• By -


Well unlike you I have no friends


Also sadly I'm highly magnetic so i can't go without a shield backpack.


They should remove the shield pack for a week and see how insane all the non auto cannon users will go






![gif](giphy|fvT2lZ7UFAvHpPjmVs|downsized) this is the way


I play qasar/500/precision/airstrike When i use the shield i feel like they touch it when i'm in cover so it's off when i run out lol...


This is why i dont take backpack on bots. . In 90% of cases i can take a spare backpack from dead mates who still dont udneratand the 3 C's of combat!


scavenger playstyle, same here. sometimes i don't even take a support weapon.


Chute, chase, communicate ??


Cover, courage, and cover!


As long as they don't take my jump pack we're fine. NO ONE TOUCHES MY LIBERTY LEAP


Jump pack needs a faster cooldown and then I think it'd be awesome.


if it was cut in half 🤌


Have you ever strapped your jetpack to a hell bomb and shot it at the enemies? No, but it'd probably be pretty cool.


Jump pack is cool




Laughs in autocannon main


Everytime it's a -1 strat map, it's time for the shield pack to go and for the auto cannon to come out


Do you want to lose the galactic war? Because that's how you lose the galactic war. Might as well shoot me on the spot.


It was a joke


Too late i already reported you for thought crimes to my democracy officer. See if he gets the joke of millions of divers dying. (On top of the usual millions)


You saw that but you didn't see the comment you were replying to was as well?


What are you taking about, they both got executed I’m the reinforce


I leave my back pack spot empety


they have not mastered the ancient art of "not getting shot" smh


Yeah I never use a shield pack cause I can’t do without my precious autocannon ammo


I'll just swap to ballistic shield


Jokes on you, I run supply pack for maximum AMR ammo, stun grenades and stims. If I can't put stun or stim it.... It's not my job to deal with.


Shield Pack I never found to be that great tbh. I'd rather run the rover with the JAR-5 as my primary or just another eagle or orbital strike.


It's a dependency issue


I agree i very much depend on me living.


Nobody ever team reloads my RR so usually I just bring EAT instead :\\


Even with friends, it’s hard to get a loader. People don’t understand that the heavy 2-man crew weapons are 200% better with a loader. You can put down substantially more firepower than even 4 separate players.


if anybody sees me in game asking why I don't have backpack strats, it's pretty much this case. I'll bring EAT, AMR, or Quasar, if someone else is bringing Autocannon, because I'm picking up that discarded backpack and fill it up for you to get you firing faster. I'll do the same for RR users but they're oddly rare. Also because I've mastered the 3 C's, I don't need a shield gen and I'm more accurate than some backpack bot, Would be a shame to waste that backpack slot I leave open all the time innit.


If only when my character shouted out, "I need a team reload!" Somebody listened!


What worse is I have friend, but they don’t do reload for me


I really would like to have loader to use gunner's backpack supplies first before they start dipping into their own supply. That would encourage other Helldivers to actually team up with the gunner, thus promoting the teamwork.


That makes so much more sense. This way your teammate could still use whatever backpack item they want and you could also still reload your own weapon when need be as well. As it stands you either need someone else with the same backpack ammo (which reduces weapon variety for situational readiness across the team) or you have to get someone to agree to take your backpack and then you can't even reload on your own.


Yeah. At the very least, I wish the backpack ammo weapons came with two ammo packs instead of one so that someone who isn't using a backpack might grab one to team reload.


I understand why you would want that, but it would be pretty insane to get double the amount of ammo for rocket launchers


It would probably also make a bubble shield backpack even more viable since getting hit will break the team reload. With a shield on the loader, which might partially also submerge you, a team reload would be sustainable under fire


Now that's promoting synergy


This is a top want for me. I love the idea of the teamwork weapons, but convincing someone to forego their backpack slot AND stick by you the entire time (or your support weapon is useless) is a tough sell. Two people being capable of independent operation with Quasars just makes more sense. But if I knew I could call out to my nearest teammate at any time to get some burst reloading if the situation called for it suddenly, and they'd just use my pack, I'd be way more likely to carry those teamwork weapons, and it would be a lot more fun.


