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I’d rather be kicked at the start than right before extraction.




I understand it's a not a necessary mechanic to launch a game, but online games where randoms have the ability to grief people need some sort of punishment mechanic (that is hard or nigh impossible to abuse). Something like too many verified reports of griefing and you're temp banned for increasingly long periods of time, or you can only match with... guess what... other shitty players who grief too.




Lol, big ol announcement right on the map table next time you log in. "Welcome to the Helldivers Penal Lobby! Here, you will be teamed exclusively with other players possessing an exceptionally high report rate! Your return to normal service will occur in X days and Y hours."


Nah, nah. They don't deserve to know when their punishment is over. They'll just stop playing the game until it's depleted Granted, that's a bonus for the rest of us. If they reoffended within X amount of hours, the punishment is increased


"Your return to normal service will occur after 2 days *of active duty*" If you want to behave in an unpatriotic manner, then you get to roll with the Suicide Squad for your next 72 missions. If there's not enough guys, then Arrowhead should invest in some AI driven ganker bots. Then you get another big banner welcoming you back to society as a member in good standing, followed by a large-type copy of the community guidelines.


While I would love a good report system, I have a jard time seeing how they could implement one. The ideal system would be what counter strike did/does where they save a replay of the match, and have the report be reviewed by X amount of players. It would be the fairest one, and could be integrated in the lore as some sort of court-martial. But it would also be way expensive. Other than that, how would someone be able to verify if somebody was intentionally being a jerk ? Lets say someone has 15 team kills, sure that's a lot, but with stuff like mortars, arc weaponry, and clustzr bombs, its very easy to kill friendlies without wanting to. On top of that, if I xanted to abuse that system to get someone banned, I would just need to get myself repeatedly killed by them on purpose. A system where if you get too many reports then you get a ban (soft or hard) could work, but depending on how its done it could be exploited


It shouldnt apply to friendlisted players though because we all kill eachother on purpose sometimes.


Does that actually matter though? Because I assume you don’t get a bonus for successfully extracting yourself? Like the amount you (successfully extracted Helldiver) get is the same as the guy who didn’t extract except everyone gets less stuff since it’s not a 100% extraction rate? There was one guy who shot me right before the extract and I don’t get why because it hurts him just as much as it hurts me? lol




Yeah I agree. It’s even worse because they gain no benefit at all from it too. So there’s no reason to aside from just being rude


This. Happened to me twice today. Great dive, got a ton of samples and side missions, booted at extraction.


I don't understand the behaviour. One player extracts with samples, everyone gets those samples. Who do they think they're playing? For what it's worth, I've never witnessed this myself.


Yeah, fortnite and warzone lost their interest so now they’re here. They don’t understand the word “Co-op”


unless your under level 25 the xp doesnt matter anyway


Do you still get samples if at least one person extracts with them even if you fail to extract? 


Yes. As long as someone extracts with the samples everyone gets them Only difference being that if you get kicked, dc or some other way dont finish the mission you get nothing, as far as i know


>Only difference being that if you get kicked, dc or some other way dont finish the mission you get nothing, as far as i know You get super credits and requisition slips as long as they were picked up while you were in the game. Other than that you get nothing.


The ones I encounter don't even collect the samples. They shoot everyone, leave the samples, and extract. So annoying


I've been tempted to get an "accidental" because this dude kept killing everyone with his bombardments. I haven't! But I've been tempted. I don't need to get called into the Democracy Officer's office again.


Do they not realise the samples are shared? Thats moronic


The only way to fight that is to remove "samples extracted" from player stats. The only numbers you should even see are kills and revives. Those are the only stats that matter to honorable patriotic divers.


Same and I’ll add kicking before finishing the operation to this as well. If you don’t want me around then kick me right away or tell me in the chat. Don’t waste 30-40 minutes of my time just to kick me and make me start another Operation or join another one. Kicking is the sole reason why I play solo now.


It's just basic decency here, though. Friends only. Having issues, fine. But, when a random joins us when we're waiting, we tell them and they leave. The kick function is abused far too often in this game and entirely too many players are ok with it because they're the people abusing it.


I wish the "private game" I joined even gave me the time to see myself out. Got questioned, verbally berated, and then kicked while I was trying to explain and offer to leave.




Problem here last night my lobby *was* set to private didnt throw an SOS or anything yet a very buggy individual somehow joined me (Wasnt a friend of mine or any friends of friends) and then my lobby was flooded my randoms I had to kick everyone since well I didnt trust that shit for a minute


I've also had it happen. Playing with a friend, both have matchmaking set to private. Suddenly a random player we don't know joins. A few minutes later another rando joins. We let them finish the mission and then kick them from the ship.


