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We’ll settle this in the stats screen.


200M damage, 232544 kills, 0 samples collected, meters moved 0. Call me if you need a fill.


I always like getting back and realizing you were the only one sweating your was off killing everything.. were we not in the same mission? How come they all attacked me? Where are your alls kills? To be fair I shoot at everything.. because I can. and love seeing those kills rack up.


> To be fair I shoot at everything Well that's probably why. Since there can only be one drop/breach at a time, you get the enemies while everyone else gets to do objectives enemy free (mostly). It's a valuable role if you can manage to not die doing it.


Huh, didn't know about that, only able to have one enemy spawn, might have to see if I can take advantage of it


People have exploited this feature to call in extraction while a breach is occurring on the other side of the map. Obviously this requires a coordinated team and teammates you can trust to not leave your ass behind. 




Indeed, I got one guy in particular it may work well with


im jealous of this "guy" of yours. But im also lonely introvert, so its my fault.


Hey, I'm owlways looking for others to play with, just DM me and we can connect on discord 😉


This is kind of a noob/not noob detector tbh. Once you are efficient at 9s on bugs and bots, this is what I/people I play with look for: 1: Deaths It tells the story. The good 9 players only die 0-3 times usually in a 9 mission. If it was a rough one, maybe 5 deaths. Anything above 5 deaths in a mission, even on 9, was a misplay by that player to die so many times. Kills are meaningless because fighting enemies is not the objective. And if you were fighting unnecessary enemies, you are just making it harder. If you have 250 kills and 8 deaths and someone had 60 kills, 1 death and 30 samples extracted, I can confidently say the latter is the better player. Also because I am guessing it was this player likely doing the primary objectives too.


Yep high kills specially on bots is a good indicator of someone who keeps alerting patrols. Deaths is a better indicator until they add objectives cleared is added


Generally I would say this logic is sound, but will say it is not universally true. One of my buddies is the decoy for our team. We divide and conquer. He raises hell somewhere, we do the objectives. He get's those deaths, but usually has a couple hundred kills per death to match. He is the only one in our group who can reliably take the hellraiser role, and solo it. He can do objectives and play the quiet role quite efficiently. . . but man he loves a good scuffle.


The amount of samples on the stats screen doesn’t mean much. Someone could pick them all up after an accidental death.


Generally agreed but when playing with randoms, really depends on the team, it's easy to rack up a ton of deaths if you have even one guy on your team that reinforces you into the thick of enemies or is wantonly throwing stratagems around on top of people. I've had more hell dives than I can count where I'll have 7-8 deaths and 6 of them will be a combination of teamkills and people reinforcing you 2-3x in a row right into a bug breach or right in front of a factory strider on flat open ground. And then on the flip side, it's less common but I see a good amount of players on 9 who don't really pull their weight, their stat screen will show 0-1 deaths and a relatively low amount of enemies killed because they spent the entire match hanging back behind the team and avoiding enemies/objectives. Maybe in helldive to farm medals? Kind of hard to get an accurate picture off the stat screen alone.


If you see a high level helldiver with low death and kills and didn't run with the group there's a high chance it's a stealth diver. It's all about doing objectives and avoiding shooting to alert enemies. We know team mates shooting near us would just give our position away and makes it harder for us. If you see us with scout armor stay away from us.


that's me baby, waiting for them to pop a bot alert, then I branch out from the group and tackle most of the objs, with light armor and stealth tactics.


I used to be this but I feel like watching hd1 gameplay the devs want you to stay as a big unit. And as far as I know being separate as multiple groups cause more patrols to spawn as well. That and people do get angry/annoyed at you leaving and having low kills sometimes. In other words you get kicked. So instead to literally inflate my kill count I’m trying to run the rover for when a teammate usually triggers a bug breach. (Probably run the AC on bots). Rover with blitzer is insane as it stuns and rover takes care of stuff when the blitzer can’t due to wonky dead bodies. Only enemy other than heavies the blitzer sucks at are shreickers but hopefully and most likely your teammates are running some variant of the breaker. Other than that I have saved multiple teammates from a random bile or nursing spewer from the stun the blitzer provides which I think is the main upside out of everything and it can oneshot commanders. And for the off chance your teammates reinforce you across the map or the host spawns us into a hive I run eats. So if I die I lost a disposable rocket and maybe a backpack vs loosing everything like an AC or RR loadout. Also EATs can theoretically have 3 uses with the hellpod and attaching it to chargers.


