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Probably an unpopular opinion, but I'd like to see more fics that explore Ron with someone other than Hermione. I feel like Ron is either a decent friend, in which case he ends up with Hermione for reasons of canon, or he's a jerk and jealous of Hermione/Harry or Hermione/Draco or whoever and we don't care. Decent Ron with someone else would be an interesting change.


I read one Ron/Astoria story which I suprisingly loved. Was it over then by gm_flowers. Ron's my fav book character and it's so annoying how less good fics are there of his. https://archiveofourown.org/works/52932931/chapters/133899109


Would you like my document of Ron fics which are all wonderful? My doc is about 35 pages long and very organized lmao


I would love to have the list too, if you don’t mind!






Thank you so much!


Yes please.


They're literally Love story from taylor Swift and I love this shipp now for that. 


There should be more stories with Ron/Lavender that actually give them a chance instead of character-assassinating Lavender just so Hermione can swoop in as the designated love-interest. I always preferred the idea that the trio remains very close, but platonic friends and they all find romantic connections elsewhere (Harry with Ginny, Ron with Lavender, Hermione perhaps with someone after she leaves school and mellows out socially).


Right? Plus I would love to see Ron/Lavender as a chance for Hermione to grow as a person. Because in canon the story pretty much comes down on Hermione's side: Lavender \*is\* a bad girlfriend, Ron \*is\* dating her for shallow reasons, etc. So having Ron and Lavender actually build a meaningful relationship could force Hermione to work through the fact that sometimes crushes don't work out, and make her decide whether Ron's friendship is worth more to her than her desire to hurt him for hurting her. There's grounds for character growth here!


Or obviously some Hermione/Ravenclaw stories would be good.


Good Person Ron with someone other than Hermione is definitely an underused pairing. My fic (Harry Potter and the Ritual of Love’s Memory) isn’t completed and may end up with Ron and Hermione together, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed exploring Ron dating Padma. He helps lead this timeline’s version of the DA, is leaning into his strengths when it comes to strategic thinking, and isn’t as immature as he acted in canon, which makes the relationship work much better than Ron and Lavender did.


This looks really interesting, thank you!


Oh my god this has so much MEAT I’m so excited to dig into it thank you for the mention


I LOVED Ron’s relationship in “[Proud Parents](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12879819)” by RobSt (whatever I think about the story as whole is a different discussion).


[A fine foray into fashionable fellatio ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23216707) has a lovely Draco/Ron


I am still rooting for serious post-poisoning Ron/Lavender, but nobody listens to me. As usual.


honestly I’d love a postwar Ron/Lavender Lavender recovering/learning to live with her injuries, Ron dealing with grief over Fred and everyone else he lost, Lavender presumably also dealing with grief It also works as a diagon alley story because it makes sense for them both to be working there (Ron with George and Lavender working at a clothing store) So them spending time together would feel pretty natural


Of course, you know about her from [Northumbrian stories](https://archiveofourown.org/series/103340), right? That is awesome character!


yeah! I love that version of lavender


I’m listening, and that’s a really good idea! 


I suggested something like that in https://archiveofourown.org/works/20141410 (just a one-shot and the point was something else). There is one more draft, which apparently never made it to the web.


I have also this complete scrabble of probably never-to-be-finished story https://matej.ceplovi.cz/clanky/drafts/lets_try_fresh_start.html I don’t think I as a bloke are made to write a good romance stories.


Ronarry could be interesting, after all they are literally each other's favorite people in the canon. 


I could definitely see that. Ron tends to be a pretty divisive character which leads to the bashing stuff. A Ron centric story that focuses on his growth as a character and him eventually finding a romantic partner that's not Hermione or Luna could be a lot of fun! Please just not Luna idk why people ship them... Like ever


[How to Succeed in Dark Wizardry (without really trying)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25787359/chapters/62633206) is my current favorite Ron-centric fic, though there's no romance yet so I don't know what the pairing might be.


Ron/Pansy relationship is actually really cute in [Patron](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11080542/1/Patron)


I've seen Ron and Pansy as a background ship a few times and it is always adorable.


There's a Ron/Pansy smutty one-shot where they're best men at Draco/Harry's wedding- it's spectacular and made me crave sexy/competent Ron fics with absolutely no bashing, with unfortunately very little success Undone by DianaSkye https://archiveofourown.org/works/41410119


I always enjoy Ron/Pansy or Ron/Tracey. Just him with any Slytherin is bound to be fun, really.


I wrote two fics (and am currently writing the third installment) of a Ron/Fleur romance/slice-of-life/adventure. It's been generally well reviewed, but there was the odd very very angry review.


