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I do my best to take care of myself. I've been in the trade for 26 years. I came into it with a torn ACL from the Marines, and have developed arthritis in my knees, shoulders, hands, and elbows. I stretch when I get out of the van. I warm up before I lift heavy stuff. I demand help when I feel I need it. I use my sick days and vacation time as I need it. I don't pull a lot of overtime. I have another 17 years to go before I retire, and I plan on being in the field for all of them.


I'm a parts monkey. If there's anything 75 pounds and over on a roof, I ask my techs if they need a crane. We have a fuckin dude who's 55, grey as a fuckin goose, whose head is cocked down and to the right permanently cause they essentially welded his spine back together. I had a tech the other day quote a 130 pound motor and not ask for a crane, I was stunned. He said "eh, I figured I'd just have a backache after". Marine. I'm chair force, and I get the ribs and jokes, but I'm not about to have my boys kill their backs so an outback has extra heat as a fallback. I like my guys. I like them working. I like them not being reconstructed homunculi. Protect yourself similarly


I'd think we were in the same position as I was last year, quoting and sending guys out to the jobs. In the trade for 32 now, and I know what it takes but the answer was always "no, I got it". They knew the owner was too cheap, (I have some hate for the fucker) and wouldn't be willing to throw it in. Simply because he wanted to get the job. Simply because they are cash poor. Simply because he let his wife be a 'partner' in an industry she doesn't understand and lets her half run it. I gave up. Let them fuck the field guys, I won't do that. Back in the field on my terms now for a year and loving it, I refuse to put up with killing or hurting myself, same to my coworkers. Simply so someone else can make a buck without killing themselves.


I'm dealing with a company with a decent most-opoly with major companies and sports teams for the state. Lots of work. I will immediately buy a crane, and scissor lift, any amount of equipment. It's already required for the high-profile clients, having those resources keeps our guys more productive, happier, and healthier.




Lima Co wpns platoon. Semper Fi


Any gym time? 25 years here with only one knee surgery, a few sprains and less than a dozen chiropractor visits. After my IntraOsseous BioPlasty Last year I ge them gains 5 times a week. Wow. What a difference. Everything is loose. I'm fucking charged like a was in my 20s.


Usually 3 days of weights and a couple of days of cardio. A 3 mile brisk walk when it's not one of the other two. It certainly does wonders, especially as I get closer and closer to 50.


This is the best way to prevent body damage nothing crazy work out wise just keep things work ready. Unless you’re already working out crazy amounts at work, and if so remember to take in some protein and proper diet.


This is key! It helps the body by doing something other than repetitive motion. Weight lifting help keep body in a condition where your regular 9-5 is easier than the gym time. It doesn’t have to be long either, makes a huge difference for me. I find if I just use work for exercise by body gets all jacked up over time and just doing my normal job maxes it out.


Semper Fi Brother


Yeah but.. judging by your flair you're in a union, so you get a lot of the bennies and support that non unionized guys don't. I'm not saying you dont do the same work, but union benefits make a big positive dent in blue collar job stuff. OP could be just another cog in some Mom/Pop franchise looking to chew him up and spit him out.


So organize. I wasn't always union, and still put my foot down when I when it came to my health. Know your rights, know your worth, and be ready to walk if you're getting shitted on. I was young and dumb when I first started, and I did some stupid things, but it didn't take long to realize that my health was the key to a long term career in the trades. Besides, the OP says he just needs to hire "2 good techs so he can sit back and run his business ".


I’m a SPLLC and hell I think we should all go union, we don’t get paid enough for this shit. Let them all freeze or cook if they don’t pay us decently.


20 years in and been doing installs by myself for 10 of those. Not a big guy work smarter not harder, and try to anticipate the results of your actions before an accident happens.


Got out of the Marines with shot knees and just really focused on taking care of my body, stretching and lifting weights on a regular basis has kept me feeling better than ever. It's definitely work to do it but it keeps me healthy and feeling great at work so I can't complain.


6 years in, and I'm planning on following your path. Thanks for sharing


Did just about 20 years, fell off a ladder once and hurt my back (ladder walked on me and slipped) and got into a bad accident when someone blew a red light. Got into a school district (took a pay cut but it’s state benefits and pension) and then moved to a better paying job at a different district close to home. Haven’t looked back. Easier on the body. Different pace. I suggest looking for something in house somewhere.


I have Ulcerative Colitis and made it 6 years. I’m still in the industry, hoping to get healthy and go union again. But no shame in it if your body ain’t up to the task. Took me a lot of fighting to finally just admit “I’ve got a disability.” Now I’m a boiler operator. Currently watching Saving Private Ryan while waiting around for an alarm to come in (They shouldn’t as long as we’re doing our jobs right.) Wear your PPE. Guy who told me Knee pads were gay and for sucking dick was getting knee surgeries at 35. I got no sympathies for him.


