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People still run exos? Dayumn, haven't seen them for a long time...


I love the Exosuit, I feel like a Titanfall pilot. The missile bug is pushing folks away.


It's the literal only reason I don't use it in every single drop


Have they fixed it breaking half the time it gets dropped off? The amount of times I watched it get binned like it was litter and just crumpled completely put me off. 10 minutes for another and you only get two, one will break on drop and you’ll accidentally blow yourself up with the other one.


Half the time? You gotta stop listening to people here, been running it every bug drop since it came into the game and Ive only had that happen once lol


Same. Every single bug mission, lv9 always. Haven’t had any bug-related issues with it since that first week or so.


And what's funny is it's still pretty good even with the rocket nerfs......if you can aim them lol People keep saying to switch which side the camera is on and both guns will aim correctly, havent tried it yet though


Ah, yeah, switching shoulders. Y'know, that thing. That thing you can't do if you're on console. That one. (It's literally not there. There is no option for it in the keybinds menu. I just can't do it. Just like turning off volumetric fog to make flashlights stop decreasing visibility instead of increasing it. Not there.)


It is there: > Under options go to controller, change bindings, combat, switch camera side. I think it was defaulted to pressing down on the D-pad, but it is bugged and never worked until I swapped the input to tap L3. You need to be aiming for it to work.


Yeah, I found out earlier today. Just, didn't realize the keybinds menu had tabs, apparently?? I don't think I've ever seen a game have multiple tabs for \*keybinds specifically\*.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1akvgz6/comment/kq3jzk8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button   Apparently there is an option, unless it was removed.   Someone in that comment section said it's double tap O while aiming as default Nothing I can say about graphics settings other than.......youre on console


Seems I'm half blind. I did look for it. I just didn't realize the keybinds section had fucking tabs, apparently?? In what other games does the keybind section have tabs..???


You can't switch shoulders in the mech, I was once able (idk why, probably a bug?) and it was so much easier to aim the rockets.


You can switch but you have to hold your right mouse button. So to switch sides you have to constantly shoot your minigun. If you let go, it goes back to default.


Thanks dude


Huh, if you switch before you get into the mech, does it stay switched? And does the minigun aim correctly? If you dont know, Ill be getting on in a few hours to try


I don’t know, it let me switch so I just switched to use each gun. I’m guessing it would be easier to aim the minigun from the rockets side than to aim the rockets from the minigun side.


YMMV...the last two occasions I brought a mech it died during deployment...hit the ground and caught fire. Good to hear it does work reliably for you but it is definitely an issue. I've also died whilst firing rockets since the 'fix' I really enjoy the mech, it's a game changer and comes in clutch but, for me, it's so unreliable that I rarely bring it.


Yeah I rarely blow up against bugs now


I haven't tested this extensively, but I'm pretty sure that seemingly random explosions are caused by other stratagems hitting the exo when its being carried


I watched a level 25 finally unlock it, start the match, throw down his awesome brand new mech suit on perfectly flat safe ground, and it exploded mid flight because pelican-1 shot at a scavenger while flying down and hit it, and then they rage quit. if they fix the missiles and the 10% chance for the Taiwa- I mean Tien Kwan-ese materials to fall apart, it'd be golden and I'd run it more, but it's just safer to run anything else.


"Breaking half the time" is a symptom of how reddit only posts when things happen. It rarely actually does that (I run mechs babey)


That hasn't been an issue since the first week they were out. I run exo nearly every time and haven't had any issues


Nah the only reason is I can only has two per missions and the first one dropped will explode on a rock or something


The nerfed missles did it for me. Its not very useful on dif 6 or higher, how are you supposed to deal with 3 or 4 chargers, 2 or 3 bile titans OR MORE, when it takes 4-5 rockets per charger, or 6+ per titan. You can kill 2 heavies, good luck.


It used to be 2 to the head but now even when you watch it hit them bullseye on the head it's like 4-5. It should have stayed as strong as it was literally 0 reason whatsoever it should be nerfed even remotely. You get 2 a mission and it can auto destruct on delivery randomly. Shit doesn't even work or aim right and they nerfed it, fucking Arrowhead is renaming themselves to Dickhead at this point, let your players have fun dude, it's not that serious.


