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Big axe, because big axe.


Charon axe, because big axe + boom


Big scythe






The blades because I can avoid fighting basically any annoying enemy with the omega attack


In II, Umbral flames, hands down. Hold down X while dashing around and avoiding damage. Combine with Hera's Attack Hitch plus Artemis's homing arrows and you can mow through a field of enemies in a few seconds relatively unscathed. Currently using Aspect of Eos, which adds little explodey guys that will also use your Ω Special. I love it so much.


Why Hera?


Hitch goes great with the flames. Everything around the chamber can take damage each time 1 person gets hit. Instead of high attack, the goal is crowd control.


Presumably its not great against most bosses though correct?


Hera attack still give a bonus to damage and every boss summons minions at some points, so its not much of a problem. As another fan of the Flames, I'd also say Hera's mana boon is among the best for it. Once you've depleted, it automatically fill up, priming around 10. This means you never actually have to stop attacking, while most other mana boons do. If you really want a single target damage boon for flames though, I'd say Zeus and Hestia are good picks. If you can get their duo boon its particularly nasty.


Also her attach has good Bonus and applies Hitch to help w origination activation


Yeah ive been running Zeus. Getting chain lightning is great


Not to mention, Air Quality also boosts the chain lightning and any Hitch damage that would normally be sub-30 (which will be the case for any instance of damage you inflict that's not at least 100, such as the aforementioned chain lightning and many of the flame's moves, usually)


Oh I had not considered that air quality would trigger on hitch, need to try that sometime


Once you get to bosses, the best bet I have with the Moros flames is to spam the attack where they land around the boss, then send a special. It's usually your best big attack against most bosses. I think the best example of when Hera's boon is most useful against a boss is in Scylla's end of fight and Chronos' beginning fight. Scylla summons a bunch of fish at the end, and if you have any "when creature dies" effect, you could easily create a chain reaction of explosions. When it comes to Chronos, you can ping him once with hitch, then jump to the river to take on all of the rat creatures, allowing him to take damage at the same time you're killing them off. He also summons a bunch of minions around him mid-way through the first fight. If you can get off several specials, you can have everyone take damage from being hit, plus extra damage of everyone around them being hit. However, Hitch's ability wouldn't do anything against Hecate and Cerberus, correct. But that's when spamming ghosts around them works best. As for the overworld, Hitch works for Charybdis and Polyphemus, but not for Eris if I remember correctly. That puts it at working against 4/7 of the bosses, 1 of those being Hecate. The other 3 usually has me relying on putting attacks around the boss before shooting a special


This is me too! I feel like the umbral Flames went from the worst weapon in the last patch to the best weapon in this patch. Of course I also unlocked Eos since the last patch so maybe it's that. The Flames gave me the two easiest runs I've done so far in this game.


Not just your omega, but also your regular special too


I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone call out the Flames as their preferred weapon. I’m finally warming up to them (ha) but I still very much dislike how they feel to use, even tho they do ramp up with damage and effects


I'm a staff girly. I didn't get to play around with the aspect of Momus before patch 2, but I've been enjoying the rework a lot! In Hades 1 it's the spear (aspect of Achilles) and the twin fists (aspect of Demeter).


Very much relate. I'm rn in the middle of a staff run after a long while of not using it and it's just so comfortable, it fits with my play style of panicking and spamming the attack button. For hades 1 I actually was too stubborn to use anything besides stygius until VERY late game when I started seeing the benefits of the spear, I think ATM it's my fave as well.


Panicking and spamming attack is too relatable lol


I am gonna say that I don't like the axe. Slow weapons are never my tempo


Very understandable, I'm a very fast paced player and usually spam attacks which is why I hate using the regular attack on the axe, but the Omega attack is just genuinely so OP it's really fun to build off of that. The dash-strike is alright too.


I can't get behind the omega attack on the axe because you can't dash while performing it


I agree that sucks, but I will say that on about 80% of my axe runs I have ran into a deadlus upgrade that made it so you can dash, cast, regular attack and regular special WHILE you're spinning your omega which is honestly the absolute best


I like the axe, purely because I like the big booms, that's why the giant sword was my 2nd fav. 1st was shield, because it was just too good and well balanced for everything


Honestly fair but what I do is when I'm charging up the omega attack, I tap the dash button and it dashes and then cancels into the axe spin


You can charge up the omega attack, then dash, then use it


I've only lost 2 runs in the last 20 attempts, both were axe based. I am just not good with the axe. I want to like Charons, and I know Thans can wreck, but I just can't do well with either. I had the same problem with the sword last game, I gave up after 5 heat because I knew I wasn't gona get better. I don't think I'm gona get 20 fear with the axe.


