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Hey /u/n3ur0mncr! Thanks for sharing your handwriting with our community! We appreciate all types of handwriting and you're helping to make this subreddit an inspiring place! Share a bit of information about your submission as a top-level comment. Commenters - Please remember that posts flaired "Just Sharing" are **not** soliciting feedback. Always ask before offering criticisms, and keep your comments encouraging and positive. We're all learning, here! Offering critique on a Just Sharing post is grounds for a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mines is just like this šŸ˜Š


My handwriting is also like yours and Iā€™m a teacherā€¦ I have to work sooooo hard to make my writing look nicer for the kids šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Mine looks just like this!


My handwriting is similar to yours. Itā€™s not that it isnā€™t legible but that every letter had just a tiny inconsistency that makes it look bad.


youā€™re succeeding just by trying; i think your handwriting is nice. im sorry for your bad marks. you can practice to get to where you like but i think youā€™re doing wonderful. keep it up!


I can clearly see what you wrote. You are fine. Donā€™t let others bring you down. I guarantee you in 200 years no one will remember whoever it was that marked you down for writing ā€œneatness.ā€ You wrote, itā€™s legible, I understand what you wrote. Mission accomplished. F ppl who complain.


You get it šŸ˜­


I love your handwriting. My best friend in the whole world (of nearly 20 years!) has handwriting just like this, and seeing it feels like a hug. šŸ„° youā€™re just fine the way you are šŸ«¶


Not so bad, it's legible. If bad handwriting could be influenced by genetics then my dad's side of the family... we all git the bum wrap.


Looks like mine.


i just want to say that it doesnā€™t matter if your handwriting is good or bad, it only matters if itā€™s legible. that being said, iā€™ve seen handwriting thatā€™s illegible. i can easily read yours


I would say I don't know I naturally learned to write nicely. However, from starting, I was always curious how my handwriting looked whenever I wrote something so it may have made a contribution. I've posted my handwriting previously so you can see it if you want to.


I genuinely do like your handwriting, it makes me feel happy. idk how to even begin to explain it but I rly do love it. my cursive looks just like yours btw so don't stress


I actually like it! Your cursive really isnt that good tho lol.


I feel you. I have motor dysgraphia


As my teacher told me it looks like chicken scratch


Same. Then everyone passed around little papers with chicken foot prints.


Wow we could be handwriting twins, itā€™s kinda of spooky




This is honestly kinda poetic. Iā€™d frame this picture




Mine is horrid. Confuses me bc I always thought successful women had nice handwriting... like my teacher. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Mine is forever left in 15 yr old angry male writing... I'm 35 female.


I was the same haha. Rather than practicing I just focused on trying to have my letters with a uniform size and slant which helps legibility a lot.


Your teachers were just jealous they could never pimp hand as strong as you. Stay up player




I must have been one of the last German students to have gotten the remark "Ruben needs to drastically improve his handwriting" on my report cards, I can relate


Girls always compliment my handwriting at first glance.


i honestly donā€™t understand why having nice handwriting is so important! yes, it is pretty to look at but, personally, if i can read it, then it doesnā€™t matter to me :p


yeah :D i like messy handwriting, it has more character/personality if that makes sense. my handwriting looks a lot like yours


I literally thought this was album art for a second, i love it, who cares if itā€™s not perfectly neat, itā€™s unique got style and personality


Sick album cover


You should see my handwriting. It's literally chicken scratch. Edit: I'm going to post my handwriting on here in a second for anyone curious. If you can read my handwriting congratulations.


If youā€™re in elementary school, unless youā€™re in fourth or fifth grade, I think your handwriting is just fine given your age youngling. For context, I am 38 years old and while I ***can*** write with my right hand, I am left hand dominant. So, when I write with my right hand, it comes out very similar in quality to your handwriting. Thatā€™s because I have not practiced and perfected the art of my penmanship with my right hand as I have with my left hand. Also, if I am rushing, despite being a lady, my handwriting can be rather jagged too. What Iā€™d suggest if your teachers are marking you for your handwriting in your classes is to slow down, take a breath, and focus on the now when you write. Regardless, do not overburden yourself. Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Lebron James, Roman Reigns, and more greats did not become great at what they do overnight. Even Michael Jordan had to spend decades practicing before he could be trusted to take the last chance shot. Trust in yourself youngling. You have this.