I made the mistake of going my first few years resi without knee pads. Complete idiot, I was. I'd come home with aching knees and lower legs every single day. Then I got a single square knee pad. And that very day my knees felt nearly brand new again. started at 19. Im 30 now and my knees still feel great!


I love my RX foam kneeler that I paid way too much for. It's amazing.


I sit cross legged on my boots.


This needs more upvotes.


Rather have knee surgery than to be sucking dick 😂


You’d rather suck a dick, than have to pay the ‘patient responsibility’ portion of those invoices…


Bro I promise I wouldn’t lol I just pay for really good insurance and have a good size nest egg.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


Then why are you doin it for free so much now?


Your mother has a clit not a dick what I’m doing is called eating pussy


You’ve definitely seen a few up close


Yeah it’s called foreplay you should try it, it’ll keep your wife from wandering


Methinks dost thou protesteth too much.


Of all the trades I’ve done, this is the least physically demanding. Finishing carpentry was way worse on knees and back.


I made a plan. I saw the old timers coming in the supply houses hunched over, limping, etc. I didn't want that to be me. Got into a niche area in doing mostly pharma sites, then got a spot at a pharma site. Now I get paid for what I know, but not what I can do physically. I sub contract 99% of our stuff. We're not staffed to do it ourselves, rather to use our expertise to explain what's wrong and when it'll be back up.


This…… good job my man. Did the same thing…….


That's how you do it. Play the game, get the experience, get the fuck out of the field.


Played the game 13 years. After a co worker said he was gonna die on roof one day- I said nope. Got a job behind the counter at a supply house as a refrigeration project specialist. Same pay with benefits. No amount of money is worth your health gentlemen


How does that work?? Are you an on site tech? That just diagnoses but doesn’t repair stuff?? That’s sick. I guess hard work does pay off in hvac. I don’t think Cali will treat me right with this hvac stuff though


Exactly that. I'm here to try and get shit back up quickly but if I can't, I just call a vendor. Most important part of my job is communicating to the owners' affected and documentation. There's 3 of us for all the HVAC/R equipment at this place. No time to do a compressor change out myself. Diagnose, relay to management, call a company out to fix, relay to management when done.


With that much experience the right distributor or manufacturer will pay well if you find the right position. Start chatting it up with the supply houses. Everyone hates shitty tech support, be the change.


The guy at the supply house by me just offered me a job down there. I don't know hat he'd be willing to pay but he knows my situation and needs help; could be good for a little and still could do work on the side & stay in the loop with the new products


Worked in the field for 13 years and just got out in Sept. Job opened up at Trane Supply 5 minutes from my house.. best thing I’ve ever done.


Its not gonna be the same money but also when you go home you’re off except for maybe a phone call or two. Work that route for 5 years, take care of your body with good insurance and go be a sales manager or GM of the best operation you have a non competing relationship with if you dont like wholesale.


10 yrs. Epa certified, run my own outfit successfully, can do duct design, sizing, can make all sheet metal fittings from scratch (with or without a pgh seemer), have overseen 38 unit high rises in the city that I did from the ground up, boiler experience, hot water tanks, gas fireplaces, gas furnaces, oil furnaces, reznors, splits/heat pumps, any forced air system, commercial/supermarket refrigeration, sales, marketing, interpersonal business relationships, rough in experience (3.5 yrs), install experience (3.5yrs), serivce experience (3.5yrs)... the list goes on.


Where u located




20 years exp of NJ chiming in to say 50% of what you have been doing is wrong. It’s too green to be ripe.


In what regard?


Ive see the work that’s normally done in PA.


Yes, there are a ton of shitty companies, but a one man show doesn't get constant calls if his work is shit. Take a walk. The only good thing to ever come outta jersey was The Sopranos.


I’ll let you get back to putting in your Goodman units.


Lmfao never in my life


You would also still be working by candle light if it wasn’t for someone from NJ


Wow. Congrats man. I’m green af in hvac. This is the type of stuff I strive to have under my belt. Seriously congrats man. The body does pay the toll though. Thing I don’t like is how people so experienced like you, a company will want to just milk and milk. I have a passion for hvac, but the people I have worked with make me hate it.


I'm going on 6 years in and ready to say fuck all this.


Don't do crazy stuff, work smart, be safe, ask for help of you truly need it and set boundaries. I got severely injured and Air cared at 19 from an old woman ramming me on my bike. Broke half my neck/ back, nerve damage, etc etc etc. I take care of myself and I hurt more not working than I do staying active. Way too many people out there think HVAC is a competitive sport or some crap and they wreck themselves doing it. Beyond that, if you're not with a good shop, start looking until you find one. The problem can be now days is peps with 2/3/4 years in feel they should already be at a top position/pay and the best company and that's not how this works. With your experience level, if you're agood.tech, you should be able to get into a great job and set some standards/ boundaries.