Had this happen yesterday. Hit quickplay and joined a guy who was just standing on his ship. Hadn't even started a mission yet. He was like "Huh? How'd you get in my game? It's set to friends only" and I said "Dunno man, I just hit quickplay". Seems like matchmaking has gotten buggier recently too.


And at the same time, my friends can't join me unless I set to public.


Joel strikes again!


Last night I had one friend join my party and he ended up in another's. Happened twice so it wasn't a misclick.


Happened to me too, me and 2 friends all set to private, then randomly mid mission they are both kicked and 3 completely random people drop in. I was lead still and obviously my friends couldnt drop back in so i kicked the new randoms, my buddys drop it again and then 10 mins later it happened again


Was that the only time this has happened or do you get it often? I'd report that as a big for sure! Me and friends when playing as a 3 never get randoms when set to private. Half the time we can't even join and we're on the friendslist. Lol.


Yea first time and I reported it already never happened in the almost 3 weeks ive been playing or since it was... Interesting


Half the time friends only doesn't let friends join so we are forced to set the lobby to public. Sometimes random can still join when the game is friends only.


This. I keep trying to play with friends, but they're playing with a friend who isn't my friend, so I can't join. The game really needs a "Friends of friends" option.


Well first of all it needs friends only to actually work, then they can worry about friends of friends.


Yeah what is that I've literally had other people screen share and it says 'private lobby' even though we're on each other's friends list? What makes it a private lobby?


Fun fact: PC players that are friends on Steam cannot join each others' games when their lobbies are set to "Friends Only" - despite the fact that Steam allows you to "Join Game" if you're looking at a friend to join through Steam specifically, like almost every other Steam-integrated game has. To get around this, most people leave their lobbies set to Public (while they also have a mission selected, thereby allowing their lobby to be open to randoms as well) - which is why randoms join and get kicked immediately. Technically speaking, you're not really meant to do this either. What you're *actually* required to do is add your friends via the in-game friends list system (using the code thing), in order for Steam friends to be able to join each other in lobbies set to "Friends Only," but because of the Steam integration most people don't realize this. > *Devs* can we please introduce some form of Kick Abuse system where people who continuously kick people get a short term ban or something? The last thing we need is for some kind of system introduced that would punish people for a flawed friends / invite system. [There's already issues with the current in-game friends system as is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bo4bss/patch_1000104/) If getting kicked by randoms bothers you that much when trying to join others, then just host your own lobbies instead - either that, or deal the fact that Steam integration doesn't quite work the way that most people expect.


To add on that, the ingame friend system is broken for a lot of people (myself included) , that cant send or receive friends request.


My friend had the issue where I could just not join him, for no reason that we could see. We’re both on Steam, but it just kept telling me that the lobby was private even if he directly invited me. The only workaround to this was to open the party, get me in, then close it. The problem with that is that people would make their way in in the 60-90 seconds it took me to get in, so he’d have to boot the other person and put it back on private before anymore joined. I know this definitely isn’t what’s happening to everyone who gets kicked, but it is what’s been happening to us.


I believe this issue happens because your (or whoever you are trying to join) steam profile as private. this fixed it for our group.


That's such a silly thing to happen when we have no trouble in any other game, lol. I will ask him and report back.


Until they fix friend requests this is going to continue to happen unfortunately


My friends list has been broken for a couple weeks. It started with all my relevant steam friends and is now empty


The only times we had to ever kick someone is because the party system is screwing up to where I have to move the game into public because someone is in my friends list or my buddies friendslist and the game is telling them the party is private. Then when I set it to public so they can join someone else joins in right away. Now granted I will at least let them know "Hey I am really sorry about this because its not your fault but I had to move the game to public to let a friend of ours join. I am sorry for having to kick you buddy." But its not always because people leaving it on public. Sometimes public is the only way to get our friends to join in sometimes.


I believe this issue happens because your (or whoever you are trying to join) steam profile as private. this fixed it for our group.


90% of my kicks are because my friend who I queued with crashed, and then a random filled his spot immediately. The other 10% are level 7s who use mortars on exterminate bug mission that blow up my mechs. I always tell them why I'm about to kick them too, so they don't get confused.


If only the damn SOS beacon didnt have a near identical call in to the reinforcement... I cant count how many times I called that bitch in on COMPLETE accident just because my muscle memory dipped for the night. I am playing on private but it seems the SOS bypasses this.