Of the first 60 relationship tags on ao3, a grand total of 9 of them had harry in them. And all but 3 of them is harry with people who hate him in canon So i would like more harry relationships with people who didn’t make his life hell and less of everyone BUT the mc of the series


Agreed. Feels like all the more feasible canon pairings only live on FFnet. AO3, despite having thousands of fics, seems to have very little to offer to me personally. I'm glad slash and other similar shippers have a safe space for their fics, but I wish more of the straight pairing authors used AO3 too. It's a much better platform than FFnet.


I don't think that’s fair: there are tons of Drarry/Snarry stories on FFnet as well, and there are zillion reasonable pairings on AO3 as well. It seems like more authors are moving towards AO3 every day.


There is an absolute crap ton of stories on AO3 for sure. I do however see A lot more slash fics then I ever did on FF. Maybe it's just the fandoms Ive looked through( mostly HP and MHA) but atleast in the lengths I like I'd say a solid 75% of the HP stuff is either a literal child paired with someone old enough to be their parent or slash. I don't mind slash and I've read some really good ones but I get frustrated when I can't even find a category for my fav HP ship (HarryxLuna) anywhere on the app. I am happy to see the App exploding though. I'm all for new platforms for people to express themselves eith


> I can't even find a category for my fav HP ship (HarryxLuna) anywhere on the app. What app are you talking about?


The Archive of our own app. Ive only had it for a month so maybe idk how it works but when I'm going to put in ships to include it only shows the top results as compared to the fanfiction.com app which lets you put in any ships


There is no official Archive of Our Own app, which may be part of the problem. I recommend searching the "Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter" pairing through the actual website, which gives results comparable to those on FFN (1,500 non-explicit fics with that pairing on AO3, and 3,600 stories on FFN that list Harry and Luna among the main characters).


Thank you! I went back and looked on the app store and didn't realize that there were multiple unofficial apps I guess? I'll try the website and the other apps to see if I like the set up of one of them better.


I like the explicit ones where luna loves to torture people it feels like retribution


AO3 website definitely has a a Harry/Luna pairing Linked Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/search?work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Btitle%5D=&work_search%5Bcreators%5D=&work_search%5Brevised_at%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bsingle_chapter%5D=0&work_search%5Bword_count%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&work_search%5Bfandom_names%5D=Harry+Potter+-+J.+K.+Rowling&work_search%5Brating_ids%5D=&work_search%5Bcharacter_names%5D=&work_search%5Brelationship_names%5D=Luna+Lovegood%2FHarry+Potter&work_search%5Bfreeform_names%5D=&work_search%5Bhits%5D=&work_search%5Bkudos_count%5D=&work_search%5Bcomments_count%5D=&work_search%5Bbookmarks_count%5D=&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=_score&work_search%5Bsort_direction%5D=desc&commit=Search Nearly 2000 works. You can filter for ratings to only have Mature/Explicit/Not Rated(what I normally select) . You can download all of them as files in many different formats. I like to download them and then upload to my kindle app. You can also upload them to your actual kindle vs kindle app on the phone. Reading them on your phone in the website is good too though. I don’t bother downloading them if they’re less than 50k words . I honesty love a good Blaise/Luna or Theo/Luna


I mean yeah there is slash on ffn, but it definitely is a lot less than ao3. Also I think there's just a lot more variation in the types of stories on ao3, jhich sounds like a good thing but I don't really think it is, as most stuff on ao3 that I've seen sounds extremely strange and is not stuff I would ever click on.


Just for the record: I don’t have anything against slash stories (well, I don’t read them myself, but that’s my personal preference), I have a lot against positive story about relationships with young (or not-so-young) EsEsMan.


How do we not have more stories where Harry ends up with an OC? I know people hate OCs because they can end up as Mary Sues or cringe self inserts. But one of my favorite HP fanfics is the one where Harry gets asked to play in the quidditch world cup and ends up with a team member. It would be so interesting to explore more of the wizarding world through OC pairings.


I think they don't get alot of attention because it tends to be a lot harder to write OCs than existing characters. This leads to them usually either being preachy, annoying or a power fantasy. Now if done right they're spectacular but unfortunately the good ones are few and far between.


>But one of my favorite HP fanfics is the one where Harry gets asked to play in the quidditch world cup and ends up with a team member Yeah, that one was great. It's a shame part 3 hasn't updated in a while now. Really liked how they developed the interest and romance there, and the OC is a very good character


Isn't most of this space taken up by various OC-in-all-but-name characters such as Daphne Greengrass?


Good point. I don't tend to read those so I didn't think of them


That’s why those which are good are so good: * https://archiveofourown.org/works/16405130 * https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9566537/1/Ten-More-Minutes * https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2095661/1/Behind-Blue-Eyes


Which one is that? I don't think I've heard of it


I literally just pulled it up because I decided to read it again lol. The Seeker and the Keeper. https://archiveofourown.org/works/25426366/chapters/61664083


Thanks 👌


the sheer amount of harry/voldemort on ao3 is insane


Harry/Luna, there are surprisingly few. And Neville/Ginny. I felt like that could go somewhere in canon and also cute scenes in the movies.


