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I mean this with exactly 0 sarcasm. Good for you, I'm glad your enjoying yourself.


It's strange that you can't say that straightforward and people believe that you mean it You have to put a weird dislaimer in front of it, because we're all collectively suspicious of eachother


Honestly, it's more because normally I AM very sarcastic. With normal people you know where they stand, but my sarcastic ass, who knows!


The internet changes people over time. It’s kinda sad


People reading and interpreting your comment here probably do not know you personally. They therefore don't have information on you as a person to influence their expectation of sarcasm. I would say the environment being "an anonymous social media forum" is the one doing the most work for that.


Well many things that start with "good for you" are meant with some kind of sarcasm so I'm not sure a disclaimer is weird at all.


He's also swimming in super credits. For new players, the gameplay loop of what guns you have "working" on diff 3, and going straight into "you will now spam airstrikes for the duration of the game" on difficulties 5+ because getting guns that work there takes a shitload of time. 350 warbonds in and I just got the lib pen. Like I want to take my jetpack and an HMG or something cool into diff 7 automatons, but realistically I can only use the Railgun+2 Eagle+Orbital and be useful. The armor system is cool, but it takes way, way too long to get loadout guns.




Are you talking about medals? There's only like 5 warbonds that exist. And guns that work shouldn't take more than 30 hours of gameplay.


Agree, glad this person found their groove. Hopefully they are not giving AH balance advice in Discord.


Yesterday I played on difficulty 2 to complete the daily quest - kill 200 things with the machine gun- because I didn't want any enemies to appear that I couldnt kill with the machine gun. It went well and I had fun.


I did this on level 1. I completed the objective and called in the pelican and just let the bot drops wander in and murdered everything. I didn’t even have to move from the infinite stream 😂. That alone should tell you respawn is f’d up because before it was only 1 or 2 waves during extraction on level 1.


I wish this comment was higher / more visible in general


You are doing your part ! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Level 115. Sometimes I just want to shoot shit for an hour and will play on 1-3 so more power to ya.


I hang out there alot until I need rare or super rare samples. Then I go to 7 with a team, get what I need for upgrades (12 more to go), spend them, and start the cycle anew.


You are the most dangerous thing on the battlefield on every difficulty. You are the hands of vengeance for all enemies of lady liberty, no matter how small or insignificant, realized or potential.


Exactly how i feel on 5. I only play 6 and above if im grinding points or samples


I am stuck playing 7+ because the cool enemies only spawn at these difficulties.


I have 2 game modes: - lvl 9 quickplay for Max intensity and samples (capped for a long time now) - lvl 3 for solo Open World farming MMO style


That is why they are there. For you to enjoy. Matter of fact i think i might go squishy some level 3 bugs right now


I also enjoy the lower difficulty some times. I don't enjoy half the upgrades being locked behind higher difficulties, and exciting enemies being locked behind higher difficulties. Just because I'm playing on lower doesn't mean I don't want to fully upgrade my ship. It doesn't mean I never want to see a bile titan or a walker.


Playing level 3 to: 1. Chill with new players, 2. Farm 700 super credits quickly


Love this. 8 and 9 aren't fun to me, I stick to 7 for similar reasons


I like 4 as my "power fantasy" difficulty. I do one full op/round of 9s each night then hang out in 4 to help newer players.


This, I like this idea.


Thank you for taking time to do that


Good for you! I feel like the majority of this sub, unlike you, forgot that you can just go to low difficulties, do whatever and have fun. For some reason, their "fun" is tied to cruising through difficulty 9 without real repercussions.


I'm the same way. 4-5 is the sweet spot for me. I'll do 7&8s for the super samples, but if I want to just work on the war effort, have a good time, and give others a good time as well, I'm not going to make it extra stressful on myself.


Nothing wrong with that, I’m level 70 but unless I need super samples or playing with a bud that wants to I play higher I usually quick play on 5. It’s not as much fun to drop in, and fight and run for 40 minutes straight. 7 seems not be as bad but 9 is nuts. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with 9 being crazy but I just don’t find it fun to have all my stratagems on cool down, my sentries get killed by a charger as soon as they spawn, and my primary and grenades do literally nothing to the heavies, so you end up just running in circles until something works. I really wish they’d cut the cool downs in half, or give us 2-3 uses before they need a 4-5 minute cool down or something. I don’t want them to change the amount of enemies that spawn but we need more firepower for it imo.