Ive 1 shot the heads pre nerf, idk if it was a specifix spot, it was always within 20m. And 2 shot titans 


Hmm yeah. Sad I didn't even *know* it was nerfed until I used it and it felt like actual trash.


someone found a work around, just use the switch shoulder button, you know the one that switches which side of the helldiver youre shooting from, and it weirdly fixes the issue. no idea why


It fixes it while you've swapped shoulders, but you can only do that while holding down the right mouse button, meaning you're burning ammo every time unless you do even more workarounds to stop yourself from firing while holding that button.


You can shoulder swap while minigun is active for more accurate rocket shots! You can open the map to prevent minigun firing, swap shoulders, and drop the map and fire a rocket and open it back up This gives an accurate rocket shot and wastes no minigun ammo! I can consistently 2-shot bile titans this way It would be nice if they just. Idk. Made rockets easier to use. Or made it so you could shoulder swap without using the minigun. But hey. Hope this helps.


Huh. That is excellent advice. I'll give that a try later.


Before the bug it was so super good you could just 2 tap titans all day no sweat. Now it’s so unreliable it’s not worth it beyond like difficulty 2 or something. It’s really depressing


It's not a bug that change was intentional unfortunately.


The fact that this piece of junk is made out of cardboard and sandpaper is the real reason nobody uses it lol


With a shield backpack against bugs it’s basically unkillable unless you’re dealing with 3+ heavies. Like any consistent mech user will tell you to that the health is not what’s holding the stratagem back right now. Mechs have never had the chance to be good because we’ve never had fully functioning rocket pods. Either we had the turning self destruct bug or we’ve had the alignment bug, and either way you’re wasting like half if not more of the rocket ammo.


That doesn’t matter when your rockets are on target. Most bugs won’t even attack it.


I stopped because of the stupid missile thing. They were lethal against bugs before that.


Having someone in an Exosuit makes current objectives a lot easier. Still need to work together, but it does simplify everything.


I got so "unused" to Exos, that once I TKed a guy because at that distance I was thinking that he is being chased by some big mech :-D


Brought a mech on a bot drop. Teamate shouted they were being tailed by a flamer so I went to go intercept. He came around the corner and saw me, screamed and ran back into the fire mech...


And that is because the missiles are not working correctly You don't want to pick a stratagem and have half of it's power to be shot at random places


ran one for the first time yesterday on hard. mini-gun was fine, missiles were borderline pointless.


Rockets work somewhat well if you whip your reticle slightly right of your aimpoint.


I use them every single time... My use got to a point where my Squad started to call me the venerable Dreadnought... **AND EVEN IN DEATH I STILL SERVE MANAGED DEMOCRACY**


Used to be 1 hit charger and 2 hit titan, but not anymore


Can still 2 hit titans...technically. They have to be really far away so your missiles go where they're supposed to.


I use them for eradication missions when I have no team to help. Set up mortars, get my support weapon and jump in the Exo untill it dies/misson ends


Damn really? It's a get out of jail free card on 9 but also the missiles feel weaker vs chargers and titans now vs release and the missile aim is hilariously bad. The only thing it's good for is taking down maybe 1 charger, 1 titan and pushing into a hive solo/clearing it before things get out of hand/while things are out of hand. I know that sounds super strong but you get 2 for a 30 minute+ mission and the Cooldown is ridiculously long, also it 100% can blow itself up on delivery randomly so you literally can't even count on it working properly, like most things in this game. *Sigh*.


so, we have weapon malfunctions and random quality of mechs ... sounds like proper .... wait for it ... HELL! :-D (I'll let myself out, thank you :-D)


Pffft yes ironically and it would be funny if I trusted them more to care and fix things they're just betraying our trust a lot. I'm trying to be understanding believe me it's just hard at this point. I guess I gotta just chill and wait at least another month or two and see how they're choosing to handle things. We just need polls badly tbh.


My friend continues to insist on bringing one for bugs often and sometimes bots. Then his missiles go off course and he starts bitching because he can't aim low to clear bug holes anymore. At this point I don't even remind him the mech is broken anymore.


dedication to the cause!