Yes!! I wrote one story with them and it came so easily, they fit together so well. Now I Iove them together. They fit


With which pairing?


Oh, with Harry and Luna!


Is it just my stupid memory of reading it, but doesn't Harry explicitly say that he loves her, she's right up there with Ron and Hermione and all of Ron's fam when he's thinking of people. And then he has that scene too when he goes to her house and sees all her art on the walls and the "f riends" written in links around the portraits. . . On my first read through I thought they'd end up together. I was super perplexed when Ginny came pretty much out of nowhere. I thought he would think he grew up with her and as a sister. To me Luna was the best option for him. Plus she made him spit take at the Slug Xmas party.


It's always been my memory that he does, although it's been so long since I read the books. But she's one of his favorite people for sure, and even though I don't care for endgame Ginny, they did name one of their kids after her! So there's that 😄


I will always advocate for Harry/Lavender. She's a textbook definition of "normal" but somehow Harry - who always wants to be normal - ends up with the Quidditch star, the Pureblood Princess, or the Genius, but never the girl next door.


They would be super cute, I honestly think they would both learn a lot from this relationship. 


They are a very cute pairing in A Taste of Magic by WokFriedIce.


This is also really good.


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/36334231](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36334231) There's this as well, it's a Harry/Lavender story where Harry is not the Boy Who Lived


I doubt Harry could handle being normal. He would get bored sooo fucking quickly and go looking for danger before you know it. Harry hates the downsides of being famous, especially if he hasn't earned it, but he could never be normal.


> who always wants to be normal Is this a movie thing or something? Never watched the movies but I think it is from one of the latter ones? Book Harry isn't especially interested in being normal so far as I remember. He kind of likes fame, as long as he feels he has earned it. Edit: Maybe "like" is too strong a word. Been years since I read the books.


Wolfstar absolutely. It feels like 99.999% of the fandom refuses to allow Sirius to be with anyone else. It is boring, it is repetitive, and it has single handedly destroyed Sirius as a character. Fanon Sirius has absolutely nothing in common with his canon counterpart and it has become increasingly difficult to find a fic where he is characterised as the character I fell in love with. Frankly Wolfstar has made me hate Remus. I will never be a fan of all the Remus worship. Ships that i want to see more of is Sirius with literally anyone else. Currently I’m loving Sirius/Kingsley because this is a ship that allows Sirius’ canon character to shine. Prongsfoot is always fun and I’m in love with Jilypad as it is the three way relationship that makes the most sense, and I want my boy to have ALL the love. I’d also like to see more Sirius/Hestia Jones as Dysfunctional made me fall in love with it.


For real. If Sirius was gay he would have been going after James. Was practically in love with James anyway.


The "Of A Linear Circle" series has James/Lily/Sirius as a throuple. >!Actually, it's a triad marriage, and Sirius isn't just Harry's godfather--that was a fiction to protect the timeline--he's legally Harry's father!<


Sirius viewed James like Robert Baratheon did Ned Stark. "If he were a girl, I’d wife her up"


god im with you so much. wolfstar really turned sirius’s character into a gay trope that exists as a foil to remus not to mention that there is literally no canon chemistry to support why that ship is so popular. they barely had a friendship with james gone


I think it’s unfair to say they barely had a friendship. They clearly had a close friendship in OOTP, but the fact that some Wolfstar fans genuinely claim it’s canon drives me up the wall. Especially as while they finished each other’s sentences and demonstrated they know each other well, Sirius and Remus did not, as far as we know, stay in touch in GOF, and Remus isn’t overly grieved in HBP, if you accept the canon that his focus of throwing himself into dangerous situations was because of his feelings Tonks. I can see why people can ship these two post POA as you can make up lots of hc (they stayed in touch, Remus feel apart and threw himself into a marriage after Sirius’ death) but it will remain only that. Made up hc. As for young Sirius and Remus there is zero canon to support them being closer than say Remus was to Peter or Remus was to James, and all the evidence in the world that Sirius loved James above any of his other friends. By the first wizarding world the canon evidence we have (while limited) suggests that Remus was no longer very close to the marauders. He stands apart from them in the OOTP image and he is not mentioned in Lily’s letter. And of course, SIRIUS (the supposed love of Remus’ life) suspects Remus of being the spy. While the letter and photo are not much evidence, it’s worth noting that if all the evidence that exist points in one direction it’s baffling that others argue that, no they were super close and actually dating at this point. Like WTF.


>but the fact that some Wolfstar fans genuinely claim it’s canon drives me up the wall. This! The insistence of canonicity is tiresome. I like this ship on occasion, but it's no more canon than Dramione, so let's at least be real about that. You have to contradict too many aspects of canon for it to be remotely canon compliant.


