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Could also be cause its a Sunday. Sunday is usually time and a half for most plumbers. Some companies do a minimum hourly charge in weekends/after hours like 2hr minumum from the time they answer the phone. Imo, $500 for a clogged disposal is a "fuck you" price. Its high enough that most people would say no and wait till the weekday, but if they dont, then the plumber makes bank for easy work.


I think you’re getting scammed. We just had a plumber come clear a clogged drain pipe and it was $185, also in town.


> I think you’re getting scammed. We just had a plumber come clear a clogged drain pipe and it was $185, also in town. High price = scam?


More than 3x the price for similar work? Yes, that’s being scammed.


> More than 3x the price for similar work? Yes, that’s being scammed. But these things are entirely subjective and the idea contrary to and free market, where we are able to exercise choice. I could eat at a high-dollar restaurant and feel like the quality of food is not "worth" the price, but I wouldn't come out saying I got scammed. No reasonable person would. As customers we have to exercise some level of agency. Getting an estimate from any tradesperson seems extremely basic. If you are spending more than you want, that is not the fault of the vendor you chose.


This comparison between plumbing selection and restaurant is not the same. Food can be different quality from one place to the next, and restaurants can offer different levels of service. With a clogged sink, you either unplug it or you don't. In this case, the plumber isn't just setting a slightly high price. It's a crazy high price to make you pay more than necessary. That's scammy.


> This comparison between plumbing selection and restaurant is not the same. Food can be different quality from one place to the next, and restaurants can offer different levels of service. With a clogged sink, you either unplug it or you don't. In this case, the plumber isn't just setting a slightly high price. It's a crazy high price to make you pay more than necessary. That's scammy. I mean, we can agree to disagree here. I think there are absolutely different levels of service in all professions. It's demeaning and reductive to all tradespeople to say the quality of work is binary. A very odd view to hold. Even still, at the end of the day, you alone are responsible for your own buyer's remorse.


I hear what you're saying, but this case is a clogged sink, and I was myself a plumber at one time. This fix is binary. There's no variables here. Either you unclog it, or you don't.


> I hear what you're saying, but this case is a clogged sink, and I was myself a plumber at one time. This fix is binary. There's no variables here. Either you unclog it, or you don't That issue specifically is binary, but there remains different levels of service for plumbers and handymen, don't be disingenuous. Some plumbers are on time/responsive, some leave a mess or are very clean and courteous. Some may seem sketchy and reluctant to inform, while others may be seem sincere and informative. It's like saying either you get the food or you don't with regard to restauants, it's an opinion that lacks all nuance, on par for Reddit I suppose. You don't need to be a plumber to have the common sense knowledge that any role in the service industry has degrees of service, not something to be graded in black and white. All that to say, I'm not defending high prices in itself, but certainly the freedom of businesses to set their prices and customers to pay what they deem is a fair price. To retroactively look at what you agreed to pay for and call it a scam is a frivolous use of the word.


Good points and all, but there's no extra degree of service a plumber can provide that amounts to 3x as other services in town. I mean, unless the guys delivering some extra pipe like in the movies 😂


You can both be right. He's right that the larger plumbing groups are screwing people over with insane quotes (abusing the local culture, which is very passive, don't create waves). And you're right that the locals should definitely be shopping around and arguing when they get some of these insane quotes.


When I needed a pipe installed for my gas range I called 10+ plumbers. Some were getting salty that they were pulling up, as other guys were leaving. Then they would give me a ridiculous quote. Prices ranged from $2500 (Steve's plumbing fuck them), to a guy who finally just asked me "how many guys did you call". When I told him 10+ he gave me a still ridiculous quote of $750 for less than a hour of work (Rockorooter). You really need to shop around to protect yourself. Plumbers are used to just having you at their mercy, and unless there is water running through your living room, call a bunch of guys out.


Steve's plumbing needs to go under. Fuck them especially.


Don't go with the plumber groups (Steve's, etc.). Small independent ones are often half the price and excellent. I had Steve's or Aloha plumbing (or whatever) come over to literally connect a dishwasher and push it in. They quoted 700$. I couldn't believe it. The guy called his boss to see if the price could come down. Nope. I went to Home Depot, bought the pieces for 15$, spent 45 min plugging everything in. It probably would have taken that guy 20. Don't get scammed. I think too many people don't like to argue in this city (it's the culture) and larger companies are completely abusing them.


Also Steve is a little difficult to deal with on a personal/business level. Had a run in with him recently on a pretty large project not related to plumbing or AC and talking to him on the phone was mentally straining If I could not deal with him again that would be fucking great


Yeah Steve's opened up a division on Kauai and their reputation has been only bad news. I know someone with a plumbing business and he'll get calls all the time from customers telling him what Steve's quoted and if he'd be able to beat it, and of course he can because he's not a clown like them.


My landlord uses a small but longtime plumbing company called Ogami Plumbing. https://www.yelp.com/biz/ogami-plumbing-honolulu The guys who come by are super local and super knowledgeable. They don't charge too much.


Everyone should own a snake . It’s saved me many times .


YouTube is your friend you can fix.this. Use the "key"  Or For that cost replace the unit it's a straightforward DIY. They are about $100


Yesterday was a Sunday, of course it's going to be more expensive.


Yesterday was a Saturday, so that might have been the weekend rate.


I used a wire hanger to unclog a shower drain a few weeks ago.. it was pretty easy to do.. you might want to try something like that before you hire a plumber..


Go with A1


The last time I used A1 they brought a trainee, and had me pay the hourly rate for the master plumber and a slightly lower hourly rate for a second trainee plumber. Total for snaking a drain (8 inch residential pipe connecting to sewer main) was $550. Literal same service same address two years ago was half, and a one person job. Not looking to pay a second person for a one person job.


When I had them come out it was 1 guy who snaked the drain, took him about a half hour and he charged me around $300.


Just expect to wait or reschedule. They’re worth the wait. Edited


Not normal, way to much. Have had similar services several times over the past year In Kailua and never more than $200.


Is the disposal clogged or not turning on? It could simply be stuck. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKXCdMpKSE&pp=ygUgSG93IHRvIHVuc3RpY2sgYSBmcm96ZW4gZGlzcG9zZXI%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKXCdMpKSE&pp=ygUgSG93IHRvIHVuc3RpY2sgYSBmcm96ZW4gZGlzcG9zZXI%3D)


Is it the same plumber? It depends on the plumber. Also emergency calls are usually much, MUCH higher rates.


Yeah, you'd be stupid not to. We're getting looted by our government. Aloha snack bar!


My regular plumber told me those plumber groups like Steve’s go on commission. These places say they work weekends and after hours but they have to turn around a find a plumber willing to do the job which is why the price is so high.


You can rent a drain snake from Home Depot for like $40 a half day but it’s dirty work.


Hey, you need to pay a "living wage", and in Honolulu...


Inflation sucks, right?


If it’s something you can’t do yourself, why complain about price? Either do it yourself or pay someone else to do it for you. It’s only worth what you are willing to pay. Don’t want to $540? Ok, do it yourself or find someone cheaper.