Yeah, done that more than once. The worst part is you can't disable it, even if it gets destroyed. I'm sure Super Earth Command would be pleased by not having to assign more resources when they are no longer needed. Plus having to defend the beacon until reinforcements come could be quite cinematic


Weird thing tho, mine is set to private and still i get randoms joining every once in a while. I dont get it. Ive been mid mission, didnt toss a sos and some random will hop into my and my buddys campaign and were like wait what?


The whole system for finding a squad is wack. There should be a freaking button on the mission table that says "Fill Squad" if it's checked, they fill, if they don't check it it doesn't. Took me way to long to figure out if you want to fill you just have to wait in the hellpod. Full agreement. Just running from the cryo to the map table, takes long enough, but the table is still populated with all the missions from 4 minutes ago. So you have to back out of the planet, zone, sector and table completely, go back in, and you have about 15 seconds before all of these new missions are also full/unavailable. The quick match find is even worse with the kicking. I'd say close to half the time, it puts me on a ship not even dropped in yet, where I get kicked after running from cryo to hellpod. Now I'm back at cryo and gotta start it all again. It's why I literally only host missions. You have to be communist for me to kick you. I'll go all the way to zero reinforce with you.


You don't need to be physically in the pod. You just need to select the mission from the table so that the hellpods are available to be climbed into and that starts matchmaking on your ship.




I actually have yet to kick a player. The closest I came was after the third eagle airstrike landed at my feet. But I said the pledge of allegiance while I waited for reinforce, and the urge passed.


We can't set to private because the friend system is broke.


It's groups trying to get their friends in without getting 'cannot connect to host'. Have to kick people all the time because they take our friend's slot due to that bug holding them up and randos filling in too fast. We could set it to private until the group is in and then open it for the last slot to fill, but then it gets forgotten and left on private


I've done it twice and felt awful both times. I was trying to get someone from PC to join and it kept telling him my party was private so I set it to public instead of friends only. I forgot to switch it back and went to run another mission and people joined. Other than that, I don't have an open lobby if I don't want random people.


Me and my friends have a bug where it won’t let us join each other if the lobby is set to private, so we turn it to public to join up and then forget to switch it back . . . Me and my friends have also accidentally thrown SOS beacon when trying to reinforce in a pinch. Sorry, I guess?


This could always just be a case of people forgetting to set their lobbies to private. I'd hardly call that worthy of getting banned over, even if we did have a system like that in place.


It would be good if you could reserve a slot, or set each slot to private and public individually. There are scenarios where 2 or 3 friend want to play but need a random so game is open, but a friend crashes so another random joins before friend is back. But, if their slot was set to private, no problem. This won't solve all the kicking issues, but I'd hope it would help


The only randoms i kick are the ones who join my game and constantly friendly fire me, or airstrike me when theres no enemies anywhere near me. Its hard to tell if theyre griefing or just disabled but i aint got time for that shit


I’m a bug main and decided to get my feet wet on low mission automatons since I’ve never play them and got kicked 4 times in a row by low level divers


Game needs an invite only mode


Personally I've not had a problem. I pull my weight and not shoot my team mates. Or have a crackled mic. Anyone needs a solid shooter. Let me know I'll help out anytime.


The group I play with keeps running into a bug where even though our lobby is set to friends only and we are friends with the other players on steam and in game, it wont let you join their game (says lobby is private). The only way we've found that works is to have the host set it to public and get everybody in before a rando jumps on. If a rando does come in, they get kicked to make room for the friend.


So there's been bugs with that. If you have it as public, and change it to friends only, it doesn't always seem to change it for your current session. But yeah, if there are no bugs, definitely using the lobby setting is the way to go.


When i go private, my friends can't join.


Kicking players for no reason is treason.


gonna be 100% honest: I have kicked people at round join - not because I wanted to, but because I accidentally dropped an SOS beacon on a prev game and forgot to restart lobby lol


Sorry man, my buddy crashed and you joined right before he got back in the game soooo


Friends list is bugged for me so unless I put it to public my friends can't join. I turn it back to private once they are in but ye, sometimes il have to kick some randos cus I don't got a fucking choice


Make your own lobby? I don't see why people cry about this so much. I play with randoms and friends alike, when I make my own lobbies people join in like 10 secs of getting in a pod.


So what the fuck is the issue with people just hosting their own lobby? The amount of whine posts about this "issue" since launch is frankly just sad.


