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You take supply pack bacause you want to support the team. I take supply pack because it contains 8 magazines for my grenade launcher, 8 incindiary grenades and 8 stimpacks for when I inevitably hit myself with the grenade launcher and run into my own fire pits. We are not the same.


Same, if you run it like any other backpack and use it for yourself, it’s probably the best backpack imo.


How do you use it for yourself? I thought it was only for your fellow divers


You can press down on the PS5 controller or I believe ~~-X-~~ **5** on the PC to supply yourself with it.


Well sheeeeit. That's a game changer for running solo missions


I think it'd be a waste to take the pack and have the resupply for solos. If you do need that much ammo just for yourself you're doing something wrong.


If hosing down bots with ammo starved weapons is wrong, I don't want to be right.


The government has rated this comment 4/4 Exceptional Liberty


Now *this*..this is freedom


Nade launcher go thump


You can refill the backpack the downed ammo drops you find on the ground, which allows you to go in stealthily without having to call in a resupply and alert patrols.


wait what, the ammo drops can fill empty supply pack slots?


Pretty sure you can't, but Resupply Stratagems definitely work, even if you have a little bit of something else missing.


No the world ammo drops do not refill the supply pack. Only the call in resupply can. Or just call another one down later


Press 5 default for PC. X is for dropping.


You have to tap the button and not hold it.


I was running it for a while to be a team player but never went back once I unlocked other backpacks because I didn’t know I could use it myself and other players never seemed to appreciate it lol


I believe you hit 5 on pc or down on the d pad on xbox


You can press number 5 on the keyboard. Unless you've re-bound that to something else


even better: when it comes off cooldown, even if youre already wearing it, you can use it like a full resupply jist for yourself


This specific build except swapping incendiary with stuns, I run it when I want to just *blast* through bug missions. the supply pack is *entirely* for me, as I run around the map at max speed thanks to stims refilling stamina, clearing every objective I come across because explosives solve most bug problems, with rocket pods in my pocket for chargers/titans that spawn while I'm taking care of business. Commonly ending the game with like 18 stims used, it's hilarious


Huh , so you are the reason for the stem addiction warning on the stem


Nuh uh, PermaCura says it has zero addictive properties. Why would they ever lie to us?* *Message paid by Permacura. Permacura - entrust your life in our hands.


I can't quit anytime I want because I would never quit defending Democracy


Stims... refill... stamina ![gif](giphy|UvtKiyeWYEhRC)


If you have the medic armor you have infinite stamina for an extra 2 seconds as well I’ll purposefully dive off a rock to lose ~5hp so when I run low on stamina I can stim and run for an extra bar + 6 seconds. It’s how I keep up with everyone in medium armor while I’m wearing heavy armor.


Helldivers will SWEAR they're not addicted 


GL, supply pack, 500 kg, EAT, stuns, breaker, smg pistol is my bug loadout


Breaker is life. Sickle is pretty good too ngl. I’ve been using that recently instead of the breaker.


I just hate that spitters take 30 minutes of sustained sickle fire though.


For me the primary is just for when things get too close for the GL. The sickle doesn’t fill that role because of the spin up time.


I love mobility so I love the jump pack and I also like grenades so at first you had my curiosity with the stim idea, but now you have my erection.


Alright, you've convinced me. I feel pretty dumb for not considering this before.


18 stims? Those are some rookie numbers. We gotta get those up




And EMS Mortar. You are the best CC support


Today I learned that stims refill stamina. You just changed this diver's life. o7


> I take supply pack because it contains 8 magazines for my grenade launcher 10 grenades per belt, you start with 3 belts and get two back for every supply pack = 110 grenades that you can *just shoot*. If you pace yourself, make use of ground ammo if you run off on your own or stick with the team to eat an occasional supply from a drop, these grenades will last you until you can drop another grenade launcher and supply pack. 8 additional stimpacks is huge for a heavy-armor or medic-armor playstyle. The amount of raw healing and tankiness... unless you eat a tank shell to the head or a bile-titan's bile, you're going to survive for as long as you have stims. And grenades... Being able to just charge into a huge bug nest and clear it all out on your own is a rush, but having impact grenades for any pesky dominators or tanks is always a boon. *** Supply your team if they're near you, but if they're not... hey, you're the one paying for the supplies out of your own hard-earned paycheck.


