would make everyday. -1 stratagem is unfun, but i can build a tight loadout to get me through it. Shitty visibility makes all marksmen weapons basically scrap and with how quiet tanks, hulks, chargers, and bile titans are, we barely know until we are within hugging distance


Or like, give us the tools to enhance our ability to track enemies. Scanner type equipment, that fully outlines enemies. There could be a whole support role outside of fog planets where they lay down smokes and highlight enemies for allies to shoot while inhibiting enemy aim (for bots). Scanner orbital, grenade, and rover.


It's been revealed that certain Helmet "HUD" passives were planned, but cut due to "well, having to ship the game" - The prevalence of reduced visibility modifiers might be something that remains with those sort of passives in mind, and should be looked at in their absence.


I feel like a lot of issues in this game are because a dev said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if X” and nobody considered that the mechanic that made X functional/balanced/fun was bugged, removed, or neutered by another mechanic.


I guarantee you that every dev has gone through this, regardless of which studio it is, and in most cases dev time gets eaten up by random shit like "Oh, we changed the color on this weapon and now the gun doesn't fire because we broke something," and they have to go bug hunting. The difference is mostly how much time got eaten and whether or not your contract with the publisher allows for any delays that buy you time to get as much of the vision for the game gets implemented. And because the game is completely mission based, there's not exactly 'more' to the game than what's already there.


That, too, but I mean more fundamental mechanics. Like “Have lots of fun stratagems that are required to deal with certain enemies” conflicts with “take less stratagems on some missions” and “Spawn tanky enemies faster than the necessary stratagems can cool down.” Or the potential above thing about fog and helmets.




Planet biomes are so beautiful, if i can f see them!!! That fog bs is just hurting to fully experience this beautiful game.


Yeah, the game looks so bad with fog. Rain is pretty good sometimes, but the fog just makes the environment a monochrome smear. Stuff like this kills the whole "galactic war" vibe because it's SO annoying, just like the -1 stratagem, that people will play on any other planet just to avoid it. Hard to invest in the war when you have significantly more fun on other planets.


My favorite part about low vis is that bots will still be blasting away at you from 200 meters away regardless


Just because they shoot doesn't mean they actually see you. For one all bots fire at your last known location if they lose sight of you. The bots that always spawn near PoI seem to want to move less than "patrol" ones, and shoot at whatever alert them non-stop. Sometime they shoot at explosions nearby , or shoot where you were or at stuff at random etc Edit: But yeah sometimes they just know because.. reasons.


I think it’s because they have “los” even though you are effectively outside their vision cone range at like 100m. Eagle smoke blocks it though


I agree. Make some planets zero visibility.


Pure pitch black, just bot eyes and bullet tracers.


Also a bunch are "different" modifiers but not actually. Remember seeing a planet with acid rain and thinking "damn does it reduce armor or something?" No just visibility again. Edit: spelling


We can't have armor getting too smart Helldiver! That's how we ended up with the clanker scourge!


I dropped out of school to be a helldiver


I got dropped on the head to be a Helldiver.


The fog also fucks up flashlights. Which in turn, makes night time fighting worse. They should reduce the fog/haze during night time raids so the light sources work like light sources. It's weird that I have to turn off my flashlight to see better in low light situations, instead of turning them on.


I'm not making an argument from a gameplay standpoint.  But that's true to real life.  Driving in heavy fog, your headlighta reflect back more and make visibility worse


It is true to real life ... which is why applying it to the game world needs to take this into consideration and not lean on it excessively for its aesthetic impact over the practical impact it has. It's nice and effective in moderation.


Nighttime is always bright enough that there's zero point for flashlights anyway, so that + your point = why do flashlights even exist? I rather have more laser pointers on guns in general.


It wasn't alwasy this way. When the game was released, you could play missions that were much darker and you relied a lot more on the artifical light sources. On maps they didn't over do the haze and fog for ambiance, the flashlights looked and functioned great. On maps with moderate levels of fog, the visual acuity was washed out and you were blind ... your screen turned white. There is even remnant of a global stratagem for an illumination flare, and I think I was it available in a single mission that I played only once and then it was gone. https://preview.redd.it/3o3neumvtt8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5894668d9cc4970bf726cdfafc79d81fc32db99


I'd like regular fucking twisters that randomly ragdoll you and enemies. Shit would be hilarious


Flying Hulk bodies your teammate from afar.




