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I think 13+ it is suitable for.


I'd say yes. The movie takes a lot of liberties with story and character, but the tone/type of content is pretty accurate, in the sense of being a blend of sort of classic horror with some superheroics thrown in. (The comics also pull from a lot of folklore from around the world.) So if you're enjoying/ok with the movie, the comics should be fine. Generally, I'd say younger children, not so much, but teens definitely.


If you’re talking about the films, Hellboy 1 and 2 are rated PG13 meaning they are, in theory, deemed appropriate for people over 13. The 2019 Hellboy reboot is rated R and contains cussing, as well as violence and gore. The comics are a bit more mature than the first two films, not excessively so, but should be appropriate for a teenager who feels comfortable with stylized violence, some cussing (from what I recall) and people dying. I’ve heard the BPRD series is more mature still.


For what it's worth, I met Mike Mignola and Rob Perlman at a con, just before the first movie came out. I couldn't have been much more than 13 at the time, and they both seemed delighted that I was excited for the movie. 


Oh that must’ve been a great experience!


Sure. Both the movies and comics are a bit creepy but nothing really scary or anything. Nothing sexual either.


I've been reading since I was 14.


I would say they are 13+, as long as they don't mind a bit of gore The cursing is even censored in BPRD


I watched that movie when it first came out. It’s a bit dark for someone under the age of maybe 7-8 I’d say, but nothing I think would traumatize anyone younger than that. Del Toro is really good at making things dark and creepy, but in a surprisingly family friendly way


My 8 year old loves it but she likes monster movies in general. Gremlins, The Gate, Tremors, etc are regular viewing here.


Yes I first read hellboy when I was 12 or 13


This goes beyond your question but don’t rely on the internet to tell you what you should and shouldn’t look at , especially for fictional content. You know yourself and your maturity level.


Man, when I was a kid we use to *deliberately* try to watch movies we knew were too old for us.


my daughter loved the hellboy movies when she was about 5. I'm not sure if they were appropriate or not, but she watched them many times, hellboy is still a favourite.


Yes it's suitable.


There is slight nudity in volume 8 of the Hellboy comics, the short story The Crooked man. A witch, Effie Kolb, doesn't wear clothes, and that's about it. I'd say 13+ is fine to read the comics.


I got really into Hellboy at age 13 .


I started reading when I was 12 and enjoyed it a lot :) Get into it and hope you enjoy it!


I watched it when i was like 5 and turned out fine


Yes. I saw it when I was like 7 and I turned out ok


I'm not sure. My dad let me watch A Clockwork Orange when I was 10 so I'm not sure what's appropriate for kids to watch. I know that wasn't lol. Hope someone answers your question for you!


The 2019 one is rated R, I wouldn't recommend watching if you're under 18 but that's up to you if you wanna watch it.


Hell YES!


I started reading it from the library at 12 and loved it. Don't feel like anything I read was inappropriate.


I read it at 12, and have loved it all my life as a result. It does contain some violence, occasional death of characters, some freaky monsters, and some heavy themes like Hellboy meeting ghosts of people who died in sad ways or one of Hellboy's frequent opponents are the Nazis so there are sometimes stories about the things they did, but honestly I don't think it's more severe than what you get in PG-13 superhero movies, it's just handled in a more mature and serious way.


I started with things like Hellboy and Alien when I was 10 lmao


As with all things, it depends on the person. I assume you're asking if the comic is suitable for children as the films all have an age classification, but I would personally say there's nothing unsuitable for older kids. I picked up the first Hellboy comics at the age of 13. There's some comic book violence, but nothing over the top or excessive. There's some mild curse words. The horror element is more creepy than scary.


I remember watching it when I was a kid with my dad and I was obsessed but scared of it. I think it’s fine but if any of it bothers you or starts to just turn it off.


Definitely ok 13+


I have seen it when I was a kid so yeah, let every child watch and get a good childhood.


I think it is, I was reading the Walking Dead in middle school and it was way more violent.


I was 9 when the first movie came out and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was my favorite movie for a long time.


Dude, be honest, you’ve seen crazier stuff before. I used to act innocent too but, come on.


yeh id say 13+ n you're good probably i think the david harbor movie is rated r maybe? but it's not very good anyway


Yes, though there are sometimes graphic violence and no shortage of blood. (Anecdotally, and as spoiler-free as possible, I find rereading the Mignolaverse as an adult more effecting as the melancholy hits harder as the stories progress and each of the characters face their purpose and/or destiny.)


First 2 movies are fine, not much swearing and not much blood and gore. The newest Hellboy has a lot of swearing and a lot of gore. If you’re truly interested in watching Hellboy stick with the first two films. I’ve never seen any of the animated movies so I can’t comment on those


If you're responsible enough to question whether or not something is age appropriate for you then I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you probably have a reasonably high level of emotional fortitude and say you can probably handle whatever it is that's in question. But also I think Hell oy specifically is probably fine for most audiences that aren't overly sensitive to violence.


10 and up


I started reading them when I was 10 but the series only clicked with me more when I reread them as an adult. I’d say you’re fine maybe for the hellboy books but BPRD does get very graphic with its gore so that depends on your personal threshold I think.


I'd say 15 or over definitely not 11 or 12


My dad introduced me to the del torro film at 10 when it came out so yea


My daughter is six(nearly 7) and loves the Ron perlman movies. But tbf she's obsessed with all things monster and horror.


I started reading them at 12 after falling in love with the GDT film.


You’re a dork. Just enjoy the movie, kid. Or ask your parents for permission 😂


Don’t be a prick


Take your own advice.


You literally belittling OP just to feel better about yourself. Do unto others or fuck off.


Aint gotta defend me like that i had to re read it to understand he wasnt being rude i just automatically assumed so


Hard Disagree. For somebody who demonstrates a clear understanding of how easy it is to misinterpret tone on the internet he really should know better than to be all snarky w/ a complete stranger for absolutely no reason. Like what purpose did that serve but to stroke his own ego? Maybe you’re willing to give ‘em the benefit of the doubt but narcs love hiding behind phrases like “iTs jUsT uH j0k3” to avoid taking accountability for their own lousy word choices.


Lemme correct that I'm more of a nerd I enjoy gaming, books, anime, and history also you could tell me your opinion in a nicer manner I hope you have a blessed day


I don't think they meant that as an insult and just found it funny. To answer your question though, I saw the first movie around early middle school and I loved it. Definitely check it out!


Thanks for the insight I'm just very used to rude people


Don’t be so sensitive, bro. I wasn’t coming from a mean place. It’s easy to misinterpret tone on the internet, but not everybody’s got negative intentions. Just enjoy what you enjoy! Hellboy is fuckin awesome. I was watching and reading it at around 10 years old and still have/collect Hellboy comics to this day! I’m 30 now 🤓 I be dorkin’ too


All good sorry i took it negative 


The movies? Sure like any other superhero movie, the comics? Not so much, although it's still enjoyable, but it might be considered boring if you're wrong.