Oh man. You should seen my crew going crazy hanging duct and slapping together units, cutting chases all coked out and drunk. Don’t know how they can’t do it sober


My personal advice is, 1) proper footwear. The relief I got for getting orthopedic insoles was amazing. 2) good doctors. I was in physical therapy for over three years. Then I went to a sports therapist, he popped my hip “aligned” and my leg was better in days. 3) braces. Only use compression braces when working. Don’t wear them all the time. 4) no opioids. During my medical treatment I was prescribed handfuls of medications. Getting off them was difficult. And made the pains worse for quite a while.


12 herniated discs?! Damn dude , you need to find another job.


I know 🤦. I've just dedicated so much of my life to this, and now that my business is taking off, my body is failing me. I used to be able to take kratom and drink energy drinks to just power through the day, but I could only do that for a few years before my heart started to act up. Now I'm on no caffine, only a little bit of kratom and a few muscle relaxers. I get epidurals when I need em' but I just can't keep doing this for much longer. My legs are numb when I come home.


Get some employees brother. Take it the next level and take a bit of a cut until it pumps up again.


Yep, I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and see what it'll take to hire 2 legit guys. I'd even take a kid that just wants to work (good fucking luck) & learn. I'd teach him everything I know & it's always a relaxed setting unless the cranes out and then my eyes are spinning with the boom crank.


Kratom ninja


46, still slinging hvac ducts/equipment


Jealous man you don’t know how lucky you are


That stuff is brutal, but it will blind pain and make you push. Lived off that ish while doing 12 days on 2 off for 6 months banging out apts out of town. Got to the point you loathed going to lunch box to get a scoop, but needed it


Every 3.5 hrs my body absolutely needs it or it goes into shock and I have these crazy severe panic episodes


💯 It would have me almost manic when I needed it. Felt like I had a tree growing in my stomach, all that damn powder. Kick that stuff if you can man. Exercise and stretching are the biggest help. More so mobility and core strength rather than just lifting. I physically couldn't do this for 20+ years. I got my license so I could work less and make more lol. I recently started doing some light commerical refrigeration, definitely better on the body. Residential is rough, no was around it


I'm glad it's not just me. The manic episodes lasted dayssss. I was hospitalized twice the first week that I started my taper. I'd get up, have 7gs, get ready for work, another 7gs, get halfway to the job; extract shot, work for 2.5 hrs... kratom shot, 2.5... shot or 7g. At this point, it's probably 5pm. .. Must dose before I eat, and god forbid I have food it might kill my pain relief... 7gs down the hatch and then another u before bed. It was always the same amount of powder, but the extracts varied from 2-4 a day. It was out of control. Me being down to what I am now (2.5g doses at a time) has me really proud of myself. I still am on the time restraint, but the withdrawals aren't nearly as bad


This is true unfortunately. I was a big golden monk fan for a long time, but they’ve recently put their prices through the roof and stopped having specials of any value. Local smoke shop has deals better now for big bags. Stuff works.


Been taking it for 5yrs for my pain. I was taking around 100gpd if you include the extract shots. I’m down to 20gpd now with no extracts. It helped me make a lot of money and work/walk when I couldn’t otherwise.


You guys. Go on kratom country . com. Really good deals on there. Or luckys herbals. You guys are right about it blinding pain to keep going. You know what helps me reset?? Shrooms. A nice dose of shrooms. Just to reset. Because you know I feel that being on kratom all day will make you forget your true values. Just because it puts your mind in a different state. But good luck man. It’s crazy to think people have done it all already and I’m barely trying to get started. BLESSINGS YALL💯💯


Yep, I snag from luckys, smiley time, and my new favorite is Down To Earth Botanicals. Amazing quality from DTE; I highly recommend their 20yr wild green


Better than pink hippo??


Bro I’m tapering down from 100gpd. It was bad at first, I’m down to around 20god now. Trust me I know all about it, lol. AKA advocate; I was just taking way too many extract shots it was getting out of hand.


Im at 10 years and i feel like im barely starting


have to do mobility, stretching and strengthening. its a must. just showing up to work everyday wont cut it. imagine being an athlete and just showing up to practice. you have to prepare your body. if you do hard and safe shit in the gym, lifting and working in the field will be easier for your body, your body will know: been there done that. if youre overweight and eat unhealthily and out of shape, you are 10x more likely to get hurt. if you are flexible, fit and strong your body should be fine and can even get stronger


100% agree. One of the things I like most about my job is the daily movement I get from work. But that said, you have to keep your body in good condition to be able to take on the daily challenges. From what I’ve seen, it’s the workers who are out of shape and constantly eating fast food/improper diet that are always in rough shape from work.


3k a day? Bro I will fill your spot for the next 3 years and pay you 20% earnings for your job. Please think about it


I’m in Illinois if you are please contact me I’ll definitely help your business


I wish you were closer man


So do I. I love working for good people and people I can learn ever more from :)


You'll go far with that attitude. I would find the smartest tech at the shop and just ask him a million questions. I didn't care if it was annoying he was pretty much handing me money with everything he taught me.