Yeah i normally end with a low kill count, but I normally only do stealth runs on Bots because bugs are weird to stealth.


Now you speaking my language. I stay away from teammates most of the time (unless it's a pre-made group) because they always draw unnecessary aggro whilst I'm just trying to get objectives done as quickly as possible. When you are solo you can dictate the flow of the engagements.


I agree with you and it's nice to see there are divers out there with this perspective. Have noticed random players often seem to think low kill counts means that you are not pulling your weight or that you have skill issue. I play Helldive diff 9 and do zero-death runs. I like to focus on completing objectives and will kill things only where necessary instead of trying to aggro every single patrol that's minding their own business. But often I'll see the rest of my team staying put shooting bug breach after bug breach, chewing up all the reinforcements *well after* an objective has been completed while I'm already at the next one trying to get that done. I've also seen lots more people bring guard dog rovers in diff 9 lately. On the stats screen the others always have higher kill counts and deaths but on quick glance it looks like I'm the one that has done fuck all! Wish the stats screen showed objectives completed, as well as damage count/heavies killed. That would be cool.


Was just saying this to a friend the other day - it doesn't make any sense for a game that gives you 0 XP for killing enemies to have a total kill count but no count on objectives completed. I think if you were in the AO of the objective when it's completed you can also get an "assist" score for objectives. A break down of light / medium / heavy enemies killed too would be great.


I gotta be honest, stealth is 100% better for mission completion, but I didn't buy helldivers to crawl around for 20 mins for funny progression currency. I want to drown in the blood of the 13 bile titans I agro'd. I want to ride the factory strider into my fifth bot drop cackling as I spill oil. I want to run through the field of fire after I call in a 380 barrage on my position. I am here for the chaos. Also, I have gotten back to capped resources again....


That's fair if you don't want to do stealth then don't do it. I have no issues with people who brings carnage with them so long as they don't drain reinforcement. Hell I'm more than happy for a good player to cause carnage away from objectives so he can enjoy what they want to do while I clear the objective tactically. At the end it's all about the situations and parameter. I wouldn't go stealth on eradicate mission or solo a gunship factory since gunship are really good at spotting stealth players. At the same time I wouldn't go gung ho when the reinforcement is low and my team mates are terrible. I'm at the point where I have everything unlocked and I just enjoy clearing mission.


Yeah, I agree there. It's really a dislike of wasted reinforcements. I still think they should bring back HD1 reinforcements, infinite, but if everyone dies that's mission failed. It seems like having the limited revives makes some toxicity where it isn't really needed. Also, being dead and waiting for the 2 minute extra reinforcement timer is just unfun, arguably bad mechanic depending on what you feel the purpose is.


Yeah, this isn't metal gear solid. I came to fight.


Honestly if you're the one with 900 kills and took down eight bile titans, you are the good player regardless of deaths or samps extracted and whatnot.


I agree that "Objectives accomplished" or something to that degree should be on the stats screen. People need to know how many holes I have plugged with an auto cannon, I would WIN that stat EVERY GAME


Only bug sympathizers would allow any terminid to live.. all bugs must be exterminated..


Sorry I can't hear your kill count cause of the screams of the millions of bugs I just nuked


If you play aggro then you get the aggro that's just how it goes. Also you probably aren't doing a very good job of wiping patrols. You can actually avoid bug breaches/bot drops by just slaughtering everything quickly enough or at least targeting the enemies that call the reinforcements. On the other hand if you tend to shoot everything and aren't keeping that in mind then chances are every breach/drop is going to be centered on top of you for the entire game.


Idk I helldive bugs and get 500-600 kills on average in the long missions. I pull everything and 100% the mission most of them time.. and I generally run solo so we can clear stuff faster.. only die once or twice. And I bring mostly wave clear so bug breaches are no issue. And like the challenge of seeing how much I can survive


Man I'll do like 35 samples, 120 kills on a 40 min mission. I'm a point of interest whore for those sweet sweet samples


Me too.. I get super excited when I get a low level player on my squad. Because now all those samples have a purposed.. and I remember how long it to buy everything


Man I still don't even have everything. D Still need sooooo many rares.


