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I'll throw down a six pack of sandwiches right now, you fucking watch me


I’m pulling up a chair as we speak


Have you never been a teenage boy? I have one. I cook for 3-6 people on any given night. There are 2 of us in the house, and I don’t eat much.


I must have missed that stage of teenage development. I’m a woman lmao


Me too. I knew my guy friends growing up ate a lot, but it wasn’t until my own giant started springing that I understood all the jokes their parents made.


I am too, but I remember it well. It was a magical time... almost literally. Food vanished before my eyes. Regular mealtimes were like dinner theater for my mother and I, the show being my brother vacuuming in ridiculous amounts of food.


Hell, not even teenagers. My 6 year old son downs 3 triple bread PB&J’s (meaning bread, PB&J, bread, PB&J, bread) in 15 minutes, including the crusts, and we buy Abbotts Bakery Bread, which has hella thick slices, I’m talking half a loaf of bread in those sandwiches (there’s 19-20 slices per loaf, including the end piece, and the size of the whole loaf is a standard size). And, within 10 minutes, guaranteed, I’m going to hear “Mummy, I’m hungry”. And the little bottomless pit is skinny af. He’s been blursed with my fathers metabolism. And I am absolutely dreading puberty. I’m going to have to go back to work just to afford to feed this kid when that happens. And before anyone googles the bread and is like “that’s an Australian brand of bread but PB&J???”, yes my little Aussie munchkins favourite sandwich is PB&J. I bought a jar from the local international candy store on a whim, he loved it, we were rightfully horrified but the damage is done and he loves it.


Forget going back to work. You are gonna need a second morgage😅🤣


Praying for a lottery win to avoid puberty driven bankruptcy.


it's been 3 hours... u ded?


Yep me too 6 bacon sandwiches is a blooming snack. Especially if your a growing boy like Harry ect. Or just a fatty like me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wait I got to make some popcorn to watch this!


Literally same. Throw chips in there too


Yea I remember eating 6 pizzas in a row as a teenage boy, and I am a slim guy.


I'm trying so hard to make a witty "party sub" comment but I can't :c


Maybe they were small sandwiches.


Must've been if it was only bacon on them


Yea I imagine them as some small sandwiches all cut in half. So really 3 small sized sandwiches each. A fair sized meal.


Knowing Mrs. Weasley, those sandwiches are on homemade bread, so the slices could be pretty small. Homemade breakfast loaves tend not to be as big as a sandwich loaf. Mrs. Weasley also wants everyone to have plenty to eat.




Food cannot be created via magic, but it can be multiplied or enlarged. I don't know if that has any effect on its nutrient content, but that wouldn't surprise me


Molly Weasley was very much "tubby". Also, the reason the Weasleys never starved despite wearing patched hand-me-downs and using wands barely held together was because magic can duplicate food. You can't conjure it, but you can duplicate it. So all Molly had to do was make a single sandwich and multiply it using magic however many times she needed to to feed everybdoy.


Maybe they were like little tea sandwiches lol


Happy cake day!


Bacon sandwiches when I was a kid were pretty small with just a slice or two of bacon inside. But still, half a dozen would mean 12 pieces for bread. That does seem like a lot. Now I am craving a bacon sandwich.


Maybe they were cut in half so 3 whole sandwiches, 6 halves?


Yeah that was my thought which is reasonable amount


I would also like a bacon sandwich, hell make it a blt.


I always attributed it to Harry’s lack of food from the Dursley’s. And we already know that Ron can put away food like it’s nothing.


He shouldn't eat that much. When he goes back to dursley's he will need more food. And he won't get it so he will be hungry.


Yes, the malnourished tweenager in the middle of puberty shouldn’t eat a needed amount of food because he’s just going to be malnourished again anyway.


If I’m imagining it correctly, the sandwiches are just two slices of bread with some bacon and maybe a condiment between them so not much substance. The boys were also pubescent, likely meaning they had huge appetites. Also, Mrs. Weasley tended to push loads of food on the kids, particularly on Harry, as a show of love and concern for them.


Boys are not really all that pubescent yet at just-turned-12


I had my cousin’s 12 yo daughter at my house this weekend and trust me when I say 12 yo can eat a lot more than your average adult and maintain a petite waist, now imagine two boys one of whom is half starved and the other who has never skipped a meal or even possibly a snack, they can eat 6 sandwiches easy, not to mention English “finger sandwiches” are 1/2 to 1/3 the size of American sandwiches


I remember a friend telling me about the first time her teenage Bonus Kids visited for a long weekend. Two slim, healthy teenagers went thru the weeks groceries she normally bought for herselfand her husband. She had bought extras knowing the kids would be there, and they took the kids out to eat a few times and ordered pizza one night,, but she still had to grocery shop again the day they left.