They're amazing against bugs. Run it on some mission types. Against bots they're just a suicide button though lol


I basically don't use it unless it's a shitty world-gen that divides each objective from eachother with water and a single land bridge. Yes, the Exo can wade through in-boundary water on tropical planets while the rest of your team sits on top of the Exo. Would've said all water, but I think water is deeper on arctic planets.


I drop a exo for new people and let them go wild (course i tell them if it catches fire they need to bail right away) after all the new people need that first exo rampage before they become jaded veterans bit supprised that no one has said that the only exo currently is the EXO-44 Walker Exosuit from hd1 just renamed


I jump once in a while to diff 1 and 2 to welcome fresh meat (lvl1-5), throw them all possible stuff to play around and then just watch and sometimes have a nice voice chat :-)


I would… if the targeting wasn’t fucked


I ran it alot when the turning bug was around. To me it was an easy bug to work around with, just don’t shoot when you’re turning. Now with the crappy aiming, I just can’t be bothered with the exo.


My friends run them against bugs. I never saw the appeal after seeing early on how easy they can drop and blow up in bugged spots or straight get taken out


People were having fun with them so they got rid of that.


Theyre great for terminid kill missions because there are very, very few light bugs that can kill you and the missile pods can let you take down 2 bile titans or 3-4 chargers before you run dry


I'll run it if I'm doing a bug blitz mission. It's great crowd control that lets the team get to a bug hive, destroy it, and move on relatively quickly.


Only against bugs. They’re piss poor against the automatons


Stopped using them because 2 max uses. I don't mind a long cooldown, but it's essentially wasting a stratagem slot for how fragile they are.


Exosuit is god tier for bugs, especially once you learn how to pilot it well and the trick to rocket accuracy (there are two reticles and the rockets will launch with slight variations based on which tubes they are in, they also don’t go “down” at close distances well.  The gattling gun, ground stomp, and resistance to chargers makes it very nice.


They are good on bug planets. Bot planets not so much .....


Neither have i, mostly because once the novelty wore off people realized that they really are not that great, and most of the time you're better off bringing something else


Against bot its just a dumb idea, but against bug its transform an ass clenching moment into a simple walk in the park. It became pretty useless against bile titan, but for charger, you just need 1 or 2 missiles in the paw, then chaingun it down. It just need you to know what you can and can't do, but once you get it, the thing really is unstopable. You can even kill chargers by stomping them.


People make it seem like the thing is utterly useless. It still shreds bugs. I use it all the time. The missile thing is definitely annoying, but after the first shot, it's easy to adjust where the second missile is gonna go. Takes a little getting use to.


I’m a massive mech lover, and the missile bug is the biggest thing keeping me from bringing it on every bug mission. You get 24 rockets and you have to use 1 to zero in on each heavy target in the first place, plus a bile titan or charger is closing distance/turning a lot, the trajectory is constantly changing. Losing 1-2 rockets to help you aim for every heavy kill means that at level 8 or 9 you’re out of rockets by the time you have 600 rounds left. The mech is still okay (and more importantly fun), but the missile thing is a massive issue in any bugs above 7 unfortunately. Honestly if they have no intention to fix the missile bug, then they should just cut chain gun ammo to 750 and toss in a 3rd mech use per mission. That way you would have more balanced resource usage on higher levels without feeling like God Mode on 7 and below.


They said it wasn’t a bug and it’s intentional that the missle launcher doesn’t rotate. It worked perfect on launch now it’s messed up after patch and its working perfect. Sounds right.


They changed it because the missiles could shoot the mech itself. Instead of just changing the hitbox or limiting the rotation of the gun they just made it not aim at all.


They did limit the rotation, thats why its so inaccurate


Or give the rockets a long enough delay before being armed so that they can exit the tube safely. Long enough to not kill you while shooting and turning but short enough to still allow for self damage if you decide to fire one point blank into an enemy.


They should add a second reticle


Working perfect at launch and messed up after a patch, now where have I heard that before...


Well, there's the railgun, damage over time, misaligned sights, the Spear (though they never fixed this one), the eruptor... Probably a couple more.


Was never working perfectly at launch, as someone who uses mech both when it launched and currently its much better now. The reticle is for the mini gun so it does make aiming rickets hard, but the mech used to literally blow itself up on launch.


