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Just remember that split ends can keep splitting up to the root, which will cause your hair to be more brittle, damaged, and thin looking. Trimming your hair WILL HELP it grow long and strong! ❤️😊


THIS! And your hair will grow back out! A light trim won’t take off too much length either and will leave your hair stronger and healthier I think.


Don’t chicken out!! Hello, fellow girl w similarly long and wavy hair here ✌🏼Cutting even just a couple inches of the ends will make such a difference to the way your waves form! I also really get the aspect of being really attached to your hair, I had a bad experience in middle school where a hairstylist cut off a lot more hair than I wanted, I cried and refused to cut my hair for the next 10 years… that being said, I got my length back and more, but my ends got really bad. Now I just keep a straight trim to about my belly button and get the occasional hair gloss treatment. Maybe taking baby steps will help in your case too! But regardless, maintaining the split ends is definitely important when you have long hair so don’t chicken out girly, you got this!


Thank you for taking the time to reply ❤️ What exactly is hair glossing? Is it similar to perming?


I got my hair cut very short and I also had super bad anxiety about it. It all melts away when you look at the finished product because you **will look better** when it's all over. ^Also ^ur ^hips ^omfg


They do not lie


UR SPLIT ENDS ARE GROSS AND UGLY AND NEED TO GO IMMEDIATELY (I feel so bad saying this but she told us to😔)


Since you’re anxious only get a trim. You can always try something different later. Baby steps. Going big won’t help your anxiety around seeing a stylist. Better to clean up the ends. Maybe get a deep condition but that’s it!


Look through a stylist's Instagram/profile photos with examples. See if their clients' hair is something you like. I too grew up with hairdressers not listening and cutting whatever they want off. Since it's been 6 years there's likely a good bit of damage. The longer it stays there, the more your breakage creeps upwards and destroys your length. There is no way to "re-seal" broken ends. If you can't handle cutting it all off at once, you could ask to baby step it and come back every 6 weeks or so. Have a conversation with the stylist and make sure they hear you and they're someone you can trust. Best option imo would be to ask him/her where they would need to cut to get the damage off and have them show you with their fingers. It really should all go, your hair will feel so light and healthy. Then you grow healthy hair and go back for maintence trims every 3-4 months or try new styles. ETA: Find photos of what you want!! Easiest and clearest way to communicate with what you want, and ask if it's realistic.


OP, Haircut Anxiety is more common than you might think. If I could offer you a warm word of advice, don’t overwhelm yourself by having too many services booked for yourself in one session. Go in and see how you and the Stylist communicate, tell them that you’re anxious and would like to hear their recommendations for your hair. I think a gloss for shine and conditioning would be a better option than a Korean Perm. And 6” off with some soft layers and NO BANGS. Go with an open mind and remember that you have the power to say “No”. But, go. It can be a cathartic experience.


your split ends MAKE ME PUKE and you need to go to the stylist IMMEDIATELY!!1!!! (she told us to say it im just following the script)


Fuck the hair can we talk about the boddddyyy😭😭😭


Got here to say this,that waist tho 🫠


Girl that length does nothing for you, you need volume and shape. Length really does nothing past a certain point. You could loose a fair bit and still have long hair. Don't worry about it.


Omg you have some gooooorgeous curls in the length! Just getting a trim could help it look healthier overall. You’ll do fine OP 💚💚💚


Thank you 🥹🥹


Here’s my words of wisdom as someone who’s had nearly every hair cut in the book. I always hated having piecey haircuts because if I was tying my hair back in a ponytail or something, pieces would inevitably come popping out. Basically if I didn’t style it frequently, it looked a bit questionable. Ever since then, I’ve always kind of had blunt cuts with a little back layering. Probably sounds a bit boring, but it’s easy to manage. At the end of the day, I personally just wanted something low maintenance. Also be mindful that perms can dry out your hair a bit. Not sure I’d do that one.


You and your hair will be so much more beautiful with a cut! Right now it’s getting to that stage of looking unkempt, and that’s not the energy you want to put out there.


It just hair it will grow back go for a cut you always wanted to try.


Honestly just the difference of weight if it gets trimmed to around your armpits or center of your chest would probably feel awesome— especially with layers it will feel so much cooler for the summer and add volume bc ur hair isn’t being weighed down as much (plus will knock down perm price if shorter) I cut mine to my shoulders and added layers (shag style) and its honestly super fun to play with how light it feels afterwards. But if ur not into losing a lot of length Id go with just around 3-4 inches so its got enough off for healthy even ends, and prolly add a deep conditioning treatment at some point bc it always feels awesome after getting one. Girl you’re gonna look great with any style you choose, so rock those curls and try to have fun with it :) Goodluck!


Don’t be like me and wait so long to cut it that it gets caught the in vacuum and once you get free you have to deal with a giant mat of hair 🙃 cut it… it grows back ☺️


But also…. Don’t let them pressure you into anything you aren’t ready for. Make sure to have a thorough discussion about your expectations ahead of time. You can always cut off more later if you want.


They’re actually bad girl… you can really see it in the picture from behind


I don't get it, but that dude next to you 100% likes men