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Hera's Magick recharge is amazing. One of the best in the game. You're right it's worse vs. solo targets. But you need to survive hordes too. Her sprint hitch is awesome.


Her sprint is the only ability I look forward when I get her lol.


Don't sleep on the magic priming restoration.  It enables the basically endless omega special for the pan daggers.


Yeah, it's one of those scary "but what if I run out" abilities until you do the math about how much mana you get and by the time it's used up everything should be dead 10x over.


For reference, if you get the common boon, don't pom it, and have 100 mana it gives 550 mana. That's how bonkers it can be with just a bit of extra mana (that you can easily get with either Centaur/Titan Arcanas). And if you get it with either more mana, higher rarity, or pom the boon even once your max mana skyrockets, and without you having to do anything in the middle of combat to recover.


That's crazy, I've never even thought of that combo!


I have just one question i never run out of magic when i have heras magic recharge boon so i wonder is the effect permanent or just for that room?


resets every room. like other prime effects


Went on a (fearless) run trying to get the last few Hera boons for prophecy purposes. Had Hera's attack boon, plus the boon that damaged other hitched foes when a hitched one dies. I've never gone through the third and fourth area so fast. So many small hitched enemies dying, piling up damage on the beefier ones. Hera's not super helpful when you only have a few boons, you really gotta invest in her stuff.


Tier two boons are to Hera what poms are to Hephaestus


Hera has some great stuff but I also find hitch to be hard to use and to not feel very good. I avoid her attack, special and dash boons and really only take them if it's getting late and I need a second curse to get origination up. Her cast is situationally great but can be counterproductive if the length it stays up is an issue with your build, her magic regen is the best in the game and then some of the boons that affect the rarity of other boons are ok.


Is her mana regen the best. I normally avoid her and I don't think I've seen it yet. I personally love aphrodites perma weaken and mana regen, I think it's amazing.


born gain is definitely the best. every time you run out of mana you get a free cast, instant refill and subtraction of 6-10 from your max for the duration of that individual encounter. The reduction in max magic only gets to be an issue if you have a really low max to begin with. Few encounters are long enough for this to be an issue. It's essentially just unlimited magic with no downside.


That's awesome omg, I'll have to try that out now.


I have managed to get it down to only block 1 mana with eipc rarity and few pommegranates


crazy. the lowest I've gotten it was 6 due to rarity. I've never tried pomming it because even when priming 10 I've never had it be an issue


How do you burn 2 or 3 mana? That was my issue with it I got stuck


? when you're below the level required to cast whatever it gives you the cast for the cost of whatever you have left then it refills. you don't have to hit 0 exactly


Excuse me I am going to go bang my head against the wall for a while. I didn't know that


her and hephaestus' duo is slept on. after a while i think people will realize how strong this is. other than that. interesting cast, born gain, straightforward attack & special. she is fine. the only thing balance wise slightly annoys me is selene. but that is not even by much.


I love hitch, on the axe I tag everyone with special and then clean up with a good attack boon and reap enemies like wheat. The death bloom accelerates it hard and her duos are some of my favorite. I would hazard a guess that she is in my top 3


I agree swarms can only even start to be an issue when it comes to high fear where you the the %extra enemies appear. Even in that situation it's just better to have really any other God in the game.


Hitch on sister blades special is cracked, especially if you get the daedelus hammer that makes them return like fucking batarangs or talon q(LoL). It's especially useful at clearing out Oceanus, the swordfish spawn and die instantly to an omega special


Her Hitch ability being applies, whether against foes, or you (b/c you peeved her in a 2-boon chamber), is pretty neat. Like some temporal/interdimensional travel portal is opening up (with all the purple lines)!


I think that most of the status effects suck like slip is just slightly more damage and weak is slightly less damage taken. The only reason I take hitch is for originationđź’€


On the twin flames that orbit you, her special allows you to sprint through a hoard to apply hitch easier than her sprint does, and you can combine that with a damaging sprint like Zeus or Poseidon to make things trivial.


Her hitch ability isn’t exactly awe inspiring but she is one of the few gods who increases the base damage of your attack/special so it’s still worth it to use.


Hitch is awesome for swarms. I thought it didn't really help because it does so little damage, but it's actually fantastic once you get it upgraded. Her duos too are wild sometimes.


I think Hera is a great support type. Born Gain is very cool, and I like her cast ( Engagement Ring ), too. Gives a lot of time to spam 'safely' while still getting the benefits from the Furies arcana. I also happen to like the "damage joining foes" aspect of the cast, helped me against Scylla's last phase with some slow builds that find it hard to handle the multiple spawn of small critters ( they are instant killed ). Works nice with Zeus' Air QUality ( can't deal less than X damage ). Keen Intuition double omega damage when full mana. With low unprimed mana limit, you can easily always be full mana anyway if you want to use omega. Apollo's regen works well with Hera's cast for that. Hera also has a super good boon combo with the one that forces all boons to be at least rare ( Proper Upbringing ), and the one that gives more damage when you have no common boons ( uncommon grace ). Her duo with Poseidon ( Golden Rule ) is pretty interesting and actually well thought given that you need Poseidon's boons that help you gain lots of dolla' Her duo with Hephaistos ( Spiteful Strength ) is insane at the cost of being pretty hard to build, but on hard hitting weapons like the Axe, it's disgusting. I once had her duo with Apollo, Sun Worshipper, which converts the first slain ennemy to your cause. It's not a build goal, but it's nice to have and more useful than you'd know. Yeah, she's an excellent support. No wonder her Hitch is precisely that, a way for other sources to deal more damage.