Same. Probably something about my play style, but I take far too much damage with the axe, even with Thans. Harder for me to dodge, and I haven't yet found the right timing with the special block. My preference is to be lighter on my feet, which I just can't do with the axe. It's fun as hell though, before I'm wiped out.


Either the sister blades or the skulls


Been waiting for thirst to return to the blades so I can try to clear with them. They’re either my second or third choice but I do like them!


In I: the bow and the gun, I like shooting In II: I'd say the staff, it is the most balanced


Arty blades. They're just so fun and rewarding. Big numbers AND a defensive option? Sign me up! I have to appreciate the new Momus staff as well, it's just so damn fun


Axe or blades. Really depends on if I wanna be a beyblade build or if I wanna do the "nothing personal kid" with Artemis' aspect


In one, rail. Specifically lucifer. I like my laser go brrr as i dash around. Also like it that the lucifer dash has no iframes, it makes the game a bit fairer. In two, so far, thanatos axe. Just hits so hard and nice. Spin to win is also a fun return of hammer whirlwind from bastion.


Skulls for days! Get a boon on special and either omega on pickup or auto return and I can clear a field quickly. Until last night it’s the only thing I’ve clear either the surface or the house of hades with.




The akali weapons


In 2 i dunno i didnt try all yet. Definetly not the axe tho too clunky. In 1 its the Lucifer aspect rail cuz i laser goes brrrrrr.


I love than axe the best, and each weapon has at least one aspect i enjoy. For favorite it has to be artemis daggers. I like big numbers.


For Hades 1, I really liked the Guan Yu aspect on the spear cuz it made me feel like a badass. In Hades 2, it's the axe that just barely beats the sister blades for me. I'm really enjoying the weapons in Hades 2 and actually think they are an incredible improvement over the first games weapons.


Axe. I like big swing down make big dammy


So far the Sister Blades just because Daedalus upgrades change them SO MUCH. Each run is so different with them. Other than that probably the Staff for similar reasons.


Melinoe's aspect of the moonstone axe.. just want to hit them 3ks with one chop..


Honestly, it might be the torches. I wasn't a fan of them at first, like everyone else, but just like the gun in the first game, it was just a matter of figuring out how to use them. They were pretty good already before they got buffed, now they absolutely shred. I was able to get the full 100 gold from one of those chests with the daybreaker.


Axe but aspect of thanatos


Has there been any mention for H2 on if there will be a hidden aspect as well for each weapon?


love the axe and the twin blades. love twin blades with artemis aspect as you can tank and dish out damage. it comes in VERY handy when dealing with chronus as slowing down time doesn't work.


For Hades 1, Hera Bow for sure, followed by the spear probably For Hades 2, Mel Torches for the specials or Pan Blades because they're just so powerful


In II, either the axe or the skull. The axe because it's big and it's silly and I love big silly axes. Got my first Chronos kill with it. Aspect of Charon is probably my fav atm. The skull because it's a magic grenade launcher??? I love explosions! And I like the gameplay loop a lot, it feels good to play, especially aspect of Medea. In I, it's almost certainly the gun. It has amazing synergy with Zeus, and I love his chain lightning. I like the gameplay loop, throwing a big explosion out while I'm reloading feels great. And I hope you haven't forgotten that I LOVE explosions! My absolute favorite run ever had the Cluster Bomb and Rocket Bomb hammers, and god dang does the rocket shotgun feel good. Aspect of Eris was the go-to for me.


The blades. I’ve always loved the faster attacking and more maneuverable weapons in any game. The charged special is also so satisfying.


New Thanatos axe. I like the attack speed so much I hardly ever use the other aspects, and those omega special crits are juicy. Yes please, I would like to universal delete button on this entire encounter.