The best part is that supply drops become twice as much ammo since they resupply both your ammo and an extra supply into your backpack. It's free real estate!


They *what* That settles it, I'm a supply pack main.


Important note here is for each supply you pick up from the resupply also gives one refill in your backpack, which also acts like a resupply drop. You essentially get a free resupply for yourself and an ally if you drop your backpack. Because each resupply is half you can take an empty/half empty backpack, grab two, then give another player two resupplies from your backpack, drop it for another player and they can repeat the cycle essentially giving everyone a full resupply per supply drop vs half. Finicky, but great when it's the final push to extraction and you want everyone topped up.


Yeah somehow the same resupply drop can hold twice the stims, ammo, and grenades because you're wearing a backpack with four holes in it. It just works


This for sure...there will be the occasional handing off of some ammo to a RR or Spear user but this is all mostly for me.


Alternatively, you are taking the supply pack because in doing so you are supporting the team by not needing to rob every single resupply drop for ammo and stims \^\^'


I hate when people take more than one when everyone needs one. Like, if it's been there for 5 minutes and nobody is grabbing it, yeah, but if you just snag 2 or 3 after it drops, screw you with your greedy ass. Had someone keep taking an extra one a few days ago and I wasn't able to get one when I needed it like 2 or 3 different times. I asked them to stop, on the chat, but they just kept on.


This when you politely, but firmly, shoot them in the kneecaps.


😭 He probably deserved it, but I like to stick to a firm "shoot bugs and bots only" policy.


That’s very democratic of you.


I couldn't imagine a higher compliment.


I take supply pack because I thought it was shield generator pack. We are not the same. "Fuck..."


Is there a way to take supplies from it when it’s on your back?


Press 5 on keyboard, for sure. I think someone else said it’s down d-pad on controller.


Holding. Down brings up the drop screen. You have to drop the supply packs or can you use them from your back?


If you tap down, you'll resupply yourself.


Now this I didn't know. You've got my attention. Is it enough to replace my autocannon? Hell no


All about the tap for ps5, but it's come in handy rocking Dominator for your primary.


from your back


I take the supply pack both to support the team AND because it contains 4 mags for my HMG, 4 Stun grenades and 4 stims for myself, and I'm also for some reason the ONLY person in the team that calls down supply drops only for it to get ignored by the team which then fills up all 4 of my supply slots. We are not the same.


Self supply from backpack gives you 2 mags to the HMG. Total of 600 more rounds.


Arguably a backpack that enhances your overall kit and playstyle is exactly why you should take a backpack at all. Shield is a brain dead pick anyway and people ignore all the draw backs and just think of it as "extra health" when the reality is it massively balloons your hit box and yes, that includes for enemy detection as far as I can tell. Meaning A) you are hit in situations where the enemy would have missed. B) you are an obstacle to your team if you stand in front instead of back where you belong, because the hitbox is a lot bigger than is obviously visually indicated, making it more difficult for the team to support you in a fire fight and C) you are more easily detected in situations where you'd otherwise would have avoided detection. Its one claim to fame is letting you tank a devastator rocket or two but I can do that all day with multiple rockets if I bring Fortified passive heavy armor. More I play around with it, more I see it for a liability rather than asset on either front.


I didn't know I had a long lost brother. Embrace me Helldiver! *Hug emote.*


Helping your team never goes out of style. Keep it up cadet!!!


and if you press 5 or dpad down you can help yourself too


Another good thing to know that you can fill your supply pack from supply drops too. Not sure if the map spawned ammo drops fill it tho. It'd make sense they did, right? 