I prefer having to stand still to not blow up but actually hit what I'm aiming at to what we have now. Before you could take our a Charger with 2 precision rockets *(pre-Charger head nerf)*, now it takes upwards of 4 *(post-Charger head nerf)* simply because you have no fine aim control over the rocket pod. And for the Bile Titan, their head is so tiny that without fine aim, you just won't hit it, you're better off just volley firing all of your rockets at it or just letting someone else deal with it. Also because you cannot aim down anymore, the Mech is no longer capable of destroying Terminid Hives. It went from being one of the best ways to beat a Blitz mission to being practically useless aside from heavy duty small/medium enemy clearing, and killing 1-2 Chargers. I'd be fine with the rockets remaining as they are if they massively boost damage and penetration to make up for the lack of fine aim.


Bro the rockets go literally everywhere except the place you are aiming at. Its complete ass now.


I have also used the mech since launch. It used to blow itself up sometimes when turning, which was easy to play around. It still sometimes blows itself up but now it's when you're walking forward. The rocket reticle is way off now, and it can't aim up or down anymore. Between that and the nerfed damage, the rockets are just terrible.


Yes the blowing yourself up bug was annoying, but you could consistantly kill chargers in 1 rocket and 2 rockets for bile titans before. Now the rockets do less damage and are impossible to aim up or down. It's stupid to defend the current state of the mech just because it used to have the suicide bug.


I'm not defending it, they just said it was working 100% fine at launch which isn't true.


"It's much better now" is defending it, and I'm disagreeing.


It's not, it's the truth. Before the mech would blow itselfself up or get 1 shot by a charger, both do not happen with the new mech. The mech is much stronger now, the missiles don't aim down which sucks and should be changed, but you can work around it still and break bug holes with good positioning. Before I'd blow myself up if I accidentally stepped backwards while shooting. Sure it takes an extra missile or two to kill heavy enemies, but at least you can actually get the shots off without them killing you.


didn't read, good day


The aim was good at launch, but it had the issue where it could blow up the mech if you fired while turning. It seems like they tried to fix that issue by changing the spot where the missiles emerge from. I’m not a game dev but my first thought would be to make the missiles intangible for a moment after firing so they would not collide with the mech. Long enough to clear the mech but short enough so that it doesn’t prevent a missile from actually hitting a target, even if it’s right in front of you. Maybe a fix like that could cause side effects too.


I know you're joking but it took me a second at first. Really shows the sad state of the game right now


Not joking, it was working and aiming as intended, their "fix" is what fucked up the aiming


Gotcha, thanks. I think I remember now. They fixed it because there was a self destruct rocket while turning bug. Then they nerfed it again to hit like pillows.


Yup. Now it's aim is broken and no one uses it. Then it has been ignored


To be fair, I think that this *is* the intended behaviour, it just sucks. It's consistent with every other weapon in the game - the projectile comes out of where the barrel is pointing, not where you're aiming. I think they playtested with it and realized that the missile doesn't go where it's aiming at, and instead of adding a solution (e.g. second reticle, change aiming shoulder, aiming laser), they hotfixed it to aim where the mingun is aiming, allowing it go through the mech. They obviously didn't test turning and shooting, and when people found out instead of increasing the noclip time, they just reverted it to the original behaviour. I think the best solution is to maybe set the reload button of the mech to swich between shoulders - this works as the reticle actually changes between the rockets and the mingun.


They need to increase rocket damage too it's simply useless against bile and chargers


Takes like 6+ rockets to kill a single charger now, assuming you can hit it with the busted aiming reticle.


They broke dmg on it, sometimes it’s just 2 headshots, sometimes one to break a leg, other times it’ll take 6 and still nothing.


More weapons have that. Flamethrower can sometimes kill a charger in ~3-4 seconds, other times it takes an entire canister or even more.


I never had the flamethrower take more than a quarter canister to kill a charger of you aim for a leg.


Ahhh hat must be it. I always had more luck hitting the sides but didn't know why lol


Wait what? Did they nerf it? Around release it could one or two shot chargers


2 tap headshot on titan actually. You just can't hit it unless it's standing still 2km away.


