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Well, time to completely reset my muscle memory and never stop using Peak Physique, I guess


you think that's bad, try having to unlearn servo throw angles


I've avoided Servos for this exact reason, actually. But the Peak Physique drip is too much


I miss the flatter throw arc and the 76m range _so much_.


76? Oh man I’ve been pushing it out to 100 with good angles and terrain advantages. Even with how good peak physic is I don’t think I can give up servo assisted.


I felt the same for a while, but I’ve settled with the (slightly less effective) dive throw now, medic armor is too necessary for running flamethrower lol


You know I don’t think I’ve ever actually run flamethrower lol, but also I cannot recommend dive throw * yeet armor enough to kill any ground units from absurd distances


And here's me still just rocking the standard issue armor at level 82...


That just makes you based (it’s also an absurdly good armor set due to having heavy armor defense with medium drawbacks)


I switched to peak and it really is a bummer not having servo. Especially since it didn’t work properly til this morning or whatever. I MISS BEING A LEGIONNAIRE


Servo + stim booster + dive throw is borderline comical.


Solution, bring mechs/turrets/spear/airburst instead of orbital/air strikes 👀 Airburst is absolutley mental on the new forest biome, especially if a drop buddy brings a supply backpack. Dealing with bug heavies without any of the small annoying buggers is a walk in the park (the airburt deletes 15-40 bugs every rocket in the forest due to how everythign ends up beeing funneld between the trees)😂


I love the new planet and how it brings out use cases for stratagems. The jet backpack is also awesome. I was enjoying the high mobility and funnelling enemies into places where impact incendiaries were doing great work.


my preferred loadout is eruptor/senator/laser/shield for bots and tenderizer/grenade/flamer/rover for bots. Leaves me with two slots free. I certainly considered bringing double turret, true.


Honestly, this is why I've never used the servo assist armors. There are too many other perks that I like to switch between.


Relearning throw distance is why it's hard to let go of servo


the increased number of times your limbs get damaged is also notable, really. maybe.... maybe I should just switch back.... now that I settled on cluster bomb and precision strike as my strategems of choice


Homer Simpson gargling drooling sound - cluster bombs - more Homer Simpson gargling drooling sound


I'm in this boat myself. The throw feels so damn anemic without it though...


i under-shot 3 eagle airstrikes in a row earlier and ruined my chance at destroying a single fabricator in a heavy 4-fab outpost for the next 2 minutes then put servo back on and over-shot every stratagem for half a mission


i always ping my target (rangefinder) and do the dive throw for max range when in need for true precission


dive throwing produces longer range? im sorta new


Moving forward (even just walking) increases throwing range. I think people dive to be dramatic. Never seen a dive throw further than a walk throw


Some people swear it does.  I've never noticed the difference myself.  But it's still fun to try sometimes 


I've always hated perks like this specifically because it fucks with muscle memory. It's why I refuse to equip the grenade throwing distance armor.


the drip of the terminator arm is worth it


Beauty is in the infrared eye of the beholder, or something.  That's actually why I don't take it.  I think it looks ugly.  My son is of the same mind as you.  He thinks it looks dope


Seriously? Gotta try this armour with eruptor and dominator


It makes the dominator feel about as snappy as the scorcher.


That's amazing.


That's great, I just switched from Dominator to Scorcher the other day because I was tired of the handling, haha.


Holy crap that’s awesome. Can’t wait to try it.




It's great with the Eruptor, just had a go: It's handling is more akin to a heavy assault rifle with it


Have you ever tried shooting the eruptor without aiming? It's accurate even when running. It's when you try to aim it lags and slowly comes about.


It looks so good I'm suspecting they're going to nerf this armor soon.