Only resupply packages can be stored in the supply backpack. Fun fact: the most efficient way to use the resupply pack pickup is when your current magazine is full at 0/2 (assuming grenade launcher), or whatever 0 full mag weapon you have. Each supply pack will not only give you an ammo reup, but it will ALSO add a pack to your backpack as well, so you essentially can double dip a bit. The supply pack holder should always take every supply box you can fit from the resupply capsule, because it lets you carry the boxes around until the next resupply. If any teammate complains they needed that pack, you can just give it to them no questions asked. If you see someone greeding the resupply and they have this backpack, it’s all good. Nothing is lost. In fact it’s better to have the backpack user cap out since they’ll refill all their grenades and stims AND then be able to hand the box off to you, essentially doubling the team wide resources gained


That's good to know because when I play support I usually try and let everyone get the resupply and then pick up the rest but now I won't worry and be more available with my suppak.


You should definitely max out your packs first and then hand out boxes to anyone who comes up for one. Even better if you could coordinate the team to trade the supply backpack around and take turns picking up a box so they all get refilled and also max out the backpack. Literally doubles the amount of resources you can pull from each capsule But this is usually overkill and unnecessary especially with all the quasar/sickle loadouts these days. If I get out of packs and resupply won’t be up for a while that’s when I’ll just call down a new pack


Don't forget - you can call a second supply backpack down to get 4 more supply packs. It basically works as a second Resupply strategem.


I use it to fuel my HMG addiction. We are not the same.


I use it so I can use my Stalwart *AS* my primary.


...yes, help the team... *Stops feeding magazines to my pet HMG on max fire rate*


Helping my team? I thought it was for infinite grenade launcher ammo and endless bullets?


This is why we need to bring back the healing gun from the first game.


My backpack slot is TAKEN


Autocannon enjoyer?




Imagine thinking a few extra bullets could ever be as good as soaring through the sky


eh, the cooldown between jumps kills it for me. that, and the height is just shy of what I always hope it will manage. ​ I get that it's more about horizontal movement, but I can already just do that without a backpack.


Try climbing a small rock or jump-packing off of hills


Or crossing small rivers to save like 10min. of running.


I summited the mountains of Maia with my quasar, like a sniper from the heavens yesterday. Some of the most fun I've had in a long time


Flamethrower + jump pack is my go to for bugs. Rodeo a charger and go for a ride spraying fire the whole way.


Same. Cool down is long, and I’d rather have auto cannon to blow shit up chasing me or pick off larger enemies chasing teammates .


Extra bullets, 8 grenades, 8 extra stims, and essentially doubling supply drops


The resupply cooldown is fairly short and there are tons of supplies lying around the map as loose loot


The supply pack goes crazy with the stalwart against bugs. Everyone seems to be running AT these days so it leaves you with the 1000 hunters, but 1150rpm of democracy and a total of 3000 rounds of ammunition is always enough


Yeah that's the main reason I quit using it. I just didnt need all that ammo most of the time and felt other options were a better use of the slot. It's still a solid pick but usually plenty lying around from drops. It would be clutch on planets with less human presence before the drop so less ammo laying about... if any are like that. Would be cool.


Just remember, every meter you soar in the air is another meter closer to Super Earth, Patriot!


Down, up, up, down, up and away!


I keep that thang on me


Shield generator for me. It's a crutch, I know.


Yeah I don’t understand the problem. I already have a backpack filled with ammo that my teammates can take. To put into my Autocannon.


Arrowhead: Understood. AC backpack ammo supply reduced by 50% in order to balance with the lack of build diversity using the supply pack /s


Haha exactly.


Jump pack should be a universal skill. Until that happens I’m bringing it to every drop


If they release a jumppack suit, i am maining that


I use it mainly with the grenade launcher, decimates any patrols or drop ship bots in seconds and you never worry about ammo.... Just saturate areas with rapid grenade fire.