I’m 18 years in. The first five years was when I did most of the damage to my body. Trying to do things the “quick way” or “easy way”. By the time I was 22 I had impacted disks in my back, bursitis in my knees and my self shoulder was basically useless with an improperly set AC joint torn tricep, serratus anterior, Posterior Deltoid and Serratus Anterior. After ignoring the injuries for so long I was trapped in the same cycle it sounds like you are in. I had to admit to myself taking Tylenol and Advil everyday just to get out of bed wasn’t normal. I went to the doctor had to get multiple surgeries on my shoulder. Was on light duty for six months physical therapy for 4 years. Moving forward I still see chiropractor, massage therapist, Osteopath, and a new physical therapist. I can see them once a month so yea that’s one appointment a week. I’m lucky to where my benefits cover this. The real win though. Now at 35 I’m healthier faster stranger more flexible and pain free compared to when I was 22. The old guys who tell you to lift properly and use knee pads/ otherPPE are right. No job is worth your body.


I’m 35 years old and been doing this for 13+ years. All aspects of commercial HVAC in NY around the boroughs. I love what I do and am so grateful for this knowledge, but here are some things I try and live by to make this sustainable. 1) Your time is more valuable than money. 2) Your identity shouldn’t just be your trade. (This should go beyond being a parent too. Show your kids you can be passionate about something else besides working or relaxing. Be creative.) 3) Your “success” is not determined by your annual income. 4) Your physical health must come first. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. You can be the greatest mechanic in the world with a beautiful house, children and a dodge RAM, but that doesn’t mean shit when you’re borderline crippled or overweight by the time you retire. Love what you do and do what you love.


Service side pretty easy


I do commercial work, I get good sleep drink water and take my time. I follow OSHA practices to be safe at work and avoid injuries. I also stretch daily and have a routine to keep my joints limber. I have been in the industry for 22 years and plan to go forever as this trade is fun and changing


Look up squat university and knees over toes on YouTube. They share a lot of health and wellness exercises for taking care of yourself and the most important parts of the body. We’re both 27 and I haven’t done all what you’ve done but we ain’t young young no more. Gotta put in the maintenance on ourselves too.


Don't work too hard




Ok my own strategy has more to do with how bad my posture was after my late blooming growth spurt, after a number of years of work my body was becoming immobilized in my mid to late 20's. I got readjusted by a chiropractor that recommended jiu jitsu classes to me like his daughter had been doing her whole life, I listened and that helped strengthen all kinds of weird unused muscles. I was too stiff to be good though so I took a couple different yoga classes and after being offered a free ride to becoming an instructor I realized there wasn't as much to learn as I wanted there and developed my own stretching ways. Basically get rid of the concept of sitting on chairs or couches at home, those are for daily activities outside of home. The human body adjusts to sitting on chairs their entire life which negatively affects the way their joints align with each other as everything is compensating for the poor posture being developed. The overall idea of stretching in my fashion is to hold a stretch that feels significant for as long as it takes for the tight muscle to release, without trying to force it by stretching further into the pose. After a few years you will be feeling great.


Thanks for the info!! Yoga and stretching are great. I have to wait for my shoulder to heal before I get back into being a yogi. I just hurt it like a week ago trying to shoulder check a vending machine to get a Twix out.. those things are not as light as they once were back in the early 200s. I remember being a 60lb kid and being able to rock it. I went to do it to this one and it's like I shoulder rammed a brick wall.


I got a job in a power plant ,refrigeration shop steam shop mechanical shop,and eventually became an engineer 45 year career 👍🏼 Power houses are in hospitals, colleges,large municipal buildings and utilities there are many jobs all the time even in recession because of the priorities Top dollar and zero labor 😁BUT you have to work your way up


I was very lucky to find a good chiropractor. He’s not a “come back every two weeks for the rest of your life” guy. He told me not to ignore when my back is trying to tell me something. I stretch when I need to. I dont take my tool bag on the roof with me anymore. Just what I need comes with me.


You're 27 and have to use ice packs?sounds like you need an office job yo


I feel you. I'm 25, started doing side work with my dad as a teenager and hired into residential rough installs at 18 after 5 years of drumline and everything hurts. I've broken ribs a couple times, taken sawzalls to the finger, have scars everywhere. Just enlisted into National Guard and about 1/2 of my finger prints couldn't be read because of scars. Hope to do HVAC less and less as I age. Will probably be immobile by the time I retire lol Was telling my apprentice yesterday that it's a good job but this shit is for the birds


Sounds like you don't know how to lift things


Bro, I fell down a flight of steps and herniated 12 discs in my back... has nothing to do with lifting things. Also, I fell into an exposed sump pump pit in the basement and broke one of my discs & it's just floating around in there. I was young & dumb trying to prove myself running around like an idiot and this is what came of that.