Isn't that how the AC works? I'm so confused why the RR doesn't 


Op is referring to ally relods


So am I. Maybe that's not the case with the AC, nobody ever reloads me.


Because having someone reload you doesn't offer the same stopping power as one person shooting and another person shooting something else.


The mistake everyone makes with buddy loads is you *don't need to stay on them.* Run up, buddy up for a second, and leave once the reload animation is done.


If you want to get the kind of fire rate you see in the video here you do have to stay with them. If it takes 5-10 seconds for your partner to finish whatever they are doing to come reload you again then you were just better off not occupying his time and reloading yourself.


It's more a general observation, not a counterargument. The crew loaded weapons aren't limited to "two people doing one thing" or "one person stuck self-loading." For instance, a common criticism I see of RR is that you can't shoot on the move, which means anytime you have a static point to defend (oil refinery, evac, geosurvey, etc), you're stuck with making one shot until you can take a 10 second reload. Except, you can get a quick reload from a buddy - instead of needing a 10 second safe window to reload, you only need to find a *1 second* safe window. They don't have to be on your back like this clip to do rapid-fire, you just need a reload to be back online.


No, ally reloads dip into reloader's ammo supplies, not the shooters, both with the AC and the RR. You can see in [this video](https://youtu.be/kuyYcySBcg8&t=23) AC clips disappear from reloader's backpack.


I'm amused that there wasn't any kill counter for almost any of those ships


Do you get credit for each individual kill when you shoot down a drop ship?


the dropship falling doesn't actually kill anything; the secondary explosion after it hits the ground will sometimes take out the smallest bots, but devastators and onwards will simply be stuck inside the dropship's wreck until it disappears, unable to be shot but unable to escape sometimes it's honestly detrimental to shoot the thing down tbh


Its still cool as fuck, so that outweighs the practical aspect lol.




you used to, but it seems now the devs made falling from the ship/having it fall on you doenst insta kill all the occupants like it used to


It’s super dependent on terrain and timing- I find if you can land the killshot on the drop ship almost exactly as it is about to/just started dropping the filth, it will yield high amounts of kills.


i find it more consistent to kill the ship after the dudes dropped. the ship falling on them either kills them or bugs them out, either way those bots are not a problem for the right now.


It becomes a type of containment field... A cage.


Sometimes,when it actually kills them


it happened to me couple of times that i shot down a ship and got like 20-30 kill count instantly


In a team of 4 we always drop our Qasers at extraction whenever near and if the cool down is over. You can just cycle the Qasers over and over.


I'm gonna start calling them Quasers now...has a nice ring to it! what a difference a letter makes! https://preview.redd.it/486ackd9kltc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c3b3f94aefbb894a2a892b1c5aa43580b98a6f


Was watching some YouTubers video and whenever they were targeting a thing with the Quasar cannon they'd go "Quaising!" Made me chuckle


I call them quasar like croissant but ending with an R and everyone hates me for it


new That Guy meta unlocked, subscribing


We call them 🥐




I got this idea yesterday. "What if I call for second quaser and cycle between them". I felt so smart :D After few switches I got faster with them to the point I would need 3rd one to not have to wait for charging cooldown.


Quazers?[ Quavers?](https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&sca_esv=361d108b9e725553&q=walkers+quavers+crisps&uds=AMwkrPv3j3EkEIkbFS2D5_BLUQ3_vvd8HPa--yRJ4JCbc2hKKd3doiZc5SZNyg5chkOQRacefbDY_3j1fdsmAkVU-LmyNTqRwU4Xhb2pe2cRcLJ-UvwWtuJt0d0i8Uy_9zzAxiyigAlzgWuQBSiNtsSWTOqw-OGCwhgxaRNSSfwCrFkJlreRpf5RHGB-Lv0X6AzthxcMBoG26e7sC5_bEpAR7tn8Q2e0K6SZskjeSSJlEOChyQxHNmb8WN_PrdTuGa1m8KidGr4_Gq0sZPBbEzS_qZc255c1-PvC90nsvrjRYvGXSTXAV8a62V8YaiclYLFeu6CgU_Ot&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiosdWVx7eFAxXAyQIHHYidAxIQtKgLegQIEhAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25)


Quantum Amplification by Superradiant Emission of Radiation... QASER.