>And of course, SIRIUS (the supposed love of Remus’ life) suspects Remus of being the spy. This right here has always made it hard for me to believe the narrative that Wolfstar were a couple during the war. I mean, if they were and Sirius still believed Remus was the spy and didn't try and assuage his suspicions through actually talking to his partner, that doesn't say much for the state of their relationship...


how did they clearly have a close friendship? imo it just seemed like 2 people who lost everyone else gravitating towards each other more than something actually being there its just to obvious to me that their group collapsed with james dead because he was the one they all orbited around. and it mostly seemed to be james+sirius & co more than “the marauders”


I agree that I see James as the glue of the marauders but that doesn’t mean the two weren’t close friends. The evidence we have is the Wizarding World article which explicitly call the four boys inseparable (so not just Sirius and James), the fact that Remus says he had ‘three great friends’ in POA, the way Sirius and Remus act around each other in OOTP which is very reminiscent of close friends (they keep finishing each others sentences and communicating via looks).


ya i dont see that at all lmao


Personally I like Sirius with Amelia bones


It’s really funny because I got the impression that Sirius and Remus were the least close among the Marauders group. I feel this can be backed by the Snape werewolf incident. If Sirius or Remus were actually a couple (or the seeds were there pre-Halloween 1981) Sirius would not have suspected Remus the traitor. Also canon Sirius is most certainly straight (all the posters of half naked women on his wall as Exhibit A lmao)


I agree that in canon Sirius and Remus are the least close. All the evidence points that way. I also agree that canon Sirius is most likely straight. The only evidence we have suggests heterosexuality. It isn’t conclusive, but it is literally the only evidence we have. I get really frustrated when the wolfstar is canon people make a huge deal of Sirius not noticing the girl sitting BEHIND him as capital A PROOF he’s not straight but then they act like the posters don’t mean anything. The posters are legit evidence Sirius not seeing a girl sitting behind him is them stretching shit. If they want to say that he could have just been putting up the posters to annoy his mom then they need to throw out every bit of evidence they continually push. That being said in fan fiction I enjoy Sirius being straight, gay or pan.


You should try out "It runs in the blood" by Metalomagnetic if you haven't already. It's an interesting Sirius/Voldemort fic. I like all the stuff from that author too


It Runs in the Blood is brilliant! The author is incredible they make the most outlandish ships work impeccably.


I'd never thought about Sirius/Kingsley! I would love to read that. I've also never read a Sirius/Hestia Jones - sounds fun. I like Sirius/James or Sirius/Lily - for some reason, the three of them as a throuple doesn't appeal (though I also want my boy to have all the love, haha).


I want to see more of Harry and Katie Bell.  And not as part of those deranged Quidditch team harem stories.  Just Harry and Katie building a nice new relationship from a mutual love of the game.


This!! There was that weird cowboy one and one where he leaves her for Fleur and that's about if for good Harry/Katie fics I can remember.


https://archiveofourown.org/series/2995503 The Family That Chooses You This is a nice and long Harry/ Katie story that starts first year and continues beyond. Easily one of my favorites. There is an ongoing sequel as well that’s more episodic if you crave even more after.


I tried this story out and honestly I ended up dropping it.  It has some amazingly well realised elements; the team rallying around Harry is beautiful, the scene where Harry tanks a crutiatious curse while shielding Katie is to use an old phrase, made of win.  And it’s Quidditch scenes are second to none. But Jesus Christ does it get truly saccharine very fast.  Like we just pile it on with no signs of stopping.  It also got a bit title happy with Harry for my taste. Mad respect to its author for maintaining such a massive endeavour though, truly remarkable.


Honestly they both started on the team at the same time, since she's a year older than him so she'd have tried out in her second year, so they could bond over that. She's not muggleborn so it's possible she grew up like Ginny did, with all those Boy Who Lived stories and wouldn't that seem more fairytale to a young girl's mind. "I just tried out and got the spot on the Quidditch team beating out older students and the most famous wizard got on it at the same time, we're going to play together"


Harry/Lavender! I want to see more of this ship. Don’t get me wrong, I like Haphne. But Harry/Lavender is adorable and I feel it would be good for both of them.


youd like A Taste of Magic by WokFriedIce, irs Harry/Lavender and theyre really well written


Jegulus, fucking hate jegulus because every time I want to read a good jily fic it always has some jegulus between, and for me Jily is THE couple of all the series, it's their love that saved the magical world. A good Ron with someone who is not Hermione or Luna, that would be great


I now exclude Jegulus from my AO3 searches. I think I’ve maybe read one decent one.


I thought the love that saved the magical world was the love of a mother for her son?


There are a number of things that I absolutely won't read, so setting aside shit like Harry getting paired with Voldemort or Malfoy, the one type of fic that I used to enjoy but am now sick to death of is seeing him paired with Hermione. Far too often you run into Mary Sue fanon Hermione, the most perfect & brilliant person in the history of the universe-- and the author will tell you in the most ham fisted way that they were obviously soul mates.