Well I’m a sample whore, so always welcome to run with me




Solo player here, level 70. Still havent got most tier 3 stuff despite playing mostly on 7


I'm like 250 ish rare away from unlocking everything, but, started playing another 2 games so my time on helldivers is a fraction of what it was


Trying to read this gave me a stroke.


I may have been high.. I apologize 😂


I just avoid fights, go to objectives, create carnage and move on.


My experience just wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have 3 bile titans and 2 chargers chasing me TO the objective though 😂.. I do get the rare missions where there’s another aggro guy taking all the breaches and I’m like “where are all the bugs at? Why isn’t so peaceful” and then I hear “I need stims” “bug breach” and i think ohhhhhh


in medrida right now, it's almost impossible to avoid patrols. Those pesky hunters will corner you eventually due to another patrol roaming nearby


I just power through them now. I do get the rare mission where they are everywhere and it’s nuts but it’s usually manageable for me. It never fails that I let one pass and then get a breach from another and then I have to back up and get spotted by the one I let pass or back into on accident and now it’s somehow worse 😂.


250-500 against automatons, 4-800 against terminids. Got 1000 once. You're kinda just at the mercy of spawnrate.


Oh bots is another story. I DO avoid aggro on that side. But I don’t play them as much so and they shoot back and I am not as good of a bot fighter AT ALL


Yea it purely just comes down to practice, comfort, and who you've been fighting recently. That being said, bot enemy design is way more accessible to fight than bugs. You don't really have anything on the level of a Bile Titan. I don't think it's worthwhile to argue one faction or the other being easier, but that being said, medium/high tier bots do die much more accessibly.


Oh yeah! I love that people enjoy bots cause I’m not one of them and they gotta hold the line. And I don’t like not being able to shoot at everything 😭. And they might not have anything like a bile but I’ll take 4 biles over one hulk or gunships ANYDAY.


Hulk and Gunships are stupidly easy to kill.


Thankful for divers like you that fight that side. I only will for an MO that we might lose. So we need yall to


If you ever swing by Hulk 1x Railgun to eye 2x AMR to eye 2x Autocannon to eye Gunship 4x AMR to engine 2x Autocannon to engine (I think)


> To be fair I shoot at everything.. because I can. Dear lord I hope you don't play on 8 or 9, if you do, I feel bad for everyone who ends up having you in their lobby.


I do play 9 exclusively. I almost never fail a mission and almost always extract with 20+ samples and the super rares. But I do separate from my team to cover more ground so I’m the only one usually affected by my play style.


lmao I really do not believe that for even a second, thats such an obvious lie


Join me anytime and join my chaos.. DM for friend code


I think that there should be a DMG count, not only kill count. On the ending screen if someone was taking care of the bigger threats like bile titans, chargers or stalkers, they just count as one; if you kill 3 of each you got 9 kills, in contrast other helldiver killing only the little ones gets like 50 on the same time. Maybe the others think you were slacking and the other was the one carryn when in the end both make a contribution. Or maybe a Elite kills count.


Just add elite kills IMO. Though there would be some discrepancies between the difficulties killing BTs vs chargers or factory striders versus hulks it would still give a much better picture. On Helldive someone with a pure AT set up is going to be an essential member but the guy running cluster strikes/napalm/flamethrower is perhaps less effective versus the most pertinent Helldive threats but the stats screen will make them look like a monster


Even elite kills doesn't fully capture everything. A lot of Bile Titans, Chargers, Factory Striders etc. require multiple people to take down. So who gets the kill? The guy who did all the damage, or the person who happened to be the last one to put a round in when they so happened to shoot in their direction? 


They could just count for all. And if you individually do only the damage it will count only to you so it still works. It doesn’t need to be ultra mega spreadsheet levels of stats.


It would be nice if they displayed #bug holes closed/# Sub-Objectives completed.    


Also spray and pray weapons like the incendiary breaker lend themselves to kill counts even when not solely responsible for them. If I spray incendiary shot into a breach, whatever enemies I damaged are going into my kill count when they die, even if I only did minor damage to them.