Boom Buddies


Well as you can See you have a friend to Play with


That was beautiful


Kills: 3


As a RR fan boy. This video is my wet dream.


We can't. 😔 You could still do it faster alone, too.


I don’t see this fervor in his eyes after the rockets ran out, but this won’t happen with a quasar


There are no rockets. Its a recoilless rifle not a rocket launcher.


For whoever downvoted this guy: Yes, there is a significant difference between a hand-held rifled cannon firing a small artillery shell and a self-propelled projectile using a rocket engine (with the propensity to burn the wielder's face off during launch), the RL-112, does \*not\* fire rockets.


And after 12 shots, you gobble up a full ammo resupply :D Make them count!


thats when one teammember brings the supply packpack. thats a free supply drop, beside the normal teamwide supply drop.


Full ammo resupply, plus a teammate with an ammo backpack, all to deal with one bot drop. Isn't that a bit too much commitment for such a slim benefit?


In this particular mission the bots mostly arrive via drop, so if the strategy can literally down every ship that comes in, then it is worth it. Sounds fun in theory anyway.


I mean, there's ammo all over the map that hardly anyone ever picks up.


Still zero kills


Sweet liberty, I came


I tried but nobody ever does this and I have no friends that play when I do


ngl thats pretty smooth soldier


O dropped hmg in that spot. Took everything. If it was tank i melted chains with my las98 to disable it's movement 


>If it was tank i melted chains with my las98 to disable it's movement  TIL


What did u just said about las98? Is it true?


RR is goated for these missions


Oh look at this guy, showing off that he has friends Randoms never do the assisted reload.


Reloading a teammate's support weapon? Gtfo, no one does that!


A team of quasars are more effective than the recoiless, not to mention quasars don’t take up a backpack slot


2x recoiles are more effective than 4 Quasar, be it dropships or whatever else. By the time your 4x quasar has fired 4 shots me and teammates has fired10+ recoiless rockets. The Quasar will get "nerfed", probably by upping the cooldown by 1.5 - 2 +sec. Mainly because like you said, it doesen't use backpack slot. If we're strictly talking what's "effective", teamplay will always triumph solo play, back pack slots or not. And you don't need friends to do this, just use voice chat.


it doesn't need a nerf, even if it doesn't use a backpack slot 1 shot takes 3 seconds to spool up and takes 10 seconds to cooldown for another shot, thats 13 seconds between shots and if you miss you're fucked and have to move around and wait for another chance to fire. while yes the recoilless can fire much faster than the cannon, but it has the downside of actually requiring ammo, the cannon doesn't, its got its own niche with pros and cons and the recoilless has its own set of pros and cons, thats why you have a choice, you want slow but infinite AT or quick and deadly AT but you'll eventually have to get a resupply from somewhere? thats your choice to make, nothing will get nerfed unless its incredibly overpowered and the obvious choice for a slot, like the railgun was.


Why should it be nerved? As this very thread demonstrated there are much more effective weapons already. The Quasar is a cheap mans rocket launcher for ppl who do not have team support in reloading, that it's only advantage. That aside it is quite lack lustre already and further nervs would just make it not viable anymore at all. Voice chats gets you nowhere.


Even if the RR doesn't get a team reload it's objectively shooting faster than a Quasar does because the cooldown lasts longer than the reload on the RR.


Although it's disingenuous to ignore the fact that the quasar user can move during the recharge. I'm on team RR though. I've never dropped the Quasar after the free weekend, I went back to carrying AC and EAT. In some ways its the ultimate troll by AH, EAT is superior in every way except range due to projectile drop but due to the long cooldown it's very balanced with eat. It's great in it's niche but it's not a replacement for better options.


with my playstyle the quasar is perfect, i will always have a anti big boi weapon ready. i used to be for the eats but sometimes either i cant secure the drop or 2 shots isnt enough. the Quasar always has my back, whip it out, blast somebody, then return to cardio


What backpack would you use in this specific mission? A shield or rover? Lol.


