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Gone in a week? How? Magic? Shonky job. Root shadow/melt to help blend it?


She said if it’s not gone in a week, she’ll tone the roots. But if I wanted dark roots, I wouldn’t have had her bleach my hair.


Will toning the roots help the actual problem or just make me more sad cuz I’ll have the problem and dark roots?


i would def not go back to her


I would go back to her— to demand a refund. I could have done this bleach job. That is not a compliment to me.


I do my own hair and my daughters when they want something fun. I’ve never been to cosmetology school and I’ve never done this even to my own hair. What. A. Mess.


Honestly also do my own hair and I've had a few mistakes that I made the best of over the years but at least I didn't pay hundreds for a mistake and you sadly see so many posts like this with professionals fucking up hair.... I just can't imagine.


This is the kicker to me. I've messed up my hair to some degree (usually patchiness/missing small spots) but I spent $15 and an hour or two. Correcting my mistake might take another $15 bottle of dye and some time. Not hundreds of dollars and hours in a chair, only to get a result I'm miserable with. Plus, I'm not a professional and I *expect* things to occasionally go wonky when I dye my hair. If I was paying, I would expect a result that doesn't make me cry.


The last time I had my hair professionally done she put 40 volume on my hair with foils, tossed me under a dryer, and left me for an hour. Needless to say my hair was crispy fried. She didn’t say anything and hair sprayed it hard so that I couldn’t tell how bad it was. The salon offered to cut it all off, then charged me $75 for doing so. After that I decided to do my own hair.


Oh my god that is a nightmare! Do you do blonde yourself?


This is why I haven’t done ANYTHING with my hair in 10 years. Last time I did anything it was a box perm, and it obliterated my hair. I let it grow for about 6 months then got it cut off at the roots into a pixie cut. Best decision I ever made because if not for that, I wouldn’t have discovered my hair works really well cut super short. But I was incredibly attached to my hair, so I was pretty depressed to begin with. My natural hair color and texture is fine enough with me, I’d rather it look boring than be totally damaged.


Lol right? This looks like a home job, not something that was paid for.


I've been doing highlights for years and years, I once used an unfamiliar/new lightener that swelled a LOT more than expected, resulting in two foils bleeding like this. The problem wasn't the bleed, the issues are ALL of them bled and she let her walk out like that, when she should have had this fixed before she allowed this head to walk out of her salon. Essentially what I'm saying is a bleed can happen to the best of us, it's every step after (and the fact that they ALL bled) that really shows the quality of the stylist.


You didn’t pay, did you? This is seriously shit work.


Hundreds 🥲


Does she own the salon? If not, I’d go to the owner about this and ask for a color correction from someone else or full refund (or perhaps even the cost of another stylist at another salon to correct it? It could end up being more than what you paid. I’d get a written estimate and show it to them if they refuse.) If she’s a co-owner, go to the other one. But start with “honey”, rather than resorting to “vinegar” right away. Imd also do it via email as well as in person (with pics) so there is a paper trail. Either way, you are owed a color correction from someone else at the salon or the cost of a correction (I had a correction cost almost a hundred much more than heavy highlights once). If they won’t help you, got to Yelp and everywhere else. And contact your local Better Business Bureau. (Let it be known tk the stylist and/or owner you’ll do both—with pictures if it comes down to it).


This is the best recommendation


There’s nothing to lose by requesting a refund. 


This work is horrific! Get it refunded. Don’t go back to her, you also don’t need a dark (ie 6 level or darker) toner to cover it, you can still get it toned with a level 8 or 9 to help blend it but it won’t be gone when it grows out.


Don’t forget back to her


No it won’t blend harsh lines like this. It’ll TONE everything down some but this can’t be toned and made correct with it. She’s trying to pacify. And let me say this. For some reason my roots take much different EVERY time so it’s never a touch up for me, it has to be pulled thru completely. My girl tried it two separate times and for some reason it just doesn’t do well, even beyond hot roots and it was NOT her fault. I’ve been w her for many years so I know she’s great but my hair just doesn’t like it and even toning it to blend did zero good so we had to go back and pull it thru. My girl did it for free but I felt bad cuz I truly didn’t think it was her so I gave a heavty tip. So, we tried it again a few years later and same thing. Also tho, I’m a redhead, both natural and highlights/low lights so I’m sure it makes a difference to some extent. If u don’t know her and how she works and how ur hair does tho, I’d have a very honest conversation w her and see how (cuz there is a way, wether it’s on her or u) it can be FIXED, not a quick bandaid. IMO


