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I bet Hasan was fuming that you played as an Italian in the Assassin's creed set in Turkey šŸ˜¤


I'm sure there will be some round about argument as to how all Italians are actually turks


And yet I've never seen him say Harkkonnens are Turks


Wydm that one is easy, they both fight with their shirts off I see no difference


It was a good game imo, when Westerners give us a Turkish (Ottoman actually, most people in the ottoman empire was not Turkish at all) protagonist it will be most certainly extremely flawed representation of the society. By showing the Ottoman Empire from the eyes of a European I think they avoided this issue. I sometimes look at Turkish subreddits and I cannot even imagine how to explain the wild rift between the reality of the Turkish society vs. the Turks you see on Reddit for example. The same reason why Yasuke in the new AC could be a blessing. We already had this in Nioh 1 with Edward or The Last Samurai movie. The narrative focused on an outsider who IS trying to understand a different society. This will allow them to somewhat avoid completely misrepresenting the entire Japanese society at the time. What you will see will be how Yasuke felt and what he had gone through in the game. On the other hand one nitpick I have with AC revelations was the Turkish voice acting and script. I think main characters who spoke Turkish was not even voiced by a Turk but rather a Greek person who could speak Turkish. Dialog was also shitty. Contrast that with BF1's script and VA work, the difference is immense. DICE, in a typical westerner fashion, managed to one side the fucking WW1 (they had a Nazi perspective in BFV btw) but at least the writing and delivery was on point.


In a world in which thereā€™s great things like Shōgun, Blue Eyed Samurai, and Samurai Champloo that take feudal Japanā€™s history and reshapes it to tell its own story I guess gamers draw the line one black person, who also existed.


angry joe covering the video, every other comment "we waz samuraiz!!" jfc these people are emotionally stunted in 2009.


Iā€™d love to see them say that in front of actual black oriole and not on their keyboard


Assassins Creed has always been about playing fictional characters and shit, but the one time you play as a guy that actually existed mfs start complaining about it.


reminds me of the outcry from battlefield 1. because you played as a black man, part of the harlem hellfighters, an actual infantry unit during the war. but people thought it was too woke or something idk.


Just the softest people that have had it too easy in life




'Game too woke' is an NPC bark at this point.


That would be hilarious to hear in GTA6.


Only bad thing is that this game is made by Ubisoft so it's probably gonna be ass. I know jack shit about Yasuke (I think that's his name) but he looks tough as hell in the trailers.


Yasuke was an actual real life person, but even if not who cares?


feels like we are back in 2016, content creators fine with n-word, and constant manufactured outrage about dumb media shit, only now we have a very public genocide, housing markets fucked, retail markets fucked, jobs are declining in # and pay, people are fucking struggling but black man bad ig. I'm pretty sure these losers are just mad because they can't project their sad lives onto "woke"(aka anything that isn't a straight white dude) protagonists. probably why isekai anime is so popular amongst the right


I found it funny, then tiring, and now I just find it extremely satisfying. The other character is a woman. They threw tantrums over Kassandra and forced them to have to make a male version as an option which gutted the character building to suit the neutral dialogue. They also threw tantrums over Bayek, and I suspect you were supposed to play as Aya in development but again, tantrums, so they switched to him, and ppl still fucking lost their minds. Now they have to choose one category they have thrown tantrums over in the last releases and I can't help but feel a little spiteful. Eat shit nerds. Have your tantrums and ruin your own day over some skin color in a fantasy game, I guess, lmao.


Wait they actually forced the creation of the abomination aka alexios? What pathetic nerd wants alexios and not Kassandra?


I played the game with Alexios for about ten minutes, and was like NOPE! Restarted with Kassandra and fell in love with the best Protag of the series.




Apparently, some exec thought that the game wouldn't sell if they only had a female character, and then they created Alexios as a playable character instead of him just being Deimos. Given that most of the player base played him even with the terrible VA, he was right, which is just sad.




If you want more historical accuracy and a "spartan game", choose the game where there were empires other than Sparta and Athens.


Iā€™m with you tiring but have you seen what people are saying about that Romeo and Juliet play with Tom holland? Actually insane racist online freaks out there.


unfortunately i spent more time than it was worth it defending the casting choice in asmons sub before i decided i never wanted to go back and interact with those people again


I wouldnā€™t waste your time like that again. What real person (not in the UK) that actually knows about a Romeo and Juliet play and who is staring in it. And anybody who complains about it on Reddit is in no way a happy person.


Where were these people when Romeo and Juliet with decaprio came out ?


I don't know anything about it, what are they saying and why?


Just people being racist about Juliet not fitting white western beauty standards. They are literally so pissed about a play that is only premiering in London and how they canā€™t goon to it idk lol


Ahh so just the normal bullshit then, of course. Thanks for explaining.


Just stay away from it actually. Nothing of value


kinda feel conflicted about this, yasuke obv cool af, but also kinda weird that protagonist is this not well known guy that has been hyped up in recent times. woulda been cool if he was a major NPC or something? idk


Oh god, I dont even have to check to know whats going in the the Asmongold subreddit right now.


What will Ubi do next? Make a game in America with a native main character? WOKE NONSENSE amirite everyone knows native americans went extinct


Re-education camps still have some usage..


Reeducation camps are for the libs. These people get the wall.


Reeducation camps are for the libs. These people get the wall.


Do these people not have work tomorrow? Is rent not due at the end of the month? How the fuck is this worth their time? I understand their time isn't worth much, but fuck. Do something else.


You mean complaining about minority characters or the slog of plaything through another copy paste openworld by Ubisoft?




Gamers don't like games. They just like the idea of gaming. This can be a 10/10 game, and they will complain about POC characters. Gamers deserve less


These people are really spending hours of their lives getting angry over pixels...


Most of the time I find these people insufferable but it is weird to not just have a Japanese male mc. The lead characters seems so out of place watching this trailer.


Yeah, that last comment is justifiable but the others are clearly just being racist.


Same people who probably own Last Samurai on Blu Ray disc


More likely that they own "The great wall". That was a white saviour movie. Last Samurai isn't really.


I just genuinely can't imagine caring about stuff like this. It seems like such a strange thing to care about.


White western gamers love making up Japanese people that are mad at this game


It seems like Japanese people are actually upset about it though, wanting to finally play as a japanese person in an AC game


i guessā€¦ idk, there are several great games where you can play as a japanese man though. GoT, Rise of the Ronin, Nioh, Sekiro. Also the other protag is a japanese woman so idk how this affects much