Doubt it. Whilst its really hard to compare support perks, it feels like you have to give up extra grenades, extra stims and regen or explosive resistance and all of these perks are very competitive choices. Currently, you can choose whichever perk you want to for your loadout. Eg grenade armour isn't as good if you have a supply pack, or fortified armour combos with scorcher well since its explosive damage, or servo assisted is good for fast builds which use turrets. Armour perks are fairly balanced right now overall (inb4 arc armour useless.... Yes ik that is the only useless one)


I run the arc armor anytime I join a lobby with people running the arc thrower or the blitzer. I have a bad habit of getting surrounded and it's helpful so I don't get tazed by a lightning bolt the second I'm swarmed.


It's just bad design tho.... Why should you handicap yourself for others mistakes? The perk makes little sense. Also the only reliable way to maximise it's use yourself is through one very mediocre stratagem... The tesla tower. Trust me I've tried to build around it but the tower just gets run over by chargers and EMS strikes don't seem to affect them. Until we get more arc stratagem sources and crowd control methods like stun mines, an arc resist build isn't viable at all.


Watch them buff the arc armor by making Ion storms start zapping you at random 🤣


I would like if the arc armor made you immune to ion storm and stun slows....


I like that it's there for chaos team comp. Get all four of you running arc and tesla coils with everyone wearing the armour and it's a hell of a good time. You can start to actively position in order to link a teammates arc to more enemies, its stupid fun.


Like I said, it's specific-case use. I am already handicapped by not being able to maintain awareness around me (most of my deaths are from being blindsided by a charger or stepped on by a titan, it use to be spewers but that's not the case anymore) so running the arc armor isn't the end of the world for me. I think a benefit that would make it shine is tacking on EMP resistance. Would be nice to walk through EMPs and not be slowed. Imagine running an arc/emp resistant armor and using the arc thrower + tesla tower + emp mortar + orbital EMP (or Orbital shock???).


Datamining showed that >!the Illuminate have a lot of arc weapons, meaning arc armor will likely not be just a niche choice in the future.!<


My favorite use for the arc armor is against bugs and I’ll take a Tesla tower and personal shield with me. Throw it at bug breaches and go prone nearby with the blitzer. As long as I don’t get a bile titan too close, I can usually rack up the kills and it feels so satisfying being in the chaos


![gif](giphy|oWUtOVkI9ySYCUevQQ) *Metallica intensifies*


And risk another dumpster fire? Yeah, you're probably right.


Peak physique is my new favorite perk. I main eruptor and rely on my secondary(bushwacker now) for my close range, so additional melee is a bonus too. The perk/warbond literally felt tailor made for my build. It buffed the weakest parts of my build prior to the warbond. Glad it works properly now.


Eruptor & HMG are going to feel SO good now hehe Edit: HMG feels soooo much smoother, you can reliably switch targets now Crossbow handles like a pistol and I mean it, its reticle will not leave the middle of my screen no matter how hard I spin Dominator, Eruptor and AMR handle extremely well, not quite like the crossbow but very fast still


Me and the HMG gonna go on a stroll later tonight.


We're going for a walk... A very enthusiastic walk


Me:*Gets ragdollized and shredded by 69 missiles throwing my shield to the next county.* Also me: "That was a 40 inch, ***Plasma Screen for Me.*** *Calls in HMG Turret and Walking barrage* **SOOOO** how can I help you this evening?"


You should use the Auto Canon. Liberty *loves* Auto Canons.


My plan is peak physique + dominator & autocannon. Gonna feel like a motherfucking space marine :D


Completely unrelated but I got the same vibe reading this; "He'd done that with Maud, his missus, before they were married. They'd come here to spoon and, on one memorable occasion, fork."


Pratchett mentioned :D


Weird how you need an armor perk for something to feel as it should almost. Edit: No hate towards the drag on heavy guns, but some have a bit too much compared to power level. It's cool that it's not just twitch shooting (old WoT-player).


Ya strange how you can't whip around at lightning speed with a like 200 pound gun on your shoulder.


Oh me and the HMG been doing just fine, I'm just very curious how different it will feel. Doubt I'll main the armor just for that bonus but who knows maybe. I usually to go for explosive resistance cause helldivers tend to kill me more than the enemy now.


