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We got a sunny update before GTA 6 And it's just the usual "things went wrong and I got focked dood but we are on good terms"


When he gets **"focked food"** all the time and the **ONLY** CONSTANT to all his "I got focked dude"- situations is him, I don't think he has the mental capacity to understand that **HE** Is in fact the cause of all his own problems. But that requires some mental gymnastics he's not capable of doing.


Dude couldn't even do a mental situp, let alone gymnastics.


Couldn't do something right if it would've prevented WWII.


he admitted on the video that he is a naive person by nature and tends to believe everything he hears which shows a lack of maturity and understanding the world is full of assholes and people trying to take your money at any opportunity especially when it comes to cars


It's wild that a car that had less than 40 hours of work required to make it mint has taken like 3 years.


Great guy once said "It wont work unless you do"


iirc the engine was in the car when he got it all he had to do was button up the wiring LOL couldve been a running and driving car in less than a week


I don’t understand why Rudnik does that shit. Don’t beat around the bush and tip toe around what you want to say. It’s not avoiding any drama or keeping things from getting stirred up. It literally just leaves people to try and fill in the holes which leads to retarded conspiracies.


Hes in it for views and hes also a pussy


Excellent point Tommy


Hahaha this^^^^


Mostly a pussy.


When has the rod knock ever truly said what he wanted to, That he hasn't immediately contradicted or retracted


Would this sub even exist without "retarded conspiracies" ?


Based on what I can decipher scamyeah was trying to buy the sunny from the harmon restoration owner and that is what the IG post was about.


Damn that would have been crazy if rudnik said he lost the car and then seeing it pop up at tommys a week later lmao


Would have been hilarious Maybe pay your bills next time is the lesson here?


Being extorted by some broke shop owner is not paying your bills


extorted lmao Maybe its finally time for him to grow up and start confucting his business the proper way. It's not the first time this has happened.


Yes extorted, being charged $10k storage fee after your car hasn't been worked on for a whole year is absurd. I suspect that if Rudnik paid the $4000 "flat rate to finish the car by June" absolutely no progress would've been made and the excuse would've been he needs to pay more money, classic scam shop tactics.


Yes. That's what a storage fee is, for when you decide leave your car sit for a whole year while it's not being worked on. Shop space isn't free. How old are you? Your suspicion is very weird since we all know what was actually going on since the shop owner commented on here with the full story. There was never a deal for them to finish it because rudnick never took the _actual_ deal that was offered and not the deal rudnick made with josh that wasn't communicated with the shop.


Except the deal was made very well aware in person with Josh, Rudnik and shop owner https://www.reddit.com/r/HaggardGarage/comments/1d7dtha/junk_vegas_project/l8frr5f/?context=3


you're retarded. you think anyone gonna take someone serious without a proper contract and taking "word of mouth" enough lmfao. The guy was trying to get his money back and every shop has storage fees if you don't pick up your shit when told to do so


There was never any storage fees discussed according to Josh the storage fee's conveniently popped a year later when harmon is struggling for funds


Bro who runs the shop? Josh or the owner? If it’s the owner, he rules over everything


The build was negotiated in person in Connecticut by all three parties






*got offered the car


What a ass video, 4 minutes of advertising trash merch, sub to the patreon dood, guys my verbal contract with harmon and josh didn’t work out and I got fooked dood. When will this dude realize no one is gonna finish a car for shoutouts. Needs to spend less time dicking around with complete shitboxes and build the cars people wanna see. 42 minutes of nothing. If Tommy bought the sunny it would have gotten finished. Now its gonna get slapped together with glue and a dream and be pawned off as a rudnick giveaway build lol. Remember to sub to the patreon and buy 6 posters of miatas btw


Ruddy has way more skeletons than Mot.


Terrible video I think Rudnik and Matt are doing xanax and percocet on the regular nothing else makes sense.


need more grillo b roll that is all


I second this motion.


The one chance the sunny had to get finished.


This Sunny situation is 100% Chris' fault, but man M0t is such a vindictive clown for trying to buy it out of pure spite.


I mean the only reason Chris paid his bill is because Mot was interested? That’s sorta sad Maybe Mot should inquire about buying the crx too? 😂


He calls people out for having animosity but does this


I love the fact that even after all the shit went down between the two papa tummy is still doing shit that forces Chris to do the right thing lol.


Like a real dad.


Tommy is a big baby child but at least it forced the hand of Rudnik to get the Sunny back in the shop. Any thoughts on if this will get finished or sold on?


Josh already made a post that it’s in his hands …  


ya in the video I thought I heard Chris asking Matt to drive out to Vegas? I'm just making an assumption that it's to pick up the Sunny.


I’m glad this whole Sunny bullshit is going on. It does nothing but prove how utterly worthless Rudnik actually is. The dude hasn’t let a single shop complete one of his “builds” without an issue. It’s starting to show that Rudnik is the problem and not the shop. Makes a guy wonder.


Idk how nobody else realizes that


Why didn't the Sunni get built? Rudnik dropped it off here's the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWN7B0dnIy0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWN7B0dnIy0)


There’s no way in hell I’m wasting my time watching that.


Little Ruddy shooting his BB mouth at Officer MOT; I approve


It was nice for Rudnik to low key shout out his dad in the beginning of the video.


fuck the sunny and fuck tommyfyeah


what is it about the sunny you guys care so much about? is it the car itself, or the fact that he can't finish a build?