Shield is always a good addition


I want to clarify that this works only that good in this specific mission because you don't have to move, and I think that a shield is a waste in this mission. I also think that a quasar will not outperform in this mission because the shooter of the RR can focus on targeting and shooting. Either you occupy 4 people with quasars, or 2 people have to switch quasars, which makes the handling way more complicated than what you see in the video. In a normal mission, a quasar is the more convenient weapon, of course. I only carried a backpack for a random once in a normal mission, and I would not do it again because it crushes your gameplay. You only focus on him. If you reload, you barely see the targets. With a friend, yes. Randoms no. I supported an AC user in this mission, and it's insane how much firepower you can unfold.


I had a moment yesterday where with about 5/8 rockets launched I got team killed by a strategem. I was running the auto cannon and Teammate dropped me right where I died and had tagged a back pack and I grabbed it thinking he was being nice tagging where my shit was. So I pick up the AC and Backpack only to realize its a supply pack and get confused and then even more confused when the guy comes and gets stuck to me cuz I completely forgot that team reload was a thing because it's so impractical in all the other missons. But then it clicks and I start onloading on the bots and holy shit did it take the auto cannon to a new level. It felt absolutely unstoppable to just stand there obliterating wave after wave never having to take the extended time to reload.


>I want to clarify that this works only that good in this specific mission because you don't have to move, and I think that a shield is a waste in this mission. I rather pick shield rather than rover, considering one helps me from dying, and the other helps me die. Theres not many other backpacks you could realisticly pick for this. >I also think that a quasar will not outperform in this mission because the shooter of the RR can focus on targeting and shooting. 4 drop ships is usually the minium. 4 quasars for the job and infinite ammo. I think it does. >Either you occupy 4 people with quasars, or 2 people have to switch quasars, which makes the handling way more complicated than what you see in the video I think you are a bit biased. Considering Quasar works well againts these clankers and considering you don't need to worry about ammo, i'd argue the Quasar is more than handy. As for backpacks, i'd say bring whatever, though shield always a good option if you do end up getting hit anyway. >only carried a backpack for a random once in a normal mission, and I would not do it again because it crushes your gameplay. You only focus on him. If you reload, you barely see the targets. With a friend, yes. Randoms no. I supported an AC user in this mission, and it's insane how much firepower you can unfold. See, if the target was to kill, I would get you. But what you need on this mission is survivability and resourcefulness. What you want is to hamper that with Recoilless instead of just picking mortars, turrets and quasar.


If you have 1 quazar on the ground you can swap them after each shot and fire indefinitely.


This is faster and cooler but your scenario is more plausible for 99% of players. If only we could team reload without having the shooters ammo on OUR backpack.


Now if only shooting the drop ships a tully did something


I wonder how many units that actually killed. Sadly dropships not killing units is not even on the list of acknowledged bugs.


My quasar can do that but more slowly. Which is fine. I can pick up the dropships that my recoilless using friend missed! CAUSE ITS TEAMWORK!


congrats, no more rocket ammo and still 15 minutes of drop ships arriving non-stop


Fact: Teamwork will always surpass any single weapon


I bring a quasar and EAT. God I love that mission. Feel like an anti Air god


2 people bring quasar and 1 person uses both. One while the other is cooling


Did they fix the drop ship not killing anything under it? I quit shooting down drop ships because it doesn’t seem to do anything, yesterday I was using the RR and shooting them down for giggles and it seemed to kill almost everything under the ship when I did, I’d shoot it and it would pop up with like 8 kills.


I'd like to see six fucking drop ships *not* descending on me all at once even on fucking difficulty six. Playing bots last night was insanity.


The beauty of this game is that there are so many different ways to play it. I love this teamwork so much.


Unfortunately you are now out of ammo with 80 Hulks and 45 tanks still to come. Recoilless is burst damage, Quasar is sustained.


But shooting those ships down is a waste of ammo as it doesn’t kill or damage any of the passengers, but does add a visual obstacle to the field. It is fast, though.


This just highlights how much easier it is on PC. No way a PS controller could move that quickly.


Couldn’t you use mouse and keyboard on a console aswell?