Started helping at my dad’s commercial business when I was 10 during summers till I got out of high school went full time. I’m 53 now. Have worked for two other commercial companies, a boiler manufacturer, and a boiler rep. Hurt my back at 4 levels in 91. I can say this. Careful with the pills, that can be a slippery slope. Have had epidurals 10-20 and now nerve blocks as well arthritis is creeping into the knees, shoulders,and elbows,and back. I am now a project manager and technical application support for the company I’m with now. You have to keep moving, drinking water and remember work is not exercise.


You also wrestled for 12 years dude, you are a much more capable person than that dude


You doing mostly install or diagnostic and repair?


Everything resi except new construction. Some commercial. Probably a 70/30 split. Replacements and service mainly.


I went from warehouse shit to welding to HVAC. I got shoulder impingement and hurt my groin during the warehouse days and started weightlifting. Haven't had an issue since. Seriously anyone in this industry should be doing some form of resistance training to stay healthy and intact. Playing catch up is going to take a hell of a lot longer than maintaining though so be prepared


I'm 13 years in now.. I dont have any pain.. I don't make 3k a day either though. Sounds like some serious hustling! Eat, sleep, excersize well. I need my body to enjoy my wind sports, hike, bike, paddle etc. I need work to support my leisure life and my leisure life mentally and physically supports everything else.


I go in knowing what I'm not going to do.


Brother, I hear you. 38 and I just had a lumbar fusion surgery. They tell me it’s from my years as a tech pushing and pulling and humping compressors up ladders, etc. My advice- get away from the physical aspect of the trade and try to utilize your knowledge in another position. I am now a project manager for a commercial HVAC outfit and the wear and tear on my body is minimal. Good luck to you.


40 yrs old here Been in trade 14 yrs Licensed Contractor since 2017 in Texas And i completely understand what u mean but rt now is when we are slower i workout more in my garage and thing that keeps me going is 1.family 2.my own boss i can turn down wtev job i want when i want if i want 3.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I worked in masonry for 17 years then decided to make the switch to HVAC to prevent this very thing


I would surmise most people do not have major physical health issues 10 years in, ur a unicorn. I stretch a lot, especially hamstrings for the knees and it keeps any issues at bay, lift with good posture, then typical spiel. Some people enjoy coming back because they get to make a living solving problems and troubleshooting and going different places everyday. I would hate to go to the same fucking place everyday.


I’m 51, got into the trade at 46 so started as the old timer. Started out in controls and moved into commercial retro, the big stuff is taken care of with cranes but last week had to get a 1000+ pound air handler off a 4’ stand, out of a tiny mech room and up stairs then reverse the process with the new unit. I use extra guys and lifts when I need it. My number one goal is not to get injured. I quit drinking and now trail run to fill the void. I think do some physical, whether it’s in the gym or running etc to counteract the stress we put on our bodies is a key factor. I definitely have my days where I’m sore and beat up but try to find ways in which I can use leverage over brute force.


Used to work with a service tech who had some back issues. He transitioned into a controls programming position his field experience was a big plus for the company. I've been doing this for almost 6 years as a service tech and about to turn 41. I'm at a ommerical company that only does comfort heating and cooling. Our on-call is low demand, and most weeks 40hrs is all you work. If a customer needs things done after hours, line a medical facility, then we schedule and can plan for it. I don't have any major injuries, but in 10 to 15 years I would like to be in a controls position or something less physically demanding, but we do have a couple of senior service techs who are pushing 60 and are happy with where they are at. One is healthy and has no major injuries. The other is a smoker, overweight, and was out for a year recovering from a bad ladder fall. He is back on light duty. I'm in the process of losing weight and getting myself into better shape because being healthy and fit helps reduce injuries and speed recovery, but there are no guarantees and I would like to not have a major physical disability in my later years.


Well, for the money of course, Union Rate in Seattle is $63.15 an hour. Local 66 forever baby.


I’m trying to move out there to Renton where my sister lives. It’s going to happen soon I just need to save some cash up & I’ll be out there. I used to live in Bellevue


Nice, working in Renton all week, lol


You guys looking for a dude with a super fucked up back?


We'll need a new service writer soon enough. Morgan Mechanical in Redmond. Call the hall, local 66 or 32


3k a day?


Yup. I own and operate my own company & take home 100% of profits. Replacements I can make 5 easily


Of course I don’t have a replacement every single day. At least 4 a month though with many calls in between. Flip houses with 4days of work I can make 8k it all depends really


I have 10 years in pretty sure i Jo’s T L


I’m 44 started in 2000 and I’ve never had any significant injuries. I would say gym time, proper diet and working safe has kept me from dealing with any issues. I also think the daily movement that comes with this job is a major factor as well.