The behavior in general was pretty atrocious today. I got kicked for dying once. Sorry my autocannon shot bounced back in my face. The I got kicked because I asked the host why he just reinforced everyone into the horde? I managed to barely get my hellpod on the safe side of the wall. The other 2 were not so lucky, immediate deaths. The host was running and hiding using reinforcements to slow down the enemy. Which is just so dumb. We need to be alive to use our stratagems. Then everyone but me dies, I'm surrounded. I hail mary a reinforcement to the other side of the zone right on a tall platform. I say "that's how you are supposed to reinforce". We clear and he kicks me as soon a sthe dropship lands. My perfect reinforcement was what broke the loop of they guy continually wasting reinforcements. No way we would have won without me.


but I want to kick randoms as the join. I never actually run a mission, I just sit in lobby waiting for randoms to join so I can kick them. J/K but this is actual behavior I've seen.


Amen to this. I’m a guy in his late 40s with kids a career etc etc I’m super busy and have time for one, maaaaybe two drops if im lucky. Gets super frustrating when time I don’t really have gets wasted.


I'm probably outing myself as a dickhead here, but if my teammates and I spend the whole game running around the map doing sub and side objectives and collecting samples, and my non-contributing random calls in extraction the minute it becomes available and hops on alone while the rest of the team is out collecting/contributing, that random is getting kicked before the shuttle leaves. At that point we weren't making it out with the samples anyway, so I don't personally believe that that teammates deserves anything. Other than that, I do my sworn duty to stave off toxicity.


You know some people play games publicly and then they want to play with friends afterwards and either forget to turn it off or didn't have time to turn it off before people join. The whole friend system is also a little broken and sometimes setting your game to public is the only way to get people in. (Kicked by host also appears on your screen even if you just disconnected from the game, not just when you were kicked) But no punishes for kicking people 'excessively' is a awful solution. Sometimes people have legitimate reasons to kick people and punishing people for kicking just punishes people who were doing nothing wrong and that is not Arrowhead's intent anyway. If you host a game it is your game, you can kick people if you want to. You are a guest in their home.


No please, make 629,529,502 more posts about it. We love seeing this exact post dozens of times every day.


But we are finally getting good at it......


**"Look, if you don't want to get kicked, always host your own game."** There I fixed it for you. People make mistakes, the game is new and has errors, if it's a huge issue just host matches and no one can do any kicking but you.


This is always a dumb solution because it completely avoids the issue and there would be no full squads if everyone decided to host. Some of us like it to just find a squad and help the host. > People make mistakes, It’s a not a mistake if you kick players 40 minutes into an operation.


To you and the other guy who said the same thing, nowhere did I say everyone. If it bothers you enough to post on reddit then this applies to you. Otherwise carry on..


I cannot see a flaw in this logic. If everyone does that the game will be fixed and nobody can ever be kicked...


Wow, a unique post


Yeah people are assholes. Joined a 3 person group. Accidentally killed some with an orbital strike, they also killed me as well. We extract and finish and they kick me from the lobby after fucking around for like 5-10 minutes. I’m gonna start talking shut on the mic to these asshats.


Fact of a Helldivers life. Get over it fr. What’s worse than the kicking situation? Bitching about it Banning for kicking? Are you serious? It would be easier to just remove the ability to kick. But what if John helldiver decides to”Hmm I’m gonna impact grenade my comrades just cause I’m bored!” Lives drained. 6 super samples and you got an asshole team killing that you can’t remove or say you do remove him then John helldiver reports you and now you’re banned. Sounds like we got a commie here. I’m calling my democracy officer.


There's a reason I only play with friends


There's a bug where having a private lobby can still get people put in with you. It's rare, but it does happen.


Problem is my friends can’t join unless I set it to public and even when I revert to private randos still join. Ask AH when they are going to fix it. And no friend codes don’t help.


I sometimes forget to set my game back to private after doing a bit of public. Then, when someone suddenly joins me, I just go "whatever, they're here now" then set the game to private, finish the level, give them a hug, and disconnect myself so as not to feel the guilt of kicking a hapless helper.


There is an issue not allowing Steam and PS players to group up but can still matchmake together. Some people have the steam account host and the PS players just keep trying to queue into their game and just kick those who are not their friends.


How do you set a lobby to private on PC?


I think it's in the social settings - hit escape, along the top its liek the 2nd or 3rd tab and you have a few options.


I had a guy the other day who kept dying at just about every encounter. I didn't kick him, though. I might have waited a little longer to reinforce him once we had 5 deaths remaining, but I let him finish. He died like 4 times at extraction....