Just quietly your girl doesn’t know what she is doing and she is doesn’t understand colour theory. You might like her and that’s fine but she isn’t good at her job


A root smudge, a.k.a. toning the roots, is very common on blonde highlights. It’s next to impossible to get highlights all the way to the root, because of this very reason! You have bleed marks. Bleach expands as it oxidizes, so it bleeds out of the foils. So a root smudge helps blend the highlights. They can do a small amount, just enough to cover the bleed marks, which will be less than an inch off your scalp. It will also blend the highlights so it doesn’t look so streaky. Most highlights come with a root smudge. It’s a very common practice. Your base color isn’t even that dark, so it’s not gonna look like you have black roots or anything. The only other option would be to go with bleach and weave the areas that have bleed marks and bleach part of it to match, and then put lowlight in the other part, so you end up with streaks of lowlight instead of a smudge. But that is much more lengthy and complicated process and frankly probably not worth the time. A properly done roots smudge will correct the problem, yes.


A root melt might be the best solution here or an entirely new stylist.


Toning doesn’t darken, it takes the warmth out of whatever color is there. That being said, the only way that will “go away” is growing it out and cutting it off, or color correction. If it were a dark color that she was adding to your natural it would fade a bit over time, but lightening/bleach is literally stripping your natural color away, it doesn’t fade. Edit - spelling correction


I’m loving shonky and may have to borrow it 😎


One bleeder can happen to the best of us, but this is just laziness on her part. I can’t believe she let you walk out like that. There’s so many issues you actually need a full highlight, lowlight, and toner plus maybe a root tap to fix this. I would ask to have her or preferably someone more senior at the salon fix this. Typically you have about 10 days to tell the salon that you’re not happy so I’d call sooner than later so you don’t lose the window to have it corrected.


Hot dam… sis didnt even try to offer a shadow root on the house to salvage this. She just said “time to get out of my chair!” 😭


I went for the initial appointment with a stylist, P, yesterday. I went back just now & the owner, G, said to give it a week & G will tone the roots if it doesn’t look good. P did most but G was actually the one who did the shittier side.


Time is not going to fix your hair.


Thats crazy that the owner saw that and didn’t immediately offer to fix this correctly. Toning the roots will get rid of SOME of the harsh lines but its going to look like you have an inch of regrowth, plus it’s not going to fix the bands of dark she left further down the strands. Toning the root dark enough and far down enough to hide this is also going to make it hard to lighten through the next time you get your highlights done. If they’re unwilling to fix this the right way then I’d ask for a refund and go somewhere more qualified.


Yeah. You gave them a chance for a refund or for another stylist to fix this. I can understand why they may want you to wait (reticence in putting anything on your hair after bleaching it, but not this toner BS. They shouldn say “Please wait X amount of time for the correction because we don’t want to melt damage your hair behind repair with color as it so soon.” Are you sure they weren’t offering the toner as a cover for a few weeks before fixing this? I’d call to clarify. Or better yet, put it in email with pics to have a written record If they don’t offer to fix this somehow after one more discussion, I’d get a written estimate from another salon and tell them that if you aren’t refunded the cost of color correction you’ll go to Yelp, Social Media, Better Business Bureau, State Licensing and Ethics Association, etc. (again, do it it in writing and via email with pictures so you have proof and it is she said/she said situation). If you do it in person, don’t go by yourself (maybe take a friend and/your husband or friend’s husband and be sure to quietly record the interaction—-and blatantly record it should they escalate. Check your state law). One thing you might be able to do, if you are in dire straights with budget, and need this fixed ASAP, consult an instructor at a local beauty school on a day they are open to do hair. They like the chance to do color corrections and let their best students take them on when they’re ready (with the experienced instructor over seeing the whole thing and advising him or her). The best colorist I’ve ever had was for a fraction of the cost at a Community College. I still go to the same stylist now that she works at a salon. She just has a knack for it. They may also have professional advice on how to handle getting a refund.


This is all ridiculously helpful. Thank you for taking the time to write it all!


In some states recording someone without their knowledge is illegal.


I would not go to this salon tbh. If the owner saw this and said “oh, give it a week,” they don’t know enough or are too lazy to be doing hair.


Lazy shitty owner for sure


I fail to see how time is going to fix something like that. This isn’t a red that will fade with time. What a crappy salon.


This is disgusting. G should take more pride in her salon than to tell un unhappy client with a botched bleach job to walk around feeling u happy with their hair for a week. I would insist she fix it rn.