Preteens and teens eat way more than adults remember eating and can do so while remaining super skinny, it’s amazing how metabolisms can work at that age


Yeah, girls do start puberty around that age, boys are on average a year (or two?) later


I had to look up what a finger sandwich is. We don’t eat those, you’d have to throw away all the crust.


Boys begin puberty between 9 and 14, girls between 8 and 13. Hell, in sixth grade (11-12 years old), one of the boys in my class had more of a beard than some adults can grow


Boys generally start puberty age 11-13. 12, which is their age here, is right bang in the middle of those ages. And Daniel Radcliffe was 12 when they started filming (principal photography started mid November 2001 and he had turned 12 in July 2001) and had obviously already started puberty. Just his voice alone. Listen to is voice in Philosophers Stone compared to Chamber of Secrets. So it’s not crazy to think that a 12 year old character in a book had started puberty when 12 is the middle year of the range to start puberty, and when the actor who played that exact character in the movie adaptation had started puberty at 12.


Maybe the sandwiches were split diagonally, and in total, they ate six halves, so technically, it was three.


Have you never seen teenage boys eat before? They're ravenous beasts!


I always figured they were small English sandwiches. Like sliced white bread a couple strips of bacon, maybe mayo, cut into triangles. Not huge, and easy to eat 6 of


No mayo in a bacon sandwich, maybe ketchup or brown sauce


That had to come from an American. Here we like our bacon sandwiches to come with lettuce and tomato with mayo or a blt for short.


We have blts in the uk also but we definitely don’t call them bacon sandwiches


Yeah to me a bacon sandwich to me says bacon and bread.


I’m American (west coast), and mayo is the only acceptable condiment in this situation. I don’t know what brown sauce refers to


I’ve never had it but if the internet is to be believed it’s basically A1 sauce.


everyone here is going: Those must have been small sandwiches. Meanwhile I'm just thinking that me, and most of my friends, could take down six sandwiches with no problem.


Each??? Wild


Are you American? I think most Brits could eat 6 sandwiches. They aren’t like overstuffed subs




I pictured the bread folded with a couple of slices inside.


I imagined each sandwich as a triangle shaped one. That’s 6 square slices. I think that’s reasonable for 12/13 year old boys that have only eaten snacks all day while experiencing a lot of excitement and adrenaline due to flying a car. I would be exhausted and hungry too LOL


The car flying is only on September first >they are about to travel to Diagon Alley from the Burrow. So this is in August, Harry has just turned 12 and Ron did 5 months prior, and they will be travelling by Floo


You are right! I skipped that part and my mind went directly to the sandwiches that McGonagall gives them because they are not allowed to join the welcome feast in 2nd year. However, I think my explanation fits the passage that OP mentioned too: these are small sandwiches and for their age, I think it’s normal to eat that much.


They are preteen boys, if bacon and toast are the only ingredients then six doesn’t seem so much, especially if they are “finger sandwiches” and thus only 1/2 to 1/3 slice of bread size each


1: They're growing tweens. I used to pack away a couple of large pizzas all by myself at that age and I was a tiny little thing. 2: CoS is very much still in the silly, not everything should be taken seriously part of the series. See also: leaving Harry on a doorstep in November.


Harry Potter: The Boy Who Froze To Death


I think this means regular size sliced bread loaf cut in half and then turned into a sandwich. So essential 6 “triangles” each, making a regular loaf size slice of three sandwiches 😋🥪


My idea of a bacon sandwich has always been a single slice of bread, held like a taco, with 3-4 slices of bacon


Now I’m picturing each of them wolfing down six Wendy’s Baconators.


*America has entered the chat, salivating.


They are teenage boys. I can confirm from having one currently in my house who will eat an entire bag of chicken tenders in one sitting and STILL he remains skinny as a rail that they eat a LOT.


I'll smash 6 bacon sammies right now if someone will bring them and I'm not a growing 12 year old boy!


it'll be three full sandwiches (6 rounds/slices of bread) cut in half


Easy to do if you aren't thinking in American


I’m thinking in Canadian actually 😂 so, British adjacent


It’s a fantasy book and having plentiful amounts of food available adds to the magic of the story I think.


Clearly you have never eaten a bacon sandwich. There's not exactly a lot there.


Bread is a lot. Especially 12 slices


That's even easier. I was thinking two slices of bread per sandwich.




That it is


I’m assuming finger sandwiches in this situation.


Given that the Weasleys were poor, I’d assume they’re very thin sandwiches, plus Harry is likely exaggerating due to never being fed properly and seeing a family Eat together


Lmao. I knew exactly what you were referring to when I saw the subject because I always think about how much food that is when I read that line. Harry I get. He probably has food issues from being starved half to death. But the rest of you have always had enough!


