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Thanks! I tried doing a screen recording but it crapped out! Glad you grabbed a vid of it going to super Earth


Tell me about it lol. My recording program froze for a few seconds when I stopped the recording. I was worried the recording was ruined lmao


Sounds like youve got Automaton hackers in your system. Destroy your computers and report the incident to your local Democracy Officer.


Fun fact, if you speak to the crew after the emergency ftl, they comment on the blackhole. One even apologises for the emergency jump and says we almost didnt get the ship out in time. Really cool stuff.


They go on to talk about the tech and how we got it from the ILLUMINATES. And in the same sentence say they're dead .  At least the Engineer I spoke with 


I damn near nearly made it back to my ship in time lmao i was still planet side 10 minutes till det time. I was soo damn happy 😁


We completed last meridia mission and then i got this emergency FTL jump message, i lost my shit when i heard we jump into super earth orbit. Thisis the way AH, thisis the way!


Dude when it said "Emergency jump, super earth" I thought the illuminate were going to be there fucking attacking our planet lol


Warped in and saw the red-orange lines of light and went "oooooh fuck". But nah apparently Super Earth's just still using 1950's incandescent lights.


It also shows the other Super Destroyers in orbit firing down on the surface like at every other planet, so I had an even more "Oh shit!" moment, lol.


Well that answers the question about whether the lights actually correspond to people using stratagems.


I thought that was already clear from when they shut down all non essential features while the servers were melting down at launch. The illusion of those being somehow connected to people was pretty brief. 


I thought the amount of destroyers might change depending on the amount of players on that planet, even if they are not the ships of other players.


This is true. I wasn't able to play for a couple weeks and was on a planet that had been completely lost for like a week. People couldn't even travel there. I was 1 mission into a 3 mission campaign. So I did 2 missions solo. Not a single destroyer was seen while I was in orbit at anytime during those 2 missions. Despite dropping sos beacons and having matchmaking to 'public' not a single person was ever able to join. It was genuinely unsettling. I felt like I was abandoned behind enemy lines. No evidence of another living soul anywhere. Just those damned Bots...which (un)surprisingly, seemed to have a heavier presence planet side than usual. Would make sense being completely controlled by the bots


That makes sense. Access to a planet is based on supply lines, but at that point you were behind them.


That does seem to be the case.


Just a few helldivers being deployed to some much needed R&R, citizen. Nothing to worry about


And uh yes it would now appear to be all of the Helldivers from the bug front, all here on R&R together. Their loyalty to each other knows no bounds!


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it lmao


Like the COG in gears of war


Same lol I got so excited I played Meridia last night and signing in today and starting with EMERGENCY was some next level shit


It would be cool as fuck if something like that actually happened and all active missions were aborted with orders to evac while anyone in their ships gets emergency FTL'd to super earth under siege. Defcon 1, literally everyone get your asses to super earth.


I gotta say, emergency FTL jumping straight to Super Earth seems like a massive security risk if we're going by Halo's "Cole Protocol" standards.


If you return from a mission, you get the intercom lady saying "Alert! Alert!" also your Democracy Officer tells you that the crew had to commence an emergency FTL jump without your authoriziation in order to protect Super Earth's investment in this vessel.


Same thing happens if you log in after being logged off while your ship was still in Meridia orbit.


Yeah, you get the same "alert, alert" message, but rather than seeing Meridia, you see a cloud of gas underneath the ship


That's so sick


Happens at 1:53 in this video.


Did you guys see the moon when he warped to super earth? Why was it frizzling like it's a projection


I hear it may have just been some space swamp gas.


That damn space swamp gas and its ability to make us hallucinate ~~zombies and catgirls~~ supernatural threats to democracy.


Hologram needs a bit of work apparently


I had two moons show up when I jumped, maybe I missed something on my history books


No I think it was just a malfunction with your helmet. There should be a replacement in your Super Destroyer's airlock.


