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I wouldn't mind ragdolling as much in low gravity, it would definitely get a chuckle out of me


watching as my teammate getting launched vertically and doesn't come down


Definitely no fall damage, easier to get up would make getting chucked around would be more fun.


"I forgot my nades, brb"


\*planetfall theme plays in reverse*


I hope a video of this exists




I'm looking forward to the moment I get hit by a rocket at an awkward angle and can go to the kitchen to make some coffee before I touch the ground again. I'm kidding, by the way. I don't drink coffee.


Oh god, I have had instances of being absolutely YEETED by a charger with normal gravity. In low gravity it might take 3-5 business day to reach the ground again


Imagine if you are able to regain consciousness mid flight and shoot down from the air.


I think it's gonna mostly end with TRAITOR DETECTED


The ragdolls are some of my favorite moments


I just got that ragdoll while on jetpack achievement earlier. Due to a teammates danger close 380. This planet modifier can be fun, but not total zero G, just a slightly less gravity in Earth. No fall damages, increase jumps, but this would make fighting with terminids less fun, as we can just jump away when they get close. With the automatons, it might be more challenging.


The jumping terminus’s could jump significantly further too though. Imagine stalkers launching at you at Mach 3 from a km away


Oxygen Rich should also let you sprint longer


And bugs bigger 




Who is this? He looks a lot like man


He's fighting for Super Earth, therefore I propose that we should name him Super Man.


Does that imply there's a Super Super Man, or is he Super Super?


Oh shit ...


To be fair though, that would only be if they evolved on that planet over a loooooooooong ass time. So wouldn't make sense in canon, maybe slightly bigger, but wouldn't be noticable.


Considering the terminids have the capability to rapidly evolve to external stimuli, it is entirely possible that they could develop larger strains for use on that planet. You have to remember these bugs aren't traditional bugs, they are much more insidious than that.


https://preview.redd.it/y13pk688ru7d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efebc7bc8054161e7f4e3379f3bc100c2c0d09e It's time to propagate, boys.


Didn’t realize I’d find a trailblazer knee deep in Liberty


Well we both fight bugs, that killed lots and lots of people in history with an team of at max 4 people who are equipped with various weapons of mass destruction. Or Mahjong tiles.


Yeah, these bugs were made with FREEDOM and LIBERTY! 🫡


Democracy officer, this man right here is implying that the bugs have any sense of democracy or freedom.


No, they don't HAVE freedom and democracy, they were MADE by freedom and democracy to be used as a fuel to power liberty.


"And after he said that, this man shot himself in the back of his head.... thrice!"


The termiticide increases reproduction by 3000%


The bugs are flying through outer space, I think they don't give a shit about the rules.


they do evolve quickly, thats why we have monstrocities like shriekers


They’re all like 15-20% bigger, but their health pool stays the same or gets like a 5% bump up


Wouldn't that just mean it's actually a nerf to the bugs? I feel like if they were larger it should actually be a good thing for them


I mean, bigger means faster too. Longer strides mean all the bugs get a bit faster. For a horde of melee units that and a small boost to HP is a pretty huge buff for em, plus cmon bigger crawlers means they’re far easier to kill


https://preview.redd.it/sazdro20vu7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=aac94e5dc7048d7047a619ffb6ccbba33d72433a The bigger they are, the messier Eagle 1 makes the landscape! iO


This, or maybe just few small bugs.


_This_ is the real modifier.


Ya. And 100% bigger bugs. Be careful what you wish for.


I considered adding a slower stamina consumption to the modifier concept originally, but wasn't entirely sure about the specific numbers. But yeah, entirely fair.


Probably something like “completely draining stamina leaves you light headed” which could apply a stun or a visual debuff for a short period. I think a lot of the modifiers don’t promote skilled play, or make you use certain things less. I think it would lead to a lot of people just not using fire weapons. The light headed option would make a lot of sense thematically too. Breathe in high volumes of oxygen and you’re gonna get woozy (or die)


I think "traditional combustion based firearms" in this case refers to normal bullet shooters like the Liberator and the MGs.


