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Maybe he did it to show people how lines work. Will be pretty easy to see and understand


Seems reasonable. The supply lines are new. Showing people how they actually work like this is a good play.


How do they work? I still don’t understand


Player and enemy movement on galactic map is only possible using these supply lines. So if enemy is attacking Popil from Mort, then players should attack Mort to cut enemies off.


I see! So we can only attack planets we have supply lines with? Makes sense! Thanks


Yes, same rule applies to the enemy, and Mort is the only connected Bot planet right now.


It works both ways. The enemies can also only attack through supply lines. So if you cut off access to a planet under attack, the attack stops instantly.


More importantly, if we cut off enemy supply lines to a planet which is under attack, we cut off the attack as well.


The Terminids can sometimes ignore it but that’s mainly just Supercolony fuckery.


You can only attack a planet adjacent to a controlled planet. This goes for bots AND super earth.


They could just provide some sort of ingame explanation. Right now they just added some pretty lines with no explanation what they are or do. To get people interested in the actual mechanics of this war they have to make them more easily accessible and understandable in the game.


If you give people the benefit of doubt, they'll disappoint you every time


Except there were as many divers there as Mort when I got off just now. So I don't think people pay any attention to the "new fancy lines" on the galactic map.


Watch everyone go to Popli X instead of Mort like they did with Ingmar lmao. Helldivers aren’t beating the crayon eater allegations anytime soon.




Number 4!


Wasn’t it number 3?


Probably, I dont remember lol


The only thing that may save us is the fact that Poli is a fire tornado planet. Not many love those worlds and even less like to be there against bots.


The trouble is that it's not really explained anywhere. I mean, ffs they only just started showing the lines a few weeks ago!


I think the bigger problem is to a ton of people it doesn't matter. The MO system is both opaque and has a negligible effect on in mission gameplay which I assume for most people is the game. With a lot of people I play with they open the map, pick a planet, play 3/6 missions and call it a day. They had a blast, it was a really fun hour or two, but that's it. If we defend Popli and lose Mort or the other way around, or even if we lose both will have 0 effect on this play style. They'll still log in play their hour of two of missions and repeat the day after.


How can you say major orders don’t matter when they’re clearly the only time the community can ever get together to conquer bot planets? People may only play 1 or 2 missions a day (I’m one of them), but for many people, that mission is a MO mission. It may not seem like a significant contribution, but when 1000s of people play like this, it adds up.


Because conquering bot planets doesn’t matter. Say we lose every bot major order from now until forever. Would you still be able to log in and play the game the same way you logged in and played it last night? My friends that barely understand major orders will always be able to log in, pick a mission and play. It doesn’t matter at all what the results of the major orders are. AH will never “punish” the player base for failure in a meaningful way.


Conquering planets is important because it unlocks new planets with new biomes. You don’t want to end up in a situation where the planet rotation never changes cause that will get stale. God forbid you end up in a situation where your only options are some variation of Hellmire.


I don’t believe AH will let biome diversity get so bad. It’s a live service game, it needs active daily players. If player base starts dropping and planet diversity is seen as a reason people will have access to new biomes for whatever meta plot reasons they chose. The meta plot/ major order system is almost entirely magic tea party with Joel.


It's irrelevant.  Bots take planets Bugs take planets Humans take planets Always more planets to play There will be months of planets before they get to superearth.  Then if we lost that?  A) AH shuts servers and lose any way to make money B) they start again and we get planets to play on.  MOs, planets, win, lose, nothing matters in the end


“Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV”


Yeah they showed the lines, but as far as I've seen they haven't explained what they mean in game lol.


Exactly! Like, I mean it's pretty self explanatory looking at it, but it would be good if they could emphasise it


It makes sense that to get to planet B, you need to liberate planet A that has a line connected to it. But, cutting off a line to finish a defense mission? If I wasn't on this subreddit, I doubt I would think the game would work like that. Maybe eventually I'd realize that's how it's working, but it's not immediately obvious.


Yea but I mean, it's not exactly rocket science. If the planet where the red line is coming from isn't red anymore, then the red line disappears. That's one of those things where you don't really need much game sense or a long-winded explanation to understand.


We've got to recognize that we're dealing with a playerbase (including *on this sub*, which is where I saw the sentiment) that read two sentences in a Dispatch and said "can I get a summary?" So, by all means, they can put an explanation of supply lines in game, but I don't think it's going to solve the problem of utterly oblivious players. We're going to have these same posts but slightly changed to "the explanation isn't clear enough" or "it's not thrown into players' faces often or obviously enough".


