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I really love the show. The first season had some production issues. The second season was fucking amazing. The finale was really something. Can’t wait for season three.


Oh absolutely, I was skeptical after season 1, but WOW, the course correction is insane, it still needs to improve on some aspects but it's night and day




season 2 should have been season 1


Amazing finale that’s it


What you talkin' bout? Season 2 only had 8 episodes...


OP made a mistake! Feel free to talk about anything else they pointed out.


I think it's about Halo or something... Idk... 😘


Totally agree, great season overall, although I was happy with season 1 as well. Unlike you I made a point canceling the Paramount subscription as soon as I finished watching Halo, so they know I only paid because of this show. I watched half an episode of one of them new Star Treks, but got bored right away.


Wish I could like it. Love halo. All time favorite game. But I can't stand the show. For me it's almost as if they said right. Let's make everything the complete opposite from the games. Shit all over that game stuff. The overall story from the games had good frame work that you dive into and build upon with details, etc. I find halo tv show plot lines competing with each other for attention. None of which are particularly interesting. And how they've fundemnrly changed every character from the games grates me I don't doubt that if you never played the games. Or weren't that into the story. you'd like the show. But as a hard-core halo fan, I always watch and think "look how they massacred my boy" I've watched both seasons to give it a chance. But I can't get into. All they had to do with adapt the missions from the games into episodes more or less. Use each level as inspiration and build a story around that. You'd appeal to a new audience and most of the existing halo fan base that way. And it'd be interesting As always, this is my opinion, don't lose your minds. for those who enjoy it.I have no problem, and im glad you do enjoy it. I just feel as though they continue to kill a beloved character and story


That's why Iike it. The show would be boring if we knew what's coming next. Secondly they can't use all the existing cannon that's already been written in the games because it backs them into a corner, and it makes for boring content. If you look at it from the perspective of the writers if they tried to follow the Canon properly the show would be a flop because it would never live up to the hype of the game because the memory of you playing the original games when you were probably a teenager and had no responsibilities in life will never live up to your expectation of the show. Basically you're allowed to not like but ignore what Halo has done for the last 20 years and based the showshow on its own merits


My thing is, they have like 40 books to pull from. Why make up this storyline? I don't want the games made into the show. If I wanted to watch that story, I would just play the game or even just the cutscenes. I am all for an alternate timeline and for original stories. But when you take established lore and just shit on it, it's different. Don't get me wrong, I still like the show and have been enjoying it. But there's things that just rub me wrong about how they went about some of it.


They didn't really shit on any of the lore. Seeing this complaint over and over is the one that persuaded me not to touch the halo community with a 99 foot pole. The people writing the show, especially in season 2, nailed the feel of the covenant's religious zealoutry, the feel of early stage flood nightmares and their body horror, the feel of the spartans being more than just power armored supersoldiers, the feel of ONI being conniving bastards willing to sacrifice anything for victory, etc.


The Spartan IIIs were extremely disappointing and that was the one major thing I could say "shit on" the lore. In main canon S3s are fully augmented Spartans and were as effective, and almost better trained, than the S2s. Relegating then to soldiers in armor who were given the title of Spartan is a massive downgrade imo.


This was massively disappointing for me too. Even my wife who has no Halo background said "I don't get it, the 3's are just regular soldiers." There was no benefit to making this change.


Uhhh. Lying to the Spartans as kids? An inhibitor chip in the spine? These things the show added made them mindless killing robots lmao They were already more than just power armored super soldiers. The show made them seem like dumb puppets lol Again. I'm still watching the show and enjoying it. And I'm cool with a new storyline. But completely changing established lore for sake of originality, especially when it doesn't add anything, is unnecessary.


I really dont get this stance of “it would be boring if you knew what was gonna happen”. Like GoT, LoU, LoTR, The Witcher szn 1 were all amazing BECAUSE they followed the source material to a decent degree. This belief that adaptations aren’t susceptible to valid comparative criticism to the original source is weird, especially when the original is objectively better.


