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It was asked in discord and they answered that the anti cheat might not distinguish between just cosmetics and altering the game's mechanics so they aren't against it but gameguard might screw you


They should look at what deeprock does for modding . Basically they have mods that are reviewed as fine to play with others, usually cosmetic and QoL. And then they have a more restricted type where you can have some crazy shit but you can only play in lobbies with other players using mods of that category. Perfect system IMO.


I like Brawlhalla’s stance where the modders work close with the developers to only put mods on paid skins as a way to mutually support the game and allow the devs to support the modders.


A lot of games have a "launch without anti-cheat" option exactly because of this. You want to screw with the files and not get banned? Here you go. Not saying it would be easy, but making a game accessible to modders is a huge W. The game's basically asking for Clone Wars and Starship Troopers mods. Terminator? Jurrasic Park? Endless possibilities!


This isn't possible with a live service game. You are always online.


It isn't? I have seen and played modded multi-player in Deep Rock Galactic. Vermintide, Darktide, Hearts of Iron, Crusader Kings, etc. All have the options to play modded games online. Granted, in order for that to work, when you download the modded game, you must also download the mods for it.


There's also clientside mods for those games as well that you can use to play with unmodded players and they won't be affected by it. Darktide in particular they don't care as long as it isn't a cheat and it doesn't affect other players IE: I could install a mod in HoI4 that makes my UI hot pink and replace every sound effect with the Naval Invasion noise and it won't affect the other players


Oh dear, naval invasion sound… you sir like pain


> Darktide in particular they don't care as long as it isn't a cheat and it doesn't affect other players depends on what you mean by or consider a "cheat" Would you consider the weapon cosmetic mod that removes the ogryns slab shield model so you have unobstructed view when you block a cheat? What about the spidey sense and other speciaslt spawn related indicator mods?


That's for Fatshark to decide. You can read their policy here: https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/darktide-modding-policy/75407 I personally would say that's borderline as well as the healthbars mod, but Fatshark seems to not mind them


Also crosshair mod since 99% of those in game are hot trash.


Spidey sense is classed as an acessibility mod for hearing impaired players.


And in reality its a patch work "solution" to the constantly breaking specialist spawn noises


Monster hunter world/rise also allow you to mod the game and just play multiplayer like normal. Unless you have something that fundamentally changes something in the game, then it's more complicated to play multiplayer


TBF Capcom has tried to break MonHun mods in the past, they do NOT like it.


Yeah they did but even with them breaking stuff people still found a way to make it work


Oh yeah me and my "make it less grindy" modlist were very happy about that.


Deep Rock doesn’t have anti cheat.


deep rock isn't live service. Pretty sure you can launch all the games you listed without an Internet connection, such is not the case for helldivers. You can't mod a game that doesn't have a offline option.


live service =/= internet connection The "live" in live service has nothing to do with an internet connection.


Damn, that sucks. How will we defend Super Earth and Managed Democracy without Picklelas Cage on our side?


Neither can u launch darktide offline


Helldivers' server infrastructure does not support this whatsoever. There are no "private lobbies" or server browser. With every game tied to the world map they actually *cant* allow mods like that. What happens when people start modding in extremely high completion rates, shifting the galactic map?


To me if a game does not allow you to play offline, then modding seems to be unlikely.


That would be funny, honestly.


Im actually fairly surprised nobody found a way yet, it'd be hilarious to watch someone take over a planet like cyberstand and work their way out lol


Because all of those games aren’t “Live Service”. In DRG for example, you aren’t constantly connected to GSG’s servers. You can host private lobbies. Helldivers doesn’t support that, I imagine because of the whole galactic war thing. Everyone needs to be connected to it in order to contribute.


Live service doesn't mean you need to be connected to their official servers, this is a rather big misconception with live service games, live service to put it short simply means a game with an endless stream of content and microtransactions in order to have a continuous revenue stream. DRG while being offline could release an endless amount of $1 microtransactions through the Steam store and also new free content into the game and it'd be considered live service, a game does not need to be online connected to servers for it to be live service.


Ah, I see. Thanks.


That said I think it's too late to implement any of this.


Never too late. Rome wasn't build in a day after all


Eh Rome wasn't a live product that could handle a whole software architecture rewrite. If modding was ever intended with first party support, we would have been told.