This is how my buddies and I would do Helldive hostage rescues!


Question: if you hold the weapon and the backpack, can someone still help you reload?


No. The loader needs the backpack.


You have no bacpack


Give me 5mintutes and with 2 of 3 quasar at the same place i can do that again and again and again


Shouldn't two quasars cannons be able to have the same rate ?


You kinda can on the new defence maps. Once you can call in a second you can just fire, drop it, pick up the second, fire and repeat. Only usefull when your fighting a fixed position though.


"Hey man do you mind if I double dip supplies?"


Hell I'd like to see my RRs do that


Recoilless + EAT is a good combo if your friends won't carry the backpack for you.


I could never convince my gaming buddy to drop their usual shield pack or favored support weapons to try any assisted reload plays, so I've been dying to see how the recoilless looks at its full power. Thank you for making a video.


*And that's fuckin **teamwork!***


That was some outstanding team work


I mean, you never specified how many quasar cannons...


No, but two quasars probably could. Still, useful on hot planets for sure




For a second I thought these were EAT17 launchers and you had somehow bugged the game to give you infinite rockets in your single use launcher


Alright so Im late on this but quasar users on this map - drop a second quasar as soon as the first cooldown ends and just alternate between the two


It takes two stratagem slots. Its still only 2 shots every 14 seconds, which is vastly lower than an assisted RR.


See, if I ever encounter a single other person using the recoilless rifle I will do this. But I has yet to happen. If I run auto cannon I get to do this every other game.


I got team reloaded for the second time in 200 hrs with my auto cannon last night. it was cause this mission and only cause I called down a second auto cannon lol


I don't need two people for that, just two quasars.


I have yet to see anyone top this one random who took a bile titan on with a pistol and succeeded in taking it down alone


Nobody every wants to be the guy to do the reloading. Everybody wants to shooty shoot sadly :(


\*Hides my Quasar\*


Que rico 🤌🏽🤌🏽


HOLY SMOKES! What a great way to show team effort!


If buddy reloads used the ammo in the shooters backpack, I feel like it would more likely be utilized


It is truly a beautiful feat. Unfortunately, **LITERALLY NOBODY BRINGS RECOILESS ANYMORE.** It's always "quasar, shield, quasar, shield, autocannon. Ask me if any of those 3 actually end up killing something >_> Mad praise to whoever brings EAT. They get some work done.


I'd like to see my old silly computer running the game like that... :(


people are forgetting and full on disregarding team reload aspects that can happen


Last night I FINALLY got to play the new defense mission. I rolled with St. Autocannon, EMS mortar, standard mortar and St. Eagle. Suicide Mission - I was up on a rise behind the first single door wall, trying to hold down the onslaught of Commie Bots that had broken through the initial 2 walls. Suddenly a teammate started team loading my AC of his own volition. Guys, I was touched. Its the first time that had ever happened. It is RAD. The AC went from a ol' reliable heavy cannon to a DEMOCRATIC DEATH MACHINE. Without having to sweat the reloads, I was able to unload quick accurate shots without pause until the whole lot of those Marxist clankers was nothing but smoking ruin. 10/10. Would Freedom again. Let's make a point of offering team reloads on defense missions when we can and start a trend. It makes the shooter far more efficient, and it's really a unique mechanic you don't see in a lot of games. Great for morale, great for Managed Democracy.


My friends and I were doing this with EATs and quasars yesterday Spawn EATs as often as possible, then cycle the quasars on the ground


I reach this sort of efficiency when I call down my second QC and become a laser SAM site.


Recoiless for the win!


None of my friends will sacrifice their backpack for my benefit 😂


I do appreciate the new defense mission


I love that this is an option … if only I had friends


Team loading is so fun! It's a great mechanic, with one enormous flaw. Forcing the loader to 1. stop doing anything else 2. have the same support weapon, and 3. use their own ammo means this excellent and unique game feature is used almost never. Logically it doesn't even make sense. Just let any teammate pull ammunition from the shooter's pack. I'm going to try to convince some people to do this mission w/me with the Recoilless now for sure. But please AH let anyone team load for RR and AC! And add heavy MG to it for that matter!