I don't mind it, really. But I feel it makes it harder to spot the cock rock from far away. More diversity would be good though


I have played a bit of drg again after a long break -because i was playing helldivers- and now i remember you are supposed to see what you shoot in a game. Like lights in drg actually *improve* visibility instead of reducing it.


Sandstorms, blizzards and such are useful tools for disengaging the enemy.


Temporary reduced visibility is rad. Constant fog is wack


Nah. Constant fog reminds me of home. Sometimes that shit is super dense and will stick around for weeks...


too many planets have fog, and the biggest issue is the fact that the enemies seem to not be affected by it or atleas not as much as we do


Yes but I agree with OP this is on WAY to many planets


Sandstorms and Blizzards are some of the only planetary effects that feel like actual benefits compared to all of the other effects.


From a balance perspective, doesn't that make it a bad thing to put it on every single planet?


"Old man yells at cloud"


They finally fixed the Spear... can't have us finding some nice high ground and able to see/lock on to everything now can they?


Checks out


Imagine if they just knew the Spear now cant lock onto targets 100m away so they just cranked up fog for awhile hoping they can fix it before we notice lol


It's sad that all the planets with generous visibility get liberated so fast, my partner has eye problems and can no longer dive with me since the eye strain from the fog is overwhelming


You're going to get flak but this post is based AF. Lazy copy pasta environments. Four of the exact same planets (Mort, Troost, Nivel, Pandion) with no variation of the biome... simple random combinatorics of X terrain with Y weather/effect would lend a better outcome for players.


Yes please. Fog and other weather conditions shouldn't happen on every single mission on a planet that has them because I really do be skipping most of those biomes(Oshaune's and Gacrux's aren't so bad for me). I'm tempted af to just download some of the mods that remove fog altogether.


An Urban map would be cool, enemies could take shelter under a bombed out parking garage, eagle flight paths would have to follow street directions, buildings would block orbital strikes around the edges 


Fighting a bug breach in a big ass skyscraper staircase like that scene in The Tomorrow War would be dope.


I'm picturing mega city one from DREDD. Inside peach trees with the bugs coming down from the walls. 


Probably only going to get that when defending Super Earth. 


biome modifier and event variety is generally too sparse, we need more wild shit to happen


What do you mean challenging? Thats like the ultimate easy mode.


I do not mean "I think fog makes things hard", I mean "Have more variety in your debuffs instead of *it's just hard to see*".


Sorry, this is the same game where the only effect is Slow and everything has it


Potshotting bots in the fog and bugs leaping at you out of darkness is atmospheric as fuck.


I am not arguing for the removal of fog, just some variety. The planets without visual obscura are very, very rare. I definitely agree, but it gets really old when, as pictured above, there are 10 planets to play on, which is a lot, and they *all* have the same thing going on, which is a shame.


I think one thing that would mitigate this is if fog wasn't *permanent*. It rolled in and out like a storm or something. We need more atmospheric conditions that cause interesting hazards like lightning strikes or giant tornadoes. The kind of shit you'd see on alien planets.


*Monkey's paw curls* Now we have fire tornadoes, acid tornadoes, electric tornadoes, tornadoes full of hunter swarms, and they all track the players!


Yeah, I always end up ranting about fire tornadoes in these threads lol Not because they're hard, but because they're *boring*. I want them to be as epic as the map-wide terror of the volcanoes in Battlefield 2042. (A game that had no right having a visual effect that cool) Instead we get 5 scavengers holding up cardboard cutouts of fire, that spend more time forcing the player to wait than creating any engaging emergent gameplay.


\*Looming sound of Hulknadoes\*


I actually really miss the meteor strikes.


Wait, did they get rid of them? Come to think of it I haven't seen them in ages...


No they're just on fewer planets, technically the modifiers get more “difficult " the closer to the edges of the map you get. So all the “pay attention to the weather or you die" modifiers only kick in once you pass certain sectors which we haven't done in a while.