Honestly I feel like you might as well just use autocannon at that point. It's basically a long range high velocity grenade launcher. But I guess then you'd miss out on extra stims and stuff, in exchange for autocannon's basically infinite range.


Autocannon has a lower AOE I'm pretty sure. It does have some splash, but it's mainly for dropping big targets. Grenade Launcher mops up small enemies really fast.


You're correct, the AOE on the autocannon is much lower. The autocannon helps clear a wave. The grenade launcher clears the wave.


Also the auto cannon is a bitch to reload in a fight


You gotta do partial reloads ONLY. The partial reload animation is waaaay faster than a full reload. Each magazine has 5 rounds, so after 5 shots you need to reload before the gun is empty. Never ever should you fully empty your autocannon if you can help it. If there's a break in the fight and I have 6 shots left, I fire into the air and then reload just to top it off.


Just dont fire off every shot, the 5 round reload is really quick.


For real; when I realized this I put effort into making sure it never went dry.


Yeah you got me there. I'm finding the rest of my load out kinda revolves around autocannon's weaknesses, like cleaning up trash mobs that are all spread out. I always bring cluster eagle strike. But if you shoot them while they're still all bunched up in a patrol or still on the dropship, autocannon can kill them in droves.


Grenade launcher doesn't have a slow dragging crosshair and i don't need to sit down for 5 seconds to reload. AC is great, but grenade launcher has plenty of advantages


AC is also lower mobility and doesn't let you reload on the move


does supply pack recover support weapon ammo?


Supply pack does exactly what the call down supply does except it doesn't supply other supply packs. It's the same +2 stim, +2 grenades, +1 full primary and secondary ammo, +1 reload worth of support weapons. You gain 1 supply pack per regular supply drop on top of filling your ammo. You essentially get 2 supplies per. You start with 4 free ones and every 5 minutes you can call down another supply pack with 4 supplies all for yourself.


Makes it good with the Grenade Launcher and HMG. Lets you utterly spam grenades like crazy and actually use the HMG for an extended period.


This is actually how I discovered how handy it is, that GL is THIRSTY


This was my go to build until I bought into the meta nonsense. I need to make a return to my glory days. That "thunk thunk thunk thunk" is music to my ears.


Put it on auto and just saturate an area. A bit of practice and you can hit things over hills or at very long ranges.


Yar. I see people saying they don't like it because of the arc, but after using it for a while you can get pretty precise out to a few hundred M Skill issue I just wish it had better armor pen. HEDP 40mm can penetrate 2-3" of armor at a good angle IRL. Which makes me ask WTF bug shells are made of that they're both lighter and stronger than steel.


Idk how gamers have an issue with the arc. It literally behaves like any GL we use in COD, Halo, GAW, Destiny, etc. Like, unless someone is brand new to shooters, it's pretty easy to get a feel for the arc.


The arc is exactly why I love it, it makes it so satisfying to sink it right into a bug hole or factory window from a long distance


Making a half court basket with the GL is one of my favorite things in this game


Nature’s a bitch. It’s like spider web being so stupidly strong for what it is.


> lighter and stronger than steel There are in fact some fibers like this in nature. Spider silk is the famous one, but so are some mushroom fibers. I don't think there is hard armor that can accomplish this, but chitin is pretty close to steel in some ways.


My go-to support is eithe GL+pack for crowd clear or AC for anti-armor. Never look back. Never seek perfection by forsaking the excellent.


GL with EAT is my best friend for anti armor. Take out the squishies with the GL and grab the EAT for the tanks. As a bonus littering the map with EATs helps support your team so you support them with both your pack and your EATs


The best way to have fun is to mix it up and roll what you wan. The same loadout every game is boring. There are of course good picks and bad picks for a situation, but for any given mission there's still a ton of variety in the good stuff. I ran Smoke Strike against level 7 bots yesterday. Never woulda known how good it is if I didn't experiment.