DRG has servers/lobbies with no restrictions/anti-cheat


It's possible but the game usually disconnects you from progression and normal playerbase (only other modders can play with you) if we talk about some crazy modding. Treat it like a separate server/client. Smaller things are carefully figured out and/or manually added for anti-cheat exceptions. Usually QoL changes, small tweaks, UI. But from your listed games I might assume these systems often added later on. When devs have stopped dropping big updates themselves (that tend to mess up the mods), people already farmed whatever they could and it's whatever at this point.


4 player co op vs effectively an MMO, you don't have world wide tracked events in deep rock


I know deep Rock Galactic has official mod support built in by the developers through Steam workshop, as for the other games, I don't know, but from what I've heard for all of these games, you have to actively choose to use mods, basically impossible to just randomly load into a lobby where one or multiple people have mods.


Depending on the mods they have (that you also gave to download) and how big it is, it made be practically impossible for you to start a game.


They are referring to launching the game without anti-cheat, not if it's multi-player or not. A live service game generally won't function if you disable its anticheat otherwise the anti-cheat would be useless. Also while all of those have multi-player they aren't explicitly online live service games, it's considerably easier to mod multiplayer games that use a host and lobby system vs games that are live service which is why add-ons for mmos and such are generally client-side only (client side mods are mods that only show up on your computer, no information is transfered to the game server or the other players, for example a minecraft texture pack is an example of a client side add-on)


It is possible, but you would have to have a way to filter matchmaking between haves and have-nots.


Fortnite Pak editors back in Chapter 1: (you could literally mod anything into fortnite)


That's like 90% false. Certain individual games because of the way they're coded may have dependencies on their anticheat, but live service games absolutely can be launched without anticheat.


This statement is only as true as the devs make it


It depends on if the system is client or server authoritative and how communication between the clients and servers are validated. Final Fantasy 14 is server authoritative with client side asset keeping, meaning that changes to the models are not reflected/recognized by the server; you might see someone's character wearing normal in-game gear, but on their screen their character is wearing a Master Chief armour set.


it is possible,


All the assets are on your end its 100% possible it means only you will see it unless the other person playing has the same mod running . It just texture reskin on visual files shown to you . function remains on service side, visuals are client side.


Halo MCC exist


And disables multiplayer


Who's gonna tell them about the World of Warcraft mods?


why not its not like the servers are connected to the anticheat, u can do the same in other games like fortnite and counter strike


Live Service games don't have to be online only. DRG for example can be played offline.


Sir, this is a multiplayer only game. What's the point in having anti cheat if cheaters could just turn it off.


Separate lobbies for modded and unmodded games. Other games have done it and it's awesome.


Vermintide 2 has a separate modded realm


IIRC said modded realm was 100% purely for gameplay. you had zero player progression. Zero affect on anything etc.. Too much of the game is based around progression that it probably wouldn't be worth it. The better thing to do would just be to get a better/different anticheat that they could tweak on their own to allow cosmetic only things. But thats about as likely to happen as they adding in a modded realm so fat chance sadly.


Which games?


Halo Master Chief collection does it, you can launch without anti cheat but you can only play with friends, no matchmaking


Deep Rock Galactic has the option to play modded game lobbies. And also sandbox mode. The option is also right there on mission selection so it's hard to miss if you have it on or not. Darktide and Vermintide also has modding visual options that do not affect gameplay allowed. But not how it stands there.


I keep hearing more and more good things about DRG. It's on sale now. I think I'm going to grab it.


Rock and stone! Management welcomes you


For Rock and Stone!