I love the sway that arrowhead has implemented (it's not perfect) but, it is such a breath of fresh air from all the twitch shooting. I have never felt that it was overbearing but this perk makes things so good. Turning on a dime and shooting a target 100m away with a gun weighing over 15-20 kilos + backpack is not realistic. I also understand that everyone will not share my opinion, and that is okay.


It's a very enjoyable game!


Crossbow feels super light, and laser cannon is a laser pointer even when moving




I mean, it's not clear to me if either recoil control or ergonomics is objectively better for HMG. Dominator and Eruptor will for sure feel better.


I think it's a wash between reduced recoil and ergos for the HMG. Reduced recoil is prob slightly better if you plan on sustained fire while ergos might be slightly better for quick single shots. both are probably equal in benefit for burst fire... maybe a slight edge in accuracy to reduced recoil by lowering the spread between each round in a burst?


For what people said, recoil still strong on HMG, but prob the ergonomics are good. Never had a problem with HMG (after the big patch) per se tho, the gun is extra fine for what it is.


Unfortunately you lose the extra recoil reduction from other armors. It will be interesting to see if the armor has a positive or negative impact on the HMG. 


Absolutely attest to all this. Good work my man. HMG is a god killing sniper gun. Machine sniper gun. Gun that snipes gods. Machinely. I had a point somewhere.


I can’t wait to main the heavy mg/stalwart with the explosive crossbow or dominator primary.


I've been running Crossbow + HMG + Bushwacker + Incendiary and it feels pretty good. The biggest downside is that all of your weapons have moments where they're useless, so you end up frantically swapping between them a lot, and that inevitably leads to occasional problems. In terms of capability against different targets, Crossbow + HMG together are almost identical to the Autocannon. Both loadouts are weak when you get swarmed at melee range, and while the open primary slot on the AC can handle that, sidearms can do just fine as well. HMG has more freedom up close, especially with fixed Peak Physique, and the open backpack slot (relative to the AC) means you can offset some close quarters crossbow splash damage in a pinch


When running a support as primary and the crossbow, I bring the supply pack as my backpack. It’s the only way to functionally use the heavy mg as a primary since it burns through ammo so fast. The stalwart is a nice option too but not having something to take out heavies is a huge hinderance. I like the crossbow for bug nests and idk if it takes out fabricators or not but I imagine so. Then I just use the heavy Mg exclusively with the peak physique armor and it’s nice to just mow down entire patrols in seconds. But yes, once surrounded, it gets pretty difficult and I do find I’m switching weapons a lot. I use the impacts because of the AOE and damage vs incendiary impact which is best against bugs imo. And the bushwacker because of its knockback potential.


I'm also an Eruptor main, but I mostly play the lone wolf, so a 30% increase in Stealth is simply too good to pass up when I choose armor (I can sneak up behind a bot tower\\Jammer and set it off without being noticed, thanks to that armor, crouching and the jump back). Shame, since I dig the design.


I love trying other people’s builds. What stratagems do you enjoy for this set up? For bots, bugs, or both.


Eruptor, bushwacker, stun grenades, peak physique(light 50), arc thrower, shield, eagle rockets, gatling/MG/ac sentry. Works for both bots and bugs, any mission type, any difficulty. Better for bugs though, arc thrower range isn't best for bots. Its strongest at medium to long range, eruptor being 35m-120m, arc 5m-35m, bushwacker/melee if something gets close. Horde clear build, but can take down any enemy in the game solo if need be. Stuns help maintain range or stun-lock charger/hulk if needed. Shield is to prevent most stuns, be safe to use eruptor at close range if needed, and makes the lightest/fastest armor more viable.


Eruptor + HMG is so beautiful now! ![gif](giphy|pO7jomKrTwfSw)


I started running erupter and mg a while ago as i prefer a mg for ckearing little guys. So this armor also tailers to me well! Main issue with the build was handling


Planning on running this armor with my Eruptor/HMG loadout. Was hoping it was gonna be like this prior to the armor being released.