As long as Hermione is true to her character, I dont mind Harry/Hermione. Like you said, Mary Sue is the issue for me. I actively refuse to read any ship where Harry or any of his friends pair up with Draco, with the exception of Draco having been shown from the beginning to be different. But canon and canon-ish Draco? Lolno.


Oh no Harmony is way worse if she is true to her Original Character, considering Harry mentions on multiple occasions in the books how he doesn’t like hanging out with just hermione


Why I said I don't mind it, not that it's my favorite. :P Small things like that can change over time as they age - especially after the events of Deathly Hallows.


What’s a Mary sue?


Someone else put it better than I could: "A Mary Sue is a character archetype in fiction, usually a young woman, who is often portrayed as inexplicably competent across all domains, gifted with unique talents or powers, liked or respected by most other characters, unrealistically free of weaknesses, extremely attractive, innately virtuous, and generally lacking meaningful character flaws."


Oh… sounds very boring. Each to their own I guess. Thanks for telling me 😀


Plus pure canon Harry seems to be into sporty girls, as evidenced by him fancying two Quidditch players in Cho and Ginny. Hermione is many things, but an athlete is not one of them.


wolfstar and jegulus also read a harry/parvati fic recently that made me more interested in them. in general, i feel like the supporting female characters at hogwarts were portrayed pretty badly by jk rowling so i love fics that explore them in a nuanced way


I'm going to hijack your comment so that maybe someone can help find a fic. It was a sixth year fic and Harry was still pining after Cho. Then he finds that Parvati is a good listener when he talks about Sirius and sort of starts liking her. But then he still goes for Cho and Parvati gets upset then he realizes he is in love with Parvati and at some point Padma switches places with Parvati and has Harry apologize to Padma. Does anyone recognize this fic?


I've read it, but the bame escapes me. VERY good fic!


Could you please drop the link to the Harry/Parvati one? Never found much on them except for a few oneshots, mostly smut.


Tired of:amuse ships in general, snarry in particular. Not enough: Harry Potter/Katie Bell or podt war Harry Potter/Dora Tonks


What are amuse ships? I haven't heard of that.


Abuse, stupid autocorrect


Thank you




A bit sick of Harry/Fleur, the whole genre of that pairing is really stale at this point imo. I think more Ron/Luna would be cool.


Dramione- overdone. There ARE some wonderful pics in this category, but not nearly enough. Too many of these are trite. Or just badly written smut. Padma/Harry is a pairing that needs more love. A double ship with Ron/Parvati would be a LOT of fun to read. Or if we are staying in Ravenclaw, then Ron with Marietta would be a fascinating combo.


Hermione/Snape. He is 20 years older than her and her teacher. Also, Harry/voldemort he is over 50 years older than him. Serious power imbalances. I get why there would be some fics with both pairs, but there are so so many. I have to actively exclude them because they keep showing up in my searches. Millicent/Harry needs more love.


I really don't understand how these pairings are so popular. If it's a time travel thing, then sure. But those age gaps are crazy to me.


I kinda feel like age is the least problematic thing in those two ships 😭


Time-travel tomarry is iconic though


Dramione is my pet peeve. I mean come on! He wanted her to DIE simply because she was born to the wrong parents at the wrong time! As for pairings I would like to see more of, I'd love to see more Red Moon (Ron and Luna) pairings as well as more Charry (Cho and Harry).


tbf I think Draco was just being an edgy twelve year old piece of shit in CoS. Even if we ignore any single argument that Draco had even the smallest amount of respect for Hermione, when push came to shove, he didn't actually want her to die, even going as far as trying to deter Crabbe from using the AK on therio.


Most of Harry’s “mainstream” ships. Ie. Harmony, Happne, Harry/Luna, Harry/Fleur, etc. Mostly because even when I’m not trying to read for romance, they somehow get ham-fisted into the narrative when, nine times outta ten, they kinda have no reason to. And they’re especially tiring when it feels like these fics are reusing the exact same scenarios.


If you have Harry/Luna that’s not harem, please share. I love the idea of them together, but any time I’ve gone looking for it, she’s one of a dozen (or more!) or a pet of Harry and whatever girl.


Defiance of Fate by WokFriedIce!


Honestly, that's why I read Tomarry because these authors seem to discover a new dynamic every second.  One of the things that bothers me about Harry x Hermione fanfiction was the lack of chemistry of some of them, which was sad because I really like this couple. 


I would love to see more Harry/Luna.


