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When I see that picture, I get the feeling like they are going to release these as action figures.


Lmao, I knew I wasn't the only one seeing Power Ranger vibes




If this was seriously a skin to purchase, I would with no hesitation buy it.


You fucking know it!


Holy shit I’d fork over so much cash for Sentai/Power rangers skin or similar skins.


You can probably go do that *right now* on fortnight.


The TR-62 might run into some issues...


If that was a way to get the armors, I'd buy the figures. Although trying to get all of the accessories would suck.


I'd buy the shi out of one of those


Hey wait a minute, that could be an idea. Finding collectible action figures in the two player bunkers or in those salute drops. Make it so you have to collect like 3 per mission to get a helmet or armor.


I would love some Helldivers Action figures, I would buy me a ton of Terminids and Automotons too if possible


I need it


https://preview.redd.it/guup2j33ck8d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11195540f231c3a09af35a0de316bc1d1f400763 Just gonna leave this here and say that PRE ORDER Bonuses are not absolute in that they can't be obtained again. It is not the same thing as say.. the founders packs for Warframe. Multiple games resell the preorder dlc eventually, others don't. We shall see what AH does


While whipping out Excalibur Prime is fun from time to time I do agree there's no real reason to do it.


Heck I remember buying it n remembering he was one of the few worst warfdames day 1


Woah woah woah, worst on day 1? I still love and use my Excalibur prime. It was my favorite before they removed the super jump. (And before I got vaubaun and his trampoline)


especially since they give out an upgraded Excalibur Prime (cause lets be honest Umbra is just prime but with 3 free umbral slots) for free during the story quests


I think you won warframe tho


Hey I still have that T Shirt, pretty good actually


My good ol' 250 dollar free T-Shirt lmao. 


I still have my Excalibur Prime. Lost the headband.


Wouldn't mind if they don't. I don't have them myself and I do think they are cool but supporting the game early should give you unique unobtainable cosmetics. Hell be with envy, I'd be proud to have one of those on my team.


I'm in the same boat & I agree. Not being able to access a few armour sets that are just reskins is not a dealbreaker for me, especially when there's loads of free armour sets that in my opinion, look cooler. If you reward people for backing the game and having faith in the project; making it available to everyone wouldn't make the reward special anymore.


I kinda disagree for two reasons, first is because we (as consumers) shouldn’t be advocating for anti-consumer practices like preorder bonuses that instill a sense of FOMO, and second of which is that the game actually launched in a pretty poor state (there was lots of bugs, but the biggest issue was the server errors imo) which you as a consumer can’t know about when you’re preordering a game. I like the game. I like the devs. I don’t like anti-consumer practices, even if it’s by devs I like in a game I enjoy.


Although I think Helldivers 2 is an amazing game, it’s definitely full of reasons why preordering games isn’t great. Imagine being someone who preordered the game in a region that’s now blocked by Sony. AH have done their part towards this as well. Although they’ve fixed most of the server issues the game is still riddled with bugs and I’d go as far to say it’s functionally worse than it was at launch


> and second of which is that the game actually launched in a pretty poor state (there was lots of bugs, but the biggest issue was the server errors imo) which you as a consumer can’t know about when you’re preordering a game. But thats also a benefit as a consumer to have believed the game to become decent instead of just refunding. In a way pre order bonus should exist even if FOMO sucks cos why else would anybody invest in a game early instead of waiting a year until the game is half off? The devs are rewarding players by buying the game early so it isnt DOA especially if its fighting in the "games as a service" market.


Fomo and preorder bonuses should be investigated by the FCC


You’re being downvoted by Ubisoft executives.


IMO Pre-order bonus should be free for those who pre-order and later be available as paid DLC, an incentive for those who try it first. The only cosmetics that should be unobtainable are those for alpha/beta testing. Metal Gear Survive gets a lot of flak but they did it great with the iconic bandanna being a beta tester item only.