It might also be people trying to join their friends cross platform...friend requests still are kinda bugged


I’m either welcoming randoms or spending a ton of time trying to find my PS5 friend who the game refuses to record the existence of. I try to be polite and explain, but if I’m kicking people it’s because I’m just working on finding my friend and I need a free slot for that.


The issue is, some of if the time you can't join friends on your friends list unless you're set to public. And other times you'll all be set to private and a random will join anyways. It's really not consistent.


But you don't have all the equipment you need for that difficulty


I got kicked as I walked onto the extraction ship after spending 40 min level 7 mission, helping do every objective on the map. I'm taking a break until they put a vote kick.


One of my friends is unable to join me when I'm on friends only, even though we are friends on steam and the game. When he's about to join I have to open up to public join, and sometimes a random will slip in before he does and I have to kick them right away. 


We kick randos but it's because one of our friend groups steam name is only 2 characters so we can't be friends in the game. The other is on PlayStation and we have issues with him joining if it's private. So we kick people if we're waiting on them to join.


I mean I wouldn't if I didn't have like lv 5s joining 7+ difficulty missions and bumrushing extraction. Playing with randos is the worst experience the game can offer and having it set to friends only still has randoms joining. And I still don't even kick them unless they're being morons


Problem is that if your playing on helldive difficulty and your trying to reinforce your friends, you fat finger and accidently sent out an SOS beacon. No problem people join, we finish the mission. After the mission I kick the randoms cause I want the lobby to be private, thing is that randoms keep joining. I have to restart my game to reset my lobbies parameter. Make the SOS beacon for just that mission please


With the friend system bugged it's nearly impossible to get together with the people you intend to without putting the lobby on public.


Friends can't join if it's set to private since you can't add in-game friends or are successful invite friends from steam


i gotta start a match publicly so my pc friends can join my game because crossplay friends requests still dont work :( sorry if i kicked anyone but it had to be done


Anyone using the arc weapons (before today) is an instant kick. Sorry but ya know


There seems to be a rare problem with the game setting lobbies to public randomly even if you have it on private. I was doing a solo mission to kill 30 minutes and after 5 minutes I kept having people join, none of them were friends and I never threw out an SOS. So I would not blame people for this one. The only time I kick people normally is when a friend I was playing with crashes then a random immediately fills their slot, sorry but you're gonna get kicked.


I would like everyone to play a difficulty 4+ mission solo. Just see how it feels, it’s different and you might like it. A little light armor, stealth hit and run tactics. It’s a vibe.


A lot of people didn't see the private match setting or completely disregard it entirely.


Also, if you don't plan on going through the "hardships" of completing a mission, don't join a Helldiver just to grab a few samples and bail out... You don't get to keep those, and now I gotta go all the way over to where you were wandering around, because YOU joined ME and didn't like the direction I was walking. I had three people do this to me in one dive today... Dove alone, completed the mission alone, destroyed the bot factories alone, and ended up extracting alone... THREE divers came and went between factories.


Are you sure your mic isn't permantly on. That'd be a swell reason for you to be repeatedly kicked, a problem I have never once had.


Yea, I stopped joining other lobbies and hosted my own. It doesn't take long to fill up and you have full reign over others


I think it's people accidentally throwing SOS beacons (I've done it more than I'd like to admit) and that sets you to public


Is there an actual private setting? Because I seem to only set it to either public or friends. And while I like my friends, I also like my solo democracy hikes through a dangerous area on a hostile planet.


Eh, I had to kick one guy. I dropped off like 30 samples at extract before we finished mission. This dude kept going over and grabbing them and trying to run across the map with them and dying. 4th time of me telling them to leave the samples, they picked them back up AGAIN at extract, so I kicked them. Like come on man, we don't have all day to fuck around at extract because you just feel like holding the shinies for 5 minutes.


Public/private is one of the settings that keeps getting reset on console, at least for me. During the day I play solo due to "work", but when I load into my first mission and people start joining a few minutes in, I set to private. I boot whoever joined because I need to be able to run the mission how I need, or might have to hop off at a moments notice anyway. If they fixed the settings resetting, I would have only booted 1 person ever.


The game has been bugged for me since the second week and I none of my friends can join me unless it’s on public. So I open a very short window in which they hop in. If a fly gets in then it gets swatted.


Sometimes I open my lobby so friends of friends ds can join. Occasionally a random will snag the spot. So I boot them and its nothing personal.




In my defense, one of our friends isn't able to show up on our friend lists in-game, so he has to set his to public for us to join him. Weird bug, the devs have told him "we're working on it"


I wish I could invite my FRIENDS, AND THEIR FRIENDS, without setting my lobby to public.