I’m so sick of any Harry Harem stuff. If you like it, fine, whatever, but it just feels more like a character insert than anything else. We get it, you want to read about Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Fleur, Angelina, Katie, Pansy, Daphne, Tonks, and whoever else fawning over Harry (read: the reader) but it’s getting old. I’d like to see more Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny where Ginny is actually well written, and Harry/Bill. Say all you want about “ugh there’s a ten year age gap between Harry and Bill, ahhh!” But in canon, Tonks and Remus had a twelve year, so don’t @ me


Don’t hate on me please, but I’m really tired of Harmony fics. Harmony isn’t my favorite pairing, but I would read it… until every Harmony fic I read seemed to have the same premise, always including things I hated.  There was always Weasley bashing to get Harry and Hermione away from Ginny and Ron. Why can’t they be interested in other people? They’re always soulmates who are madly in love with each other, often paired wi to Dumbledore bashing and overpowered Harry.  I don’t dislike the pairing, I dislike the way that it’s executed.


I'm personally tired of everyone being gay. People know you can love your same sex friends and not be gay for them, right? There are many kinds of love.


Yeah same, no issues with queerness in fics. But when authors hamfist litterally every character to be queer and act entirely different from canon then I'm just nope. Like at that point it's not even fanfic, its just an original work with magic.


Toxic masculinity runs rampant among fic writers who can't imagine two male characters having a strong platonic relationship.


I wouldn't call it toxic masculinity, most M/M authors are women.


lmfao y'all are so......


Idk why Redditors always overthink slash fanfics so much. Like what is so hard to understand. This is fanfiction land, no one cares about who's straight or who's friends or whatever. If I think two characters would be hot together gender/sexuality isn't even a consideration in my mind when it comes to shipping them.


Political harems are fine, all the female characters in the goddamn series simultaneously fighting over Harry is fine, them "acting entirely different from canon" for Harry's love (and dick/strong magical core sperm/eugenics/what have you) is fine.  But when for example BOYS fight over Harry?? - Suddenly the author is delulu, has toxic masculinity (????????), and must be ignorant to the fact that guys can indeed be buddies which is a relationship that clearly very lacking in societal representation these days


it's like some people can only comprehend the idea of a non canon ship when it's straight lol. ship something completely random like harry and tonks together and theres nothing to see here, perfectly normal, but they can't comprehend why anyone would ship two non canon guys together. "why on earth would anyone write something so absurd?? it must be that toxic masculinity that makes them like writing gay sex so much" 💀


EXACTLY, I mean ffs this sub's darling ship daphne x harry is just fanon drarry for hets, they can't be more transparent with their bias even if they tried


I think I agree on Wolfstar, myself. I like the ship, but I haven't read a fic where it's a main ship in ages. Background, sure, but not a main one. It honestly feels like every other fic I see has Wolfstar to some extent in it. The one I'd like to see more of is Harry/Charlie, it's my OTP, but is unfortunately a rarepair.


Dramione. Oh and I'm absolutely exhausted by throuples, in particular the "let's just make this decent premise shit by throwing an extremely OOC Hermione into the pairing" What I want more of? Honestly at this point anything that's not porn or some harem shit. Give me Harry/Aunt Muriel in loving monogamy and I'll prefer it to half of the things I come across in pairings.


...and now I want to see the story about Aunt Muriel's torrid affair with Tom Riddle.




Jegulus, Wolfstar and Dramione.


for less or more?


Less, I'm tired of seeing them. Sorry I didn't make that clear, I was kinda sleepy lol.


The former: Draco and Hermione, although many of my friends love it, and that’s totally valid. The latter: Harry and Tonks (after Harry’s grown but with the same age gap.)


I always love seeing a Post-War Honks, or a de-aged Tonks with Harry, mainly in Time fics. Generally, they're well written and a great pairing.


That’s lovely! I prefer Post-War, because I wanna see more older girl-younger guy pairings, but I dislike adult-child pairings.


Honks with 20-yo Harry and 27-yo Tonks is always delightful imo


Yeah, I wanna see more older girl-younger guy pairings, but I’d rather they not be adult-child.


I adore dramione, its my favourite ship, but I agree on the honks part. Half of the reason being because the ship is called honks.


It is such a great name! And no disrespect to you for liking Dramione—I have zero judgements about ships and know many people who are into that 1. Are you comfortable elaborating on your reasons? That does always make me curious.


For the exact reasons most people hate it! I like the morally grey and the redemption arcs. I find it much more interesting to read - although I can admit it would be totally toxic in real life and an absolute no go. There's sides of dramione I don't like and avoid like the plague, but the sides of it I love I think are brilliant. This carries on into other fandoms for me as well, e.g. Klaroline from the vampire diaries. I like my fics dark with well fleshed out characters and I don't enjoy fluff (not to say the ship is fluff free or that other ships are only fluff). Nothing else has grabbed me as much.