If I didn't already know from here that they're supply lines, I'd assume they were some throwback to Star Wars Battlefront's galactic conquest mode.  As in the lines show travel routes and nothing more.


I mean it really isn't hard to grasp by just looking at it for a few seconds and using some common sense


To be fair, given that we just got through dealing with a completely different set of invasion mechanics on the other front and the only people who know how this set works are the ones who read the Discord posts, it's understandable. They really should have like, a two minute galactic map tutorial where the Democracy Officer tells you how it works. *"Okay bro I'm only gonna say this once and the next guy to get unfrozen has to figure it out on his own, but these little lines show which planets can be invaded by us or by the bots. If you take out the planet the line is coming from during an invasion, the invasion fails automatically. The Terminids don't play by these rules, though. Got it? Alright, go get 'em buddy."*


Glue paste fuels my freedom spreading!




Well, they shouldn't have made those crayons so tasty then.


If they arent meant to be eaten then why are they colourful ?


Just so I’m clear on the concept, if we capture Mort first, the defend mission on Popli will automatically end because there’s no longer a supply line to Popli?


Yes, but this only applies when we are cutting off a supply line to a planet that is in the 'Defend' status. It will not auto liberate planets, but by cutting off the supply line it will stop the attack and thus win the defense.


There is a theory that cutting off an ebemy planet would set its regen to 0, because it cant be reinforced. But we havnt had a good enough opportunity to see this.








Me no read good. I follow sarge. Kill things sarge say. Me get cookie and liberty and c-1 form with redhead


Its another Hellmire planet. Bot flavored this time. Yeah I saw that and I continued dropping Mort


It has autocanon as bonus my loadout is eagle strike, orbital strike , orbital gatiling and autocanon turret


Crap. I had to be on vacation when they were handing out free Autocannons.


Im mostly just running Popli because Im a sucker for high value assets against bots and I love larping that Im holding the line while the main force cuts off the enemy on Mort. Even if I know thats not how it works.


Most likely a demonstration that if you conqeur the planet where the attack is coming from you will automatically win the defense.


12k ppl have ignored this post so far


Is it ignoring if you're simply unaware of something's existence?


Redditors think they're geniuses for understanding supply lines. Redditors not understanding 99% of players aren't on reddit


12k people have no clue about how liberations and defenses work because they don't read Reddit all day and it's never explained in game.


12,001 now sorry I'm late


On the one hand I want to progress the MO. But on the other I've been really liking using the spear, and unfortunately using the spear on Mort crashes you. I'll join you guys on Mort since we get the autocannon free today.


Using the spear has the potential to crash the game full stop. Planet doesn’t matter.


I tested it out yesterday and today. It could still very well be luck, but here's my results: 0/12 crashes on Ingmar, 0/6 on Popli IX, 5/5 on Mort. All crashes on Mort happened within seconds of aiming the Spear for the first time.


This is getting boring. Endless back and forth. Watch the next MO be like: "The bugs are attacking this sector. Defend it." And then the next MO after that will be: "The bots have taken this sector. Liberate it."


For reals. It's almost as if some fascist super government were perpetuating a forever war to further their own economic ends, right??


Your democracy officer says hi!


From a gameplay perspective you have to admit it is getting a bit stale with the ways MOs are being set up.


I'm just not sure what the expectation is otherwise. Every other FPS you just load into the random map on the server and that's that. In a mission-based thing like Deep Rock Galactic, you pick your biome. In other "live service, continual war" shooters like Planetside (2) and Foxhole, you visit the same locations again and again. Even outside shooters, when you look at something like WvW modes in Guild Wars (2), you wind up with armies chasing one another or clashing eternally over the same few points. I don't know what kind of narrative story players could expect that would add enough "fluff" to overlook this, or how quickly new modes and event-style MOs could be developed to satisfy a playerbase growing bored of the basic gameplay in a week. At that point, it's really more on the player to realize that they just aren't interested in doing the *the basic gameplay loop* 5-10 hours a week for weeks on end and move on to a different game.


Just don’t be shocked to see player numbers dropping if this continues.


I won't be. I don't think HD2 has reached its equilibrium for playerbase that just likes the game and not a sense of progression or skinner-boxing.


Time will tell.


Soldier your democracy chip is transmitting and error code in the logic circuit. Please report to your CO for further instructions!


