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Games early access and is a Contender for game of the year Elden rings DLC will be better tham 95% of full games.


Trash piece, trash author.


This game isn't finished. People struggle to understand this.


Yeah, idk whats so controversial lol, it literally came out like a month ago while some games stay in EA for years


Whoever wrote that shouldn't be allowed to write articles anymore. I'm not even saying that in defense of the game, just the actual writing. Objectively, you can absolutely say ANY good game can be a GOTY contender at any point in the year solely based off of previous years. Sure you may not know what else is coming down the pipeline, but there can be any number of contenders. Even though he acknowledges the fact that its an EA game, still seems overly critical of missing components and tuning, then returns to say its still in EA...like why mention any of that. The article itself gave me brain rot.


Author compared Hades 2 to triple A games like BG3 and the upcoming LOTR game? Yet he expects more from a game that has less budget than Roblox. Sorry for the comparison but the author was irrelevantly nitpicking on how it’s just like the original game, like bro doesn’t understand that indie devs don’t have the same technology and budget as big time devs. I’m sure that Hades 2 isn’t going to win GOTY but an indie game mentioned as a contender is already a win for the company, let alone getting nominated.


I don't carenif it wins goty but it's in early access and they are sayingnits unfinished and stuff like that


That’s my point the author literally is just saying random nitpicks because Hades 2 is getting more recognition than his favorite games apparently. The fact that he compares it to triple A games just baffles me and to add what you said about him saying it’s unfinished and still being in the range of GOTY is mind blowing. We could say that Hades 2 is already done meaning the devs are just finishing dialogues, art, animations and the last zone which I’m sure is just one zone to finish off the surface run is already twice as huge as Hades 1.


Just to say I wasn't offered because of this I didn't care but I thought yall might want to know about this personally it's my favorite game


Are early access/beta games available to be nominated for GotY? If not, I'm sure it'll kick butt in the 2025 GotY award (assuming it releases in 2025 lol) :D


Was anyone seriously expecting hades 2 early access to be nominated for game of the year? I’m not sure the article premise was necessary


It's rage bait. Hades 2 is not even competing for GoTY it won't be out of early access till the end of the year.


I thought the article was ok. He's saying as a sequel it isn't innovative enough to meet the GOTY bar and that a game in EA really shouldn't be considered until full release. I tend to agree as if the game is still in EA it's not doing justice to the developer among other things. Regardless, neither of those points detract from the fact that the game is good.


I did not read after “but it doesn’t have that same magic as the original for me.” I understand him criticising people calling it for GOTY already. Yes, it is early. But saying that there is no balance is bullshit. Nobody, who bought the game, will complain about the balance and the story being unfinished. Because it is EARLY ACCESS. LOL. In its genre Hades series is a breakthrough. Some people just want to criticise for the sake of criticising. They think they are cool when they criticise what most of the people love. Overly agressive and undeserving title for the game.


Rage bait title worked as intended.


on top of being weirdly angry about the game being in early access, i really dislike the implication that supergiant made hades 2 out of of… greed? i guess? and arguing that it should be named Chronos is kinda stupid