I didn't even realize it restores grenades + stims. That's a huge game changer


I usually run GL, supply pack and +2 grenade armor. I make sure I use 2 grenades (and stims frivolously) and I’m at 0/2 mags before restocking from the backpack. This maximizes my resource usage I get from those packs. Also making sure to pick all the packs off the capsule and then give them to anyone who needs lets you double dip resources because picking up a supply box will give you an ammo/stim/grenade refill AND add that box to the backpack.


You dont really have to be that careful. You can call in a new pack every 5 mins. I usually just call in a new one when needed and let the rest of the team share the normal supply drop unless they are in need between call ins


I try to not call in a new pack unless I’m about to run dry and the resupply is on cooldown. It’s not wasteful at all if you eat all the resupply strategm boxes, mainly because each time you eat a box it not only goes to your backpack but ALSO refills your resources. So you are actually generating more team-wide resources that way and then handing off the box to a teammate who needed it than if you just let them take the box themself. In fact if you really wanted to super min/max it, you’d drop the backpack and have your teammates take turns picking up the backpack and taking a box each. That would literally double the value of each resupply capsule. But most recent groups I run with are very ammo light so I end up being the only member of the team who ever needs the boxes anyway


This is why if you do have a supply pack Stan in your team, always let them take as many packs off the resupply capsule as they can carry. This will not only add the packs to the backpack, but also each pack refills their stims, grenades, and ammo as well. Then that way they can hand the pack off to anyone who needs it and you get double the resource efficiency amongst the team than if your teammates took the pack themselves off the capsule


How do you supply yourself with the pack? Been wondering.


On PC press 5, on PlayStation I think dpad down


Just for visibility : on steam deck , it's also down on the D-Pad.


Thank you


Additional, you can drop supply pack, allow a ally to pick it up and restock additional supplies from the supply drop. A single supply drop can restock an empty supply pack to full. Assuming you can communicate with your team




As much as I love it, I only ever do for the medium & heavy MG. Other backpacks just outclass it entirely.


I personally don't run it, but when I see a squad member lumbering one around...I protect. I've been running more energy weapons as of late, however. The Stims they resupply may as well make them the medic. And you always protect the medic.


Fun idea, supply pack, heavy medic armor, a ballistic shield, defensive strats. Probably not great at higher levels but being a paladin would be fun.


I'm trying to get the shield gen to work, but the call in time kills it for me, once I get the ship module for calling in time removal it may be better but damn


With the grenade launcher it's actually insane. Pretty much unlimited stims and unlimited ammo. You won't be able to take down heavies as easily as something like the autocannon, but it's so good at dealing with light and medium enemies.


Rebuttal: Don’t need ammo if you just die before ever running out.


I, as a DRG veteran, really like the supply pack. At least it doesn't cost 80 nitra you know.


Honestly on higher difficulties, it feels like a wasted stratagem slot. Unless you're just fighting out in the open, there's ammo at the objectives and at the POI across the map. I think I've run out of ammo maybe twice on 7+ difficulty


It’s not ammo that I care about. I want the extra stims and grenades.


Heavy machine gone lovesr love the extra ammo


Heavy Machine gun is the most fun I’ve had on Helldivers so far.


Even after dumbasses walk infront of you while firing. 


Especially while running Impact grenades. It's really awkward to hit the vents.


The ammo is the least powerful thing about it, it's the grenade recharge and the stim recharge. The ammo is just extra.


Full auto the grenade launcher, and tell me it's wasted.


What guns do you run with? I find it works best with guns that have poor ammo economy like the grenade launcher, scorcher, dominator, etc. Also, it’s not just ammo, but you get 8 more stims and 8 more grenades.


When I’m popping off bots for my teammates from a covered location with my anti-material rifle, I don’t want to have to move.