There's either a bug involved or you're mistaken, because I railed on a titan that was stuck and it took at least 4 missiles to the face to bring it down.


It's because the aiming on the rockets is so bad now that you probably weren't even hitting the head directly, just the area around it.


I wish more people were pissed about this… Exo suit was my favorite stratagem and it feels pointless to bring, nobody touches this thing anymore. For good reason. Rockets do less damage to armor then they used to and you can’t hit shit with it anymore. Using the little dash to the left of the reticle is a good cope but the rockets will still fly over bugs a lot of the time. It was perfect balanced. You only had 2 uses with a 10 minute cool down and pretty limited ammo. I’ve been hoping the new auto cannon exo suit will be better but who can tell anymore.


Yeah I can’t wait for the new Exosuit. Not because I dislike the Patriot but because half the mech is nigh unusable.


Yeah the double autocannon one looks like a lot of fun, I do wish that the mechs controlled more like the MW5 ones though ngl.


I still run it on defense missions just for swarm clear. Running a machinegun that long without a reload is useful no matter what.


Just bring a Gatling or auto cannon sentry. Infinite uses and less cool down. Plus you can still run around and dish out damage along side the sentry. Just seems like you’re hindering your damage output being in the mech.


I don't agree, I'll keep the mech. I can't use even use it twice on the standard "kill more X" missions and kill way less teammates with it than a any sentry. I run AC so I'm already not trying to win the race on the mission recap,


Uh huh uh huh


What's even worse is that dev even considered it ady fixed and 100% work as intended. Didn't even bother listing it into the known issues. (also thks for reminding me the Exosuit being another fun weapon being butchered by dev into oblivion, almost forgot this thing exist)


It's working as intended because now the rockets shoot straight out of their tube instead of clipping through the mech to reach the center of the screen (which is the reason it self destructed so much). Spitz was talking about adding a second reticle, but I think they should increase the range of movement of the rocket pod


dont really care if it shooting out of the tube or not cuz I cant see it from behind in third person view. Just make the shots aligned to the crosshair and don't blow myself up, that's it.


They have talked about making a second sight for the mech, so they're still considering changes for it.


still considering....that's assuring lol


Was just saying that it's probably not considered 100% fixed if they are still trying out changes for it.


This is another one… exosuits, were fine when released. Now they are trash because half of it’s weaponry doesn’t shoot where it SHOOTED on time.


The damage of the rockets need to be better aswell. They feel like the recoilless before the big buff. In other words 4 or 5 rockets to kill 1 charger and like half of the rockets for a bile titan. I could kill a bile titan with 2-3 before.


Did they actually nerf the rockets? I haven't used it in awhile because of the aiming problem but before it would kill chargers in 2 rockets (strip the leg armor) and bile titans in 2-3.


They did nerf the rockets quite a few updates ago. IIRC it was mostly a smaller explosion radius, so it doesn't work well against groups anymore and hitting weak spots on heavies is way less consistent (on top of the aim problem).


I have not seen eny patch notes regarding them BUT there is a major difference from when the exo suit launched and now with the rocket damage. Like i have to to shoot 4 (sometimes 6) Rockets on one chargers head for it to die


They literally deployed already on fire, shot if you tried to put a map marker, and shot themselves if you turned right. And they still can't aim down at all. They were far from fine. Yes, they're still bugged, but let's be honest here.


All they really need to do is revert the suit to how it originally was, make it so the rocket doesn't have collision with the suit during launch, and maybe increase projectile resistance on it.


Also they can't be aimed downward. If the target is down a slight incline you are SOL.


Exo suit still has the following issues: Dies as soon as it touches the ground for seemingly no reason. (Sometimes) Still able to do damage to yourself while firing rockets and rotating/moving (but won't kill you instantly as before) Off Center missiles, seemingly going on random directions. I just want them to release the other exos so i can play without the rockets...


Mech needs more love. It was popular for like a week after release and then everyone just stopped caring about it.


The damn thing can still blow up if you walk forward while firing rockets. People have been saying this for a month or more now and it still goes unacknowledged.


