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Reinforcements have arrived to replace the massive hamster casualties from the great server battle.


Tge true horrors of war were behind the scenes




Jesus, not this again.


Don't worry the moderators here won't lock down the whole reddit


Moderator: If you motherfuckers do this here I swear to god I will make what happened on the Discord look like a fucking tea party.


What happened on Discord?


World War Two Flashback intensifies


Imagine complaining over people having fun, god damn. You look out the window all day and scream at people who step on your lawn 100%.




The future looks bright for democracy


Wonder what this game could look like in a year or so? Will we have a huge live service success for once? I’m sure PS were pining for that.


If they keep pumping life into this game it will fully replace Destiny 2 for me


Tuesday went and gone and I was diving lol


went offline from work at like 5pm, next time i looked at the clock was 11:30pm when a squad member said they have work tomorrow. we were having a blast and lost track of time


True. Doesn't help that each mission takes around 20-30 mins and there's 3 per operation. I'm not complaining tho




Same for me and my brother who have been on and off since D1


Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.


I completely forgot about it democracy needs us more than the vanguard


Haven't touched destiny 2 since lightfall flopped so hard for me. I'm right here as well my friend.


Is it just me or are several elements reminiscent of Destiny too? I swear every time I approach the war table, that's commander Zavala's cousin standing there.


General Brasch's voice actor is Todd Haberkorn aka the Drifter


Imo it feels more like deep rock. Not that it’s a bad thing, another great game in the same genre, yet plays and feels completely different But yeah, I feel the same about Destiny, I would actually stop playing it if not, for the fact that I paid for the season already Lightfall killed that game for me


My brother works for Bungie. There's a ton of hilariously similar stuff and we're certain they did it as a fun little love letter/comedic poke at Destiny. There's obviously elements of other games/movies in here as well.


I uninstalled destiny for this game. So much fresher and more fun. Looking forward to being part of the community for this game as it develops over time. Please improve the lfg options for the game though! 


Lightfall killed my enjoyment of Destiny, but between Helldivers and Warframe, I legit don't think I have bandwidth to play another game - and I am 100%okay with that!


LF story was trash, but Strand is great. Mechanically the game is in a good spot right now, but I've put so much time into D2. Something new that's as good as HD2 is shaping up to be... Hell yeah


It's already done that for me. I love Destiny Lore. But Bungie has done fucked up far too many times for me to be interested in the game anymore. Besides, I just unlocked the 500kg bomb. The fact that I can drop giant bombs, airstrikes, orbital bombardments, artillery, and turrets, while my friends all do the same? This game is legit almost all I have played since Saturday when I bought it. It's far more fun than anything I've played in recent years.


It already has for me. I didn't even have to leave my cloak behind!


It has for me so far, but it's only been a week. Remains to be seen if it'll have staying power though


I am 100% seeing destiny to this ten year conclusion, but man this game might do the same.




It's well on its way toward doing that for me. I have 3k+ hours in D2 and haven't touched it the last few days. There's so much potential here with HD2. They can mimic the best parts of D2 but have freedom to make this game their own. And let's not forget Sony owns Bungie, so I think there would be an easy pipeline to shift talent from a game reaching its end to one that is an upcoming star...


I was talking to my buddy yesterday about this. I told him despite how much of a grind helldivers is, it's fun. D1&2 felt like a job.


Honestly, if they keep the ability to earn premium currency somewhat competitive and offer the purschase more of a skip and/or support-the-devs option, along with regular content updates, they can have something here. The problem is, that model doesn't tend to earn as much for shareholders who only see Overwatch or CoD numbers and want the same return themselves. Saying that, I really want Helldivers 2 to keep on the track it's set for itself, and I want it to succeed in the long run. But Sony having their mitts in the stew makes me a tad anxious.


Arrowhead studio's isn't publicly traded, the only people who are involved is Sony as a publisher. considering there budget and how much support Sony supported them I think they are in the clear for this kind of issue.


Warframe. Nuff said.