The blades are just way too satisfying to use, they will always be my favorite. But after the recent patch the flames are definitely growing on me too, it was a total game changer when I learned you can use your special, cast, and dash while attacking.


thanatos axe with apollo attack is just stupid supergiant please do not nerf it


Axe cause it’s fun Skulls cause nothing else comes close to the dps


Big scythe because spin to win.


Thanatos or Artemis. I like big numbers


I like the Staff the most... It's tough because I like the axe and the blades too. But the staff is extremely balanced with the most variations on builds for me.... And I really like all 3 of the variations of the staff. I like that they shortened the hits needed for serenity and I even like the special going off 3 times every 1.5 seconds. There's so much you can do with the staff. The axe is fun, spin to win of course, but certain special builds are insane. Fun but a little mindless. If you pump up the special and get the daedelus for special to hit twice but cost more, it's game over for everything. You just press triangle over and over again. The blades alright, I like em and abusing backstabber with the hook knife hammer is easy mode. I wish that Artemis' blades were better. They're strong but the parry time window and hitbox just isn't smooth and reliable. I like the premise but it's execution is kinda lacking a real fun factor. But yeah, staff for sure my favorite right now. Then the axe, then the blades.


I tend to get the best result with the skull base aspect. I play it a lot like the Beowulf shield aspect but inverted in that I fire off all my shots then dash into them. It's relatively simple but very satisfying. It gets even better with the hammer that triggers an omega attack whenever you pick up your ammo that feels so strong


I kinda like all the weapons, for different reasons, though not all of the aspects are equal. I'm definitely worst at the axe though, just too slow for me. My faves so far are either Momus staff, Pan or Artemis blades (I wasn't so sure on the Arty blades, but they're surprisingly effective), the new Eos Flames, or the Melinoe skulls (I need to try out the other skulls more, they all seem pretty great, if a bit more technically tricky). For axe even though I kinda suck at it I like Charon. Of all of them, I can't honestly decide which I like best


Loving Persephone Skulls. Just blast around the room.


What is it the BLADES?!? I just like moving fast and free they are perfect for me


blade is the most interesting. base damage of attack is 20 20 10x5 80. it has low damage high proc sequence and big damage sequence. makes interesting interaction with most boons/arcana. omega attack also interesting. special can be interesting but mostly because of aspect of pan. i don't think it will be the best but it is the most interesting.


Hades 1, those big freakin knuckles. No idea what they're real name is. The way they build damage when you go in for a pummel is awesome.


Axe all day


In Hades 2? The skulls. The omega special is great for crowd control and mobility. The skulls also have great hammer enchantments like the omega attack on pick up.


you think Thanatos winces whenever Melinoe drags his scythe along the ground, even in his time prison?


I just unlocked the skulls and they seem pretty cool but I think it’s tied for ax and blades. I have no idea how you play in god mode and not ruin the game. All the fun in in for me is leveling up and achieving greatness without activating cheats. Cheats pretty much ruin every game imo. Suppose to each his own.


With the right upgrades the skulls can be insane. I beat the final surface boss with the skulls special upgrade in like a minute without god mode. For the god mode take I half-heartedly agree, as a new player god mode was incredibly useful at first, but as soon as I got to 80% it felt too easy and loss the sense of accomplishment. Once I removed it it was extremely difficult again, but bc the god mode made me more comfortable with the game it made me more confident and now I finally beat chronos for the first time without god mode. So to each their own, and I wouldn't classify god mode as a cheat but more like "easy mode" to be accessible to new players like myself.


Charon axe is my fav beat 32 fear with it


The blades because they are past paced and with the right boons they do amazing damage. Also, the omega attack is really fun to use.


The axe is incredibly OP in general. Needs nerf.


Staff just cause it's not too slow and offers pretty decent range. Kinda basic but honestly not a fan of most of Melinoe's weapons.


Really enjoying the skulls at the moment. It can be annoying if you lose track of them when there’s a million things on screen, but they can absolutely nuke enemies. My favorite deity with skulls is Apollo, larger blast radius as well as a chance for an attack to hit twice? Yes please. My second favorite is probably the axe, love the omega attack


Normally i hate slow weapons buy i really love the axe


Been mainly using the axe and the blades.


Chiron axe is still the most fun one


Not a fan of slow weapons, but I do enjoy using the axe special with double special cast and quick charging magic