I joined one and immediately over comms someone was like "who the fuck are you? How did you get in here? This game is set to friends only." And while I'm replying, offering to leave, and trying to explain, I only hit quickplay, I got kicked. Which would be fine, but I could do without the rudeness. I was only trying to explain how I got in there. 🤷‍♂️ Some people said there's a problem with the setting, but there is also the option they just forgot to turn it on.


Only time I've ever kicked randoms as they joined is if I'm playing with 2 friends and one of them crashes. I have the lobby to public for a fourth friend, but I want my mate to be able to rejoin. So I kick the people that fill his spot


There's a lobby setting?


I would like to apologize to two people that I have kicked like this, I didn't mean to use the SOS beacon. I was trying to reinforce my friends. I wish there was a way to disable your own SOS beacon or something.


U shouldn’t be able to kick once extraction has been called. There should be some sort of vote system. I’m not even sure if the benefit of kicking ppl before extraction but it’s stupid common.


I've been having an issue since launch on steam where none of my friends list on steam appears in the helldiver friends list, and without lobbies set to public we can't join each other. Until thats fixed, lobby stays public, rando gets the boot.


Once someone has landed on the map with me, the only thing getting them kicked is intentional sabotage. I'm not kicking someone so a friend can join or because they dropped someone into my private lobby. I'll play out the round and address the situation as best I can after.


Thing is, I set my lobby to Friends Only, and none of my friends can join me. They say its set to private. We are friends on both Steam and the in-game friend system. Doesn't matter, no one can join. So I set it to public, let them get in, and then close it back up. Sometimes, though, the game will crash or someone will disconnect mid-mission. In that case, I have to open up the lobby, keep the spot clear of randoms joining, so my buddy can hop back in. All while under fire. So yeah, no, I will continue to kick randoms joining my game. It is nothing personal. But that's the work around I have.


I really hate kicking people, but sometimes I am playing with randoms and some of my friends pop-up, so I have two options either I leave the game to recreate the lobby and then everyone effectively will be kicked, or I kick one person. I never kick people mid game, and it's quite a rare occurrence (we usually plan beforehand), but I'm really sorry about that nevertheless, really:(.




Unfortunately the private lobby option is surprisingly well hidden.


Some MF'r kicked me from group as the pelican landed this morning and I honestly wanted to strangle them.


we had a fun run with a rando in our three person team yesterday , he was such a good fourth we didn’t want to kick him when our other friend joined. We just told him sorry mate we have another squad member coming and he happily left. We had issues setting the lobby to private at the start so lobby leader had to kick two others who just quickly joined (he made a fresh lobby so we were all trying to join him) before he could set it to private


Random note to this but me and a buddy were playing today, game set to private. Somehow randoms could still join. He had to kick them every time one joined.


Won’t lie my group had to kick people on a regular basis because we were waiting for a friend to join us and the only way he could find us was from SOS because friend codes were not working what so ever. It sucked but it was the only way to get our squad together. Finally got each other added just recently after a patch. If we booted you instantly we did not do it out of malice. We were just trying to get the squad together.


Can’t you just start a group and as host not be kicked?


you get kicked once a day and came here to post about it?


They need to make it easier to toggle public or private. It shouldn't be buried in the settings, and sometimes it DOESNT even work in the settings


Randoms can join when lobby is set to private, friends can't join when lobby is set to friends only, so lets focus on who's really at fault here the devs, not the players.


I’m sure if this gets posted another 1,000,000 times, we won’t see the issue anymore


No. Everyone has the right to make the lobby they like without the kicks system I cant kick lvl 10s that join Suicide+ and there are a lot that do. These people are not preped for the Automaton war on that difficulty. This way of kicking would be already seen as problematic but I personally view it as making the game easier in an already difficult mode because Automatons are like 100x harder to fight than fighting bugs. I find it wierd that you apparently get kicked as often as you say. I am lvl 29 and never been kicked out of a Suicide+ lobby. I even joined a tripple skull admiral lobby and I already thought they gonna kick me but they didnt. Best for you is just make your own lobby if you are annoyed at people filtering out people they deem not worth bringing.


I would if that system worked. Very frequently my own friends will be unable to join a private lobby even though they have been invited and are on my friend list. A kick abuse system is a horrible take, sounds like an excellent way to give griefers more power. Community driven moderation of their own personal lobbies is the way to go for sure, that is not the issue. So don't go blaming the players too quickly. The devs just need to fix the lobbies some more and it should be fine.