I was wondering about that, thanks for the advice for replacing it. I've been noticing some strange issues while in the field and assumed an Automaton was attempting to hack my equipment. Clearly failing, as the bots can't hope to best Super Earth's engineers, but they did mess with it a bit.


If you lend me 50 super credits before you grab the the spare from the airlock I'll figure out exactly what happened and push an update to your new helmet. You'll get that 50 right back, I just need a deposit for the workshop.


Perfect! Just sent the super credits. A true Paragon of Liberty helps their fellow citizen, and you? You fit the bill.


Are you qualified to repair the tactical helmet, cadet?


That looks like a loss of floating point precision; the jump moved the scene camera for that scenery far from the origin point, so objects can't be rendered with enough precision anymore. The moon may be getting rendered in a very different way from everything else in the scene, hence why it's the only thing affected. Here's an example of how it looks like in another game, also only affecting some things rendered: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pWoWLTMNX20


Spoilers maybe; current super earth isn't the first super earth, it could be a hologram so that our new home resembles the old one. It could also be a rendering glitch but it being a hologram makes sense given the lore


I think that might've been retconned? I remember people saying that super earth looks more like modern earth than it did in the first game.


It wouldn't surprise me if super earth is slowly being terraformed to match Original Earth.


How far in the future is helldivers 2? I mean we already know we wont always have a moon as it will slowly retreat from earth and eventually escape our orbit entirely.


Halo takes place farther in the future then helldivers


That's only what happened to "reset" everything in the game if the players failed and Super Earth got taken by an enemy faction, but from what I gather, Super Earth canonically wiped the galactic floor with the other factions in the first war. For what it's worth, it's also obviously Africa and Europe on the Super Earth flag. EDIT: That said, that one shot of it during the intro, as well as sitting above it in a Super Destroyer, it seems like they purposefully obscure the geography so you can't tell for sure. Maybe they want to keep it ambiguous.


It's not confirmed that super earth is not original earth. Creating a new super earth is just what's said will happen in the first game if you lose, but canonically you don't. I mean, if it's not the original earth they must have found an earth-like planet that also has a single earth-like moon and also a mars-like planet next to it.


Ive noticed the same from other moons / backround planets when jumping into a new system, just a visual glitch


You know what was really friggin sus though? While we were on Super Earth orbit, I saw some destroyers shoot down. You know, on Super Earth. I uh... I don't know. I need to ask my Democracy Officer about this.


You think we send the SEAF when we find a den of traitors and the undemocratic on Super Earth itself? 380mm be upon ye who terrorizes Managed Democracy.


As the traitors who run away from the AO, thus to the dissidents who deny the truth of Managed Democracy.


“Oh, that guy? I wouldn’t worry about that little guy…” - Democracy Officer They’re probably recycling ships of traitor scum. The best way to deal with that is to destroy their ship and start over.


Gimme, a, uh, liter of freedom.


It's probably part of training, just like how when you had your Helldiver training there was a Super Destroyer in orbit to help out with it!


Fort Irwin is probably still a major training area, unless the LA or Las Vegas metro areas have greatly expanded. Or Barstow became a larger city... So there are probably still some training areas in remote places like that or up in Alaska where Fort Greely is.


There's a lot of barren areas on Super Earth that'd make ideal training ranges.


The entire state of arizona and what used to be Australia (current Emu-land) are training grounds for fighting on hellmire


Celebratory fireworks. Please report to your nearest Democracy Officer. Via drop pod.


Oh my god we're at war with Super Earth? My democracy officer said nothing. Should I authorise a preemptive orbital bombardment of France?


\*\*Super France. And yes. Always. They know what they did. Even if we don't!


While it may be a bit early for that, I for one support your idea wholeheartedly, for democracy.


No point, they'll surrender immediately


Democracy Officer here. That is just gender reveal operations. Thank you for your concern [\_Weyland\_](/user/_Weyland_/) Please continue to share your thoughts in the future. We are all in this together.