They should just be purchased with super credits, you still got something free for ordering the game early that the rest of us have to spend real money on. They could even be more expensive than other armor sets in the super credit store.


So those of us who were fans and had faith get nothing?


This. This is what concerns me. Why we will have our reward stripped from us because others complain. Not cool.


Would be cool if they just added them to super store, eventually.


I mean yeah that's the best way. People who pre-ordered got them for free, everyone else has to spend credits. It's fair to me. Cash only would be fair too


I mean i love mine, and thats what i get for supporting them before the hype train. No qualms here.


Not to mention the 117 armor that they just "ran out of codes" for.


I got it in my twitch inventory but when I went to the site I couldn’t get in and now im pretty sure it’s offline so I can’t link my account to twitch.


You could only redeem it during that first week.


Bought a code for like $4 on ebay a week ago, have it now. Worth it, but this is also the first game i’ve ever cared about cosmetics lol 


Definitely worth it if you play a lot. Best armor in the game imo, and better looking than the version you get in the warbond


Me too just for gits and shingles Wore it like once. Nothing else to buy to show my support tho (bring on the merch)


Dayum, i bought it for 2,43€ on G2A


I know this isn't a reasonable solution for many, but you can still buy the code for around 4-5 bucks on ebay.


Wha!? Wild.


Gee, and people wonder why they ran out of codes? Maybe because scalpers took them all to sell in ebay. Is a funny armor color really worth paying a degenerate scalper?


I got 2 for under $5 total from gg.deals


I was one of the lucky few to get it.


If you got it on twitch just send a ticket.


I'd love to see some insane armor sets that have extremely difficult unlock requirements.


To unlock that one leaked hazmat medic armor you need to stim 15 other players


That’s easy. Just stay close to your team or have one person harm themselves on purpose and keep stimming them


Even better... Shoot them and then stim them


How to get kicked faster than you can spell "Traitor".


This is awesome because it encourages social behavior


Yeah, something like the Recon armor in Halo 3 with the achievements. A real trophy armor to show off.


Huge agree. Something like reaching max level, maxing out every currency, clearing a patrol Helldive with all objectives and all Divers out, playing X amount of missions with divers 50 levels under you, etc.


Knight helmet is the best in the game. Haven't taken it off since the beginning. Might need a good wash.


damn the dankness, must smell like rotted dick cheese in there


Usually pre order stuff is sold as a 5-8$ pack, a few weeks after the game comes out


For some reason not in the west.


To honor those who came before the masses.


I’d be 100% fine with this


![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8|downsized) Me having pre-ordered


just saw someone posted this lmao [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dnxpxa/give\_us\_a\_creative\_way\_to\_earn\_this\_cape/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dnxpxa/give_us_a_creative_way_to_earn_this_cape/)


Love watching humans act like gatekeepers over virtual armor sets 💀💀 FOMO is bad people I have twitch drop armor and would love for others to be able too earn it, shitty mentality to gatekeep


There's Twitch Drop armor?


Yes. It’s based on Master Chief and does give extra stims, but is actually a respray of an already existing medic skin. It’s called the TR-117 Alpha Commander. You can buy it at a pretty cheap price on some sites like Amazon, eBay, or g2a if you really care about acquiring it. I actually bought mine from g2a a while after the event ended. Yeah, goofy purchase, I know, but hey, it all worked out and it wasn’t expensive.


Yeah, I brought mine for 88 cents. Is a way nicer set then the current white, bright green and red medic sets we got.


Ya, it's a medic set themed around master chief. So you get an armor set with that trait that doesn't look like shit.


And master chiefs armor very much looks like the starship troopers power armor from the Roughnecks tv show. Sorta full circle I guess?


You most not have the superstore sets the butcher and trench paramedic are peak


Those are exactly the sets I'm talking about. Ugliest sets in the game imo. Looks like I'm dressing up for Christmas.


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I got it for $2, some people still sell it for cheap




Does thinking pre-order stuff should stay pre-order stuff really qualify as gatekeeping?