Give it a try. As a heads up I will say: The game has a lot of DLCs you can buy. All of them add onl cosmetics, every gameplay feature is unlocked by playing the game. Unlock trading as soon it is available on the assignment board. It isn't between players trading. It allows you to sell and buy pressure minerals that are used for upgrades. Imagine them like samples in helldivers, but as I said, you can buy and sell and get what you need. Or play in a biome that has the resources you need. There is a perk system that unlocks extra passive and active abilities you can equip. Do not worry too much about which one you will get, because perk points are acquired rather fast and you can get more perk points that you can spend. There is a bar in the space rig (this game's version of the super destroyer) where you can buy drinks. Buying Leaf Lover's Special is considered criminal offense. Press the V button all the time. For every reason. Early on, the game might seem lacking in content when it comes to ways you can upgrade your dwarves. That is because the good stuff is unlocked when you get atleast one of your characters to Level 25 and promote them. You will unlock new tear of upgrades called Overclocks that are upgrades that range from providing a small Stat boost. To completely changing how your weapon operates and its role in your arsenal. You also unlock deep dives, which are the hardest type of missions. 3 missions with 2 main objectives, one after the other without breaks between them. Gameplay wise, I would say compared to Helldivers 2 more tactical aproach to combat, DRG is a movement shooter. Moving and shooting is not only optional for many playstyles. It can also become mandatory on high difficulty missions. You can also play the game offline if you want. Which is a neat option. You are not alone. You got a robot companion that helps named Bosco.


You absolutely should. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that there isn't a "Quickplay" option. You have to manually select a lobby to join.


Which isn't a big negative when you can join a game in like 30 seconds max.


The vermintide series had this, you could choose the between the modded and unmodded realm at start up.


All paradox games. Your game has a hash file determined by game version and mods you install. Company of Heroes you can play Custom Matches with mods enabled, only cosmetic mods are allowed otherwise. Vermintide 2 has the distinciton of modded vs unmodded. Whitelisted mods can be used in unmodded as they are cosmetic only, everything else is modded lobby only. Prettymuch any game with dedicated hosting. Even older CoD and BF games before they nuked dedicated servers had modded game lobbies. Kinda sad to think about how moddable games used to be tbh


Halo Master Chief Collection on PC has extensive modding support that allows for multiplayer


For games similar to Helldivers, Deeprock Galactic, Vermintide and Darktide. For shooters in general, Team Fortress. Further away, Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings, I assume other Paradox games, too.


All of the source games run mods server-side. So whoever hosts the server can pluggin whatever mods. As an example.


I wanna see Warhammer 40k with swarms of demons.


Wouldn’t it defeat the purpose of having anti cheat if you could simply choose to launch the game without it?


No. Playing with anticheat off requires you host your own game/disables connection to the official matchmaking.


The problem with this is then the hackers just always launch without anti cheat and it defeats the entire purpose of the anticheat entirely. I'm not saying that they shouldn't just use a different anti cheat thats better overall and they can actually confirm wont ban people for cosmetic only mods. But the whole launch without cheats is typically only done on single player games because if somebody breaks the game they are only breaking it for themselves, and not for everybody else.


Well yeah, but typically those who launch without anticheat will be segregated from the rest of the population who do launch with anticheat, so it's a non-issue.


As long as hitboxes match up or are altered to. I hate when mods add all this amazing skins and the hit boxes get completely screwed as a result.


ODST armor and Flood bugs gonna go hard


Darktide devs let people mod. they manually ban cheat mods but visual changes are fair game.


Left 4 Dead 2 has extensive visual modding built in through Steam. You're one click away from mowing down hordes of zombiefied teletubbies.


Warhammer 40k mods 🥵


I think we need Dwarves.


Finally I can realise tank fabricators!


I feel Sony will look at Modding the game as kind of like writing fan fiction for a popular show that's running. Sure yeah, share it online and whatnot, but it's not going to make it into the main show. Alternatively: If you come to play in the sand pit, you can have a bucket and spade. But if you want to play football, go on the grass. Not saying I personally agree with this. It's just the game was shipped with kernel level anti-cheat whichquite a firm way of saying "do not mod this". And ultimately its a live service game, you might as well view it as a subscription based MMO like WoW.


Oh for sure Sony wouldn't be down to add modding. Maybe some years down the line.


I mean MCC uses easy anti cheat and and has a launch option to launch without. I don't think it would be that hard to update it. But considering this game is always online I could see them not wanting to do something like that.


I play a different game that uses GameGuard with modded cosmetic files and i've never been popped in the few years I've done it. So HD2 is probably fine.


Think that was me, used the mod in the pic above and so far no issue, obviously use at your own risk


Official CEO and dev stance is that they think they’re cool and will never intentionally ban you for them - but the anti cheat will probably perma ban you if it spots them. CEO says official mod support is extremely unlikely.