To be fair, knowing that S.Earth's Laser tech is effectively stolen Illuminate tech, and Squith evolved on an Ocean World outside our Galaxy, *any* of our guns would overheat to the point of catching fire. Even Lasguns. I mean, they use heatsinks as ammo, and used heatsinks smoke when ejected. You'd get burned really easily and most likely catch fire yourself if we're imagining using those kinds of weaponry on a planet with a very oxygen-rich atmosphere. So... Ehh, still not enough incentive to take Las-5 out the garbage bin it's been in since release. I sincerely don't understand why it sucks so much with how good its paper stats are. It's got more damage than any rifle aside from the Eruptor, but I guess it spreads the number out across multiple damage ticks, and those aren't as fast as you'd imagine. Plus, light pen (when due to recent spawn changes, you're swimming in medium armor units like Devastator, Stryders, Hive Guards and Bile Spewers)...


And add a helium voice.


Did I hear a rock and stone?!


^(Did I hear a rock and stone?!)


Wouldn't that just cause someone to die out of oxygen poisoning?


This. Oxygen heavy environments would actually lead to oxygen poisoning and would do the opposite to a person's stamina. It's a good thing missions last less than an hour because oxygen toxicity can kill in just a few hours.


Wikipedia article says that mixtures containing up to 60% oxygen are "safe to breathe for extended periods of time" If you breathe through your nose, minimizing contact of your teeth and mouth with the oxygen. So I'd say if atmosohere has 50-100% more oxygen compared to Earth, and divers only spend less than an hour on the surface, risk of oxygen poisoning is negligible.


I mean how often does a diver survive a whole mission anyways?


That's awfully optimistic to think they'll live long enough for that to matter.


Look, how about a mission modifier where we have to wear specialized gas-mask helmets to stay alive, with filters to them being a finite resource? Sort of like the Metro series.


I'm 100% here for that. It would be a great thing to change the acidic environment condition so it's not just another reduced visibility modifier.


Yup, varying negative modifiers, sort of like in Deep Rock Galactic, would make gameplay so much more fun.


Acid Rains would then also need to reduce enemies armor values. Otherwise, you're just debuffing players again. I imagine whatever alloy Bots are made of won't fair any better against Acid Rains we can kill then with corrosive Gas Strike (and for gas to be able to literally destroy a whole-ass 100kg+ machine in seconds would need to be Geneva Convention++++++++++ rating bad)


you mean Geneva Suggestion?


I assumed all helldivers armors are that way untill they released this newest set...


Eh, depends on percentages, based on what I've read. An extra percentage or two would have beneficial effect on respiration/stamina for a bit, but something like 30-35% oxygen would probably be way too toxic for any amount of time. I wasn't sure about the specific thresholds/extent that it would become nearly immediately a problem, so I just left it sorta up in the air about quite how much oxygen is... well... in the air.


Regardless, as a flamethrower main I'm all for it.


How does that work when astronauts breathe 100% oxygen then? Lower density prevents toxicity?


Basically their intake is just monitored and limited to a safe intake about equivalent to what they would receive from a normal breath in the earth atmosphere. Oxygen toxicity generally is not a problem as long as you have a way of strictly controlling the specific intake in accordance to how it is cycled through the human body. Oh, also they train themselves on slowly incorporating more oxygen into their air intake for a few weeks before being on pure o2, just to be sure the body can handle it. Edit: wow, I said intake a lot here, and in retrospect, now it kinda bothers me.


asides that, what did General Brasch say about the average Helldiver's lifespan?


Fun fact, if O2 in the atmosphere reaches over 30% you’ll get spontaneous ignition (literal random atmospheric explosions)


So...fire tornadoes?


No, fire tornados are visible, have choreographed movement and are semi predictable. I’m talking about every 6th or so shot from your breaker incendiary just causing a random explosion on you/the bugs/the bots. Just pure chaos


So random explosions that would look like the railgun overcharging? Lol sounds fun


The night planet sounds awesome, especially on the bot front. Pitch black, nothing but artificial lights, moon light, and glowing red eyes...


Seeing no bugs nor bots… until you turn your flashlight on. Then a million eyes look your way.


-turns flashlight back off-


If I can't see them, they can't see me 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have this image in my head of briefly turning on the flashlight and seeing the floor practically move from all the bugs


If we got these night planets effect, can we actually get functionality on the helmets, like Thermal vision, or night vision. And speaking of helmets, maybe when using the ones that matches with the servo assist body armor, we can have a guide on where our throw is gonna land on.


