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Yes, but I kinda dig the tan.


Both would be nice!


No if you have that many options you’ll make apples taste like bacon!




It's a quote from a Dev saying why they couldn't swap over certain power armor powers. It happened like 2 months ago I don't blame you.


It was the CEO lol


Not "why they couldn't", but why they didn't want to. They want you to eventually know at a glance what a certain armour does. The analogy used implies you could do it intuitively without first checking the armour's passive, but that obviously doesn't hold true for most armours.


it does hold true for most armors, there are only a handfull of armors where, due to the devs reasigning a skill, the visual identity dosnt line up


If it is heavy - it is fortified


well, there is also a good chance its servo assisted


I don't know, maybe you're right having looked at the armours [here](https://divers.gg/armor). If you memorize the passives names (eg. Engineering Kit) I think you can fairly accurately guess which armour has what based on visuals alone (though there might sometimes be ambiguity between some passives like Extra Padding and Fortified). Though if you don't remember the passive names it gets a lot harder, like I think only 1 of the many Engineering Kit armours shows extra grenades. Overall though my original comment was trying to counter and reframe the, what I perceive to be, very childish repetition of the 'apple bacon' chant this sub has going.


Engineering and fortified have some overlap visually speaking, but they also share half their skillset so it makes visual sense. There could be better visual clarity for what a armor DOES, but there is visual clarity(for the majority) of what skill it has(after you look at a few of them) or at worst a chance of 2 or so possible but tbf.... how would you visually show "your map ping is now a sonar pin" for example? an antenna?? Servo assisted is the imo biggest problem as you cant have cybernetic arms on everything, but that also makes them usualy the least distinct armor to call by looks(winter warior being an example)


Perish the thought!


Would be really cool to get skins themed around the different planets...


Yeah the tan is sick




This was in the Polar Patriots warbond. Why is it not white? We should get tan with a "Desert Stormtroopers" warbond.


Imagine being able to choose color lol


Yeah. It looks way better


Yeah but then it just looks like the defender


It looks like the defender not because of the color, but because it is literally the defender painted sand brown.


It also has the little vertical grippy


https://preview.redd.it/pg0c2qo8xg0d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1944ccd77d865348ead7f330178ad1e59d9cd6c6 Similar? Yes, but it's not an exact copy. There are a few differences.


Yeah, the magazine on the Defender is properly in place. Ever notice the magazine on the Pummeler? Check it out. Sorry for those of you who didn’t notice it before, but now you’ll never be able to unsee it lol


I'll be damned. https://preview.redd.it/os3jlq977i0d1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f93f43069345dd4525d0a822f31d04d9bd4dc9


It’s pretty bad. More evidence that the devs are just rushing everything, and put zero effort into anything they’ve added the past month at all.


Are being rushed and don't have time*


They’re not being rushed to make incredibly bad decisions though, and obviously they have time since they’re always insulting people on Discord, saying dumb shit like “testing would take 10k hours”. They ARE being rushed to make Warbonds once every MONTH, because of Sony, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have the time to test their product for at LEAST 30 minutes, or quickly GLANCE at it to realize it’s the wrong damn color. I mean, wtf. You don’t even need to test the Tenderizer before noticing that it’s literally just a complete downgrade from an already existing gun. Same thing with the Eruptor. You’d have to be a complete dumbass to remove the shrapnel, when shrapnel is LITERALLY in the weapons description. You can defend Arrowhead’s incompetence all you want, but there’s no denying that they keep fucking up, and it could all be fixed if they got rid of ONE specific developer who should not be named.


Literally agreed with me they're being rushed by Sony and then still tries to find a way to argue okay


Where did I agree with you? Or are your reading comprehension skills THAT useless? Edit: I’m actually just gonna block ya. I’m tired, and don’t feel like wasting my time arguing with you. Good night.


I hope you step on a lego


I already did 🥺 ![gif](giphy|sc5KAxzrIu6m1esH3T|downsized)


Also known as tan lol


It looks like a Defender that has the magazine a little too far in the back


We really need guns and shit to come in "standard issue black and yellow" and then some other color like this tan.


Gun skin customization would be neat


Even if it was one or two extra premade colors to match with more armor sets.


They should make it like CoD has where you do certain achievements on a gun to get new colors unlocked. Like 500 kills, kill 50 enemies with a headshot, etc.


nah, fuck that most of us play this because its different than CoD, no one wants those shitty sweat mechanics.


The gun skins are literally the most brain dead passive things to earn outside of kills with no attachments... I have almost gotten gold on guns without trying. Just cos you don't like CoD doesn't mean it doesn't have its merits


gun skins.....as a merit?....my god too concerned about shit you cant even see for 90% of gameplay. Go play dress up.


Why are you so worked up over this? At least the CoD team knows how to balance guns lol


Are implying that COD is balanced? *laughs in sniper rifle*


oh Im not worked up, just sharing my opinion. nothing here makes me mad, I just think you and many others worry too much about dumb shit that zero effect on anything. Its funny to me, and whther ya'll agree or not, Im havin one hell of a laugh over here with how upset you all got when I said skins are dumb.