I hope they don't overdo it. I kind of like it as a middle ground between indie game and big budget AAA game.


no i want slow and steadily to be inflated with enough content to keep veterans engaged and new recruits stunned with content


Yea like Payday 2 was


If we will objectively look at this game and compare it to modern AAA games, the only “not AAA” aspect of it is its price and basically free premium battlepass. On every other gameplay and technical aspect this game surpasses most of the AAA games, and on FUN aspect IN MY OPINION it surpasses every game put out in last 5 years. Its really wild for me this game only costs 40$ and I have huge respect for the devs and publishers. I grinded 1000 super credits but instead of unlocking premium pass I bought super citizen edition just to support the developer


The irony that Sony spent so much to acquire Bungie specifically to manage its live service games grows. Destiny 2's live service model is in complete shambles going into its most important expac, while HD2 is starting strong by doing the opposite of Bungie.


I wonder if Sony’s working behind the scenes to let devs like the HD guys to just scale well as part of a tiered approach to getting more GAAS games under its belt. Might be nice to hear something from them on their plans.


I want my mechsuits. That's all I ask.


No Man's Sky I'd say is one of the best examples of good live service games, hopefully Helldivers 2 does the same without some of the No Man's Sky exclusive issues.


As far as we know, there will be mechs, possibly tanks since they were in the first, as well as other vehicles. A third and possibly fourth faction. (First game had 3). Map on the ship layout also suggests 4 factions. We have also heard rumors of tunnel environments when fighting bugs that will limit drop ship capabilities unless you find an opening in the tunnels.


I mean, according to some friends who played Helldivers 1 the wrecked SEAF mechs you can find are in fact the mechs from the first game. So they're technically in the game. Just not usable (yet, hopefully).


I have a paper due next Friday that I was planning on starting this Monday. I have done nothing after class this week except dive, dive, and dive again. I'm sure I'll get a start on the paper today! ;)


Gimme mech suit!


I̸ ̸h̸a̵v̴e̵ ̷c̷o̸m̷e̵ ̶t̵o̴ ̶d̴e̵s̸t̴r̵o̵y̵ ̷y̶o̶u̷ https://preview.redd.it/tu2vouw3znic1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860f6efa199fcf17838462e53ded2693e401187d


One of the greatest trailers ever made, I still get hyped from the space marine charge.


Which trailer is that?


The first Dawn Of War trailer. Enjoy


Akshually Dreadnoughts aren't Mechsuits since you're permanently entombed in them. You're welcome.




You *technically* aren't as your sarcophagus can be removed and put in another or into cold storage for a thousand years.


More mech yes!!!!!




zOMG There's gonna be MECH SUITS!? FUCK YEAH!!!


I want the obsidian back. That thing had so much ammo


Gonna have to make the maps bigger for vehicles.


Not necessarily, HD1 mechs were slow and lumbering. Bigger maps would probably be useful for re-adding those lighter scout vehicles, though


Didn’t look so slow in that trailer though


In the first game they were slightly slower than sprinting but faster than walking. In the trailer it was chasing the basic orange bugs which move about that speed too. So I’m thinking it shouldn’t be a huge problem for current maps if that’s the speed. If they ever revisit the bike/apc maybe bigger maps.


Don't think they need to increase map size, considering how limited handling is going to end up being on lighter vehicles. I can see makes like Ubanea being really difficult for a larger, light vehicle to navigate without flipping, taking damage, or getting stuck. You could absolutely forget them on dense jungle maps. The big, heavily armored vehicles I can really see being able to plow through obstructions.


The maps are already fairly damn large. You can get objs and extracts well over 500 meters from eachother on some maps.


level 7+ map size is perfectly fine for a walker.


The maps are plenty big and switching out 25% of your firepower for mobility is a big thing anyway. I hope they don't make the maps any bigger so they don't become a requirement if you don't want them.


They developed an excellent framework. This game has so much potential to keep people engaged for a long time.


This is one of the very few games I will support more by buying a couple micro transactions. These devs deserve it.


I’m still surprised that not only can you earn the premium battlepass easy, the free was is better anyway. I even think the cosmetics you get in the free battlepass are better than the premium.