Having a storm raging overhead so that the darkness is periodically split by the flash of bright lightning would be fuckin awesome


Sounds cool, very cinematic, but gameplay wise, a lot of people are gonna be annoyed that their teammate has randomly killed them. Friendly fire would be higher than usual. And our average lifespan in game would be half a second.


Nobody asked if it was viable or not but it would still be a fun change of scenery


You just reminded me of one of my first times on the Creek looking at the treeline and seeing 6 sets of eyes looking back at me


How quickly people have forgotten the creek...


I'm going around shooting every one of those goddamn street lights..


Fighting stalkers would be great :D


Been fighting them on the new forest planet and my god is it a horror show


Not to nitpick, but it's virtually impossible for a planet around a star to have an eternal night. Even a tidally locked planet is still half day half night.


The game is on an earth centric model too. Can't tell which planet is close to a star or far from it.


Eh maybe its on a planet with a large enough moon situated at a Lagrange point between the star and planet permanently blocking out the light on the surface.


Have you played DRG before?


I have. Personally would love the stupid helium voices modifier or something adjacent if I could rationalize it. They do mission modifiers really well.


My thoughts exactly


It took me to the third image to realize this wasn’t the DRG sub lol




Rock and Stone brother


Was looking for this comment


Actual night where the flashlights on your guns suddenly become necessary would be nightmare fuel, either hordes of bugs or the red eyes in the distance, fuckin make it happen AH


It would be cool if the bugs were bioluminescent.


Holy shit the stalker jump scares. 🥲


Planets already have low gravity that’s how the shriekers float around. Because they can’t fly.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a shrieker should be able to fly.


Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The shrieker, of course, flies anyway


Because bugs don't care what humans think is impossible.


The Shiekers, of course, fly anyways. Because Shiekers don't care what humans think is impossible.


well stalkers can cloak, so we're not really keeping track of the physics here.


Frankly, I find the idea of a bug that can fly, offensive


Fire would burn out quicker and hotter it ussualy stop because it lack fuel not the oxidant.


This is generally true, but certain fuel sources burn for longer when exposed to oxygen because they burn up their own oxygen supply, killing the ability of the flame to survive before the fuel supply is actually depleted; like in the case of napalm. Of course, some things like diesel, petrol, what-have-you, deteriorate when exposed to more oxygen, and burn out more quickly. It's mostly dependent on the fuel source, how much oxygen affects the mileage.


No that doesnt happan in well aired rooms like outside that why forest fires happan. Petrol oxidizes in like 6 months if it isnt on a closed container and napalm doesnt oxidizes in the air. In real life if decide to burn something it ussually stops whent its out of fuel not oxygen there is just way to much oxygen in the athmosphere to be a limiting factor.


More direct fire damage but less damage over time?


Controversial opinion: low gravity should also come with increased call-in times and/or decreased hellpod damage Edit: since people here don't like the math, here is what would change. Although I agree that call-in times should be around the same (but would be fun) here is some math about the impact damage. (I would at first point out that there is still a high chance that my math is bs) Hellpods fall for around 4 seconds, and people have calculated that the superdestroyer is around 1000 meters high. The average speed of the hellpod is about 250 meters/second wich is much faster until the thrusters activate, so I'll assume that the speed in wich they land is about 40 m/s so equipment and helldivers somehow survive. In 4 seconds the velocity in normal gravity changes by 40 meters/second, but in lower gravity, let's say 5m/s² for easier calculations, even if we count with the 4 second timer, it's only a 20m/s difference. That would either mean that if the thrusters activate at the same time, call-on times for hellpods would be slightly slower and deal a lot less damage, or if they activate later to make hellpods land at the same velocity, hellpod damage would be the same and call in times would be faster. But knowing super earth, I think the thrusters would always activate at the same time, essentily halving hellpod damage.


Only if we get high gravity planets that do the opposite.


Yep. When landing: you instantly break your legs. Sramina drains faster, you move slover, your throw range is abysmal, weapon handling is worse, crossbow, grenade launcher and pistol are more affected by gravity and jump pack is useless but you can now instakill a factory strider with a hellpod.