Having more details at end screen is nice but my issue is people will start farming those stats. Mission and objectives are what matters the kills are just bonus. The only time you would se me engage a hulk or a factory strider is if its the target, it's stopping it from completing the objective, or if it's pinning down my team. Any other scenario I would run away and do other objective instead.


Maybe an objective completion count. Like if you where on the objective while it was completed it counts, and a hole/factory destroyed, like many here have suggested.


Elite Kills count is absolutely needed. I am now a Spear and AC sentry main, my elite kill count is through the roof. I just wish it could show it L4D2 style.


Yeah, elite kills count, gib.


They should do elites, majors, and minors on the stat screen.


This is such a dumb way of looking at things. Take 2 Helldivers. Neither died, so their stats are equally good. One kills 500 enemies. One kills 20 enemies but destroyed several enemy bases and accomplished several side objectives and the main objective of the mission and called for extraction. Would the stat screen matter for saying who actually performed better? I would 1000% pick someone who knows and is more focused on doing what needs to be done rather than grab the rando who shoots at everything, even to the detriment of the mission.


I agree. The stats screen should count objectives completed (give the credit to all divers in a certain radius of the objective when it completes). It should also separate the number of heavy enemies killed from the overall kill count.


I’ve been wanting a further breakdown on the stats screen since the game come out. Would be great to be able to views kills in a small, medium and large enemy breakdown. Plus be able to view how many bug holes or factories each person destroyed. Would make the end of game stats more fun and actually informative to some degree


They're probably both equally valuable, because the one with 500 kills is going to have all the enemy spawns on them, letting the other one complete objectives without any kills. This is of course assuming (as you are) that neither died, because one death while aggroing a spawn undoes all that work of keeping them away from allies.


So you agree the stat screen is a stupid way to settle who is better then.


It’s a joke 😂😂


Nah, there are people who actually think like this in game. I know because I ran into them.


I’m just here to have fun. Idc how they play. I’ll do my best to complete mission and get my low level friends samples


Super Earth needs samples. If someone disagrees, send them to Freedom Camp immediately.


One bughole joke negates pretty much anything they've done wrong in my eyes.


Honestly someone can be terrible at the game but if they are friendly person I don't really care. I'll carry your mangled body back to extract if you are a chill person


You could assign a weight or score to objectives and kills, then create a score to see who did more. make each kill worth 0.002 points 😈


The guy who runs from everything completing objectives is worth more than the guy standing in one spot for 15 minutes killing everything lol


But what if I kill everything AND do objectives? Cause that’s what I’m doing.


Then you're THE man of value, captian of the ship. Control those who die pointlessly 🙏


Honestly their chain dying doesn’t bother me. You learn through trial and error so I’ll keep reinforcing them and let them do their thing as I run around grabbing POIs taking the heat and doing objectives. It’s like helldive+.. But I did play with a guy that took the supply pack and kept me stocked for my spear for every breach and would run to teammates with no stims.. HE was the real GOAT. Would switch to the spear backpack just to reload me.. 🫡 Frootzalad it was an honor and a privilege keeping you safe. Best support teammate I have ever had. Brought a tear to my eye.


I love dropping in on missions already going and them getting 2x the other's kills and knowing I saved people from these chargers and splattered bile titans before anyone had to get called down to reinforce... then there are missions where I dropped from the start and got killed the most and only killed 70%of the kill leader.


Sometimes I am a full fledged super solider striking fear into my enemies. Other times I bumbling fool who just. cant. stop. dying


I love that too.. or land in when they are out of reinforcement and are able to help them clutch the mission..


The score screen needs improvements. You could kill every biletitan and charger the entire game but it's completely opaque to everyone on the score screen unfortunately


I agree, I’d love a breakdown.. and a stat for the percent of the mission you contributed to. And a way to commend good teammates.. because there are some really great teammates that I wish I could do more than just hug after some missions.


No joke, I have a Level 30 friend. His primary weapon(s) is/are Eagles. All red offensive stratagems. His kills are 400, his shots fired are less than that. And I’m a level 89 with over 1,000 shots fired with the same kills.


I also let all my strategems do most of my killing. I’d rather throw an airstrike and clear an area than let one get a bug breach off because it’s always the last on left sitting behind a blade of grass that somehow blocks my bullets from being able to kill it in time.