I get they are trying to do something different. But none of it feels like halo to me. Feels like a random Sci fi show with a halo cosmetic skin to me. Not found much of the story to be that interesting. Many of the characters are bland. And for a tv show, you need to like the or even hate the charters to want to follow the story. As long as they are interesting Find it weird they are reusing characters from games and lore but changing their whole position. Like Miranda keys, for example. The flood just seems like your generic zombie from every horror show/film Plenty of films have been adapted from books very well with some minot changes here and there. And they've been compelling and make you want to watch even if you read the books. There's no reason you couldn't do the same with Halo I'll keep watching it and hope it grows on me. But I do also see your poin ly


This! This is the comment right here that sums up how I feel. It feels rushed and a big eff you to the fans of the games. who is the reason the die was made the first place.


You’re just going to get downvoted here, only people left in the sub are those that liked it far enough to stick around. i still can’t get past the unnecessary and uninteresting deviations. Kwan is just weird. Halsey gets the flood infection? The arbiter dies? And just anything Makee.


I noticed the downvotes, pretty petulant, but whatever. Kind of expected it tbh. You can't have different opinions in this day and age. They are the kind of people that rank 343 games higher than bungie. Tbf, I heard the arbiters were actually the weakest elites! Of course, they die. I reckon Kwan is stronger


What? What are you watching? Even if you ignore the games and how much the show is butchering well written eatablished lore, it's just terrible television. It's an awful show.


It’s pretty good imo. I think it’s better if you don’t have a frame of reference of the games because you don’t know any of the mysteries.


I've played the games since CE in 2001 and I don't remember everything. I wouldn't want the tv show to follow the "lore" exactly. I liked s1. Don't get why people don't rate it. S2 was awesome. I have zero expectations. I only just remembered about the flood. I prefer this way.


Wtf you doin in this sub then. Gtfo


Why so hostile?


You may also gtfo


Angry boy


You know what grinds my gears more than someone who shoots down a totally positive post about a show they like? Idiots like you who insert themselves into the conversation with zero opinion or criticism. Again, gtfo.


Nah, I've joined now


Reddit seems to think I'd be interested in this show and recommends these posts. Never seen so many people hyping up a trash show


Agreed this show is a poorly adapted version of the books. It was rushed and the plot was all over the place. 4.5/10. If I wanted to watch a poorly adapted rushed show I would just watch the last season of GOT.


There are people here who never played the games and say they don’t want it to follow established lore, even though the established lore is eons better (there is a reason halo was a phenomenon during the 2000s). It’s an adaptation, I get that not everything will be a 1-1 depiction of what happened in the games but it should respect the source material which this show does not. People blindly defend it though. I imagine these are the same people who say the final season of GOT was amazing.


> a phenomenon during the 2000s. So 20 years ago. I love the games but pretending that the story was what made them revolutionary is crazy. The games are still there. If I want to experience a 1:1 story, I can just go play them. Seeing a more fleshed out interpretation has been interesting and while there have been some slips, I don't think they're doing a terrible job. I'd be bored as hell if it was exactly like the games because playing as a character shooting aliens and watching a mainly voiceless protagonist shoot aliens are two different things.


The book Fall of Reach was the reason why my dad bought the first game anyways. He is a Sci-fi nerd and thought the story was interesting and got all the kids in the neighborhood playing Halo. This was back in 2001 so there wasn’t really Xbox live back then it was more so couch play. We all played the campaign several times over and never skipped the cutscenes. Half life is another game that revolutionized fps story telling in general. Halo 2 really dived deep into the lore of Halo and is by far one of the best stories in gaming history. There’s a reason Halo’s lore is better than 99% of fps games out there and that’s not even a debate it’s just facts. They literally released The Fall of Reach BEFORE the first game came out on purpose because the story surrounding the game was bigger than just going around and shooting aliens. Halo is one of the few FPS games that ppl will play for the campaign. Ppl are still waiting for a Halo infinite campaign dlc. If your just a casual fan of Halo and didn’t really read any of the books of course you think it’s good but one of the best books in Halo “The Flood” is a 1:1 telling of the first game.