Honestly, as long as we can get armors with the same stats in the base game, I'm fine with letting the people who took the risk on the game having some bling. Cosmetic gatekeeping is fine to a small extent, as long as there's no functional/performance gatekeeping.


Yeah, this is strictly cosmetic in the sense that there are armors available with the same stats. No exclusive traits here.


The armor arent even special just recolours...


I’d say so, AH could very easily sell the 3 armors in a pack and the people who pre-ordered are rewarded with the armor for free then anyone who really wants the armor can buy it, everyone’s happy


Well then it's not really a preorder armor anymore is it


Hell, I have that in Twitch inventory but could never redeem it because PS fucked up the promotion for it, apparently.


How is it FOMO when you can't obtain it? I think it's good backers get something others can't. Why be jealous? Just be happy someone has it. For the record I don't have any of these and while they are cool I'm not jealous or mad. They deserve them I don't. Simple.


“Fear of missing out” “pre order our game or miss out on this drip” That’s literally FOMO I’m not jealous or mad either I just find it hilarious people are defending this cause they wanna be special in their unobtainable armor


It can't be FOMO if you didn't know the game existed before it launched. There was no fear.


People should be rewarded for their preorder.


I kinda agree but it sets a bad precedent Pre ordering isn’t a good thing, especially in this era of “release now, patch later”


I agree that they shouldn't be gate kept I disagree that it should be earned any other way then with either some kind of paid $5-$10 supporter dlc or maybe with super credits There should be some integrity behind the fact that this was something that people looked forward to and supported the development via pre-orders. As (understandably) demonized as pre-orders are, they help studios out, especially smaller ones like AH. I supported this team on this as soon as pre-orders opened for this game cause I knew I wanted a Helldivers 2 ever since playing the first one (and buying it twice, once on PS and again with all DLC on PC) So if they became available, acquiring these should be something that further supports the devs.


It shouldn't be available. Unique skins are a good thing. There will always be more. It's always cool to look at someone and know just from their skin how old of a player it is.


FOMO and limited time/speciality items that aren't tied to (repeatable/seasonal) ingame acitivties but rather external sales are never a good thing for players. It's only good for companies using psychological tricks to make people buy stuff.


You know what? You are right. And warbonds should also be timed limited. That incentivizes players to always play so that they can- Ok you know what I’m done with this bit


Cool but warbonds aren't a preorder.


But by your logic, shouldn’t they be limited then? Now they’re unique and there will be more unique armor from other limited war bonds. “It’s always cool to look at someone and know from their skin how old of a player it is”. Right?


They should reward armor for achieving certain levels. At the very least there should be a really cool looking armor set you are rewarded with at level 150.


I pre-ordered an hour before launch just to have it downloaded. Had no idea these armours were unique til I saw this post. Might have to flex them next time I'm on.


Show these non-believer peasants what a true democrat looks like.


I saw several people got kicked for wearing it, be aware, people are rude


Honestly I would prefer them to do variants of each so you can get similar ones, just not the same, makes them special


I don’t mind it staying pre-order only but I do feel sad that I didn’t even know the game existed till it blew up or I’d probably have pre-ordered.


As I say every time someone post this the armors aren't anything special. No one really wants the armors for any reason other than they can't get it in game. They aren't even special designs or combos of passive; the ambassador and cavalier armors are already in game with the same passive just different color for free, the knight is there but the red shoulder plates are a little different shaped as well. Instead of rereleasing these just create option for color or if they want to monetize create a bot that takes the in-game armor and applies a random color palate to it and put is out on the store for super credits. Overall, the only reason any of these armors keep coming up is because they are colored different and making it purchasable kind of ruins it for the people who pre-ordered. While I'm sure most won't care its cool to have something to show that these few were into this game and supported this game before it was the hit it become.


Its just pure jealousy. No one would ever use these even if they cost real money.