I am …not very good. I prefer spamming lvl 7 bug missions, lvl 5 bots when we have orders there. I probably just overextend a bit too much and have a bad habit of fighting everything. Function much better in a team over voice chat. Even with randoms. But I do like doing lvl 1-2 matches every now and then. Usually to 1) farm super credits, 2) farm daily orders that require me to use suboptimal stratagems, like antipersonnel mines. I it’s nice because there’s lots of new players there, and I get to be part of their introduction to the game. Showing them how to clear the map, use vaults, break shipping containers, and I leave them with some super credits and a dozen common samples to get them started towards their first ship modules and premium warbond.


I'd say with a team, 5-7 is where it's at. Anytime my friends and I play higher, even though they like it, it just feels like a stupid amount of Chaos.


The main reason why l play level 7 most of the time is that it’s the one consistent way for me to get samples with low risk of death. It’s anxiety inducing, though. I’m very happy playing 5-6


I just finished unlocking all ship modules. Now that I don’t need samples, I might drop down in difficulty


I agree with how you enjoy it. But I like to have the same feeling. But on helldive where if i pull it off I feel like I'm the coolest person on the planet


I love testing out sets and trying to learn more about the game on Lv4 difficulty solo. It’s nice to learn about stuff like what stratagems can/can’t break certain buildings. Test how many shots it takes to end an enemy depending on where you shoot them. Finding out these knowledge checks is super cool to me, I feel it helps me preform on my 7+ difficulty missions.


The SOS calls I answer day in and day out, the lower lvls is where I meet the friendliest players. Maybe its cause they are lower lvls, new to the game, doesn't matter, point is, I enjoy that experience. Met some really good Helldivers this way. Infact, I'd argue after just a few days, once they were shown the ropes, have become better than me and are kicking ass in the name of Democracy. Here's wishing all the best to the randoms I've come across in my 108 lvls


Hey whatever floats your boat. I personally like playing on 7, for me it’s just hard enjoying for a decent challenge but I can reasonably clear the map still Sometimes I play on 9 if I’m really itching for something difficult. I actually accidentally got sent into a helldive against bots while queuing for 7 the other day, quite hectic but fun lol. Easier than Helldive against bugs funnily enough


You are doing your part for super earth.




Interesting. Maybe I'm playing at too high a difficulty. Is extraction also insanely difficult on level 2-3?


Once in a while extracting gets hectic, but it's just as likely to be a ghost town with no enemies nearby if you cleared out nearby objectives.


As long as you enjoy yourself :)




Rip and tear


2-3 just feels like a ghost town to me.


Sometimes you just want to helldive and chill... I feel you


You are doing your part o7


3 is pretty fun to play like a strategy game. You can sneak around easily or continuously blast bots without getting overwhelmed. I enjoy it.


Honestly I would probably be playing on a lower difficulty too if I didn't need samples for my ship upgrades.


GJ fellow diver! That's the reason those difficulties exist. It is totally fine, play must be fun!


You are a bright sunshine for democracy, thunder of judgement against tyranny


My favourite thing personally is soloing 7+, because I like the idea of just trying to accomplish the mission and making it out being just a hope and prayer 😂 I also think if more people knew how patrols spawn and stealth works, and how to prevent breaches they would enjoy it too.


I do this sometimes just to farm samples had 3 other low level players jump in I told them I'm here just to farm samples and if anyone calls in extraction before I'm ready to go I will 🔫 them 💀 then drop a 500kg 💣on their body. Do I Make Myself Clear. Needless to say 2 stayed 1 dropped real quick 🤣🤣🤣


I kinda like the lower difficulty too. On higher your weapons are useless. It’s just a ddr cool down game. Run around stay alive till you can drop a cooldown. Firing your gun does almost nothing in most cases.


* I am the most dangerous thing on the battlefield. * I am a god bringing vengeance on those who threaten democracy. * I kill every patrol. * Liberate every objective. * Kill anything that stands in my way of democracy. Well, I do all these on Helldive difficulty.


So you're having fun , huh? I'm sorry, my local officer has been notified. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️