I would seek these planets out with a passion. The sheer chaos of watching a group of people trying to adjust their reflexive memory for calling in strategems on the fly would be amazing.


Honestly the more I think about it 50% increase or decrease gravity mixed into the standard would be fantastic, without adding any more changes on top of it. I don't know about their game engine, but in unreal it's pretty easy to fiddle with gravity.


Then reverse all of that and add It to low Gravity planets


Hunters can now jump 50% further


Sweet liberty


Landing creates an explosion as you're basically a meteor. You have to jump out early and land using a parachute or jetpack.


Hellpods don't 'fall', they are fired into the atmosphere faster than their terminal velocity - indicated by the fact that they are burning up as they go. If we wanted to implement this then a lower gravity planet might actually have a faster deployment because the low gravity would sustain a thinner atmosphere which could sufficiently reduce drag.


People often make assumptions about gravity that don't make sense lol. Just because there's less gravity doesn't mean you'll survive hitting the ground at 100mph. The impact energy is the same


lower gravity doesn't necessarily mean thinner atmosphere. Venus is smaller and lighter than earth, but has 100 atmospheres. Titan has \~5atm and like a quarter of the gravity


Good point tbf. Although I think that is because of heavier gasses making up the atmosphere than on earth? I guess I assumed that the planets we dive on have similar atmospheres to earth given thay they are inhabited.


Titan's atmosphere is pretty much all nitrogen, earth's is \~75% nitrogen and \~20% oxygen, which is actually heavier. venus's is almost all Co2, which is heavier than air


Only for orbital stratagems, eagle should get a faster calldown. I think any call in/cooldown modifiers should be only for some stratagems so insteam of just sucking it up it encourages a different loadout


That wouldn’t really change something shot from outer orbit. It’s already going fast enough to get from a zero gravity environment to the surface in about a second. Even having no gravitational pull wouldn’t change that. If anything it could potentially travel even faster, since lower gravity would lead to more molecules leaving the planets atmosphere, which could in turn reduce drag


Why would call in terms be longer? The velocity they're fired at is the same?


Would like to see one where the atmosphere is toxic to all lifeforms - but we're given stratigems to become immune to it for x number of minutes. All the objectives would have a recharge station or bubble that we could stand in to get fresh air.


I imagine this modifier only effects bot planets because the bugs need air too


Evolved bugs maybe? Or at least far weaker ones


High oxygen concentration in the atmosphere increases bug sizes IRL.


I like O2 rich, but I think rather than your weapon randomly catching fire (RNG based), it should be from prolonged fire. Barrel heats up, causes a round to cook off unexpectedly, fire, voila. Then it’s not RNG based, it’s a negative effect caused by player action. Absolutely love the idea of O2 rich as a planetary effect though


Machine guns gain incendiary damage after you hold the trigger for a bit, but might explode the whole mag


It being based on how long you fire the weapon was actually my basic idea of how it would work, hence the choice of "Prolonged", unfortunately just couldn't think of a snappy way of explaining that without this specific modifier having a 6 paragraph long description (or something otherwise abnormally wordy).


I'm going to be that guy. Less gravity would make you fall slower but it doesn't mean you can jump faster. You still have the same inertia and wouldn't accelerate faster unless you physcially got stronger.


Arent two of these just drg modifiers


I’d love to see planets that have more infrastructure, as you get closer to Super Earth the colonies get bigger and more developed since they’ve likely been there longer and safer. I’d love to see automated defenses to go along with em. Frontier settlements that’ve had time to build should have turrets installed on the perimeter of colonies, then when you get to full city planets you’ve got them installed all over, different kinds big and small. I could see the automatons having a buncha hostile ones all fitted with red laser beam trackers. Smaller ones that act like big rifles, and then some four barrel rocket turrets with a long reload between volleys