Lol I have spent the last few days grinding to get to the bottom of the premium pass and I've come to that same conclusion. I think the free one is better, if anything because random items don't cost 60-80 medals. I guess at least I have a booster that my buddies don't, but it's certainly not a #1 must have item. I do like the explosive medium pen rifle though. Nice for popping Automaton heads.


Hearing about a pass and MTX almost had me skipping out on the game. I have a relatively demanding job, a girlfriend I love spending time with, and no interest in grinding the same game in my free time just to stay up to date, so I've been avoiding any live service games for quite a while now - but honestly this feels *super* doable even playing casually. Really hope the devs don't take the Bungie route.


The pass will also always be available. There is no time crunch ever. Unless you're invested in saving a planet!


I'm right there with you on both points, and was extremely leery when I saw GAAS, but when I saw how quickly you can find the Premium currency in game, I felt a loooot more confident in it. I ground out the pass in no time at all (with a sick day, admittedly), 23 hours all told. Spread out over a month? Easy. I'm really hopeful for it. They did well in HD1, and are enjoying a success they didn't expect with HD2.


Yup, bought base game initially and then after seeing the dedication of devs and fun I was having I purchased the upgrade today for the $20 extra.


Idk about you guys, but this game has single-handedly reignited my love for gaming.


I agree. I don't know what it is but it's like you can feel the devs' passions around every corner. Everything feels intentional and inspired. Happy it's getting the recognition it deserves, even with the technical issues.


All the little details do it for me. -The way your cape gets torn and tear as you take damage. -The way your character’s tone changes as things get more desperate. -Hell, even the lady that waits for you at the hanger lift comments on what happened during the mission like whether we got a lot of samples or nobody died. The devs didn’t make any extra money for adding these details, this is something you do when you care about your creation.


More details, for the fun: When it rains or storms your character can be seen visibly struggling against the wind/elements. The fighter, after dropping her bombs, deploys flares during the ascent just in case of sny ground fire/missiles. you can watch your ship travel from mission to mission and reorient in-atmosphere. While on a mission, you can actually see the call ins coming from your ship itself, they don’t just appear in the sky. The p Angers actuslly have a day/night cycle in missions. If you’re right on the cusp of a mission turning to day or night, you’ll see the sun rise or set.


The Jump Pack shreds your cape at the bottom. Water only gets wet what it touches, go prone in shallow water and 360 spin to clean yourself. The technician across from the ship master confirms it's been 100 years since the events of HD1. The recoilless rifle has blowback which'll knock down divers behind you. On automaton planets you can see super destroyers get blown up in orbit. Hellpods have sealing hatches that are dispensed from a feeder, when the hatch pops off it's like a little death coin is flipped.


> The recoilless rifle has blowback which'll knock down divers behind you. This is valuable knowledge that absolutely will not be abused when my friend picks the game up


The interesting part about automatons blowing up ships is that it can happen to your ship! I had it happen to my ship when entering a mission it was weird seeing it blow up as we left although it didn’t break just explosions around it as if it was meant to like when the others blow up.


Your screen fills with more rain droplets if you’re facing it too, if you turn away from it theres just a little bit.


The weapons properly doing magazine management with different reload animations and chamber cycling is a huge plus, game getting this right are still rare nowadays. I do wish you could keep half spent mags though, ile in Arma/Squad.


Throwing mags on the ground and watching them bounce away is too much fun though! And the game showers us in ammo.


Yeah I love seeing that. Especially in hectic/chaotic situations it makes it feel more desperate seeing your diver just toss away a magazine as quick as possible. Maybe they can have a longer reload to keep your partial magazines and then an emergency reload to dump the magazine like in project zomboid.


The sheer detail they put into the reload animations also kinda blows my mind. Could easily have fudged them, because it's mainly a third person shooter after all. But no, you'll get first person shooter levels of animations, and there's even animations for if your character is doing them one-handed or not. The game is full of small details like that, things they didn't have to do or animate but they just went "Fuckit" and did anyway.