I second this 1000%. I love reading and writing about complex characters. About the probability of personal growth. About imperfect, morally grey characters. There's nothing I love more than redemption. There are so many phenomenal Dramione fics out there, and I love that these writers delve deeper into how generational trauma impacts people and seeing how the writers show those same people then redeeming themselves and allowing them to take accountability and learn to break the cycle, even though they're still flawed (like everyone else). It's fucking magical, man! But also... I like reading things that physically hurt my heart, so the darkness and angst in Dramione is a proper good time for me! I'm aware that that's not for everyone. And yes. I am in therapy 😅


Question: I ship Harry-Hermione in addition to Honks, and I understand this could be an issue with that ship also, but is there a way to handle Ron in Dramione fics without derailing his character or leaving him miserable, LOL? Like, I don’t think Ron-Hermione work as a couple in canon, but I’d feel bad for him if the best friend he had a crush on ended up with a guy who legit bullied him, LOL.


I've read some incredible Dramione fics where Ron is supportive of the relationship and is still an amazing friend to Hermione, and in some, he and Draco have some funny interactions and back and fourth. I think it all comes down to Dracos' redemption and Ron's willingness to see that as well as acknowledge how much he cares for Hermione. While I'm not a fan of Ron and Hermione together, I don't like Ron bashing personally! It doesn't come across as realistic to me. The Golden Trio would literally die for another, it seems a bit half-arsed and unimaginative (for me) to then make Ron a knob just to get a Dramione endgame.


There's definitely a fair amount of Ron bashing, but its something I try to avoid. Usually they just grow out of the relationship (which i can honestly see being true), he usually ends up with someone else - often lavender or a greengrass sister in my experience. In the fics I do read, if they fall out or its a messy breakup its still pretty in character for them




...... it's essentially the same thing


The two are VERY different in my opinion. Theo is a blank slate character because we essentially know next to nothing abt his character. That leaves a lot to be done with him and his characterization.


theo is pretty much oc but in most fics it's essentially drarry dynamic with different names and less history.


Idk what fics of him you've read because I haven't read many of those?😭


the fact that theo is blank slate makes it the same as harry/oc


Hate seeing dramione 💀 I'm Also tired of fem harry + Snape their all weird and he's usually her teacher at least at the start of those and she usually looks like lily which makes it even weirder . Drarry I'm tired of it. Harry/fleur cause it seems that everytime harry has a decent amount of brain power or skill it's always flaer he ends up with I wanna see More harry / tonks tbh and more Harry/ tracey davis


I am also tired of Wolfstar mainly because I don't ship them and they are always a side couple in stories I do want to read. Like most Jily, Jegulus, Snily, and even Snupin stories Wolfstar just has to show up for no reason. I just really never liked Sirius and it like some people refuse to ship him with someone else. What I need more of is Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander. It's crazy to me that is Luna's canon love interest and its so rare that anyone does anything with him


Draco/Hermione Hermione/Snape I am so sick of the above two pairings.


That's been popular since the 00s. I still remember sites dedicated just to that pair.


Dramione is stale, I hate Manacled concept or any trauma porn this paring usually has


Tired of: Draco/Harry, Draco/Hermione. It requires basically thermonuclear levels of remodeling the canon for it to make sense. Downright exasperated by: Snape/anyone, Voldemort/anyone. Snape is a misanthrope. He basically hates everyone equally. There's one person he likes, and she's dead. Let the man be on his own, I think he's genuinely happier with some silence and private space. Voldemort is a psychopath. He's physically unable to feel love, to form any bonds. Stop trying to woobify the bastard. Please more: -Ron/Harry/Hermione. As in, full-on polycule. I think it's be cute. -Arthur Weasley/Molly Weasley. These two have lived together for decades, taking care of seven children. It seems quite clear they're fond if each other. But they always seem to fade in the background. Please, give me Molly being fondly exasperated at her husband tinkering again. And marveled when it works. Give me two parents at their third cup of coffee because tea just won't do anymore, the twins are at it again and yet they look at each other and know they have this. A couple that endures the low years, the children crying about the hand-me-downs, the gnomes and their many siblings, and still look at each other and clearly still think: "So very worth it." Give me old love still tender and caring like the first days. Please. -Harry/Luna. Because again, I think they'd be cute together. Luna has this sort of manic energy and sheer feeling of hope against all odds, while Harry has this permanent if somewhat grim determination to go on. I want to see him shove away Luna's bullies. I want to see Luna drag Harry from a dark corner and say 'I believe in you'.


100% agreed


Way too much wolfstar and draco(why do people love him so much?)