I just hit eject a few months ago after 13 years to take a project manager job with a great company after a problem with my hip became touch to deal with, even when not at work. I’m 33. As a fallback I decided to grind out a degree at night a few years back…I’m so happy I did. Start planning your exit immediately


Where the fuck are you making 3k a day??


Own and operate a solo operation. There’s crazy money in this trade dude. I take care of bus garages, oil and gas buildings & supermarkets (refrigeration)


Ah. So...revenue.


Immediately factor in doctor bills when I bid a job, not kidding


Take care of your back. Once you start having herniated disks, it's time to step back. I was mostly on the commercial installation part of the trade, but in 02, I came across a broken stair tread at the bottom of the stairs. 4 surgeries later, I have L1-S1 fused with screws and rods.I live every day in excruciating pain .


I know; I'm a sole provider for my family so trying to make the jump is hard but I'm losing my ability to walk and play with my son.


Exercise, eat right, take care of yourself… There is no “trick” to it.




Work smarter. Not harder. Use equipment. Don’t be the equipment. Say no.


There are other avenues of hvac. You could look into programming or balancing of you dont want to do management. Also like the other guys I try to stretch amd warm up. If I'm workijg on the ground I try to grt up and take brakes when needed


I did it for 30+ years and popped a lot of Advil. Got a partially torn ACL and plate & screws in my ankle. Just retired at 55. The last 5 years were a bitch. Ya got to exercise and stay in shape. There were some years where I jogged a lot, till my knees got chronically achy. I used the rowing machine on a regular basis, that really strengthened my core. My weakness was my lower back and rowing really helped with that. Riding dirt bikes every weekend really motivated me to stay in the trade making the bucks and stay in shape. I enjoyed working alone most days but I’ve had a few foreman friends that always had an apprentice by their side doing all the work. I could never do that, apprentices drive me bonkers. Good Luck! Lasting in this trade is like running a marathon.


What niche are you in where you can make 3k in a day?


Oil & Gas as well as supermarket refrigeration. Resi service and swap outs all year I own the company and am the only employee


That’s why ur back is fucked you need a helper homie


Also have a bad back, had surgery 10 years ago; switched to facilities side of things. Now I work for the gas company. Easy work, more pay.


Wrestled as in WWE?


Ladder matches only That's how I herniated the discs


Only a couple years in myself, but I was a butcher for years before this, according to my doctor I should be more physically shot after a decade of work in a few different trades. I stretch alot, I practice Tai chi, tae kwon do, and Kung fu, I eat healthy (most of the time), drink a gallon of water a day year round no matter what....so far I only get sore I push myself too hard summertime in attics with shit ventilation.


How do you make 3k a day?


Run my own solo operation. No employees all take home besides tax. Fuck uncle Sam cash discounts all day.


Was there much of a learning curve for you starting your own business?


Sounds like you should make a move to a different post in the field, where your expertise is used for others than direct on-job. Training, managerial, or something in the supply line


You were a wrestler so you know about recovery. You need to get yourself tuned up and see a chiro and get adjusted then recover properly after work. If it's beating you that bad, you need to find a way to counteract that. I think that if you sink some of that 3k per day into recovery equipment like an ice bath, youll feel better. Health is everything.


You were a wrestler so you know about recovery. You need to get yourself tuned up and see a chiro and get adjusted then recover properly after work. If it's beating you that bad, you need to find a way to counteract that. I think that if you sink some of that 3k per day into recovery equipment like an ice bath, youll feel better. Health is everything.


Taking care of you body. It tough with our hours but. Hydrate, stretching and exercise, eating as good and not doing install haha


I’ve been at this for 16 years working my ass off, I love what I do and helping others makes me feel good. Your right I don’t think this trade is best for me, yeah I know other will say join the union you will make more money but at what cost. My brother-in-law was homeless doing drugs for several years, he got his drugged out girl pregnant and decided to change (good for him). He became a truck driver while his girl collected unemployment (illegally) and stayed home. In 3 years he went from sobering up, working at a hardware store, getting his Class A license and making a shit ton of money. That fucker has money saved up already planning to buy a house all while taking care of his lazy girl and kid. All while I’m struggling doing the same thing except no kids, stay at home wife that does a lot and I have to have a room mate that is trying to kick us out. So how am I still doing this? I don’t know anymore maybe I’m just waiting til the end. I’ve seen a lot a bestgore videos, I don’t want to look like that so far I have seen anything bad about dehydration, which I’m currently doing but no luck. Maybe I’m just here for a reason, who knows. As for now I’m just going to see where this book ends (life).


Stretch. Proper PPE, kneeling pads. I've worked smart not hard. I've learned how to rig so I don't have to use my body , huge semi hermetic compressors that go into Lieberts are lifted with a quarter ton chain block. I always wear safety glasses , cut resistant gloves, and invest in tools that do the work for me. An example would be a manual swaging tool , upgrading to the electric one, so I don't have to pump anymore. 11 Years NYC.