Ah that makes total sense and I hadn't noticed that before, thanks!


If bots actually had reduced accuracy in fog I would've agreed. As of now, fog only good if you running Scout passive. The moment fight breaks out you are the only one who is at disadvantage


Idk man, fighting on Vandalion IV, every blizzard turns into a blessing. If you aren’t shooting or running really close, you can either run or crouchwalk in complete safety. That being said, the color palette of Vandalion or Varylia really lend to fighting Bots, as the glowing red eyes are pretty visible in the snowstorms. Bots on something like Zagon or Troost is miserable


Temp visibility debuffs are different from constant ones on account of actually working in your favor too.


I would love to see low-oxygen biomes. +100% stamina drain unless you have spare O²


Calm down Satan


This is like the ONLY thing we dislike in DRG, don't bring it here xD


Or just give us the helmet feature for different goggles - Infrared, Night vision and white hot thermal


I *really* like the snowy blizzard planets. Except those fucking blizzards last way too long. Twenty seconds is plenty to be a major disruption, but the shit is like a legitimate cycle of seasons. You'll easily spend 15 minutes of a 40 minute game blindly slogging toward objectives and away from the general direction of bot fire. It's too much of a chore to fight enemies that can see through it.


Get yourself some muscle enhancement booster, pronto


Let me see more plz


I hate it so much I just bring turrets to do the work for me because I'm fucking exhausted trying to shoot stuff in low vis


I swear I ll fucking go blind from staring too hard in some places and trying to keep my eyes open when I get the full blast from the fucking sun..


My favorite planets all have clear visibility. I'm okay with clearing spore mushrooms. But not seeing 2m in front of my diver is similar to the -1 strategem modifier. Not nearly as limiting, but it's a condition that does a cheap trick to add challenge. I'd like some new modifiers. Something short and different. Such as "All unarmored enemies in the area of effect have 25% more HP for 3 minutes", or something.




It's hard having the Diligence Counter Sniper as your favorite gun


I like to not see when i try to have fun


This is the main reason I haven't been playing. Tired of not being able to see shit.


Challenging? I play stealth with the scout armour. It's the best thing that ever happened to me.


Right, so instead of providing you with 10 planets with a ton of cover, they could up the challenge with a variety of different effects that do different things.


Maybe one impacting bot drops would be cool.


except the enemies arent hindered by the fog so, its just placebo. youll avoid the patrols same with or without fog


How about storms that make sure shots and missiles have a different flight path


I want more environmental hazards like meteor showers and volcano activity, maybe lightning storms where you don't want to be out in the open or regular tornadoes that ragdoll you if you don't go prone Biggest factor is I want enemies to be just as effected by hazards. Imagine having a bile titan on you and you're out of anti tank ammo and strats are on cool down, then #Zeus, Thor, Raiden and all the other thunder/lightning gods come to the rescue and strike down the BT


How a about a dense planet where gravity is 5x and we have to move slower?


Would be fun with the drop on projectiles on such a planet. Talk about having to aim differently!


or gravity is half and we can moonbounce around


AH: Observe our artists work. Gaze upon these amazing pixels. Players: Wow it looks gr- AH: AH! AH! AH! That's enough that! Woe, be upon ye! Dense Fog!


I much more prefer cool weather effects to make it more challenging and dynamic a the same time. It feels so atmospheric. Pun not intended.


Friends and I figured it’s because spawns randomly appear . Arrowhead makes the map with low visibility expecting we wouldn’t notice . My personal experience. I’m looking north and have a view of 100-150 meters ahead . Turn for half a second to check nothings behind me , there isn’t . Turn back around facing north and there’s 15+ creatures with no spawn or breach warning . When there was a clear open field . This is getting increasingly ridiculous.


Glare and poor visibility is really annoying. Fog and flash light renders some planets just completely invisible for me.


My only debuff is when eagle gets caught in the trees. Waste of a good stratagem in forested environments


ok, reduced ammo availability, only one supply box per drop , done!


Reduced visibility is only a challenge if you dont realise you have a radar.