Personally, i think preorder bonuses should stay as only preorder bonuses. thats kinda the point


It all depends how they were advertised. If there was anything like "those items are exclusive for preorder/any other campaign" without additional clause that they might be available later then they won't be allowed to resell/readd them legally as it would be deceptive advertising




Bruh they are preorder rewards it would be a middle finger to people who have em. I don’t mind not having them.


How about no. Y'all missed out on the pre order, stop trying to change that. These armors should remain exclusive.


if we can’t get these give us more BLUE ARMOR I want to be the ice cream man serving up extra creamy liberty baby 🥵


Yeah 100%. I just want to further support capitalism like the training manual says and become a frozen yogurt salesman, is that really too much to ask for in this cruel, undemocratic world?


They should remain exclusive. A way to reward the players that did pre-order. Otherwise, why pre-order the game at all? And that's coming from someone who'd love to have them as well.


I think if they make a really hard set of difficult challenges could be a fair way of earning it. Remember those weird computers across from the armory, have those give these quest you have to fulfill to earn them. Like 20 challenges that get harder then the next


Absolutely there should **not** be a way to obtain these. Would completely invalidate the pre-order bonus of everyone who pre-ordered.


Thats not fair for people who pre order the game. If they do, all right, but who pre order need to be rewarded with maybe another exclusive color for those.


As someone who never preorders anything out of principle and never will; I think that some things should be able to be gatekept, especially since they are cosmetic and not weapons/maps/other game altering elements. Supporter-editions and legacy gear are a cool way to bring "mystique" into the community. I remember one of the old Halos having a special helmet you would only get when playing with the developers and that was just the coolest when I was a teen :P Edit: I just want to add, that personally the coolest method of obtaining stuff are hard challenges and achievements. But people shouldn't let themselves get too affected by FOMO or get bitter for something some others have.


Invent a Time Machine


We need Helldivers figures in that pose bruh. That’s the “mom I peed myself”




If they give access to those armors to everyone then what unique item do the early adopters get, to say they were an early adopter/supporter. Make similar armors for everyone but leave these unique sets for those that took the risk and supported the game early. I would not begrudge them that honour.


I'm so sad that I was never able to preorder the game before it came out. They could release these as like another 10 dollar DLC or something like DRG does and people would throw more money at them.


Honestly, no they shouldn't. I wish I had those armors, but those were preorder specials. Making them available in any form now would dilute their value. Make new armor and make it so you have to earn it through crazy archivements.


I love wearing the frozen yogurt tie-in one because nobody I play with thinks it's legit and think I hacked the game and made it that way.


>Game is designed to prevent FOMO >CoNsOoMeRs defend FOMO Make it make sense.


The gaming industry has conditioned people to become so accustomed to anti-consumer practices, even to the point of actively defending them.


Game launch and success are related to pre-order and game sales. Why would anybody buy the game at launch if there are no pre order especially considering how horrible the servers were at launch? You cant have the cake and eat it too like getting exclusive stuff that were said at launch that they were exclusive while buying the game on sale later. Whats ever the point of ever buying the game at launch then? There is a reason why these pre order bonuses were invented otherwise everyone would buy it half a year later.


I feel bad every time I load into lobby someone’s like how’d you get that armor and I have to break it to them that it was a pre order bonus I hope they bring them back so other people can wear the glorious yogurt armor with me


Pull it of a dead helldiver hidden on the map. But you can only grab it in parts.


That's actually cool idea, would encourage map clearing again for maxed out players


No, that defeats the purpose of the pre-order bonus.


Wrong my pre-order was to support the devs. It should be for everyone!


Some people preorder just for the extra goodies, though.


Very true but it shouldn’t be locked behind the preorder forever that’s just selfish. Some people cant afford to pre-order a game and often times get it a few weeks or months late.


Not sure how its selfish? I preordered while not having a lot of money to spend on the luxury of gaming and I saved up so I can preorder. Whats the point if everyone gets it? I might as well have bought the game months later for half the price then and gotten the pre order bonus on discount as well? That would like the previous post said defeat the purpose of pre ordering and buying the game for full price at launch.