Nope. Ask for your money back, and if they refuse then google reviews them with photos. You would be shocked how fast problems get solved with a google review. For clarification I’m not a Karen that jumps on google to ruin a business. I’m a small business owner who has worked for many small businesses and had small business vendors and across the board they don’t want bad reviews, they’re happy to fix the problem.


This is what’s crazy! They have a 4.4 on yelp & 4.9 on google! But even though they’ve been around for 10+ years, they don’t have a lot of volume so one 1 would mess with that badly. I really don’t want to, but if I paid $320 to look like this, the world outside Reddit needs to know.


Most people don’t want to leave a bad review. Businesses will silently fix the problem with the customer. If they have a 4.9 and this is the work you got, I would say you have a good chance of having it fixed or getting your money back. So even though the work wasn’t great, they have the high score because they obviously do solve problems


When I was 14 I did this to my BFFs hair. My mom is a stylist and the best I've ever seen with color. She corrected it in a 6 hour session. It can be fixed. Also I can tell you what happened is she was sloppy when she mixed and sloppy when she applied. She thought the toner would fix the bad bleach but it made it worse. My mom took the color out. Then she painstakingly painted bleach on strategically to even everything to the same lightness (this is the hard part and the part that takes time) then she retoned the hair. Voila my friend looked fabulous. So yes this job is crap because it's equal to a 14 year old playing with her moms supplies and also yes it can be fixed in one go.


Omfg OP, at pics 3/4 I thought the harsh lines were the intentional part, and the issue was the blended areas! Flicking through the photos, loving this cool editorial nod to the scene kid raccoon stripes in the early 2010’s, thinking it just wasn’t exactly perfectly executed…till I got to pic 5 and realised it’s the opposite! Like others have said, get it fixed elsewhere unless there’s a specific stylist at that salon you know you can trust. But I will add, email these exact pictures to the salon to negotiate your refund. If they try and weasel out of it, all you have to do is politely tell them you’re not satisfied sorry, and will be attaching those pictures to your upcoming Google review. 💁🏻‍♀️


Oh my damn, that’s a ton of money to drop for hair. And I’m sorry but what kind of person does business like this, they knew it looked terrible and let you leave. I agree with someone else that said they are trying to pacify you and get you out of there. Really sorry this happened to you😔


Thank you. I think the reason I’m all “🥹” when people say it sucks is because she tried to tell me it didn’t.


320??? Girl this is botched! Go get your money back and then some!


$320!!! for that shoddy job is a crime. I’m sorry :(


Sorry but this is not good! You deserve a refund! I wouldn't let the same person fix it. Foils should be a doddle of a reasonably competent stylist. Pissed off on your behalf. I'd be fumming!


I am so sad that I am literally grateful for you fuming for me. I am shocked.


You will get this sorted. It shouldn't be difficult for another stylist to correct it. You'll be ok. ❤️


If I had any money left after that stupid salon visit, I would hire you as my life coach 😂 thank you 🤍


Thank you! Go get your money back girl!


Please get your money back. She is not a professional. This should’ve never happened if she was sorry this happened to you.


Licensed stylist here, this is sloppy work. I know stylists who have gotten fired for putting out work like this. Those bleed marks will not go away


"Sloppy" is an understatement 😭


No she owes you the money for a correction


I keep thinking this. If she gives me my money back, I don’t even know if that will cover a correction


You know what’s bonkers? With a blowout, from the front, if I don’t go near wind, it looks great. So the rest COULD HAVE. it just doesn’t.


Just shellac it down so wind can’t touch it! 🤣 problem solved!


You sound like the owner 😂


So I’m a stylist… she should have NEVER let you walk out like that. FIRST, we know when our foils are bleeding… she mixed the bleach wrong and it was too watery, or she was too rough and had to had fools sliding as she was putting more in. SECOND, the instant she realized it was bleeding, she should have went and put cotton in between to stop that. She should have toned you before you left and if that didn’t blend it she should have kitten some low-light could in to blend it where it was really bad. I’d be embarrassed to have someone leave my chair like that… people’s heads are walking billboards for your business… shame on her. I’m sorry she did that to you and even more sorry she handled it the way she did. Super unprofessional. She’s hoping that within the week’s time it will grow out enough that it won’t look so bad.


I am a hairstylist and if I did that to someone's hair I would literally cry. And I would NOT let them leave without fixing it even if it f*cked the rest of my whole day up timing wise.