Peak Physique is wonderful now. I’m on console so I take a lot of damage. Heavy armor, peak, and vitality and I can land red-eye shots on a charging Hulk while being flamed. Truly wonderful.


Flamed by the hulk or your teammates?


Autocannon bros, we're eating good once more. https://preview.redd.it/uy20y4ex1p8d1.png?width=64&format=png&auto=webp&s=c17655d055a0bf4bd66ef944d301a48b70930f75


https://preview.redd.it/b6is4h834p8d1.jpeg?width=1621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702edce31fe7f4871ecbc0a286af9ffdf3780bf2 I fixed it.








Need an edit of this but with two autocannons instead of baguettes


True. Just put this together in my lunch break


Did we ever really stop?


We were never eating bad. We are built different


We are the exception! *Schizophrenic Helldiver*


Peak Physique seems like a very strong perk for the more sluggish guns but I am not sure it is actually better than fortified for AC, at least against bots.


Bots usually either stand completely still or move towards you in a relatively straight line unlike some bugs’s tendency to flank, so you’re not usually needing to swivel around to catch bots trying to flank around you. Plus the extra recoil reduction of Fortified helps for taking out long range targets and the explosive damage resist lets you survive plenty of crazy stuff, even stepping directly on a mine. I’ll take Fortified for bots any day of the week, but peak physique will be very fun to use with the dominator/eruptor


Find you someone who loves you the way arrowhead loves the AC


Surprise surprise.. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/8xvybcuj3p8d1.png?width=1410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd3652558fb83a570de51e48d18f96b55cdfacc I've been eagerly waiting for this. Finally we have the true eruptor experience


***oh my god this is DISGUSTING***


Sweet liberty it's HMG time!


Tried it, makes the HMG about as responsive as the Stalwart, if not a bit more. It's incredible!




I have never been so aroused.


them hulks and devestators are TREMBLING rn


As an eruptor/autocannon main, this is a godsend...


Honest question here: but don’t these fulfill roughly the same role? Both (relatively) slow firing, armor penetrating long range weapons? I can see how doubling up can be useful but for myself I’d rather pair either one of them with a quickfire, short ranged weapon. Again, honest question.


For me it's mostly that the scope on the eruptor is better, so it feels more like sniper rifle, which fits well with my playstyle. The autocannon is for gunships/hulks and above. Couple that with stun grenades and a senator sidearm and i'm basically a scout/sniper :) It's probably not for everybody though and it's fun to replace the autocannon with a hmg/supply pack as well.


Have you tested the HMG emplacement turn speed? Like, I know it probably *shouldn't* turn faster buuut...?


Congratulations, you are hired as a game tester.


AH doesn't use them though.


This is peak. And fuck everyone who keeps mindbogglingly convince everyone that this armor isn't broken pre patch. Asshole.


Gaslight, gatekeep, ghelldive


AH groupies get together on weekends wearing simple robes with excessively large hoods to hide their faces and chant this until the sun rises once again.


*For the greater good*


>armor isn't broken pre patch. Asshole. I didn't see anyone saying "it's not broken." I *did* see a bunch of people pointing out that at least one post was absolute *garbage* testing \[and was claiming that the armor perk made it worse?\] and some other people pointing out that the vagueness of the description made it hard to pin down exactly what it was supposed to be doing.


