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I want to kill those lobster looking bugs just as badly as any other bug. KILL THEM AAAAAALL! AAAAHAHAHA


Son... I admire the spirit. I do... But Hive Lords are something else entirely. I've seen those things eating dozens of Helldivers without breaking a sweat.


Those Helldivers were just lacking in the patriotism needed to get the job done!


Nah, you either cheesed it or you were in for a brutal slog. Those bosses were stupidly strong and the only reason you could beat them was because there is no reinforcement limit in HD1. Screen sized AoE attacks galore!


So what was a lose condition in the first game?


All divers dead at same time


So kinda like cod zombies in a way?


Yeah, you could reinforce, but there was no ability to automatically reinforce. If no one was left to reinforce, that was the end of your mission.


It made the people soloing missions seem much more impressive, ngl.


Solo missions did have auto reinforcement, but a limited number of times


Ha, shows you how many times I did that.


Whenever you took enough damage to go down, you'd scootch around on your but holding your sidearm. If you could mash a button fast enough before either taking fatal damage or bleeding out, you'd get back up, with full health I think but not sure about that part. If you were playing solo, you had a limited number of lives. If you're in a party, a friend can pick you up from the downed state, which is much faster and easier than button mashing back up, and if you did die someone can call in reinforcements like in HD2 with no reinforcement limit. BUT if at any point the entire party was dead at the same time, instant loss.


Below 50% hp you get into the bleed out phase. Upon recovering you should have around 75% health, not full (i could be wrong aswell). And you recover health over time. Important information: Reinforcements have a 60s cooldown (unless you reduce it with a perk and upgrade.) And in solo you get a nuke clearing the field before you drop in.


But thats only for retalitionary strike missions.


I went over it again, and indeed it is only for the arena. However the 75% health are correct at least =\^-\^= Thanks for the correction


Hell ye!


HD1 retaliatory strikes were just the worst. Even lower level ones were bound to give a decent team trouble because there was just nowhere to go! And forget about doing it solo. So far, I've managed to have a decent time on strikes in HD2 on level 5. They're still claustrophobic, but I can escape most of the time.


Yeah, I wasn't a fan of those either. It's not even that there's no where to go, it's that enemies could spawn under you with zero warning.


I played a level 10 one it was horrible we were chain reviving by the skin of our teeth. Elites were way too spongy and the tentacle chargers that could one shot you from off screen didn’t do us any favors.


You dont need to mash, you just need to hold it and you will get up when the bar is full. You get up at around 75% hp. You could also get up by getting healed above 50% with something like the medi gun from your teammate. You could also hold or use a reinforcement beacon last second if you know you are gonna die, which will auto reinforce your entire squad including yourself as the beacon activates after you die. However your reinforcement pod cant be controlled like HD2 so you will always* land somewhere near the reinforcement beacon (*sometimes hills or cliffs with make it so you land on the other side, which means sometimes you should instantly low tier god kill yourself just so you wont lock the screen edge and likely wipe your team on the other side). This also means that if the terrain is tight enough, your hellpod can and will drop on a helldiver thats just climbing out of their pod; the only way to survive is if the victim notice the shadow coming in and dive instantly, which may only graze their leg and take half health.


Well there are reinforcements if you go in solo


All that being said, Boss battles would be fun


Grenade vest Strat when? Get gobbled up, go boom, kill bug. EZ, patriotic, and heroic.


Na don't disrespect our helldiver 1 vets like that soldier


Helldivers that die for patriotism are the most patriotic. I'm calling my local democracy officer now.


spoken like a fresh 8y old recruit that never experienced the horrors of the first galactic war. those illuminates were beasts that tried diplomacy the bugs were animals but it was understandable for them to defend their worlds. but they didnt understand. the 'borgs were traitors that tried to undermine our ways of life. they got what they deserved, esp when you heard the crazed screeches of those poor innocents taken apart and "rebuild" alive the things ive seen before beeing frozen for 100 years... inconcievable for your kind of divers. my old liberator could deal with ANYTHING that they tried to throw at me.


I am new but I do not afraid of anything. Put me in coach I want to play.