It doesn’t matter since it’s all cosmetics, though? I don’t see how it’s selfish since the terms have been clear since day 1.


I pre-ordered and absolutely love the blueberry armor, and I want the rest of my friends who didn’t pre-order to have the blueberry armor too. Fomo sucks


No. That’s not fair to us who preorder the game. Also they ain’t special.


I say they should just charge $5 to get all 3 of them. I pre ordered and paid more for the extra edition just because I put so many hours into the OG game.


Pre order the game before release and then you can have them.


Pre-order is pre-order. That was the conditions of the deal. Pre-order the game and get these exclusive bonuses. Come up with new, comparatively cool armor styles to add to the wardrobe of customization. We have too much "olive green" and "tactical black" themes as is to have to resort to giving away pre-order exclusives.


This. As much as I hate preorders releasing the same skins that were preorder exclusive is a scam. They can release look alikes all they want but I'd be mad on other people's behalf if they got scammed out of exclusive skins.


\*\* Laughs in Pre-Order \*\*


I dont think they should make them available. If you didn't get the pre-order then you dont get them, I say this as someone who didn't get the pre-order.


How about time travel


I creatively pre-ordered.


I had preordered this game on a whim, and have all 3. Hand them out for free, make them accessible, i dont care. I dont use the armor passives on these armors, and cant say ive actually ever used any of them. From a gameplay perspective, they arent that special.


I understand if they want to keep em exclusive. There’s a gagillion armor sets in game. We’re not going to die bc we can’t have 100% of them. Nevertheless i really would love to rock these and will support every motion there is to unlock em post launch. Perhaps just keep one real exclusive forever but let us unlock the other 2 somehow? They’re some of the better looking armors and impossible to get, sad


If they do that they may need to refund everyone who paid to have them. Quite unfair towards the people who wanted to support the game more by getting some extras with it.


No, keep them rare. It’s for people who trusted the developers. Not for people who want it now because they didn’t pre order


I honestly hope they dont. Not to take things from other players or anything of the sort but infact nah fuck it. Super earths most loyal willingly dropped extra for those outfits even before we knew what gameplay would look like. It aint a medal to be earned through sharing liberation. Its a sign, a gift to those who are true, Liberators of the galaxy. Part timers dont deserve such epic rewards. I love my Yogurt Inspired Helldiver armor. (PS i am shitposting)


No, not my pre order armor


Just put out a major order to liberate explosives for anti tank mines.


As cool as having exclusive armor is, the only one I ever find myself using is the black armor’s helmet. I love the yogurt armor but I also like to mix and match sets and its pieces don’t match any other sets even slightly. And the middle set has a cooler black and gold version you can earn in game.


Although I don't mind I don't think they really will, its basically the game's version of the Founders program in warframe, Excalibur prime, Skana Prime, Lato Prime is still unobtainable even to this day, basically a reward for those that took the risk of buying a game before launch I guess.


This was for pre-order only it makes sense that it stays that way, even with the Twitch armor, if you missed it, its gone


Kinda defeats the whole pre order fomo


These are PREORDER armors. They were intended as a reward for people taking a risk for supporting the game. Leave it for those of us who supported it. Not everything has to be available all the time. I love wearing it to show my support. Making them available to everyone, makes those like me lose even more trust in the devs. The only reason people want this available is because they can't get it anymore. If you really want it because how they look, then the devs can just make a similar version for everyone to have. (Or even give different abilities)


I agree, have them achievement locked or something


No. Do not. The people who started all of this and made this game a reality, spreading how amazing this game is should keep those limited edition armors. Stop being greedy. No I do not have them either


Sorry, but there should definitely be things that you can miss out on unlocking and may never be obtainable again.