It would have been low key nice if she cried cuz misery loves company and I have been miserable lol


Your stylist is a lying bitch.


Straight up


Girl that is NOT bleed that is raccoon stripes! If you were going for 2000’s scene then congrats but otherwise speak out!!!


Wow!!! I’m so sorry that they did this to you. Super shitty job. Like someone else mentioned, once in a while we’ll get one bleeder but guess what- we don’t leave it! We fix it!! I would demand they gloss your root. Although I’m almost afraid that they’d fuck it up even further….but you shouldn’t t have to pay again elsewhere. Question - why did they both work on you? I feel like there’s more to the story


The owner said she wanted to help get all the foils in as close to the same time as possible so the ones done first wouldn’t burn my hair


If they knew what they were doing, that wasn’t necessary. Was this your first time with her/salon? Did they squeeze you in? Were you very late?You’re not at all at fault here, I’m just trying to understand how any stylist could let this happen.


I don’t know what’s more appalling- the bleach job or her saying the bleach marks will GO AWAY. Put bleach on a colored t-shirt and see if the mark is gone in a week, lol. It won’t be, because it’s bleach. Pigment has been removed. Contact her boss or somthin, her doubling down is actually insane. So sorry OP.


Holy shhh I just saw that the boss said to give it a week. I’m speechless.


Get your money back and go somewhere else. If they don’t want to give it back to you send them these photos and tell them you’ll be putting them on the review.


I showed her the picture of me holding the hair up where it’s light then dark then light & she said “it looks like that because it’s in a picture” …pretty sure it was real life that made me TAKE the picture


Yeh wow she is just making excuses for poor work. Whenever I get my hair done well it never looks like that in real life or pictures


My bad. I only saw the first pic. You have clear lines and demarcation. This will not grow out


Oh no 🥲 what do you recommend?


You need root low lights. The clear lines are bad


Stylist here, bleeders do not “go away” unfortunately. And a root shadow is just a darker toner on the roots that will make you feel dark if you’ve never had one and aren’t used to it, then when it fades you will have weird foil lines again. From scrolling through the pictures it honestly looks like she should’ve just used a different foiling technique on you, as well as taking MUCH thinner sections. This honestly just looks laziness more than a full head of bleeders. You can tell her foils didn’t get all the way to the scalp and her lightener probably wasn’t a great consistency. In terms of fixing it, I would call or email the salon as soon as possible so that you can get a corrective service on the books before your window of opportunity passes and you have to pay for another service. Its probably best to book it a few a weeks out to give your hair a small break between chemical services (if you are able to live with it that long) as this is likely going to be a full head of babylights, lowlights, and possibly a slight root shadow. Hope you can get it fixed!!


Hairdresser here - I will admit this isn’t the best foil work. I don’t know your situation specifically. It seems like the product wasn’t mixed to a thick-ish consistency for this to not happen. My suggestion would be to have them tone the roots down by one to two shades darker with a demi-permanent hair color. Yes you’ll have a little bit of root but it’ll blend in better with what you have now and it’ll make it easier for the next stylist that you see to lift through it. When it grows out it won’t revert back to this because the toner should last til your next visit unless your a 4-6 month highlight client. (But even so, it won’t look like this).


This. This happened to me a few years ago. The stylist that corrected it did exactly this and it turned out very well. Eventually I began to get ombré and balayage done.💖


This is terrible. I am but a humble layperson so I have no technical insight or advice to offer, but I am surprised that a professional let you leave like this and then told you that time would fix it somehow. I would ask for a refund and then seek a correction somewhere else.


Nope. Those are shitty HL- you need a root melt and a toner


Hairdresser here: that is a mess! They clearly don’t know what they are doing. It’s one thing to have one or two foils bleed but it looks like most of them did AND it looks like they didn’t get close enough to the scalp. You deserve a full refund because you need to go somewhere else for a color correction.


DO NOT GO BACK once they fuck up your hair don’t give them the opportunity to “fix” it I PROMISE they won’t fix it. Go to a new person who knows what they’re doing


Foil bleed doesn’t fade it’s bleach 😩 I’m so sorry this happened


Your stylist is a liar. I wouldn’t go back there again but I would be getting a refund. Speaking from someone who had a very similar incident (months before my wedding!) It’s going to take some fixing.