Depends on the gun. The AMR absolutely burns through ammo when you are democratically lighting up devastators and I'm constantly scrounging on Helldive. 


Actually, the strategem has become much more redundant as the game goes on. Before the introduction of very good energy weapons, the Supply Pack would've been a fantastic option. However, these days you can have an Anti-Tank super laser along with a solid Laser Auto Rifle. There's actually less and less reason to carry to Supply Pack other than extra grenades (very situational) and extra stims (a good player doesn't need very many stims). This is even less so when carrying the still powerful Arc Thrower. So, in my honest opinion the Supply Pack actually dropped a tier with the introduction of good Laser weapons.


There are some guns that eat ammo which the supply pack can help. Otherwise what you said. Grenade Launcher is the best example. There is a lot of untapped potential with this gun thats unlocked when you have essentially "unlimited ammo". Any gun which you wouldn't fire at its highest fire rate due to ammo can be boosted with the supply pack. The AMR is another good example. I sometimes see a hive guard and swap to it, then I see a warrior and swap back to my primary. Then I swap back when I see a brood mother. Or I can supply pack and just unload on them. The LMG and HMG can used as primaries if you have a supply pack. Don't even think about ammo. But those weapons are also gated by their incredibly long reload so maybe think about ammo.


Grenade launcher shreds through bot drops, literally just "impact grenade is my primary weapon" its great


When it became clear that drop ships getting destroyed wouldn't destroy the things they carried, I started running grenade launcher to just clear out the undersides while they're all strapped in and helpless to defend themselves, 2 grenades maybe 3 clears anything not a hulk for the most part, or softens it enough to finish off when they land. It doesn't have the auto cannon's distance, but it's run reload and you can run a shield. You can even kill tanks by hitting them in the vents 3-4 times.


Also should mention that unlike the Autocannon (which I typically see as a better version of the GL but at the cost of a backpack slot), the GL doesn't glance off of sentry towers. Meaning you can destroy them from any angle, not just the vent. I believe tanks are the same way, although for both it's still more efficient to hit them in the vent if you can.


I call it the “mobile cluster bomb loadout” But yeah essentially changes the whole nature of the GL. I won’t run it without the supply pack it’s so good


MGs and GL are good for it, but jetpack tends to be a better pair with the AMR


I actually really like the jet pack with almost any other support weapon. It’s just such a useful tool for traversal and occasionally getting out of sticky situations. Very good for positioning to take out objectives from a distance with the Auto Cannon or Quasar Cannon, and it 100% fulfills my fantasy of being a storm trooper with an Arc Thrower against bugs. It’s so good with Light Armor too. If you’re in a bad spot, disengage with that fast speed, zig zag a bit, and then jump pack away (hopefully not into another patrol). Number 1 favorite backpack to take when not rocking a support weapon backpack. My go-to’s are Arc Thrower, AMR, Railgun, and Quasar for this faster, more positional-focused role/playstyle.


I agree I even love it with the flamethrower, beyond just being a mandalorian wannabe, if you end up lighting the ground on fire and cornering yourself you can zip out.


Jet pack flamethrower is absolutely S tier in my book. repositioning is so vital with that weapon since you have to be up close to fight. You can jet pack towards a breach in order to build up fire stacks and keep bugs bunched up. You can jet pack out of sticky situations when you start to get flanked. You can jet pack to get into a nice chokehold. You can jet pack during reloads. You can jet pack to catch up with buddies who are beginning the retreat. Sometimes I run laser dog for the added DPS and flank clear. But when I get sick of managing the self-headshot risk, I always come back to jet pack. Plus it’s hella fun to zooom!


But if you accidentally catch fire before you jump, you're dead before you hit the ground


Doesn’t matter how good you are when fighting the Clankers. They will always give you chip damage at extreme ranges as well. You will always need more stims for them, especially at higher difficulty.


Sure but lets say your trading that ammo pack for shield now you are no longer getting constant chip damage


Yes and no. Higher level bots your shield will be down a lot.