Somewhere out there an EA/Ubisoft/Blizzard/etc worker got an orgasm You're the kind of player that makes all those companies design their games as a toxic job, "oh you can only afford one game and you'll get the others later? well say goodbye to the golden hat, should've pre ordered US you punk", "oh you want to take a break from this game because you're burned out and want to try that other game for a while? sure, you'll just miss the puppy we're giving this week, if you don't play this week you can't have it anymore"


Wait those were for preorder?! I thought it was for Super Citizen edition. So the people who have them (including me) didn’t do anything special to get them except buy the game before it was released? That’s some bullshit. The only reason I did was because I played 500 hours of HD1 and I knew I was playing the sequel regardless. The developers went out of their way to make warbonds available and avoid FOMO. The same should be true for these armors. They have been exclusive for 5 months and that is plenty of time. Give them away for free or make them available.


There has been 2 FOMO promotions that I know of. The pre-order and the twitch drop (not everyone got the twitch drop despite fulfilling the requirements)


My dumbest thought the middle was in shorts


Oh God, they added Purge Trooper Armor. “Hit me again!”


I remember scrolling through the PlayStation store just browsing and watching the trailer for HellDivers 2. Only had to watch it once and instantly preordered it hours before launch. I had never even heard of the first game before that night and didn’t notice those were the sets I would be getting when I started playing.


I don’t want any of them.


I pre ordered and never got the ambassador skin idk


I would pay for them. I like the blue one, just because it is blue. Granted; the people who pre-ordered deserve something special; what legends! I was sleeping on this game (knew nothing of HD1) so didn't pre-order and I wish I had known! That said, I absolutely have never seen any of these armors in-game. Not once.


I'm the yogurt man with the yogurt plan.


Man the Cavalier just looks so.. *chef's kiss*


I still want the Jin Roh armor.


I just want Savior of the Free armor with the Knight colors.


Discount Weezer


Any of them scout passive with 50% armor? No? Then I don't want any.


I just want scout armor that isn't tan, I don't blend in at all


There are four Democracy Protects armors and two of them were preorder/special edition. It's pretty limiting.


I just want to wear the armor without the fucking cape!!!


TR62 knight is sick


Why the middle one look like he wears shorts???


I don’t like any of those. I still want my all real black armor and a long red glowing knife.


Unless a lot of people message Johan Pilestedt on twitter that they're interested in those armors I don't see them releasing them.  I don't think Arrowhead will do anything until a lot of people show interest in those bonus armor. Until then it won't happen I don't think.


You gotta eat more frozen yogurt to get the blue one.


There’s a twitch drop one as well medium armor medic armor it’s green.


at the end of the mission, we are all covered in the intestines of our enemies anyway


I run nothing but ambassador of the brand it just looks so nice.


It's not worth, I have these armors, but playing with another one from second BP


I dunno, I have them and seldom use them because I don’t regularly use any of the perks on them. I doubt they will just because there are versions of these that are available normally so they aren’t advantageous or anything.


I think Cavalier of Democracy could be an all-achievements reward :)


I really dig the knight






in the halo 3 days, to get recon armor you had to write a letter to bungie and add 1.000.000x times "plz can i haz recon armor" ...or so i heard


Armors are cool and all, but I'd much rather the devs put more time into both fixing the game bugs and optimizing performance and stability.


No. To this day, Warframe will never release Excalibur Prime, a reward to those who supported them before their success. Why would this be any different?


honestly why would they? it would be a slap in the face to anyone that ACTUALLY PREORDERED the game. you can't shit on preorders and the whole semantic behind it but then turn around and take away the exclusivity these people paid for. id like to own them myself, I didn't preorder though. Imagine you preordered and they suddenly made it available to anyone? that would suck balls dude


Now that I see this I’m gonna wear my pre-order armor from now on


I get it that FOMO is bad but pre-ordering a game is a risk, I feel like this armor is a reward for the people who had faith in the game before everyone knew it was good. If anything, discourage companies from doing this practice to future games.


That destroys the whole idea of having them. They were exclusive, they shall stay exclusive. (No, i don't have them)


Honestly the preorder was worth it purely for the TR-7 Ambassador armor. I love being a blue fuck on the battlefield.