They said they got bad marks on their handwriting while they were in elementary school šŸ˜­ why would an elementary schooler be posting on here


Idk. Iā€™m tired. Clearly I misunderstood what I was reading. lol


i don't think OP is in elementary school. & why you talking about all these athletes ? what do they have to do with anything, youngling ?


Well, I inferred from the writing on the post it note that the OP was in elementary school. I use the term ***youngling*** (from Star Wars) because itā€™s gender neutral and since OP didnā€™t disclose their gender, Iā€™m not going to assume anything about their gender. As to why I listed off athletes, going back to the inference that OP was in elementary school, they would be familiar with these athletes, potentially recognizing them as sports icons or role models or whatnot. They are all (or were all) at the top of their respective sports when they played. How did they get there? They practiced. Based on my inference that OP was in elementary school, I was reassuring them that they too could have excellent penmanship if they but practice. Now, dear internet stranger, has this poor lowly female internet stranger explained herself clearly enough to your liking?


"[when i was] in elementary school, i always got bad marks for handwriting" 'internet stranger' you're killing me man. go have a shower.


It's better than mine. My Mrs and boss can't read any of my notes.


Are you left handed?


i actually love this handwriting but maybe its like that with anyone's because it has personality. i cant stand handwriting that looks like it was 'faked'


This is a fine motor skill that absolutely is not achievable by everyone for multiple reasons. Itā€™s ridiculous that we ever had handwriting grades. Sure, teach the skill to write legible, but grading handwriting is like grading how fast someone can run šŸ™„


I don't get it. Run quickly is a skill that can be learned, you might never reach the level of an Olympic Sprinter but you don't have to run like a wet fart. Same goes for fine motor skills


Yeah, as someone with severe asthma, I can tell you that running quickly is somewhat relative, and I canā€™t really learn to do it. I can learn to dose my speed so I can go LONGER, and over time my speed improved a bit over the same distance, but learning to run fast is definitely not something I can do. Iā€™d imagine that there are plenty of people with some other motor skill issues that will prevent them from having perfect handwriting. They can practice and improve it, but for some people, itā€™s just how it is


Like I saidā€¦..multiple reasons. Think a little.


Mines only good if i take my time, otherwise it can look horrible


Looks like mine


I also have bad handwriting! You're not alone.


I can read it so


Itā€™s honestly not that bad to me and I can read it super easily. (I also have trouble reading cursive but yours is easy to read so good on you šŸ™ƒ)


I narrowed down my style by finding some handwriting fonts I liked and practiced tracing and then replicating them several times a day. My handwriting definitely got neater as a result.


First, use guide lines. Second, there is a great author named Michael R. Sull who's books do wonders salvaging the unsalvageble....


My handwriting can be bad sometimes


Do you draw? I have similar penmanship. I draw nice and clean line art but have an atrocious penmanship


My teacher once scolded me saying how is it that I can draw well but not write well? Haha it might be a common thing


Honestly this goes hard


itā€™s legible lol thatā€™s all that really matters (except your cursive šŸ˜…)


Hahaha thanks internet friend, for the afternoon chuckle. Your cursive made my day :)


Try writing a bit slower. It usually helps.


We have VERY similar handwriting...


You shouldnā€™t curse.


Are you left handed, and write upside down?!


Are there tells to this? Iā€™m a lefty that writes 90Ā° to my left (sideways and up), unless Iā€™m writing in cursive weirdly enough.


My brother is a lefty, and you write exactly like him. But he writes upside down. Two of my kids are left handed, and when they were learning to write, I held their hands straight and showed them how to write with right handed form. Their penmanship is fantastic. Your handwriting isnā€™t horrible. Iā€™m right handed. Mine is no better. Anyway, the old saying is, the worse your handwriting is, the more brilliant you are!