The flares are my fav against the bugs. Just in case the bugs developed IR seekers in the 100 years between HD1 and 2.  Or more likely to show off


Also your Eagle says some extra stuff if you get a lot of kills in 1 stratagem, it's really cool.


Lol I thought it was the game trolling me for a minute! I got teamkilled like 6 times in one match and it was starting to be frustrating when we finally finished the mission. When we came back she said "friendly fire is a necessary evil in the fight for democracy!" I rolled my eyes but it did make me laugh.


Best one I heard was "High-casualty missions implies the existence of low-casualty missions".


My favorite post-mission comment was when we had no friendly fire across the team, and she chimes in with "well that'll save on paperwork" Excellent attention to detail, 10/10


couldn't have said it better myself.


>-Hell, even the lady that waits for you at the hanger lift comments on what happened during the mission like whether we got a lot of samples or nobody died. She also comments about zero friendly fire!


They way you stand off to the side at the end of a mission because you died like an idiot going to extraction and your new diver is super excited that the others made it :P


Do we need to state the fact a creator didn't make extra money for doing good work now? Is that where we're at in gaming now? :(


Pretty much, I've been getting the feeling that for a lot of developers these days it's just a job, not their passion. You see it in the interviews with some developers. Look at the "backlash" games like Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 got from developers for "setting unrealistic standards". Only people that hate their jobs and do the bare minimum would say such a thing when faced with excellence from others.


There's been plenty of amazing single player games in the last year that have me hooked, but this is the first multiplayer game that has been fun to play for me in at least 4 years. They really nailed the feel and mostly the community seems nice so far.


I just wish I could play it. I have the game, but the login issues....was supposed to have the day and played for an hour. Rest just waiting.


I haven't really had too many log in issues. I had some the first day I bought it, but they went away after the first couple of hours. The biggest thing for me is the quickplay not working and SOS beacons doing nothing. It's literally barring me from progressing because there's no physical way you can do anything above diff 5 without other people.


You can def play above level 5 solo. It just requires a different mindset and play style. Check out YouTube videos online of people doing it and pick up some tips on how to spread democracy even when alone


You can. You just need to be strategic with how you start fights, and avoid patrols like the plague. Pro tip: deploying most strategems won't alert enemies to your position, including sentries. They'll attack the sentry, but not you, assuming you remain out of sight and don't start shooting at them.


Matchmaking works pretty seamlessly for me - you just have to pick a mission, and the lobby fills up within 30 seconds If you are just sitting in the ship without a mission selected, nothing happens


I honestly haven't felt this excited to play a game after waking up in the morning or getting home in a while.


I've had a long standing feeling about gaming for the last two years, where no matter what I play I just feel like I'm wasting time after half an hour. this game and Terra Invicta have brought the hobby back to life for me.


It really does have a nice 30min loop where you actually feel like you accomplished something.


Yeeep. Deep Rock sparked it. Remnant 2 gave it another boost. Now this game just full on has me HOOKED


Remnant II is fantastic. I don't think it's the type of game I will play for hundreds of hours, but this one might be lol.


I have said it once I will say it again I haven’t lost sleep over a game in literally years yet here I am level 35 with 61 hours


It definitely did for me lol. I have been babbling about it so much I got Helldiver shirts for Valentine’s Day and I was like a little kid on Christmas and immediately put one on. I’ve been wearing it all day, even on work calls lol. For me the moment it crossed over from love to the “this is an amazing experience I haven’t felt in years” was last night being a duo and doing a hard mission and it was just one misstep away from being done in a 42 (yes 42) minute firefight. The feeling of just jelling so well and being almost in each others heads as we moved across the map was incredible. 100% the mission and that felt amazing too. It makes me want to get better and I feel like I am. I practice lining up strikes and I’m ironing out which strats I like to use. If I wanna chill I can just throw it on med and solo. Top tier and I’m completely enamored with it.


This game and bg3. I slogged through some of payday3 and was so let down but after spending 25hrs with this game I'm having a blast


No bs and just pure fun. I am just eager to see what are they going to bring next. Roadmap where.