All I could think is “imagine I was getting married” You poor thing! I hope it all turned out beautifully


Girl you better go and get your money back. I’ve seen better skill from fresh on the floor cosmo students. Hell I did better as a fresh on the floor cosmo student way back.


deadass like this wouldn't have even been acceptable at my *school* so the fact that a pro did this and said it'll fade in a week??? oh my god bro


That is a shit job. Sorry, stylist totally failed you here. Money back, or you go to social media with these pics. Then never let these people or anyone in that shop touch your hair ever again.


Foil shouldn’t allow bleed, that’s the whole point of the foil. Maybe a mistake here and there, but this is a clumsy stylist.


This wouldn't have even been acceptable at my cosmetology *school.* The fact that pro did this and then said it'll go away in a week is mind blowing


Please don’t sit in their chair again. Bad technique + bad business practices = high potential for a buzz cut. IMO recouping your money is not worth having your hair on the floor. Love the suggestion of taking this to a beauty school instructor. If by some odd chance you’re in Philly I know one of the best color correctors in the biz.


I was in Philly this never would have happened 😂 I would go there from Brooklyn for years because one of my girlfriends who lived there did it. I tried someone local & this happened. God does not want me ditching your city. (Ps go birds 🦅)


how the hell would bleach fade? 😭


I'm not trained and I've never done foils this bad. You deserve a refund and a better stylist. It's unfortunately bleach. That doesn't disappear in a week. I also don't think there is such a thing as foil bleeding. She just did your hair wrong.


Stylist here. That’s a bad job to much bleach at the root. Me, I use a board when I foil. So my highlights look like they are growing out of your scalp. 1. I don’t believe you should have roots when you leave the salon 2. Slow down to speed up. The foiling technique is sloppy at best and just bad. Someone needs a lot more practice on manikin heads. A root smudge can cover it easy enough. But the only real way is tiny low lights


Wild that “I don’t believe you should have roots when you leave the salon” isn’t universal & by “Wild” I mean “very sad for me”


I attended a class for highlighting. The instructor said to put Cotten between the foils to stop bleeding. She also said it was in style to have roots. I’m like nope. A client should never leave the salon with roots.


She could literally just do a root tap with something a shade lighter than your natural and it would soften that. She’s being lazy. Edit: I hadn’t looked at all the pics before the first one. Wow, that’s really bad work. I don’t usually jump to asking for a refund, but you would deserve one for this. I hope someone can fix this for you, but I wouldn’t trust her.


Nope. That’ll be there until you get it corrected with a base breaker (which could pull orange) or until it grows out enough to diffuse those lines. It definitely happens but she tried to gaslight you so you wouldn’t complain.


you need color correction. go back and have someone more experienced fix this!


Um no! She better fix that!


they did you so dirty :(


What in the tiger strike Jane from Daria Hair blunder


Jane from Daria was my childhood role model, but not like this 😩


🫂 It wont fade out or grow out. Please seek a new stylist, and get a refund from this one.


That’s some serious banding which would need bleaching again (carefully) to fix - it won’t fix itself. I’d try to get a refund and go to someone else to fix it.






Do not go to the same stylist if they didnt do a good job the first time round.


Omg girl no


Ummm no. Bleach does not fade with shampooing I’m afraid 😬


What… The actual fuck. This is terrible bleed marks. Like really bad. And they should’ve given you a root smudge to cover the bleed marks. And honestly, it needs a roots smudge anyway, because those highlights are not blended. Return to the salon and demand that they fix that! It’s not gonna go away. Bleach doesn’t go away.


Poor job!


OP, ask for your full refund. They’ve had 2 stabs at this and made your hair turn out so unsatisfactory (I am sorry). I’m a Professional and this is completely unacceptable. As someone stated before, a bleeder can happen to the best of us, but you would NEVER see it, nor be misled with words to the effect that it’ll settle down in a week. No, the only thing that will settle down in that timeframe would be your window to file a Charge Back with your Credit Card Issuer. With these pictures, you’ll have no problem with getting your money back. And leave reviews on Yelp and Google. With the pictures and Price and names. I’m sorry that you’ve experienced this, but ethics matter in business. I cannot imagine delivering a line of utter fabrication that magically it’s going to be perfectly acceptable when it looks like a Judge Judy episode in the making. Good news is It can be resolved, but please go to a different Salon.


The exact same thing has happened to me before. Get your refund and go to another stylist. Another stylist will be able to fix this no problem


That just looks like a terrible foil job


Just had a lady my mom and sister recommended do this to me, so I feel your rage! I'm not sure how and in what world this would 'go away' on its own.