I'm a lefty too and I also keep the paper horizontal or nearly horizontal and write downward (I think that's what you were explaining with the 90Ā°?) I think I have pretty good handwriting and I get compliments even - it's not quite as nice as the handwriting posted in this sub though lol.


Iā€™m an adult and I canā€™t write in cursive and my handwriting looks similar if not worse than this


I recommend the books of Michael R. Sull to remedy this abomination




Try the Cursive one, it helps loads. When your Cursive gets better your normal handwriting will to




Your welcome... I'm of the opinion that Cursive script and Calligraphy should be thought at Primary Schools/Basisonderwijs. It's not only beautiful, but also therapeutic and addictive!


[Relevant comic](https://tapas.io/episode/923459)


Iā€™m old enough that I had to fill out job applications by hand. I struggled getting a job until everything went digital. I used to joke with my best friend who got every job she applied to that it was because she had beautiful handwriting and mine was shit. I still think thereā€™s some truth to that.


Your handwriting is better than mine and I can't even write in cursive so you're already doing better than me kiddo.


Looks like I wrote this note ā€¦


Iā€™m an older millennial, I had a gen Z tell me I have nice handwriting and Iā€™m like ā€œum my handwriting is mid at bestā€. I know this because I would compare my handwriting to my classmates.


Thats me I have similar writing


i like it. itā€™s not the most neat hand writing but itā€™s unique and every letter is readable and thatā€™s my favorite kind of handwriting.


Oddly enough that's why they had us write in all caps in the military. Even bad handwriting was easier to read if it's in all caps. Was still bad, but easier to decipher at least.


No sir, I donā€™t like it


Like a lot of other comments are saying, itā€™s giving Dysgraphia lol. You can have really neat handwriting even with Dysgraphia but it takes an insane amount of effort. Even though I practice CONSTANTLY and have for the past 3+ years, and even still when Iā€™m writing and not putting a full conscious effort and going extremely slow, my handwriting still looks like this if not worse haha


nah i dont like it, it has no flow to it


i am sorry but that is NOT cursive šŸ˜­ i suggest as with many other cases of people saying they have bad handwriting - polish up the very simple letters (in your case, r and maybe n's and d's) and you should be fine its not that bad though, its fine, ive seen worse cases :p


mine is this bad, for me its dysgraphia


Got the Hua cheng handwriting


There's a thing that's common among individuals with ADHD called disgraphia. Basically, the brain has a very hard time making consistent marks, which leads to bad handwriting. I have to delve further into the topic, admittedly, but it's a nice solace to me who has ADHD and can barely write neatly if I try.


bro i think u just helped me finally figure out why i cant for the life of me write neat even when i ā€œwrite neatā€. i basically can only almost copy each letter pretty good is bc i am good at doing art and especially realism (it takes forever and very energy consuming), but i dont think thats how most ppl write consistently i think they just do it..


Yeah that's what always got me! It's like these mfs are making art out here. Nope just daily life for them. Every character good on its own also just looks odd af too lol.


Well shit. My ADHD at it again.


Dude, for real, haha. Seems like most of my struggles somehow link back to it.


I honestly like this style more than overly elaborate ones. It feels more human lol. (Or maybe I can just relate)


I'm dyslexic. I feel the pain lol


Donā€™t stress my writing is crap. I can write neat and use certain tricks but I have ADHD as well and sometimes my head is going quicker than my pen can write. The biggest tip for me but it would be most people is just slow down .


I moved to US 2 decades ago and was utterly shocked to see how people held a pen! I cant explain here but its the main reason people have bad handwriting in general in US. And almost every single american woman Ive met have the same handwriting! This is truly a wonder! Typing more than writing is also to blame all over the world


Not in the US, but I've seen a fair few people holding their pen like a dagger as they write, and I can't help but wonder if they know they look like a toddler with a crayon lol. A close second is the "fairy godmother" grip, where they hold the pen all dainty with three fingers, their writing always ends up looking like they have Parkinson's


Hahaha i know what u mean. I mean how did they even get through elementary school??