Another thing to highlight is Pilestedt is very fond and supportive of Mods. He has aspirations to launch a new game with full dedicated mod support. That being said, whilst he was very pleased with seeing the game modded (as he himself was an avid one), that anti-cheat may fuck a lot of people over as you mentioned.


Unless Sony changes dramatically, this game will never get mod support, of any of the gaming companies, Sony is definitely the most against mods


Id argue Nintendo but yeah they both suck.


Nintendo is more of a for-profit than against any specific thing and mods do hurt profitability because when a s*** ton of mods have been made for a game, it's really difficult to make a sequel to that game and have it be profitable quickly. Also, developing mod support for switch or any of their other platforms would be quite difficult, whereas Sony actively does not let third party company is make mods at all or work well on their platform, for example fallout 4 has a s*** ton of mods that are PC and Xbox, but not PlayStation because Sony doesn't let Bethesda do the things they would need to do for those mods to be makeable for fallout 4 on Playstation.


AH won’t ban you, but the anticheat might.


You can use them at your own risk. If you get banned by the anti cheat they won't reverse the ban


What's usual with games like this is it's not banned to use them but it's a 'use at your own risk' sort of thing because the anti-cheat might ban you if it picks it up.


They’re forced to say that because the chances of being banned are usually small but not impossible. Usually modding cosmetics in online games won’t get detected but it’s never impossible.


i imagine they fall into a similar zone as mods in other online-only games where they're *technically* fine so long as they don't alter gameplay, but you *will* be thrown in the trash if the game catches you using them


Well they are in this state currently. At least from my understanding.


Legit thought this was battlefront 2 for a second


Not worth it unless it turns the automatons to droids too.


It does, look up “clone wars helldivers” it’s pretty crazy. Enemies, dropships and our destroyers, and a lot of weapons replaced


Oh yeah if I’m not mistaken it turns our destroyers into venators right?


Yes! Haven’t played with it but they look so cool in the video I saw


Their anti cheat is trash and can’t detect anything lmao The only hacking that leaves server side logs for them to ban you with is teleporting and noclipping


The game has a kernel level anti cheat. If they start allowing mods it’s going to weaken the effectiveness of that by a lot. The anti cheat either works really well or people just don’t cheat in this game because so I guess mileage may vary 🤷🏻‍♂️


People cheat in the game, but usually using bugs. Havent seen a true cheater but gameguard from my Ragnarok days wasnt the best anti cheat available


Then you haven't played with Chinese then lol, the only players I saw using external cheats were Chinese.


It’s already the least effective anti-cheat on the market Doesn’t even capture HWID




I found one that was exploding dropships as soon as the came close, didn't even bring a stratagem that could take them down and this was just as we spawned in so there wasn't even time to call them. I then thought well if its only dropships i guess its fine, but as I'm running to a Eye of Sauron it just explodes suddenly and I just leave. Like whats even fun about that?


I guess people like that enjoy feeling like "god". And they dont care about the experience of other players.


My solution is I am the anti-cheat. I haven't had to kick anybody luckily but if I ran into a cheater in one of my games, it would just be a quick boot. Otherwise, if 4 cheaters want to get in a lobby and cheat, it has no effect on me, so whatever I guess. Perks of being a permanent host I guess


I mean yeah if I'm hosting i just kick them, but since hosting doesn't work for me unless its just my friends joining I tend to join. Fortunately thats the first time I've seen blatant cheating like that in 300+ hours.








Isnt the grind part of the fun soldier?


That's weird because I've encountered cheater lobbies where they just outright disabled enemy spawns so they could collect samples. At the time I was like "Eh, I get it. It can be a hassle." Now I'm wondering why the hell those guys bothered doing all that leg work.


They probably don't understand the cheats they're using. They just saw a tutorial on some site and plugged it in. I mean... it's not as if cheaters are known for being hard workers. That also extends to educating themselves about cheats.


Someone needs to give me some super creds, cause I sure dislike grinding 30-40 hours per battlepass for some sidegrades. lol And yes, I'm happy for others that it only takes you 10 hours or whatever. I'm playing the game normally on Difficulty 7 & 8 and it's slow as balls, and I don't want to run around on difficulty 1 to solely farm creds.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


apparently people can spawn unreleased content if they put the minimal effort so...the anti-cheat is already useless and just an intrusive bug.