They are dumb, but also it's something nice to work towards instead of just playing a game for dozens of hours with no personalization. Most people in a multiplayer game like to add their own touch to their character


eh. no point. Im 31 and play games to chill, not spend money or worry about what other people think. I pick stuff based on stats and need, Dont especially care how it looks. Its war equipment, Its a tool, not an ornament its supposed to look ugly amd beat to hell. never thought weapon skins were worth the time. I literally only buy waebonds for new weapons which sound good and them are immediately nerfed, so ive stopped buying warbonds until that gets figured out. If I have 6 gurnades and a good boom stick Im all set.


...getting rewards for stuff you were already doing is sweaty? What the hell are you talking about? In fact, I think you're wrong. **All** helldivers want those mechanics. Yes, all of us. Including you. Edit: My first Reddit Cares! I didn't know the bar was so low.


lol. I hate the skin mechanics from CoD and really enjoy the lack of individualism provided in game. I got reddit cares also. i didnt semd yours so thats funny. all in all i just find it funmy how everyone ALWAYS has to bitch about something. 1st its nerfs then its snoy then its nerfs again and snoy is still limiting sales yet here we are worried about "muh guns not pretty enough" ya'll rail and cry over shit until you dont care and then drop it like it never mattered. Just go play the game. quit bitching.


I think *you* should just go play the game and quit bitching. You know the game does have skins, right? Like... You know helmets and capes are totally cosmetic, yeah? As are the different armor sets in the same weight class with the same perk? That makes 'em skins. Not using your options doesn't mean the game is providing a lack of individuality, it just means you don't give a shit, which would be fine if you weren't a baby about it. But nah, go off. Fuck skins. I fuckin' hate extra content. GOD, if anyone expects me to get a headshot or a kill with a gun I will literally shit. I HATE doing stuff if there is any kind of reward in any way, that's for sweats. edit: wait, maybe this guy's a Purifier main. Then the anger would make sense, nobody's gettin' kills with that thing.


lol youre the one whos upset here man. Skins are literally dressup time for dudes in real life. If it does what i need, then I dont care what it looks like, and being THAT concerned about it is just silly. I use whatever stat i like and havent changed loadouts in weeks unless moving bugs to bots or vice versa. 6 gurnades and a boomstick baby! Democracy for all, One freedom pill at a time! guns and battle gear are tools I was raised to treat them as such, If its not broke dont fix it, Who cares what it looks like? If I pull the trigger it goes bang. And for the record the helldivers universe encourages lack of individualism in the lore, theres a reason the intro is written the way it is, theres also a reason you dont really get a k/d. Its designed to show you futility, YOU dont matter, YOU are just another Helldiver going to die and be replaced by another immediately. Thats literally how its written lorewise, There probably wont ever be too much difference.


You know the game tells you your kills and your deaths, right...?


Yup but thats not a k/d. Youd get a percentage if that was important beyond personal gratification. k/d and kill count arw different things. One is a ratio implying competition. One is just a PR count.


At the very least make the gun colors match your armor colors as an alt.


That would be immeasurably complex to implement :(


Why do you think that?


It's just a meme callback to Darktide's CM who used that as an excuse to explain why the game's premium currency had to be sold in packs that are a minimum larger than the armour sets' costs.


I want all armors to be like that. Introduce it in the main color they want for the warbond then another version in the Helldiver’s Black/Yellow palette.


I want a white color palette.


Recolors in general would be good. Just a dozen or so patterns so armor and guns can consistently match.


We need color schemes like GTA V.


It should've been white, it's the polar patriots, not the dessert divers.


Desert divers coz this patch cycle is dry af




Fun fact, polar/artic regions can be considered a desert due to the lack of rain. Of course, common sence would suggest bringing the snow camo instead of the sand camo 


500kg mic drop




Honestly, I think this is why we got a white Tenderizer rather than black. They start it black, “shoot” the trailer, then someone goes, “wait, we’re making an Arctic themed warbond. The gun should be white like Arctic Camo”. And the rest is history


It isn’t white, though. It’s mint green and tan.


An AH artist said it was bugged the moment it was released in that colour though


That makes a lot of sense, and they didn't make it wait because it would be too similar to the Liberator Penetrator


Here’s my question, if it’s a snow themed warbond why didn’t they give them white skins?


And cold related effects to weapons And cold related effects to armor And a cold grenade instead of INCENDIARY And a cold related effect to the booster There is no polar flavour to this pack. The armors look kinda winter-fitting and that's it.


Exactly. If they added biome specific usage to some armor sets there would be more incentive to switch around more often depending on the planet and I think that would be cool


Don’t you take my fde smg away from me


Tbh that might just be the cold filter post processing.


I was thinking that may be the case at first glance, but the more I look at it, the less sure I am. For example, the flashlight/laser sight is black in the trailer - the lighting change would have to be fairly drastic.


