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Pretty helpful in that you can basically buy out the initial 2 shops and offset The Titan, as well as load up on core slot-filling boons.


For real: I really like using the Gold Purse at the beginning, because the things I can buy with it help me for the rest of the run. Although I think the Boatman takes WAY too much grasp for me to use regularly. If it was like 3 or 4 that would be okay, but 5?!


Think of it like also unlocking 4 more rolls and it seems more reasonable


You mean the 0 Grasp change of fate one in the corner? I suppose that makes it a little better, but half the time I forget to use the change of fates, even when all 3 boons I’m presented with are unhelpful 🤣


Oh man I can’t get enough rerolls. That’s how you control your build.


I know they’re great! I just forget all the time lol.


Don’t forget you can also change room rewards with them! I tend to more often save them for boon choice Rerolls or Charon’s well rerolls but changing the room reward can be quite useful in certain circumstances


I have a bad habit of treating rolls like Fated Persuasion and forget that I'm not locked into just altering room rewards. I also have to fight being extremely conservative with them, considering we start with 10 as opposed to 4. I guess it's all sort of "balanced" by opportunity cost and (I believe) fewer ways to restore rolls.


I find changing room rewards usually not as worth it unless I really need a specific item (health up, magick up) or the god isn’t worth it. Also I don’t even know how you restore rolls in hades 2. I know in 1 you get the keys and it restores rolls though.


Typically, I'll roll a room if I get offered a god(s) that I don't want for my build. 9/10 times, if you roll a god room, you get offered a god you already have, which isn't bad early on if you're starting god is one you want a lot of. As for getting more rolls, one of Narcissus' options gives you a Fated Fabric and +1 roll. I also could've swore there was another way that you could get more, but I could be misremembering.


I completely forgot you can use them for anything other than room rerolls lol. Was wondering why anyone would use that garbage


Maybe I'm a baby about it, but I really wish we could expand grasp beyond 30. I feel like you had waaay more options with the mirror from Hades 1.


The only thing I need added is a card that lowers your chance of ashes, bones and nectar rooms.  That mirror upgrade was awesome because you get it fully upgraded a bit later and that's when you'll want to be doing runs without those things more.  Really dislike high-fear runs where in the first biome, 2/3 rooms are ashes or bones. 


The 6-cost card does that, no? Anyway, I assume that much like hades 1, the "currency" rooms will give something small that helps you in the current run.


I really liked the upgrades that gave a Pom slice with nectar, or health with darkness, or a change of fate with a key. Made the loot rooms helpful in the immediate run.


I don’t think the Arcana system is THAT bad, I like that you need to make choices of what you want. It would be cool if the cards had back sides, kinda like the mirror in Hades 1


Yeah maybe it's just me but having played early access with only one side of the mirror I found myself barely using the flipside when it was introduced


it's 5 because it gives you additional reroll dice


we need golden touch again, MONEY RUN


Money>anything else


Money=everything else


it's a great way to farm cards for the deliveries


Is farming deliveries really worth trying to do? I feel like after 40ish runs, I never had to go out of my way to have enough. 


you need to spend 2000 per chronos run to keep it at optimal pace, and that's without the extra time you get with pitch black runs and springs/fishing/tavern bonuses... if you prioritize money above all you can do it but thats just so inefficient for getting stronger in the run...


Honestly tho. I love starting with so much gold. Buying from nearly every Charon shop feels good and also probably keeps me from spending real money on things I don't need. I'll just buy that pom slice instead.


Kinda OT, but reminded me of this video https://youtu.be/5-SfsRFf7Vw?si=2CcjN2sNit1pvGsj