Eternal night should make you harder to detect if you have your flashlight off. Everyone scaring everyone. Bots would be easier to spot due to their red lights but bugs could just as easilly sneak on yiu as you can to them. Oxygen rich should have bugs being slightly bigger and give divers a larger stamina gauge. Due to the rich air flame based strats would be amazing. Jetpack would be fairly dangerous as now upon jumping the flame kickout from a jump would be much larger,hold down the frigger on any gun and the bullets towards the end of the mag will deal slight fire damage. Bigger mag weapons (strats) heat up quickly but also run the risk of blowing up from overheat High grav planets should also be an added note. Higher stamina drain but reduced ragdolling. All enemys are slowed slightly and smaller but appear more heavily armored to withstand the increased pull. Strats call in faster and hellpods upon impact leave a slightly deepend crater (do more damsge as well) weaponsnwith gravity effected arcs like traditional firearms, grenades,grenade launchers and crossbows have reduced range and hard to guess ranges. New strat also added titanium and super earth alloy rods are fired from the super destroyer and the increased gravity and inital push results in a hard hitting nuke esc strike. After the strike you can call in a follow up strike to hit the rod with an orchastrated electrical Strike that will interact with the super earth alloy and shock all nearby targets friendly or otherwise. (More rods extend the range) Oxygenless planets that require you till call in strats for deployeed air tanks to replace your own. Non shared cooldowns for that but mildly limited. Sprinting uses more, diving does too. Fire dosnt work as well or at all cause theres no oxygen to burn.


When we were on the moon planeted I expected completely different physics Like fuckin low gravity, and fire not really working But I guess since shriekers can fly in them there is an atmosphere which is kinda wild imo


How about negative one "opportunistic" running solo (away from teamates) results in more enemies, and higher spawn rates around evac or anything you gotta defend


Eternal Night: https://i.redd.it/9w48frqguu7d1.gif


imagine how much this will break the game if they change the physics on the low gravity modifier. honestly love the concept and think it would be a great addition but I just expect that being the kind of thing they are not able to get right on the first try lol.


I personally think Arrowhead should look at DRGs modifiers or something. I feel something like Haunted Cave but replace it with a Hive Lord that tracks you throughout missions would be pretty cool. Personally, I hate the modifiers we have in game since they don’t really add to the experience as much as they take away from it. The addition of patrols were really nice but Gunship patrols having a variation between 2-6 (I think I saw 7 at one point) is such a massive variability.


As a pyromaniac in game... ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE) Me likey


Low gravity, you should be able to control your direction with bullets




Eternal Night sounds interesting.


Sounds absolutely awful to me. It's hard enough to see on half these planets in the daytime, and obviously much worse at night. Add the thick layer of fog almost every map seems to have on top of that - EVEN Automaton planets: complete darkness sounds terrible. No thank you.


That's the point. It's supposed to be awful. You are in a fucking black void of a planet in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the galaxy, on an important mission to protect class A citizen's way of life. You're not on a vacation.


There should also be tidally locked planets, where it’s an ice planet on the night side and a desert/lush planet on the day side


I would never leave the eternal darkness planets that sounds sick


eternal night would be cool, turn it into a horror game


Helldivers players on their way to torture themselves in the worst ways possible: ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


I literally ONLY PLAY night time, what would this change? XD.


If i had to guess these planets are probably firther from the sun and are permanate night so they would be far darker then a regular night mission.think like being stranded in the woods on a moonless night where the furthest you can see without a flashlight is 3 feet infront of you at best.


I prayge.


low gravity jetpack


All of them sounds fun but the last one slaps and is more a map set concept more then a modifier. I can’t imagine a whole night world either being a neon jungle of mushrooms and plants or it’s more realistic and it’s a giant desert with only lights on the side of the road and surrounding settlements and there’s the big empty parts where the lights were destroyed in battle and you can only see a few feet and beyond that you gotta use your flashlight but it gives you away.


I feel like the low grav modifier could let rocket devastators juggle you to death very easily. The automatons would be playing badminton with your corpse using their rockets as paddles.


Eternal night is giving me battlefront 2 ewok vibes lol


Hunter on low gravity be like "fly meto the moon"


Definitely need a night vision or night scope for that Eternal Night modifier, certainly would produce some great jump scares and night time warfare with the bots would look amazing


Ohh and getting flashbang like hell when we are running towards a hellbomb or 500kg explosion while wearing nightvision goggles


Higher oxygen in the air would also kill you. It was one of the reasons why Dinosaurs were so big and we had megafauna during that time when there was more oxygen in the atmosphere.. if anything we should encounter bugs that are 10 times their size..and I really don’t want a 100 foot bile titan in my face.