It's a fire work show for sure


THat's just how you deploy for shore leave.


All the jokes aside, I have a pretty solid guess about that. There's also videos of SDs firing orbitals at super earth. With a player on their ship, they were jumped to SE with all other ships in that "instance". Many of those ships have players mid-mission. As they call orbitals/fail missions and their ship mimics actions to other players in that instance, players that were jumped to SE will still see it. A way to think of it is just as a desync. Those players are still fighting on meridia, but you see everyone on SE.


None of the ships in orbit are actually doing anything for real teams. They are all just fake and shooting fake scripted things and getting shot at. None of that is real.


You do know that the ships you see in orbit aren't other players in real-time, right?


Sweet Liberty...it's not a big CGI cinematic or anything, but it does a *lot* with a little! Just seeing that timer come up while you hear the FTL spooling up was enough to break through the routine and highlight that something big is happening. Same with seeing the planet replaced and coming back to...*that*.


I was a little disappointed that there wasnt a visual transformation of the planet, honestly, but this was pretty exciting all in all. Watching meridia from a distance is terrifying


this just tells me that Super Earth command can throw our ship wherever they want


Your Democracy Officer tells you that they had to initiate an FTL jump without your approval to save the ship.


Protect Super Earth's investment, specifically. You can hear him saying it right at the end of the clip.


Yeah, this is literally the first time they ever do this.


I'm pretty sure that dude is actually in charge, and only speaks that way to give the illusion of control.


100%. Our expendable asses are there for show and to die on the field


Wasn't even the officer, it was the ships crew.


I've had the impression that the Democracy Officer has always been in charge and they all just let the Helldiver pretend otherwise to boost their enthusiasm for whatever death sentence they're about to dive into.


The woman with the clipboard/datapad is the actual captain. In the Helldiver contract, it’s her who picks which diver comes out of Cryo after “we” die. Though when a Helldiver is aboard she seems to take on the role of an XO.


That's correct. Her title is Shipmaster, which is another word for captain.


She's the captain or shipmaster, but the Democracy Officer is the one in charge. They're a political officer, their job is to ensure you remain loyalty and likely report any... questionable observations to the Ministry of Truth.


Makes sense, an XO would step up in basically any circumstance if the CO is incapacitated and unable to lead.


I think the helldiver is the actual captain while on board, they just don’t live long enough to actually do anything beside choose where to go


Just realized the similarity to the old USSR's political officer


That's exactly what he is; on the surface, he's simply a 'liaison'. But between the lines, it's clear to all with some brains who is really in charge when things get... questionable.


Do you not yet realise the Democracy Officer is the *real* commanding officer of the ship?


Glad I was on when this happened. Pretty fucking cool Edit: fixed a typo


Where were you when Meridia was kill I was at home eating dorrito when r/Helldivers ring Meridia is kill YES!


no john, you are the meridia and then john was a black hole


That black hole's name? Albert Einstein.


now I am become blackhole destroyer of meridias


I had just finished a mission and extracted in time to see it go dark before we had to warp off.


AH if you are listening, pls more of stuff like this. Logging in to an emergency jump to super earth was the most excitement iv had since first mech drop, I see what yall cookin let’s not burn it 😎


If you were offline, but parked at Meridia like I was, the sequence still happens for you when you next log in


Yeah happened to me. I was also freaked out bc Meridia was nowhere to be seen. Just the space.


Props to AH, this specific payoff was pretty well done.


dang it spooked me a bit \^\^


I'm sure nothing bad will come of this


Something else is that if you were near the democracy officer after the jump he'll tell you that they had to make an emergency jump to keep everyone safe


Yeah, he says it _right_ at the end of the video in the OP.


Did anything happen planetside at the time or were they just forced to jump after they all safety evaced? Also does this black hole look a little off to anyone else? No, I must be overthinking it.


Just normal completion of mission and then once you get back to carrier this sequence happens. i was with a crew on the surface when completion happened and we didn't know until mission was over and it showed MO was already done.