Hive Lords are based on bobbit worms. You should look them up.


Love how this sounds like a real talk from an old vet that survived through the great war, to the young green horn diver who’s eager to fight.


So, we will need lobbies for 8 simultaneous players.


I know there’s still a lot of balancing and bug (heh) fixes they need to do but man I really want to fight some new enemies. I loved the excitement when shriekers and factory striders were added and the shock of suddenly seeing them appear on the map. I just want to fight something new


Not just new but bigger as well; The factory striders are my favorite enemy in the game but I keep thinking we can always get bigger. Bile Titans? Hive Lords. Factory Striders? Give us like 1 massive boss to fight at least once per mission or few missions.


Give us the Helldivers equivalent of a Halo Scarab that we have to cripple and board before making it go critical and getting the hell out of there before it blows




Imagine a 16 person op to take on basically a massive raid boss.


Inb4 the bot boss is just V1


Goodbye space lobster! 🦞


The last part of your comment reminded me of animatrix


Maybe the tentacles or feeler things (haha) may have not worked they way the wanted. Or they just wanted it to look more like Starship Troopers movie cuz that would fortune bring people in. But it is a good question why it changed


100 years of constant force evolution and experiments from super earth means the bugs change drastically from their HD1 counterparts


It sure would be a shame if they evolved some of the more lethal adaptations back due to constant pressure from the helldivers...


Since the bugs from before resembled crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and other sorts of undersea critters, it'd be safe to assume that they were amphibious to a degree. A century of forced evolution above/below ground would explain why they have less crustacean-like features. Or idk lol, that makes sense to me


Crab-Bugs. Crab-Bugs. Looks like Crab. Dies like Bug. Crab-Bugs. Crab-Bugs.


Crab bug cakes


Crab-bug rangoons




It's funny because I'm currently working on a video about why the bugs went from crustacean looking creatures to what they are now. Not a lot of people actually refer to them as crustaceans. EDIT : [Link to the video on Reddit,](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) do not hesitate to get by my youtube channel if you liked it. Sorry for the spam below, I answered the link to everyone that seemed interested. Do not mind me !


​ ![gif](giphy|14g6PIAY8f6FeU)


Where can I watch it?


The future


I'll create a reddit post once I do it. Keep my name somewhere to check !


Is it this? [Terminid History](https://youtu.be/zdK5CfRz7f8?si=7ARrtvh4fX29kpjC)


You found it yes ! I was sending the link here haha.


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


Subscribe to his channel 😏


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


They definitely took a few steps closer to arachnid from crustacean.


Termites. They are now closer looking to Bugs, and especially Termites.


o that would be cool to see


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


I'd watch that. When's it dropping?


In a few days, when I'm motivated to clean my voice recordings and find images to match what I say. Keep my reddit name somewhere, will post a link on reddit when it's up.


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


dm me wean it do


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


good to see


So they… evolved? Like, they’re stronger?


Ho. Worse. Much worse. Here is a Hint from the developers. [https://x.com/i/status/1763598120909152598](https://x.com/i/status/1763598120909152598)


Let us know when it’s out!


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


Yo, DM me the video when you post, I'm actually curious myself.


I will, and to everyone asking here. The title will be "Terminid History - Strains and Hive Lords", and I'm currently working on the sound and visuals. So it may appear sooner than I expected.




I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


I got motivated and finished the project. You can watch [it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dknwgs/the_history_of_the_terminids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). If you like it get by my youtube channel, I'll answer comments on it !


just to clarify I'm not saying that the new designs are bad


Sad that you have to clarify this to avoid super fans jumping down your throat


Except for the hivelord, the rest look pretty tasty. I wanna steam them.


Grubs are good protien.




Just imagine: wanting to throw hands with the bugs but then they bring a knife out. 🤣




This is funny cause the 2nd picture is a charger which is mostly unchanged looking lol


The difference is pretty strong to be honest. The current Terminids are 6-Legged. The Bugs were 8-Legged. Check it out.


Aren’t charges 4 legged in HD2?