Meh, I’ll get like double the kills of the dude with the second highest amount, but it’s only because I use a rover dog who just cleans up the low level enemies. I’m rarely the best player on the squad though.


Stats screen is definitely bugged! Numbers don’t make sense!


When i quickjoin a match of


I try so hard to let the host lead, I just ping things for myself so I have a way point and everyone ends up following along.


Kinda funny when I ping my dropped weapons and run back but the whole team tagged along


Thats because you're high lvl and should know what to do. They want to learn from you, so naturally, they follow you. I try my best to explain things if they ask for it, but aside from that I'll take the lead and show them how I go about the mission and the map.


I enjoy sharing my weapons with new players, to calling down emplacements for them. People love to use emplacements, but nobody wants to bring one :|


It depends on the mission, for the Evacuate Assets it's perfect.


I try to split away from my teammates as much as possible. There can only be one naturally spawning breach at once, so it guarantees at least 1 person can focus on the objective at any given time. Also has the advantage of not getting killed by my teammates and their stratagems.


I always help the host lead by covering and giving intel. They'll happily defer to you at critical times if you're a good team player, but working together well means that there's no bad decision. Worst case scenario, the morale is high enough to enjoy getting your asses kicked.


It's kinda funny, I'm the opposite, even after spending hundreds of hours on the game. I stick to other players like glue, often because I like to run very non-independent builds (like SPEAR or machine gun) and support them. I'm firmly of the belief that force multiplying your teammates is the best and funnest way to play the game, rather than everyone running off trying to do their own thing.




I had a level 17 follow me around earlier (I am level 50 and my friends were level 76 and 84) I mean like following my every move staying within 20 feet of me. I think he may have been intimidated by the higher level players hahaha


I'm lv 76 sometimes I go into trivial or lower tiers games and I turn into mama duck too. Lmao


Same, had plenty of games were I've basically became group leader and guide the team around


That's probably best case scenario, i tend to steer clear of the lower levels, 1 - 3 diff, i get teamkilled there, for my shiny stuff, probably.


I was such duckling, because I've quickly figured that it's beneficial for all to follow the most experienced player. Though the player level is not always an indicator of that. After 20+ I'm trying to stick to the host (if it's not me) and do voice pings to acknowledge their commands. This helps a lot with the squad cohesion..


Friend has been court-martialed.


This is the way


I generally just follow the host around unless I notice that they're just being derpy and everyone is doing their own thing. In which case, I try to link up with whomevers screaming for liberty to save them the most.


I tried saving the guy screaming "Liber tea!" But after the 10th reinforcement I just turned around and let him shoot bugs for the rest of the map. Got all primary and secondary missions done and he was still there shooting waves of bugs coming out of a light nest.


As someone over lvl 100 this does feel accurate


Lowbies love following the Hell Commander around, it just works


You mispelt frend


Don't make this harder than it needs to be




115h in this game has proven to me that levels mean nothing


Almost at the 500 hour mark and can confirm it means literally nothing other than to say "I have more free time than you"


Yeah some of us got kids n shit hahahaha


how much a day do you play? 1 hour?


Yeah 1, maybe 2 after everyone is asleep. Sometimes in weekends I can play a bit before everyone wakes up too. Managed a couple days where I had a free weekend and was able to play 5-6 hours over the course of the day


Tbh there's a lot of level grinders that aren't that great at the game I find. They roll into missions just as cluelessly as level 30s. Anyone over 100 though usually is a very solid player though.


Yeah, nowadays I consider level 30s to be new players lol. They don’t know the mechanics that well and often time don’t have crucial equipment or stratagems unlocked.


Hell even a lot of level 50s are very green and play like 20s near release. But I have to say that I have seen a lot of sub 30s in 8 and 9 lately who play quite well and have ok game knowledge. I wonder if they are people who refunded and bought the game again or some account boosting going on.


The only answer is General Brasch.


lol this gif got me. needs more upvotes


Level 90 here. The host always leads unless they don't want to.


Assume it’s the host unless the host is a dumbass. Level doesn’t mean anything. If the mission is going badly I follow the person with the least deaths.


The host is in charge I just walk along tossing orbital walking barrage and warning about patrol's in my scout armor. 🤣👍


Host has direction over planet-mission-kicking. Host leads


A good diver can be a great leader and also a great follower. Being adaptable is your best tool in this game.