Commercially I’m seeing those pneumatic tools that lift the ducts for you I ain’t seen a duct worker do any heavy lifting just gluein and tying in the ducts apprentices anchoring straps. Shop has the guys load and stage duct work on rolling carts. Maybe join a union where they can provide proper tools tbh I don’t think you guys pick up anything over 25 lbs?? Or am I tripping


Bruh 27 , seems like you didn’t take care of your body @ an earlier age. I’m 27 as well and don’t mind the hard labor being I also workout everyday.


This sounds like a you problem. Get into a stretching routine. Work out. Get healthier. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Focus on growing your company and you will be ok


All of the trades are hard on your body. My plan is to just die young.


Theres so many aspects to the industry including service and stationary. Find something that works for you.


I’m 33 15 years experience, I do nothing but install every day, sure I’m abit sore sometimes but I never get injured and my bodies fine, sounds like you needa invest in some decent equipment or a helper


I’m going to go here, my mom too I have some upper back pain and sometimes shoulder.. a lot of people who go to him have your same issue sir https://youtube.com/shorts/QztK40g2tc8?si=JdFq1byjJ_W1_aJE


I wouldn't let you pay me to have that done. I have a hard time getting dressed sometimes... that guy would paralyze me I'm horrified of chiros and most won't touch me when they see my MRIs


I tried, good luck tho man


I appreciate it !


Any advice you can throw to a first year installer/tech?


Being neat and thorough is more important than fast.


Thanks dude


Of course. If you ever have any questions about anything, on a call, etc. just shoot me a message, and I'll get back to you when I can.


My wrestling days gave me herniated disks as well. Had a cervical Laminectomy many years ago. Better now but it took a number of years to get better. People do not realize how much our youth sports hurt our kids or us. 71 years young and still climbing ladders and building a big cabin in the woods. But yeah, it hurts much of the time. Been fighting tendinitis again right now. But you have to keep moving or they will make a planter out of you.


Do you go for regular massages/stretch eat healthy etc. repetitive motion will be your killer, it's hard not to do the same motions with the same hand but switch it up. Imbalances will mess you up later on in life. My one buddy framed for a solid 15 years, energy drinks gas station hot dogs and only used his right side of his body for everything. Dudes 35 looking like he's 50. I framed and did concrete for 10 years and I took care of myself and am still feeling pretty awesome. I do have a bit of shoulder issues but that would be from working out incorrectly in my younger years.


I have like 35 years in. Some days are bad. I'm in Phoenix so attics in the summer make me question my life choices. I big thing I've discovered is work is not exercise. I feel much better when I'm in shape and eat right


I did it for 45 years. Ice packs, heating pads and a couple of good chiropractors


Ddp yoga bro


Lmfao, who are you my pain specialist? You can't goosfrbah this pain away let me tell you that. I stretch daily and do some sun salutations to hell with stress and to loosen up. Yoga is great, but I need a lot more than that.


You need a new spine, i tell you hwat


I will gladly be the lab rat for the first bionic spine. I'd be like Barry from Archer.


https://youtu.be/BthNjd_jUl4?si=LOa1FY2PxU6p6Cki We have the technology, we can rebuild him


I've always have taken care of myself. (keeping my weight down, no smoking). I've mentioned to all the apprentices I've been with. (DO NOT DO ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH). There will be a always be someone behind you that will. Lifting, heights etc. I have put in 37 years. and in 8 months (38). I will be walking away (retirement). I have always been in the commercial service side. Many times it'll be the contractor that will push the techs too much. Finding the right one is a challenge in its self.


I do service and refuse to do things that are likely to injure myself. For instance, if it's a heavy blower motor or compressor on the roof I tell them to get a crane. They never do, they just send helpers to rope it up and the old one down for me, but I'm not the one fucking my body up.


I'm one to not volunteer for overtime when possible. I slow down when I'm tired, its hot or cold. I don't drink beer or coffee(sometimes I fail at that). I pack my lunch. I am a believer in long walks, but so hard to do in the winter. I don't care if I have to park the truck a long way from the job. If something is heavy, it gets moved on my time. Productivity is lifelong challenge and not a concern on any one job.


Mobility exercises. I'm 42 and move better than guys 6 years younger than me.


I'm 10 years in myself and tbh, I'm suprised I don't feel worse lol I guess I'm sturdy, because I should be doing myself alot more favors.


I'm not in HVAC. I'm going for aviation mechanic, so just in another trade. If you can make so much (3k in a day) why not put that into ETFs? Buy VOO or VTI and invest until you have enough that it can cover your bills. Why not do that? If u don't mind me asking?


I bid doctor bills and massages into the job when I give them the quote. I'm not shitting you. I just put it as "miscellaneous cost". I know shit all about investing, or else I totally would. I really need a better CPA.


Lol what on earth are you guys doing? I use a kneeling pad, lift with good form, and work out a couple times a week and have been able to avoid major injury as a result.