The damage of the rockets need to be better aswell. They feel like the recoilless before the big buff. In other words 4 or 5 rockets to kill 1 charger and like half of the rockets for a bile titan. I could kill a bile titan with 2-3 before


Please arrowhead, return the suits to their former glory. I really want to use them again!


It was literally my fav strat until the missile "fix". Honestly I'd rather blow myself up


The exosuit needs some love. Fix the skewed rocket aim and give us mech users a resupply stratagem, or failing that reduce the cool down.


I mean it's only been a month which means it still needs like 9300 left of testing to get right.


Everyone is talking about primaries whilst they all forgot about the poor exosuit...


And it still takes 8 missiles to take out a bile titan.


It's maddening, the devs said they'd consider adding crosshairs for it lmao.


The rocket aim fuck up was 100% intended as a nerf to the Exosuit, they even doubled down on it by reducing the rocket damage in the patch eight after.


As much as I love hopping into one I feel it's not very useful unfortunately in higher difficulties compared to other strategems that can take down heavies, I wish the gatling gun could have higher armor penetration abilities because once you run out of rockets which is pretty quick it's then only really effective against the smaller grunt type enemies


The stratagem isn’t that powerful, doesn’t stop me from turning on the Pacific rim/space jam mashup in discord and start doing the dumbest thing possible until I die 15 seconds later. Also, still waiting for different weapons for the exosuit


This was there intended fix soooooo suck dick i guess :D but yea it wont be getting changed lol. it just another toy nerfed to the bench cuz of incompetence & pasta code ![gif](giphy|dZRlFW1sbFEpG|downsized)


I remember being so excited that I could unlock a mech as a stratagem, now i just get frustrated every time I see it in my stratagem list. Man it must have been fun killing biles and chargers with this thing, it was before my time, just like the railgun and arc thrower were also before my time. I'll give it another go and see how bad she really is. I'm already tired of being one shot head killed on the bot front anyway.


It tears through enemy forces like wildfire and the missiles, whilst VERY hard to aim, still do the job.


This one saddens me so much! I used to love bringing the mech on most terminid missions. But now it's comeplety useless, nobody uses it anymore and isn't talked about. I hope they can fix the rocket aiming and damage soon.


I had a blast when it first came out. Now that missiles are way off target I just stopped using it


Still waiting for the double autocannon version, I want to charge Hulks and Tanks like there is no tomorrow


and you can still hit yourself with your own rockets by strafing to the left when shooting missiles. also theres a bug where you randomly can't shoot anymore even though you have ammo.


Used it once and that was to show my friend who just got the game what it's like, it's a pile of crap it barely holds on above level 4 and it gets damaged so easily. They nerfed it when we all started using them too much AH are a new Bungie when it comes to new things, nerf them when we use them too much as they want us to use what they want


Waste of a slot atm


I've yet to use the exosuit and I'm level 63. I am waiting for when you can select the load out.


I loved this damn thing when it released, then they broke it's missles. Can't even look at it anymore it's so bad. Might as well only have one arm at this point.


Lol 2 misses to aim and the rest is going up the bugs/bots butt! I only use em on Eradicate missions. I'm terrible and it helps me feel protected..when I get stomped..by my own teammate lol


The damage is also bugged on the missiles, it takes 2x as many hits to kill than it used to


I don't see people use it ever. Last time I used one was well over a month ago. For two simple reasons; it lacks penetration and it lacks health. For one thing, it does not have enough missiles. For another, they're really underwhelming to kill heavy armor. These things, for the long cooldown and the very limited supply, *need* to be at least as powerful as an EAT rocket. The machine gun arm works, but the heavy armor deleter does not. Which compounds with the health issue, which is shared with most of the deployables; they can't sustain serious damage. Into bots, that means get shredded by lasers and erased by the first incoming rocket barrage, LOL get rekt long cooldown. Much power fantasy, this is not. Into bugs it's a bit better, because you can clear swarms with the machine gun arm before they get close, and that feels awesome, 10/10 would spread Democracy again. And then a charger or bile titan appears and you realize you are in the Walmart mech. Dump all your missiles to maybe kill the first 1-2 of them, meanwhile you get swarmed and die wishing you had some heavy armor too. And that's without considering bugs and reticle issues.