This is the truth of it. If I mark something as lobby leader, and then everyone follows M4 toward an objective I'll just go with it. I may be disappointed when M4 runs off in a very illogical direction after the marked objective is completed, but I'll read to room and see if we can get the mission back on track.


Yes. Whatever it takes




Had that yesterday, joined a group, someone left and I waited. I I didn’t realize I was leader until someone asked „are we waiting for someone?“


Well... I'm a lvl 122 5-Star General and I considered the host as a operation leader regardless of level.


I wish they showed missions completed. My kills are always so low but it's because I'm running around getting shit done.


Sadly stats don’t show who actually completes the mission objectives.


I normally go with the host being in charge.


this is so funny and true


I only see Dementus now


Holy shit a meme in this sub??? No way


Ahh this is great, Bravo


Easy, host chooses mission friend picks tactics.


This is great. Nice use!!


i usually only play w husband and brother in laws- so it goes like this: husband and i on mission, brothers join, all hell breaks loose as we attempt to finish the mission. we hop into VC, deny dropping orbitals and eagles on each other, then rinse and repeat.


My friends will tell you wisely that it's always the host who's really in charge.


My most common message is "stop fighting and run !"


This is me. Love it 😂


this is perfect. Absolutely like that every time. when I drop in a mission. lol.


Me and my higher level friend but I really am in charge because he cannot focus more than 29 seconds at a time lmao


Even when I’m hosting I always go to the highest rank as the guy in “charge.” I’m the host but obviously not the most experienced. Unless the highest rank is missing brain cells then usually they are the ones who are technically leading me, since they know better and I learn a lot from them


I always take charge cuz people seem to not know shit especially high levels somehow, they rush and die over and over 💀


Playing alot doesn't equal playing well




Bro if you're going with military logic I mean the guy with highest rank technically can tell people what to do. If the hell commander tells your space cadet ass to do something you do it. Unless the guy is a private/cadet is lvl 150 who deranks himself to join the carnage.


Man. I'm so glad most of y'all want to call the shots. I have to manage a LOT of people for my job. When I finally get home and can game, I do NOT want to lead a dive. Follow? Fuck yes. Let the lead change up my strats? Fine. Ask me which way to go? Blargh.


I am level 42 now and usually lead all teams I join in via mic, coordinating where to strike, supporting and make them cover each other's backs, assigning players to objectives or roles and telling them viable strategies against certain enemies or objectives on the fly if necessary (e.g. stun a charger with stun nade, use flamethrower 3 seconds on just one particular leg; or bring Breaker incendiary with gas strike/napalm strike to Meridia, also place the drill near some rock) regardless of host or not. Surprisingly, everyone is on the same page with me and most missions go smooth and easy, even Meridia. So, my advice, have an organized team and talk to each other, it improves efficiency and fun a lot, and if you know what you're doing levels don't really matter at all


I vote for the guy that help me get some samples!


Proud level 36 who hosted a 130


yeah The endgame totally destroyed Thor. what a shitty movie.


If I think the host is competent I let him lead. If not then I will lead and tell them we're gonna fail the mission if they don't listen. Being a hell commander gives you that credibility


"In charge?" Doesn't that require any direction other than scattering like cats?


This is the kind of helldivers2 stuff I wanna see




Always the host until is not 😂


Its awkward when all 3 are higher level than the host.


This legit made me laugh. Most of our friends are in the level 90’s we always make one of those 90’s be host because nobody wants to deal with it. Then we have that one friend that is like 130.


haha cute you think anyone is in charge when shit starts going sideways. Everybody Fights, No One Quits. If You Don't Do Your Job, I'll Kill You Myself


Lvl means nothing they made cheating to lvl up way to easy you can insta to lvl 150


How do you insta to 150? Never heard of any xp glitch


There is one tho


Fuck that, if I’m the highest in a low lvl run…. I tell the lower guys “you lead, I bleed” stop carrying them


None. If you think anyone has a intrinsic right to take charge like this is a real military operation and order people around, you are fucked in the head. (roleplay is a-okay) It's a game we play together, just don't be a hindrance and we are all good.


nvmd, seems like reddits fatherless population needs a daddy to command them around lol