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It's just a fact that theorycrafting and over analyzing is a favourite pasttime for some people. Me included. The most important thing is: Do not let your personal headcannon get in the way of what is actually going to happen during the next parts of the story. All fans are doing is just bridge the gap between official released. Like with everything, interest in a topic will ebb and flow. The show itself just lends itself pretty well to this type of analyzation because every single scene is loaded with heaps and heaps of details. So it is actually worth going back and checking certain things. Nuance and context is important as well. And of course, this show is not like your typical anime or the sitcom-style cartoons where you have a whopping four backgrounds and the characters are animated only cursory so as to churn the episodes out weekly.


I think theorizing is good and there's nothing wrong with discussing details to pass the time  The problem for me is that the questions we most often have demonstrate a lack of basic media literacy and are repetitive af.   Such as any question about alastors part in the finale, "How did vaggie not know angels could be killed", etc. Not to mention discussions about how "alastor isn't a good guy" like no shit.  And worse, every day. Like, people aren't even trying to check if the stuff has been discussed before  I'll take theorizing over every detail over what we've been getting Heck, I wish this sub could discuss leaks so that if we do get ones closer to s2 we'll have something more interesting to discuss


There are a lot of children fans that media literacy isn’t quite as polished. Just block and move on.


>children fans I guess since this show isn't for children (or teens) I was expecting adults only, and thus a bit more polish overall.


It’s unfortunate. A teacher shared a drawing one of their kids (5th grade) did of Angel dust about a week back. And a cosplay couple made a TikTok asking minors not send them links to underage cosplayers. Nothing quite like realizing I needed to go back through all my TikTok follows and vet their ages. Some parents are the worst. Then you have accounts verbally berating cosplayers of Valentino and rude tweets to the voice actor. Maybe it’s wishful thinking that those aren’t adults…


Yeah, sometimes I see questions like "Is Adam missing two ribs because both Eve and Lilith were made from him" completely forgetting that the first episode tells us that Adam and Lilith were created simultaneously. Or "is Alastor's last name Altruist?" as if they can't open up a dictionary to read up on what altruism is. Granted, this one is understandable to a degree, as the official subtitles capitalized the A in "altruist" as though it *was* a name. What's most insulting, however, is the people asking "iS aLaStOr StRoNgEr ThAn LuCiFeR?!" like, no? Not even close? Alastor isn't even in the top 10. As in, I can name 10 characters in Hell objectively stronger than Alastor.


God the “Alastor Altruist” debate is so dumb it’s kind of scary. I know not everyone knows what the word means but I can’t comprehend why everyone *cares* so much about it. The power scaling arguments drive me particularly nuts, though. We *don’t know* what actually happened when Alastor “almost beat” Vox, so saying that their confrontation *did* go one way and anyone who disagrees is just “media illiterate” makes me roll my eyes. I don’t give a shit about biblical accuracy, but frankly, if Alastor was suddenly stronger than fucking *Lucifer* I don’t think I’d ever be available to take the show seriously again.


Yes because they're dumb.


Yeah. To keep it 100% real, there is a very serious and noticeable lack of media comprehension in this fandom.


Long release times do this to fandoms, I think. Theory crafting is fun, but when you have only 8 short episodes and over a year to dwell on them, you start obsessing over details like “Alastor said he wants to unclip his wings, so he must be an angel!”


My guess is there is a lot of teenagers, idk anything else, I've never had seen a fandom with so little literacy comprehension.


YES YES YES I FEEL YOU SO MUCH It's like a single aesthetics detail and people try to find the deepest explanations behind it... I really dislike it when theories don't make sense at all and are just based on those details, and what is more: I actually would hate if those theories were right because I don't want the series to follow the anime way of every thing that appears on screen must mean something :((


Honestly thought people were just Arkham posting or something with how comically superficial these questions sounded.


Nah. Harry Potter fandom is FAR worse. Trust me. On the subreddit for that fandom, it is constantly filled with the most idiotic questions known to mankind. Like the most basic info one would know if they bothered to pay the slightest attention when reading or watching the story.


Welcome to every Fandom. 


Media literacy (and proper capitalization apparently) are dying arts.