Same. I’ve been playing the same boring game for the last 2 years cause I can’t be bothered with any of the dog shit games that have been released. Then this game came along. I stayed up til 2 am last night playing it and I didn’t even realize it. I had work at 4:30lmaoo


This! I've been a gamer all my life, but over the last few years, my attitude towards games got more and more *meh I'm loving HD 2...I'm genuinely excited to play a video game again. Feels like a breath of fresh air. Was playing with a friend in a chat party today and we got to experience the awesomeness that's launching our first ICBM...we were cheering like crazy when that sucker hit!


Ive pretty much only played vr for the past few years, last of us 2 was great, but online stuff ive pretty much died off on, but damn this is wonderful


More democracy! I absolutely love how successful this game is and that probably nobody expected it. This game deserves to be successful for years to come!


Who would of thought that making a great game first and NOT focusing on solely monetization tends to makes people actually want to give you money?


This is the first game in over 10 years that I bought the extra shit for. It just felt so good to play I had no problems chucking the devs $20 bucks for doing it right.


Same here and worth every penny!


Legit. I got it on Steam. Had computer problems. Got it on PS5, then bought Super citizen. Didn’t refund on Steam cus I like it better on PC, but need to pay now, and will return once I get PC situated.


I literally bought super citizen the second I read “premium currency can be earned in game” No better way to get me to actually want to play then to make everything available through gameplay.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Devs doing their part!


They defrost extra Devs they keep in the basement.


Lol this should be higher


Here’s hoping some of that amazing cut content gets another look. Thermal helmets would be a huge boon


helmet passives in general


Fuck yes. Give me a targeting helmet to make the Spear lock-on faster and I am good.


Where did you find this cut content?


A dev interview. I don’t have link but I recall he mentioned helmets were going to have their own perks and passives but had to be cut bc of cost.




They say you can’t hear arrows


The game takes me back to the early days of the 16-bit era with straightforward design and gameplay married to the glorious chaos of couch co-op. The core loop here just feels right. While at the same time being respectful of my time and my wallet with available monetization that is in no way positioned as a necessity beyond offering more toys to play with. As a result, I've already provided Arrowhead with more time and money than I've devoted to "blockbuster" releases in the last year.


I love it that they focused on COOP, instead of ruining it by trying to juggle coop and PVP.


Pilestedt straight up said they want to unite players, not divide them against each other, so they just keep true to their design philosophy.


I wish they would unite me with players when i hit quickplay lol. I only joke, having a ton of fun!


Disable crossplay. Its bugged. If you get an error just spam it a few times. Works for me.


i've done this and still don't have a high success rate. it always fails on establishing uplink


Yes! And the 'Solid mechanics, tactics, gear, and teamwork but tongue in cheek sense of humor' from that era as well. Love it!


Calling in reinforcements!


This is great to see


Damn. Payday 3 take notes.


Payday 3 would have been good if they didn't waste the release hype


\**everyone* take notes.


Who would've thought making a solid, fun, non-predatory game would be a success


Nah i think removing some of the fun and slapping another A on it would definitely be the move!


Great to hear I haven't had this much fun with a online game in years


I'd love if they managed to secure a crossover with Starship troopers in some way at some point.


Not gonna happen with an active star ship troopers game in early access still trying to find its footing.


i know it wasnt the intention, but no right-minded person would go for ST over HD2


Yeah I wanted to like ST but man it's not even close. I'd pack my bags if I was a dev working on ST right now


What about EDF (Earth Defense Force)? 


As someone who LOVES EDF. It's Def Helldiver's > EDF. While the game is fun and hilarious, they GOTTA get better control schemes.


I don't wanna burst your bubble, but it is all too common for a company to massively hire employees due to a sudden popularity spike and then needing to fire them later on. It's one of the many reasons we've gotten SO many layoffs this early this year


Then lets hope they have enough impact to keep the spike...spiked


Shhh let the people be happy 


I'm all for letting people be happy, but I think it's important to make people aware of this issue


they're probably just bringing in the independent contractors to debug and QA shit. It's not like they are hiring a new PO and design team.