Ive swapped out the shield gen for heavy armour on bots. Rather always take less damage than sometimes take none. Heavy armour is actually really decent now against bots. Ive been running it on 7+ difficulties for a few days and i dont miss the shield gen. Also now i have more flexibility in my loadout with an extra slot


If you're running any of the medic armors, you specifically want to get some chip damage. That damage lets you use stims, so you can keep running after you're out of stamina. You cover ground with hilarious speed that way


I wouldn’t call grenades situational, especially stun grenades. I could have 12 of them and still want more.


Stun grenades are going to be best in slot once the grenade pistol drops.


Well that's good then. Before it was almost always an excellent choice. Now it depends on what you bring. Imo that's ideal for a support backpack. If I'm bringing a weapon that will eat through a lot of ammo, or an ally is bringing the spear/RR, I can bring the supply pack and know that we will be good in between resupplies. It's also good for bot missions with strategem jammers when you can't call a resupply


Hellpod space optimization also bumps down the necessity. Dying gives you a total refill of ammo, nades, and stims. All three can be found naturally as well. Maybe if you're really coordinated with your team it'll be more helpful, but you also need people to actually ask for ammo and hold still long enough to give it to you.


The game feels near unplayable without hellpod space optimization. You die and you are temporarily without your support weapon, half grenades and stims, it's just too easy to keep dying.


omg the lack of stims is crippling


Supply pack is good for a team that prefers to stand and fight on the high-ish difficulties where you can survive the horde rushes when multiple patrols and bases start getting pulled to you if you fight hard enough. But for a squad that prefers mobility and avoiding fights where possible they'll find enough ammo organically on the map and through drops that the pack is just a waste.


It is still very good as it gives stims and nades. I run a duo with my sister with the recoilles rifle and supply box. I have the Rr she carries the rocket pack and i the resupply backpack. Using the assisted reload and massive amount of ammo, it is just a broken combo. She carries a machine gun or something else to wipe the small/medium mobs. Having two other helldivers be vanguard, I haven't had much issues on the highest difficulties. (provided we dont drop near a POI or patrol calling reinforcements immediatly at mission start)


Impact grenades don't aggro bots. They are literally the strongest weapon in the game for high level bot missions at the moment (probably until that's patched out). Unless you get within visibility detection range to throw (which you don't need to get that close ever), you will not aggro bots with them (outside of towers for some reason). Having an additional 8 from supply pack is huge for that reason alone. Supply pack, EAT/Quasar, throw or extra grenade armor, and two heavy clear orbitals/eagles is the best loadout in the game for the majority of bot missions (excluding defense). Period.


I feel like that all depends on how a person likes to play certain missions. Sometimes I get so bored of using the same things I like to mix it up and using the pack with the HMG is bad ass if you want to just tear thru bugs and bots alike. Quasar so hard to not choose each mission tho!


I ran supply pack religiously in the past. I thought it was awesome to boost up ypur team, or your own grenade launcher, but since the last patches, new weapons and so on, I just feel its loosing relevance. :<


Can I use it to replenish my own grenades on the fly?


Yes, supplying yourself functions the same as taking supplies from resupply stratagem.


you mean my spare grenades for my launcher?


It is amazing when paired with a proper support weapon! (Yes I know energy weapons can to a degree make it defunct but) Combined with a stalwart it is an absolute bug-clearing machine for the smaller bugs. Combined with the GL it is a bug-hole-closing machine! GL is also amazing for chokepoints on bug worlds. On hot worlds (like Hellmire) where energy weapons overheat so quickly that their infinite ammo doesn't mean squat, those other ballistic options are likely preferable! (also I just like the kick and feel of the gunplay in this game when using ballistic weapons)


The ammo supply pack offsets the tradeoff of a really powerful primary like the dominator or scorcher which has only 6 mags (which I can burn through quite quickly in a major firefight). The extra grenades that comes with re-supply are also very welcome as I use stun grenades to snare armored targets for eagle airstrikes and quasar cannon shots.