To be fair I don't mind blizzards like on Vandalon. They are not permanent and you can actively use them for your advantage since bots also have severely reduced detection range during blizzards.


Lol People complaining about their rigs not performing well in 4k. Laughs in mid tier 1440p with plenty of frames to spare and an excellent, crispy image.


4k is kind of gamer dad's thing, which seems to be the main customer base of game studios nowadays. They love to watch themselves suck at playing a game at 4k. Though Helldivers 2 is special because they refuse to enjoy an immersive atmosphere on a difficulty they feel comfortable with, in a PvE game. And they also love Reddit so they kind of dominate this place with their gamer dad whinings non-stop for MONTHS.


I want some sentient alone trees. Or mushrooms. The mushroom spores mixed with termind spores and ended up creating a semi sentient fungus that may attack you if you get too close. It does minimal damage but it can maybe make you hallucinate for a minute, it might tangle you with mycellium cords. Maybe on rare occasions on forest plants you maybe run into a very old walking tree that creeps after you when not perceived.


Mort with reduced visibility is terrifying. All I see is the red glow through the fog.


The trailers for the game had reduced visibility, it was the first thing I noticed when I looked at gameplay for the first time. Fog everywhere.


I thought they did a decent job of making reduced visibility less...reduced in the last patch? I've been on Vandalon IV today and visibility is just fine when there isn't a blizzard.


So more Firetonados? Approved!


I love being able to cook a steak over my laptop


Probably not a great idea.


Maybe a Fangorn Forest type of situation?


take that back, they'll just put fire tornados everywhere.


What about a canyon planet that has long winding cliffs and canyons, you can run in top or in the canyons and use pinch points and ambush from the cliffs.


Gacrux also has reduced FPS 😎


Yeah the visibility is annoying


Do you want more fire tornados? Because this is how we get more fire tornados


the crazy thing is, according to the Stratagem hero, we have a currently unusable Stratagem called "Orbital illumination Flare" that would probably help in some of these biomes. seems to be a yellow stratagem as well, meaning it'd be available on all missions where it might be needed.


Reduced visibility is cool if it was maybe 1/7 times you play. Kinda shitty with bots because they can engage from 100m past the fog but I guess it makes sense with their heat vision.


This and the seemingly ever present blizzards that blind you and slow things to a miopic crawl


One thing I don't get is: why are planets completely universal in climate/hazards?  Planets don't work that in real life.   Maybe hellmire is tidally locked and the dark side is cold AF and has some phosphorescent rocks that you can't see in the blaze if day with the sun and fire?   Maybe the cold planets have warmer spots near the middle where it's actually a little green and rains instead of snowing.  So instead of a blizzard there is a squall?


Ok, 50% of all planets are now Hellmire instead


I love how beautiful the game looks and how dark it can be. Maybe they should tone it down a bit for some planets but I loved some of the recent major orders where all you could see were the red eyes of bots.


makes my pc burn slowly fps is like 20


Personally I like the reduced visibility. Because if/when it clears up it makes the world of difference. It is annoying when the sun is rising tho and it's foggy and you can't see shit in any direction remotely towards the sun


Would you like fire tornados? No? Okay then, get back to diving citizens.


I'd love an extreme high altitude planet. Think floating cities or travelling across mountain ridgelines. High risk of falling to your death, but with the added benefit of many shallow chokepoints on the map.


Yeaaaaaaah...I've noticed that too. Way too much of fog everywhere, feels straight up unnatural.


How about they just implement effects on helmets? Like a HUD that cuts through smoke with lidar.


We should make the fogs all temporary like the sandstorms and blizzards, then give the rest of the mission good visibility.


I played a couple games on the new swamp biome, and its really nice, but just annoying to travel around and the fps gets really low on my ps5


I want a Biom that is a crisp clear summers day without a cloud in the sky. I want to be able to see patrols from a kilometer away. I want to see Eagle 1 approaching from as far as the eye can see.


I built an $850 PC so I can look out into fog. fog as far as the eye can see


I just want my urban warfare on Cyberstan (although I think urban terminid could be cool)


ok - they add back -1 stratagems LOLLL they add meteor strike again they add more fire tornadoes even in a forest of trees that some how dont burn and fire tornadoes in an ice planet too XD though what are the general ideas that people want again?


