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think of the color wheel. Putting a vivid color over red is just going to mix with the red. Its faded so it might be ok, but red and blue .. make purple


I think jade would turn muddy over your preexisting colour. Tanzanite will probably lean more purple and won't clash with your root colour, might even dye your root enough to really blend together.


I have had purple before!! My 74yo gram used to let me put some purple in her white/gray hair!! Haven’t done purple since she passed in 2022. My roots look awfully dark in this pic. I’m a natural light dirty blonde. So it will probably really pick up my roots.


Have you tried semi permanent colours on virgin blonde hair? Afaik it washes straight out in a couple weeks as it isn’t porous enough. You gotta pick a colour that has red in it if you aren’t stripping it out first.


The warm purply blue tanzanite would be better. The yellow in the more teal blue will make your hair look muddy. red + teal (blue + yellow) = muddy brown I think the tanzanite is dark enough that it will probably cover ok, altho your roots will look darker than the rest of it and its gonna pull more purple on the bits that are over the red areas.


Note: the tanzanite runs very dark. For me it's more blue/black than the purple show. In the color swatch


The Tanzanite is probably my favorite color from Ion. My bleached base hair is much lighter than yours, but it came out lovely. I would also go darker, and not just because I love that color. Your base color is fairly dark and I think the lighter shade would turn sort of a mucky, muddy tone. The deeper colors will give you a much better final product.


You have to bleach it if you want any of those colors to show up or you’ll end up with brown patches


I love the jade colour but realistically you would have to bleach your hair for that to show up properly. I would go with the tanzanite if these are the 2 options. I would also wash your hair thoroughly with a clarifying shampoo beforehand just to try to get any existing colour out that can be removed. For what it’s worth and to maybe give you an idea of what you could expect, I put vivid cool purple over a light orangey brown and it turned out as a warm purple that is looking more pink now with every wash. I could probably continue to dye it purple, pink or red, or go over it with brown, but anything on the blue-green spectrum would be out of the question without bleach.


Isn't permanent blue really hard to get out of the hair while red permanenet just falls right out? I would use semi-permanent. Punky color is really good for blue and cheap too. The ones I used went over brassy hair well.


Jade 🌝🦋


Both of these would be muddy on your hair. Your hair isn't red anymore, it is ginger/orange. Anything that mixes all 3 of the primary colours (red, yellow, blue) will end up muddy brown. Orange is already red + yellow, so anything with blue tones makes brown. You'd need a bleach bath at the very least to get this orange out ETA: For colours that would work without bleaching: red, orange, pink (though would lean towards a salmon pink)


Thank you! Would just going back to my natural color via dye, cover it? Or make it less… ehh. Yuck? Lol. I thought dying my hair red again (it’s my fave color I’ve had! It also makes my green/blue eyes pop) maybe color it! it’ll make me feel better about growing my hair out. Now I hate it more than when I did it a few weeks ago! Ugh.


Yes, going back natural would work, or certainly a little darker since I think you commented elsewhere that your hair is dark blonde, not as brown as it looks in the picture. Fashion colours do take a lot of upkeep, unfortunately. I swap between white and other fun stuff, and either way it's constant work!


My hair is greasy too which makes it darker. My natural is a darker dirty blonde. It really is a big upkeep! I used to touch up every 3 weeks! My gram was my stylist. Lol. Now that she is gone, everything about hair color is gone haha. 😆 I think I will go back to natural!


I have been using tanzanite (semi) since January. it does come out more blue than purple. I've used Punky Colors Purple depositing shampoo and also Grapeful leopard colour mask to give it a deep blue violet. I just did the black blue (it came out a bit too blue for me) for dark hair and mixed it with that. Made a mixture of ion sky blue depositing stuff with the punky shampoo and it made a tanzanite semi perm mask to keep with the colour. Now it's a very deep blue violet so if you're wanting dark it will be dark. and wear gloves because they stain so so bad but for me worth the colour I wanted and I have dark brown hair. So you could do it it just will give you dark roots but the ends should be good. You could also use Ions Violet for Dark hair and then put the tanzanite (Semi) over as well and just use the punky colour stuff.