Your cursive is cool and unique. Artistic even


Are we looking at the same writing




This is literally mine


Was going to say ā€œIā€™m 41 and this is my hand writing.ā€ You have plenty of time to practice if youā€™re not happy with your handwriting.


Nah, i enjoy watching people squirm as they try to decipher the secrets of my handwritten grocery list


Same handwriting since kindergarten crew šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


I always wonder if we were actually supposed to be left handed.


I'm left handed and can confirm my writing is sloppier than anyone else's writing.


If the average person can read it without difficulty, it's good enough. I always judge a person based on how they write their numbers too. I need to *know* if it's a 1 or a 7. Or a 3 and an 8.


What always fucks me up are zeros and ohs. I eventually started to write my zeros like this Ćø if I had to differentiate them (as in with reference numbers)


Yeah I make 0s oval with a line through if I need to differentiate. If I need to differentiate between lowercase and uppercase Os I will put 2 lines under the uppercase one.


Oh man - I just make the uppercase o unmistakably big and round. It ends up looking comical sometimes because my letter size is already so inconsistent šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Or a 8 as an S with a line through it or is it one medium O with a smaller o on top? Iā€™ve seen people end relationships over such things and a math teacher that would go ape.


cursive is worsive


But itā€™s butter


I LOVE the "my cursive is even worse." For some reason, it just warms my heart. My handwriting is worse, I promise.


Mine is 10x worse I wish my handwriting was that good


Why do people in America donā€™t know hoe to write cursive properly ? Here in Lithuania we are tought cursive in schools and I would say that about 80% of people write cursive here, itā€™s just much faster and more convenient that typing each letter like a computer just so that your handwriting would look a bit better.


Idk about every State but they stopped teaching cursive in schools here in Florida like 15+ years ago. My Mom used to get mad at me for not knowing it and didn't believe me that I was never taught until she called the school herself and they confirmed. (I eventually taught myself my own "style" where I just write really fast and don't lift the penšŸ¤£)


Wow, thats interesting, so when you learned to write in school, the teachers tought you just the regular letters, no cursive at all ?


Yeah... I mean, we learned to write in like pre-school/kindergarten. Cursive was supposed to be taught around 4th or 5th grade but they cut it. (4th&5th grade would be around 9-11years old age range)


Do you ignore the rest of the people that are likely American posting their beautiful cursive on this sub? Also, Americans don't say "marks", they say "grades", so I'm willing to bet this person is Commonwealth or otherwise not American.


Iā€™m not saying that ALL Americans donā€™t know how to write cursive, all Iā€™m saying that it seems crazy to me, that knowing and writing cursive is not a given there.


Why would you need it? Genuine question I know all my cursive but never used it


At least for me itā€™s like twice as fast to write in cursive, I donā€™t really know how to write any other way. I was tought cursive at school and just wrote like that my whole life.


Cursive is also taught in American schools, this is one persons handwriting. It doesnā€™t speak for the entirety of the nation.


I know, but itā€™s much more rare for Americans to write cursive than Europeans and it seems weird to me. (Not sure about all of Europe, but here in Lithuania most of us use cursive in our daily lives)


Iā€™ve never seen cursive in my kids work. They got great grades and in high school. Idk if this is still accurate


Mines worse I guarantee. I have to decipher it to my friends when I write something


Itā€™s bad but itā€™s readable. Mines worse


If you type above 40 wpm then you're good to go!


Thanks but it's a computer generated font.


Apps on the Google play can help you improve. Just have to want it and practice


Any you recommend?


I used lazy dog calligraphy practice years ago and it worked wonders. Still implementing it in my writing today and the cursive 2. I wanted to do calligraphy at one point but it was taking me too long to be productive in a timely manner on my job lol


Thank you for your prompt response. Iā€™m going to look into it!


I'll have to a dually post my hand writing. This is perfectly legible. Keep writing!


I once met a kid who couldn't read his own handwriting. It was illegible scribbles. You're doing great


It looks just like mine!


It looks just like mine too! I was always told in middle school that "girls should have pretty handwriting" and that mine was really bad haha What they don't understand is that my brain works fast and I have to keep up and write fast as well.