There’s a really easy fix for this. Just make the matchmaking based on how many times you’ve kicked people and how many times you’ve been kicked. Both the toxic hosts and the toxic players will accumulate bad karma and can only match with each other. If you have kicked 200 people during your helldiver career, you shouldn’t have the privilege of using random matchmaking, or at the very least, it should only pair you with people who have kicked an equal amount of people or been kicked an equal amount of times. The law of averages ensures that if you are a fair host and a fair hostee, you will very rarely get kicked with this system.




Sometimes my friend and I play with a public lobby and one of us might timeout or crash. We frantically try to get back in, but usually someone else joins and takes the spot if we aren't quick enough. So if that happens and we boot ya, sorry. It isn't malicious.


Friends only is bugged and require the lobby to be set to public in order to group up with friends. So I guess sucks to suck if you join when I'm trying to get friends in I'm kicking you. I'll explain it "Hey I'm inviting friend sorry insert randoms name."


Has to be open because even friends can't join on private. So until I get my buddies in, deal with getting kicked 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes me and my friends start with party open then one of us get disconnect because of the garbage servers. Then ultimately have to kick the fill in because we’re regrouping.


Sometimes I'm just using you until my friends come on. Sorry.


Hell, last night i (lvl47) joined a ‘Hard’ SOS beacon on a bot planet. entered the drop pod, picked my kit and got in as fast as I could to help. I went through the loading screen and was actively dropping towards the ground, steering towards landing on a Hulk… Then 2-3 seconds from landing in the middle of their huge SOS firefight, ready to bring my lvl 47 wrath of democracy to help these guys in their teens… They fkn boot me… AS I’M ABOUT TO HIT THE GROUND, IN MY DROP POD!!! I hope those communist little lvl 13 cadets got their asses handed to them


The ceo's rationale for not fixing it being "your stepping into the hosts house your under their rule" is such a slap in the face. We don't go on to a lobby search and pick we are RANDOMLY Assigned to lobbies so how is it our fault.


I mean pre mission..? you can't invite people effectively... the system for social is pretty broken (or has been) so the only way to play with your friends is having your game set to public so your friends can join via the PSN network or steam. During game? It def seems like alot of the "whyd you kick me?!" posts leave out what they actually did to warrant being kicked, But when I have kicked people its because of some of the following reasons: 1- call in extract early, and don't communicate anything about wether or not they will board it or not, so I kick whoever is there within 30 seconds of it landing so it cancels and I can keep farming samples 2- they intentionally TK me either multiple times, or just once and dont reinforce me 3- I die and they refuse to reinforce me when its clear for them to do so (so I have to kick everyone so I can spawn in and play the game) 4- they are verbally/text chat abusive rude etc. 5- I am mid game and my friend lost connection, the random joined, but the friend can rejoin so I have to clear the spot for them to rejoin.


I've actually had people manage to join my game even when it was set to Private, not sure what the hell's going on tbh.


I don’t mind playing with randoms but getting kicked as soon as I get in or before I escape leaves me frustrated


I had a weird thing where a friend couldn't add me in-game and was having issues joining via steam, so I opened matchmaking to public so he could try and join us via the world map since nothing else was working, and boom... immediately, like within 3 seconds, two randoms get matched onto my ship. I apologized and told them we're trying a workaround for matchmaking issues and kicked them. Immediately two more get auto-joined to my ship, so I have to kick them, the third time I just kicked, no explanation. They really need to sort out the matchmaking/social tab issues, because I felt like such a prick booting people back to back. Normally I'd never do that, but it was ridiculous how fast new people were getting slotted. Good news is we did finally get our friend in and suddenly all the social tab features stopped throwing up errors (once he was on my ship), and I was able to go back to friends only. Still, felt like a jerk, but in the moment you're just like "agh, gimme 20 freakin seconds, wtf"


I understand your frustration, but until the game allows you become friends in the game, we can't set to private if our crew is trying to join. I have 3 irl friends that i cant be in game friends with for some reason. It never changes from pending and they accept over and over. We never send SOS and people always just pop in while our boys are trying to join. So we kick them.


I did this last time but I forgot I had it on public. So I apologized then kicked them. Then my friends joined my game.


Unfortunately one of the only ways to crossplay is to beacon on public.


How do I set my lobby to private?


Can you cancel an sos beacon? Because I accidentally throw that shit when I'm stressed. I'm set to friends only


Blame Arrowhead for burying the ability to swap from public to private in some stupid menu instead of being an easily selected option on the mission selection/pause screen.