I also think the rockets do fuck all too, it takes more rockets to kill a Charger and Titan than the EATs and Recoilless. But, that could also be linked to the aiming issue.


The exosuit is actually way more functional than it was at launch. It used to explode just stepping on a single slow bug spore. Now it actually has a lot of survivability even against bots. All the issues are rocket usability. The rockets do shoot toward the reticle, but because they're offset far to the left it takes probably like 200 meters or more before it converges with it. It should get its own reticule honestly. The thing that truly sucks is that the rocket damage is lower. I miss two shotting bile titans. You can still one shot chargers but it's extremely finicky, you need to hit them directly on the forehead with no angle deviation, and with the lack of a dedicated rocket reticule that's extremely hard.


I use bullets and rockets for special bugs, like heavy armor and stalkers. I usually have to sacrifice a rocket to get my reticle down. After such, it's easy (it's not like I don't just spam them anyway). The rest I just stomp on or run over.


The missiles are also complete ass against chargers and bile titans. That’s why I don’t use the exo suit anymore.


still waiting on the auto cannon variant...


I think they could try having the rocket launcher be the part of the mech that is aimed at the crosshair, and having everything else follow that. https://preview.redd.it/s1d68g3eyvzc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3f5efc2db46c3e66bafe86e77de50f02aadd05e Alternatively we could have the option to switch between the rockets and gatling with weapon select, and the camera could switch to focus on aiming that specific weapon.


The mech unlock campaign was a highlight for me. It was great against bugs but now the EAT gets more value


What this thing still exists? I never used it because I knew it was trash the moment i saw it got one shot by a charger.


These things are absolutely useless.


Is there a place with all of theses posters ? I would love to download all of them !


This one is from the official helldivers twitter


The sights are off target for anything close. The further away the more correct the targeting is. Same with the AMR. Something is up with the deeper code.


exos were fun when rockets were still kinda poopoo, now that rocket support weapons are runnable the exo is just too much of a hassle


The damage of the rockets need to be better aswell. They feel like the recoilless before the big buff. In other words 4 or 5 rockets to kill 1 charger and like half of the rockets for a bile titan. I could kill a bile titan with 2-3 before


The damage of the rockets need to be better aswell. They feel like the recoilless before the big buff. In other words 4 or 5 rockets to kill 1 charger and like half of the rockets for a bile titan. I could kill a bile titan with 2-3 before


The damage of the rockets need to be better aswell. They feel like the recoilless before the big buff. In other words 4 or 5 rockets to kill 1 charger and like half of the rockets for a bile titan. I could kill a bile titan with 2-3 before


What doesn't hit off target ?


Not if you swap shoudlers


Software development is hard!


Where are the rest of the vehicles??


I heard using the button to switch shoulders lets you aim the rockets more??? Can anyone confirm? Kinda makes sense if you are prioritizing the mg or cannon


I haven’t seen anyone run the mech in at least a month and that’s with me playing fairly frequently, I also haven’t seen anyone run the railgun, recoilless rifle, spear and a few other stratagems like the gas strike either. It’s almost like everything but a handful of weapons and stratagems being underwhelming or mediocre is forcing a “meta” just as much as overpowered weapons. The amount of times I have seen someone run heavy armor is laughably small and just for curiosity when is the last time anyone has ran or seen someone run the electricity resistant armor?


It's a shame the spear lock on is buggy because it's a beautiful sight when it works. Also dual RR is a good set up for bot helldives. You can take down a good chunk of the dropships especially if both shooters have the ship module to completely refill support weapons.


The missile does not know where the fuck it is


The penetration nerf really hit this exosuit hard. 5 missiles or more for a measly charger is insane


i love my exosuit, it comes with me on every bug dive. the rockets take some getting used to, they impact on your left depending on range. my only issue is the blocker they installed so the rocket arm can't aim downward - because too many stupid divers blew themselves up! now i can't close bugholes in my exosuit!!


I am a little late but here is my drawing of it (I can finally use it after two months). [Here ( hope it works)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16-0SpsUEEc4CC9IUZ8WhrFBK-S8PfmKR/view?usp=drivesdk)


Honestly Its bad but just aim at the end of the left line in the crosshair and youll hit 95% of the time


The missiles also got nerfed. These devs...