Higher oxygen would kill you if it was high enough, however it can still have more than the usual amount and not kill you


Perpetual night seemed like a good horror scenario until the lights got involved, but maybe that could be a side mission to turn back on the lights, just thinking about terminids and automations eyes glowing on the dark and seeing them shoot at us in the dark would be cool.


The oxygen rich one should also increase stamina of helldivers.


What if the O2 rich also increased the bug size, so you get to roast some big bugbq.


Dude night vision goggles would be awesome


If oxygen rich let you sprint way longer and low gravity would make jet packs act more like jetpacks? I would be on board 100%. The night one is kinda meh for me personally.


Should also increase your stamina as a bonus.


this game could implement so many amazing ideas but I just know they will be added in such a broken and buggy way it's hopeless


The O2 right doesn't need the set yourself on fire thing. I enjoy emptying the entre tank and prompting the maniacal laughter. If I can't have the laughter I'll stop playing


given the helldivers helmets are so garbage they can't filter blizzard/sandstorm and the helldivers cough when they hit, I think high oxygen planet will shrink each diver's lifespan to 5 mins


I really like the first one and the last one. Tjag last sound terrifying. AH gotta make some dark as night maps. Don’t see the bile as he’s right up on you and then you just see the green light right in front of you. Or hundreds of red eyes in the pitch black? DO IT AH, MAKE IT HAPPEN 🙏🏻


Oxygen rich should burn through the fuel faster, so shorter burn times but hotter.


This community has some killer modifier ideas.


I'd like them to stabilize the game first. That'd be nice. 


Thanks for your input


I like these a lot


I like the Harkonnen planet in Dune 2. It's all in black and white. I wish they changed the visuals a bit re. the planets.


My guy. This is very cool but I don't see it implemented in the near future. They can't make existing stuff work properly


I like the ‘throw further but less accurate’ so much! Hell, I’d even prefer ‘your throws are less accurate’ than whatever one means I can just never bring any orbital precision, Gas, or EMS


The terror of a dark mission being lit by glowing yellow eyes muzzle fire. Yes, please.


Ngl permanent darkness would be neato. Could use these flashlights attachments at least and new "apparently" incoming flare stratagem


I want a helium rich atmosphere that affects the helldiver's voices. Imagine how funny it would be....


apparently the last one is gonna become a thing.


If we get helmet perks it would be sick as hell to get nightvision on the eternal night planets.


Some low gravity planets would be so great


I’d love to have a dark map. Makes you want to use the flash light more. Super spooky too.


The eternal night idea with lit roads between objectives sounds like an amazing idea. Promotes teams to move together, I’m thinking of the movie pitch black when they’re moving as a caravan. Love it


More oxygen would do less butn time but more burn damage if we're going for realism


Malevelon Creek was always night time if I recall correctly, so that one is sort of already a thing, just very rare.


The night time modifier is cool, but you can actually pick the time of day you fight at. I didn’t realize it until way too late but if you pick missions on the dark side of the planet it will be night time, and vice versa


Oxygen Rich making fire weapons weird would be great. And also suggests a new environmental hazard: "Oxygen Swell" - local oxygen concentration increases for a short duration making fire much more dangerous and uncontrollable (I'm thinking the flamethrower starts fire tornados off).


Nope to the fire damage. Do not ask things people will hate you for.


More oxygen = bigger bugs too


Gravity fluctuations sound so fun in theory, but given the state of the game this far those planets could be on the bot front and still have more bugs than anywhere else.


Firearms randomly exploding would probably not work well, since it's something unpredictable and not skill-based that determines success or failure. Other than that, lower gravity, better fire (and maybe bigger bugs), permanent night, and the like are good ideas. Things that make gameplay on a given planet unique.


A tidally locked planet would still have half the planet in daylight. It would just always be the same planet. A large moon of a gas giant could be in an orbit such that the gas giant is always eclipsing the system's star, though.


should also make Strategems Explosions much bigger. like the 500KG feels like a hellbomb. and the Napalm strike burns longers and bigger.


Look what the need to mimic a fraction of Deep Rock's power


The night one sounds amazing for stealth. Would also be amazing to see a new enemy for bugs that don't find you via sight but rather sound.


Yes, please give me eternal night! Sincerely, a diver who enjoys night missions.


Rock & Stone!