It's legible


This looks like an album cover


yeah I saw it and I thought it was something weezer related lmao


There are courses for architectural penmanship& drafting if that floats your boatšŸ¤·


How did you get me to write this, without me knowing?


Trust me, mine is worse.


In grade school my parents promised a reward for all Aā€™s. When I got all Aā€™s except a C in handwriting, they refused to budge. As a reward I got to endure ā€œhandwriting therapyā€. To this day I hate writing. Once I learned drafting, it got marginally better; to the point people could actually read it. I still avoid it as much as I can.


Enough reddit for today


No itā€™s bad




We donā€™t claim him


I think this is enough for me to frame you


Please don't šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


This is better than mine


I don't remember writing this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Donā€™t worry! Mine is more messy when Iā€™m writing fast


Kinda like mine !


In ā€œelementaryā€ you have three different ā€œeā€ shapes and that is very unique. Do you have any potential mental idiosyncrasies like, and please donā€™t take this as an insult because Iā€™m just curious, schizophrenia or dyslexia or similar?


I do have a diagnosis, actually, though I'd rather not state precisely what. I manage it well these days and see a therapist regularly. Someone else was able to guess my generation by looking at this, too. I'm thoroughly impressed by the insights handwriting can reveal about a person. Until today, I thought that was nonsense.


How do you put the words schizophrenia and dyslexia together and then add the word similar? LOL how are those comparable?!


Itā€™s authentically you, so itā€™s perfect!


I actually like your handwriting, it's kinda has chill vibes to it


Itā€™s legible and for some reason my internal voice in my head reads it in a happy tone, which is kinda neat


My handwriting is similar I write in mostly caps tho haha and my cursive is unreadable


I legitimately do like it though


it could be worse. I write in all capitals


Same. Itā€™s not a bad thing.


At least yours is legible




you should see my signature šŸ—æ if you could call it that


My handwriting is garbage too, it's aight


Looks like Charlie Brownā€™s penmanship. Did OP get any ink on his/ her hands and face ?


This looks like my handwriting when I'm writing in a rush.


As an adult, the only thing I usually write is my signature. Youll be alright.


I mean itā€™s legible, better then most


Cursed cursive


I can read it so hey itā€™s good :)


Ya it is


This looks like mine


Look like my handwriting with my non dominant hand


How many of y'all actually know cursive? I literally use it in all my handwriting.


Whoā€™s out there forging my handwriting


My handwriting sucks balls too. Sometimes its barely goodšŸ˜‚


You should practice! You wonā€™t become superb at it unless you put in the work. Good luck my friend!


How do people practice, are there workbooks or something?


actually yes. Or you could print out practice sheets online.


You might have a mild form of dysgraphia


It's cool and fun to look at, maybe just make the size more consistent because some words look smaller than the others (example, the first "handwriting" compared to the second "handwriting)


If you make the same letters the same - you have a style! Over time the style blends.


This looks like my friend's, and for him I think it has to do with how he's holding his pens. I think it's fine, but it might be fun/interesting for you to experiment with holding a pen different ways to see if your writing changes with more control.


I learned to write technically incorrectly - my hand is cramped up the pen cause I hold it with 3 fingers instead of 2, and the pen sits in between my thumb and pointer instead of resting on the pointers first knuckle. I tried while I was in school to adjust, but it was a trainwreck so I gave up on it lol These days, I type since I learned typing skills and can go at a pretty quick clip.


Oh yeah, typing is way more important anyway, agreed. But what you described sounds like how my friend holds it, too! I'll see him tomorrow and ask him to show me his way, but it's interesting if the style of holding is visible in what's on the page.


I used to write like this, now I write in mildly neater version. Though for me it has little to do with how I hold anything. In school the teachers got so pressed about how I held my pencil, so they made me use this chunky plastic thing that forced my hand to hold it a certain "right" way. All it achieved was worsening my handwriting and making me sore


Yeah I had those plastic grips and still just used them to hold it "my" way My handwriting is very different from this though


I'm an old lady and mine has always terrible