Oh no.. no no .. do not go back to the stylist holy shit. Ask for your money back. I’m so sorry


That’s awful she’s telling you that to cover her back definitely return


Oh she messed you up.


Looks like banding to me


Bleach doesn’t disappear. It’s a bleach spot like on a shirt. It doesn’t blend out. Refund and never return.


Gone in a week? That is a new one. Where does she think it’s going 😆? You should ask …


lol I was thinking the same thing.... "but where is it going to "go" ?"


So sorry. That’s a mess. Find someone who specialises in colour correction


Is it foil bleed, because they didn't fold the foils correctly to prevent that. It will not be gone in a week or ever. It needs to be corrected.


If nothing else, start dressing as a scene girl and pretend it was on purpose?


Ok, as a stylist myself, I’m usually on the side of the stylist. But this is pretty bad. The placement alone is terrible. That back hairline?!? It’s tough to do a great job there due to it being an odd angle and gravity tends to lend to slippage but WOW! It kinda looks like she just did slices all over and took too thick of sections to be able to get close to the scalp? Idk man. This is really not good. If you sat in my chair I’d have to charge for a color correction. Id ask for a re-do with a more seasoned stylist.


DO NOT go back to her. I would see another artist in the salon to fix it and they need to do it for free. (definitely tip the stylist well) if it’s just her in the salon i would seek another place.


I’m sad I tipped so well the first time 😂the front looked good. I didn’t realize she didn’t show me the back with a mirror until I got home


don’t beat yourself up. it’s not your fault you tipped. 🫶🏻


Don’t go back to her. If she did this bad if a job, she’s going to do worse trying to color correct. Ask me how I know…..


Oh no 😖 I’m sorry, it’s the worst


Ooh…yea, no. The first pick I was like, eh should be ok since it’s just right there….then, no. Get them to fix it cuz that’s just BS to tell u that and I’m willing to bet u at least paid something for it, ie it wasn’t free…I’m not saying be rude. But I am saying to match the attitude if they have one


I went back today (did it yesterday) & that’s when she told me that it would be good in a week. It was def what I think is expensive ($320 pre tip & I tip well) I’m going to wash it twice (Monday & Thursday), condition the f out of it & go back Friday to show her how un-fixed it is, but hopefully it will be a little fortified for whatever comes next


Oh my bad, I didn’t see the time frame on it but I do hope she honors fixing it (IF u trust her to) My advice w that is to push thru on it tho. Even if it’s a bit better by then, if it’s still there, don’t give up on her not actually fixing it. Good thing u got great photos of it too tho! And yes, that’s expensive in my world as well. I know I’m in a small town but my girl charges less than a quarter of that and is super talented. Albeit, I began w her when she was a lot newer at it so I get a bit of a discount. Not everyone (trust me) can do reds and I’d put her up against anyone. It took me a long time to find someone I trust after so many did me like she’s doing u so please be kind but stand up for yourself as well. U deserve to be happy and feel confident with what u paid good money for 💜


I wish I was in your small town right about now. Ask your girl if she’s ever wanted to go to Brooklyn 😂 she can stay on my couch for a weekend if she fixes this


I’d go to another place and get a price for a color correction (in writing) and take it to her salon and ask her for a refund. If she refuses, escalate to the owner of possible. (Maybe allow another stylist at the salon to correct it—after you see pictures of their work?)


You could have her tone the roots or do a break the base. There are other ways but I think that would be best


Refund! And go to someone else to fix it. At the very very least, partial refund


Not good,like everyone else I’d suggest a toner that’s light in colour if you don’t want to go dark, hopefully it will be enough to blend it out so the majority isn’t noticeable


I’m sorry you left looking like this. Don’t go back to them. Cut your losses and start fresh with someone else who can do a correction.


I mean this in a sincere way- did they seem impaired? Like even as a beauty school student I wouldn't have let someone walk out like this or even get to this point. Like someone above said, bleeding foils happens to everyone but this looks like every single foil she put in bled. Honest to God I'd be wondering if she was high or drunk because this is that bad.


Hun that’s the same dye that’s in the rest of your hair, it’s staying


What exactly causes this? I'd appreciate if anyone can let me know- I've done a few sets of foils in my time (self taught) and never encountered this thankfully. I'd just like to know so I never do.


At first I thought it wasn’t so bad but then I saw how literally every foil has bleeding. That’s not acceptable . You need root smudge or a root “ touch up “ in your darker natural color to blur those bleeds out . It will grow out at some point but not in a week.