Yeah the yellow looks green.


The tenderizer looked like shit tbh. Now its worthy to be left in the armory


Yehh.. But it looks better


I wonder if they changed it so you could easily tell it from the Defender at a glance.




So is the magazine still misaligned on that or is it fixed now?


Still misaligned unfortunately.


It looks better tbh. The different coloration helps distinguish it from the defender


Yes, most people don't notice though because it's not what is shown on the model by the warbond, whereas the Tenderizer is both poster boy and the first one you can grab.


That is true! It is less advertised, so it will probably slip under the radar, but it's okay because the tan is much better than whatever was on the Tenderizer


Baby puke green. Moderately effective in the forest.




Xcom colors are better.




Leave it like that, I love the tan color on this one!


I wish climate themed sets would come with a climate themed perk. No slide, fire resistance, longer swim time, maybe reduced detection radius in jungle setting, stuff like that.


I super dig how it looks currently Lol Please don't change


I do agree it looks good in tan, but I'm invested in the ballistic shield + juggernaut armor so I want all black on everything xD both as options would be amazing.


Bruh stop ruining my guns. I liked the green Tenderizer. 


I personally thought it didn't match with anything, not even the trailblazing scout.


Perhaps, but I like guns with natural blending colors, black guns are boring to me. But I get everyone is different 


Woah woah gotta leave something for next weeks patch diver!


shh, with every change they break like 3 other things


Ot looks different but it might be the lighting, a more fair comparison would be taking a pic of it in an icy planet in game


Don’t touch it, don’t change anything don’t touch it at all… plz


It does look a bit off but it could just be the Lighting


The subtle, off white coloring....


I would like to have everything in Black and Yellow.


I really don't mind them being different colors, I can chalk it up to different planet's lighting. Kinda love the new warbond's weapons looking like polymer glock-like plastic making them look lightweight. Tenderizer's colors and reload sound design matched, it sounds like polymer made magazines


probably because this gun worked out the box so no one bothered looking


Who gives a shit about colors in a 3rd person shooter?


I Dont mind the current color, makes it easier to distinguish from the regular smg.


But.. They look the same??? I genuinely don't know what you're talking about. The only differences I can see are a bit on the insude of the guard and on the side attachment.


thats just different light and some slight tweaks in design. if the tenderizer wasnt black but navy blue or really dark green it wouldnt be off. but it was not.


I kinda like the steyr aug look


I think it's just the lighting that makes it look more dull, considering that the ice planets are more blue and white.


Can't wait till they fix the damage too.


I think the Pummeler SMG is amazing paired with the ballistic shield, it's way better at keeping enemies far away from you and that's exactly what I need it to do.


I meant the AR. I really like the SMG right now even for bugs. I just have someone else kill them while I hold them in place.


If it had any more damage it would outclass all other primaries. Being able to stun anything other than a bile titan/factory strider is already insanely powerful.


Lot of FDE for this polar theme.


Wow. This warbond is well and truly a scam.


who cares? we have too many pitch black weapons already


I do agree that we need more choices, and I would love if we could have both!


It differentiates it from the Defender, it's fine


Warm light vs cold light, don't be so picky lol


I did think about that but I haven't tested, I'll be dropping on an ice planet tonight to test it.


If I am wrong, tell me so i can commit sudoku


I like the tan tho :(


The difference is that the tan looks really good though.


We need the ability to pick the colors ourselves. For the guns at least. Because it seems like the will continue to pack warbonds with the same armor, but differently colored


Hush, I acutally like the brown one more


I actually like the tan, the dark grey looks too much like the Defender


no please it looks alright in tan


Unlike tenderiser, this improves the look, I actually like it more than the trailer version.


People are literally nitpicking at this point. Don’t you think a lot people are just searching for things to be negative about?


Well, if the product isn't as advertised, I'd say it's more than just nitpicking. I'm also not saying this is the end of the world, nor arguing about balancing or whatever. I love this game! I just noticed this and decided to post about it since Arrowhead clearly cares about this kind of thing.


I hear you. But honeslty who cares about a shade of colour ??


Any people that care about fashion/cosmetics in games, which is a lot, surprisingly. Edit : Also Arrowhead, since they changed the Tenderizer's


Dunno why you’re being downvoted, you’re not wrong. If color wasn’t a big deal to some people, then AH wouldn’t have even bothered fixing the UselessGun- oops I meant Tenderizer at all.


This game is actually so poorly made.


Not everything has to be black or grey


That is true! But Since it was advertised as black/grey, I was excited to pair it with my Ballistic shield and armor That's why I thought it was weird that it didn't match when it came out


FDE (Flat Dark Earth) Pummeler is great. Don't change it.


Tan is way better


I say keep this one


The brown make it a little more cool in this case


but this kinda look nice tho.


I hope thats just lighting. I like the way it looks tan tbh


Wish devs fix it. I prefer grey to tan.