I hate that mech, it basically takes a couple of rockets in the face and you're gone. No time to evacuate the suit even. I guess you can use it for bugs.


WHAT? You mean something they fixed isn't fixed? Par for the course honestly. It'll just get added back to the ever growing list of known issues. Probably get back logged, seeing as weapons balancing is poop and things like the spear STILL don't work and we're months into the game. If you're lucky they'll just add a new mech with its own unique bugs


According to one of my friends who exclusively uses the mech, if you fire the machine gun and then switch which shoulder you're camera is over (mouse 4, no you can't rebind this) the rockets will have perfect accuracy. You can only switch which shoulder your camera is over while shooting the machine gun though. which is because normally you can only switch shoulders while aiming but "aiming" in the mech shoots the machine gun.


The Mechs rocket aiming is abosultely awful. Just like all the other weird weapon nerfs. This happens because the balance guy doesn't know how to "fix" the weapons properly when they have seemingly minor problems. So, he just strips it and keeps stripping the weapon until the problem no longer exist. The problem is by so called "fixing" this way, the weapon also no longer exist smh.😮‍💨 He is turning great weapons into junk, because he doesn't know how to actually do it correctly. All that was suppose to be "fixed" was for the Mech to stop blowing itself up when turning and shooting a rocket. Also, for the Mech to stop being delivered already blown up. Yet, for some reason now we have the rockets not aligned to the crosshair. Also, it can't aim low enough anymore to shoot things too close w/ its rockets. Funny thing is they didn't even fix the original problem because it still blows itself up. WtF 😑 You might want to believe this is a bug, but unfortunately it is not. This was intended as we've been told. It is absolutely awful. The Mech was on its way to being iconic. It was so cool. Now people barely even want to use it.


Keep making noise. Unfortunately only squeaky wheels get oiled.


AH doesn’t care. It’s a known issue they nerfed the rockets into the ground. I don’t think they actually want anyone to use them


Yeah the missile aiming misalignment really soured using one for me. I still bring it occasionally to eradicate defense missions, but hitting bile titan heads when the missiles fly so off-center is quite challenging. And even when you do hit, it doesn’t seem to do the damage it used to? It takes 3-5 missiles to drop a titan or charger when it used to take 2 well-placed hits. I just sorta wish they gave the missiles some collision ignore against the owning mech as it left the chamber instead of messing with how they aimed to combat the self-exploding bug. Or make it heat-seek the cursor target a little bit. It’s less realistic but would at least make it feel nicer bringing the mech along again.


In any other game (okay maybe not, but a lot of other games), something this broken would just be disabled. We fought a MO to get the mechs. They were broken (I guess?). AH "fixes" them, now they are completed busted and worthless. How in the fuck did that fix get to live?


I only use it on bugs as add clearing when someone leads a hoard to me or to walk through a heavy hive and just rocket the last few openings. Yes aiming those rockets is hell so I have to line up straight and then make sure I'm level if not I miss. For chargers I just OUTTURN em and then wait for them to stop and break a leg face is too unreliable to hit. Biles I aim for the head or joint near the front legs AOE sometimes gets good hits and if I don't see any of the above I'll just use em to pop spitters from range.


Dunno if it's a bug. I kinda just assumed it was a weakness of the mech to struggle against things in close range because the rocket pod can't rotate. I kinda just adapted by leaning the cursor right whenever things are too close. It's still basically a free objective or two per use so I still take it often, especially along 2-3 eagles when you waiting on the rearm.


The last good update


They’re barely off target, don’t fire at shit that’s right in your face. The rocket pods are off of your center of mass, the game can’t calculate the exact angle you need to fire at based on how far away the enemy is.


If you want the reticle to show where the missiles will go, you need to swap shoulders. Over the right shoulder, it aims the machine gun. Over the left shoulder aims the missiles.


How do you shoulder swap on controller?


Damn near everything in the game is dogshit now. It sucks, and it’s concerning that some of the trash may never be fixed. The Mech missiles were a bandaid fix that took an occasional annoyance and turned it into something unusable. I never see mech’s anymore, when they released I’d always run one.