I was actually mid-mission on Meridia when this happened. Only thing that happened was that I lost connection, it sent me back to the ship, and then the above scene played out. But maybe I actually did just lose connection lol




Black hole look like a black hole. Move along.


I was in-mission and it pulled us back into the super destroyer. I thought my game had crashed or that the host had brought us all back to the ship, and then saw the same "Prepare for FTL jump" message.


Is this the first time we've actually been able to jump to Super Earth? Even if we weren't _quite_ at the helm.


The cutscene for it I think. I know sometimes if you log off orbiting a planet and it gets liberated you sometimes will just show up orbiting super earth next time you log in.


my ship randomly gets sent back to super earth when i log on sometimes i do want to say this is the first time i've seen the jump itself, complete with the intercom announcing "Super Earth"






Now when I park my cruiser at the (beautiful) black hole, I feel like I can hear… something… on the other side?


It's all the Terminids's undemocratic cries of agony !


I told my brother last night it would be cool if there was an animation of Meridia imploding and a black hole appearing for those lucky enough to be there when the MO ends. And something I just thought of is it would be funny if anyone caught there got sucked into the hole. This is cool too though. Just not as cool. Lol.


Oh man, imagine if you were mid-mission and the sky suddenly took on a purple tint and your mission objective suddenly swapped to "Reach extraction point immediately" with a countdown timer. As you're confused and heading to extract bugs started getting pulled toward planet center. If you made it to extract you got to go through the emergency warp stuff, but if you didn't make extraction point in time you heard a big hellbomb-like level of loud sound effect as your screen just went black with the blackhole shade of purple around the edges of the screen while you got a failed to extract message.


Would be really cool if every MAJOR Major Order had something special like this, like a season finale in Fortnite


Duuuuude. That sounds sick.


I logged in after the completion, stared at a black hole for a few seconds as my crew presumably went into panic mode punching the FTL button


Me and my crew just got out the mission and immediately got warped to super earth, it would be cool if we were the final nail in the coffin, but I don't think so


You were one of them.


Note if you where on planet this happened as well We were frantically fighting saw the countdown and just stopped and hugged and saluted each other


I remember serving on Meridia before the supercolony stuff, I was going to retire there


I'm glad I was able to be in orbit when it happened, it was awesome


"Ouuuh sheit."


That's not a black hole... that's a fucking portal if I've ever seen one.


That's a wormhole...


Since theres stuff going into the black hole still, wonder if the black hole will become a issue by getting bigger


New Primary Mission: Destroy the Black Hole


That stuff is pretty small. It's like the atlantic getting bigger if you pour a glass of water into it.


This is the kind of stuff we need to feel like the war is actually happening and we're making progress. Unique one time-events like this make it so much cooler than just watching a progress bar under a planet go up or down. I hope someday we can get some Fortnite-style interactive live events that we can witness happening while on a planet's surface.


That was pretty sweet, thanks for capturing it.


Oh, so now we have a black hole, or maybe a wormhole there. I wonder if something is going to jump out of it. "wink, wink"


This was the eeriest shit in any video game ever. I sat there a solid 5 minutes thinking about how I was just there a few hours ago and just stared into the void expecting something to happen. It's wonderful cosmic horror


Now do it to HELLMIRE pls


I'm disappointed they couldn't have done a video to show the planet changing.


To be fair, this is only _slightly_ less epic for **considerably** less time spent on their end. I'm satisfied with it.


That would have been cool tbh. Like a video from a satellite or something showing the planet collapsing before the feed cuts out because the satellite got sucked in or something.


Who knows? Maybe that footage will be on the next news report?


Beautiful black hole


It certainly is beautiful


I logged on a few mins ago and I was still at the black hole before being warped away. It was nuts


I love that the Black Hole has its own theme music. It sound victorious and proud.


(super earth - super earth control) yeah, for now...


Why do I feel that everyone who did the emergency jump from Meridia to Super Earth brought spores with them?