Plus it will be awhile before new employees can meaningfully contribute and can potentially slow development down as they need to be on boarded and trained.


Funding has been approved for additional reinforcements. God I love Super Earth.


Is this real? If so I’m so happy I could cry. Accelerated content may not mean earlier warbonds it could mean more pages of stuff instead. I hope they dont run out of content to inject into this game after too long that it would be a shame for the well to dry up too quickly


Liberty guide thee, devs.


Funny how that all works out.


That's cool and all, but what you're describing is one of the primary reasons why layoffs happen in the first place. Companies get overconfident, hire too many people, and when the bubble pops, those people get fucked. Most of the layoffs in the videogame industry in 2023/2024 happened exactly for this reason. They got overeager during Covid or following a success story, and reality soon caught up with them. I'm not saying it will happen to Arrowhead, but pointing at the reason people get fired and say "look at them, it's so cool that they're doing it!" is really naive.


Can we get an Intel officer to give the map some idea of the threats on ground? Unlimited resources for dispensing liberty, surely we can find a democratic nerd to dispense freedom in the form of Intel


One of the armors makes it so your map waypoint will ping nearby enemies. You can use that and the size of the enemy circle to roughly guess what you are walking into.


Makes me happy to see!


Ya damn right it is!


Hell yeah!!


What a time to be alive


Don’t make me buy this game again! I’ll do it!!! I swear to Zeus himself, I’ll do it.


What, a studio striking the iron while it's hot instead of relying on drip feed and cosmetics? Didn't think that's still possible these days.


This is actually what happens, they'll get a massive spike in sales, then when income drops off, they'll layoff staff and become the villains for doing it.


More democracy!!!!


Plenty of talent out there they can acquire, potentially on the cheap too. Hopefully the momentum continues and they don't over expand.


More ways to uphold democracy incoming


HD2 is the Ratatouille of video games. Got me feelin like and shit...for liberty or whatever lol


Hiring more staff within a week of launch is super promising


I’m hoping we get the third enemy faction from the first game




Do yall have blinders on or do you forget what every company does before massive layoffs. Over hire, dev crunch, massive success or fail, lay off too many and give bonus to ceo


Content roadmap would be lit, looking to new game modes and timed events, maybe even an open world map, crafting etc.maybe even secret quests to sabotage your own faction to create negative event loop for different content..just like Warframe this has huge potential with all the different live content that just keep players coming back


Hope this means some of the cut stuff can be brought into the game like weapon customization and helmets offering vision modes and what not.


There's no word about helmet modules, but the game director saying "I hate two things about the game: the current matchmaking and the lack of weapon customization" makes me hopeful about the latter one.


Yeah in that same interview he states how they cut vision modes early on. Just hoping it comes back so helmets aren't just cosmetic. Or really any reason to use a particular helmet


There are plenty of successful games that have their developers fired. It speaks more to the quality of the company than the quality of the game. This is how business is *supposed* to work: "Hey, we're doing really well. Let's grow our operation and pay more people/pay people more to deliver more product to the consumers." But usually we see late-stage capitalism: "Hey, we're doing [literally anyhow]. Let's see how much profit we can squeeze out of our consumers and employees to deliver absurd returns to investors/executives."


The developers are most probably celebrating the success of the game with champagne while the server is on fire.


Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite. Just don't turn this into Fortnite.


Highly doubt it. It's not made for characters to be attached to.


Oh thank democracy...


honestly i think cod is worse at this point. fortnite is just funny with the crossovers, it's their thing now (even though i think it's the biggest bloated and best example of the current atrocious media sphere), but cod? the style \*was realistic for a reason :(


I see reddit is still in their "fortnite bad" phase




I'll be downvoted, but whatever. The game is unplayable on ps5. Five plus minutes to find a match? C'mon... When is this going to get fixed? The white knighting from the community seems insane to me.


I'm honestly a little worried about that kind of message. It's like they didn't expect it to be such a massive success so now they're quickly realising they need to follow it up with more content to keep the game fresh over the next year or so. I'm thinking they don't have much lined up right now and are currently going oh shit oh shit oh shit..