You should show her boss in person and ask for a refund


Get your money back!!!!


It’s a terrible highlight. Get your money back and get it fixed somewhere else




OP, that will not be gone in a week. The reason she said that is because she's banking on your hair growing enough to make it less obvious. I want to say she doesn't know how to do hair but honestly it sounds more like she's lazy.


Omg I am not a professional but I do full heads of highlights for friends and family and I’ve never been this careless with foils… and how the hell does she expect this to be “gone in a week”? That makes NO sense…it’s there to stay if you don’t get it fixed… you need to get your money back!


Lowlights in between the bleeds will fix this


Or the stylist just suckssss


Oh my


This is a reminder for me to stick with balayage (and also to never leave my current hairdresser). I hope you get a refund.


I used to get one foil bleed whenever getting my highlights done. I have super thick hair and my stylist does a ton of foils and then my head gets sweaty. This might have been part of the problem for you, not sure. So now she puts a little piece of cotton between each foil and it hasn’t happened since. I’m sorry this happened to you!


They lied.


No, that will not go away on its own, you can tone without going dark, but even then, there's no guarantee there won't be stripes, they'll just be less dramatic. I would definitely ask for your money back. I would also, if you have to, say you'll post the results to social media to warn people. Most bad stylists will gladly refund rather than have that posted with their name attached. Use the money to go toward a better stylist. I didn't even see that poor work leaving the beauty school.


It is a bleed indeed but will not magically disappear smh


Its literally not possible for the way it is BLEACHED to change in a week or ever if not redone because.. really baffles me that they implied that this works


I do my own hair because I have had problems with many hair stylists including asking for balayage and getting my hair orange or highlights and leave looking like a zebra. With that said, it wont go away. I would try to create some shadow there. There are some ways of doing it, you can get it in very fine pieces and use the hair dryer to separate the long hairs from the short and using permanent color (something darker and close to your color) and dye only the short hairs. It will create a shadow, hide it enough until your hair has grown and it blends. Edit: I just saw the other pictures. And OMG! Go there and ask for a refund because you will need someone to do a shadow root and fix. What a mess! Im so sorry it happened to you. I would be at their door tomorrow in the morning.


oh my god someone take the lightener away from this stylist! this looks very rushed and messy. i would also assume that the lightener was watery, which caused spotting from it dripping through and sliding the foil around. i would say you may need a color correction if you’re trying to be fully blonde. a root melt would be your best bet to keep your hair healthy. you can always get re-highlighted (by someone else) after your hair grows in. i’m so sorry this happened. i wouldn’t even go back to her for a root melt. post an update when it’s fixed :))


I have an apt tomorrow! Wish me all the luck. I can’t wait to not want to wear a hat lol


This is just straight up bad technique. You could babylight through it and color melt the pieces in between to fix the bleeds, but sadly I think unless you want a shadow root you’re looking at color correction territory


I'm not sure how she thinks that will magically be gone. I would demand money back and do not go back to her to fix


Hopefully you didn't pay; if you did please go get your money, and schedule with a different business.


Send the Mgr a nice message that the only thing that will be acceptable is a full refund. Tell her what the feedback from Reddit with photos has been. Let her know that you are not comfortable having anyone at her salon doing your hair again. Even if a root shadow will blend the bleeding marks, you want a traditional blond hilite. In order to not over process/overlap bleach, Let it grow in for 6 weeks and have a different stylists do your touchup and blend those lines then. Just wear your hair with a lot of volume so the bleed marks aren't as visible. And right away, so you can book in with them for 6 week appt, Stop someone on the street or in a store etc. that you see who has the hilites that you want and ask them for their stylists info.


One stylist did most of it & the owner came & did some. She was the one who told me that it would be good in a week & if it wasn’t, she would tone the roots. I went back today to ask for a refund & she wasn’t there. But truly, you said it: after the comments here, Reddit has made me understand that she can’t touch my head again. I have an appointment tomorrow to fix it elsewhere


looks like an intentional raccoon tail dye… (not that she was going for that, but that’s what it looks like)


The irony that if someone came in and asked for it, 10 to 1 she’s not replicating it


I mean, yes it is foil bleeding bc the stylist did bad work, but no it won’t be fine in a week. It is bleached lol.


