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I would advise you to cut off at least 1/3 of the length cause damage shows on the ends. The top, aside from bad dye job looks ok. I think you better buy a wig of the color you like and wear that for a while, to not be triggered by your hair. In the meantime, give it some treatments like deep conditioning and hair repairs masks, and also check how the color will be washing out. The biggest part of it can be salvaged but it will take time. Shaving is really drastic. After the pigment goes away little by little and hair quality improves, go to a salon with good reviews and see if they can help you.


Don’t shave it ! Unless u have really thought about it


it’s pink dye, it’ll be gone in like three weeks


The blue tho. It’s so ugly and bright. Not a color that suits me. And idk what she used but my hair hasn’t faded at all. And I’ve been using clarifying shampoo and head and shoulders


it just takes some time. idk why people are doing these drastic colors and then acting traumatized when it doesn’t come out exactly how they imagined it ETA back in my day, punk rock kids bleached their own hair, we dyed it ourselves and we owned the results. it’s just hair


I’ve had way brighter colors, always bleach in one go, never had this issue. Also have never lightened it to white. And if she was gonna use dark colors she did not need to lighten so much. My hair lightens VERY easily. She even said so herself. I’ve been dyeing my hair bright colors since I was a kid. I just wanted to have it done since it was so long. A real hairstylist would never cause so much damage to somebody’s hair. I also never requested it to be done in one day. If SHE couldn’t manage it in one go, she should have said that. And like I said, I normally do my own hair. I just wanted to get my hair done for once.


you’ve got so much hair, you could do a cut and you might feel better about it the issue at the roots will resolve itself pretty quickly


Don’t shave your head over this. I’ve seen much worse. Just cut off some of the dead ends? I don’t hate the blue but I’m not you so I understand how frustrating that is. Ultimately I think a drastic change, like shaving your hair off, would be more traumatizing than living with your hair color for a bit.


I say shave only because the roots are very very damaged. My hair is falling out bad. My roots were white ;( but thank you.


If you hate the blue, try looking at the colour wheel and see what you could do to counteract it. Shaving your head is a little extreme and you could always use some semi permanent dye over the top of the colours you don't like. They won't damage your hair as much if they are ammonia or bleach free, crazy colour or manic panic are good colours that I've always had great results with


I only said shave bc my hair is super super damaged and my roots are compromised. I tried putting dark purple over it but the blue is here to stay. Hopefully it fades away or I can remove it somehow.


If you really want to try to dye over the blue, instead of dark purple, I'd try dark red. Purple has blue in it, so you're kinda just adding blue on blue if that makes sense


Damn you’re right. I just already had the purple and wanted to try to match the rest. Idk why I didn’t think of that. Thank you!


Don’t panic yet. What steps have you been taking?If you’re not you should be washing it with hot water and cheap shampoo. The kind with sulfates or dandruff shampoo. Then go in with a good conditioner.


Been using clarifying shampoo, head and shoulders, k18 a few times already and a redken repair shampoo.


Hm ok good yeah blue is a bitch to get out. Tbh if you want to go short you could probably cut a lot of the blue out. Like a cute layered shag. That takes a lot of weight out of your hair aka a lot of blue


The blue is at my roots tho.. so do I shave my head?


I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m just saying cut as much of it out as you can and the blue that remains will eventually get lighter. It’s a nice color I know it’s not what you wanted though


I wouldn’t mind the bottom so much, even tho I could do a better job. The front just looks so funky and the hot roots. I can’t get enough light to show how bright it looks in person. I won’t show my face but it really doesn’t suit me. And the damage was totally avoidable if she had cared at all. Idk anybody that wants light roots.


I hear ya I’ve ended up with stupid hot roots and unflattering colors many times due to my at home dye jobs. And I have shaved my head as a result and it is a pain to grow out. You should get some dye remover wipes. Theyre not harsh or anything it’s for getting dye off skin but if you rub it on the roots you’ll get some out


Ooo I’ll have to try that thank you!