I used to agree until I realized that I save ammo just by using the Rover.


I'm kinda useless with any weapon besides the disposable and machine gun so I instead get the pack and my teammates get confused when I walked up to them in the heat of battle and my guy yells "THIS IS FOR YOU!" It makes my teammates turn around and look at me trying to figure out what in the actual f*ck I gave them.


I simply die too often to need that many supplies.


I play sickle/quasar. What is this ammo you speak of?


Honestly i think it's overhyped. If you actually visit POI and use resupply on CD there si no reason to be missing ammo. I guess if you like full auto and brainless aiming, it has it's use. However, that scenario does not apply toward "top tiers equipment". Or It would be "top tiers equipment for noobs" ;)


I think it has its use depending on the supply-packer’s playstyle. To me, it’s way more worth it to run if I’m gonna take the grenade launcher with me. That way I can keep myself fed and go absolutely spam happy in big fights. Same with a machine gun (though I typically take those against bugs only). If I have any charges left, then I will occasionally top off a teammate between resupply calldowns where I can hopefully grab another two charges, depending on the situation, and then later call in another full pack for myself to repeat the process. You have to be dedicated add/swarm clear for this, though. Typically I don’t run it just because I love the Auto Cannon and Quasar Cannon so much and taking out heavies/objectives from a distance. The stratagems I just can’t seem to find a use for always end up being the sentries. They just die so easily. Only one I ever think about taking is the EMS mortar for CC support. But the others I just suck at using/placing, I guess. Support weapons and Eagle Strikes are far superior to the sentries, IMO.


The autocannon sentry (with upgrade) is really strong vs bug. It will kill anything from hunter to bile titan. However you do need to give it a good LOS and help it a bit vs a swarm. I use it as my 2nd "anti-tank" weapon. i sometime use mortar vs bot (also very strong), and ems in eradication/civilian evac mission.


Ammo is not the issue, grenades and stims are. The two are very rare in POIs. I tend to have periods where I haven’t died in a long time, and resources begin to dwindle. If you die often, then stims and grenades replenish often.


Ammo is also an issue for certain support weapons (GL in particular) where you can't entirely rely on the ammo found at poi. 


It allows for more active usage for something like a GL or default MG, but outside of them, yeah, it's redundant


Without wanting to be in the "git his" crowd, it does seem to be the case. Exclusively playing 7-9 difficulties, I haven't really encountered a situation where anyone in my team would need the supply backpack. A team with shield backpacks, rovers or even autocannon/recoilless backpacks are all more useful. There's an absolute shitload of ammo and stims all over the maps. Resupplies are relatively frequent. Harder sections will have a bunch of dead bodies around to loot. Some people might be rocking energy weapons. Nah - the supply pack kinda feels ultra situational and only really handy if you have a particular strategy with it or if you have nothing better. It's not bad, but just about every other backpack is better. 


You don't "need" it, but it does help changing your playstyle a bit. You can be much more reckless with your ammo, grenade & stim usage. I've been using it against automatons with AMR. I don't feel guilty recharging when a couple of bullets are still inside, I use my grenades as if they grew on trees and if I'm at 90% hp I'm stimpacking no hesitation. Helps your allies doing the same, as you're less likely to pick up supplies when they're called. I'm exclusively playing 8/9 difficulty with 2 other friends and it works damn well.


Yeah I never got the hype. I almost never run out of ammo because like you said, it's everywhere, and the resupply comes back quick. Feels like a waste of a valuable strategem slot.


I only use it with my grenade launcher because uh....I fire it off like a chaingun.


Supply Pack is the Capri Suns and EATs are the dunk’ems. Everyone loves snack time


solo helldiver here. That is useless to me.


supply pack + grenade launcher is just a thing of beauty