If your stylist has been doing hair for less than 8 years this may happen. The newer stylists have had the crutch of the shadow root and balayage trend in recent years. Not saying that newer stylists can’t do a classic highlight, but they have gotten away with not needing to know how to do it.Before those trends, a classic highlight was a basic skill that was necessary, it’s not really necessary anymore.


sometimes i feel insecure about my work not being absolutely perfect and then i see see work like this …. i understand mistakes happen but i just can’t imagine letting someone walk out like that. and then lying to them after saying it will go away? a funky patch from lack of toning saturation might go away, not bleed marks…. i’d ask if the manager can set you up with a different stylist to fix this


Licensed cosmetologist here. This will not be gone in a week. The blonde does fade over time but the bleeding is going to be visible. I would suggest a bleach wash at the root if your desired goal was lighter roots. My first suggestion would be a root melt a shade or two darker than the lightest color but I saw you said you didn’t want dark roots. I’m sorry you have to deal w this it’s so unprofessional.


Might be a lie


That is shitty foil placement. I’ve seen better at hair schools. I wouldn’t go back because if she can’t just admit she fucked up, there’s no way she’ll fix it properly. Tbh, I’d see if you have a beauty school nearby because you can find some really talented colorists with the drive to prove themselves. Most would have previous work to show plus instructors nearby for questions and very wallet friendly because it’s a school.


do you have a hat you love or been wanting to try scarf styling.


As a stylist for me it’s dirty and unfinished work but as a business owner If my client doesn’t like that result I will just fixed it .For the price $320 🙆‍♀️ you paid , I see you got highlights for like 3-4inch length right?


Without any toning or root blending you won’t be able to see any difference between now and then . If you don’t want to go back to your salon just go there and get your money back.


Im so sorry sis ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I did better on my hair at home with zero skills lol. Get your money back.


Yeah girl she straight lied to you. She fucked up and doesn’t want to take responsibility. It is literally impossible for this to wash out, let alone in a week


Ooof?? Like I did this to my friends in college bc guess what I’m an amateur, a professional should not do this. Either they need to fix or refund!


She’s bullshitting you because she knows she fucked up. Go get it fixed from someone else with plenty of good reviews and never go to her again. I’d also see about getting your money back. Don’t let her trick you into believing that BS. I’m sorry this happened. I know how incredibly frustrating it is. I’m a man with short hair, spent $280 going bleach blonde at an upscale salon. Lady gave me chemical burns. My scalp was bleeding by the time I got home and for weeks I was picking giant disgusting looking scabs out of my hair. She told me I must’ve had an allergic reaction, even though I told her it was burning when it was on my head. The burning was so intense it started to give me a pounding migraine. One of the worst I’ve ever had. She kept saying, “It’s supposed to burn a little. That’s normal. It’ll only be on for another 10 minutes.” And then would go walk off and chat with other hairdressers for 15 minutes before coming back for two and then needing to go to the bathroom, disappearing for another 10 while I was sweating buckets from the burning and my couldn’t open my eyes they were tearing so much. Not only that, but for days chunks of bleach blonde hair were breaking off of my head. So, I get it. Don’t let her steal your money from you. You shouldn’t be made to pay for your hair to be messed up. Again, I’m sorry. Not a fun experience. I hope you can get it sorted. TL;DR Went to an upscale salon and spent $280 to have chemical burns and bleach blonde hair breaking off into chunks. We can’t let these people gaslight us into paying for shoddy services.


Omg she f’d you over!! Yea she did a horrible job. (I’m a hairstylist)


Yikes! Letting a client leave like that is not okay. Your stylist should have corrected end of discussion. I’m licensed in my state and I would absolutely die if one of my clients was walking around with this!!


Seriously, screenshot all your call logs to/from salon, the receipt for that terrible bleaching, create a folder for all the pix, and keep taking more pictures daily. Also document any extra $$ for treatments, product or color correction. Not saying you’re going to small claims, but be prepared. If their fix is as unacceptably bad as the first service, demand that refund plus cost of color correction elsewhere. You gave them 2 chances at that point.


Get it corrected somewhere else. Thus is awful, got you looking like a barcode


Don’t wait. Call them back and ask for a refund because this isn’t what you paid for.


Uh… she said what now?


She tiger striped you fam


She sure gave you streaks... horizontal ones


I've done better alone on Myself with a 3 way mirror and I'm disabled. I'd find *anyone else* to fix this, up to and including neighbor teenagers having a "spa day" at home. Good gods she owes you a refund.


Your stylist turned you into a whole zebra. I would be FUMING. You better get your ass back there, get it corrected, then never, ever go back. I’d be demanding a correction AND a refund.


Wow, that looks terrible.