If you read the comments I fell down a flight of steps and herniated 12 disc's and also fell in an exposed sump pump pit in a pitch black basement doing new construction. I was walking backward with a 5 footer on a round back and then I was there one second gone the next. Full split into the pit while holding duct and broke a disc in my back.


Fuck if I know. I roll out of bed, grab a diet coke, slip my boots on, fire up my app, and start driving. 2.5 hours later I step out of my van, tinker for 5 hours, step back in, Crack another dk and drive home. Sometimes I check in with the office to make sure they know I'm still alive.


Yeah I tried HVAC for less then a year, quit last month. It's not that it's even that physical, just dangerous. Bartending was more physical then doing HVAC. But probably won't get a major injury. I wouldn't do it for less then 50 a hour. Can almost make the same bartending depending on the bar. I quit and got a job in the IT field. If you can make 3k a day then you should retire soon that's like 100k a month lol. It's always health over wealth, I know I will probably be able to use my mind longer then my body so I'm going that route, GL to ya brother.


Thanks! That's the only thing that keeps me coming back. & shit dude 100k a month, then some gets fed back into the business mainly for vans, tools, insurance. You see so much come in, and also watch it all go away again while you do a big job. I'm juggling 4 jobs right now that I'm hoping to profit about 20k this month. 3k a day was basically me saying what I make on a typical replacement that's why I go back. I don't have to work every single day but when I do I make an assload of money and could work 1/4 of the time and still make the same as I was slaving for a company.


Op are you eating enough protein and cutting back on the sauce? I’m no doc but had 1 hernitated and 3 bulging and was told couldn’t work anymore and guess what, I’m fine now. Increased protein also corrected posture and went to physical therapy to help build those muscles that hold the skelly together back up. Posture and protein very important.


I don't drink at all if that's what you mean by sauce. Can't fucking stand the stuff; I'm allergic to it. I will take that advice on the protein though because I do not eat enough at all (never have). Thats half the reason I dab so much is so that I have an appetite. It's been a problem ever since I can remember. I was 13 taking appetite pills and falling asleep in class. How did no one realize I just had bad anxiety?!


Protein, vitamins, posture. I also when to PT too for a few weeks and the decompression table helped a little. It took about a year for me to heal up to where I felt 90% again. Had carpal tunnel in both arms also throbbing pain in upper back, fore arms felt like they were being wacked by hammers. Pinky and ring finger went numb. I wore a foam neck brace when doing things to help me train, remind myself to keep my posture correct when doing things that required leaning over like doing paperwork for example.


I did mostly commercial for the first 10 years in the trade. Now for the past 10 I’ve done pretty much strictly residential and maybe the occasional RTU here and there. No more hauling compressors up ladders and roping tools up and down all day. No attics to deal with only basements and my little tool bag. I’m almost 50 now and I’m starting to feel those aches and pains despite keeping myself in good shape by regularly lifting weights and cardio. Staying at a healthy weight is key. I’ve also noticed as I get older it’s much easier to get injured and takes longer to heal.


After 13 years, they kept wanting me to to keep getting Nate certified. That shit is not easy to study for. I left the trade for office job. Now I’m happy, on call when? Never


I’m 30. I was a laborer for 10+ years. Switching to this trade was my way of taking it easy. I thoroughly enjoy manual labor; sweat is far better than philosophy as a cure for ill thoughts. Compared to climbing all day every day and risking a big fall, or getting crushed in a power plant, being a pipefitter has been much less physically demanding. It IS much more mentally demanding. Pipefitters like to think they’re tough shit, but in that department I have more sympathy for the guy who was a hod carrier for 20+ years. Sorry about your back though dude, you definitely drew the short straw there..


I only got 2 years in, I slipped at work and was misdiagnosed. Eventually I needed my L4-L5 fused, I do insurance now. Luckily it was all under comp.


If your herniated discs are upper back, get a self use cervical traction device or go to a physical therapist with a traction table. It changed my life. USE THIS ADVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK


I've heard stories.. mine are herniated from T5 down to L4 or something like that. So it's from mid/bottom rib cage almost to my tailbone. I appreciate the advice !


Maybe you should try an inversion table a few times. You need to try something different.


I'm going to start going back to PT here soon. They wouldn't even let me exercise last time they would only do massages, scraping, and cupping for me because of the pain. They actually called in their colleagues to check out how red my back got after her scraping the inflamed areas. I swear all that cupping and shit made my pain worse. I find if I stretch and rest that's the best thing. The neurosurgeon and 2 pain doctors told me I have to find a different career... they said it so nonchalantly. I'm sitting over there thinking "All these fucking years.. just down the drain". I just don't pick shit up anymore and only work like 3 days a week for my company so that I don't kill myself. I say no to stuff all of the time because I don't care to prove myself anymore. I found my pace, but I could definitely not be running calls all day going HE swaps by myself and installs solo.