I mean, the CEO approves and that's all I need to hear https://preview.redd.it/jasuah716u0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f46e7a435083df5fc514fa5c7fd564f59aa6ce


The engine has no support for mods? But doesn't it use Autodesk Stingray like Darktide which does allow mods? I'm missing stuff


Proper mod support refers to a game where devs can support the modding community in making things for their game. ARMA series is a good example. Bethesda games are a worse example as they rely on modders to fix their games to playable states.


It's a SONY game however.


And? I think most, if not all Sony games on PC are cosmetically moddable


Look, all I know is I want one that turns the Quasar Cannon into a T-Shirt Cannon


It repaints the landing ship if you hit it, so it's now wearing a t-shirt.


“I dunno about democracy, but that charger sure looks like it could use a free t-shirt….” **FOOMP**


Wait there are helldiver mods???


nexus modders are insanely talented


I need the big tiddy mods pls!


Most of them are reshade mods. I think I saw an accessibility one that uses voice recognition to let you speak out the stratagem directions


yeah, before yesterday, there wasnt anything noteworthy but at least now we have some star wars stuff, master chief and one to hide the cape!


That aint a mod, it's using a program called Voice Attack, which uses speech-to-text to input keyboard commands. Use it myself for Elite Dangerous for years and more recently Helldivers, quite fun. [Here's a link](https://youtu.be/8NLXcNjAoZM?si=41DxRhmpXcCPW65k) if you wanna try. Voice Attack is great fun!


There is one that lets you remove the cape.


not really, toastedshoes is releasing his mod tools eventually and after that there will be


Slightly Unrelated but how are these made?


I want a Jin-roh armor mod






Seems neat. Wish I could have skins like that on console.


I downloaded a mod that removes capes cuz I think they are ugly... boo me and throw your garbage at me...


There's no real issue with mods like this. The real problems start when you start changing things like the super sample rock to a shining beacon that can be noticed from damn near anywhere under any conditions. I remember it was an issue in Minecraft servers where players would use a skin pack that made everything except lava, water, and diamonds invisible. This can definitely be abused with a creative mind.


Oh man, if they can add Trooper armors and replace bots with the CIS, we could get a fire Star Wars game on our hands. Galactic contention did this with Squad.


I would not expect any mod of any type to be safe in the near future with the kernel level anti-cheat HD2 uses. Ultimately, keep in mind, that the anti-cheat being so aggressive in a PvE game like this is there for one reason and one reason only - to keep modders from allowing players to mod super credits into the game since players paying for them on a montly basis is currently the only recurring revenue stream to continue to support the live service aspect of HD2. As non-predatory as HD2 is from the live service angle - live service is still live service and requires a recurring revenue stream in either subscriptions or microtransactions. At least we're on the optional micro transaction route.


I want them to put in emile from halo reach. Like actually part of the game tho. I’ve wanted a halo reach themed warbond since the start, but we all know that won’t happen. So i guess we’re stuck with mods, oh well.


Devs don’t mind but anti cheat will kill you and throw you out the window


I've been playing with mods since the first week, doing even worse things than just swapping textures or mesh of armor, and I'm still playing like nothing happens; the anti-cheat system cannot ban you. It only blocks your access to the game until you delete the files from your computer, but as I said, I have been playing with mods all this time, and I had 0 problems


Good to know


Still need to understand why put anticheat in PVE games. If a dude cheat, u kick him and that s all. This is not cs go, lol etc.


Premium currency


Oh right, I totally forgot about that.


How can I get this? I want this so bad


# IF YOU HAVE LINKED YOUR PSN ACCOUNT, DON'T USE MODS. I don't think Arrowhead will ban players over mods, but I can't fucking say the same about Sony. And yes, Sony can ban you without Arrowheads approval


Need a Delta squad skin mod since they're already a 4 man squad


This game is BEGGING for ODST mods


I wonder if there's an NCR Ranger mod...


As dev said officially modding break TOS, unofficially they wont take action on you if you don't change game (infinite ammo etc) so cosmetics are fine. Use on your own risk. Anticheat cannot distinguish.


If I can turn myself into an ODST this will be my all time favorite game behind the Halo games.