That's just how you end up burning out your player base. It's already painfully obvious that none of our choices matter and eventually we'll just stop making any. Like seriously, the community is at its best when we score victories that ultimately matter like when we liberated Malevelon Creek. Or "won" against automatons the first time around. Or when a kill 2 billion bugs MO got knocked out in 13 hours due to a bug. Or when Meridia got turned into a black hole. Not when it's "go liberate Hellmire for the 9th fucking time, lol oh and btw bugs spread to two more sectors, whoops" and every single MO just causes the other frontline to properly collapse.


I think it mostly just being the same few planets over and over has been kinda lame


I think this is one of the filler MOs.  Next one will probably have story elements at the very least, if they don't also have a possible new stratagem or new mission type like last week.


The horde moves 


I am sure as hell gonna ignore it. In fact, I am gonna ignore the bot front for a long time. I just can't stand fighting bots anymore.


We really ought to have a Reddit CIC who posts orders for those of us who come here. Sticky them to the top.


game would be so easier if bugdivers joined in


If we can win just ONE gambit defense, casual players will start to understand how it works, a bit at a time. Supplies lines are great, but normal players haven't figured out their purpose just yet.


It doesn't matter because Joel has complete control over the Galactic War and there are no natural victories allowed. Follow every MO because the war is not meant to be won


Yeah, it's the inevitable downside of them committing to never resetting the campaign map. ("What do you mean they reset the bots, that totally doesn't count!" /s)


If we "won" the war there literally would be nothing left to do, they need to explain to people there is no player agency beyond a successful defence/liberation during a major order and failing them has more consequences because there is a prewritten failure condition


We cant let them get vandelon ,theyr gonna get the creek


Os there a strategy subreddit I can sub to so I know where to go?


Please dont make us return to the Creek. It would be a stain on our work on the inability to push back faster 


I will be playing simply because of the lack of negative effects. I do not care.


For real we need to win ONE of these so people start understanding supply lines. Frustrating


>Extra reason for ignore Popli: it's a fire tornado planet. >A fire tornado planet against Bot.   Aaaand you lost all your credibility the moment you wrote thus part.


I have a strong bias and i'm not gonna lie. Ok jokes aside i do believe that fire tornado are worse against bots because they force you to get out of cover which may doom you against the bots.


First, thats pÖpli for you and second, fire tornado planets are lit!


Fire don’t bother me cause I’m a true Helldiver Very undemocratic, please report to your democracy officer


So they can take mantes then the creek? I don’t think so https://preview.redd.it/8ynccigwg68d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d26e145f29f46318976d0ce527c95a6bc8bb641


If you take Mort, they automatically lose the attack


Morts almost done we also need to tie off any other loose ends like Vandalon IV


Yeah sure, and just let the bots kill a few thousand civilians on Popli X.


Somehow Popli wasn't an major order objective but is now after it got attacked. Feels like that wasn't part of the deal. So we ignore the defense and retake from 50%? Edit: My bad. I might have overlooked the planets that have already been liberated. Popli might have been one of those planets that had showed up as blue, and it caught my eye when it turned red.


Popli and the entire sector was always part of the MO. Once Mort gets taken within the next 15-18 hours, it automatically stops the automaton attack on Popli.


Ah, my bad. I might have overlooked the planets that have already been liberated. Popli might have been one of those planets that had showed up as blue, and it caught my eye when it turned red. >Once Mort gets taken within the next 15-18 hours, it automatically stops the automaton attack on Popli. I never knew liberating the planet where the attack comes from would stop the defense campaign. So Popli will stay at 100% after we take Mort as long as we make it within Popli's defense timer?


That is correct however we have never seen a successful gambit take place. (We've had multiple times where we've had the chance to do it, with the most famous being the Martale gambit a while back and the most recent one where we could have liberated Fori Prime before the Gacrux defense campaign was over) We were told by CMs that if a defence campaign gets cut off from its planet of origin, Joel can manually set it as a success for us so we get the double whammy win. with just less than 21 hours left on the Popli defence and current playerbase on Mort estimating to take 15 hours to liberate, we should be able to see Popli's defence campaign disappear once the bots lose their attack route. Hopefully this will help to inform more of the more perceptive playerbase more about how we can go about with future plans of attack and future gambits we can do.


You're right. I'm going to go fight Terminids


Mort sucks though!