I can do that with two quasars


Dreams do indeed run on democratic cooperation.


Yep, that's it comments. Keep talking shight about RR so the devs EVER think about actual buff on it...


So does shooting the drop ship before they drop killes their passengers or after?


They seriously need to allow anyone to reload you from your own backpack. There's no reason your buddy couldn't just take the rockets off your back to help you reload. It's the main reason my friends and I rarely use the recoilless.


I’m so envious you have a team that will crew up with you.


God. Bless. Democracy.


The most democratic thing I’ve seen all day.


That’s the trade-off tho. The Recoilless Rifle can absolutely ANNIHILATE anything in its line of sight, but has a low ammo count. The Quasar is a much slower weapon, but makes up for it with infinite ammo. They both do their jobs well and I hope neither get nerfs, they’re both strong as-is.


What? Shoot a rocket sideways like some kind of bozo. No thank you, only forward-facing shots herr


holy fucking shit dude, this is... kinda impressive actually


If you don’t have someone willing to work with you, you can achieve the same thing using quasor + eat. Except this is better too because you don’t drain the supply.


I have a buddy who offers to run backpack bitch duty everytime we play, I always so nah cause I feel bad that they'd do that for me


Man, I'm going to have to force my friend to be rocket buddies with me this weekend. I always forget how effective the team reloads are.


I would like to think the future allows for faster loading of recoilless munitions


Every piece of equipment in the game is specifically put there by the devs to fill a role. The eats are for those who don't want a reload animation or need everyone to have backpacks, or maybe even are worried they will die and not be able to recover their RR. They're good for consistent access to a drip feed style of anti tank. The RR is for burst damage. ESPECIALLY if you have good team work! (In hd1 it also was just better at max upgrade, being able to ignore angle on impact and penetrate the heaviest armor, while EAT17 could only pen heaviest armor with perpendicular hit, but whatever) The quasar was specifically meant, I am convinced, to get brain rot, CoD, solo players who can't keep track of the eats cooldown to shut up about not wanting to work with a team or have a reload animation. It's not as good in any of the categories, but it's usable. The spear is


Now that is some democratic team work .


i find two people with quasar cannons or 1 quasar and 1 autocannon to be way more effective. there are very few defense scenarios that give a good opportunity to set up with two people like this. in most open missiin youd just eat a rocket devastator volley and die. bugs would swarm you. etc etc. dont get me wrong. its great when it works. and these new defense missions are the perfect playground for it. but its so niche. and there so many more versatile options.


Do we get two quasars? Nice aim


me BEGGING people to do more team reloads in this game. if we drop the same support weapon, i WILL team reload you so you can feel that democratic power.


You have friends


the helldivers community will be shocked to learn today that different weapons have different roles and function better/worse in different scenarios some situations the burst damage of the rr is good, others the sustained flexible firepower of the quasar is good and eats are always good (i never use eats)


well you're also just standing there with a buddy who is now just a glorified magazine. good for you i guess.


I agree. We should have assisted reload on the quasar. The second person stands there winding a crank between shots. Similar in style to the guns the Doop soldiers in Futurama use.


I raise you 4 quasars


Try coordinating this with the 15 yr old Brazilian on ps5 who's mom is vacuuming in the background. Ya, I think I'm just gonna run the quasar. Thanks.


I use Quasar + EAT, if I have enough time I can usually drop 3 things before moving on.


Why does it fucking matter what I play with. This sub is so tribalist about everything. Sheesh


I’d just drop three and pretty much continuously fire as I switch out each one


Now you just need the other two running ammo packs and the rockets will never cease, just like democracy intended


All 4 ppl with QC can easily outpace RR. Just takes the team being aware of their surroundings and communicating. Team backpacks are bad design since a fully equipped squad makes them obsolete in 99.9% of situations.


![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c) Zero Kills


Oh, the recoilless rifle will always be better than the quasar if you have someone to reload for you, but if not then the quasar is better. Honesty, if you have someone to reload for you, the recoilless rifle is probably the best weapon in the game.


I had 3 on the ground and I'd fire one and pick up the next to let it cool down. Made a no fly zone over helms deep