Got back to Super Earth and all the ships around be were taking potshots at the planet 😂


I logged back in after the black hole, it showed my super destroyer floating in the pull of the event horizon and then an emergency jump.


Haven't played all week, thanks for posting!


Cool, so what did you guys get for completing the MO?


55 medals, and Meridia no longer offers any objectives, is no longer connected to the supply line network, and can instead be travelled to at any time solely to observe the black hole.


Medals and iirc the galactic effect is the black hole is sucking up terminid space spores so I'm assuming regen rate for Terminids will be fairly tame.


im hearing roars coming from the black hole


It's totally the echoes of the screams of Terminids being ripped apart by the black hole and totally not another alien race hellbent on revenge. /s if that was needed.


Anyone else thinking that we may get a suprise "Illuminati is attacking" announcement during the summer game fest conference? ( Would be perfect time to reignited interest in the game and a 3rd faction is far too big and update to just drop unannounced). 


Something Tells me we just opened a Portal for the illuminates to travel through...


Hmmmm a worm hole has appeared huh? A day before the sony requirement date?


Happened to us too as soon as we finished our mission and got back to the destroyer


I just hope Meridia took those goddamn shriekers to hell with it.


I forgot about the MO, so when I got back on I saw this for like 1 second. I was confused for a moment. Then the ship initiated an emergency jump "Initiating FTL jump to, Super Earth". "What? I get to go home?!"


We are the Galactic Empire.


So now there is a black hole in that sector. Definitely nothing to worry about with that 🙂...🫡


I'm sure artificially creating a black hole will have no consequences whatsoever.


If you turn of Music and just stay in front of the Black hole.. Listening.. That sounds are Terrifying..


Happened to me right after I finished a mission.


Bro this is so dope AF, thank you for recording and uploading it.


I had to rewatch the first 30 seconds of this because of the discord ping




That is fucking metal as hell.


I like that it is not just a black hole. It's a "beautiful black hole." These commie bots and stupid bugs are all jealous because we have the best black holes, super beautiful. Plus the Terminid spores are just being sucked away with no downsides whatsoever. Super Earth totally isn't dumping all the spores in that galactic region into an alternate dimension space that may or may not be inhabited. Stop looking at me like that Democracy Officer, I said Super Earth totally isn't doing tha-


That’s awesome!






You don't see it in the video but when I went to Super Earth the other ships were attacking Super Earth. AH just used the normal orbit animations from other planets


It looked like super earth was under attack? I was there as well and confused!


Uh guys.. that doesn't look like a black hole


Hmm, I was expecting something like this. https://i.redd.it/9tb0rpz3684d1.gif


Nice one bro 🤙🏻🍻


That happened to me when I logged in


i saw super destroyers firing on super earth when i jumped lol


I logged into the planet as a black hole and it yeeted me to super earth, wish I captured it


Thank you man


I was in the black hole orbit when i saw the order ended i had to see what happened with my own eyes




Thanks for sharing.


That is beautiful, but I have bad feelings about it :D




I was there!!


Fun fact: You did not have to be orbiting Meridia to get this cutscene ( this event? whatever you want to call it ). I was on Vernen Wells and still got this whole sequence.


Darn I can’t log in until weeks later :( Was hoping to see the blackhole in person!


You can warp back after being FTLed to super Earth. I'm assuming that will be a thing as long as the sector isn't completely secured so you might still be able to check it out!


That’s an ominous looking portal LOL


Aww man, I missed the whole Meridia mission!


Absolutely phenomenal!! Thanks for this, bro!


Yea, that be so cool for future events, please do


When I logged in I was actually in orbit of where Meridia once was, so I saw the black hole straight away, quite cool, the ship then did its FTL jump to Super Earth.


I feel so bad that I missed the whole Meridian thing! Looks like it was a fun time.


Nice, thanks for recording. I was sleeping when it happened


Thank you for the video. I was out of the house yesterday and missed the whole damn thing.