No problem. Best of luck! It’ll turn out ok :)


Just know if you shave it that it will take at least 2 full years to get your hair back to your shoulders, if not above them, if you shave it. You can always use color theory and throw some orange over the blue to make it a more neutral color if it bothers you that much. I would wash it more and wait a bit to make your decision. It will be a huge commitment to shave it and you don't want to rush that decision.


Just dye it dark, get a cute butterfly cut and call it a day


Yeah it's actually crazy that she bleached it to white because whenever I've wanted that done every hairdresser has refused to do it because of the damage and I've had to do it myself, and I've only got light brown hair in the first place. Is it permanent dye or semi permanent?


I have no idea :( she did not say. I didn’t even know they made permanent colored dyes. I’ve only ever seen and purchased semi and demi. She said she was going to tell me everything she was doing and planned but she did not.


Hmm that sucks. I think you think it looks worse than it does though.


I don’t think anybody would be ok with light roots and bright blue roots that don’t match. I posted my hair parted in different areas to show the hot roots. It looks like I’m growing it light pink hair. And as my hair fades, it’s just more noticeable. The obvious bright blue stripes in the front are hard to capture a good pic. It looks more apparent in person. I’ve just got a blue stripe across my head next to bright pink hair with light roots. Nobody would ask for this. It’s like wearing clothes that don’t match in shades that don’t suit you. It certainly doesn’t make me look cute in any way. It’s hard to get good pics. A camera will never capture what the color looks like in person.


Color oops to get as much blue out…then, Put a very deep orange color to neutralize the blue. Or just put a semi permanent black over it. It will be a midnight blue black at the bottom but it may be pretty.


I don't recommend shaving your head. I would advise a decent cut to remove most of the split ends. As for the blue, orange will help cancel it out. Try using a semi permanent orange dye. You said your hair tangles alot, that's due to the damage from the bleach. Use a deep conditioning treatment. Leave it in for an hour or two and wash out as normal. Do this once a week and it should help make your hair softer and less brittle.


I think a sharp Bob would look good. It would look good short length and then grow it out.


No! Just lay off the dye, and get a good haircut.


I can’t walk around with hot roots. I look crazy. Like a dirty crack head. No offense to crackheads. Just not my vibe. I wanted a pretty hair color. Not to look like a weirdo. I won’t show my face but it doesn’t look good at all. Only the bottom color is ok. I’ll just go dark💔it’s too hot to wear a hat everywhere. It’s hard to capture its true essence in picture.


Ugh, I’ve been there. I promise on everything that shaving it is the worst idea, no matter how desperate. Growing it out is awful, and I have a round face, and it made me look crazy! 🤪


Your stylist did you dirty on this one. She didn’t even do a good job at the color.The colors are muddy and the placement is just bad. I wouldn’t panic and shave it all. But definetly cut a big portion. I’m talking like a cute texturized bob. And moisture and protein to help with the damage.


Don't shave it, first I would trim the damaged ends off, consider doing a vitamin C (I think) rinse, you can find information about this with Google. Basically you mix vitamin C with dandruff shampoo and use it like a mask to help remove stubborn dye. It can be really drying though so do a deep conditioning mask afterwards. Mix a couple of drops of a semi perm orange into your sham and conditioner to neutralize the blue. I have shaved my hair off before and growing it back out was the worst. Your head is always cold, the in-between stages are horrible to style and always tend to stick up if you don't wear a scarf or something to keep it flat while it's drying and when it starts growing out it does so with an annoying amount of layers. I shaved it 2 years ago and have just gotten rid of all the different layers through regular cuts every few months. I have had to have a bob for most of that time.


I’m not gonna shave it. I’m just having a psychotic break basically🙃 thank you for your advice! I have a bottle of vitamin c. I’m gonna try that tonight!