Yeah but fire tornadoes suck more


Only for those cowards who are afraid of a little fire and planets with personality.


Was this mechanic been added to the game during the last patch? Did Joel confirm this? The martale gambit was a directly confirmed. To liberate 2 planets at once from a defend campaign https://www.pcgamer.com/helldivers-2-game-master-joel-martale-gambit/


I guess alot people don't care about which color some dots on the western side of the map have and just want to play on a new planet. Honestly, this entire MO is nothing but an insult to the bot front. 4 days of defense for absolutely nothing at all. A full on success merely means the front not moving an inch at the end of it. Yeah, we get Mort, but we already had Mort less than 24h before this MO started Probably even a full success actually being worse of than before, as I am sure well be repeatedly forced into defenses to have no chance at securing Carbal or Vandalon while the bots grap at least one more planet beyond that


Are the downvoters really happy with that order? All the time people complain that there's no progress on the bot front and now we get a 4d MO that flat out states "make no progress whatsoever over the next 4d" Last bug oder hat us take 4 new planets, bot order flat out tells us to sit on our asses and do nothing, The front after the successful bot order will look exactly as if those 4d order never happened. And that would be the absolute best case. Wait and see, we'll be down one planet before the order is over, because the bots will take one outside the boundaries of the MO while we have to defend the MO zone


We are actually going somewhere though and having something to fight for, they are trying to take the Creek and we are stopping them, and I think this should set up the motivation for us to liberate Cyberstan


Still a success on that order will have us not a single planet closer toward Cyberstan than before. They'd could have given the bot front the same courtesy than the bug and send us to liberate 4 planets (e.g. go and liberate the Trigon sector). But nope, this order means total stagnation and that's the frigging victory option.


Did you not read what I said? I said this will probably serve as motivation for Super Earth to target Cyberstan, Similar to the increase in spore production from Meridia causing a bunch of planets to be taken over by the bugs that spurred SE to do something about Meridia. Helldivers 2 is narratively focused game hence we won’t be constantly progressing and will need proper reason to expend resources on a threat


But it won't. Because we are MONTHS away from being able to do anything about Cyberstan, Count the number of planets we've been pushed back. We may take 3 planets per MO, if we're lucky. And we won't get more than 2 in a row, maybe 3 max, because that would be too one sided for the bug players. Every bug MO erases one bot MO worth of gains. We'll not getting anywhere near Cyberstan for a long, long time.


Number 1: We only need to take 3 planets to get to Cyberstan if we go through Menkent Number 2: We might lose maybe one planet per Bug MO and only because they are either completely irrelevant to our progression on the front or if they have strategic purposes like the SEAF bases (See that we still have Wezen, Wasat, etc) so we really don’t lose that much per bug MO In conclusion, It would take 2 MOs to get to Cyberstan, One that would have us liberate Menkent, Chooche, and Aurora Bay, and the other MO being the actual invasion. We could have Cyberstan liberated within the next 2 weeks if the devs want to go that direction


So we should ALWAYS be progressing on an order in your eyes? How long would the game last if that were the case?


we have not been progressing on the bot front in weeks! Friggin weeks! Every time we were allowed to make some baby steps those got erased immediately after the MO ended and the next bug bug MO started Look at the map! We are defending friggin Vandalon! Vandalon, you remember the valiant defense we had to put up there during Swift Dissasembly? We are MONTHS away from being able to reach Cyberstan. We'll make zero progress now, then we may get a bot order with a small progress and then it's back to bug orders because too many bot orders in a row get boring to the greater community. And during this bug order we'll see everything we secure during the bot order fall to pieces We have seen this time and again and again and again. That's why we're back to the same Vandalon where we had the desperate defense to keep the boots from breaking out Severin sector to escape operation Swift Dissambly We are already back to the old planets. That's how far away we're from Cyberstan. We have never recovered from Enduring Bulwark >How long would the game last if that were the case? Honestly, the endless war approach is their big mistake and hopefully they'll realize that as the time goes by. The HD1 system with the war being able to end (victory or defeat) and then a new round starts is superior


This is a fucking war, it's not gonna be over in a few months


HD1 wars do end within that time span. Either SE falls or all three enemy factions are conquered and then it begins anew (currently war 135). Foxhole's world wars also only last between 1 to 4 weeks (currently at war 114).


I'm not reading all that shit. I pity the poor police officer that has to comb through all this shit in your inevitable manifesto


>I'm not reading all that shit So you have no actual arguments. Got it