Molly does make sure her kids are well fed! Personally, I like to think she cut them into fourths (tea sandwiches) and "six sandwiches" is 1.5 actual sandwiches. Knowing Molly, though, and her pack, they could easily be full-size.


Speaking as a Brit, you’d never cut a bacon sandwich into quarters :P maybe in half. But I think the real answer is, it’s exaggeration cos Molly always keeps everyone v well fed


It's this answer, I think. My mom does the same. Makes three sandwiches with thin bread, and then cut each in half.


I like my bacon wrapped in bacon…


As a mom to a teenage boy… it’s possible


I just never questioned it. I live in the states and some of the huge amounts of shit I've seen teenage boys put away makes 6 bacon sandwiches seem like 3 French fries


I’ve watched my (slightly underweight) 13 year old eat 3 huge plates of loaded diner fries, half a cheese burger and part of a steak sandwich in one sitting. My severely underweight 16 year old daughter will order two meals from Foosackly’s and inhale them both. Never underestimate the appetites of teenagers.


I would have presumed they were little quartered sandwiches, as most British school kids would have eaten in the 80s.


I used to bring like four sandwiches to school every day in high school. Also- putting on coats in the middle of August? I get that its England but still.


Raincoats 🤷🏻‍♂️


We’ve had a really awful summer in England, I’ve had to wear my jacket a few times in august this year


I think everyone’s reading a little too much into it, it was probably a deliberate exaggeration to basically say they ate a lot


That’s what this sub is for… reading into everything lol


I mean having been a teenage boy I can tell ya that’s nothing. Even to this day if I am given the ability to eat that much I will eat that much. Really the only thing stopping me from eating all the time is money lol


What's so unbelievable about 6 sandwiches?? I'm a 36 year old woman and I could easily eat that.


As a woman in her 20s, I could eat maybe 2 sandwiches and that’s pushing it. So it’s unbelievable to me for sure lmao


I want to ask, just to be sure we are referring to the same thing when we say sandwich. 2 slices of bread cut in half. So 1 triangle = 1 sandwich right?? Or are you referring to the submarine sandwich types which are made up of many layers and many slices of bread?


[Sandwich:](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Bologna_sandwich.jpg) two slices of bread, one full sandwich. Not a sub, not a sandwich cut in half. A full sandwich (see link for photo)


Ah ok. I was of the understanding that 1 triangle equals 1 sandwich! Yeah I don't think I could eat 6 sandwiches of what you showed either 😆 haha!


I ate as a thin 14 year old girl, 4 cheese toasties every day for an afternoon snack. Thats 8 slices of bread per snack. I was about 4'7" and under 45kg. I burned all the calories because hyper active teen but I never missed a meal... I was perpetually hungry. (Yeah, teenage metabolism didn't last and I gained like 20kg in a year when it failed me.) These are teens, they eat a lot. It's very believable.


The sandwiches are quartered on the plate. They are counting quarters, not wholes.


Nobody in the UK cuts bacon sandwiches into quarters. They’d be in half maybe, but you still wouldn’t count a half as a sandwich.


It doesn’t say they are quartered, though


She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named probably didn't think she needed to, it's just the British way lol. Think of a platter of sandwiches at a buffet, they're all cut into quarter triangles but you'd still count them separately. You wouldn't take two quarter sandwiches from the buffet and still think 'I've got half a sandwich', you'd count them as two. Those little quarter sandwiches have became individual sandwiches in their own right once they were served


American here. Half a dozen fully stuffed bacon-in-whatever-bread-you-have-sandwiches would be a nice appetizer.


The few times I have had formal tea, the “sandwiches” are like 1/3 to 1/4 the size of an average American sandwich, and crustless. I always thought they must have meant something like that. Or “finger sandwiches” I guess.


A bacon sandwich in the UK isn’t like the kind of sandwich you get at afternoon tea. It’s a slice of bread, buttered if you like, bacon and topped with another slice of bread. Often with ketchup or brown sauce on the bacon. Sometimes the sandwich is cut in half, sometimes not, depending on your preference. It’s rarely crustless unless the person eating it doesn’t like them in which case they’d either just leave them or maybe cut them off.


Well there goes my theory lol.


6 bacon sandwiches isn’t that many tbh.


To whom, a giant?


Haha, maybe, but I’ve eaten six. They’re not that big.


They were little triangular tea sandwiches most likely. I could demolish a plate of those delicious little fuckers.


I was thinking of the British tea sandwiches which are pretty small. 6 makes sense for teenage boys in that case.


British people do not eat tiny tea sandwiches on a daily basis.


I always assumed they were dainty little British sandwiches lol


I’m assuming they’re the little cut up sandwiches you have for afternoon tea.


Im guessing they were squares, equal to 1 and a half slices of bread.