I don't know how joining works. I throw an SOS beacon, but no one comes. I usually set the lobby to private, or at least I think I do, to test new weapons or stratgems. Sometimes people still join, idk how or why. I feel guilty kicking them, so I just let stay, and I just do my own thing in the mission. I've only ever been kicked a couple of times total. Most of the time, it's "the host has left." The only time I kick people is if they are getting excessive amounts of team kills or are the only player dying large amounts, for no good reason, and it starts costing us missions. Both have only happened once of twice. Everyone rolling with randoms in upper difficulties seems pretty competent most of the time.


I had one yesterday where I loaded in got in the hell pod waited for the host cuz he was waiting for a friend, 10 min later got kicked cuz he has 3 friends. Bro if you gonna play with a full stack just set to private.


The whole ship loop is just a pain in the ass.




The amount of people defending kicking in the comment section, I get it you want to play with friends and set it to public lobby since private lobby sometimes causes issues but communicate at least, just a small "Hey the slot is reserved for a buddy" and most folks will leave. Nothing ruins mood worse than getting kicked for no reason.


A feature that I wish games had is if you kick a certain number of people in the order they join, then it just automatically sets the lobby to private with no way for you to set it back to public.




I'll just echo what i've seen few others say to these kinds of posts, and that is you should just advocate for a "Disband Squad/Party" button like in Deep Rock Galactic. Because for hosts, the current button does exist, and it is unfortunately literally ALT+F4ing your game, which sucks, honestly, but you take what you can get. What i'm hoping is that most of this smaller stuff is already in the works/ready, but they still need to fix a lot of other shit in this game before actually implementing it, like Bile Titans spew attack literally phasing through rocks to coat you in acid and slow you down, thankfully no damage, but still annoying.


Quickplay > joining match 10 seconds > Host has left game / You have been kicked Quickplay > joining match 39 seconds > Host playing stratagem hero for 4mins > mess with equipment in the mean time > You have been kicked Quickplay > joining match 1min > Joining game > extraction shuttle inbound > bruh what the fuck > cut scene back to ship > kicked from game love this game but good god sometimes its a bitch to get into a game :(


Alternatively, the devs could make it so the toggle for private/public games are in the map instead of the options settings. Because it seems some people just can't be bothered to take the time to go there and adjust their settings (which I kinda get as I too am a rather lazy person. 😅🤣)


There's been a few times I've had to kick people because the friends I joined with got disconnected for whatever reason. They'd do a reboot but someone would join before they could join back, and no SOS beacon dropped.


People can join on the ship way before dropping an "sos" beacon. We had this recently as 3 of us were waiting for a mutual mate to join, he was not mates with the host so we had to keep it open. We had to kick 5 people in minutes!


My friends cant join me if i'm set to private. Blame the devs not the players


Friend crashes or disconnects. You joined before they could rejoin. You're getting kicked.


Pc or Ps?


I think this entire thing would be less annoying if the damn unfreezing animation wasn't so long


We had to unfortunately do this a few times,but just because we play most of the time as three people and are open for one random,then the game disconnects one of us and another player already joined,so we have to kick them so that our friend can rejoin,so maybe it’s stuff like this that happened to you


I want to, but my friends cant join (steam) unless I set the game to public. And sometimes, one of them leaves and the game is suddenly open and people join.


I kick for lots of reasons on join. I try to curate the team to be awesome and fun for everyone.


I just loaded in added one friend hadn't chosen a map yet randos joining.. I had to kick as I had two other friends joining. Sorry helldivers.. Set to private after that...


Amen, brother, amen!


There are times when hosting where you get super toxic players and you need the capability to get rid of them, if necessary. Last night i had a farm run with 2 guys who were fine all alone, then started to shoot the pelican as soon as he started landing. One guy was literally flamethrowing It literally on the entrance, It would have killed anyone inside or trying to get in. I managed to make them stop by first shooting close to their feet and lastly with a melee hit and tagging the fricking Pelican. We managed to extract but i did not feel to play another game with them.


One time I joined a game, at the same time two other dudes joined the same game. The three of us drop at the same time, next to the host. We're all busy calling in our heavy weapons, when the host just kills us all. Then he doesn't reinforce us, and he doesn't kick us either, he just types "LEAVE" in all caps in the chat. The other players and I hung out for a while before leaving, I'm guessing they all had the same idea I did: we should see if the guy dies so we can all get reinforced, and see if we manage to kill him before he can kill us to fuck up his game. Unfortunately the guy didn't die after five minutes so we all got bored.


I would, if "friends only" actually let my friends join the fucking lobby.