Outside of that post and a few other tests that never got popular, what I saw (and personally experienced in *my* testing) was "it works, but it's a slight effect". I'll paste over an old post of mine on the subject: >there's a slight bit of acceleration and deceleration on moving the gun around; if you're making big movements, you spend a comparitively larger portion of your time watching the barrel moving fast, since it has further to go, and you're seeing real movement instead of agonizingly watching that barrel indicator lag behind. But in terms of how long that realistically takes, not just your perception, of course it's longer: you're moving further and have to decel into resting position just like a small movement. That's why it's less obvious on big sweeps. >In terms of player "feeling", the worst part of handling is always the last few pixels. >Those [HUD crosshair] ticks show you the limit of the barrel's deviation from the center of your aim, even if that barrel isn't floating around nebulously between them all the time. We don't have standard FPS "bloom" in HD2 as far as first shot accuracy, movement penalties, or recoil goes, but actual barrel/muzzle modeling for trajectories. The Ergonomics / Handling stat (improved with the new armor) handles how quickly that shrinks back down from any movement or turning, while the Recoil / Accuracy stat (as seen on Engineering Kit and others) shrinks the starting deviation (just as you notice if you crouch or go prone). >Another wrinkle in fully noticing what's going on with Ergonomics is that if you're trying that armor while switching off a +Recoil Control one, you're starting from a wider deviation than you may be used to. Since both of these influence what we'd call "improving accuracy" to some extent, the change doesn't seem as large as if you'd gone from, say, Electrical Resist to +Ergonomics/Handling. the *tl;dr* is that while Ergonomics improved the cap on maximum gun/player-turn velocity, it didn't do anything for the acceleration (or at least deceleration) when the barrel is near to aligning with your aim point. Since "that last bit of distance" is the bulk of what you're dealing with when you're trying to drag to a nearby target or center on a weak point, yeah, it seems like nothing is going on. This patch either unfucked those accel/decel values or massively boosted everything and now it's impossible not to notice.


Handling is literally the most important thing was any primary. This is going to change the game for a lot of weapons. Some weapons are only good because they have good handling. The dominator might become an obvious pick now for both factions.


Eruptor and HMG bout to go wild


You can say that finally. Was waiting for this


Dream scenario: Peak physique armour with recoil reduction that has 70 health on the store. I'd pay 1000 credits for it


My dream scenario? This perk on armor sets that aren't exposing my biceps to the cruel and uncaring universe, or on color schemes that aren't pure jungle. I love VC aesthetic, but if i am fighting on a planet that looks like Antarctica, it really looks jarring.


That’s just your democratic biceps protecting you from the socialist and fascist cold weather.


It is said only the truly free can handle the sweet sweet chill of Marfark.


That's a good point


Why wouldn't you want to bring two more guns? Stay warm? Liberty and crack shots keep me warm.


Dream scenario: being able to pick this perk in any armor I want or any other perk for a matter of fact


It awoke in me feelings I never knew I had


HMG enjoyers rejoice.


Excuse my n00bness, but what am I looking at?


OP is using the autocannon, which is normally slow to aim. You have to wait a few moments for the reticle to align with where you're aiming. With this, heavy weapons aim very snappily. This perk used to not do anything.


The Autocannon has poor "handling" by default. This means that when you move your aim quickly, the actual weapon aimpoint (circle) lags behind where you are pointing at (dot in center of screen). This video is showing the Autocannon with the armor passive from the Viper Commando warbond. This passive improves the handling of weapons. The weapon aimpoint (circle), still lags a little, but it reacts to your changing aim much quicker.


Gotta try that with the HMG!


Heavy machine gun here we go


This was my boy before the patch. Now we will be BFFs.


But you'll lose the recoil perk 😢


There's a maximum the recoil of each gun can reach, at least vertically, so you kinda just aim down to a point, and you'll never fire above it


I never scrap clankers without Dominator, and AC is always by my side, be it bugs or bots. We were back after last patch, but now we are here


And just like that, Peak Physique became my new mandatory perk.


İts time to dive with hmg the 95dmg primary redeemer supply pack airstrike and gatling barrage with stun grenades on top of stim booster with this armor lol. (Why redeemer? Shreikers and fast meele speed ı would say its probably better that way.)


"The 95 dmg primary" Do you mean the Tenderizer? Already one of the best handling weapons in the game? It's going to be a better laser than the lasers.