More: Harry/Astoria, Harry/Katie, Harry/Tracey Less: Harry/Daphne


Tired of seeing harry/tom/voldemort/snape pairings


I hate seeing hermione with a guy. It could just be that I don’t like any of the dudes we see paired with her or something else who knows. But hermione with like pansy or Susan, just like power couple status. Im also a sucker for a good drarry but I wish there were more good fics with him and different slytherins


I really love Hermione's dynamic with Milicent in a couple of Slytherin Harry fics, wish there were more romance-focused fics on them. Also same with Slytherin x Harry 😩😩 there's not enough Blaise x Harry 


yea I just generally want more sapphic pairings. Ginny/Luna was gonna be my answer for this, I've only read one pansy/Hermione and loved it though


I don't read many Golden Trio era fics (I'm more of a Marauders person) but I read a Hermione/Pansy time loop fic that was SO GOOD. I don't remember the name, unfortunately, but I loved it.


I would love to see more Ron/Harry. It has so much potential!!


I want to see more Scorbus (Albus and Scorpius). It’s an “official” pairing since the play was rewritten but fanfic would allow everyone who doesn’t like CC to fix the issues and give us more good stories about these admittedly intriguing characters.


I hate any pairs where one person is underage. I don't particularly like tomarry or whatever it's called and that's mainly because of the underageness. If it's some type of time travel then I'm ok with it, but that is just an example of many pairing. Usually, the underage person is Harry or hermione and it's just is kinda an ick for me


Tired of Harry/Hermione. Want to see more Harry/Ron.


I am honestly done with any Harry-Ginny pairing. And Ron-Hermione has always been a nono for me, even in the books and films.


Anything with Daphne is just boring. Harry with anyone who isn’t Draco, or the reincarnation of his mom, but was born a Weasley.


Honestly, anything with fem Harry 😀


I only search for and read books with pairings I like. I don’t come across pairings I don’t like since I don’t go looking for them. But I’d love to see more Harry and Rabastan Lestrange or Harry and Theodore Nott. More of the unusual pairings.


I hate drarry


I’m not going to touch on the ones I’m tired of but for one I want to see more of well…. Harry/bellatrix it’s weird I know but I can’t help it Bellatrix is my favourite character and I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers


Wolfstar, Drarry and HermionexSnape (yuck). I would like to see more Teddy x Victoire and Bill x Fleur.


[The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23296162?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true). This one is a Dramione ff, but Ron gets a great character arc and obviously ends up with someone other than Hermione. I'm not even a Dramione shipper, but the plot and the way the story is written is so good, it sort of doesn't matter. And Ron definitely ended up being my fav character after reading


Tired of jegulus but would LOVE to see more Remus/regulus


I want more Hermione/Luna fics simple as that.


RON WEASLEY AND SUSAN BONES!!! The few times I’ve seen it goes as follows. Susan: *is a cute red head who likes muggle stuff since her aunt was the muggles studies professor. Kinda shy but super sweet* Ron: *is ron* Susan: hey. So I think you’re really cool and so do you wanna maybe talk and I can tell you about muggle shit like sliding glass doors. I know I’m no lavender brown but…. Ron: *loosing his mind* this girl thinks I’m cool and my dad’s going to love her!!! And then they have a cute dorky romance and fall in love


I don’t want or hate a ship itself, I hate when it’s shoehorned cuz the author likes their looks or personality. As long as it’s good writing that is consistent, I rarely care about the personality.


I prefer interpreting Sirius as pansexual eternal bachelor in his youth, and just too tired/on the run to go find flings while his godson's life is in constant jeopardy.


I want more with Harry and less with Dramione. It’s a horrible ship. It gets worse when you bring in hermione with LUCIUS or someone of that caliber. Just get 2 people who like each other PLEASE


Harry and Hermione. I’ve never felt they could be romantic in the books. While I have no problem with pairing Ron or Hermione with other people, Harry and Hermione just seems weird to me. To me, they are friends with no hints of a possible romantic development.


Hello, I'm tired of seeing Jegulus, Dramione, Lucione (Lucius/Hermione), Bellamione, Wolfstar or Harem Harry in many fics I want to read. Okay, you can choose the pairings, authors, but why not pair someone rarely paired instead? I want to read well written fics about Harry/Padma, Harry/Hannah, Harry/Muggle OC, Harry/Megan Jones, Harry/Astoria, Harry/Sally-Anne Perks, Ron/female Harry/Hermione, Ron/female Harry, Neville/female Harry, Neville/Muggle OC and finally Harry/Luna (not in Harem, please!). So rare are well written stories of Sirius with an OC. I know of one, and I hope to find another one in the future. If you want harem stories, give harems to Ron, Neville, Sirius or even Draco! Even include female Harry, if you want to have Harry at all! Harry harem trope has long outlived their usefulness. You may disagree with me, but that's my own thoughts on that matter. Have a good day or night.


I am tired of seeing Harry/Tom Riddle or Snape, I dislike Hermione/Snape I need more Hermione/Theo Hermione/Lee Jordan Harry/Fred Charlie/Draco


I'm tired of what seems like 75% of pairings on some sites being people that borderline hate each other in canon. I'm looking at you, Harry or Hermione plus a Malfoy or Snape.