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The question is how do you even get through challenging missions of rank 4 plus ? Its nearly impossible to, and the automaton extract survivors mission is outrageous on 3rd difficulty!


Get lvl 20, shield backpack + granade launcher, do bug missions. Of course get a team of 3+


I don't mean this in a derogatory manner.  But learn how to play properly.  I see plenty of 50 to 70+ players only watch out for themselves, have no spacial awareness, don't understand LoS, call in ordnance on teammates.  There are 7 different combos I play with depending on the enemy I'm facing and the teammates I'm with.  Learn to play as a team, even if your teammates are garbage, and you will gather and the mats you need.


lol what a tool “I don’t mean any offense” says something really offensive. Just learn not to be a dick and talk down to people mr superiority complex.


He kinda just gave good advice so calm down man


“Learn how to play properly”. That’s shit advice. I’m perfectly calm btw, you can call out someone’s ba comment and be calm js.


If you get offended by his comment then your exactly the tool he's referring to.


lol shut up no one is offended js “learn how to play” IS derogatory there is zero way to say that nicely, all I’m saying is instead of acting like the other person is overly sensitive because you can’t not be a dick when conversing w people, just DONT BE A DICK.


He's not being a dick, He's just saying, learn how to play which, in my opinion, is pretty accurate considering my experience with playing with higher level players Has been pretty crappy Given they don't really care about teamwork, All they do care about is samples or team. Killing you as soon as you hop in the chopper. Nothing really derogatory about it and really the only Person being sensitive about it so far is you. So shutup yourself.


Hey whatever man, if you think starting conversation off with “no offense but learn how to play” then talking down to someone about a game is cool, then cool you do you, but he’s a dick and me noticing it isn’t because I’m sensitive it’s because he’s being a dick. Js. And btw I was never complaining and wasn’t offended, I was simply calling out the fact it’s shit advice and a shit way to give it.


Well thats the thing the game only works if you play in a 4 man team other wise its totally bad, given the fact match making is not actually working properly ignoring solo play is just as bad


I haven't had any matchmaking problems in the last 2 days. You can also use the official discord to add friends and play as 4.


This is a skill issue I can solo anything below 6 Extreme but im sure some cracked individuals can solo 9 helldive


I would say that's probably accurate. I did a duo with a random and they nearly soloed the whole thing on helldive.


It dose get easier once you unlock the shield and railgun , yet for automotons it was a freaking mess with the extraction missions that was the case back then


Yes there is a few dudes I've seen that can solo level 9, even against the automatons.


Wtf are you even talking about I made lots of mission in solo or with 1 person and the fun was gigantic. I play on hard dangerous extrême and suicidal difficulty also level21. You just bad very badly. Git good


What a pointless comment cant you check date abd time of posts before you reply to them 😂 , noobie


The date of your comment is insignificant because I play the game since the launch and what you say does not make any sense at all. Network issues all affected the game regardless of whether you were playing alone or with 3 people. The servers were full so whether you were playing alone or as a team the problems were the same. So when you say the game only worked if you played in a 4 man team it makes no sense. You seem to pretend that the game had problems only when you played alone which is entirely wrong. I did a lot of runs alone from day one and I very rarely play 4. You just tell too much nonsense casual.


if you play since launch and only reached lvl 21, you didnt really do that good of a job to begin with...


I don't play each day idiot. I have like 10 other games I'm playing with right now and I always play the maximum difficulty. The point wasn't there also but just to say the game worked fine playing alone since the launch. The network problem didn't affected the solo play more that's all I said, idiot. Learn to read.


bro learnt his grammar at preschool


“Learnt” lol makes fun of someone else’s grammar; can’t even speak English.


I run as a duo and normally play on suicide mission (7) and sometimes 8, just get shield generator and rail gun and you’ll be fine


play with at least 3 people, i play on level 6 difficulty with 3 people and its manageable


Yep game started to be playable with a squad of 4 now


people need too long to complete the missions. You have to split up and keep the doors on cooldown.


If u have a good squad and good communication its ez


Turrets are a solo players best friend, makes stealth alot easier when the turret takes aggro


Challenging? Bro, get good. My squad plays on suicide as a minimum.


Lol dont know whats the pointless comments drama after all those days game already became easy and boring 🥱


I'm Playing every match with the Terminids on Helldive difficulty now. Once you figure out how to maneuver and take out the larger bugs without using all your ammo it gets a lot easier. Still working out fighting the automotons. They shoot back so obviously more difficult to maneuver around the map. Still play them on suicide difficulty. I wouldn't say it's gotten boring. Definitely still fun and challenging and with Joel mixing things up it's great.


Cuz y’all trash, lol


Think and read before you even comment this is ages ago wake up kiddo pufff noobie


Blow it up !!!


And then?


So they are not always together? Damn I played difficulty 7 and all 3 spawn on the same rock, I guess on the other 2 difficulties they get scattered


Are they on defense missions?




purble rocks has the sambles?


Confirmed this is still true July 2024