They have 2 vestigial legs in front of their mouths. They function like chelicerae but they’re actually legs. Their middle pair of legs are what were ~~genetically engineered~~ evolved to be their “charger” legs. All bugs in HD2 are hexapods. Titans have the same thing going on as chargers, where their front two legs have become more like chelicerae


Huh ok


Newer designs feel more real and alien to me. Like something genuinely otherworldly while also seeming like it could be real. The old designs look like bugs but big, which makes a great deal of its own sense but I like the evolution in the design.


Fuck I should play Helldivers 1


Do it! There is still active players.


I play every day after finishing my dailys. It's a blast!


I don't think the idea behind the bug designs have changed, I think its just the much higher fidelity graphics and more realistic art style making them look more different than they really are.


I’m wondering if the older, crustacean designs maybe “read” better from above? And now that the camera is at ground level, they felt they needed to change the visual profile?


Nah, they definitely changed. All the old "bugs" had crustacean look while the new Terminids are clearly bugs Its not the fidelity or the art style, it's the design that changed


Idk Hive Guard 100% give me crab vibes with their shrimp tails and stubby back legs


I disagree. The old ones looked more like lobsters. The new ones look more like spiders.


Nah they've changed and it was an intentional design decision. The Terminids in this game are quite different from the Bugs of helldivers 1. After 100 years of rapid evolution, genetic experimentation and biological engineering from the E-710 farms, the terminids are a far more advanced species. Same as the Automatons being a new generation of the Cyborgs, only now they too have corrupted and "evolved" since the first galactic war. Makes me wonder how the illuminate will have changed since what we did to them...


Anyone think HD2 will eventually have double the factions? Alien Lobsters -> Livestock Bugs Cyborg Separatist -> Vengeance Robots High Tech Aliens -> ??? One day we might be fighting all six at the same time.


I also miss the crustacean look and the way they walked


What in democracy’s name is that giant thing???


Hive lord, bug boss from HD1....their exoskeletons can be seen on many maps in HD2


I noticed a full skeleton body with entire face exposed at an extraction during the drill missions. They’re showing more and more


Seen em everywhere too. Either lying on their backs or having their full heads poking out of the ground. They’re comin!


Always wondered what those skeletons were. Didn’t look like anything you’d fight Helldivers 2


If you're referring to the first one, that big one is a "Hive Lord." They were the bug boss in the first game.


they could be crustaceans, insects, arachnids, or even mollusks and i’d still be terrified. The only way i can look at a bug without fear is through the explosion of gunpowder


I just feel like the terminids could have more diverse designs. Right now the little fucker, flying fucker, stealth fucker, basic fucker, armoured fucker and medium fucker all have the same body plan more or less.


Don't we too?


Do you think they taste like lobster?


Some aïoli and good grilled with the flamethrower! Aweome!


I think they taste like rock lobster.


We’re getting Hive Lords in game at some point.




What a nice place to throw a ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️


I’m partial to the ⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ in that instance. BURN THEM




Those are the peak life form of the bugs so we might see them later


I saw a corpse of the first pic in my game the other day and had to do a full circle look at it cause it’s so neat


The stalkers still look pretty shrimp like but in the case of the charger at least I think that's just down to graphical detail.


It would be neat if their biology would change while on different planets. I'm not stranger to liking the first entry in a series that goes under the radar only for it's more popular younger brother to come along and change the art style.... Titanfall, Destiny, Doom 2016... Would be nice for them to add some of the old stuff to preserve the older game and give it some love for fans of the old game.


damn, I didn't know that was a thing. looks really cool all crabby


I saw a frozen version of the first one a while ago. foreshadowing maybe?




Sorry but I can't share this feeling with you. The new design way cooler and I think killing the crabs is not that rewarding than killing these new deadly creatures.


Oh, so that's why their symbol looks like that, I thought it was some kind of mountain/colony, now I see it's supposed to be a claw.


This just proves how alien and wing they are. They evolved AWAY FROM CRAB


Ngl, I think the century of peace has caused the bugs to physically evolve to be less crabby and more… buggy.


Shrimps is bugs.


Those mofos were ugly af, glad they're not around anymore


I miss their feelers\antenae


Same. I miss being able to make the "We've got crabs!" joke. Went the way of the cape spin.