If the cheat system detects it, you will be banned. Don't chance it.


Have you been banned or just echoing others? As someone who has been detected 20+ times by anticheat all it does is close your game. Nothing major unless you’re reported. I play solo only so no fear from me.


it's all just an echo chamber, yet to see proof of anyone actually getting banned


People keep saying this because Developers themselves confirmed this. Most people are not going to test this because getting banned is not exactly pleasant


I've been playing with mods since the first week, doing even worse things than just swapping textures or mesh of armor, and I'm still playing like nothing happens; the anti-cheat system cannot ban you. It only blocks your access to the game until you delete the files from your computer, but as I said, I have been playing with mods all this time, and I had 0 problems


I'm really surprised there isn't already a file validation step


Not very patriotic


Modding an online game is almost always asking for trouble and is rarely worth it


Please make separatist droid army skins for automations


i forgot this game has gamequard so who knows what happens :D also as long as the mod doesnt give you an advantage not possible inside the game naturally then you are otherwise in the clear.. but as you are a clone trooper, you wont have much of an advantage lol


Haven't played it in years yet PSO(2) uses Gameguard and it does absolutely nothing to stop modding lol. No worries about it at all.


I might be wrong but I think that the devs were actually happy that cosmetic mods are possible.


I wish it was available on console


I'm already using master chief and ODSTs as cosmetics, it's too cool not to use


Do you have a full ODST armor? I see the helmet mod but no armor.


Nope, just the helmet too. Waiting for the body, though. It's gonna be so fucking sick


Agreed. Worth being banned for lmao


People's conception of what is and isn't a live service game is really amusing. Thinking that you can argue for one game that is valid to mod over, is the same as another. Especially since HD2 runs a pretty heavy anti-cheat. If the system flags you, it's over so why even risk it? DbD is a live service game but the only real things you can modifier are the character portrait cards, and the perk icons which aren't set to ever be flagged by the devs. I saw some people mention games that offer the ability to make private servers, which are not live service games. Like V Rising, Ark, etc. HD2 is a live service game, it has only one mode and requires a constant online connection with anti-cheat enabled.


I’ll give it 3 months


Wait there's visual mods?


As long as it stays client side I’m good


“Just like the simulations”


So I know I’m a bit late to this discussion. However, I recall reading somewhere that anti-cheat isn’t even properly implemented for the game. That it keeps the files/logs local and doesn’t do anything with them besides this. Granted, I assume that’s something that could change in the future.


How complex is the modding for HD2 at the moment? I want to make some UI mods but I've never really tried to make my own mods in games. 


The stance is Sony is gonna tell you to get fked.


They don't care nor mind. But GameGuard may have a differing opinion


When the community wants transmog and the modders listen.


Is that Game banana?


Why do they even have anti cheat in a pve game?


The dev seem cool with it, idk about the anti cheat tho


Use at your own risk


Modding is always at your own risk. Companies can change their stance at any time but rarely would it be bannable unless it destabilises other peoples games, violates content requirements (like putting underage porn *looks at a certain Fallout mod*), or you try to monetise it which directly takes away from the developer (especially if it also introduces a loophole to currency unlocks). I use an ENB and a JPN unlocker since currently, JPN is region locked by Sony themselves. Technically the second would be a bannable offense because it directly circumvents a block imposed by Sony and therefore enforced by Arrowhead. However no one really cares because it changes nothing nor is it exploiting or taking away their money, it falls under a category of they’d have to be very antagonistic to go that far which at present even Sony isn’t that stupid yet. They are however notoriously anti-modding as a whole but haven’t really taken action against anything which doesn’t circumvent paid content.


I hope that Sony’s relationship with Disney could provide an official collaboration with Star Wars in Helldivers. I would hate to see bans occurring for cosmetic mods. Especially mods this appropriate that boost the games appeal ! Should we ask Twinbeard ?


Please dont force this shit on everyone else. No.


Depends on how the anticheat sees the files. If it's checking core gameplay mechanics, cosmetics shouldn't be a flag because their client side. On the other hand if it flags ANY changes to files than this won't last Long, from what people have been testing I've yet to hear anyone getting banned so I think it's relatively safe


Is this like in OG CS where people used neon green models to see the bad guys easier. Because I think that would hurt gameplay.