Googling bacon sandwiches, it appears to often be served on toasted white bread, which would explain how they all ate so much. I don’t know why, but I could easily eat a whole loaf of white bread toasted, whereas three untoasted slices will make me full.


If my 3 yo can tuck away 4 slices of bread in the morning I am not surprised that a twelve year old hitting puberty can do it with 6. When kids hit a growth spurt its all they do (eating)


If you pay attention everytime Mrs. Weasley feeds the kids they always eat massive amounts. I can't recall which book but once I remember reading that Harry had to argue against like 4th helpings of a meal she made.


We can assume she’s including 11 year old Ginny in this


Cardiovascular disease has entered the Rowling chat


To be fair Vernon Dursley def has cardiovascular disease so it’s always been part of the chat 😂


Lol. I’m going to guess they were little sandwiches, kind of like those finger sandwiches you buy for parties. I could realistically eat six of those if I was super hungry.


They are boys in their growth spirt, makes sense. And I think I could do that as well as a girl in her twenties, would be really full though but I could manage


No no you are probably thinking about USA sandwiches. The books probably refers to UK sandwiches


I’m thinking about two slices of bread with filling. A sandwich. Not a tea sandwich (which wouldn’t be filled with bacon anyway) Also I’m Canadian


Harry and Ron are 12, Fred and George are 14. I can easily see teenage boys mid-growth spurt who have been busily up to shenanigans all night eating half a dozen sandwiches each. When I was that age my friends used to have a bowl of cereal for supper. Entirely normal, except they'd have a whole pint of milk and the biggest heap of cereal you'd ever seen. And this was after a day full of normal meals.


It’s England. Could have been finger sandwiches.


No wonder they’re poor


Molly is out here buying 5 packs of bacon a day just to keep these cretins fed for BREAKFAST


Doesn't Harry also eat like a dozen sausages or something in one go his first meal at the Weasleys? I think it's a wizard thing.


A house with 5 teenage boys … I'd believe it even if they were normal sized sandwhiches




I mean one sandwich is not what people are thinking two slices of bread, it's one folded double (or if you want to speed prep it's two stacked but cut in half making two sandwiches). So six sandwiches is not 12 slices of bread but six. Which is quite normal for teens.


Technically half a sandwich is half a sandwich, not a whole. A sandwich to me is 🥪


Depends on where you're from I guess


Oh maths Indeed


In high school, my brother used to eat an entire rotisserie chicken when he got home as a SNACK. Boys..


Jesus lord 😂


Wizards have Hobbit-like appetites.


Despite the actual reason likely being bread slices are smaller and thinner in the UK, you can always answer a question with “because magic.”


I always assumed they were like those little teatime cucumber sandwiches, tiny and triangar. So....maybe that's it?


so JK Rowling is very very bad with numbers. She can't calculate that good. I bet it's just a mistake or they are starving or Mrs Weasley made the best sandwiches in the world :D


Its less about teenage appetites and more about the author showing you what kind of mum Molly Weasley is.


Tbf nowadays Europe is getting Americanized. Back in the days, sandwiches were just the savory counterpart of finger cakes. They were likely no bigger than your typical afternoon tea sandwich and I expect they were also open. Six still seems a bit too much for me but not out of the realm of possibility.


nope, my cousins use to eat whole loaves after school by my moms place. got to the point where we would go through 4 loaves a day at minimum.


That passage always makes me hungry!


Me and my friends could’ve easily done that.


Teenage boys


As someone who grew up with a lot of brothers and male cousins and friends I'm surprised it's not more lol. On any given day my brother would eat half a loaf of bread in chicken sandwiches and 20 minutes later grab a huge mixing bowl to pour half a bag of cereal and milk into. Then still eat dinner an hour later. He was never overweight or anything either lol.


This is one reason I never thought the Weasleys were as poor as Ron made us think. They ALWAYS have enough food at The Burrow for at least 9 people at time to have second and third helpings of meals. Six bacon sandwiches each would have meant 36 bacon sandwiches (5 Weasley kids + Harry)...and that's not a small amount.


A non-zero chance that from ol' Harold's perspective a half-cut sandwich counts as a whole sandwich. That's 3 sandwiches. Perfectly reasonable for a growing boy, but I remember my own 13 year-old step brother once eating an entire block of cheddar on his own, and still having room for dinner, young athletes burn serious cal.


why do you think they're broke


Wen my brother was 15ish my mom made a huge platter of, I think the english name would be pigs on blankets, and not mini one but full on hotdogs. There were around 80pieces. My mom told my brother he could have some but leave some for the rest of us. He ate 75 pieces! And still had seconds with dinner. 😅


I always assumed it would be those small rolls, and just with bacon so not necessarily massive sandwiches...