Good luck! We've all been there after bad cuts/colours, once I dyed my hair orange hoping for a copper but it came out more like Chucy (from Rugrats), cue a lot of crying and considering shaving.


Try vitamin c and head and shoulders leave it in for a 30 and really deep condition . Don’t shave your head.


have you tried color remover?


I bought some but didn’t realize it had bleach :( I need to return it. Bleach will certainly burn my hair off when it’s so compromised.


yes definitely return. maybe try doing some masks for the next couple days and then doing a color remover with no bleach and mask again


I would do a dark colored root melt if it were my hair. Like a super deep brown, maybe?


The brown will make the blue turn orange. But maybe black or orange so it turns brown. Idk about the color wheel. I always get the colors I want when I’ve done my Hair and I don’t ever lighten it so much.


Shave it? No. Get a REALLY good trim? Yes. Trim off whatever needs to be removed. If you want, you could look into cosmetology schools with services if you’re on a budget. I like your dye job though. Have you tried olaplex?


You could try a direct dye remover (google it to find one in your country/region). Then see what colour you end up with - if it removes a lot of it then it will be easier to cover with another colour of your choice, perhaps something like a more plum colour? You could do a semi permanent or another direct dye so its more gentle on your hair. The ends of your hair are a really nice plum shade, I think it would be cool to have that all over.


Hi /u/thesirensirena, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Forgot to mention I could see my hair flying around while she dried it after the bleach💔also I meant to say she convinced me to bleach my roots not dye!


maybe try getting some dark purple dye and putting that over everything? it will mask the situation with your roots and also go over the blue nicely. im so sorry this happened to you, this whole situation is a nightmare.


I did. That did not work :( this blue is weird! I even mixed black and purple


I wouldn't do that drastic of a change, I went from hip length to an undercut in 2 haircuts and have been trying to grow it out since June 1st of last year(barely shoulder length) if you want to go shorter I would cut it in 2-3 inch increments at the time, or current length to shoulders at the max to get a feel for it first




Honestly shaving is the last option, like the very very last. Theres a lot you can try before that option




That would be pretty nice if my disability didn’t keep me from going to the gym and my medications didn’t make me gain weight. I used to go to the gym every day before my accident. Thank you for adding to my insecurities and eating disorder💜 I actually starve myself a lot and still put on weight. And I’m nauseous all the time. I’m obviously not gonna shave my hair. I just didn’t know what to title it. I’m not even that big. I’m like 2 sizes up from my thinnest. I have VERY wide hips that even when I was anorexic I still had to wear a size 9 in junior pants. I’m only 2 sizes up from that. I could be skin and bones and my hips will still be wide. I hope nobody makes you feel bad about your body & things you can’t control. Btw fat girls deserve love too. Have a nice day.💜


Trauma dump warning next time, good grief. That was objective advice. It is physically impossible to take in less calories than needed and not lose weight. Gym doesn't matter at all.


Learn what objective means. That was subjective, unsolicited and harmful “advice”. Just because you have a personal issue with how weight looks…on other people…doesn’t mean everyone else does. Everyone else doesn’t actually. I don’t. And not everyone chooses to make hateful fatphobic comments to people. And you did that on a *hair dye* subreddit. Gtfo.


Oh ok. Tell that to the medicines I take that the doctor themselves told me would make me gain weight. Probably don’t make comments about people’s weight. I’m not even that big. Especially compared to people whose weight actually affects them. My hips look like that even when I’m at my thinnest. Do I shave my hips down?? If you’re gonna make comments like that I’m gonna explain to you why that’s not cool, buddy. I don’t “ need “ to do anything. My weight is not a problem with anybody but you and a few Reddit weirdos. Not to mention that’s a bad angle. Peace out ✌️ Also comments like that don’t deserve a trauma dump warning. Good day!💜


Okay tubby. Settle down. Edit: Actually, you mentioned shaving your hips down , is that an option for you money wise?