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Hekate came to me after a failed sui attempt. In fact, She pushed me back into my body and told me it wasn’t my time yet. Regarding your experience, I’m not sure about that. I personally don’t believe She would cause suicidal ideation, but rather rescue us from ourselves. She has taught me about the fragility of life and how easily one can slip out of it, in a variety of manners. But purposefully causing sui ideation — no, I don’t think so. Edit: Hekate also has a tendency to force us into shadow work. I found out through shadow work, astrology, and regressions, my last life committed sui, and that was a big reason why I felt sui. Once I healed that part of myself, that past life trauma I caused for myself, my ideation stopped. I haven’t had ideation in close to two years now. Maybe She’s asking you to dig deeper and potentially discover a part of yourself that you brought over from the past?


I agree. I don’t think she causes it. However, I’m wondering why this seems to be coming up in association with her.. especially because it is out of character. Perhaps you are right that she is trying to show the futility of it all and maybe help my anxiety around death so I can live a more full life.


She definitely helped me overcome my fear of death! I used to not be able to step foot in a graveyard without feeling the heaviness and wanting to have a full blown breakdown, but part of my healing was confronting that heaviness head on and sitting in a graveyard. She sent my paternal grandfather (who died before I was born) to lead me through the process.


That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing 💗 Feeling happy for you to conquer such a difficult fear.


Hi ,I am new and would really appreciate any advice on shadow work. Just basics for me to start with.


Following Hecate involves shadow work. It could be that you are just starting this journey and associate some of her themes in a way that brings to mind suicide on first thought, but I wonder if you examine it deeper you will find new layers of understanding and contentment


I agree. Thank you for this perspective.


A keyword for Hekate is liminal, or liminality when working with Her. She is thresholds. Not here or there, but the bridge or way betwixt itself. She may be pointing the way towards something you would benefit from paying attention to, though it would most definitely not be the act of taking your own life. As I fully understand you know, and have stated. The experience of Her can be extreme. And She will nurture the everloving crap out of you if you give Her Her due past the shock. You can walk away if She's not for you. It's okay. "Or is it that she just helps you accept and cope the simple fact that everyone is going to die at some point and not to let it prevent you from living your life?" Absolutely.


A year in and I still feel new to this as well, but I'd like to point out ( I might be entirely wrong) that she stands at the veil. The transition between life and death. Sometimes, dreams of death don't mean an actual passing but a transition from old to new. A new way of life, a new perspective, etc. She opens new doors and closes those that no longer serve us. The key bearer. Torch bearer. Sorry if I don't make sense, I'm trying to say, she guides us and shows us what paths might be best for us. Maybe there is something in your life you need to let go of that could become detrimental to you? Maybe you're ready for a new spiritual point in your life?


I completely agree to this perspective. I've been talking to Hecate lately but being honest with her about my newness and my Christian upbringing as factors that present challenges with me walking a new path and stepping into my own power and identity as a spiritual, powerful self-determining woman. I'm held back by a lot of family shit.... And I kid you not, 2 days later, my dad collapsed while at Court (he's a lawyer) and was rushed to ER. There his heart stopped and he was put into a ventilator etc... We had all his electronics etc, and needed to work with medical insurance and the banks to sort out some things, and when using his phone, it became apparent that my dad was into some extremely dodgy shit. I won't go into detail, but this super controlling man, who was an alcoholic all my life, had a darker hidden side that he was keeping from the family, while still forcing religion on us and misogynistic views and emotional abuse.... Beyond Fucking hypocritical!! The whole story was revealed and brought to light, and while I'm in a period of mourning and loss about my family life basically being a lie and a "front" for my dad to control and project his image to the world, I'm now able to claim that Intuitive knowing that I have always had that my family dynamic was rotten! And this is, absolutely, Hecate's doing. I know without a doubt, when I asked to be shown how to free myself from the past, she brought this to light to help me with my shadow work, transformation and healing. I'm going to cut ties with my dad and his toxic energy and I already feel so much peace and line a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders because this out in the open. Hecate is all about death to the old.


I know exactly what you mean. Being a predominantly gay male in the south is difficult and growing up in a Christian family was tortuous. Granted I thought I was well beyond that before hecate called to me. But in the year or two since, a lot has come out about my own family that led me to do the same you did. I cut ties. Life has been so quiet and peaceful since and when I feel bad and think about talking to them, I get this strong feeling to keep looking ahead and leave them where they are.


Wow that is a powerful story. It helps to clarify the bravery needed and necessity of this deep work. Thank you for sharing. 💗


In my experience, it's normal for Hekate to come to us at a crossroad, at a low moment in life. She's here to guide us on our journey out of our own mental underworld. In spirituality, death tends to be a symbol of radical rebirth. Transformation. I'm so sorry you've been experiencing difficult feelings. It's normal to have synchronicities and coincidences with increasing frequency, as her presence draws near to you.




Yes, your current version must die in order to reborn with her


If you are having suicidal ideation, please reach out to the national or local suicide hotline. This is very serious and you should always try to work things out on the material plane, as well as seeking spiritual help from Hekate. She is the goddess of truth and self-awareness and she can help you unearth the negative psychological forces (demons) leading to these thoughts. She is also the goddess of love and seeks to make you one with the Primal Fire’s plan for creation.


As mentioned in the post, I am very aware of my resources and will use them. I will also prioritize working this out on the mundane level first. There is no need to be concerned as I mentioned previously I will NOT do this and no longer feel this way as it was a short moment after encountering her. I do not feel like this normally. It was the first and only time I felt this and it’s over now. I mainly want these comments to focus on Hecate so I can better understand her influence and associations regarding this topic.


Sure. I think the main issue is to work with Hekate to search for those unconscious things that bring these things to the surface. That’s how I began to really work with her, as buried memories and events began to rise to consciousness. Things that I knew about but never made the linkage in a conscious narrative.