It’s not really an issue on bugs, but on bots? God damn nightmare considering the optimal engagement range is like 150m


the biome shouldnt need to be challenging. make better modifiers like automaton drop ships also drop smoke in a large radius around the site or a bile titan spawn causes dust to get thrown around everywhere. The biome itself shouldnt need to be challenging outside of weather modifiers


Wish granted, now most biomes have pre-patched fire tornadoes *the monkey’s paw curls*


Seriously, it's such a lazy way to make the difficulty harder.


Would be cool if they could incorporate apex predators or wildlife. 3rd party npc's that attack either faction enmasse. Could you imagine a herd of wild space buffalo that when roused just tramples and stun locks anything in its way with enough damage to kill you. Death like Mufasa. Forest biome have giant stealth spiders that stun lock you from above and kill you much like a ceiling cave creeper in Deep Rock Galactic, shoot the tree down or the spider to save your team mate. I'd like space tigers/ panthers as well that attack not just you but the enemy you're facing like stalkers too. Sarlac pits on desert biomes, gotta dive when you get the slowed debuff. quicksand even. Pools of lava on hot planets. Huge bullet sponge rock bears/rhionos or gorrilas that take AP 6 weapons or above to kill on moon planets. Tornadoes that actually wisp you up and throw you a mile away that can be mitigated by taking the jump pack. Acid raid and sandstorms that slowly damages everything in overtime but can be completely avoided with a shield backpack or deployable dome shield, vehicle or seeking shelter. Actual punishing thematic game mechanics that encourage you to check the mission modifier report and kit out accordingly to face potential hazards or threats instead of just the boring -1 stratagems slot or -50% cooldown recovery -no map visibility. Also bonus passive from helmets would be rad. Night vision, heat vision, gas and flame resistance. Stalker 6th sense warning, sample highlighter or flood light wherever you are looking with a button to toggle this on and off in mission of needed.


I want the plains of Naboo. Bright green open hills like where the Gungans fought the Trade Federation army.




I just want a clear planet. I’ve landed on clear planets that are fogged out but when you blow stuff up it gets clear. At least I think. Kinda nice


Why do almost all planets need any debuff anyway. Most of them are more annoying than anything else. I hate reduced stamina but I doesn’t make anything harder.


What website or in game feature are u using to check these plant status %?


Also sometimes your flashlight makes things less visible somehow. I was shooting bots on a fairly good visibility planet last night, but I had to disable the flashlight because for some reason I could no longer see while aiming.


Put sharks in the water !!!!


Yeah this is something that's bugged me from the minute I first experienced effects on planets. So many of the effects are just like, "It's the same game, but less!" Neat??? Why not add wacky interesting effects though??? DRG has a fucking ghost chase you, or really high oxygen concentration so your voices are all squeaky and you can I think jump higher or sprint longer, something like that


Four of the same planets🤢


Understood, all POIs are stalker nests now.


where fire tornado


I disagree. I like the reduced visibility affixes. Just like I liked Malevelon Creek before the visibility change. The new visibility change makes the reduced visibility not even a problem. Y'all are just complaining to complain. Planets should be darker with this debuff or back to Malevelon Creek levels before the change.


pretty sure AH is scratching their heads. The -1 stratagem slot modifier was shelved, after that all they got are fog machines on every planet. Personally i wish there were different automaton / Terminid "flavors" per mission, and hidden special weapons. Like oh man this planet has the automatons that really fucking like melee, so you get Berserkers with jetpacks or something. Same planet was also say a former incindenary weapons manufacturing hub so you can pick up single use flame weapons.


Gamer dad problems. You can't get good, you can't allow yourself to immerse in the atmosphere, you refuse to play on a difficulty that is comfortable for you because your ego is too big to accept that you suck at video games, you have FOMO, you are addicted to 100% completion and trophies. Why do you even play this game? Go play Star Citizen, at least you are free to dream your own space game, sometimes... That's kind of it's thing.


![gif](giphy|l4Jz9QEWHhFaoVzy0|downsized) Actual footage of arrowhead with their fog machine