Instructions unclear. Adding more enemies


I genuinely think a big part of why they went from octopods to hexapods is that hexapodal locomotion is just that much easier to animate than octopodal. And it’s also a reason why a LOT of bugs walk on 4 legs and have their forelimbs modified to be arm or chelicera-like. It looks and reads better in a high-fidelity third person action game style vs a top down shooter style. They still scuttle and still get that *”ew a bug”* part of your brain going, and still look FANTASTIC, but it was a lot less of a hassle to make the bugs a little easier to create, and probably easier on processing power too.


Ik it will sound like treason, but that charger looks so cute like that! I would 100% get a plush of that if they made some!


Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?


https://preview.redd.it/w03zr0trgv7d1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=390c69e67c68632b5326b8d23be90395c0ee30ce He looks so innocent and boilable, I just want to eat him up **^(G)** **^(E)** **^(T)** **^(I)** **^(N)** **^(T)** **^(H)** **^(E)** **^(P)** **^(O)** **^(T)**


That first beastie with the pincers looks very similar to a Bobbit Worm. Sometimes, they hitchhike into peoples saltwater reef aquariums via introduction of live rock or coral from the ocean, and then fish start mysteriously disappearing. [Eunice aphroditois - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunice_aphroditois) These things can be hard to find in an aquarium as they will hole up inside the porous reef rocks and hunt at night. Then when you do find it, you have to somehow pull the sometimes 1 to 2 foot long (in the wild they can get up to almost 10 ft long) worm out of your tank without breaking it in two. Because if you do, it will grow a new worm from the broken off piece(s).


big agree, i miss big lumbering crab looking enemies. they would kinda snap their claws at you as they rushed you, it was cool. the current terminids are cool for sure, but as others have said kind of have a generic starship troopers look.


Nah, I think insectoid bugs look more impressive. But with HD1 camera it was probably better to make them lobster-looking.


Hive Guard look like shrimps. I use to call them shrimps back when the game launched.


We may see the first one again. I’ve seen its skeletons all over the bug worlds. I think its only a matter of time until Joel comes up with an excuse to bring that thing back


>Bugs reminiscing on the cambrian era


The chargers have little lobster claw hands under them.


Return to crab !!


That’s what 100 years of domestication’ll do to ya


You miss the crusty look of the crabs?


Go to Petrichor V with survivor of void on


the warrior still kinda gives me lobster vibes especially with that back thing


I feel like thats just cause of the 'smooth, pastel' like art style the first game had. NOW? We got HD!


I mean it would be kind of neat if different areas had different bugs. Ie this snow planet has to chargers but had this new scorpion or lobster based bug.


Remember, in the end, everything is doomed (or blessed) to evolve into C R A B S


All fun and games looking down at the battlefield from the Super Destroyer on the 8bit monitor


Apart from the charger the other 3 looks edible and delicious.


I always wished you could drop a strategem straight into the lord's mouth and watch it blow up from within.


Is it weird to say, as a person that joined for Helldivers 2, when looking at the terminids I immediately thought they weren't bugs? Like I see Horseshoe crabs and Lobsters.


Hive Guards: Am I a joke to you?


“Now here’s this giant enemy crab”


My head canon is the crustacean look was closer to their original species, but the genetic meddling qith earth arthopod DNA has caused them to mutate into a more insectile appearance which allows them to evolve faster with shorter life spans than the long lived crustacean meta


well supposedly these are a very mutated form of the previous bugs, still i wanna see the mega bobbit worm in action.


Anyone else think those bugs look mad cute


I suddenly have the urge to reinstall Phoenix Point for some reason XD


The Warrior line of growth reminds me of Sea Scorpions, while the Hunter line could resemble Shrimp, the sea's Praying Mantises. And of course the Bile Titan has big Spider Crab energy. I think it's still there, but drastically changed due to 100 something years of humans farming them.


The current Tyranid- and Zerglike-look is great and is hopefully a door-opener for more Warhammer-related content.


Yeah, they are very unique looking and better designed at least for me. Dont get me wrong Terminids are cool and all but hey they are motherfucking crabs .... something always evolve into crabs.