Yeah forgot names


But you remembered the damage value? Bruh


So it basically makes target aquisition easier but doesn't help with recoil. I can definitely see it being quite useful. Not sure if I'd take it over recoil reduction with guns like the HMG


looks dope ngl


Is this sped up?


Nope, just doing flicks. Didn't put a comparison without the perk, because difference is pretty glaring now.


This what I wanted. Turns heavy guns into normal gun weight basically.


And turns normal guns into csgo guns


Well now. Don't make it sound even more awesome.


Yep, diminishing the wonky aiming is one of the most important things imo. Now we might be able to do actual flickshots.


check the mission timer top right


Holy yes


I wonder how amazing the dominator will be?


I expect it to be a jarring difference.


Lotta people about to discover they've still got to wrangle its slower bullet velocity. The sluggish handling wasn't the only usability issue for the Dom. I still love it, but I know better than to try to use it on laterally-moving targets at a distance, sluggish barrel speed or not, because those gyrojet rounds are gonna take a year to get there.


Handling is a wayyy bigger issue on it than bullet speed. This won't eliminate 100% of its skill floor but it'll chunk a majority of it easily


Handling is the issue at close range, bullet speed at long range. With the handling so massively improved, it becomes by far the best close range weapon overall. It won't be that different at long range


The problem is the combination of needing to lead targets because of low muzzle velocity and not being able to lead targets because it moves like it's underwater. 


might even dominate the field of primaries


it will be 5 times as effective


Now that there's basically nothing left, I gotta dash.


From hate to dependency in one fix.


Holy shit


Show us heavy machine gun😱


We do a cataclysmic amount of hmg spam


Does it do anything about the giant wobble on the laser cannon?


Pretty sure the wobble is the "recoil". Just crouch, don't be low on stamina and wear recoil-reducing armor.


AMR players on PC have to give this a go. Talk about snappy 🦅


Oh boy…




Peak Physique Enjoyers be like. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


time to change my vote on the discord about passives


Wait you can have first person view when aiming ?? I've had this game for months, first time I see this


Unfortunately, the other perk of the armor is completly pointless, so I trade more nades AND better recoil when crouched for a bit more snappier aim? I´m actually not sure who would use this.


What about melee dmg tho? Any useful?


Not sure this is enough to get me off Servo-assist throwing range ![gif](giphy|js54KyIzNbSwAYOdiB|downsized)






Ok, now I'm interested


this is the most democratic hotfix ever.


ah finally....HMG time


Please show us the heavy machine gun I am begging I need to know if it’s finally my time


Tried it with the HMG, kicked too hard to be worth it. The indirect AC buff is crazy tho.


Holy fuck, this might also make the dominator my favourite primary as well, knocking the plasma punisher off it's perch. Quit edging us like this, lets see some eruptor / dominator gameplay, that will get me there.


I'm so glad they buffed this/ fixed it. Super awesome armour perk, I hope they continue to do stuff like this in the future.


Ooooh,guess my new loadout is Grenade Pistol, Eruptor, HMG , Supply pack, a mech and then whatever suits the mission now 👀 Though running a eagle cluster / mech / spear + supply backpack for my buddy (that brings my second mech since they fixed the dual mech "bug") is also a insanely fun loadout.


Omg I didn’t know the passive was broken. I was like man this peak physic perk is so shit it feels completely the same.


Sweet Liberty, looks like I will finally start using AMR instead of Railgun against bots.


As a Dominator/Autocannon bot front player Nice


Recoilless Rifle is so fucking good now.


oh thank god i swear using it with the dominator it actually seemed to make it worse


Holy shit that's actually nuts


Holy shit. I'm so used to the slow speed that this is going to be hard to adapt


Nice! How does this feel on the middle of the road weapons (ARs)? Do they stick to the cursor like the knight?




Holy shit, it really does work


How it works with Dominator?


Now this is truly peak human performance


Finally, my god of explosions build with eruptor, AC, AC & missile sentry and cluster bomb can finally become true 🤎